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How To Use Auspicious In A Sentence

  • To say she was superstitious was an understatement - she would book every single Friday 13 th off work, and any day that looked inauspicious on her horoscope.
  • His auspicious debut might have given him the leverage to realize some of his grander plans.
  • She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that when Kamar al-Zaman, son of King Shahriman, went to the Hammam, his father in his joy at this event freed the prisoners, and presented splendid dresses to his grandees and bestowed large alm-gifts upon the poor and bade decorate the city seven days. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • His second attempt was hardly more auspicious. Christianity Today
  • One best and common example is the red diamond-shaped posters with the character 福 pinyin: fú, or "auspiciousness" which are displayed around the house and on doors. Sweetnicks- Food & Life - It's All at Sweetnicks
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  • While all wait for the auspicious moment to tie the knot, these bureaus are always on the move.
  • It was certainly an auspicious start, and most merchants are hopeful that the worst is behind them, and that there will be better days ahead.
  • This stunning coin, which portrays several symbols of fortune and wealth, also reflects the auspiciousness of the number eight in traditional beliefs. The Perth Mint – New Product Releases : Coin Collecting News
  • Her former pupils at the Towers were going to present her with that; they were to dress her from head to foot on the auspicious day. Wives and Daughters
  • Because of what some pandits have been saying - that the year 2000 is inauspicious for marriages as it has three ‘shunya’ in its number.
  • But, for many, sadly all snowdrops are to be shunned; like other white flowers, they are often considered inauspicious.
  • Not just because of the extraordinary value it represents, but because of the unique qualities our auspicious holiday retreat has to offer.
  • I'm pleased that you've made such an auspicious start to the new term.
  • Then the inevitable and auspicious slice of baklava, flaky and honeyed, which brings to mind ancient pleasures, Biblical decadence.
  • At last the rabbiter fell into a doze, and when he awoke the auspicious music filled the tent. Stingaree
  • The start was not auspicious as an earlier thunderstorm had given way to threatening clouds.
  • Tortoise is an auspicious animal that the magnifico used it for chop in ancient time.
  • I suppose I should have expected little more of the day after such an inauspicious start.
  • Personally devoted to Santa Anna, Marquez was waiting only for an auspicious moment to pronounce in his favor.
  • Shakespeare coined the word "inauspicious," riffing on the Latin auspicium, the art of telling the future by observing the flights of birds: "And shake the yoke of inauspicious stars. The Nation: Top Stories
  • The interview could hardly have ended more auspiciously for Tito, and as he walked out at the Porta Pinti that he might laugh a little at his ease over the affair of the _culex_, he felt that fortune could hardly mean to turn her back on him again at present, since she had taken him by the hand in this decided way. Romola
  • She pursued, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that when the Frank asked Nur al-Din anent the maker of the kerchief, he answered, saying, “In very sooth this kerchief is the handiwork of my mother, who made it for me with her own hand.” The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • These are not auspicious conditions either for future sales or the supply of ambitious workers.
  • Despite its auspicious and promising beginning, the Public Broadcasting Service largely has failed its congressional mandate.
  • That revolutionary dawn proved less than auspicious after many Frenchmen died under the blade of the guillotine.
  • To thee, the fortune of the fatal field Inclining, unauspicious fame shall yield; The Works of the Greek and Roman Poets
  • “Well, that's something of an auspicious start, but that's why they have the phrase auspicious start, because one often starts that way,” I said, trying to cover up my embarrassment for the sloppy turn. Wake Up, Sir!
  • She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that when the ship sped on her course, Kamar al-Zaman returned to the garden in cark and care; but — anon he rented the place of its owner and hired a man to help him in irrigating the trees. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • As they have done each and every year, Pattaya's city administration and private sector organized a festival for the auspicious occasion.
  • Nay, there were a good many who were, even then, possessed with that unblest and unauspicious passion for Sicily, which afterward the orators of Alciabes's party blew up into a flame. The Boys' and Girls' Plutarch; being parts of the "Lives" of Plutarch, edited for boys and girls
  • Saccani's excellent recording is an auspicious start to what promises to be a distinguished musical career.
  • Auspicious plants: red pepper, UNITED grass roots, Kuai.
  • None of these offers an auspicious precedent or any clear parallel for introducing a flat tax to a mature economy.
  • There are times when someone decides that an album deserves plaudits, laurel wreaths and all round backslapping because it's an auspicious debut recorded without the help of some guy with a ponytail in a big office.
  • Many wait for the most astrologically auspicious moment, which is 12: 59 pm on Wednesday, July 30.
  • He started his new job auspiciously on his birthday.
  • But it was not an auspicious debut. Times, Sunday Times
  • I had second thoughts about thin shirts, and about stars and auspicious days and wise men from the east. Indian Balm - Travels in the Southern Subcontinent
  • Our first meeting was not auspicious - we had a huge argument.
  • The sea bream, or tai in Japanese, carries auspicious connotations because of the phonetic association of its name with the Japanese word for congratulations (medetai).
  • Despite an in auspicious start to the holiday, holidaymakers were undaunted and set out in their thousands to the various resorts.
  • The world is filled with auspicious acts resulting in manifest disgrace. Tuxtla Gutierrez as Rodney Dangerfield
  • Hinrich began the season inauspiciously, when he spent the first five games on the injured list because of a viral illness.
  • Someone at the Yard had recommended the Agence St Hubert: well, Hubert was the patron saint of hunters, an auspicious start. MOONDROP TO MURDER
  • It was evident that they did not like the outlook of a voyage under such a captain and begun so inauspiciously. Chapter 3
  • They won their first match of the season 5-1 which was an auspicious start/beginning.
  • The young hero has an inauspicious beginning, turns it to his benefit through pluck and luck, then begins the cursus honorum of the sea: sailor, midshipman, lieutenant, captain, admiral, commemorative 30th-anniversary boxed set, remainder pile, deliquescence. At Journey's End, a Ship of the Line
  • With favorable weather conditions it was an auspicious moment to set sail.
  • Despite these inauspicious circumstances, it soon became clear that the two shared artistic and personal passions.
  • There could scarcely be a more auspicious time to write about greed. Times, Sunday Times
  • A waterway is called inauspiciously a ‘drain’, but was clear and full of pondweed.
  • Accomplishment of Singing, under the auspicious smile of the goddess, take possession, sundrily, of her children; and the two great arts of Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Volume 58, Number 358, August 1845
  • Maniacal laughter from inside the Matthew-Cave seems to indicate that something auspicious is happening. Hero History: Coming Attractions | Major Spoilers - Comic Book Reviews and News
  • It is inauspicious to walk under a ladder.
  • She pursued, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that when the Frank asked Nur al-Din anent the maker of the kerchief, he answered, saying, “In very sooth this kerchief is the handiwork of my mother, who made it for me with her own hand.” The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • She resumed, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that when the jeweller quitted his wife, he repented having bespoken her thus and, returning to his shop, he sat there in disquiet sore and anxiety galore, between belief and unbelief. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • He finished an 'inauspicious' shotgun anthology of Russian poetry, from Fet to Esenin to Ryzhii, in formal and experimental translations and is currently at work on a selected poems of Russian poet Marina Tsvetaeva, to come out in '09 from Whale and Star Press. THE BRITTLE AGE AND RETURNING UPLAND by RENE CHAR
  • However, despite such inauspicious beginnings, by Act 2 Noel has successfully infiltrated the upper echelons of society and seems set for success.
  • Yet out of this inauspicious premise, director Peter Hedges (who also scripted About a Boy and What's Eating Gilbert Grape) has created an extraordinarily fresh and universal film.
  • Domestic famous brand has thing of north of head of accipitral card, 4 dimension, banker, auspicious much, diamond, Hui Da.
  • She continued, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that when the damsel said to the doctor, “‘The stomach is the house of disease and diet is the head of healing; for the origin of all sickness is indigestion, that is to say, corruption of the meat in the stomach;’” he rejoined, “Thou hast replied aright! what sayest thou of the Hammam?” The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • People all over the country took to wearing pink, an auspicious colour, to express hope for his recovery. Times, Sunday Times
  • The visit in February 1973 , a year after Nixon's historic journey, began under auspicious circumstances.
  • Against this inauspicious backdrop there is, it has to be said, a deep crisis of leadership. Times, Sunday Times
  • This was just one of five equine fatalities in the last ten days to afflict the Hobbs yard, which is otherwise in auspicious form. Times, Sunday Times
  • He only took up donning the white overcoat and cap by chance, and after a less than auspicious start he has grown into the role.
  • Besides, there remained some who, after the conflict at Culloden was over, could even view the enterprise as having been by no means unauspicious. Memoirs of the Jacobites of 1715 and 1745 Volume III.
  • This event was auspicious of the future of the entire community, since his apostolate was the means of propagating the order among the northern nations, and giving to it some of its present dominant characteristics of Teutonic discipline; whereas in the land of its origin it has never fully recovered from the disasters which befell it during the lifetime of its founder. Life of Father Hecker
  • The most auspicious moment to work with unwed fathers, says Horn, is around the time of the birth of their children, when almost half are cohabiting with the mothers.
  • Astrologers understand destiny so they are consulted to establish auspicious dates for important activities.
  • It is an auspicious occasion to do so for tonight.
  • Last year, in his first professional season, he made a similarly inauspicious start to the Challenge Tour, missing several cuts, being penalised for being late on the tee, and on one occasion disqualified.
  • Those overglazed trees (rendered in doucai, the “interlocking colors” of sage green, eggplant, and brown) are the suihan sanyou, the “Three Friends of Winter,” in other words a pine, some stems of bamboo, and branches of prunus picked out so exactly in flecks of red enamel — the auspicious plum, the first blossoms to arrive after the Chinese new year. Sir Percival David at the British Museum
  • It is an auspicious moment. Times, Sunday Times
  • Under the violent rain whose splashes make them almost invisible, the ornamental fish of auspicious omen turn slowly in their pools.
  • These ‘lucky’ dollar bills have auspicious serial numbers and come in colored folders.
  • The astronomers' observations were used to divine auspicious moments for many different kinds of activity, from farming to warfare.
  • There was another, less auspicious nautical association with Greenwich. Times, Sunday Times
  • The omens look more than a little auspicious. Times, Sunday Times
  • As his life-spirit day is Wednesday, many Lamas will begin teaching a discourse on this day of the week for reasons of auspiciousness. Tibetan Astro Sciences ��� 2 History and the Tibetan Calendar
  • These female spirits linger near the places where, in life, they met untimely and inauspicious deaths or died childless.
  • Tigers, lions and elephants are regarded as auspicious animals and appear on paintings and frescoes.
  • For the next couple of minutes, he seemed to have forgotten that the eclipse was 'inauspicious' and the very reason why he was taking the purifying dip. The Times of India
  • It was a sweltering spring bank holiday, and he had not had long to prepare for such an auspicious moment.
  • His success there attracted the attention of Gothenburg, where, despite that inauspicious start, he became the first Swedish coach to win the Uefa Cup.
  • The organisers claimed 30,000 delegates from all over Europe, made up of leftists, environmentalists and anti-war campaigners, but as a celebration it got off to an inauspicious start.
  • In spite of an inauspicious beginning, Laura and Bernard succeeded within a few years in developing an absorbing private life in their adopted country.
  • ‘This is an auspicious moment for our company,’ says its co-founder.
  • Timing is terribly important in the book trade and the publishers might have chosen to hold it back until a more auspicious moment.
  • She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that when Hasan had carried off the girl’s plumery, she sought it but found it not and her sisterhood flew away leaving her alone. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • After an unauspicious opening act it was good that we had the telegram authorizing our entry form the Ministry of Tourism. RVABlogs
  • Served with a spicy-sweet mustard sauce, this was an auspicious beginning to our meal.
  • Hidden away between a popular pub and a disused former bank it is an inauspicious, unimpressive building in the shadows of Aberdeen city centre.
  • But since the process is 85% successful, the omens are auspicious.
  • He talked about (among many other things) the word "yoga", and said that it means, "a life lived in auspiciousness". Rebecca Pidgeon: Huff Post Exclusive Music Download
  • An absolutely auspicious week for some serious concentrating on what it is you most truly madly deeply want this year.
  • A new study sponsored by the World Bank seems to offer empirical support for this belief: it finds that Vietnamese children born in auspicious years enjoy better health and higher education levels than those born in unlucky years. Primary Sources
  • He also pooh-poohs the idea of auspicious days for starting house construction.
  • She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that when Hasan foregathered with the Princesses, he related to his sister all that he had endured and said to her, “Never will I forget what thou hast done for me from incept to conclusion.” The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • This inauspicious start was then followed up by a catalogue of errors and poor service.
  • And it's not an auspicious debut for Cohn, who was hand-picked by old pal editor John Carroll.
  • In spite of an inauspicious beginning, Laura and Bernard succeeded within a few years in developing an absorbing private life in their adopted country.
  • Destiny plays a significant role at this point as the right people and opportunities come at an auspicious time when you are ready to take them on.
  • But one auspicious omen appears in the graphic sidebar accompanying the article.
  • This death rite is known as Shraddha or tarpan and is considered as an inauspicious ceremony. Archive 2009-09-01
  • Nor is it auspicious that he wants to distance himself from the sporting ambitions of Henry McLeish, his predecessor, which bunkered Scotland in the over-hyped 2010 Ryder Cup bid.
  • She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that the man of Al – Yaman, the master of the handmaids, signed to the fat girl who rose and, pointing her finger at the slim girl, bared her calves and wrists and uncovered her stomach, showing its dimples and the plump rondure of her navel. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Eunomian heresy; the African voyage was consecrated by the baptism and auspicious name of the first soldier who embarked; and the proselyte was adopted into the family of his spiritual parents, The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • She resumed, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that when the jeweller quitted his wife, he repented having bespoken her thus and, returning to his shop, he sat there in disquiet sore and anxiety galore, between belief and unbelief. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King that quoth the slave-girl, “Bring us meat and drink for three dinars, furthermore a piece of silk, the size of a curtain, and bring golden and silvern thread and sewing silk of seven colours.” The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • But this was an auspicious Barbican debut. Times, Sunday Times
  • an auspicious beginning for the campaign
  • Rice is also a potent symbol of auspiciousness and fertility.
  • So the resonant sound is dubbed an auspicious sound.
  • It could hardly have been a less auspicious prelude to the game for Newcastle. Times, Sunday Times
  • She pursued, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that Gharib, after giving robes of honour to the citizens of Cufa and com mending the Ryots to their care, went out on a day of the days to hunt, with an hundred horse, and fared on till he came to a Wady, abounding in trees and fruits and rich in rills and birds It was a pasturing-place for roes and gazelles, to the spirit a delight whose scents reposed from the langour of fight. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Her first few weeks are inauspicious - her wardrobe, in which the emphasis is very much on leather, Lycra and PVC, alienates the rest of the female workforce, as does her brutal candour.
  • We arrived in New York on the most auspicious day. Times, Sunday Times
  • According the Chinese culture ‘colourful clouds’ stand for auspiciousness, happiness, finesse and hope.
  • She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that when Hasan had carried off the girl's plumery, she sought it but found it not and her sisterhood flew away leaving her alone. Arabian nights. English
  • An indigo base is usually meant for an adult and often signifies an unhappy or inauspicious occasion.
  • Unknown Aussie buys Bradman's "inauspicious" debut bat for 145,000 dollars News Feed
  • I'm pleased that you've made such an auspicious start to the new term.
  • Most nation-building missions fail, and conditions in Afghanistan make it a particularly inauspicious place to try to buck past trends. Rahim Kanani: An In-Depth Interview With Christopher Preble, Director of Foreign Policy Studies at the Cato Institute
  • The clamour among Celtic supporters is for Strachan to have similar words in the shell-like of Thompson, who made an inauspicious comeback from injury last week.
  • Against this inauspicious backdrop there is, it has to be said, a deep crisis of leadership. Times, Sunday Times
  • To these votaries, he is variously the perennial storyteller, the kindly sage, the gentle teacher, the maker of auspicious symbols, and the peripatetic gardener of images.
  • These kindly gentlemen sometimes have other children waiting to be graded and, understandably, wish to see auspicious outcomes.
  • 108 is an auspicious, lucky number in Indian spiritual tradition.
  • The omens look more than a little auspicious. Times, Sunday Times
  • The patterns displayed the dragon, the phoenix, cranes and magpies, all auspicious animals representing nobility, luck, fortune and longevity.
  • These inauspicious yet historically important rooms have been hidden from the public for too long.
  • Her former pupils at the Towers were going to present her with that; they were to dress her from head to foot on the auspicious day. Wives and Daughters
  • Nine monks then performed the prayers and chants which continued the ritual and sanctified this auspicious occasion.
  • My sincere congratulations on this auspicious event of yours.
  • For the investment bankers, the omens are auspicious. Times, Sunday Times
  • The second half began inauspiciously for the Scots.
  • The auspicious graciousness likes the movement, for instance tennis, ski, Sinuoke ping - pong and swimming.
  • It was hardly an auspicious time to ask for a handout. Times, Sunday Times
  • They won their first match of the season 5-1 which was an auspicious start/beginning.
  • People all over the country took to wearing pink, an auspicious colour, to express hope for his recovery. Times, Sunday Times
  • He does not make himself anonymous by excusing his errors and sins as functions of inauspicious circumstances or bad social influences.
  • She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that the son of the Persian King, after disguising himself as an old man shotten in years and taking a seat in the garden, spread out somewhat of the jewels and ornaments before him and made a show of shaking and trembling as if for decrepitude and the weakness of extreme senility. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • And shake the yoke of inauspicious stars from this work -- wearied flesh.
  • Shree Ganesh is the god of Good Luck and Auspiciousness and is the Dispeller of Problems and Obstacles. New Year’s 2010 Playlist
  • Our first meeting was not auspicious - we had a huge argument.
  • But the championship got off to an inauspicious start with the tsunami wreaking havoc on the Kollam coast on the inaugural day.
  • Today started inauspiciously but as it drew on became progressively more pleasant and right now I am quite happy, which seems like a good thing for a new year, and a fantastic omen for things to come.
  • To these votaries, he is variously the perennial storyteller, the kindly sage, the gentle teacher, the maker of auspicious symbols, and the peripatetic gardener of images.
  • Its director, Guka Omarova, makes an auspicious debut with this taut, raw, poetic drama.
  • What had seemed at the time an auspicious occasion had turned out to be the most ill-omened event in his life. A Girl's Legs Stirring The Air
  • But there is something auspicious, promising and positive about the expectation a new year brings. The Sun
  • My sincere congratulations on this auspicious event of yours.
  • It was during my last week of training, which I took as an auspicious sign. 21 DOG YEARS
  • Until the end of February, cloud cover is quite intense - not an auspicious time therefore to be conducting flight sorties or reconnaissance missions.
  • The form is often associated with wandering mendicants, who sing at festivals and other auspicious occasions.
  • ‘The beginning was decidedly inauspicious,’ she writes.
  • Dharamsala, 10 December 2006 (Phayul/Phurbu Thinley) - While the day can be commemorated as the 58th Anniversary of World Human Rights Day, for Tibetans it marks the 17th auspicious anniversary of the conferment of the prestigious Nobel Peace Prize to His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama (in 1989). Newsroom Archive 2006
  • His second attempt was hardly more auspicious. Christianity Today
  • Saccani's excellent recording is an auspicious start to what promises to be a distinguished musical career.
  • Make the table in the shape of a key, one entry advised, noting that such a shape is ‘auspicious’ in oriental geomancy and would bring harmony.
  • my words with inauspicious thunderings shook heaven
  • Civilization, especially if of the austerer sort, is auspicious to it. Billy Budd
  • Parent representation on governing bodies under the 1986 Act did not have an auspicious beginning.
  • Amidst chanting of vedic hymns, the temple priests garlanded the brides and tied the magalsutras on behalf of the frogs pronouncing the two as wives of the amphibians before the sacred fire at the auspicious hour. January 21st, 2009
  • The narrative begins inauspiciously in 1654 with the arrival of 23 Jewish settlers in New Amsterdam, whose governor, Peter Stuyvesant, greeted them as "hateful enemies and blasphemers of the name of Christ. American Jews' Story Told in a New Home
  • he started his new job inauspiciously on Friday the 13th
  • Parent representation on governing bodies under the 1986 Act did not have an auspicious beginning.
  • In twilight, in perdition's lean and inauspicious loam). Second April
  • Those overglazed trees (rendered in doucai, the “interlocking colors” of sage green, eggplant, and brown) are the suihan sanyou, the “Three Friends of Winter,” in other words a pine, some stems of bamboo, and branches of prunus picked out so exactly in flecks of red enamel — the auspicious plum, the first blossoms to arrive after the Chinese new year. Archive 2009-08-01
  • Those who were attached to Paganism, prompted by their aruspices, pronounced it to be a most inauspicious omen, portending the most unfortunate events; but it made a different impression on the emperor's mind; who, as the account goes, was farther encouraged by visions the same night. Pinnock's improved edition of Dr. Goldsmith's History of Rome $b to which is prefixed an introduction to the study of Roman history, and a great variety of valuable information added throughout the work, on the manners, institutions, and antiquiti
  • She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that the young lady forewent her spouse by the souterrain as he fared through the door and sat down in her upper chamber; 432 so as soon as he entered she asked him, “What hast thou seen?” and he answered, The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • The lunar calendar and almanacs are also used to determine auspicious and inauspicious days for doing various endeavors, from starting a business, to getting married.
  • “The appellation of Bissextile, which marks the inauspicious year, is derived from the repetition of the sixth day of the calends of March.” The Volokh Conspiracy » I Should Note for the Record
  • A fair number of the devotees we spoke to believed that this is the most auspicious moment of the festival and everyone who is present and sees the flat being hoisted, receives special blessings and graces from the Holy Mother.
  • They won their first match of the season 5-1 which was an auspicious start/beginning.
  • But it was not an auspicious debut. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is my honour to toast the bride and groom on this auspicious occasion.
  • For a man who changed the politics of Texas—and thereby of America—he started inauspiciously. William Perry Clements: Lone-Star Giant
  • "The 10th, the 12th, and the 18th are appropriately auspicious dates on the Chinese calendar, " he said.
  • It was not an auspicious moment to make their dream a reality.
  • Not just because of the extraordinary value it represents, but because of the unique qualities our auspicious holiday retreat has to offer.
  • Several kinds of flowers, fruits and leaves that symbolise auspiciousness and prosperity are stacked in fruit and vegetable markets along the roads.
  • As Park View was considered inauspicious by many and it was dropped from the list of official residences of the Ministers.
  • With population exploding in inauspiciously stressed water zones across all continents including the deserts of the American southwest and Rocky Mountains' dry eastern slopes and their nearby badlands, the limits to growth from lack of it will soon come into sharp focus. Paul Gunther: Move to Detroit Quickly While There's Still Time
  • His brother sent out printed wedding invitations with the auspicious swastika symbol.
  • There was another, less auspicious nautical association with Greenwich. Times, Sunday Times
  • It comes into my life at an auspicious moment, as I will be hitting the road on Sunday.
  • I had second thoughts about thin shirts, and about stars and auspicious days and wise men from the east. Indian Balm - Travels in the Southern Subcontinent
  • His reply was that his son Ninan Cuyoche was to succeed, if the augury of the _calpa_ gave signs that such succession would be auspicious, if not his son Huascar was to succeed. History of the Incas
  • Dear auspicious: am in all the time deposit this idea, expectation can receive interest.
  • Also unflappable, including an inauspiciously silly early scene in which she mediates her way out of a coffee-shop holdup. Roush Review: A Thursday Logjam
  • Consequently, the goal of all auspicious activities - karma, jnana, yoga and bhakti - is the Supreme Personality of Godhead.
  • She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that the young merchant continued, When I entered and took a seat, the lady at once came in crowned with a diadem533 of pearls and jewels; her face dotted with artificial moles in indigo,534 her eyebrows pencilled with Kohl and her hands and feet reddened with Henna. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • So maybe this isn't the most auspicious moment for trying to get everybody to get along.
  • However, in the hands of Scots director Saul Metzstein and writer Jack Lothian, the inauspicious subject matter is neatly woven into a slow-burning comic gem.
  • She pursued, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that when the King of France missed his daughter they brought him tidings of her, saying, “Thy yacht is lost”; and he replied, The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • For the investment bankers, the omens are auspicious. Times, Sunday Times
  • That revolutionary dawn proved less than auspicious after many Frenchmen died under the blade of the guillotine.
  • The auspicious date of the wedding is fixed by the Brahman and intimation is given to the boy's family through the _lagan_ or formal invitation, which is sent on a paper coloured yellow with powdered rice and turmeric. The Tribes and Castes of the Central Provinces of India - Volume IV of IV Kumhar-Yemkala

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