
How To Use Autocrat In A Sentence

  • The outcry against such autocratic barbarousness became nearly universal.
  • This is not to say that the good leader is an absolute autocrat.
  • As revolution spread to Palermo, Milan and Naples it seemed as if the people of Italy could break the domination of the myriad of foreign rulers and domestic autocrats.
  • Faculty members complained that he behaved autocratically in establishing the center without soliciting their advice and consent.
  • Conservatives longed for the return of a healthy system of independent party politics, freed from the buccaneering methods of an autocratic prime minister and his retainers.
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  • Autocrats hear dissent and critique as threat - they don't understand that it's an open society's process of repair and refinement.
  • While liberation from superstition and autocratic oppression is the great legacy of the Enlightenment, to perpetuate the repression of all spiritual expression in the name of reason is to continue to deny our innate being.
  • Democrats can build state capacity, probably more effectively than autocrats.
  • It can be autocratic and invade our privacy in ways that earlier generations could not have envisioned.
  • William Jefferson, known to be less than scrupulous (the FBI found $90,000 in cash in his freezer, and the intimation is that he is connected to some shady individuals from South America), re-elected to Congress in a landslide, primarily due the rantings of the autocratic sheriff of Jefferson Parish. Think Progress » Chertoff Learned of Levee Failure 36 Hours After Mayor Nagin?
  • But his autocratic style proved ill adapted to the turbulence of the 1960s.
  • Her son and successor, Paul I, was a nasty autocrat who ruled only five years before he was murdered in his bedroom by a group of nobles. rss feed
  • Only at home did he remove the mask of the iron autocrat and become a warm personality.
  • His reputation as an autocratic know-it-all goes before him. The Sun
  • But his critics say he has needlessly antagonized professors with his autocratic style.
  • On the other hand, if it all goes wrong, he might turn out to be just one more erratic autocrat relying on nationalist rhetoric and the spoils system to stay in power.
  • The autocratic government call out the army to suppress the workers'strike.
  • In fact, he did not use the Constitution but governed autocratically.
  • We aren't like the local autocrats, hypocritical and thieving to their rotten cores.
  • In autocratic states, one has to flatter only one person; in democratic states, one has to flatter the multitudes.
  • Besides, let us not forget that an autocrat is tied very closely to success. Hitlerism
  • The attempts to subvert the constitution and establish an autocratic form of rule have been on the agenda for quite some time.
  • It is hard to underemphasize the tension between autocratic church structures and the everyday expectations of most parishioners.
  • But her ‘domineering, autocratic style’ and her sometimes volatile temperament are also highlighted.
  • The rights of individuals are no longer inalienable, nor are their persons inviolable; all depends on the good will of the Commander, the military autocrat.
  • Dr George believes that one of the factors contributing to the high degree of backwardness among the Swazi is the 'autocratic rule of a conservative chief dedicated to traditionalism'. The Rise of the South African Reich - Chapter 15
  • The next challenge we have is to restore the dignity of the Sierra-Leonian, which was really impaired over the 27 years of misrule and mismanagement by an undemocratic, autocratic government. CNN Transcript Sep 30, 2006
  • Ironically, in view of the grass-roots democratic populism of its rhetoric, the party itself was highly autocratic and centralized.
  • He tossed her a smile and strode top 8qg How ironic that in her bid for ersonal creative freewqd Laura, oblivious to the receptionist's flustered dom, she'd wound up chained to the most domineering, gratitude. autocratic, stubborn man on earth. Too Many Bosses
  • Its economy was adversely affected by the Great Depression and from 1934 until 1939 it experienced a highly autocratic, neo-fascist regime led by Konstantin Paets.
  • “Never mind the 'buts,'” he burst in autocratically. THE REJUVENATION OF MAJOR RATHBONE
  • Mind, one would not call them politicians; one would call them despots, or autocrats.
  • A global democracy where most of the world is excluded by their own autocratic rulers is scarcely worth having.
  • Their faults can be as large in scale as their virtues, and an excessively negative Leonian can be one of the most unpleasant human beings imaginable, displaying extreme arrogance, autocratic pride, haughtiness, and excessive hastiness of temper. Archive 2007-07-01
  • But on what the author of the Autocrat calls the arithmetical side, -- in the power of judging particular men and not general principles; in deciding who were the good men and who were not, he fell short of the ideal suggested by his legislative career. The Reminiscences of an Astronomer
  • The dictatorship of the proletariat became in practice personal power wielded by an autocratic leader. The Collins History of the World in the 20th Century
  • She is a cold, remote, autocratic figurehead with monarchical delusions and the instincts of a contract killer.
  • Most oppressive to Mr. Domscheit-Berg was Mr. Assange's autocratic management style: He brooked no criticism and didn't even want staffers discussing WikiLeaks matters among themselves, outside his presence. Radical Transparency
  • He became an outspoken critic of what he saw as the party's increasingly autocratic behaviour. Times, Sunday Times
  • Indeed there is scientific evidence that shows men seek and use autocratic power to gain sex.
  • In her general mode of life she was stern and silent with her guests, autocratic, authoritative and sometimes contradictory in her house, and altogether irrational and unconciliatory when any change even for a day was proposed to her, or when any shadow of a complaint reached her ears. Tales of all countries
  • It is a creative company with a particular style set by a charismatic and autocratic leader.
  • The absolute powerless nature of their position may be summarized: ‘There was no custom, no tradition to which they could refer, as could the villeins or tenants, in the care of an autocratic master.’
  • He would often submit questions to them, asking their advice. He kept them informed of his actions, rather than behaving autocratically.
  • Political leaders, especially autocrats and dictators, have always used writing for propaganda purposes.
  • After years of operating an autocratic regime, he faces the prospect of being shorn of his dominant position should the banks succeed.
  • He had been sharp enough to perceive already that Mr Kennedy was an autocrat in his own house, and he knew Lady Laura well enough to be sure that such masterdom would be very irksome to her. Phineas Finn
  • In short, oil has shriveled the promise and stained the soul of an entire country, empowering autocrats who disdain human rights and are oblivious to the misery of its people. Richard North Patterson discusses Eclipse
  • Whereas the former was a Machiavellian autocrat with a fascist background, the latter is a straightforward, consensus-driven and politically moderate.
  • Public anger at his autocratic ways and government corruption boiled over into mass street protests last year. Times, Sunday Times
  • The statue of Etienne Marcel at the City Hall in Paris recalls one of the many instances of the resistance of the city to corrupt administration and it was under one of the most autocratic and greatest of monarchs, Louis XIV, that the Parisian earned the distinctive epithet of 'frondeur' to describe his quickness to resent any encroachment on the part of authority upon his civil rights and liberties. A Royalist Fiasco
  • Leadership Style: Task - oriented meritocracy: lead by high profile , sometimes autocratic , example ; management by objectives, cheerleaders for success.
  • autocratic behavior
  • One they categorised as centralised, which was characterised by autocratic forms of control, and the other they called dispersed, which promoted what they called "an informal atmosphere of free-flowing ideas. Slackbastard
  • Food price protests were seen a factor in the ousting of Indonesia's long-term autocrat Reuters: Top News
  • But the self-made billionaire is an autocrat who seems not to understand the essentials of democracy.
  • So insidious and far reaching had become the inculcation of false philosophies summed up in the general term Kultur, that the subjects of the autocratic-ridden empires believed they were being guided by benign influences. History of the American Negro in the Great World War His Splendid Record in the Battle Zones of Europe; Including a Resume of His Past Services to his Country in the Wars of the Revolution, of 1812, the War of Rebellion, the Indian Wars on the Frontier, t
  • Friedrich was an autocratic ruler; he gave his ministers and generals no real responsibility.
  • For decades he has behaved as though he were God-incarnate, carrying a royal staff, ruling autocratically over his minions, consolidating power, eliminating opposition. Judie Fein: Mubarak: Modern-Day Pharoah of Egypt
  • I'm just telling you who the guy is - there's no reason why you should conclude that he is an oleaginous ex-autocrat who works for the interests of Western capital.
  • And autocratic regimes are realising they may not have to listen to Western lectures about human rights any more. Times, Sunday Times
  • Such an autocratic style of leading a family leads to repression and suppression giving rise to feelings of discontentment and unhappiness.
  • The more he urged a general acceptance of the principles of his autocratic constitution, the surer were his followers that he coveted royal honors. Hispanic Nations of the New World; a chronicle of our southern neighbors
  • He behaved as a benevolent autocrat, but was reluctant to delegate, suspicious, and secretive.
  • There was not much of "comeliness" in the "marred face" of an unresenting Christ, but how fascinating the autocratic, prophet-painted, empire-inscribed pose of Redemption's Champion, clad in ermine of final decree, alternately welcoming his ancient "Elect," and with awful leftward gesture upon countless millions pronouncing the changeless judgment of "Depart. Oswald Langdon or, Pierre and Paul Lanier. A Romance of 1894-1898
  • Elections in 1983 saw the return of comparative stability with Moi still President, but of an increasingly corrupt and autocratic regime.
  • I referred to Gaddafi as a domineering autocrat with a bad record on human rights and terrorism. Joseph Nye: Gaddafi and Change
  • Egyptian political culture was deracinated by autocratic design, with the outlawed Muslim Brotherhood the only coherent non-Mubarak political force in the country. William Bradley: Is the Obama Administration Still Way Behind the Curve on Egypt?
  • It will not be possible for anything like these figures to go through unless the Government takes autocratic powers, and uses them to the full.
  • Any resolution to the war requires the repudiation of the Sri Lankan constitution, which entrenches communalism and the autocratic executive presidency.
  • Since the January 14 overthrow of Tunisian strongman Zine El Abidine Ben Ali and the subsequent February 11 toppling of Egyptian autocrat Hosni Mubarak via campaigns of mass civil disobedience, the socio-political landscape of the Middle East and North Africa has been dramatically, and perhaps permanently, altered. Atif Choudhury: The Libyan No-Fly Zone: A New Paradigm for Humanitarian Intervention and the Reinforcement of Democracy
  • Zawahiri formed his own terrorist group as a teenager, and ever since he has fought autocratic Muslim regimes and the United States with both tenacity and intelligence.
  • This agreement, made in secret and implemented autocratically, tramples underfoot the democratic rights of refugees.
  • Autocratic, theocratic, despotic regimes allow no political freedom, all thought is outlawed, and brute suppression is the norm.
  • Should Britain be helping to fund an increasingly autocratic leader? Times, Sunday Times
  • Pre-conceived notions and autocratic style quite often increases the distance between children and parents.
  • Elsewhere in the world, when autocratic or undemocratic regimes have passed away, audiences for foreign radio always go into steep decline as the local media improve.
  • The expression _multepal_, from _mul_, to do an act jointly, or in common, and _tepal_, to govern, is interesting as showing that the government of the country in its golden days of prosperity was not one of an autocratic monarch, but a league or confederation of the principal chiefs of the peninsula. The Maya Chronicles Brinton's Library Of Aboriginal American Literature, Number 1
  • His autocratic style made him extremely unpopular, and most of his achievements turned out to be temporary.
  • Social engineering is the practice of autocratic governments. Times, Sunday Times
  • A peine hier, Obama a tenu un très bon discours sur la bonne gouvernance et la démocratie, aujourd'hui un autre autocrate africain se prépare à renouveler son bail au pouvoir pour 7 ans encore malgré ses déboires judiciaires relatifs à ses biens immobiliers en France. Global Voices in English » Congo Brazzaville: Disappointment at Presidential election
  • An autocratic regime had survived, but the confidence and the security it had once possessed had cracked.
  • Despite their pitifully limited numbers they threw down an inspiring challenge to the might of the autocratic regime.
  • The printer who sticks to a standard is usually supposed to be arbitrary, autocratic, wilful, conceited, and generally toplofty.
  • He was also aloof, autocratic and lacking in managerial skills.
  • These autocratic managers quickly punish any underling who would begin to demand an ethical basis for work and production.
  • He was increasingly criticized for his autocratic and obstinate style of leadership.
  • Such ambiguity is anathema to autocratic regimes. Times, Sunday Times
  • In order to justify the internal repression that is inherent in non-democratic rule, dictators and autocrats must mobilize their nation for wars against both internal and external enemies.
  • Some British radicals argued, too, that overseas conquest bred autocratic habits, which then threatened liberty at home.
  • Plagued by tribal warfare, autocratic and murderous government, and an inefficient and corruption - ridden economy, it is trapped on the bloody borderland between primitivism and civilization.
  • Whether Labor or the State as the autocrat is preferable to existing capitalistic control, beholden as it is, in some measure at least, to both Labor and the State, is something to which conditions in Europe at the present time afford an all-sufficient answer. The Four Parties to Industry
  • But that very franchise model still allows the BCCI to manage the league autocratically. Will It Be the IPL Without the Razzmatazz?
  • His autocratic tendencies and hauteur towards the ex-convict population also brought him into conflict with his Legislative Council and sometimes with his masters in the Colonial Office.
  • It seemed certain to boost his reputation as a survivor and to stifle growing discontent with his autocratic leadership.
  • Here, then, is the Demi-Ourgos or grand artificer, constituted God autocratical and supreme. The Ruins, or, Meditation on the Revolutions of Empires and the Law of Nature
  • It has often been termed a socialistic empire, for it was an aristocratic and autocratic socialism, not a democratic one.
  • Lodging lake tahoe of a semantically skua unwebbed autocratically from a battler in sidesplitting ixobrychus with syneresis of cds that are not extraterritorial in your slickly gerbille at all. Rational Review
  • No surprise that long-serving board members have recently opted out, rather than to bow to this autocratic style.
  • Libya has been ruled by a dictator for forty two years, and Syria an equivalent time - so too in Yemen, Tunisia, Egypt, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Morocco and many other countries where authoritative regimes have been ruling autocratically. Asad Khan: Spiritual Awakening & the Future of Our World
  • McCain seemed to think he was a Latin American autocrat - despite the reporter repeatedly saying "I am talking about Spain. - Business News
  • Her son and successor, Paul I, was a nasty autocrat who ruled only five years before he was murdered in his bedroom by a group of nobles. rss feed
  • An autocratic leadership style and a seeming unwillingness to take advice is not helpful either.
  • Like every autocrat who has ever seized power, she insisted that she had no alternative but to sack a corrupt and treacherous government.
  • Autocratic rages and selfish bursts of temperament seem not to have been in his repertoire.
  • Furthermore, some organisations have a history of autocratic leaders whose style becomes not only acceptable but required. Times, Sunday Times
  • And we especially condemn and in God's name execrate those who not only omit both forms but also quite autocratically [tyrannically] prohibit, condemn, and blaspheme them as heresy, and so exalt themselves against and above Christ, our Lord and God The Smalcald Articles
  • He reigned autocratically for more than 32 years, but following his downfall his handpicked successor led a transitional government into free elections.
  • The Indian's guardian had got into a way of usurping autocratic power in disposing of the wards 'property. American Indian Stories
  • We understand we are making the terrorists, dictators and autocrats nervous.
  • They extracted resources and, with the help of small groups of locals, became autocratic occupiers of the land.
  • Mr. Lee is widely credited with ushering Taiwan into democracy from its previous autocratic rule by Chiang Kai-shek and his son Chiang Ching-kuo. Former Taiwan President Indicted
  • He has made it clear that the England team are a personal fiefdom, run on autocratic grounds. Times, Sunday Times
  • And he was, if you like, an absolute autocrat, a ruler.
  • Buoyed by his success he became more autocratic. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was preceded by months of attempted negotiations with a megalomaniac, power-hungry, delusional autocrat.
  • Sources tell me that this autocratic style led to managerial paralysis in the party and that the current leadership are doing their best to sort it all out.
  • Such events show that Mr. Corzine was "autocratically running this organization," Mr. Neugebauer said. Corzine Is the Invisible Man
  • He governed as an autocrat but also as a twentieth-century politician.
  • Does he really hold as much sway over them as an autocratic management style suggests? Times, Sunday Times
  • Instead, he seeks to change it by promoting liberty, freedom, and eventual democracy in countries ruled by autocrats.
  • It combined moderate agrarianism, a Home Rule program with electoral functions, was hierarchical and autocratic in structure with Parnell wielding immense authority and direct parliamentary control. Daily Life in the British Parliament: Understanding the Political Parties | Edwardian Promenade
  • Such security measures have always been associated with autocrats who are profoundly aware of the depth of the popular hatred they arouse.
  • But golf is also such a threat to autocrats and dictators because it is a game that is built around the rule of law - namely the Rules of Golf.
  • He will be autocratic and dictatorial, and things will only happen his way or not at all.
  • This time democratic rather than autocratic states are determining the shape of the new world.
  • The fact that the extremists and autocrats have had to resort now to unspeakable violence shows how much they have failed to win the war of ideas.
  • Many of those who speak at the UN are representative of no one save the kleptocratic or autocratic cliques who hold power by force in their respective states.
  • But his autocratic style has landed him in trouble with shareholders.
  • Back in February, one of Margaret’s many doctors, a short, autocratic Jewish Iraqi émigré, had inserted a flexible plastic tube known as a PEG an acronym of the medical term percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy through her skin and into her stomach to drain everything she swallowed into a bag outside her body. A Happy Marriage
  • The power of technology has often been thought to favour autocratic regimes. Times, Sunday Times
  • Never before have the ruling autocrats been as naked in the eyes of their publics as they are now.
  • He went to Roumania where his autocratic uncle drilled him in politics and duty.
  • The captain was given a share of the spoils and autocratic power. Times, Sunday Times
  • The upsurge of hundreds of thousands of ordinary people forced the government out, destroyed a centuries-old autocratic monarchy and ended the war.
  • Only yesterday Obama held a very good speech about good governance and democracy, today another African autocrat is preparing to renew his bail on power for yet another 7 years in spite of his judicial setbacks about his real estate in France. Global Voices in English » Congo Brazzaville: Disappointment at Presidential election
  • The ageing autocrat obviously intended to remain in power at any cost and by any means.
  • Plagued by tribal warfare, autocratic and murderous government, and an inefficient and corruption-ridden economy, it is trapped on the bloody borderland between primitivism and civilization.
  • The emir does not pretend he is anything but a benevolent modernising autocrat.
  • It is true also that there were many autocratic denizens of the quarterdeck whom a speck of dust would render apoplectic, but who were not in the least interested in accurate gunnery.
  • Buoyed by his success he became more autocratic. Times, Sunday Times
  • If the world's two largest powers share a common commitment to autocratic government then autocracy is not dead as an ideology. Times, Sunday Times
  • Even the most autocratic regime must, at the very least, concern itself with popular disorder.
  • The dictatorship of the proletariat became in practice personal power wielded by an autocratic leader. The Collins History of the World in the 20th Century
  • autocratic government
  • Lodging lake tahoe of a semantically skua unwebbed autocratically from a battler in sidesplitting ixobrychus with syneresis of cds that are not extraterritorial in your slickly gerbille at all. Rational Review
  • Peace required a deeply conservative political order, built on a single party, run by a paternal autocrat.
  • Remember how the autocratic ruler managed to cling on to power after a controversial war, and waged long and bloody battles against the French?
  • As present astral energies activate your more autocratic Arian qualities you want results, and you want them NOW!
  • Parliament of which Chaucer was a member was the assembly which boldly confronted the autocratical tendencies of Richard II, and after overthrowing the Chancellor, Michael de la Pole, Earl of Suffolk, forced upon the king a Council controlling the administration of affairs. Chaucer
  • Somewhere even the dictators and autocrats who send ambassadors to dialogue with ambassadors from free states know that to be true.
  • F1 is a favourite toy for autocratic regimes, mainly because so few can afford it. Times, Sunday Times
  • the Czars ruled Russia autocratically
  • Within three years he had full control and adopted a famously autocratic management style. Times, Sunday Times
  • He must step down to stop undermining the game with his autocratic style. Times, Sunday Times
  • It will always contain dictators, autocrats and murderous opportunists who will seek power and its spoils without regard for the death and suffering of others.
  • Someone should slap me but I think it's minor retribution for her unnecessarily autocratic, bossy tendencies that once again reared up yesterday.
  • As brilliantly demonstrated in Jeff James's assured revival at The Print Room, in Bayswater, there's not a word wasted in this quietly harrowing portrait of a high-ranking official in an unnamed autocratic state conducting a series of sinister, sadistic "chats" with three detained and abused members of the same family: husband, wife and child. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • It is good for man that he should feel himself at some time unshackled and autocratical, that he should say, This I do, because it is prescribed to me by the conditions without which I cannot exist, or by the election which in past time I deliberately made; and this, because it is dictated by the present frame of my spirit, and is therefore that in which the powers my nature has entailed upon me may be most fully manifested. Thoughts on Man: His Nature, Productions, and Discoveries
  • It is in the perfection of the stratocracy that we must look for the key to the excesses of the autocrat. The Caesars
  • Buoyed by his success he became more autocratic. Times, Sunday Times
  • The country has emerged as an economic superpower while retaining its autocratic political structures. Times, Sunday Times
  • an autocratic person
  • That's why in dictatorships or autocratic regimes those in power move quickly to suppress a free press.
  • But his autocratic style and often brutal manner also went down badly with many of the orchestra's musicians. Times, Sunday Times
  • Members involved in the new site's formation are also reportedly incensed by what they describe as Assange's "autocratic" behavior, and believe the rival site will be more "democratically governed. WikiLeaks Rival To Launch Monday?
  • He has made it clear that the England team are a personal fiefdom, run on autocratic grounds. Times, Sunday Times
  • The theory of autocracy is that power originated at the top; a mythical being known as "Gott" delegated to some favorite, who may be a wise man or a fool-it is about fifty-fifty in history-delegated to this favorite autocratic power, and this gentlemen spreads his power out upon a chosen few, and he and his associates rest squarely upon the masses of men, exploiting the mass of men for and in the interest of the few. Democracy or Bolshevism
  • These utilities are also at the mercy of local Public Service Commissions that can, pretty much, autocratically stop needed rate increases, or demand rate decreases, reduction in staff and so on. Think Progress » Duke’s Jim Rogers leaves Chamber of Commerce board after climate fight.
  • An autocrat like Genghis Khan who imposes his will on others, without any reference to principles, does not operate in the realm of justice.
  • And then they in turn became sclerotic, conservative, autocratic, and a drag on their societies, which is what they are now.
  • It gives that company almost autocratic powers and makes it very hard for retailers to turn down their demands. Going For It!: How to Succeed As an Entrepreneur
  • True, they were perfectly willing to overlook his autocratic management when the share price was rising.
  • Food price protests were seen a factor in the ousting of Indonesia's long-term autocrat Suharto in 1998, and anger over a farmland purchased by South Korean firm Daewoo at a time of rising prices was in part blamed for a 2009 coup in Madagascar. Record High Food Prices Stoke Fears For Economy
  • As President he had power and patronage enough to secure by intimidation and bribery the promulgation of a constitution which gave him autocratic power.
  • Established as a secular state by Mustafa Kemal, Attaturk (popularly known as the Father of the Turks), Turkey's political elite and military often defined and implemented their brand secularism (laic) as a hardline secularism, more autocratic than democratic, that was often anti-religion with little space for Islam in the public square. John L. Esposito: Post Turkey: Obama's Challenges and Opportunities in the Muslim World
  • Returned to St Petersburg, they transformed the lodges into secret societies and plotted to bring constitutional rule to an autocratic, caste-ridden, and militaristic state.
  • The president's resort to autocratic methods is above all directed against the working class.
  • Billary se parece a lost autocratas de Latinoamerica, es peor que los militares quienes hacen lo que sea para llegar al poder ......... con Obama 08 asta la victoria simpre!!!! independent McAuliffe says Clinton staying in, will win popular vote
  • The style of presentation is indeed somewhat discursive, especially in the citing and refuting of opposite opinions, and runs often into unprofitable distinctions and splittings of ideas, but the substantial contents are in the main so sound and excellent, that the almost autocratical authority enjoyed by Christian Ethics. Volume I.���History of Ethics.
  • The autocrat was replaced by a ruler responsible to the people.
  • It was deployed by autocratic rulers as an instrument of deep and vast social control.
  • Before the establishment of the state government, there was a judiciary created by an autocratical edict of General Riley; and a pamphlet, extracted and translated from the Mexican Constitutional laws of 1836, constituted the _Corpus Juris Civilis_ of the Territory of California. Mexico and its Religion With Incidents of Travel in That Country During Parts of the Years 1851-52-53-54, and Historical Notices of Events Connected With Places Visited
  • Un cinéaste qui a combattu, avec intelligence et élégance, le fanatisme religieux et l'autocratie là où il n'y a ni droits de l'homme ni liberté de croyance. Egyptians Mourn Filmmaker Youssef Chahine
  • Established as a secular state by Mustafa Kemal, Attaturk (popularly known as the Father of the Turks), Turkey's political elite and military often defined and implemented their brand secularism (laic) as a hardline secularism, more autocratic than democratic, that was often anti-religion with little space for Islam in the public square. John L. Esposito: Post Turkey: Obama's Challenges and Opportunities in the Muslim World
  • I say hurra for my country, and the man that says hurra for Jackson, deserves not the name of a freeman, but he ought to be a subject of the autocrat of Russia, and have the yoke of tyranny placed upon his neck till he was bowed down, down to the very dust. A Country of Vast Designs
  • He is no conservative, he's a crackpot - a tinhorn autocrat who has mistaken totalitarianism for conservatism.
  • This time democratic rather than autocratic states are determining the shape of the new world.
  • Aid to autocratic regimes often fuels corruption and impedes reform.
  • Catherine had innumerable lovers and did not find it contradictory to her enlightenment that she ruled Russia as an absolute autocrat.
  • Student representative council president Sakhile Khumalo said the campus was being run "autocratically" by acting rector Doretta van der Merwe. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • It was a protest against what he calls the hypocritical policies of the United States, which has supported Mubarak despite his autocratic rule. Longtime activist welcomes thousands of Egyptians to his cause
  • Supposedly in 1796 the final words of Russian Empress Catherine the Great were: “I shall be an autocrat: that’s my trade.
  • Autocratic leaders tend to make unilateral decisions, dictate work methods.
  • We in the Western nations long ago recognized autocracy in the public sector as poison, no matter how well-meaning the autocrat might be.
  • His autocratic and sometimes divisive style also made him few friends at the top end of town, and even his supporters say his government was losing touch.
  • Democratic movements had started out with the noble intentions of ending the tyranny of autocratic rulers.
  • Other political figures insisted that no changes be made to the autocratic 1945 constitution that gives the president wide powers.
  • SAN'A — Hundreds of protesters marched in each of Yemen's two biggest cities, the capital San'a and the port city of Aden, demonstrating in solidarity with the Egyptian uprising, which continues to captivate the Arab world and put pressure on other autocratic regimes in region. Anti-Mubarak Protests Flare in Yemen
  • The President resigned after 30 years of autocratic rule.

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