How To Use Authentic In A Sentence

  • She achieves a level of authenticity many self-proclaimed life coaches and motivators fail to deliver.
  • The church that holds the undisputable proof as the first authentical apostolic establishment with founder the apostle of the Gentiles himself. Conversion of a High Priest into a Christian Worker
  • Authentic Chinese patterns come to life in silk jacquards, prints and exquisite beaded pieces.
  • There are numerous non-French vineyards pumping out inauthentic champagne.
  • In its favour, there is some genuine tension in the car chase sequences, and the marauding gangs of children seem not only authentic but realistically threatening.
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  • She questioned the authenticity of the contracts the two fighters signed, saying that one alleged he was forced to sign a blank contract.
  • Just last year, pinkos raised a stink over the NCERT's deleting of certain offensive and unauthenticated assertions from history books.
  • We can perceive Lu Xun's authentic attitude to Tao Yuanming's reclusion from his high estimation of Tao Yuan ming.
  • And the ultimate separation, the ultimate twinning, is the separation between the lawyer and the self — the creation of a professional role that is not you, but comes to have a life of its own, that comes to be as important as the authentic self. Is That Legal?: Books Archives
  • Believing in the authenticity of such apparitions is not even a requirement of Catholic faith.
  • You wouldn't be wanting me to, say, authenticate it, would you? WHISTLER IN THE DARK
  • Lastly, the hatred and contempt of the past two millennia add a formidable barrier to authentic communication.
  • To remove these difficulties, we transmit you a certified copy of an authenticated decree of the National Convention of France, of the sixteenth Pluviose, second year of the Republic; (February fifth, 1794,) which has been lately received by the Pennsylvania The Journal of Negro History, Volume 6, 1921
  • The Japanese cuisine, as served in the Yamato, is authentic with the various styles covering sashimi, sushi, sukiyaki and tempura items, plus many others such as yaki soba, a favorite of the golfing guru Mike Franklin.
  • Manda could see the building had been restored numerous times to make it looked authentic.
  • Instead of being authentic art, music becomes a thing to be bought and sold, which debases the very meaning of the music and defangs the threat.
  • Originating from a New York café conversation Marston had with a former mule, the film has a semi-documentary feel and projects the authenticity of careful research.
  • The lawyer says his client has started compiling documents that he says will authenticate her life story as she tells it in the book.
  • Critics saw this move into the thriller genre as an admission of the inauthenticity of his supposedly factual work. Times, Sunday Times
  • Catalog database dbase2 (without specifying authentication, or specifying authentication as kerberos).
  • Creating authentic images depends on coherent focusing, color correction and proper whiteness.
  • So check for an authentic service history and that the chassis number and invoices tally with the car you're viewing. Times, Sunday Times
  • It adds an extra layer of authenticity to an already frighteningly realistic film.
  • The costuming is wonderfully authentic, and as fine quillwork as I've ever seen done.
  • The authentic beaded doll had large gold neck rings, so we added strips of silver foil paper around the top and bottom of our cups with tacky craft glue to simulate precious metal.
  • As in an authentic Moroccan riad, the home encompasses an enclosed court-yard with a shaded arcade for lounging.
  • Collectors of everything from uncirculated coins to Parker shotguns agree that there are three criteria in determining the worth of a collector's item - rarity, authenticity and quality.
  • Anger and hatred are powerless in the face of authentic human kindness.
  • There are few stamps of authenticity more profound than the voice of the subject. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Mandalay Bay Resort & Casino is building an authentic dohyo, or ring, and hopes to pack in about 12,000 people per night at $75 a pop and up. SUMO: VEGAS'S NEWEST GAMBLE
  • Ruby's overanalytical, fast-paced and authentic narration will win over new devotees, while her loyal fans will no doubt hope for more. E. Lockhart's Blog:
  • There are factors, however, that have cast doubt on the statue's authenticity.
  • I have already arranged with a sympathizer there to use his video recorder to check the authenticity of Kinnard's tape. THE DEVIL'S DOOR
  • The authenticity of her story is beyond doubt.
  • How would your life be different if...You approached all relationships with authenticity and honesty? Let today be the day...You dedicate yourself to building relationships on the solid foundation of truth and authenticity. Steve Maraboli 
  • A closed portal requires users to authenticate before they get access.
  • Also just to kinda clarify the difference between authentic Greek gryo and what isn’t … depending on who you ask and where they are from, “Authentic” Greek gyro is sometimes refered to as being Donner, which is usually Pork and/or Lamb that has been pounded out thin, and marinated and then put layered onto a vertical spit and then roasted on the gryo cookers we love to drool over. Is Gyro II The Best Gyro Midtown Has to Offer? | Midtown Lunch - Finding Lunch in the Food Wasteland of NYC's Midtown Manhattan
  • There is a shallowness to the culture there that can make you question the authenticity of anything coming out of the place.
  • The copy he made of the painting can pass for an authentic one.
  • A lunch of Bangkok street food means the only thing missing from this otherwise authentic experience is the jet lag. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was made in a naturalistic set with a starry cast, authentic props and costumes. Times, Sunday Times
  • To be an authentic fan is to care about the art regardless of money and certainly not to make money off the artist.
  • When his neophyte cast pull it off, their exchanges have an appealingly edgy authenticity.
  • Heidegger turns explicitly to the question of what is involved in existing authentically.
  • But what makes this movie so much fun is the authentic retro feel.
  • American defender of theirs says just the same of their industrialism and free-trade; indeed, this gentleman, taking the bull by the horns, proposes that we should for the [78] future call industrialism culture, and the industrialists the men of culture, and then of course there can be no longer any misapprehension about their true character; and besides the pleasure of being wealthy and comfortable, they will have authentic recognition as vessels of sweetness and light. Culture and Anarchy
  • With a growing demand for luxury products to reflect pedigree and personality, authentic rarity has become a design trend. Times, Sunday Times
  • For mobile users, firewalls allow remote access into private networks by the use of secure logon procedures and authentication certificates.
  • The shark's fin was made up of concentrated chicken consommé, gelatinized and shaped into strands like the authentic article.
  • It has the benefit of a modern approach to cadence and syncopated rhythm, yet it feels more authentic and true to the material.
  • This "War of the Worlds" cast and authentic reproduction deserve "rebroadcast" - as it were - News :
  • In Nizan's theory of the revolutionary novel it is elevated to the status of necessary pre-condition of authentic writing practices.
  • Most felt they were listening to the authentic voice of a suffering father. Times, Sunday Times
  • Authenticated items usually go for about twice as much as unauthenticated items.
  • On the other hand, if large amounts of well-preserved authentic paint are obscured, it is usually worthwhile revealing them and regaining the tonality of the original colours.
  • The homoerotic element to the poem is more pronounced in Mitchell's translation than others, and it is also one of its authentic elements.
  • The robust, authentic Polish home cooking is cheap and satisfying and served cafeteria-style.
  • His forte lay in articulating authentic emotion, because most of his fictional writing was structured around intensely felt personal experiences.
  • The dish was surprisingly good, consisting of two crispy, crunchy fritters and an authentic-tasting peanut dipping sauce.
  • Denim shorts and skirts with frayed edges give an authentic feel. The Sun
  • Local TV stations are ready for the panel report on how unauthenticated documents found their way into Dan Rather's story.
  • But Western culture was very reluctant to authenticate reports of meteorite falls.
  • All those obscenities and repeated slang phrases may be authentic but they tend to impoverish the language of his books.
  • Our armour and weaponry were of course wholly authentic, as were our battle cries of 'Ouch' and 'I can't see where I'm going', although we didn't get round to deciding who was a Roundhead, who a Cavalier. Archive 2009-08-01
  • Yet how frankly authentic they now seem. Times, Sunday Times
  • I first read the y-axis as ‘authenticism’. .which of course would have more accurately been ‘authenticity’ … anyways. And swagger.
  • By the excellent sales of notebook products are authentic licensed, a formal invoice .
  • To study Wang Zuoliang's translation version of Thunderstorm with the guidance of Relevance-Adaptation Model, it is easy to find out some authentic and unauthentic translation examples.
  • It contains a massive array of war relics, collected from all round the world down the years, including authentic uniforms modelled by specially-made dummies in authentic uniforms.
  • They also assured the government that Muslims will themselves boycott such madrasas if the government produce any authentic evidence or proof regarding anti-national acts being indulged in by them.
  • From their perspective, schools are repositories of the authentic national culture which they transmit between generations.
  • In this kind of inauthentic, aesthetically impoverished fiction, the writer has latched on to fiction as a vehicle for "saying something," not as a form of verbal art in which the work must "say" for itself. John Dewey's *Art as Experience*
  • Hemma meaning Queen, in Twi, the native language of Ghana, is a luxury lifestyle brand that merges authentic African Kente cloth with western world high fashion for a look that is high in both culture and style. Feature: Harlem’s Hemma Couture «
  • He tends to swell held notes in both slow and fast movements, perhaps a nod to authentic performance.
  • So what we provide here is a very authentic Arabian experience. Times, Sunday Times
  • Users should keep their security authenticators, whether these are just passwords, a list of one-time passwords, hardware tokens, or the PINs to unlock these tokens, private, and protect them from potential abuse.
  • Worshipping the true God is an authentic act of resistance to all forms of idolatry.
  • The process is driven by the twin goals of participating in the new modern look and of accessing the authentically antique.
  • Some of my favorites: masa harina (ground from the same corn used to make tortillas, it tastes like it; the key ingredient in tamales); chickpea flour (also called besan; used for breading, in simple water-based batters, or for authentic socca); and buckwheat flour (for delicate pancakes known as blinis and as a nice addition—in small doses—to yeast bread). The Food Matters Cookbook
  • To make the market as authentic as possible, there are plans to put an inch of wood chippings across the street to recreate what it would have been like to walk around in 13 th century Bolton.
  • Authentic Cajun cuisine awaits you -- served in a small, intimate dining room featuring slow-moving fans overhead.
  • Some aloeswood perhaps peaks at the end, but again it does not feel authentic - it has that sweet berry note that seems to be the way agarwood is perceived nowadays ever since M7. Archive 2009-05-01
  • This is affluenza masquerading as authenticity. Times, Sunday Times
  • DiMaggio was an authentic folk hero.
  • In terms of electronic records, compliance with rule 24 would effectively ensure that the issue of document authenticity had been dealt with pre-trial.
  • C. Configure the new instance for Mixed Mode Authentication.
  • The forgers' key to tricking the archaeologists was crafting an authentic-looking patina.
  • BCNR has NEVER told me that my documents (PH and BSM) were fake, however they did say that they felt they were "not authentic" and that was based SOLELY on the fact that they were not in conformance wit the "standard" documents. Frank joseph visconi
  • There is no authenticated record of three or more such deaths in a single family.
  • The beechwood surround and chrome bezels add a touch of 1960s authenticity.
  • Firstly, by using objective optimization function of ANSYS, the authentic permeability coefficient of dam is deduced.
  • However there is no need to authenticate to perform this attack, only access to the web server is required.
  • The copy he made of the painting can pass for an authentic one.
  • The film may be taken as an argument for how the repression of homoerotic desire leads to inauthenticity and death.
  • The downside is that some rooms remain authentically poky, with poor views or no balconies. Times, Sunday Times
  • There's no better setup than the Oklahoma plains for a spot of authentic horseback riding. Times, Sunday Times
  • A lunch of Bangkok street food means the only thing missing from this otherwise authentic experience is the jet lag. Times, Sunday Times
  • They hoped their own approach based on authentic Korean food would change this situation.
  • But Genesis is a narrative, and its historical and spiritual truths are authenticated in the actions and characters of men and women of flesh and blood, dust and ashes.
  • Consequently, in McCaig's view, there is always a tension between the demands of the marketplace and the will to remain authentic.
  • This recipe is far from authentic and is based on one given to me by Fraser - who uses garam masala, curry powder and cumin instead of the curry paste.
  • There are many times - in our obligation to be fair, accurate and authentic - when we must tell the painful truth with words and images.
  • I am a commissioner of Habin Geratology Specialty Council, syndic of Heilongjiang living Habit Diseases Research Center, member of Medical Treatment Accident Technical Authentication Experts Society .
  • The evening of the event, Appelbaum told the crowd, "This man is a mensch," referring to the Yiddish word for an authentic human being, one of high integrity. rss feed
  • Take "freysshe grece boyling" - I use canola oil which is inauthentic but doesn't smoke. Even in a little thing
  • Various posts have hadme prattling on about how there areno good authentic burritos in Midtown, Chipotle sucks, Burritoville is just glorified wraps, blah blah blah. Sugo! e Basilico… the Best Burrito in Midtown??? | Midtown Lunch - Finding Lunch in the Food Wasteland of NYC's Midtown Manhattan
  • False provenances and certificates of authenticity are favorite tools of cheats and should never be accepted blindly.
  • There will only be 100 jerseys ever, and you will receive a special certificate of authentication.
  • This delight of no thought is an authentic world of a new dimension.
  • Yet his work is timeless, evocative and authentic. The Sun
  • All I could get is this cretinoid page written by some Al Bundy who couldn't possibly think of a proxy with authentication as one of the reasons to fail: Planète Béranger v3
  • The main criterion for establishing a teaching as authentically Buddhist is its unbroken lineage tracing back to Buddha - whether one describes Buddha according to classic Buddhology, transpersonal psychology, or the Hinayana, general Mahayana, or highest Tantrayana views. Making Sense of Tantra ��� 2 The Authenticity of the Tantras
  • This busy restaurant is known for its home-made authentic Thai dishes and courteous service. Times, Sunday Times
  • Simon, who will be dressed in authentic Victorian costume, will talk about heroes and villains, hauntings and murders, and phantoms and ghouls.
  • Using underglazes produces a semi-authentic experience, but allows students a greater range of colors.
  • Cut-rate journalists and underground marketing campaigns now drown out the authentic voices of amateur wordsmiths.
  • It should because Bush & Co. are philosophically and authentically uneager to crack down on their corporate cash base. Mark Green: Laissez Isn't Fair
  • The artist also uses a lot of shading, perspective, and other special techniques to make the image seem authentic.
  • To be authentic, the good are well rewarded; work to be practical, walking only solid!
  • We do not read in history of any act of cruelty practiced towards a male bewitcher; though we have authentic records to prove, that many a weak and defenceless woman has been tortured, and even murdered by a people professing Christianity, merely because a pampered priest, or a superstitious idiot, sanctioned such oppression. Letter to the Women of England, on the Injustice of Mental Subordination
  • One of the biggest reasons to standardize consistently UID and GID numbers across all servers is so that you can move to a central authentication system, such as LDAP.
  • I don't know if the painting is authentic.
  • When picking which boots to buy, authentic is important to the eye at a contrariety of retailers, as prices boundness vary wildly. TravelStream™ — Recent Entries at
  • It is an authentic document, like a visual diary. Times, Sunday Times
  • He said such evidence could include originals or copies of documents authenticated by the UN fact-finding commission.
  • The extensive menu features Greek favorites like Moussaka, Souvlaki, Avgolemono (chicken-lemon soup), and gyro platters as well as less authentic fare like pita pizza and chicken salad.
  • Blini, to be authentic, should be made from a batter of buckwheat flour leavened with yeast, and further lightened with beaten egg white and whipped cream.
  • But there is no cohesive unit or authentic team ethic. Times, Sunday Times
  • And that might make possible more accurate and authentic journalism.
  • We don't use the word authentic," to describe the Olive Garden experience, Mr. Caron says. Waiter, I'll Have the Crowd-Pleaser
  • But when she tells him the world-class director helming his work and the famous producer overseeing it all believe the use of the word dozens of times in that one scene is off-putting and should be toned down, Danny reacts with righteous anger about how it's authentic and real and must remain or the entire work is devalued. Michael Giltz: Theater: Zoe Kazan Pens Play; Glee's Groff Gets Ugly
  • He believed that others would recognize the authenticity of his suffering if more information was available that exposed syringomyelia as a spinal disease similar to spinal cord injury.
  • Authentication of the unknown painting included a congruity between crinkles in the paint surface of the unknown picture, and cut marks on the back of the Minneapolis Study.
  • I personally know very little about organ construction but I know enough to speculate that no amount of electronic wizardry is going to replace the physical sound and experience of the authentic pipes themselves. What is the Organ?
  • Goethe employs the fiction that an editor-figure publishes, with an epilogue, the authentic letters of a young man who commits suicide.
  • In 2006's Lonely Planet, Rosefeldt himself plays a bandana-wearing backpacker on an impossible quest for the authentic Indian experience, journeying from the desert through Mumbai's slums and on to a Bollywood movie set over and over again. Artist of the week 110: Julian Rosefeldt
  • Sam Waterston has been doing his high-sniffy rectitudinous grandstanding for so long it's as if he expects some soft of Atticus Finch statue; Elisabeth Rohm is no worse than Angie Harmon, but no better; and Fred Thompson is a pompous pork chop whose cliched Southern homilies wouldn't be listened to seriously for ten seconds in NY (whereas Steven Hill, with his crusty cut-the-crap irritability and desire to get out of the office before bad news could follow, was the authentic article). New Guy in Town: James Wolcott
  • They might even beat the earth-based interferometers in detecting the first authentic gravity wave.
  • A way to proceed is by detailing the dimensions of Eminem's annunciations of authenticity through his words.
  • His adoption of a soldier's guise gives the usually scrubbed detective a much grungier look, making him seem less an interloper than an authentic member of the poverty-choked netherworld he's infiltrating in his search for the gun.
  • But it does seem to foster a culture of "inauthenticity": It disrupts identity itself by bypassing the conscious mind and targeting aspects of the self over which none of us has control. Science Comes to Selling
  • The result is an authentically eerie, but faithful, rendering of Guthrie's songs.
  • It becomes an authentic spiritual experience only if it is totally free from selfish and mercenary interests on the part of those who facilitate it.
  • DiMaggio was an authentic folk hero.
  • They have announced the authentication of a miracle attributed to the Albanian-born nun.
  • Most of the exhibitions left the viewers with the conviction that the most authentic identity of an urban environment is determined by its dwellers.
  • Adding to the authenticity of the occasion will be a buffet dinner to serve as the wedding reception.
  • The defendant argued the plaintiff's opinion was unauthentic in the court.
  • She is also the VP of Watermargin and a writer for the Bully Pulpit; this sexy woman - a woman whose interests align with most women everywhere (whether its feminist advocacy or authentic Mexican food) - tells us that she's dedicated to her long-term shorty, Petunia Garcia. Stories from The Sun
  • The builders are not using any nails in the construction, in an effort to build an authentic cultural centre.
  • On the day after his return he received proper authentic tidings of his presentation to the prebend. Framley Parsonage
  • In 1875, the two German immigrants created their brand name to sound authentically American.
  • The fuselage dope and paint is all cracked and weathered making the craft look very authentic.
  • The term aura, with its associations of authenticity, power, and presence in a work of art, proves to be apt for elucidating the primary concerns of this book.
  • While her earlier houses were twentieth-century pastiches of the Louis XVI style, here she had authentic eighteenth-century French boiserie installed in the drawing and dining rooms.
  • Hi Nitin - heh - actually my "mathematical" theorem was just a joke, authentic-sounding mathematical babble. Toward a unified theory of social networks
  • It is what it is: Britney at her most authentic, the sometimes frappuccino guzzling and a bit hay-zay pop icon. Alex Catarinella: Britney's Beautiful Jonas Åkerlund-directed Breakdown
  • a polite public will no more bear to read an authentic description of vice than a truly refined English or American female will permit the word breeches to be pronounced in her chaste hearing. Vanity Fair
  • The film industry still does not come close to using remotely authentic-looking horse tack and, for the most part, never did.
  • They want something authentic to go back to. AUTHENTICITY: Brands, Fakes, Spin and the Lust for Real Life
  • Using some nonprofessional actors to play parts (including the two protagonists) definitely lends an air of authenticity to the settings.! » FlixnJoystix Presents: The Screening Room! Quickie Reviews Of WORLD’S GREATEST DAD, IT MIGHT GET LOUD, & More!
  • An auto-restorable fragile watermarking algorithm for image content authentication is presented.
  • The security services provided by JSSE consist of the transport-level message integrity and confidentiality (encryption), server authentication, and optional client authentication.
  • Children have voracious appetites for authenticity, but in drama we should never intimidate them with factual information.
  • The idea is to grant permission to access data based on the label presented by the authenticated user and the label of the data to be accessed. Planet Identity
  • Having been here when Queen Victoria reigned, Deans is the only blinds company that is still in business who can provide an authentic Victorian or Edwardian awning to complete the finishing touch to a serious restoration project on a shop, restaurant or even a special private house.
  • I couldn't possibly date an item from a photograph, much less speak to its historic authenticity ," he said. IN A STRANGE CITY
  • Clearly a student of that era's greats, this is also the work of an authentic and original artist. The Sun
  • We don't want to see all the gory details, but it would seem much more authentic if things were a bit more believable. The Sun
  • The Sahara is a cozy, refreshing oasis that serves authentic Tunisian and Moroccan cuisine - no fusion stuff whatsoever.
  • Stamped in red ink in a vertical line down its center was the check's authentication: ORIGINAL.
  • The look is a bit grungy, certainly retro but has the air of authenticity. Times, Sunday Times
  • And if so, to what extent is it authentic in capital "E" Existential terms, insofar as it is a matter of facticity, rather than volition? Michael Vazquez: On Nénette
  • This trend must be resisted in favour of the authentic name, as used here. Times, Sunday Times
  • This is the sixteenth book by a woman whose name has become the byword for the authentic account of Irish living in the ‘Forties’ and ‘Fifties’.
  • She thought everything was cheap and silly-looking, not authentically Chinese.
  • Alan Fairhurst, prosecuting, said trading standards officers carried out authenticity tests on drinks purchased in the pub.
  • Journey to Sea Gate, Brooklyn for an authentic Russian "banya" experience. Relaxation For Every Budget: New York Spa Getaways
  • Embracing a period of release allows a woman to shed self-limiting beliefs and extraneous energy to reveal her authentic nature and emphasize what is truly essential in her life. Wild Feminine
  • I am offering an ethic of authenticity, removing all excuses that some philosophers attach to us like barnacles, blaming parents, climate, social class, whatever.
  • Rather, it seems to me that the WCF is setting itself against its understanding of the Council of Trent and certain sorts of Roman Catholic claims for the uniquely "authentical" character of the Latin Vulgate. Sacra doctrina
  • They may not be authentic anything, but they might still hold their own at the Jack Daniels invitational.
  • The antiques industry wants the proof to be authentication by an expert rather than documentary evidence. Times, Sunday Times
  • This is the sort of film critics go for, because they know the bourgeoisie will hate it and they're afraid if they don't ramble on about its brilliance and authenticity, they'll look like philistines to all their peers.
  • The costumes and set design are stylish and impressive, full of bright colors and wonderfully authentic period detail.
  • The museum is seeking an expert opinion on the authenticity of the painting.
  • A letter should have been sent to confirm that the references were genuine and authentic,’ he said.
  • Over 650 re-enactors dressed in authentic costume, as well as military vehicles and equipment from the era, will colour the whole line through Pickering, Levisham, Goathland and Grosmont.
  • Here, Natalia's search for death is marked as also a quest for ‘authenticity,’ one with which, despite our uneasiness, we may feel some readerly allegiance.
  • At the harbour now known as Santiago de Cuba, where he anchored on May 2nd, he had what seemed like authentic information of a great island to the southward which was alleged to be the source of all the gold. Christopher Columbus
  • I am an "essentialist" in the sense that I am of the opinion that what constitutes the most authentic or "true" form of a new religion is what the founder preached and intended. Keith Ward, Big Questions in Science and Religion 9: Has Science Made Belief in God Obsolete?
  • My vegetarian pizza came in the authentic Italian style - uncut - and was, well, just what you would expect from a vegetarian pizza.
  • As she explains, an authentic Mexican handicraft is created by "an artist whose family may have done the same work for generations and who has lovingly formed, molded and put his soul into his work. Chapala's Feria Maestros del Arte: guardians of the folk art tradition
  • His book is full of examples of what he calls "exceptional patients" who used their illness experience to give themselves permission to find their true, authentic selves and in so doing, creatively induced a type of self-healing. Trish Kinney: Healing Is More Than Science
  • I babbled some nonsense about making an authentic Indian meal, regretting my purchase as she rang it up.
  • Doubts about the authenticity of the final results will create a danger of instability.
  • You wouldn't be wanting me to, say, authenticate it, would you? WHISTLER IN THE DARK
  • This is an authentic news report. We can depend on it.
  • Their goal is not to authenticate or necessarily even endorse these paranormal accounts.
  • They offer to concoct an authentic supper of refried beans and chorizo omelette.

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