How To Use Autarchy In A Sentence
Self-reliance and autarchy are discarded options in today's world, be it for tackling terrorism or underdevelopment.
It was not until the second half of the 1950s that autarchy was definitively superseded by a firm commitment to international capitalism.
And while the distribution of that prosperity is often unequal and unjust, it's hard to see how a retreat to autarchy would make it any less unjust.
In this sense there was an element of autarchy in the planning of Kensington and Chelsea, responding to local market conditions.
Rapid economic growth fueled by foreign credits gradually gave way to economic autarchy accompanied by wrenching austerity and severe political repression.
Libertarians who insist that policies based on economic fallacies should be abolished point to the dismal nature of states in the error-tail I mentioned vs the far more livable ones more in line with their preferred policies (often the same states that have undergone economic reform, like Franco's autarchy and the more free-trading "Spanish miracle").
The Myth of the Rational Voter, Sowell Edition, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
Where nationalism (sometimes more accurately tribalism) develops, it is often accompanied by efforts to attain economic autarchy.
Energy and Society~ Chapter 8~ Changing Claims on the Distribution of Energy Surpluses
The policies of autarchy represented the regime's attempt to implement that declaration of intent.
The absolute obedience under the autarchy reduces the sense of responsibility.
The fact is, what collapsed in the Soviet Union was not socialism but the Stalinist system of national economic autarchy.
Nothing is wanting in this autarchy, a completely self-sufficient closed system.
Ballardian » ‘You are Hochhaus!’: Ballard in Berlin
The policies of autarchy represented the regime's attempt to implement that declaration of intent.
He pledged the government would take ‘an active role in globalization,’ acknowledging that China, one of the world's most trade-dependent countries, cannot return to the days of economic autarchy.
That is not democracy or power to the people - it is all power to an autarchy of unaccountable conservative central bankers.
Rural community autarchy, even if it were an acceptable aim, is a Utopian dream.
Finally, in the period of Spanish economic autarchy, trams went into steep decline.
Again with generations of hindsight, the true lost chances may have been the failure to devise a generous postwar financial settlement (through which American support might have reduced conflict between France and Germany) and the failure to weave the United States into a global institutional network (thus possibly slowing the rush to protectionist autarchy that hastened the world into depression a decade later).
How Wars end
All these results of changing energy use portend result in increased autarchy.
Energy and Society~ Chapter 16~ Energy in a Contracting System
We are free to disagree over foreign investment: I do not advocate autarchy.
'' It is no accident that the Labour Party of 1964 should share this craving for autarchy, for economic self-sufficiency, with the pre-war
On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
Economic autarchy ("autarchy" is just philosopher-speak for "self-sufficiency") has a long pedigree in Thomistic (the most prominent strain of Catholic) philosophy.
Archive 2009-05-01
Another way to true post-industrial decline, which is currently in vogue in certain circles, is to resort to the old isolationist notion of autarchy.
Robert Teitelman: On the nostalgia for manufacturing
That is not democracy or power to the people - it is all power to an autarchy of unaccountable conservative central bankers.
Another way to true post-industrial decline, which is currently in vogue in certain circles, is to resort to the old isolationist notion of autarchy.
Robert Teitelman: On the nostalgia for manufacturing
And, as one of our readers points out, what is “fiscal autarchy” other than another term for "fiscal sovereignty", the word "autarchy" and yes, I did have to look it up in the dictionary meaning "absolute power".
The "unknown" law enforcers