How To Use Autopsy In A Sentence

  • AN autopsy on the body of a man found dead in a house has sparked a murder probe. The Sun
  • An autopsy today found the cause of Hammerdorfer's death was cardiomegaly and biventricular hypertrophy, which refers to an enlarged heart and enlarged ventricles. ABC News: Top Stories
  • Francis Fukayama's autopsy of neoconservatism is well worth reading, and makes many sensible points about the direction that American foreign policy should now take. Balkinization
  • The term autopsy, derived from Greek, essentially means to see for oneself. Eureka Times Standard Most Viewed
  • Autopsy revealed that Hubert was suffering from an incipient neoplasm in his prostate gland. DISPLACED PERSON
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  • At autopsy , a large firm, white tumor mass was found filling much of the left ventricle.
  • That said, it is interesting to note that a recent autopsy examination of Einstein's preserved brain did uncover extra tissue in the parietal cortex, which mediates spatial cognition.
  • All SBS cases had a clinical history of whiplash shaking of the head and had autopsy findings of subdural, subarachnoid, and bilateral retinal hemorrhages.
  • The autopsy would eventually show that Mom had taken three different prescription drugs.
  • To discuss the events at the death scene and closely examine the autopsy report is distressing to the families.
  • An autopsy on Terri Schiavo, the severely brain damaged woman whose death sparked an intense debate over a person's right-to-die, showed that her brain was severely "atrophied" and weighed less than half of what it should have, and that no treatment could have reversed the damage... "Terri" was blind and wasn't abused.
  • An autopsy eventually ascribed the baby's death to sudden infant death syndrome.
  • Police said an autopsy showed that both men died of respiratory failure, with suspicion of heart attacks. Times, Sunday Times
  • Autopsy of the patient showed mild lung scarring but no evidence of acute myocardial infarction, pulmonary embolism, or cerebrovascular accident.
  • We're now awaiting results of an autopsy. The Sun
  • But if an autopsy shows his mother died of natural causes the charge will be reduced to failing to report a death. The Sun
  • We have an autopsy report that clearly demonstrates that she was ligated, tied by the wrists, she was sexually assaulted, she was strangled to death by manual force from the rear. CNN Transcript Nov 16, 2005
  • Most reports of the now public autopsy results sound a strangely triumphal note.
  • Police said an autopsy showed that both men died of respiratory failure, with suspicion of heart attacks. Times, Sunday Times
  • An autopsy eventually ascribed the baby's death to sudden infant death syndrome.
  • We measured the rate of neonatal autopsy at a tertiary referral centre over the past decade to investigate the role of various factors in determining consent for autopsy.
  • Our study of an unselected population took place at a tertiary referral centre with autopsy performed by specialist paediatric pathologists.
  • We're now awaiting results of an autopsy. The Sun
  • An autopsy report showed he was shot at least twice in his back. The Sun
  • After the men died, an autopsy was performed on their brains. Times, Sunday Times
  • The following day arrangements were made for an autopsy to establish the cause of death. THE LOST KING OF FRANCE: Revolution, Revenge and the Search for Louis XVII
  • It still looks eerily like what it is - a city abandoned, with its theatres, villas, bathhouses, temples, brothels, squares and markets all laid out like architectural organs after an autopsy.
  • The case was clinically unusual in that the picture of a pseudoleukemia was presented, with demonstration at autopsy of great hyperplasia of retroperitoneal lymph nodes and grossly visible islands of lymphoid hyperplasia in liver and spleen. The Journal of Abnormal Psychology
  • The autopsy has contributed to the discovery of new or unrecognized diseases and will continue to do so.
  • The autopsy report confirmed that Leo had died from hemorrhagic shock - heavy loss of blood.
  • The word autopsy comes from the Greek “to see for oneself”; as Vesalius learned to see for himself, he could no longer force Galen’s mystical visions to fit his own. The Emperor of All Maladies
  • An autopsy will be performed to find out the cause and the approximate date of death.
  • His parents were not given access to the autopsy report. Times, Sunday Times
  • The autopsy report is clear in its implications. The Sun
  • The autopsy showed that her death was caused by liver failure.
  • The autopsy revealed that the deceased had been hit with a blunt instrument.
  • An autopsy was being done to establish the cause of death.
  • No, their consultations are done in the cold sterile environment of the autopsy room.
  • At autopsy, the heart was longitudinally sectioned through the left atrium and left ventricle.
  • At autopsy, mild acute splenitis and recurrent nodular sclerosis Hodgkin disease were found in fibrosed mediastinal nodes.
  • An autopsy eventually ascribed the baby's death to sudden infant death syndrome.
  • Police are suspicious and request an autopsy. Times, Sunday Times
  • An autopsy found the researcher had a medical condition called hemochromatosis, which causes an excessive buildup of iron in the body, according to the CDC report. Boing Boing
  • Autopsy, which they described as depicting a corpse on a steel gurney covered by a sheet with a hand sticking out wearing Jackson's signature sequined glove. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • He died of ague, and at the autopsy it was found that the verumontanum was hard and of the size of a walnut and that the ejaculatory ducts contained calculi about the size and shape of peas. Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
  • Official autopsy results are not expected for weeks. The Sun
  • An autopsy report said she had suffered dozens of bruises. The Sun
  • An autopsy eventually ascribed the baby's death to sudden infant death syndrome.
  • Initially, the autopsy results indicated that his internal injuries were thought to be from ingesting liquid ecstasy.
  • An animal autopsy, called a necropsy, was performed on the bison in the field with the help of two veterinarians. Columnist: Keith Groller
  • An autopsy showed he was killed by a single shot to the head. The Sun
  • Most respondents regarded the bioethics law as a cause of the recent decrease of autopsy rate.
  • An autopsy into his death revealed the cyclist suffered a heart attack following severe swelling of the heart and brain.
  • This patient was treated and did not have any evidence of fungal infection at autopsy.
  • Police say foul play is not suspected and are awaiting autopsy and toxicology results. The Sun
  • At autopsy, icterus and anasarca were present.
  • Most often, autopsy results list cardiac failure as the cause of death. Times, Sunday Times
  • His parents were not given access to the autopsy report. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the present study, we detail the range of ophthalmic findings encountered at autopsy and address their clinical relevance.
  • We're going to talk with one of the paleontologists behind the dino autopsy right as soon as we come back.
  • Police have not released the cause of death although an autopsy was completed Wednesday.
  • For example, a pathologist will not need to obtain authorization if the research is limited to autopsy samples.
  • A preliminary autopsy report showed he had a slightly enlarged heart, not unusual for an athlete.
  • His books include Literary Criticism: An Autopsy (1997) and Negrophobia: A Race Riot in Atlanta, 1906 (2001). - Today's News
  • No molecular studies reporting desmosomal mutations in autopsy tissues have shown images of morphologic changes indicating New England Journal of Medicine
  • Autopsy rates were the highest for fetal and pediatric deaths, and the lowest for neurology / neurosurgery and general surgery deaths.
  • On autopsy, the cause looked for all the world like anthrax, in the same unusual form - so-called inhalation anthrax - that terrified the nation in 2001. NYT > Home Page
  • When an animal is dead, we perform a necropsy, which is an animal autopsy. News of the Underwater World
  • I read Farrier's autopsy report, hearing Ava's voice declaim it into the air for transcription. THE HUNDREDTH MAN
  • The autopsy revealed that his murderer had struck him on the head with an iron bar.
  • Her autopsy did not show any health issues or artery problems. The Sun
  • The medical examiner was conducting an autopsy yesterday. Times, Sunday Times
  • Shortly after that, his body was taken to the city morgue for autopsy.
  • The practice of autopsy was a practical consequence of the adoption of the Cartesian understanding of disengaged reasoning.
  • Methods:Take pieces of human liver tissue acquired from autopsy as bait and food for flies and then observe and study the developmental behaviours of Sarcophaga carnaria.
  • Her autopsy did not show any health issues or artery problems. The Sun
  • After an autopsy, he plans to have his wife's body cremated and her ashes brought to Pennsylvania, where she grew up.
  • The term autopsy is intrinsic to the resources provided and should lead to consistent conversions. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • Pleural fluid and viscera pleura specimens were collected at autopsy.
  • General autopsy findings were significant for candidal bronchopneumonia and splenitis, hepatic granulomas consistent with chronic transfusion therapy, and bilateral renal glomerulosclerosis.
  • When I die they can perform an autopsy and they will find that I have never ever taken an illegal substance.
  • The autopsy would eventually show that Mom had taken three different prescription drugs.
  • An autopsy yesterday showed he died of a heart attack. The Sun
  • The autopsy showed no indication that anyone else was involved. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was a poison that acted instantly and would appear as alcohol in the autopsy.
  • There is greater communication between the clinician and the prosector in that the clinician completes the problem-oriented autopsy request, giving a brief clinical summary with clinical diagnoses.
  • Further autopsy teaching is available to students only as special study modules.
  • An autopsy yesterday showed he died of a heart attack. The Sun
  • A tentative diagnosis of rabies was made on a biopsy and confirmed at autopsy.
  • A preliminary autopsy report showed he had a slightly enlarged heart, not unusual for an athlete.
  • At autopsy, all remaining pleural fluid was aspirated from the right pleural space.
  • He has already inspected the hotel room and is awaiting the autopsy result. The Sun
  • An autopsy showed he had taken coke, ecstasy and speed while other clubbers said he had also been boozing heavily. The Sun
  • The autopsy found that death was due to cerebral and pulmonary oedema.
  • I spoke to the source, who knows all about the autopsy, who told me the coroner's office met yesterday with the Los Angeles Police Department and the district attorney's office and made what he called a joint decision to delay the release of the autopsy and the toxicology report indefinitely. CNN Transcript Jul 31, 2009
  • An autopsy is planned for later this week, with an official LAPD investigation also underway. Brittany Murphy: 1977 – 2009 « Screaming Blue Reviews
  • But if an autopsy shows his mother died of natural causes the charge will be reduced to failing to report a death. The Sun
  • Anyone (even a member of the family) that hampers an autopsy should face a sentence of a maximum of nine months in prison.
  • An autopsy report said she had suffered dozens of bruises. The Sun
  • An autopsy was being done to establish the cause of death.
  • But eyewitness accounts and her autopsy suggest otherwise. The Sun
  • Dr Patricio Bustos, who directs Chile's Medical Legal Service, announced the autopsy results, which he described as definitive. Chilean President Salvador Allende committed suicide, autopsy confirms
  • The police plan to disinter Taufik's body in order to perform an autopsy and determine an exact cause of death.
  • New autopsy data is providing clues into the cause of sudden infant death syndrome.
  • When I die they can perform an autopsy and they will find that I have never ever taken an illegal substance.
  • The autopsy report is clear in its implications. The Sun
  • There is nothing outwardly, which is why this coroner ` s autopsy result is crucial in determining this cause of death. CNN Transcript Jun 5, 2009
  • Only a few of the patients from this surgical or autopsy series displayed coexistent subdural hematomas or meningiomas, and only 2 had coincident leptomeningeal carcinomatosis.
  • Interesting that Jordanian born Zarqawi is supposed to have an artificial leg, but NO mention in autopsy? Think Progress » Bush Officials Stoke International Outrage Over Guantanamo Suicides
  • And then David also had a silent risk factor, an inherited blood coagulant disorder that was only discovered after the autopsy was performed.
  • At autopsy the adrenal glands often show hemorrhagic necrosis, an example of which is seen here.
  • He rejected speculation that a way of killing that could not be detected in an autopsy had already been discovered.
  • The man's brain had been kept in a standard, sealed container in the autopsy room in the hospital mortuary.
  • Massive gastric hemorrhage was described in the preliminary autopsy report, but was omitted in the final report, which listed severe coronary artery disease as the cause of death.
  • The field of cardiology was largely limited to the stethoscope, the electrocardiogram, and the autopsy suite.
  • At autopsy, the airways are often devoid of inspissated secretions and contain more neutrophils and eosinophils in the submucosa.
  • Alonzo is recruiting male and female heart attack survivors over the age of 35 to fill out the anonymous online survey he designed to examine how people actually behave during a heart attack -- what he refers to as a "behavioral autopsy. Suzanne O'Malley: Day Three: Yale Heart Study Asks 'Why Do We Wait So Long?'
  • They carried out an autopsy on the victim.
  • The coroner's office said the autopsy report will not be known for two more weeks. The Sun
  • What you get are the snapping dogs, and bodies unconscious after a police examination or laid out for an autopsy.
  • The pathologist who wrote the autopsy report is now on extended leave. Times, Sunday Times
  • As a dark-skinned zombie who has had the benefit of spending time in coroner autopsy rooms looking at a wide range of actual dead bodies, I have a sense of what brown dead bodies look like. First weds. early, b/c tomorrow will be crazy busy.
  • The autopsy proved that Terri was cortically blind. CNN Transcript Mar 27, 2006
  • So far, it's just the wanderers, said Jeff Beringer, Department of Conservation furbearer resource biologist, who was part of the autopsy team. Kansas City Star: Front Page
  • Modern medical practice was founded 150 years ago designing a feedback from autopsy results to diagnosis. MANAGEMENT: task, responsibilities, practices
  • Methods: Human liver tissue pieces were acquired from autopsy as bait and food for flies and then the developmental behaviours of Sarcophaga carnaria was observed.
  • During an autopsy, one dead caiman was found to have a large fishing hook in its stomach.
  • They found that, at autopsy, the presence of HHV - 6 DNA was associated with significant increases in HIV - 1 proviral DNA.
  • An autopsy eventually ascribed the baby's death to sudden infant death syndrome.
  • A preliminary autopsy report showed he had a slightly enlarged heart, not unusual for an athlete.
  • Yes, the autopsy revealed traces of ephedra. Houston Chronicle
  • No information has yet been released from an autopsy on Monday.
  • They said they were especially outraged by an Internet ad for the show, "Michael Jackson's Autopsy," which they described as depicting a corpse on a steel gurney covered by a sheet with a hand sticking out wearing Jackson's signature sequined glove. Discovery PULLS Bizarre Michael Jackson 'Autopsy' Show
  • His brain was removed at autopsy and kept - but his family did not find out until they read pathology report months after his funeral. The Sun
  • All fatal cases have been confirmed by medical records, autopsy report, or death certificate.
  • He has already inspected the hotel room and is awaiting the autopsy result. The Sun
  • An autopsy is scheduled to determine how the Salisbury girl died.
  • Salient autopsy findings included metastatic adenocarcinoma of peripancreatic lymph nodes and diffuse leptomeningeal carcinomatosis.
  • Massive gastric hemorrhage was described in the preliminary autopsy report, but was omitted in the final report, which listed severe coronary artery disease as the cause of death.
  • After the men died, an autopsy was performed on their brains. Times, Sunday Times
  • A tentative diagnosis of rabies was made on a biopsy and confirmed at autopsy.
  • No cases of concomitant AIDS and TB were found in autopsy files before 1985.
  • Specimens from living patients vastly outnumber autopsy specimens, and the absence of autolysis makes tissue from living people technically preferable for most purposes.
  • The coroner's office said the autopsy report will not be known for two more weeks. The Sun
  • The large bone fragment that arrived late at the autopsy arose immediately anterior to the coronal suture, which is faintly seen here. Signs of the Times
  • An autopsy showed high levels of carbon monoxide in her blood as well as traces of amphetamines.
  • A similar result was obtained in an autopsy study in which the cadmium concentration of the kidney cortex was analyzed.
  • Abstract Dynamic electrocardiography ( DCG ) and autopsy findings in 47 elderly cases were analysed.
  • When the police brandished a post-mortem report which exonerated the cops from point-blank range killing, didn't we react by saying that the autopsy must have been fixed?
  • A total of 1139 autopsy cases was investigated prospectively during the 12-month study period, and 12 nonconsecutive fatalities resulting from peptic ulcer disease were identified and included in the study.
  • Autopsy figures show we die from cancer, heart disease, pneumonia and septicemia and pulmonary emboli in that order.
  • An autopsy will be performed. Times, Sunday Times
  • Because our cases were autopsy cases, autolysis may have resulted in a decrease of positive staining cells.
  • They are professional and standard creating, analyzing past life, as an autopsy is to breathing. July 2008
  • Autopsy showd one #6 shot right into the ear hole. Years ago I was duck hunting and dropped 3 teal with one shot (limit was 6).
  • Autopsy findings confirmed luminal narrowing of bronchioles by scarring, which is a histopathologic features of bronchiolitis obliterans.
  • An autopsy report concluded that the bullet which killed the victim entered through the top of his head, most likely having deflected off a tree.
  • An arrow on the wall pointed us to Autopsy.
  • Reports in China said that the parents had requested no autopsy be performed. Times, Sunday Times
  • According to an autopsy, the activist who had been a staunch critic of human rights violations by the military died of arsenic poisoning.
  • On the ultimate exit polls (autopsy studies) in unselected cases as many as 25% have pituitary adenomas. The Ovarian Teratoma that Caused a Coma
  • An autopsy was scheduled for Wednesday, according to the city medical examiner.
  • Allende was eventually reburied with honours in Santiago, and his daughter Isabel, now a senator, had refused for years to allow another autopsy. Chilean President Salvador Allende committed suicide, autopsy confirms
  • The upward track of the bullet's path through the heart was evident at autopsy.
  • The medical examiner was conducting an autopsy yesterday. Times, Sunday Times
  • At autopsy, the jejunum revealed multiple blue-black areas in the bowel wall and mesentery.
  • The county coroner carried out an autopsy and his verdict on the cause of death was given in January of this year.
  • It may be useful to involve a pathologist, preferably the one doing the autopsy, while seeking consent.
  • It would also be informative to track all hospital deaths and discover the obstacles and barriers to obtaining an autopsy.
  • Modern medical practice was founded 150 years ago designing a feedback from autopsy results to diagnosis. MANAGEMENT: task, responsibilities, practices
  • Discussion of concordant diagnoses and discrepancies would build a collaborative relationship between clinicians and pathologists and might lead to better autopsy utilization.
  • At autopsy, these animals presented acute tubular necrosis, esteatosis, carditis, and diffuse alveolar damage.
  • The autopsy revealed that poor JonBenet was strangled to death by ligature applied through the twisting of a fairly intricate garrote. Craig Alan Silverman: JonBenet Truths Might Still Be Told
  • An autopsy on the whale, known as a necropsy, would have to be done to narrow down the cause of death, Anna Hall said Monday, "but I would think that based on the wounds that I saw, it was killer-whale predation. Top Stories
  • Bahamian Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham sent condolences to the Travolta family and said the autopsy is a formality the country requires in cases of sudden death to rule out foul play. Death certificate: Jett Travolate killed by seizure
  • Fitz compared symptoms of 157 patients who died of ‘typhlitis’ with their autopsy findings, and in 1886, he coined the term appendicitis and urged the appendix's early removal, which was contrary to the habit of delaying surgery.
  • An autopsy showed endocardial fibrosis.
  • A Swiss scientist, who performed an autopsy on one of the infected animals, contracted the disease but later recovered.
  • At the autopsy are found hyperemia of the arachnoid, and slight chronic leptomeningitis and pachymeningitis. Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
  • Dr. Patricio Bustos, who directs Chile's Medical Legal Service, announced the autopsy results, which he described as definitive. Chronicle
  • Sometimes the beating of her heart was so violent that everyone around could observe it; at autopsy it was seen to be engorged with fresh blood.
  • None of that changes the fact that at autopsy she was found to be cortically blind - that is, the part of her brain that deals with sight was atrophied and as far as medical science was able to tell, entirely gone. The Ashley Treatment: A Feminist and Disability Rights Issue?
  • An autopsy showed he was killed by a single shot to the head. The Sun
  • She said afterward that Boxer was surprised to learn Wu did not sign a release form allowing for an autopsy.
  • The autopsy showed a bullet encysted in his body from a previous shooting.
  • An autopsy report showed he was shot at least twice in his back. The Sun
  • Researchers administered cognitive function tests to 3,734 men, obtained brain images from 574 men, and evaluated brain atrophy in 290 male autopsy results.
  • This is not an anatomy of his murder, nor the autopsy of a black man lynched by three young white males, but more an evocation of how this event fits in to a landscape and climate as much mental as physical.
  • They're carrying out an autopsy on the victim.
  • An autopsy indicated the man died from blunt force injuries and asphyxia.
  • Back in the autopsy room, the supporting cast waited for their star performer to arrive. BAD MEDICINE
  • But its exploration of the past is more than a disinterment, an autopsy explaining the death of American promise.
  • We offer a wide range of consultation services for outside cases including brain biopsies (both tumors and non-neoplastic diseases), muscle biopsies and autopsy brain and spinal cord examination. Neuropathology Lab
  • I read Farrier's autopsy report, hearing Ava's voice declaim it into the air for transcription. THE HUNDREDTH MAN
  • An autopsy had revealed Stephen suffered from an undiagnosed heart condition, atheromatosis, or a thickening of the arteries. - Frontpage RSS Feed
  • Most often, autopsy results list cardiac failure as the cause of death. Times, Sunday Times
  • I've spent some time today contemplating why it is that what I always thought of as an autopsy is called a necropsy in all of my current working environments. Scorpi07 Diary Entry
  • Outside his field, however, he's best known for something he calls a fluke: for drawing autopsy duty when the particular corpse Steiner had been waiting for came along. Chicago Reader
  • Meanwhile, an autopsy was under way Tuesday on the body of a 23-year-old woman who was shot at a known gang house in Hobbema, which is the hub of four native reserves south of Edmonton. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • A spokesman for the Foreign Office said it was thought his death was from natural causes and an autopsy would be carried out.

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