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How To Use Aureate In A Sentence

  • The Nobel laureate Richard Feynman once made a tentative suggestion that a theory uniting quantum mechanics and relativity might lead to an objective state reduction, and others have taken up and built on this idea.
  • He was excellently placed to be the next Poet Laureate when the position fell vacant in ninety-six.
  • Some of the world's leading economists - including three Nobel laureates - answered this question at the Copenhagen Consensus in May, prioritising policies for improving the world.
  • In the year 2000, all three Laureates presented high resolution structures of ribosomal subunits, Steitz of the large, Ramakrishnan and Yonath of the small ribosomal subunit. The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2009 - Presentation Speech
  • These can usually be separated from the similarly sized dupondius by the laureate or bare head.
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  • The Romantic laureate is to be felt beyond the grave by the Victorians, and by their own poet, not in the wispy or whispering touch of his breathed words but in the abstract feelings generated from the written traces of their prophetic aura of aurality. Phonemanography: Romantic to Victorian
  • The winner of the award will be announced by the 2008-2009 Poet Laureate and Chair of the Museums Libraries and Archives Council, Andrew Motion, on 15 July 2009 at CILIP's biennial Umbrella 2009 conference, held at The DeHavilland Campus, University of Herfordshire in Hatfield CILIP Libraries Change Lives Award 2009 finalists
  • Many students who begin their journey toward the baccalaureate at a community college must weave their way through a tangled web to make the transition to a four-year institution.
  • In many cases they have the option of continuing on for a baccalaureate at the University of Dayton.
  • Former U.S. poet laureate Kay Ryan ("The Best of It") and prize-winning poet-translator Anne Carson ("Nox") were poetry finalists, along with Kathleen Graber's "The Eternal City," Terrance Hayes' "Lighthead" and C.D. Nominees Revealed For Prestigious Book Awards
  • The Ig Nobel Prizes were presented to the winners by genuine Nobel laureates.
  • Daw Aung San Suu Kyi said she was absolutely dissatisfied with the arrangement - giving more time for the prosecution to prepare the argument," said Nyan Win, using the respectful term "daw" for the Nobel Peace Prize laureate. Archive 2009-07-01
  • The drone is the idea of sound underneath the appearances, the dark emptiness that groans out of the fault, the opening, that the poet, now the mature, oracular Nobel Laureate, approaches with his caduceus.
  • A young groom, eagerly attired, stands before a doorway, which in turn looks out onto a landscape of sun-scarred desert, aureate sands stretching to a blinding, azure sky.
  • Wordsworth enters St John's, and publishes his first poem. He later became Poet Laureate.
  • Why do you have aureate long hair woollen cloth?
  • The South African Nobel Peace Prize laureate expressed concern in a letter at what he called the deterioration of the human rights situation in Tibet, and the apparent breakdown of talks between the Chinese government and emissaries of the Dalai Lama. The Herald | - Front
  • Consider this: In his June 1908 baccalaureate address, Wilson dourly told the young Princeton men: I am not sure that it is of the first importance that you should be happy. The Fiddler in the Subway
  • Vassilev is also the founder and leader of Laureate, an exclusive string ensemble made up of international prize-winning string instrumentalists.
  • A talk among three former U.S. poet laureates, and the current laureate was especially telling.
  • He was a Nobel laureate in physics.
  • The interesting thing is that he wrote this nonsense in October 2001-months before New Jersey officials appointed him their Poet Laureate.
  • The American Association of Colleges of Nursing reports that of students enrolled in baccalaureate nursing programs in 2002, 9.6% were men.
  • Andrew Motion has been sounded out, but has declared himself uninterested at present while he remains Poet Laureate.
  • Peter Mitchell (1920-1992), an English chemist, was the 1978 Nobel Laureate in Chemistry for his contribution to the understanding of biological energy transfer through the formulation of the chemiosmotic theory. Mitchell, Peter
  • During a lifetime, the gap in earnings potential between a high school diploma and a baccalaureate degree is more than $1 million.
  • Fran Landesman is still the poet laureate of lovers and losers: her songs are the secret diaries of the desperate and the decadent.
  • A panel accompanying a report on the search for a Scottish poet laureate, the makar, anticipated the decision of the judges of the 2010 TS Eliot prize, due on 24 January. Corrections and clarifications
  • The poetic line in ‘The Harvest Bow’ was longer, more aureate in its fashioning, more iambic than in his previous two collections.
  • My name is Joyce and I am a registered nurse with a baccalaureate in the science of nursing.
  • I conjecture that your professor uses aureate palaver to augment the appraised merit of your edification. Waldo Jaquith - 5 words my poetry professor used during today’s lecture.
  • Articulate their career interests, with an emphasis on summer internships or post baccalaureate plans.
  • She was appointed poet laureate of Illinois in 1968 and has been perhaps more active than many laureates.
  • Pupils taking a science baccalaureate would be obliged to study a foreign language and those studying the arts version would have to include basic maths and science.
  • The visiting literati included the poet laureate Ted Hughes and his wife, Sylvia Plath.
  • There are performances by the Kirov Ballet, a symposium of 25 Nobel laureates, concerts and the opportunity to visit outstanding museums and galleries.
  • The result is increased demand for international qualifications such as the International Baccalaureate, the IGCSE – built along the lines of the old O-level and now being taken by scores of independent schools – and the Pre-U, because they have not been subject to political interference. Archive 2008-09-01
  • The musicians from the Laureate trio staged a virtuoso performance at a concert marking the launching of their new album on Monday.
  • The Children Peace Prize statuette, which is passed on to the new child laureate every year, will be called 'the Nkosi'," read a press release from the organisers. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • The 2004 Nobel Peace Prize Laureate and founder of the Green Belt Movement, Wangari Maathai offers a refreshingly unique perspective on the challenge facing Africa, even as she calls for a moral revolution among Africans themselves, who, she argues, are culturally deracinated, adrift between worlds. The Challenge for Africa by Wangari Maathai: Book summary
  • Renowned scientists, including two Nobel laureates, bioethicists, historians, biotechnology entrepreneurs, and others participated in a mix of lectures and panel discussions.
  • About those, he says that three quarters of all Nobel laureates in science, medicine, and economics have lived and worked in the U.S. in recent decades.
  • Residential building appearance uses aureate glass, outside wall concrete ply 1 foot.
  • The ‘shadow poet laureate’ places himself in the tradition of great anti-establishment poets like Byron, Shelley and Blake.
  • No social science laureate was awarded this year as nominees did not meet the qualifications.
  • The real celebrity of last week's Frankfurt Book fair was the Nobel laureate, G ü nter Grass.
  • Young (a local schoolteacher who was recently named the Poet Laureate of Alexandria) that treat each letter of the alphabet to playful and urbane snatches of verse (reminiscent of Ogden Nash at his airiest), and video projections designed by Wendall K. Harrington. In performance: 21st Century Consort
  • Like many other Laureates, I have benefit immeasurably from the love and support of my wife and children. John Pople - Autobiography
  • The New Jersey State Senate voted last week to eliminate its statewide Poet Laureate position.
  • The Harrogate and Knaresborough MP said the new baccalaureate should allow higher rewards for pupils taking subjects like maths.
  • he is the poet laureate of Arkansas
  • Her excellent standing might be further upgraded this autumn when one of the silver laureates will win the Golden Magnolia Award.
  • His baccalaureate and doctoral degrees are from the University of Pennsylvania.
  • While researching the biological combustion processes, the Hungarian Nobel Prize Laureate biochemist Albert von Szent-Gyorgyi found that bioflavonoids improved the absorption of vitamin C as well as protecting it from oxidation.
  • Selina began her school day the same way she always had, waking up before the aureate dawn revealed itself to watch the most fantastic thing she'd ever seen: the sun rise.
  • On the contrary, he grew presumptuous on success; and when he printed his performance, the dedication to the Earl of Norwich was directly levelled against the poet-laureate who termed it the “most arrogant, calumniatory, ill-mannered, and senseless preface he ever saw.” [ The Dramatic Works of John Dryden
  • And we sit in aureate judgment, in the glow of well-deserved pride, for our rightness has returned rightness, and the criminal has died. A Poem Draft
  • The wholesomeness of industrial society during this epoch was captured by the American economist and Nobel Laureate, Paul Krugman, in his memorable image of a picket fence.
  • I have 28 years of experience in nursing education at the diploma, associate, baccalaureate, and graduate levels.
  • In many cases they have the option of continuing on for a baccalaureate at the University of Dayton.
  • This is the wisdom of 1986 Nobel Laureate James Buchanan, one of the most prolific and original economists of the twentieth century.
  • On another apparent level he's a genius; in fact that word might be inadequate to describe his level of intelligence that rivals that of Nobel laureates in several fields.
  • She wants to enroll in the international baccalaureate program at San Diego High School.
  • We must be the only country in the world running four separate exams designed to test university entrants: A‑level, the International Baccalaureate, the Pre-U and Scottish Highers. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • Bayes is shown debating whether he shall betake himself to the church, or gaming, or party-writing, but is carried off by the goddess and anointed king in the place of Eusden, the poet laureate, who has died.
  • As an alternative, the International GCSE could be taught, the International Baccalaureate — or the new Cambridge Pre-U exam being launched this autumn. Made in Sweden: the new Tory education revolution
  • Each Nobel Prize this year will carry a prize sum of 10 million Swedish kronor, to be shared if the prize is awarded to more than one laureate.
  • In today's ecological crisis, British Poet Laureate-Ted Hughes, makes his persistent poetic pursuit of the re-establishment of the harmony between humans and nature.
  • Andrew Motion has been sounded out, but has declared himself uninterested at present while he remains Poet Laureate.
  • The late English Poet Laureate - Ted Hughes mainsequence Crow tells how the protagonist grows to maturity.
  • Nelson has served as poet laureate for four years, with one-year remaining to fulfill her term.
  • Marie-Louise took the baccalaureate in elementary mathematics and at this stage encountered a particularly good piece of luck.
  • He was created ‘poet-laureate’ by the universities of Oxford, Louvain, and Cambridge, an academical distinction.
  • The Robert Burns Humanitarian Award won't endow winners with the millions showered on Nobel laureates, but it is as ambitious and international in scope.
  • For example, several of my students have talked about the baccalaureate degree, except they pronounce it the "bachelorette" degree. Archive 2009-04-01
  • This approach falls under the umbrella of orthomolecular medicine - a term coined by one of the major scientific geniuses of the 20th century, Nobel laureate Linus Pauling.
  • Join them as they seek advice from climate experts including the ipcc's Rajendra Pachauri, challenge the sceptical views of political scientist Bjørn Lomborg, and learn lessons from the Nobel Laureates who showed that cfcs were destroying the ozone layer. - Articles related to Delhi still battling heat wave
  • Friedman argued that no single person, even a Nobel laureate, could make a pencil.
  • I fear that the million of whatever currency it is dazzles the British literary world to such an extent that the rest of the laureate's author-compatriots often remain quasi-invisible.
  • Professor Sir Harry Kroto, Nobel Laureate and honorary fellow of the university, will lead the congratulations in a keynote speech.
  • To a considerable extent, a tight circle of New York intellectuals, Ivy League stars, Nobel laureates and Oxbridge luminaries replaced him and his cohort.
  • By earning credits at a community college, they can attain the baccalaureate more quickly and less expensively than if they only studied at a four-year school.
  • To earn a high school diploma, students must take an exam called a baccalaureate.
  • It's not for nothing that this laureate of embarrassment is an ardent admirer of Kafka.
  • The annual award takes its name from Andrei Sakharov, a well-known Soviet-era human rights activist and Nobel Peace Prize laureate.
  • The 2005 Nobel Prize Laureate for Literature was an equally ardent opposer of the 1991 Gulf War, the 2001 U.S. war in Afghanistan, who predicted the American invasion of Iraq in 2003 who called the American president a "bloodthirsty wild animal" condemning both Bush and Tony Blair as "war criminals. Jayne Lyn Stahl: Pinter
  • You'll see Nobel Laureate Anfinsen (also from JHU) giving an endorsement for Spetners book on the back cover! Are Changes Brewing and How Does the Mind Fit In?
  • Above it were the roller and bee-eater and hoopoe, all fabulously Mediterranean with hot aureate colors that were not, even in the late 1960s, permitted in Britain yet, except under license to the kingfisher. A Year on the Wing
  • Between 1985 and 2000 the number of baccalaureate degrees in the STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) fields, excluding biology, fell by 18.6 percent.
  • On the other side, a host of enviros and at least six Nobel laureates are advocating adoption of all of the report's recommendations.
  • The festival opened officially on June 20 with a special concert competition featuring laureates from the Inter-Atlantic Music Foundation.
  • Fifty thousand citizens, along with Nobel laureates, European and Italian MPs and gonfaloniers from hundreds of cities, ask that Operation Survival, to save 5 million lives, be launched immediately.
  • Students at the baccalaureate level also are paying more attention to applied fields of study than to a general liberal arts education.
  • An erumpent sun bellowed shouts of buttery light over the eastern flank, waking the entire valley with its aureate noise.
  • Marrying a Nobel laureate is the second best option, according to Borje Johansson, a member of the Nobel committee on physics. If You Want to Win a Nobel, Pick Your Parents Carefully | Impact Lab
  • These additional schools are classified as either master's colleges and universities or baccalaureate colleges with FTE undergraduate enrollments greater than 1,000, are not affiliated with a large multicampus university, and do not offer primarily online education. Methodology
  • A human interest story, featuring the second-youngest Nobel laureate in history, seemed to him much more promising.
  • Respondents were predominately women, were educated at the baccalaureate level, and had a mean of 9.24 years of nursing experience.
  • the poet laureate is expected to provide poems for great national occasions
  • The university could be offering a four-year baccalaureate degree program in midwifery through the faculty of nursing as early as September.
  • Also in attendance was Elena Bodnar, last year's public health laureate, who announced that the public can now buy her prizewinning invention – a bra that transforms into a pair of gas masks.
  • Recently, St. George's University began offering baccalaureate degree programs at its school of arts and sciences.
  • The same is true of the latest piece of received wisdom, that all our problems would be solved if we adopted the baccalaureate.
  • The literary genius you call Gabo, your Nobel Laureate, painted a portrait of this struggle in his book, "News of a Kidnapping. Remarks By The President To The People Of Colombia
  • As the national and state economies move from the industrial to the information age, the need for individuals with baccalaureates is increasing.
  • Many colleges, including my current institution, require an intensive service project for completion of the baccalaureate degree.
  • Students write a poem about a fairer future for Africa and enter them into a competition judged by Children's Laureate Jacqueline Wilson.
  • No social science laureate was awarded this year as nominees did not meet the qualifications.
  • The majority of respondents had received their basic nursing education at the baccalaureate level.
  • Receive reception newest message: Aureate spreading gradually towards the domain beyond dress and dress.
  • KOINANGE, LAGOS BUREAU CHIEF: Opening night at Lagos 'National Theatre was standing room only, all eager to see the Nobel laureate's latest attempt in art imitating life. CNN Transcript Aug 18, 2001
  • Magazine '"(March 15, 1820), as the author of' Wat Tyler 'and poet laureate, the man who "wrote treason and serves the King," the ex-pantisocrat who advocated "all things, including women, in common. The Works of Lord Byron: Letters and Journals. Vol. 2
  • The ANBHF has published the biographies of more than 40 of our laureates and fellows.
  • Sailors with a baccalaureate degree or higher are eligible to begin the teaching certification process to become an academic subject teacher.
  • The nation's pediatrician laureate is preparing to lay down his black bag
  • Despite their reputation for good taste and fine dining, patissiers and chocolatiers from France and Italy failed to make the final eight, who will compete to be recognised as ‘laureate of chocolate’.
  • Early work in colloid chemistry had also been carried out by Wolfgang Ostwald, son of the 1909 Laureate Wilhelm Ostwald, but this was not of a caliber earning him a Nobel Prize. The Nobel Prize in Chemistry: The Development of Modern Chemistry
  • A gentler, less aureate Archangel, though still cloud-borne, points at the Holy Ghost descending as a dove.
  • Scotland, all printed by Pynson, as well as that mysterious volume ycleped 'The Nigramansir,' said to be by John Skelton the poet-laureate who lived under five kings and died in 1529. The Book-Hunter at Home
  • For obtaining this a more extended examination took place before they were _laureated_, or received the title of Master of Arts, which qualified them to lecture or teach the seven liberal arts. The Works of John Knox, Vol. 1 (of 6)
  • When high school student Zack Kopplin marshaled the support of 43 Nobel laureates from the sciences to back evolution and challenged Bachmann to produce her Nobel prize winners, not surprisingly, she ignored him. Michael Zimmerman, Ph.D.: Bachmann, Barton and Bull
  • The nature of her talent is resoundingly dramatic, distinctly different from the more discursive male laureates.
  • Only addresses provided by the laureates themselves are listed.
  • Laureate, have found in the Peninsular struggle with Napoleon, the very perfection of popular grandeur; others, agreeing with ourselves, have seen in this pretended struggle nothing but the last extravagance of thrasonic and impotent national arrogance. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine — Volume 54, No. 333, July 1843
  • Several schools in Britain already teach the baccalaureate syllabus.
  • long aureate (or golden) hair
  • Now the city, with all its meaningless wonders, its mind-wracking vistas, and its fantastic inhabitants, was falling behind him; he could relax once more with the spectacle of those calm, magnificent peaks, gilded by the faintly aureate glow of the eternal dawn. Tin
  • The late Nobel laureate Ilya Prigogine has demonstrated that creativity in nature leads, through infinite bifurcations or decision points, to an unforetold plurality of possibilities, not a predestined fate for man or molecule.
  • The symmetry between the fate of the Middle Eastern Nobel laureates and their Irish counterparts continues looking at those who have displaced them.
  • He has bizarrely shown particular warmth to tyrants, as when he hugged Hugo Chavez with a broad grin, curtsied to the despotic King of Saudi Arabia, and rolled out the red carpet for the President of China shortly after the Chinese threw even the wife of its Nobel Peace laureate dissident in jail. Rabbi Shmuley Boteach: As the Arab Dominoes Fall, Is Gaddafi Next?
  • she is the poet laureate of all lyricists
  • The early poetry of Ted Hughes, the last English Poet Laureate of the twentieth century, is well known for its masculine and wild style.
  • Their wide gray irises were flecked with golden amber and sapphire — flecks that shone like clusters of little aureate and azure stars. The Metal Monster
  • He was a jobbing photographer (including some years on the Listener's Auckland staff) as much as he was the laureate of Kiwiana.
  • The varying opinions suggest that the laureateship is both a malleable thing and a work in progress.
  • When the late Nobel Laureate Luis Alvarez more than two decades ago proposed his theory that a comet or asteroid had done in the dinosaurs, paleontologists and many other scientists pooh-poohed the idea.
  • There was aureate light coming from above, lighting the sea up in a diffuse golden haze, throwing golden flecks into his eyes.
  • Morris wrote endlessly and was even offered the post of poet laureate.
  • Students graduating from baccalaureate programs are rarely expected to be seasoned experts in the competencies of their chosen field.
  • He is professor of economics at Columbia University and a Nobel laureate.
  • The consortium discovered that less than 50 percent of students followed a traditional path to the baccalaureate degree.
  • He attended school in his home town and obtained his baccalaureate in 1881 at the age of seventeen.
  • The Laureates introduce themselves and discuss great challenges in bioscience (4: 02); the complexity problem (8: 50); controversial ethical questions (17: 35); reproductive cloning (20: 38); and the Human Genome Project (24: 40). H. Robert Horvitz - Interview
  • Graduation of university undergraduate course is baccalaureate!
  • Physics laureates Basile Audoly and Sebastien Neukirch of Paris University were honoured for their insights into why dry spaghetti tends to break into more than two pieces.
  • Though both Laureates have also made important contributions to the mathematical technique of linear programming, this was not what they were honored for; instead they received the Prize for enriching our understanding of basic economic issues in normative allocative theory by applying new tools of analysis. The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel 1969-2006
  • Do you mean that only Nobel laureates and their peers can lay claim to the hallowed occupation of research?
  • The poet laureate's role is not new to him as he has been the laureate of Glasgow, where he has lived most of his life and was Professor of English until retiring in 1980.
  • Thus, a state's master plan for public higher education typically supports two-year colleges as the initial step in may students' pathways to the baccalaureate.
  • The Romantic laureate is to be felt beyond the grave by the Victorians, and by their own poet, not in the wispy or whispering touch of his breathed words but in the abstract feelings generated from the written traces of their prophetic aura of aurality. Phonemanography: Romantic to Victorian
  • He is the 14 th poet laureate of the United States and received many awards.
  • Three main prizes worth €300,000, €240,000 and €150,000 will be awarded to the three best laureates, who will also win a piano recital in Vienna.
  • Minnesota's first poet laureate, Margarette Ball Dickson, crowned herself queen bee of poesy in 1934.
  • Having meditated on the fact that Minnesota wants for a poet laureate proper, City Pages decided to do our bit to remedy that lack.
  • The Svedberg was a Swedish physical chemist and Nobel laureate 1926. This tree is far too overbearing...
  • He wasn't the one carrying around a thousand pounds of future Olympic athlete and Nobel laureate. NOBODY'S BABY BUT MINE
  • MOSCOW - AUGUST 05: The body of Russian dissident writer and Nobel laureate Alexander Solzhenitsyn lies at the Donskoy Monastery on August 05, 2008 in Moscow, Russia. Archive 2008-08-10
  • A similar theme animates Waiting for the Barbarians and The Life and Times of Michael K, the two strongest novels by 2003 Nobel laureate J. M. Coetzee.
  • From them came the gem fires piercing the aureate mists. The Metal Monster
  • We are apt to associate it with the prolix statements of policy makers and the aureate pomposity of evangelists. The Syntax of Style
  • Photograph: Eamonn Mccabe/Beowulf Sheehan Garrison Keillor - anecdotalist, radio host and laureate of small-town wholesomeness - is publishing a book of Interviewed about the book, Keillor found himself discussing the reaction to an anthology he published a few years ago; specifically, the admired modernist poet full-frontal assault on Keillor's "appalling taste". The Guardian World News
  • Yet recent studies addressing baccalaureate attainment among students at two-year and four-year institutions have consistently found a substantial difference between the two groups of students.
  • The Laureates discuss the differing timelines behind the breakthroughs in cervical cancer and HIV, how their discoveries were applied to creating treatments (10: 37), the difficulties involved in making a vaccine for HIV (19: 30), and why viruses might play a more important role in cancer (29: 30). Luc Montagnier - Interview
  • The former Vice President and Nobel laureate is raising the bar with the goal of total carbon-free wind, solar and geothermal power by 2018. Ali Kriscenski | Inhabitat
  • The 15,000 pound prize awarded to the laureate is not to be sneezed at but the chance of working with the London Symphony Orchestra for a year is to dream of.
  • 18That year, the committee had to evaluate 28 nominees, among them important figures such as Hans Bethe (Nobel Laureate in 1967), Arnold Sommerfeld who had been nominated 81 times between 1901 and 1950 (although he never won), Pyotr Kapitza (Nobel Laureate in 1978), and Cecil Powell. Trafficking Materials and Gendered Experimental Practices: Radium Research in Early 20th Century Vienna
  • What the Nobel laureate seems to realize -- Vitter's misconstrual notwithstanding -- is that pricing oil at its actual cost is the fastest way for the next-generation technologies to flourish with something like, yes, free-market vigor. Jed Horne: Senator Vitter Discovers Adam Smith
  • Indeed in 1892, when it was necessary to appoint a new Poet Laureate, Queen Victoria is reported to have said to Gladstone: ‘I am told that Mr Swinburne is the best poet in my dominions.’
  • From this exalted perch, the poet laureate is charged with bringing poetry to the forefront of the American consciousness, as well as playing consultant to the Library of Congress — which includes giving a reading at the beginning of the term and a lecture or reading at end of term, organizing monthly readings and overseeing the Library's poetry fellowships and prizes. Paid Poet
  • From the flaming crimson center to aureate, flashing penumbra it was instinct with and poured forth power — power vast and conscious. The Metal Monster
  • _ Laureate of the Geographical Society, author of the first circumpolar periplus, and afflicted with the modest income of two hundred thousand dollars. The Waif of the "Cynthia"
  • The Peace Prize to Lutuli is also often seen as signaling a change in the selection of Laureates in a more global direction. The Nobel Peace Prize 1901-2000
  • So that since the excellencies of it may be so easily and so justly confirmed, and the low-creeping objections so soon trodden down: it not being an art of lies, but of true doctrine; not of effeminateness, but of notable stirring of courage; not of abusing man’s wit, but of strengthening man’s wit; not banished, but honored by Plato; let us rather plant more laurels for to engarland our poets’ heads—which honor of being laureate, as besides them only triumphant captains were, is a sufficient authority to show the price they ought to be held in—than suffer the ill-savored breath of such wrong speakers once to blow upon the clear springs of poesy. The Defense of Poesy
  • Evidently, Nobel Laureate Paul Samuelson is going to make that claim. Outsourcing Muddles, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Control the fashion of your speech, I pray you, sir!" he said, with excessive haughtiness -- "The noble Laureate is my friend and host, -- I suffer no man to use his name unworthily in my presence! Ardath
  • Professor Sir Harry Kroto, Nobel Laureate and honorary fellow of the university, will lead the congratulations in a keynote speech.
  • My baccalaureate, a job as a clerk in the Electricity Department's offices. WHEN THE APRICOTS BLOOM
  • The name of the laureate is engraved on the plate below the figures, and the text REG. The Nobel Prize Medal for Physiology or Medicine
  • Prior to the speech, G. Liljestrand, member of the Royal Academy of Sciences, addressed the laureate: A great physiologist from the 19th century once coined the expression, "The method is everything". Georg von Békésy - Banquet Speech
  • The musicians from the Laureate trio staged a virtuoso performance at a concert marking the launching of their new album on Monday.
  • Even though Ireland can boast of two other poets who have been internationally honoured as Nobel laureates, the Monaghan man continues to occupy a special niche in our affections.
  • And Paul Krugman, the Nobel laureate and New York Times columnist, is taking his fellow economists to task again for not offering solutions. Jobless After 50? You May Be Out Of Luck
  • Reborn, Journals & Notebooks 1947 – 1963, the first of three planned volumes, contains the earliest expository efforts yet published from the late essayist laureate of the American cosmopolis. Sontag on Sontag
  • Objective To a standard for establishment of nursing baccalaureate program.
  • A denarius minted by L. Pomponius Molo depicts a laureate head of Apollo on the obverse and on the reverse a sacrificial scene carrying the legend NVMA POMPIL.
  • Having a Nobel laureate is NO guarrantee of leadership, control or efficiency. Gration Plus 7 - NASA Watch
  • They learn how to game the system, which is not hard, because our whole elementary and secondary education system outside of the Advanced Placements (AP) and International Baccalaureate (IB) test proficiency of regurgitation, not the profoundness of our thinking, or really our ability to think and reason well. Brian Ross: Rather than Race to the Top, We Should Have Started Fixing Education There
  • Michael Rosen, the children's laureate, is of course somewhere out to the left of Ghengis Khan. Children's writers and their politics
  • An enormous crystal chandelier hung in the center of the foyer, and paintings that looked as if they had been painted by Renaissance masters hung in aureate frames on the walls.
  • Including this year's laureates, this honor has been bestowed on 120 individuals and 12 companies.
  • And even though I reject Amiri Baraka's hairbrained, "truther" talk about 9/11, the fact that he was speaking from the perch of the poet who was serving in a public role as poet laureate of New Jersey lent obvious weight to his cockamamie nonsense. Why Aren't Poets More Politically Active?
  • Thus the most outstanding poet always desires to be made a poet laureate.
  • The objet de résistance is a violin autographed by (so far) 33 Nobel laureates. Archive 2009-03-01
  • He is very much a demythologizer of political and media processes, and treats Joe Schmoe American with the same respect as he treats heads of state and Nobel laureates. Archive 2009-03-01
  • Plus, the answer to a listener question about an American Nobel laureate from many years ago.
  • But my main errand is different, more limited but perhaps at least as important: to call attention to the boldness and consistency of the political initiatives taken by the three laureates ever since the opening of the Oslo negotiations. The Nobel Peace Prize 1994 - Presentation Speech
  • For example, the community college baccalaureate is a result of practitioners' political agenda to aggrandize their institutions.
  • Of course, we went for Gore, too, despite MoDo's assertion that the Vice President, Oscar winner, and Nobel laureate lactated. Sunday in the Vajayjay with Hillaray: James Wolcott
  • The very presence of the Laureate at the inaugural harkened back to antiquity and to sacred investitures of Irish kings, where poets, from a place of honour, dispensed the wisdom of the tribe.
  • Carol Ann Duffy (see photo), 53, has been named Britain's new Poet Laureate and has become the first openly gay woman to be appointed to the post in its 341-year history.

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