How To Use Auteur In A Sentence

  • But it is nonetheless another intriguing work from one of the true auteurs currently working in cinema.
  • He exudes a sense of self-possession and hauteur that leads critics in the media and among his party to label him arrogant.
  • Restarauteurs and cinema chains have an annoying habit of filling a glass half with Coke and half with ice, no doubt to make it go further.
  • Unflinching in its attacks, A Ma Soeur is a brilliant piece by an uncompromising and distinctive auteur.
  • At his words, the mocking hauteur disappears from her gaze.
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  • Johan Kobborg played Prince Desire with the grandiloquence and hauteur he is so capable of.
  • Il a une tres grande cage et tout en haut j'ai pendu une caisse de coin pour furet que je remplis de foin. je la mets en hauteur pour qu'il ne fasse pas ses besoins dedans et il n'y a pas grand espace entre le toit de la cage et la boite et lui est quand meme un morceau bien que lapin nain. Pinku-tk Diary Entry
  • Gathered together on wicker furniture are two women and a man, posing a bit as they react to the stormy weather conditions outside with a bit of stiff-necked hauteur.
  • Certaines personnes, souvent d'ailleurs celles qui ont le pouvoir donné par une institution d'appartenance, s'assoient sur le droit d'auteur, n'hésitant pas à apposer leur nom sur un texte écrit par un autre. Entretiens / Interviews / Entrevistas
  • To her finer qualities must be added a quick temper and considerable hauteur, more readily apparent to the Chinese than to most foreigners.
  • amiable and unassuming," and though one of the first, if not the first lady at Vienna, as not at all partaking of the insolence and hauteur which is by some ascribed to the society of that capital. The Letters of Queen Victoria, Volume 1 (of 3), 1837-1843) A Selection from Her Majesty's Correspondence Between the Years 1837 and 1861
  • The auteur critic is obsessed with the wholeness of art and artist.
  • She recalled his hauteur and studious coldness towards herself, his air of deep understanding and mastery, his magic look of wizardly youth, his eloquence, his immense self-possession, his mysterious connection with Cleopatra's indisposition and recovery. Too Old for Dolls A Novel
  • For me, the comparison would seem to be most valid when it comes to the two auteurs' preoccupations with off-screen space.
  • Soeur jumelle (et non pas clone) du cinématographe, la cyber-littérature (= la vidéo + le lien) sera une industrie, avec quelques artisans isolés dans la périphérie off-off (aux droits d'auteur négatifs, donc). Entretiens / Interviews / Entrevistas
  • In fact, the film is one of the greatest masterworks of perhaps the greatest film auteur of the 20th century.
  • Though most Italian films still pandered to the public, there was hope new auteurs would emerge and find support for their efforts.
  • The crack in Crack Wars is between its hauteur and its need to be hip.
  • Surtout, il faut craindre les effets pervers d'une juridiction "dure" en matière de droits d'auteur. Entretiens / Interviews / Entrevistas
  • Check out their entries and the entries of the other Green Game Changers -- eco-adventurer David de Rothschild, "buycott" organizer Brent Shulkin, carbon footprint analyst Gavin Starks, home gardening guru Roger Doiron, eco-entrepreneur Graham Hill, ClimateCount's Gary Hirshberg, and "Green Porno" auteur Isabella Rossellini -- and vote for your favorites. Arianna Huffington: More HuffPost Game Changers: Politics and Style
  • Two notable new releases by filmmakers known primarily as independent auteurs take on reality in highly comic ways.
  • I hate the term auteur - it sounds so poncy and pretentious - but for Ramsay, the title fits.
  • And because he didn't think it was an award season movie, and didn't wear his Oscar hopes on his sleeve, the master auteur is easing on down the road to an Oscar win," adds Anne Thompson. GreenCine Daily: DGA. Scorsese.
  • The auteur's true genius lies in his ability to combine high art with popular culture.
  • J'ignore absolument le nom de l'auteur; mais le style élégant, la précision des informations et quelques détails d'opinion que je ne partage pas m'avaient fait supposer que nous devions attribuer à Jurien de la Gravière le travail en question. Memoirs of the Life and Correspondence of Henry Reeve, C.B., D.C.L. In Two Volumes. Volume II.
  • And for the first time in long while, opening night featured a superior film by a major auteur.
  • Yes, I'm suspicious of filmmakers who regard themselves as artists and auteurs.
  • By all reports straight and happily partnered with a female politician, Rickman nonetheless has the kind of suave, queeny hauteur any Noel Coward manque would kill for.
  • The auteur's true genius lies in his ability to combine high art with popular culture.
  • Surrounded by people who were disinclined to take her seriously, the columnist abandoned the queeny hauteur and theatrical affectations that have been her television trademarks.
  • That's the awful irony of the dynamic: that the stubborn, idiosyncratic, self-possessed auteurs getting stiffed in their coffins wouldn't want these nitwits to finish their careers for them.
  • Janvier 2001: ouverture d'un nouveau site, Gloupsy. com, qui fonctionnera selon le même principe que la Grenouille Bleue, mais avec plus de "services" pour les jeunes auteurs; o) Le but étant de mettre en place une véritable plate-forme pour "lancer" les auteurs. Entretiens / Interviews / Entrevistas
  • There's an impossible, unreasonable glamour to the stars of the past; the hauteur of Dietrich, the sultriness of Bacall, the mystique of Garbo.
  • The Liverpudlian auteur's 2008 doc Of Time And The City reminded us just how much we missed him, and how charming his company could be, so it's good to see him back with his first feature since 2000's House Of Mirth. This week's new film events
  • But either way, I think we're all in agreement that some commercial product directed by noted auteurs, whether successful or not, is often doing artistic things that go unrecognized by many critics and moviegoers.
  • A long, oaken table occupied the centre of the room, and round this in groups, seated and standing, were a score of men, all with swords at their sides; bearing, many of them, that air of careless hauteur which is supposed to be a characteristic of noble birth. The Strong Arm
  • Here is a snip from the part devoted to shock auteur Jim Powers: Boing Boing
  • Nor does it demonstrate that only writers can escape the label of adapter, since there are several noted film adapters sanctified by the name of auteur.
  • Gone was the better-than-thou hauteur and proud carriage synonymous to Adrienne Clarke.
  • Middle class people can claim neither the heroic struggles of the proletariat nor the cultural hauteur and effortless savoir faire of the aristocracy.
  • But he did it not from hauteur but from impishness. Daredevil
  • Consequently, the snuff auteur edited the film to hide his identity.
  • How Dustin would have managed to submit himself to a real auteur like Bergman must remain a matter for conjecture.
  • Not so coincidentally, her NYC-gone-Berlin auteur mentor Hal Hartley will share the program with his latest, Fay Grim, which will have its US premiere at the festival. GreenCine Daily: Sundance. Lineup.
  • Après avoir rencontré de nombreuses fins de non-recevoir auprès des maisons d'édition et ne souhaitant pas opter pour des éditions à compte d'auteur, j'ai choisi, parce que l'on écrit avant tout pour être lu (!), d'avoir recours à l'auto-édition. Entretiens / Interviews / Entrevistas
  • That "hauteur," however, has proved beneficial for the institution he has directed for almost a third of a century. The Eye of the Met's Director
  • Erich Follath, le même auteur, fait de suspectes allégations pendant que reseaux d'espions israélien démantelé au Liban et que les élections sont imminentes. - Photown News
  • But the bigger the budget, the less control for the auteur - and the fainter any semblance of reality.
  • It could not be at the fact that, for all your hollow proclamations of the auteur's commitment to the work alone, this imposture is actually an artifical bolstering of a self-esteem that's actually quite frail and flimsy. How Not to be a Writer
  • It spread to the United Kingdom and America in the 1960s, coinciding roughly with the development and influence of auteurism.
  • Daphne lifts her chin in an overblown attempt at hauteur and heads into the closet to fetch her coat.
  • We believe it to be owing to the influence of the causes we have noticed, that this manner, so often ridiculed by the French, under the name of "hauteur" and Travels in France during the years 1814-15 Comprising a residence at Paris, during the stay of the allied armies, and at Aix, at the period of the landing of Bonaparte, in two volumes.
  • As the celebrated auteur of some 40 original video works, he achieved a rare unanimous vote of critical approval.
  • His work takes auteurism to new and exciting heights, though outside of Canada he remains relatively unknown save for the art-house circuit.
  • Je rêve d'un internet où nous pourrions écrire à plusieurs sur le même dispositif, une sorte de lieu d'atelier d'écritures permanent et qui autoriserait l'écriture personnelle (c'est en voie d'exister), son partage avec d'autres auteurs, leur mise en relation dans un tissage d'hypertextes et un espace commun de notes et de commentaires sur le travail qui se crée. Entretiens / Interviews / Entrevistas
  • Auteur avec Marie Arnaud pour France2 d'un documentaire de 52 minutes sur la restauration des récifs coralliens par des scientifiques-aventuriers du monde entier, "Le Dragon des Mers" – Août2005 Archive 2008-10-14
  • He also determinedly reinvented the notion of the auteur by fusing it with public relations and advertising.
  • Victor heard him, and put up his eyeglass in amazement; but he, in his turn, had only a shirt on, and the hauteur was a failure. Comedies of Courtship
  • Follath, le même auteur, fait de suspectes allégations pendant que reseaux d'espions israélien démantelé au Liban et que les élections sont imminentes. - Photown News
  • In recent years the concept of the auteur, as the main creative force behind a film, has been discouraged in Australia.
  • C'est dans cette anecdote qu'il faudrait, d'après certains auteurs, voir l'origine d'une expression bien connue: nous voulons parler du "quart d'heure de Rabelais. French Conversation and Composition
  • The creative force behind the film wasn't an auteur, a cinematic genius.
  • His autocratic tendencies and hauteur towards the ex-convict population also brought him into conflict with his Legislative Council and sometimes with his masters in the Colonial Office.
  • But a certain hauteur and luxury should be considered. Times, Sunday Times
  • The auteur's true genius lies in his ability to combine high art with popular culture.
  • In this issue we feature articles on two highly distinctive auteurs, Brian De Palma and François Truffaut.
  • For 80 years the statue, erected after the first world war, has, with magnificent hauteur, turned his behind on the traffic that boils up where London's Park Lane debouches into Piccadilly and Knightsbridge.
  • We will find more teams taking over in the days ahead -- and it is an incredibly refreshing antidote to the antiquated construct of pure "auteur" cinema. Ted Hope: Indie Film Lives, Thrives, Blossoms & Blooms!
  • Despite his much vaunted lack of emotional attachment to the trappings of title, the marquis has been cited as conducting his business with a distinctly aristocratic hauteur.
  • Adriana is no match for her hauteur and ruthlessness, and, with her solid vocalism, she is the center of attention every time that she is on stage.
  • It seems film auteurs have been happily trading ‘total creative control’ for ‘a job that actually pays’.
  • This will certainly not vindicate socialism as an economic system, nor anti-bourgeois hauteur as a cultural affectation. The Times Literary Supplement
  • He still bore himself with pride and dignity, but without that hauteur which is said to have characterized him when he declared in the Senate that he was an ambassador from The memoirs of Colonel John S. Mosby,
  • But she negotiates its vocal awkwardness capably, and supplies much of the character's blend of hauteur, froideur and directness.
  • Flo is tall, angular and stately, a fascinating mixture of formal hauteur and bohemian ditziness.
  • However, with the addition of an arcade of brand-name boutiques, the Raffles' former aristocratic hauteur seems to have been traded for a sort of self-conscious post-yuppie consumerism.
  • No more hiding behind a façade of hauteur, that's for poseurs.
  • The main auteur in this genre appears to be "ForrestFire101. Robin in Plastic, Pixels, and Pastry
  • And I'm sorry, American Legal System, but I believe in droit d'auteur. Gigging for Groats
  • I'm not convinced that cinema--let alone animated cinema--is truly, or of necessity, a narrative form; certainly the surrealists challenged that notion since Bunuel gave us Un Chien Andalou, and "pure cinema" advocates like the auteurs of the French New Wave and Italian neorealism certainly took some of those experiential notions and ran with them. New Images From Sylvain Chomet and Jacque Tati’s The Illusionist | /Film
  • Her rich, clear soprano captures infinite shadings of mock-hauteur, pertness and good humour.
  • Bowing in New York and L.A. October 14th after screening this week at the fest is The Skin I Live In by Pedro Almodovar, the reliably hell-raising Spanish auteur. Erica Abeel: Both Nutzoid and Thrilling: Almodovar's The Skin I Live In
  • She received the ovation self-possessedly enough, but without that hauteur affected by belles of balls -- in books. With Edged Tools
  • Also in the mix is Viktor, a crusty auteur who is tiring of glitter-eyed ingénue girlfriends.
  • But they soon got used to my low-key presence and stared at me with supercilious hauteur.
  • And yet behind each story of a pampered auteur lurks the story of the producer who indulged him.
  • The two greatest pieces of ‘cinema’ I saw this year happened to be on television by two auteurs who should be back up on the big screen.
  • Nine tenths of the critical writing about commodity culture could be anthologized under the title Killjoy Was Here; whether the point of view is Marxist alienation or post-structuralist hauteur, it's a given that the critic is monkishly immune to the gratifications involved. Material Girl
  • At this point, the auteur's films felt fairly strained and pedantic.
  • I initially thought I'd oppose the whole concept since it suggests a canonic or auteurist bias, and I think the critical concepts of canon and auteur are stressed too much in present day screen culture and criticism.
  • Do you cultivate the image of cool indie auteur with another self-produced project? Times, Sunday Times
  • He was pulling off the tricky balancing act of his early years as a commercial moviemaker, operating as both schlockmeister and auteur of dark, existential fables.
  • India via Persia; and held that they had been reduced to their present shape by an Auteur Arabe inconnu. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • A haughty young lady in the dining-room, Birdie Callahan, in her stiffly starched white, but beneath the icy crust of her hauteur was a molten mass of good humor and friendliness. Fanny Herself
  • Only with the decline of auteurism as a critical framework did critics turn to a closer examination of Hitchcock's sources.
  • These filmmakers are great auteurs who have worked in cinema across major technological changes, from anywhere between 30 to 50 years.
  • This is an auteur who works from deep within herself to establish a mood, adumbrate a design, build a tempo, and intimate an idea.
  • New York It may seem surprising that Gerry Mulligan and Miles Davis put themselves on the map as composer-auteurs at the same time in the same band — namely, the 1949 “Birth of the Cool” nonet led by Davis — since, in one key aspect at least, their mature music could not be more different. Reimagining a Jazz Giant
  • He grinned at her, she smiled back, the first expression besides sullen pouting and imperial hauteur he'd seen.
  • This is the long-distance reality of a genuine auteur. Times, Sunday Times
  • She checked her sobs, wiped her eyes with a morsel of lace she called a handkerchief, and, sweeping in a stately manner to the door, said, with the extreme of patrician hauteur: Nell, of Shorne Mills or, One Heart's Burden
  • Il ne me reste plus qu'a souhaiter que l'auteur nous donne maintenant une traduction d'un autre ouvrage, tres precieux, qu'il a publie recemment sous ce titre: _The Violin and its Music_ The Violin Its Famous Makers and Their Imitators
  • If Jerry Lewis has had Seven Ages in his career-the Dean years; the Paramount boy-auteurist years; the pill-addled years of financial and spiritual ruin; the Scorsese-directed resurrection of The King of Comedy; his reacceptance as the Tony Bennett of yuks; and finally, The Nutty Professor franchise being taken over by Eddie Murphy-just where exactly is Jerry Lewis now? The Professor's Still Nutty
  • Harriet Walter was a wonderful Lady Macbeth: a faintly neurotic society hostess with aristocratic hauteur that did not quite conceal traces of hysteria.
  • The tiny, perfect form of Rakael shifted, cuddling more tightly against his firm warmth in her sleep, emerald eyes shut and her face relaxed from imperial hauteur to an open, curiously innocent expression.
  • L'envoi par email de documents d'int€ ér€ êt public, de caract€ ère socio-politique et culturel aux mod€ érateurs de HC constitue une autorisation tacite de l'auteur ou des auteurs de ces documents pour une € éventuelle publication sur HC, € à moins que ces auteurs en conviennent autrement. CapeCodToday Blog Chowder
  • If I don’t believe in auteur theory, why am I obsessing on Orson Welles’ masterful technique? Orson’s Wellies « We Don't Count Your Own Visits To Your Blog
  • Ramirez bowed his head in reverence, seeing once more the profound mind that lurked beneath Rakael's veneer of bickering and hauteur.
  • She may have declined to be named out of aristocratic hauteur. Times, Sunday Times
  • Sex and the City began as a column in this newspaper by Candace Bushnell, then it was a book, and now it's in the hands of Darren Star, the boy auteur behind the sex-and-shopping soaps Beverly Hills, 90210, Melrose Place and Central Park West. Bobcat Is Back With a Big-Ass Show ��� Cagney and Raoul Walsh ��� An Actress Speaks
  • One of the frameworks inevitably embraced as one comes to understand movies is auteurism.
  • There's a good reason for this ruthlessness, of course, because in their hearts directors know that true auteurs must write their own material.
  • While he began directing in the early 1970s, Eastwood didn't become known as the auteur he is today until helming The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • He is an auteur who believes that great films should show us things we have never seen before.
  • I called the Plantagenet, and ascended it through La Salle, Marquette, and Assawa Lakes to a small creek at the foot of the Hauteur des Terres. Personal Memoirs of a Residence of Thirty Years with the Indian Tribes on the American Frontiers
  • The West must discard its hauteur, its double standards, its superiority complex and its cultural zeal.
  • Futurist, with its muddy, one-note punk-thrash revivalism that belies his talents as a versatile studio auteur, is as frustratingly unremarkable and immobile as the governments he so blatantly rails against.
  • A propos de ton “incapacité” à imaginer des histoires fictives: je ne lis presque que de la science-fiction et je suis toujours admiratif devant le fait que quasiment chaque auteur de SF ne fait que décrire ses contemporains en transposant ça dans un monde futuriste/imaginaire/parralèle, etc. Writing Stories — Climb to the Stars
  • He plays one king unthroned by hauteur and another unthroned by complacency
  • I will not say that her peculiar position did not produce something of an independent manner which some called hauteur, and others exclusiveness. The Continental Monthly, Vol. 2, No. 2, August, 1862 Devoted to Literature and National Policy
  • Where a stunted self-regarder like Oberst seems condemned to an incommunicative trance, the 36-year-old Anderson is aware enough of the lineage of movie auteurs as lion-taming showmen to, some day, escape his autistic fugue state.
  • From the beautifully groomed hair to the dark intensity of his eyes he spelled wealth, power and hauteur.
  • As film studies grope beyond auteurism towards a greater recognition of the importance of collaboration and versatility, their contribution might be more generously acknowledged.
  • The Lithuanian auteur has long been known, if not exactly loved, for a kind of rarified ultra-minimalism - long takes in grainy B IndieWIRE News
  • What was the prominent characteristic in the landscape the auteur chose to weave into the storyline?
  • Anyone who has seen an innocent text blown apart by auteurism will know what he means. The Times Literary Supplement
  • The director is seen as the auteur - irrespective of whether or not he wrote the screenplay.
  • Either way, Crispin Hellion Glover, auteur, is a force to be reckoned with. GreenCine Daily: Weekend shorts.
  • A film lover and a purist, he did a terrific job for many years in promoting Quebec film auteurs, trying to change the long-held cliche in the public psyche that our cinema was boring.
  • One strand of poetry, even today, represents the resentment of the old middle class at finding its assets devalued by a flood of competition; its hauteur towards the arriviste working class graduates.
  • I can be credited (or maybe blamed) for introducing the word auteur into the English language and allegedly enshrining the director as the supreme, indeed the sole creator of meaning and style in the cinema. GreenCine Daily
  • Because while The Auteur treated his fellow hacks with a haughtiness that made Louis XIV look like Michael Palin, it was as nothing compared to the froideur he reserved for football managers. The Auteur proves his value in offhand dismissals of class acts | Harry Pearson
  • Variety, the film industry's trade newspaper, billed it as a 'heavyweight auteur smackdown'. Times, Sunday Times
  • With abrupt fades to black, punctuated by mysterious notes, the auteur got Grace Kelly and Grant together for a magnificent piece of work.
  • Come to think of it, even the auteurs in this iteration are pleasing crowds, to judge by Le Havre by Finnish master Aki Kaurismäki, and The Descendants from Alexander Payne about which more later. Erica Abeel: Apocalypse: If Not Now, Maybe Next Week?
  • While younger action film auteurs put the viewer in the center of the action, Bond films continued to relegate their audiences to the sidelines, watching stunts as passive observers.
  • The director, known for his work on British television, isn't a brand-name auteur like Pedro Almodóvar , or Roman Polanski , whose new films occupy other coveted gala slots in the festival. Taking Center Stage With 'Marilyn'
  • Hungarian filmmaker Béla Tarr is one of the most celebrated auteurs in world cinema.
  • If the New York Times wants to make such a move, but insists on maintaining that toney Manhattanite “feel” with a stable of famous reporter-auteurs with worshiped bylines, I suspect their brand will be seen as increasingly provincial. Matthew Yglesias » How Not to Save The New York Times
  • Allen’s status as an auteur is pretty unparalleled for someone who has made as many mediocre films. Top 10 Underrated Woody Allen Movies » Scene-Stealers
  • McLintock! may be uncool but I'd much rather watch its cast brawling and mud-sliding across my screen than those Howard Hawks Rio El Dorado Lobo Geritol horse operas that all the auteurists hanging around the bingo hall find so "axiomatic," not to mention The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance, which carries too much sand in its boots and drags considerable awful. The latest from
  • The auteur's true genius lies in his ability to combine high art with popular culture.
  • Cynics might suggest that the jackets were commissioned to enhance the cultivated hauteur of the members.
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  • By the middle of the decade, they had formulated their auteur theory, which gave a new gloss to film studies.
  • The detached hauteur she assumes as she goads Don José into murder is fascinating and suggests an unusually compelling conception of this problem role.
  • Variety, the film industry's trade newspaper, billed it as a 'heavyweight auteur smackdown'. Times, Sunday Times
  • He is certainly more of an auteur than many directors who undeservedly receive that label.
  • Its auteur was a wispy, bearded engineer in his twenties named Mike Dhuey.
  • Since Gallo, in true art auteur fashion, decides to use reversal film stock to shoot the film, there is only so much they can do.
  • Mills doesn't iron out the hipster-auteur quirks here – a subtitled dog, freeform photomontages, felt-tip illustrations – but he puts them to the service of an authentic drama. This week's new films
  • With his hauteur and chequered disciplinary record, as well as his sublime talent, he dominated the emerging celebrity culture of English football.
  • Endless books on the cinema - whether they propounded auteur theory or semiotics or cultural studies - forsook the intelligent general reader for arcane interpretation.

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