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How To Use Authorized In A Sentence

  • We're negotiating and that was one of our negotiating points," he told the AP, "but collective bargaining is a negotiating process, and that was not something that Ted was authorized to say and he will be dealt with for that lapse in judgment. Ted Leonsis fined $100,000 for comments on NBA salary cap
  • Without a serial number, a watch cannot be serviced or repaired by an authorized repair shop or the manufacturer.
  • The city authorized a housing project.
  • Article 13 requires, subject to Article 15, that authorized warehouse keepers shall give compulsory guarantees to cover movement of the dutiable goods.
  • Accepting every word, Ford authorized Bennett to sign his name to the statement.
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  • The darkest side of our adventurism is our global network of military prisons (authorized by the Secretary of Defense and Pentagon) where physical and mental torture are practiced even though it's known no useful information comes from it. A Review of Chalmers Johnson's Nemesis - The Last Days of the American Republic
  • Shipping case, soft carrying case, eyepiece and objective lens cap, and arctic adapter assembly are authorized ancillary items.
  • And the US Food & Drug Administration (FDA) has authorized a non-cariogenic health claim for isomaltulose. Archive 2007-09-01
  • The mayor, Dr. Arnold, was completely "subjugated," and, after consulting with him, I authorized him to assemble his City Council to take charge generally of the interests of the people; but warned all who remained that they must be strictly subordinate to the military law, and to the interests of the General Government. Memoirs of the Union's Three Great Civil War Generals
  • But crucial to the Apprendi analysis, and what distinguishes this from parole, is the additional imprisonment term is not authorized unless and until the judge finds a violation of the terms of release. The Volokh Conspiracy » Extending Probation Sentence Without Proof Beyond a Reasonable Doubt?
  • Latest twitter updates for the unauthorized authorized autobiographer: The long road home. Latest twitter updates for the unauthorized authorized autobiographer
  • He was finally appointed lieutenant colonel and authorized to raise a regiment.
  • To be eligible for the assistance, the projects had to be validated and certified by authorized bodies.
  • Whenever, by the judgment of the town council of any town, a highway or driftway in the town, or any part of either, has ceased to be useful to the public the town council of the town is authorized so to declare it by an order or decree which shall be final and conclusive.
  • The authorized return fare was 36,000 in September, but prices have zoomed up since that we understand.
  • The Central Bank is authorized to sell government bonds on the open market.
  • Unversity, be authorized on behalf of this Board to attend the sale of the real estate of the said Herndon advertised for sale in Washington to-morrow, by the National Savings Board of Visitors minutes
  • After import and export commodity inspection of product quality products quality inspection agencies authorized.
  • ANDREW MORTON, AUTHOR, "TOM CRUISE: AN UNAUTHORIZED BIOGRAPHY": He could be in the position of what they call inspector general inside scientology. CNN Transcript Jan 17, 2008
  • The statute, in addition to its provision for silent meditation, authorized teachers to ask students whether they wished to pray.
  • He is authorized to distribute up to 200 computers.
  • The gray physical-fitness uniform is no longer authorized for wear for physical training.
  • IN WITNESS WHEREOF the undersigned Bemar Construction Ltd. has hereunto affixed its corporate seal duly attested under the hand of its proper signing officer authorized in that regard this 10th day of October, 1990.
  • These sites usually either implicitly imply, or explicitly and falsely state, that they are an authorized dealer.
  • That quote made me wonder if the commission is authorized to smack people. Augustine Committee Meets at MSFC Today - NASA Watch
  • Ltd is a professional foreign trade company holding the rights of general trade and frontier trade authorized by the National Department of Commercial Affairs.
  • Other transactions including, without limitation, online purchases, mail and telephone orders, other transactions without sales slip and any unauthorized transaction are not eligible for the offers.
  • BRAND: I think you would want to press the procedures that were used, see whether the wiretaps have been legitimately authorized, whether all the material that was wiretapped, including some things that we lawyers call exculpatory -- that is, things that tend to prove your innocence -- are not on the tapes or that should be on the tapes and available to you. CNN Transcript Dec 11, 2008
  • Knowing that he is not authorized by the laws of this state to do so, he performs a marriage ceremony or presumes to solemnize a marriage.
  •  Six sigma approach as a way to measure the performance and to correct  mistakes; Know the level of knowledge of the people you have to work with;  Integrity and loyalty: respect of the company rules for being an  authorized subdealer; Contamination control standards for repairs. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • Entry to the airport in Kingston, Jamaica, a very busy airport, is limited to passengers with tickets and to authorized employees.
  • In general, the longer the password and the more complicated it is, the more difficult it is for an unauthorized person to crack it.
  • The report should show that the amount of imprest cash authorized and the total cash on hand equal zero.
  • the continued existence of an abatable nuisance is not authorized under the law
  • The city authorized a housing project.
  • Therefore, the shoulder-sleeve insignia was authorized to be worn with the blue uppermost to conform to the manner of wearing the brassard.
  • The document was duly signed and authorized by the inspector.
  • Among the problems caused by poor communications: excess inventories along the supply chain, misdirected products, unauthorized substitutions and spoilage.
  • The competent authorities in the Member States may permit the transporter or the owner of the products to provide a guarantee in place of that provided by the authorized warehouse keeper of dispatch.
  • Rather, the authority of law rested solely on the fact that it was promulgated by the authorized ruler.
  • In his estimation, the Authorized Version, more than any other European Bible, had a flowing limpidity combined with ritual overtones.
  • Chernomyrdin denied that Moscow had authorized transfer of the giant missile, administration officials said.
  • The practice of lumping such unauthorized charges onto bills, either by phone companies or third parties like chat lines or psychic readings, is known as "cramming. SFGate: Top News Stories
  • The Central Bank is authorized to sell government bonds on the open market.
  • Congress - the very entity which authorized fractional reserve banking and the Federal Reserve ability effectiveyl control our economy - is now going to "scrutinize" it?!? Original Signal - Transmitting Digg
  • I claim that the term piracy was co-opted by business interests to include those making unauthorized copies of music for their private listening purposes - where there was no profit or reselling involved. Original Signal - Transmitting Digg
  • PS 3/18/08: Reader Mike Mariano has written to inform me that THE SECRET OF BLOOD ISLAND actually had a VHS release, possibly unauthorized, under the title POW: PRISONERS OF WAR. Archive 2008-03-16
  • Only authorized personnel have access to the computer system.
  • From time to time Sendak has also authorized more modest theater productions.
  • O'BRIEN: Let's talk about Katharine Hepburn, the new book about -- I guess it's her authorized autography. CNN Transcript Jul 14, 2003
  • The only existing continental gaming houses authorized by government are now the two Badens, Spa (of which the lease is nearly expired, and will not be renewed), Monaco (capital of the ridiculous little Italian principality, of which the suzerain is a scion of the house of "Grimaldi&"), Malmöe, in Sweden, too remote to do much harm, and HOMBOURG. The Gaming Table: Its Votaries and Victims, In All Times and Countries, especially in England and in France
  • A financial institution may provide the required data by submitting electronic media in a compatible format, delivering, mailing, or telefaxing a copy of the data, or by other means authorized by the commissioner of human services that will result in timely reporting.
  • For narratology, legitimate signals must have been authorized as such, demonstrably asserted by the text either in explicit statement or through conventional signs like quotation marks.
  • Congress authorized the new tax on tobacco.
  • Ideologically, the Clinton administration was committed to the idea that most terrorists were misunderstood, had legitimate grievances, and could be appeased, which is why such military action as the administration authorized was so halfhearted, and ineffective, and designed more for 'show' than for honestly eliminating a threat. Archive 2008-08-01
  • Then, he called the attackers "leftist hackers," and argued that their actions were in retaliation for his comments about the unauthorized access of Alaska Gov. Latest from Computerworld
  • Yes, the movie sees the rule of law as making the difference between civilization and banditry, but that doesn't stop it from celebrating the violent and unauthorized murder of the villain by the hero.
  • Use by unauthorized persons is a violation of applicable laws.
  • -- "Proprietors interested in the execution of the above-mentioned works may unite in an authorized syndical company, either on the demand of one or of several among them, or on the initiative of the prefect. The Modern Regime, Volume 1
  • I am authorized to intercede with those greater than myself. DESPERADOES
  • FAIR, by the way, is known as a strident anti-immigration organization that wants to substantially decrease both legal and unauthorized immigration to the United States. Front Page
  • The rendition program was authorized under the Clinton administration and received bipartisan Congressional approval.
  • NPD is a prototype of the full-scale 200,000 kilowatt nuclear station known as CANDU, which was authorized last year. Putting The Atom To Work
  • Consumers instead flock to unauthorized sites offering unfettered music for free.
  • Meanwhile, Lincoln conducted the bloodiest war in U.S. history to preserve the Union, authorized the deployment of deadly new weaponry such as mines, ironclad warships and niter a 19th-century version of napalm, and accepted huge casualties for his chosen cause. Five myths about Abraham Lincoln
  • The Empire set up a large number of independent local mints that were authorized subject to some degree of imperial oversight to mint coinage more or less without restriction.
  • The House also authorized utilization of General Revenue Funds (GRF) to restore some of the Governor's most devastating cuts to healthcare, hospitals, senior programs and human services. Greg Harris: House Restores Budget Cuts, Affirms Strong Ethics Law
  • It's a vague enough notion, that something unauthorized was then loaded under cover of the dark.
  • It was admitted by Mr Ward that the Board had not authorized the payment.
  • MCINTYRE: The charge sheet for Senior Airman Ahmad al-Halabi lists dozens of security breaches, everything from downloading classified information to his laptop computer from a secure system, to gathering over 180 electronic version of written notes from prisoners, to delivering unauthorized food, namely baklava pastries. CNN Transcript Sep 24, 2003
  • Living without formal immigration status translates into a life of constant apprehensiveness and difficult decisions for unauthorized individuals. Timothy J. Steigenga: Why We Wrote Living "Illegal"
  • `You haven't been showing the Dialogues to anyone unauthorized, I hope. CASCADES - THE DAY OF THE DEAD
  • In September 2001, Congress passed the Air Transportation Safety and System Stabilization Act, which authorized payments of up to five billion dollars in assistance to reimburse airlines for the postattack four-day shutdown of air traffic and attributable losses through the end of 2001. EconTalk
  • Also, the first time I have seen a wannabee wear an unauthorized Good Conduct Medal. Heroes or Villains?
  • Riddell was jailed Tuesday and faces a charge of unauthorized practice of law. Prosecutor Stephen S. Snook said he also hopes to file identity theft charges.
  • The accord also authorized the creation of a mechanism to monitor the observance of conventions banning biological weapons.
  • However, rules are made to be broken, and besides, I wasn't the first unauthorized visitor to Martin Cheetham's office. KICK BACK
  • The Secretary of the Interior, acting through such agency or agencies of the Department of the Interior as he shall designate, is authorized and directed to wind up the affairs of the Authority, and to utilize for such purpose so much of the personnel, records, property, and funds of the Authority as may be necessary. EXECUTIVE ORDER 9742
  • The attorney general was authorized to request only a cease and desist order, which, if not followed, could be punished as contempt of court.
  • The court reasoned that using the userid and password in violation of a contractual provision was an unauthorized access.
  • First they are afraid of a terrorist who can't do any harm and then they are afraid this terrorist will let the cat out of the bag and tell the whole world what cheney authorized and the piddle widdle bush went along with ... State of the Union: John King's Crib Sheet for November 15
  • In 1940, Congress authorized cost-plus contracts and advance payments.
  • Tourists wishing to claim their tax refunds must obtain tax forms from the authorized VAT store where the merchandise was purchased at the time of purchase.
  • The Terror of Fu Manchu is the title of a forthcoming authorized Fu Manchu novel expected to relaunch the series by William Patrick Maynard. Archive 2007-03-01
  • Unauthorized absence is sufficient reason for dismissal.
  • They're charged with conspiracy, computer fraud, wire fraud, and possession of unauthorized access devices.
  • The investor shall entrust the authorized consultative bodies or agencies with application and documents submission for approval.
  • `Lieutenant Viard will be charged with the unauthorized use of a military vehicle," the military police officer explained. WHEN THE APRICOTS BLOOM
  • Initials in the appropriate approvals section ensure that such additions have been properly authorized and advised to the cost accountant.
  • PERIMETER COMMAND NORTHERN ARMY GROUP Unauthorized egress from the Perimeter Zone is strictly forbidden. LIRAEL: DAUGHTER OF THE CLAYR
  • Last week, UBS disclosed that a London-based trader at its investment bank had generated $2.3 billion in losses through what it called unauthorized trades. UBS Trader Faces New Charge
  • Even triggers that may be adjusted arrive from the factory with the adjustments sealed and accompanied by dire warnings about unauthorized tampering.
  • He is sufficiently authorized, as pleni-potentiary, to settle the great concerns that lie between God and man, to take up the controversy which would inevitably have been our ruin, and to establish the correspondence that was necessary to our happiness; see Acts ii. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume V (Matthew to John)
  • The commerce power invoked here by the Congress is a specific and plenary one authorized by the Constitution itself.
  • The method includes determining whether the femtocell is authorized to provide wireless connectivity to a mobile unit based on information stored in a secure entity in the secure network.
  • The GRANT statement allows an authorized user to grant these privileges and the REVOKE statement is used to remove them.
  • Michigan relating to primary schools make it the duty of the district board to exempt from the payment of teachers 'wages not only, but from providing fuel for the use of the district, all such persons residing therein as in their opinion ought to be exempted, and to admit the children of such persons to the school free of charge not only, but the district board is authorized to purchase, _at the expense of the district_, such books as may be necessary for the use of children thus admitted by them to the district school. Popular Education For the use of Parents and Teachers, and for Young Persons of Both Sexes
  • Brooks, and Chief Dave Snowden, who authorized me to train countless times on city time. Heroes or Villains?
  • Congress also allows the Department of Transportation to reference additional but unauthorized amounts in full-funding agreements.
  • Once clearance has been authorized, it is imperative to receive proper instruction from a certified exercise professional.
  • For example if you have an address in the correct City, a city that has a wide or conus beam rather than a narrow or spot beam, you are authorized to watch that Channel. DISH Network, shutdown update
  • The behavior of authorized representative is legally valid only within the scope and the duration of this Letter of Authorization. The legal consequence is recognized and assumed by me and my firm.
  • It was informal, unsanctioned, unauthorized and went off without a hitch.
  • They also argued that the FBI violated Russian law, which strictly forbids un-authorized trespass on hard drives.
  • The Secretary of the Interior, acting through such agency or agencies of the Department of the Interior as he shall designate, is authorized and directed to wind up the affairs of the Administration, and to utilize therefor so much of the personnel, records, property, and funds of the Administration as may be necessary. EXECUTIVE ORDER 9718
  • Fortunately, a more efficient system is finally on the doorstep of America's most stubborn, foot-dragging, reactionary sector—government at the local, state and especially federal levels—and its officially authorized, customer-hating agents, the Democrats and Republicans. Death of the Duopoly
  • “baptism” here in its authorized acceptation, which is the immersion of the body of a believer in water in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, by a properly authorized administrator of the ordinance. Life and Labors of Elder John Kline the Martyr Missionary
  • Under this suspension, the Spanish Royal Guard is now authorized to enter and search the trailers and vehicles of any citizen.
  • It is authorized to decide all cases of every description, arising under the constitution or laws of the United States.
  • If they did not accept them, the issuance of such notes by them, not only subjects the officers to the penalties against unauthorized banking, but is a misuser, and also works a forfeiture. Journal of the House of Representatives of the State of Mississippi, December Session of 1862, and November Session of 1863
  • The president authorized his ambassador to sign the treaty.
  • The behavior of authorized representative is legally valid only within the scope and the duration of this Letter of Authorization. The legal consequence is recognized and assumed by me and my firm.
  • With Mr. Dominy's wangling, the proposed high-rise was authorized as a dam. Floyd E. Dominy, 100; bureaucrat helped build dams
  • No national bank shall be subject to any visitatorial powers other than such as are authorized by law, or vested in the courts of justice or such as shall be or shall have been exercised or directed by Congress, or by either House thereof or by any committee of Congress or of either House duly authorized.
  • Authorized rights consist of the right to acknowledge for litigants, the right of conciliation and the right to countercharge and so on.
  • Where the holder makes presentment for payment beyond the above time limit, the authorized payer shall reject it.
  • Authorized users from Jewish Theological Seminary wishing access must obtain a Columbia University Library Reading Card.
  • Though the government is mapping out sophisticated strategies to checkmate their unauthorized intruders.
  • And I am authorized to buy whatever I think might please her. COLDHEART CANYON
  • No access for unauthorized personnel.
  • I pressed the guy on that last one until he explained the Dell has three authorized service companies that handle warrantee work. Dell Mexico
  • Systems and methods which enable fast and simple identification of unauthorized users of cellular telephones are described.
  • You can protect your SIM card from unauthorized use by assigning a PIN personal identification number.
  • Unauthorized vehicles will be wheel clamped or towed away.
  • To take something in execution was a legally authorized form of self-help.
  • Those veterans who were authorized by Army Regulations 600-95 to wear wound chevrons could apply for the new award.
  • The Remington parkerized shotguns, with fourteen inch barrel, modified choke, Wilson Combat Ghost Ring rear sight and XS4 Contour Bead front sight, Knoxx Reduced Recoil Adjustable Stock, and Speedfeed ribbed black forend, are designated as the only shotguns authorized for IRS duty based on compatibility with IRS existing shotgun inventory, certified armorer and combat training and protocol, maintenance, and parts. How You Can Fight Global Warming
  • Bachmann's faith-based organization was over the top," said a campaign staffer who said he was not authorized to speak for the campaign and so could not give his name he donned a shirt embroidered with the phrase, "Jesus is Lord Over America". NPR Topics: News
  • She authorized her assistant to sign the papers
  • What parish priest is the authorized witness of sponsalia?
  • Associations attempting to act as a collegium, when not duly authorized, were called collegia illicita. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 4: Clandestinity-Diocesan Chancery
  • Nothing prevents an unauthorized program from performing the same steps and printing out all the usernames and passwords.
  • Are also illegal unauthorized access to a protected computer system for the purpose of obtaining information and knowingly collecting an unlawful consumer debt, and using abus [ive] means to do so, MediaSentry operates in Australia: confirmed
  • Unauthorized claims to this medal is a FEDERAL CRIME. Gerald Bluefeather Smith
  • Days of Field Service shall be provided an authorized, factory trained representative of the Pump Manufacturer.
  • In addition to the 5th Amd claim authorized by Chavez, Chavez also seemed to compemplate a substantive due process claim (by Chavez himself or in the type of circs under disc in thisthd). The Volokh Conspiracy » Ten Rules for Dealing with Police
  • After reading about two controversies over an unauthorized concelebration between Anglican and Roman Catholic priests one in a priory in Ireland and another more recently in Arizona, it got me thinking about the mutual recognition of orders and that led me to recall the old effort to resolve the problem through the "Dutch touch" and that led me to remember a conversation I once had about . . . the "Kenyan touch. The "Kenyan touch?"
  • As an alternative, she suggests making that partner an authorized user of an existing credit card.
  • (Ps. 150: 4), rendered "stringed instruments;" in Ps. 45: 8, in the form minni, probably the apocopated (i.e., shortened) plural, rendered, Authorized Version, "whereby," and in the Easton's Bible Dictionary
  • Interior Secretary Ken Salazar on Thursday scrapped a plan, authorized in the last days of the Bush administration, to nearly quadruple the allowable logging on federal lands in western Oregon - including many prized old-growth stands - and open up protected northern spotted owl habitat across Oregon, Washington and Northern California to timber companies. POLITICAL HOT TOPICS: July 17, 2009
  • the authorized biography
  • Morgan Stanley declined to comment, but in court pleadings last year, lawyers for the firm said that St. Vincent representatives "authorized and were aware of" the specific investments that were made. Government Joins Suit Over Pension
  • An actual and justiciable controversy exists between Apple and Motorola with respect to whether Apple is authorized to use Qualcomm components," Apple wrote, adding that Motorola could cause "irreparable harm" if it is not kept from filing additional lawsuits alleging Apple infringes its patents. Apple Sues Motorola in Latest Legal Spat
  • In 1992, a land legislation reform authorized sales (with restrictions) and tenancy contracts (without restrictions) on ejido land.
  • The court is only authorized to review cases if it is presented with new facts or proof of innocence.
  • So, over the protests of environmental groups, the clearcutting was authorized. Timber Interests In Bed With Politicians?! The Scientific Activist
  • Individual fisherman are allocated quotas that entitle them to portions of the authorized total allowable catch.
  • The high reputation of this authorized translation is shown by the fact that it has a Masorah of its own. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 14: Simony-Tournon
  • Strong mail volume this month might add enough revenue to justify making the $5.5 billion payment to the government, but it would still leave little in postal coffers, said sources familiar with the process but not authorized to speak on the record. Postal Service close to going broke
  • This significant issue - the unauthorized disclosure of classified intelligence - has been extraordinarily resistant to correctives.
  • Latest twitter updates for the unauthorized authorized autobiographer » Holmes contra Holmes
  • Unauthorized personnel are not allowed on the premises.
  • `Lieutenant Viard will be charged with the unauthorized use of a military vehicle," the military police officer explained. WHEN THE APRICOTS BLOOM
  • The New York Times obituary quotes Yale historian John Lewis Gaddis, Kennan's authorized biographer: ‘He'll be remembered as a diplomatist and a grand strategist of the cold war.’
  • In the proceedings of the parliament of 1242, which were duly recorded and which survive as the earliest authorized report of a parliamentary debate, we find the representatives of the nation, after thoroughly discussing the expediency of a foreign war, bold enough to oppose it by refusing an aid to the king to carry it on.
  • Assigned storage spaces shall be located where cylinders will not be knocked over or damaged by passing or falling objects, or be subject to tampering by unauthorized persons.
  • SINGAPORE—Singapore's gambling watchdog has fined the city-state's two licensed casino operators a total 385,000 Singapore dollars US$308,000 for breaches relating to the admission of unauthorized locals and minors into the two gambling facilities in 2010 and 2011. Singapore Fines Casinos for Admission Breaches
  • Last month, a federal appeals court in California dramatically and unwarrantedly expanded the scope of the federal criminal law prohibiting "unauthorized access" to computers and electronic mail.
  • The estate authorized the creation of this slightly desexualized version in order to (a) make money and (b) promote awareness of sex ed etc. Archive 2009-02-01
  • The word adder occurs five times in the text of the Authorized Smith's Bible Dictionary
  • Pharmacists are authorized to withhold dispensing of medications ordered via nonapproved abbreviations.
  • Based on that, he figured you'd be able to quote me a price and, if it's in the ballpark, I'm authorized to okay it on the spot. CORMORANT
  • On May 28, the Privy Council authorized a Mr. Smith to visit Elizabeth to discuss one of her properties because it "doth moche importe hym to speke wth the ladye Elizabeth. From Heads of Household to Heads of State: The Preaccession Households of Mary and Elizabeth Tudor, 1516-1558
  • The statute, in addition to its provision for silent meditation, authorized teachers to ask students whether they wished to pray.
  • All the officers on deck are required at their stations, and the commander has authorized what I call a flanking movement, which I purpose to send out under your orders. A Victorious Union
  • The newest market for retail hedge-fund investors is Hong Kong, where regulators are scheduled to announce later this week how many funds have been authorized to sell to noninstitutional investors.
  • The accord also authorized the creation of a mechanism to monitor the observance of conventions banning biological weapons.
  • Individual fisherman are allocated quotas that entitle them to portions of the authorized total allowable catch.
  • baptism" here in its authorized acceptation, which is the immersion of the body of a believer in water in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, by a properly authorized administrator of the ordinance. Life and Labors of Elder John Kline, the Martyr Missionary Collated from his Diary by Benjamin Funk
  • The stealth, and the gradualness, which seemed to characterize what was going on, did not suggest the activities of authorized representatives of Miles of Argentum. Kajira Of Gor
  • The Public Utility Commission, which authorized the so-called nodal project in 2003, estimated it would deliver $5.6 billion in consumer benefits over its first decade of operation. - Highschool
  • In their book, "Secrets of the Lost Symbol: The Unauthorized Guide to the Mysteries Behind the Da Vinci Code Sequel, " they uncover anagrams and coded phrases and a host of other curious facts.
  • Specialists in stripping us of what we could live, experiment, and know beyond our borders, the officials of the DIE tell me that I am not authorized to travel "for the time being. Yoani Sanchez: "Permission Denied": The Cuban Regime Is Afraid To Let Me Travel
  • Constitution for the people of the United States to "dispose of" their public lands, and I think I may venture to assert with confidence that no case can be found in which a trustee in the position of Congress has been authorized to "_dispose of_" property by its owner where it has been held that these words authorized such trustee to give away the fund intrusted to his care. A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents Volume 5, part 4: James Buchanan
  • But AOL blocked Microsoft users from sending its customers instant messages, citing Microsoft's unauthorized access to its system, hardly the kind of neighborliness that AOL has been espousing in the cable business. The War Of The Wires
  • Accordingly, the calling to account of ministers in the Chamber was authorized in 1867 and a liberal press law was passed in 1868.
  • Woolsey served on the Petaluma City Council when the flood project was authorized after the devastating floods of 1982-83.
  • Note: A recently fixed bug in the Zend Framework returns an array of listings when more than one address range is authorized for a particular port.
  • As authorized by statute the Oklahoma Corporation Commission, finding that existing low field prices for gas were resulting in economic and physical waste, issued orders fixing a minimum price for natural gas and requiring the Cities Service Company to take gas ratably from another producer in the same field at the dictated price. The Constitution of the United States of America: Analysis and Interpretation Annotations of Cases Decided by the Supreme Court of the United States to June 30, 1952
  • Betting is currently allowed at official booths at dog and horse racing tracks, and some bookmakers are authorized to place odds on some sports events.
  • Initials in the appropriate approvals section ensure that such additions have been properly authorized and advised to the cost accountant.
  • The statute, in addition to its provision for silent meditation, authorized teachers to ask students whether they wished to pray.
  • Supervisors also authorized staff to work out details and implement the program.
  • With regard to the number of men liable to conscription, who have been removed from this department, this information can best be obtained from the bureau of conscription, the officers of which were authorized by the Adjutant General's orders to conscribe all who were efficient for field service. [Communication from the Secretary of War, Jan. 23, 1864],
  • In addition to these vessels, Congress authorized seven dreadnoughts in 1916 and seven fast battleships in 1940, none of which was finished.
  • The person asked not to be named because employees areno' authorized to speak to the press. U.N. Evacuates 200 Ivory Coast Staff
  • Latest twitter updates for the unauthorized authorized autobiographer | The quotable David Simon: Of course its socialism
  • The Secretary of the Interior is authorized and directed to maintain customary working conditions in the mines and customary procedure for the adjustment of workers 'grievances. EXECUTIVE ORDER 9728
  • To secure your interest, termination requests will ONLY be processed with authorized signature as well as company chop (if applicable).
  • The veto must be authorized by statute and may only negate what an Executive department or independent agency has proposed.
  • No agents or solicitors are authorized to seek contributions for The New York Times Neediest Cases Fund.
  • The Negotiating Bank is authorized to negotiate the usance drafts at sight for the face amount.
  • In no way a husband has been authorized to take back the dower money from his wife in case he divorces her.
  • The authorized representative shall attach the written "certification of authorization" to the bid document.
  • To pair customers with an Authorized Runco Dealer in their area, each page of the new Web site has a new zip-code-based dealer locator, which is powered by Google Maps and provides driving directions, links to dealer websites and contact information. CE Pro Recently Filed
  • The airline last week began court-authorized searches of the home computers of flight attendants whom the airline suspects organized a sick-out over the New Year's holiday.
  • Congress also allows the Department of Transportation to reference additional but unauthorized amounts in full-funding agreements.
  • The sign on the gates read "No Unauthorized Entry".
  • Second, validity of marriage must be authorized by government.
  • The Secretary of the Interior is authorized and directed to maintain customary working conditions in the mines and customary procedures for the adjustment of workers 'grievances. EXECUTIVE ORDER 9758

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