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How To Use Autumn In A Sentence

  • The horizontals and verticals of the pattern extend to an autumnal woodland just beyond a sill which serves as a horizon in the middle distance.
  • Spring,summer,autumn and winter are the four seasons.
  • They take up little space and give a real boost to summer and autumn colour. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was mid autumn and the leaves were already starting to swirl around me as a harsher wind blew, creating almost a curtain of color each time the breeze came.
  • There is grassland on the natural brae of Royal Garden, yellow and green, fighting with the autumn. In this grassland, an alley wanders forward, just like the traces from a big snake' creeping.
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  • In neopaganism, the spring and autumn equinoxes are called Ostara and Mabon, respectively, although these names are modern in origin and don't correspond to any ancient festivals. CBC | Top Stories News
  • Autumn term means more ghastly murder. Times, Sunday Times
  • Nature notes Autumn colours are now becoming more noticeable, though large swathes of the countryside are still quite green. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is autumn and they are pumping water out of the swimming pool.
  • The dark foliage makes a bold backdrop throughout summer and turns bright red in autumn. Times, Sunday Times
  • The crunch leaves of autumn had shrivelled and the sun was a lazy, dusky peach colour.
  • The couple met on the show last autumn when the former equerry to the Duke of York ended up choosing presenter Jonsson over the contestants.
  • This deciduous vine is grown for its gorgeous autumn colour rather than its fruit. Times, Sunday Times
  • The autumn birds were singing; the autumn flowers were blooming; yellow golden rod and scarlet sumach glowed in the corners of the fences; locusts chirped in treetops; grasshoppers stridulated in the meadows, one or two of them making more noise than a whole drove of cattle lying peacefully chewing their cud beneath an umbrageous elm and lifting up their great, tranquil, blinking eyes to the morning sun. The Redemption of David Corson
  • The bracken was turning to the dusky gold of a fine autumn.
  • Close against them and overpeering their tops were hollyhocks and dahlias; against these stood at lesser height sweet peas, asters, zinnias, coreopsis and others of like stature; in front of these were poppies for summer, marigolds for autumn; beneath these again were verbenas, candytuft -- all this is sketched from memory, and I recall the winsome effect rather than species and names; and still below nestled portulaca and periwinkle. The Amateur Garden
  • For collectors and aviation enthusiasts the early autumn of 1992 produced no less than four major auctions with an accent on matters aeronautical.
  • A strategic overview on the issue would be published in an autumn white paper.
  • I would like a plain, chunky, black plastic bracelet to wear this autumn.
  • But the autumn of 1945 was not a time noted for sensitivity to the legal niceties of high treason.
  • Autumn has arrived with its frosty build-up of colours of russet and orange trees.
  • We anticipate the work will begin in the autumn and will involve cleaning, relining or renewing certain water mains in the area.
  • The valley beckons the hiker with rolling grasslands that are bright green in spring and golden in autumn.
  • The setter's long-haired coat easily wards off the north country's brisk autumn climate and punishing brier tangles.
  • The Democrat convention has set the scene for a ferocious election campaign this autumn.
  • One of the great things about an autumn stroll is that almost anything casual goes. Times, Sunday Times
  • The shingles are no great problem; I've shaken hands on a deal to have the house and garage roof replaced in the autumn and if I get a major leak before then all I need do is make a call and they'll hop on over with a large blue tarpaulin.
  • Some of these phenological observations are beginning to be used as indicators of the effects of climate change on biodiversity, although most studies are just recording data on the changes in species populations in the earlier part of the year (usually spring) and do not record data for the end-of-summer changes that could be affecting plant growth rates in the autumn or autumnal flight periods for species of insect. Effects of climate change on the biodiversity of the Arctic
  • Maclaren Techno Four Seasons Pushchair Description 1 buggy, 4 seasons, 8 looks: The four seasons buggy is suitable from birth and comes complete with 3 reversible seat liners for spring, summer and autumn, a footmuff for winter, boot, a reversible blanket, raincover and storage bag to coordinate with all 4 seasons. - Articles related to Trinoma welcomes summer
  • To squeeze all these layers in, and keep them happy and healthy, a little autumn prep work is required. Times, Sunday Times
  • These golden autumn leaves still tremble, but they are less noisy than when they were green. Times, Sunday Times
  • He believes a saw - toothed advance will characterize a recovery this autumn.
  • Autumn is when deciduous small trees and shrubs really earn their keep. Times, Sunday Times
  • In consequence the autumn colours are muted, just soft dusty yellows for the most part.
  • This camel coat is firmly on my must-have list for autumn. The Sun
  • Spring/summer and autumn/winter seasons are now about as relevant to contemporary life as Gregorian plainsong. Why fast fashion is slow death for the planet
  • But the real joy of folding away the paddling pool until next year is that autumn brings with it a long-awaited harvest of delectable new product launches. Times, Sunday Times
  • Add a bag in a warm autumnal colour. Times, Sunday Times
  • So in the earliest autumn they were married, Monsieur having previously presented Miss Lucinda with a delicate plaided gray silk for her wedding attire, in which she looked almost young; and old Israel was present at the ceremony, which was briefly performed by Parson Hyde in Miss The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 08, No. 46, August, 1861
  • The thought of a cold classroom on an autumn evening is the last thing she probably wants!
  • My consolation is that the solstice will occur soon and the darkness recede in what I call the optimistic months of the year, though autumn has its moments. The Storm's Mixed Metaphors
  • During the growing season (late spring to autumn), keep the plant watered and apply a liquid feed every month, as the compost must be moist in winter.
  • If you were one of the 16,300 fans who drove through the late autumn mist to sit on those unforgiving wood bleachers on Saturday afternoon, you probably didn't know that the Jayhawks were under the weather, and you probably would have watched the first half and assumed "the crud" was the name of KU's new offense. Front Page
  • All this makes depressing reading for those who put off selling this spring in the hope things would pick up by autumn. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the autumn of 1940 London was blitzed by an average of two hundred aircraft a night.
  • In fall it burned with all the colors of maple and Autumn Joy sedum. JADE ISLAND
  • Softened by the events of the past week, affected by the melancholy beauty of the autumn day, Soames came nearer than he had ever been to realisation of that truth — passing the understanding of a Forsyte pure — that the body of Beauty has a spiritual essence, uncapturable save by a devotion which thinks not of self. To Let
  • This autumn, the elegant option is a midiskirt. Times, Sunday Times
  • The autumn air is thick with assertions that the Prime Minister's luck is finally running out.
  • Autumn is the ideal time to sow new lawns and overseed old turf to revive it. The Sun
  • The first beavers could arrive in Britain by autumn and would be released after six months in quarantine.
  • Shops need to claw back lost custom from the warm autumn so will offer huge festive discounts. The Sun
  • If you like, the copiousness of autumn will stack the thinking between you and me.
  • The miner struck significant quantities of zinc and lead in Greenland drilling in the autumn. Times, Sunday Times
  • If your symptoms occur in autumn, fungal spores are likely to be the predominant cause. Times, Sunday Times
  • The golden autumn light provided the inspiration for the painting.
  • The fabrics he used were predominantly tweeds and wools in countryside colours: moss green, rust brown and autumnal red.
  • England re-established a bit of credibility over the autumn series, with the performance against the All Blacks showing that they had a bit of bottle.
  • Ingolstadt; and I confess to you, my friend, that when I saw you last autumn so unhappy, flying to solitude, from the society of every creature, Chapter 5
  • It's a marvellous thing as a backing to other shrubs, in flower and autumn colour. Times, Sunday Times
  • We will also come back, by the same route, to the deep ontological ramifications of the so-called equative genitive (or genitive metaphor) in that line's second phrase: the breath of fresh air that is autumn, rather than the breath that issues from it, as one might say in common figure "the very breath of life. Phonemanography: Romantic to Victorian
  • New timescales highlighted an autumn 2005 deadline for the council to decide whether or not to contractually commit to the scheme.
  • 7 Autumn-flowering perennials such as aster, rudbeckia, helenium and heliopsis can be lifted and divided as they begin to grow away. news, business, sport, the Daily Telegraph newspaper, Sunday Telegraph
  • In May the Government announced plans to publish a draft Bill on corporate manslaughter with the timetable for legislation, plus further details, to be announced this autumn.
  • On my fourth dive of the week, I rounded an outcrop at about 22m to be greeted by a view of a series of rocky pinnacles covered in gorgonians bathed in the rubescent sunlight of a late-autumn afternoon.
  • Last autumn some one slashed hydraulic hoses on logging equipment inside the ranch, even though private security guards were on patrol there.
  • Spring,summer,autumn and winter are the four seasons.
  • The horrors of the spring were fading as the winners came fast and furious through the autumn. FRANKIE: The Autobiography of Frankie Dettori
  • Autumn shivered as she stepped from a streetcar, pulled up the collar on her coat and walked briskly towards the Doghouse. ROSES ARE FOR THE RICH
  • Producers would sell coupons one or two months before the Mid-autumn Festival and, based on the sales volume of the coupons, they could produce just enough mooncakes to avoid overstocking.
  • Another flower well worth waiting for is the autumn colchicum, Colchicum speciosum.
  • We like to travel in the autumn when there are fewer tourists.
  • When the summer crop is ripening, the autumn crop has to be sowed.
  • If all goes as planned, Autumn Jackson and Jose Medina are spending their last weekend in federal custody.
  • As indicators of insect and mammalian resistance we conducted bioassays to measure the performance of a geometrid moth, Epirrita autumnata, and counted the amount of resin droplets on the shoot of the saplings, respectively.
  • Most of this book was written in a sabbatical semester in the autumn of 2001, and I would like to thank my Head of Department, Professor Noel Thompson, for granting me this leave.
  • There was a haze on the air, not quite a summer haze nor yet an autumn mist.
  • A fur coat has more utility in winter than in autumn.
  • ‘There were all the signs of it being a spectacular autumn but if you look around the arboretum a lot of trees are still green,’ he said.
  • The Commission has a permanent staff of 24 and, in addition, employs eight seasonal staff during the summer and autumn periods.
  • Scotland, for instance, gave them a sound beating in the autumn when they came up here.
  • A large number of applicants decided not to go to university this autumn and chose instead to reapply next year. Times, Sunday Times
  • But by next autumn, you could be drinking a white cabernet sauvignon wine. Times, Sunday Times
  • We're going to launch a big recruitment drive in the autumn.
  • The contribution of these experienced taste-makers has been evident since deliveries of their cute tweed jackets and pretty camisoles first hit Gap branches last autumn.
  • It's officially autumn today, but it still feels like summer here in balmy southern Ontario. Happy autumn
  • Pamela wears these hand-made angora legwarmers by Ambika to keep the gentle autumn chill from still-summer tan legs. Starre Vartan: Three Worldchanging Women Model Sustainable Style in NYC's Union Square
  • I've also been experimenting with Autumnal incense, using myrrh and dried oak leaves (gathered last Halloween) as a base, and trying out various other ingredients.
  • In late autumn, cut down the stems to 6in above ground level when the leaves turn brown and lift the tubers as required.
  • —In autumn, with a great creaking and a snapping of twigs, they break away from trunks grown thick with bark and phloem, which become husks with jagged tips, or later often topple from sheer grief. 2009 June
  • I listened, but caught no tone of her sharp voice, which usually came painfully from the back regions of the house; it would ill have harmonized with the sweet autumn day and the robin's song. John Halifax, Gentleman
  • Autumn came and they picked bilberries on the mountain: tiny, purple fruit that stained their teeth and their clothes.
  • Abi also bought a lovely new autumn coat, some long-sleeved shirts, and a couple of fuzzy turtlenecks.
  • The sun was setting after a really bright autumn day, so a luxurious ruby sunset enveloped the sky.
  • The desert-dwelling Shasta ground sloth would have eaten the ripe gourds in autumn.
  • Let life be beautiful like summer flowers and death like autumn leaves.
  • The Democrat convention has set the scene for a ferocious election campaign this autumn.
  • The intensity of the autumn timetable has the ring to it of the World Cup knockout stage. Times, Sunday Times
  • The surplus is stored away in the honeycomb to sustain the bees throughout the flowerless months of autumn and winter.
  • Soon it'll be hello autumn chill, winter darkness and thermal underwear. Times, Sunday Times
  • The yet untanned autumn faces of the foreigners grew paler as they heard glass shattering.
  • Autumn is a season followed immediately by looking forward to spring. Doug Larson 
  • THOSE who made the grade and have secured their university places for this autumn will be rushing to get a current account in time for freshers' week. Times, Sunday Times
  • The golden autumn light provided the inspiration for the painting.
  • We sit in the autumn sunshine completing the Proust questionnaire which seems to bring his mischievous side out from behind his establishment façade. Times, Sunday Times
  • A sugar maple, winch will flame up so brilliant orange in autumn it seems to warm the air around it.
  • Autumn has shamisen, harvest is sweet. is the Xiangxiang. Autumn is the Shuangshuang.
  • It was a cool, overcast day, very autumny, which is probably the best weather for some d-nuts and vanilla-flavored coffee. Om nom nom until the doughnuts come home
  • It is hoped work will be completed in time for the autumn run of sea trout and salmon, who will for the first time be able to make their way to the productive spawning grounds in the upper reaches of the Yarrow.
  • The pleasure of being able to walk home each day through oak and birch woods, with the trees changing colours in the autumn. Times, Sunday Times
  • As we have seen, emotionally autumn is a time to be aware of and release our sadness and grief.
  • Autumn has a light touch here: a burgundy fringe on the roadside, gold and blush in haptic patches on the tree crowns, like the burnish on a pear. Champagne : Ange Mlinko : Harriet the Blog : The Poetry Foundation
  • At dusk, as darkness is falling, small red or yellow lights are twinkling in the dark-blue autumn mist.
  • THE secret to great sweet peas is autumn planting. The Sun
  • As autumn approaches, vegetable gardens throughout the state are groaning with abundant supplies of zucchini and fresh corn.
  • The changing colour of the leaves on the trees is a signal that it will soon be autumn.
  • It's the elegant balance of its hips, fine autumnal foliage and deep purple stems that do it for me. Times, Sunday Times
  • The grey-trunked trees sprang up straight to a great height and then interwove their pale-grey branches in a long tunnel through which the autumn light fell faintly.
  • The trifoliate leaves turn brilliant shades of red and orange in autumn but the cinnamon-brown peeling bark makes it worth viewing at any time of the year.
  • The Castle's gardens lie in a dramatic ravine which was once a quarry, and are particularly pretty in autumn.
  • Rossiter in this autumn of 1917 was extremely interested in certain crucial experiments he was making with spiculum in sponge-cells; with scleroblasts, "mason-cells," osteoblasts, and "consciousness" in bone-cells. Mrs. Warren's Daughter A Story of the Woman's Movement
  • These are thick enough to wear well into autumn. The Sun
  • It was early autumn, and downtown the sun was bright in the unlit lobby.
  • The throughput of ewe hoggets at the factories has been much higher than was expected, leading to speculation as to the effect on the breeding flock for future years and a likelihood of strong demand for breeding hoggets this autumn.
  • Only in the fullness of the autumn would the trees produce their finest aspect in marvellous red and gold. CHRISTINA QUEEN OF SWEDEN: The Restless Life of a European Eccentric
  • It's the elegant balance of its hips, fine autumnal foliage and deep purple stems that do it for me. Times, Sunday Times
  • Stiller and Cotterill gained selection after strenuous testing alongside the country's dozen best scullers in Britain, who had battled through 150 hopefuls in the Great Britain trials last autumn.
  • Nature should have told him that when he heads south from Alaska during his herd's annual autumn migration to warmer water, he has to bear right at San Francisco.
  • Farther round you look across a valley to a hillside full of glorious autumn colour. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was early autumn and the leaves were turning yellow.
  • Especially if the spotty youths are playing Autumn Leaves at the time. Times, Sunday Times
  • Traditionally, the layering process ends in late autumn with the addition of fresh pineapple chunks.
  • In stating that "the fashionable flag under which to fly this autumn is the F-word", Glover is correct that fairness will remain a central political battleground. It's equality of life chances, not literal equality, that the left espouses
  • Southern Sicily gets warm sea breezes straight from Africa that help keep it feeling summery long into autumn. Times, Sunday Times
  • Spring,summer,autumn and winter are the four seasons.
  • They are likely to spin huge webs during autumn and will keep the ‘dusters’ in the family busy.
  • Autumn or early spring is a good time to start layering a shrub.
  • Huge schools of black and silver mullet migrate southwards along the coast in the autumn, almost always within casting distance, accompanied by an army of predators including tarpon, sharks, jacks, barracudas and snook.
  • Producers who are overstocked have been grazing silage ground and will be forced to buy a large percentage of the winter feed this year, unless they can move out stock this month and target for a good cut of silage early in Autumn.
  • Again, as in other pieces, the autumn poem uses quietude, fine enjambment and spacing, to convey the weight of the branches, the dying process.
  • And, as the seasons change, so do the colours - carpets of yellow daffodils in the spring to the russet browns and reds of autumn, so now is a great time to visit.
  • Fresh vegetables are very cheap in the autumn.
  • In the autumn of that year, he went on the Bureau of Indian Affairs supply ship North Star to Point Barrow.
  • Most dressed like holidaymakers to the Balearics and paid the price as downpours swept the city while temperatures fell to autumn levels. David Haye cut down to size by Wladimir Klitschko's ram-rod power | Paul Hayward
  • He has been gelded and returned in the autumn with two sound efforts. The Sun
  • One of the great things about an autumn stroll is that almost anything casual goes. Times, Sunday Times
  • The dog ludicrously albeit lovingly christened Precious Baby by Ted's late wife and resolutely called PB by Ted himself - hesitated at the doorway and blinked out at the street, where the autumn rain was falling in the sort of steady waves that presaged alengthy and bone-chilling storm. A Traitor to Memory
  • There is rising speculation that investment banks may lay off about 1,000 staff in London this autumn. Times, Sunday Times
  • The death's-head, a forbiddingly charismatic insect with a distinctive skull pattern on its thorax, has been sighted along the south coast at Arne, Dorset, and in Plymouth, Devon, in what is proving to be a vintage autumn for exotic migratory moths. Indian summer sees exotic moths fly in
  • For a short while, as the leaves turn on deciduous trees and shrubs, autumn colours command the stage.
  • Heavy rain brought autumnal flooding which disrupted drivers on South Lakeland's roads on Monday morning.
  • A wolf howls in the autumn morning, and is joined by three other voices.
  • There is so much beauty in autumn and so much wisdom; so much separation and so much sorrow! Mehmet Murat ildan 
  • When autumn chills the air, they strike camp and thread their way through the Nawar passes to graze their animals in warmer climes.
  • However, this Committee was not reconstituted after the Cabinet changes last autumn.
  • -- During these months seed of the quick-growing types of Onion may be sown for producing an abundant supply of salading and small bulbs during the autumn and onwards. The Culture of Vegetables and Flowers From Seeds and Roots 16th Edition
  • We can expect dryer but very windy weather before high pressure takes control and there may be a return to calmer, misty and possibly cold autumnal conditions. Times, Sunday Times
  • The six giant grey cattle thundered along the embankment, their nostrils jetting steam in the cold air of a Hungarian autumn morning.
  • We hope to produce a report in the autumn. Times, Sunday Times
  • Steve Trewhella There were a number of non-native, pelagic marine visitors to our coast during the prevailing autumn winds.
  • He has been gelded and returned in the autumn with two sound efforts. The Sun
  • Working on a project together can draw you closer and funds a love celebration in the autumn. The Sun
  • Which means he should be showing up sometime in early autumn.
  • As the weather cools, take comfort in these autumnal treats.
  • Autumn colours add warmth to a room.
  • Boats work too, of course, but for many fishermennothing will do but a waist-high immersion in seething foam while hurling plugsor bait into combers kicked up by an autumn nor'easter. How to Catch Fall Stripers: It's Not Easy, but It's Worth It
  • The career girl's court shoe is all very well but where were Ravel's versions of the casual suede boot or the casual ballerina look last autumn?
  • It tastes of deepening autumn and makes me long for one or two haiku [seventeen-syllable Japanese poems to capture the feeling.
  • Or in autumn when purple moorland takes on a blanket of golden patchwork.
  • The charm of the detail tempted one to linger at every turn, and all the more so because I knew that I should see nothing more of the grace and bounteousness of Nature till my projected descent into Kulu in the late autumn. Among the Tibetans
  • Such distinct autumnal flavours and colours, only straightforward but done without putting the tiniest foot wrong. Times, Sunday Times
  • Nobody could have expected in the autumn of 1918 that the frontiers of the new State would be rapidly delimitated. The Birth of Yugoslavia, Volume 2
  • But beyond another sideswipe at employment rights this autumn, there was little new from the Treasury. Suddenly the state is back in vogue at Number 10. But for how long? | Will Hutton
  • The gardens were in full autumnal splendor as dried flowers and flame bright orange, yellow gourds adorned the gates.
  • Dull green oval summer leaves turn yellow, orange and fiery red in autumn. Winter Garden Glory
  • The Government will try to spin out the conference into next autumn.
  • Lightly fork over the soil in late autumn to expose overwintering sawflies to predators and the elements. Times, Sunday Times
  • Combine these closures with the mop fair in the autumn and businesses are beginning to lose margins that can never be regained.
  • The north of the island is by far the most prolific, especially Grankulla Bay, a large salty inland lake where the sheltered and shallow water offers refuge for the fish in spring and autumn.
  • Suitable materials for composting include annual weeds that haven't formed seed, leafy softwood prunings, old bedding plants, autumn leaves and grass clippings.
  • The nuts were a vital source of food for their families, autumn forage for their animals, and a commodity for barter and sale.
  • Months passed, and the autumn blended into a cold snowy winter.
  • Stress of any kind can be a major trigger for spring or autumn tetany.
  • Many a child brought hither its spring offering of the first mitchella, or its autumn gift of checkerberries. Flamsted quarries
  • He unshuttered the window, and gazed through, the crisp autumn wind bit at his face as the past bit at his heart and again he pulled himself away from it.
  • Autumn term means more ghastly murder. Times, Sunday Times
  • The flower-woman at the gate of her garden had now only autumnal blooms for sale in the vases which flanked the entrance; the windrows of the rowen, left steeping in the dews overnight, exhaled a faint fragrance; a poor remnant of the midsummer multitudes trailed itself along to the various cafes of the valley, its pink paper bags of bread rustling like sere foliage as it moved. Their Silver Wedding Journey — Complete
  • Most perching birds stop singing regularly in late summer, but male wood-pewees keep up their chanting until the autumn migration.
  • We like to travel in the autumn when there are fewer tourists.
  • As warmth gradually returns to the northern temperate latitudes, so do the birds that migrated south last autumn.
  • Batchelor claimed a sponsorship deal was helping fund the offer and around 1,000 fans bought the cut-price tickets last autumn.
  • The shopping retreat of another sector is lined with the florescence of yellow blossoms of kassod trees, which have the rare distinction of flowering in autumn.
  • So, here, a list of autumny things I'm looking forward to that will probably actually happen: NOGOODFORME.COM
  • For a less conventional colour scheme, she suggests focusing on subtle autumn hues such as plum or burnt orange, with flecks of gold. Times, Sunday Times
  • She checked the autumn constellations, found the polestar, got her directions exactly right. A THIEF OF TIME
  • Above her, thin clouds fleeted across the sky, chased by strong autumn winds. The Forgotten Garden
  • The surfer most falsely enamored of Autumn, Arran a.k.a. Shrimp
  • A couple of weeks before the dramatic colours of autumn begin to appear, a layer of cells starts to grow where the leaf stalk joins the branch.
  • But with autumn crocus and colchicum I extended my planting pleasure by several weeks.
  • Half the fruit crop was frozen out in the sudden severe autumn.

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