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How To Use Augment In A Sentence

  • When the effused lymph is not absorbed it organizes, either forming a sort of internal cicatrix which is harder than the surrounding tissues or increasing the density of the part by augmenting the amount of plastic material within it. An Epitome of Practical Surgery, for Field and Hospital.
  • The architectonics of the sculpted locks, the author argues, augment their power to fend off sorcery and other malevolent forces.
  • But she was advertising from the piano bench and specializing in private sessions to augment her income after her musical workday.
  • Paintings, drawings, animations and at last the feature films all augment our appreciation of Lord of the Rings.
  • Space has to be carved out and carefully wrapped to create a luminous, inward-looking void, augmented by carefully framed views of the townscape.
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  • L'hyperplasie bénigne de la prostate (HBP ou hypertrophie de la prostate) se traduit par des difficultés à la miction, telles qu'une émission faible des urines, une augmentation deleur fréquence, des envies pressantes et des nycturies. EasyBourse : bourse en ligne, actualités financières
  • The true augmented sixth and the true cadence gain in significance as a contradiction to the false cadencing around the mediant.
  • O'BRIEN: Tobias Hollerer is demonstrating something he calls augmented reality -- three-dimensional graphics inserted into the real world using computers that you wear. CNN Transcript Nov 8, 2007
  • Rendered in black augmented by a thin sienna pinstripe, each is a variation on a halved or quartered circle which floats below center in a field of pale, luminous celadon green.
  • Alfred Nobel, by the expression of his lofty ideals, has recognized the importance of science and creative accomplishments in augmenting human happiness. George R. Minot - Banquet Speech
  • Dr. Annalu Waller, a computer scientist and expert in augmentative and alternative communication, is also Scotland's first disabled woman Episcopalian priest. Archive 2007-05-01
  • Rendered in black augmented by a thin sienna pinstripe, each is a variation on a halved or quartered circle which floats below center in a field of pale, luminous celadon green.
  • On March 11, 2009, Scott S. Reuben, former chief of acute pain at Baystate Medical Center, Springfield, Mass., revealed that data for 21 studies he had authored for the efficacy of the drug along with others such as celecoxib had been fabricated in order to augment the analgesic effects of thedrugs. The Volokh Conspiracy » The AMA Open to Medical Marijuana Research
  • There are several parts to the surgery, which may include any or all of the following: orchiectomy, penectomy, vaginoplasty, and augmentation mammoplasty.
  • You may augment the number of their advisers. Thinking the Unthinkable
  • He found her in a white cymar of silk lined with furs, her little feet unstockinged and hastily thrust into slippers; her unbraided hair escaping from under her midnight coif, with little array but her own loveliness, rather augmented than diminished by the grief which she felt at the approaching moment of separation. Kenilworth
  • Soon, it will seem uncool and very strange not to have augmented reality. Times, Sunday Times
  • Cabaret songs were not the only type of entertainment they were treated to; pantomimes, monologues, and even shadow plays augmented the presentations.
  • Because of the colonel's sudden and unexplained departure from the regiment, fact was augmented by fiction.
  • His interest in counterpoint is shown in a set of 120 canons, which use such techniques as augmentation, diminution, and retrograde motion.
  • Recent shows at Ronnie Scott's saw blistering fretwork augmented by some snazzy digital sounds.
  • This has been augmented by retirement migration, a topic that will be elaborated in the following section.
  • An augmented brain will get so used to its powers - for example, being able to switch on a light by thought - that it will not be able to cope without the implant, he said.
  • Land revenue, despite its sluggish growth in the past, does hold tremendous promise for augmentation of the State's revenues if handled judiciously and with determination.
  • They want "augmentin" or something else they read up about ... All Scrubbed Up
  • With his augmented capital, Huang had the old building refurbished in 1908, with the second floor functioning as a pharmacy department while the ground floor served as a shop front.
  • The breast augmentation was successful, and she says she feels much younger.
  • Conclusion. Combining vertebral augmentation and placement of an interspinous process spacer represents a viable option for treating such fragile patients.
  • Our approach in the changes we made was to augment his presence, and his loss left a void in the team and organization.
  • An augmented reality feature shows you the way as you scan the street. Times, Sunday Times
  • Engelbart was embarking on a crusade to augment human capabilities by applying new technologies and developing ways to interact with that technology.
  • In his own country the king granted these honourable augmentations to his armorial ensign: a chief undulated, ARGENT: thereon waves of the sea; from which a palm tree issuant, between a disabled ship on the dexter, and a ruinous battery on the sinister all proper; and for his crest, on The Life of Horatio Lord Nelson
  • Solo singing was augmented by the use of strap-on microphones, which posed a challenge to the dressers as actors were readied for their turns on the stage.
  • You can use it in many ways, including for driving games and augmented reality apps. Times, Sunday Times
  • So if among virtuous actions political and military actions are distinguished by nobility and greatness, and these are unleisurely and aim at an end and are not desirable for their own sake, but the activity of reason, which is contemplative, seems both to be superior in serious worth and to aim at no end beyond itself, and to have its pleasure proper to itself (and this augments the activity), and the self-sufficiency, leisureliness, unweariedness The Nicomachean Ethics
  • Depapepe has a very well-rounded range of guitar techniques and sometimes, they apply very basic stuff such as harmonics, tremelo etc aptly to augment the song. AvaxHome
  • You have succeeded in augmenting the well-known periodical system with no less than six new elements. Glenn T. Seaborg - Banquet Speech
  • Hand-pollinating the orchid has increased seed production, which allows for augmentation of existing populations and introduction of seed to start new populations.
  • Walls of local ashlar to the left and a flush stone dado to the right augment this feeling of sedimentation, of Baldeweg's building being literally of the earth.
  • And this proficience in navigation and discoveries may plant also an expectation of the further proficience and augmentation of all sciences, because it may seem that they are ordained by God to be coevals, that is, to meet in one age. The Idea of Progress An inguiry into its origin and growth
  • a greatly augmented collection of books
  • The new qualification will augment existing provision in the area of craft baking and baking technology.
  • Though the company achieved b*gger all turnover and its trade with the South American States produced little or no augmentation of their revenues, - it's only 'success', if you want to misname it that, being in the FORCED MIGRATION of thousands of SLAVES across the ocean - it continued to flourish as a dazzling monetary corporation - for a time. Look Back In Langour - Part 94
  • Pyracanthas have three seasons of interest but here they are augmented by a climbing rose in a suitably harmonious shade.
  • Population has steadily increased, notwithstanding the waste that has been made in the camp, the siege and the battle-field; and the country, rejoicing in the consciousness of augmented strength and vigor, is permitted to expect continuance of years, with large increase of freedom. Happy Thanksgiving (Blog for Democracy)
  • Alex and Ben augmented the ziti with a spread from a local housewife turned illustrious caterer. AFTER ALL THESE YEARS
  • Learn the craft augmentation with the new Inscription profession.
  • Both models empower ranchers, because they complement and augment the rancher's own storehouse of knowledge and experience.
  • Television augmented and soon overtook the cinema as the masses' most popular form of entertainment.
  • We did have engine crews, strike teams in place, what we call augmented staffing. CNN Transcript Nov 24, 2007
  • He acquired a lasting scientific interest in mucus, possibly augmented by digestive problems of his own.
  • First, why did the exposure augment the responsiveness to both intravascular and aerosolized capsaicin?
  • While searching for a way to augment the family income, she began making dolls.
  • Scd brevis morborum recitatio, quum lucidicri argumentorum expHcationi infervirc poflit, propofito baud incongruum videtur, imOf Adveniente molis augment! termino, cadem ergana, quae corpori virgineo pabulum miniftrarunt et incrementum, plus j) ergunt conficere quam fola corporis nuJ: ritio jam exi - git; quod fupereft fanguinis per vafa uterina jam pcriodice eroittitur. A Complete Collection of the Medical and Philosophical Works of John Fothergill
  • Supporting displays and exhibits may also be used to augment written submissions.
  • Because the farmers allowed above are serious, we request, further, that your testing positive for drug test augmentin include a anhydro of move to acetoacetate truthful, non-misleading, and differant corrective rayos about the polyps regressed in this speciality to the audience (s) that received the inactive promotional materials. Wii-volution
  • He would have disconcerted the foreign powers, augmented his popularity, centuplicated his forces: but on the first of June it was too late: the additional act had appeared. Memoirs of the Private Life, Return, and Reign of Napoleon in 1815, Vol. II
  • Feduccia (1993, p. 162) stated that ‘there can be no doubt that an airfoil is produced by the sifaka’s arms and the partial incorporation of a “lift mechanism” would advantageously augment the horizontal extent of a “leap”’. Literally, flying lemurs (and not dermopterans)
  • It's written in a kind of pastiche nineteenth-century style, complete with faux-Spanish exotic syncopations, melody and harmony (falling tetrachords, augmented seconds).
  • Many augment their basic training with additional practice, on their own time and at their own expense.
  • For poorer Americans, the prospects are even glummer, augmented by ever-grimmer statistics on obesity, childhood diabetes and much else. Notable & Quotable
  • The Greeks and Romans augment the number of their gods by their apotheoses. A Philosophical Dictionary
  • The rare porcelain coffeepot augments the museum's extensive holdings of porcelain made by the Tucker manufactory in Philadelphia, one of the first in the United States.
  • Conclusion: Acellular dermal matrix is a ideal graft material for soft tissue augmentation.
  • Both risings were put down later in the summer, the royal forces being augmented by foreign mercenaries gathered for war against the Scots.
  • Breast augmentation, liposuction and tummy tucks to suck the fat, facelifts, nose reshaping, and eyelid surgery are the most popular surgical procedures.
  • With this particular solution, I split the difference between accuracy and reality, choosing a bass boost through augmentation rather than attempting EQ and potentially overdriving the 6-inch woofers - or my ears.
  • The technology would embed hundreds of semitransparent LEDs onto a thin lens, letting wearers experience augmented reality right through their eyes. Augmented Contact Lenses Cover Your Eye with a Screen of 100s of LEDs | Inhabitat
  • Mr. Lindberg, a conservatory-trained pianist, is himself among the soloists, but his efforts are likely to be overshadowed by two of the Philharmonic's percussionists, Christopher Lamb and Daniel Druckman, whose arsenal of noise-making instruments will be augmented by various found objects, including sandpaper, stones and scrap metal. Lindberg Makes His Mark on the N.Y. Philharmonic
  • It is obvious that NoB, the low birth rate, if it were not augmented with massive inmigration from all over the world, would have already resulted in a work force too small to take care of the economic needs of the US. Changing Mexico
  • The bad news is that this short-term augmentation of funds may again turn out to be a non-sustainable spurt," write the authors, leaving researchers scrambling to support projects started with the gusher of federal funds. Economy takes "subtle bite" out of science R&D
  • Motioning me to sit down, the resourceful man punched the door, entitled the unfailing static bolt, and swore a candle to augment the one he had brought with him. Think Progress » Headline Headaches
  • I conjecture that your professor uses aureate palaver to augment the appraised merit of your edification. Waldo Jaquith - 5 words my poetry professor used during today’s lecture.
  • The band's sound was driven by the four-strong marimba/drum section, which was augmented by bass guitar, saxophone, maracas and two electric guitars - one rhythm, the other lead.
  • That afternoon the vote, augmented by signed proxy statements, went overwhelmingly in favor of instructing the board of directors to cease its efforts to obtain the Main Street space.
  • It is an examination of the impact of technology on augmenting the intelligence of a species.
  • For these taxa, previous diagnoses are sufficient, although these can be augmented using the character codings detailed above and in Table 1.
  • It reminded me of the concept in poetry of "enjambment" where the implied silence at the ends of lines can be crafted to carry meanings that nuance, augment, or contradict readings that obey the conventions of punctuation. SWEATblog: Incompleteness
  • And several times in the book a diminished fifth rather than an augmented fourth is called a tritone.
  • While the word quantum is now used as an exotic adjective to augment the sales of everything from diets to fishing tackle, the connection proposed here is not trivial. ENTANGLED MINDS
  • My rack of lamb was baked to perfection and nestled on a bed of peppered savoy and sliced potatoes, augmented by a delicious rosemary and orange jus.
  • He suggests augmenting the menu by drying your own foods - there are several books on this topic available at local sporting goods stores.
  • The planet's influence will be detrimental while its power to express the influence is augmented.
  • ‘Cello pans’ are played in sets of three or four; triple cello pans are tuned in diminished chords, and four-pan cellos in augmented chords.
  • Where the funds are going, and as Rose Ferlita so clearly pointed out in her arguments, the generosity to areas that disproportionately "augment" private business enterprise eg, sports authority beneficiaries, does not demonstrate a magnitude of benefit to justify the level in increased expenditure and are therefore ... inappropriate when other services are being left ... - Financial News
  • The two-hour work demands almost 500 performers, including five sopranos, eight other soloists, an augmented orchestra and massed choruses (four of them in this new recording).
  • Next, only an augmented international security presence in regional centers, plus targeted reconstruction aid that provides incentives for demobilization will bridge the security gap.
  • Methods:Subcutaneous mastectomy and post pectoralis augmentation mammoplasty with silicone gel filled breast prosthesis were used in 6 cases, 7 breasts, they had different kinds of breast disease.
  • They disclaim, however, all desire of employing compulsory measures for that purpose, but recommended every mode of encouragement, and particularly by augmented wages, "_in order to induce manufacturers of wrought silk to quit that branch and take to the winding of raw silk_. The Works of the Right Honourable Edmund Burke, Vol. 08 (of 12)
  • This is the well-known criterion which says that a system of linear equations has a solution if and only if the rank of the matrix of the associated homogeneous system is equal to the rank of the augmented matrix of the system.
  • An augmented reality feature shows you the way as you scan the street. Times, Sunday Times
  • The pope writes: "Et quoniam, Deo volente, aptum nunc tempus est, agate, ut divina gratia co-operante, cum augmento possitis quod neglectum est reparare". The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 2: Assizes-Browne
  • As my explanations here are probably above your understand-ings, lattlebrattons, though as augmentatively uncomparisoned as Cadwan, Cadwallon and Cadwalloner, I shall revert to a more expletive method which I frequently use when I have to sermo with muddlecrass pupils. Finnegans Wake
  • On Charles Cotesworth Pinckney's two plantations on the South Carolina coast, as appears from his diary of 1818, a detail of four slaves was shifted from the field work each week for a useful holiday in angling for the huge drumfish which abounded in those waters; and their catches augmented the fare of the white and black families alike. [ American Negro Slavery A Survey of the Supply, Employment and Control of Negro Labor as Determined by the Plantation Regime
  • In feeding blue butterflies, the wings are held slightly open to allow body basking, augmented by the hairiness of the dark body.
  • This augmentation imbues mere ‘shopping’ with noble purpose and new meaning!
  • The surface within the outmost contour lines clearly increases with heating, thus implying that during the simulation the system explores a larger volume of the configurational space, thanks to an augmented thermal energy.
  • Like any new tool, virtual and augmented reality can be used for good or evil. Times, Sunday Times
  • Many parts of the world have available brackish water resources that could be tapped and purified to augment limited freshwater supplies, but traditional desalination processes such as reverse osmosis and electrodialysis consume significant amounts of energy. The Earth Times Online Newspaper
  • Their speed could be augmented by swinging a small chromium-plated crank handle located on the dashboard.
  • But she was advertising from the piano bench and specializing in private sessions to augment her income after her musical workday.
  • A number of clients come for ear corrections and eye lid surgery, while augmentation is also popular.
  • The verse riff consists of three pairs of lower-higher swung descending arpeggios that themselves feel like two pairs of augmented thirds, and then a little dip down a step from the higher arpeggio which it lands on for a while.
  • The only change in the omophorion has been the augmentation of its width. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 11: New Mexico-Philip
  • Resuming the thread of the history; tliis alliance, which the Jews had contracted witii I'gypt, augment - ed their confidence at a time when every considera - tion should have abated it; it elated them with the presumptuous notion, of being adequate to frustrate the designs of Nebuchadnezzar, or lather those cf God himself, who had declared that he would sub - jugate all the east to this potentate. Sermons translated from the original French of the late Rev. James Saurin, pastor of the French church at the Hague
  • It's too early to tour with the trio as it's just coming together but by next year I hope to come back to the UK with the augmented sound.
  • Chromatic and borrowed harmonies in progressions are introduced, such as chords of the Neapolitan sixth, augmented sixth, and altered dominants, mediants and submediants.
  • This principle has been paramount in augmenting my tolerance in a prison camp as well as in my taking command in life situations. Chirichingo, Luis G.
  • Time is not by itself "efficacious"; that is, the mere passage of time does not augment or diminish the capacities of anything and, in particular, it does not enhance or decrease an agent's powers or abilities. Fatalism
  • Quantitative data from this intensive study site were augmented with observational data from several similar stands on the outwash plain.
  • ‘We have a lot of part-timers on call,’ he noted, which can augment the 40 full-timers up to 100 for a big event.
  • We implemented our scatter/gather I/O server in Simula-67, augmented with opportunistically pipelined extensions. Archive 2005-04-01
  • US Navy boffinry chiefs say they have successfully tested a cunning, heavily augmented crane which allows containers to be loaded on and off ships tossing on the waves out at sea, removing the need for a harbour when mounting an invasion or delivering humanitarian aid. The Register
  • Mr. Avery apparently plays the harmonica and augments the chords with simultaneous beat-boxing.
  • She catalogues these, in addition to consonance and assonance, as pararhyme (nine-noon), unstressed (given-heaven), augmented VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol XII No 3
  • This is accomplished in the Web by using a core browser or application that is augmented by supporting applications.
  • Such treatment may be augmented or substituted with various pharmacological options.
  • The book will include a feature called augmented reality, with which a computer and webcam can be used to show 3-D images emerging from the page. Times, Sunday Times
  • The term augmentative refers to the process of augmenting existing speech abilities, while the term alternative refers to the process of providing a substitute for speech [25]. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • This app uses augmented reality technology to show you how a shade will appear in situ. Times, Sunday Times
  • It also was observed that the more manganese the iron contains the less readily the percentage of silicium is diminished; and since manganese is more subject to oxidation than silicium, it is capable to reduce silicic acid of the slag or lining to metal, and thus to augment the amount of silicium in cast iron. Scientific American Supplement, No. 483, April 4, 1885
  • This not only augments the supply of visual aids, but is an excellent method of learning.
  • The computerized equipment seemed to click, hum, and whir: efficiency augmented by an army of experts.
  • Augmented and induced labours were those where drugs were used to augment or induce labour.
  • We may find that some religious augmentation of a school's dress code is not obtrusive, while others violently blare forth!
  • Next, only an augmented international security presence in regional centers, plus targeted reconstruction aid that provides incentives for demobilization will bridge the security gap.
  • The historical links between Congolese and Afro Cuban music are well documented and these two guitarists are keen to keep alive the great traditions; they are augmented tonight by a full band line-up.
  • Individual values were then augmented by the Zone System without risk of retracing the Pictorialist's penchant for broad painterly strokes.
  • London, determined to vse some effectuall meanes for the reestablishing and augmenting thereof. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • By 1901 there were 230,000 volunteers, augmented by the Royal Navy and Royal Artillery Volunteers, the militia and the yeomanry.
  • his augmented renown
  • The trophy was an augmented reality croquette on a plate. Archive 2009-08-01
  • It also tracks where the user is looking and adjusts the image, in a process known as augmented reality. The Sun
  • The purging of the sinful soul with hyssop, depicted by acciaccaturas and augmented seconds, leads into a lively, haunting dance as the broken bones of the text ` daunce awaie their sadness’.
  • Treatment includes augmentation of sodium excretion with diuretics and water administration.
  • The automatic flight control system has a Stability Control Augmentation System with fail passive four-axis control of pitch, roll, yaw and collective.
  • But when we and they share a common love and awe for God, we augment the sanctity of the world in glorifying God among the multitudes of peoples.
  • Vous connaissiez ma maison, je l'ai augmentée d'un cocher, d'un frotteur, un garçon de cuisine, et j'ai marié mon aide de cuisine; car je travaille à peupler la colonie: 80 mariages de soldats cet hiver et deux d'officiers. Montcalm and Wolfe
  • The soil is covered with moss, and a new species of drosera, * (* Drosera tenella.) which by its form reminded us of the drosera of the Alps. The thickness of the forests, and the force of vegetation, augmented as we approached the convent of Caripe. Personal Narrative of Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America, During the Year 1799-1804 — Volume 1
  • The digital moving image festival presents yet another lineup of next-level music videos, graphics, animation and artwork, augmented by dauntingly up-to-date terminology. This week's new film events
  • He planted only one muid of wheat that year, his first attempt at arable agriculture after moving to Kruismansrivier. 38 With few stock of his own to tend and limited work to do in his own field, Gerrit might have been inclined to help a neighbor, especially if the return on that labor could help him augment the meager productivity of his own farm. Belongings: Property, Family, and Identity in Colonial South Africa
  • In return, we not only get to do some good, but we see famous people doing silly things (Lewis Hamilton and Jenson Button take a go-karting challenge), special things (a Robbie Williams-augmented Take That perform live) and exclusive things (a preview of the Christmas Doctor Who). Tonight's TV highlights
  • Both risings were put down later in the summer, the royal forces being augmented by foreign mercenaries gathered for war against the Scots.
  • There's no doubt that cosmetic surgery can make you look and feel good, whether a facelift, breast augmentation or a tummy tuck, it can bring you closer to the image you have of yourself.
  • The Bridge School opened its doors in 1987 thanks to funds raised at the previous year's inaugural Bridge School Benefit Concert. 22 years later, the school is a recognized leader in augmentative and alternative communication. Shawn Amos: The Beautiful Sound of Musicians and Philanthropy
  • Computer-aided instruction augments learning in all topics, but most commonly in the areas of receptor theory and mechanism and stereochemistry.
  • Objective To investigate a safe, simple and minimal tissue injured approach of augmentation mammoplasty under local anaesthesia.
  • Better solutions for both of these examples would be to leave the human process untouched and augment the system with automation.
  • Millburn would have offered physical and occupational therapy, including augmentative technology. Knowing Jesse
  • This supposed uniting principle misconceives the argument for gay marriage, which, as I have outlined it, is not necessarily based solely on augmenting the private happiness of two adults.
  • Ertegun's brother, Nesuhi, who'd been running his own jazz label in Los Angeles, joined Atlantic in 1956, adding new luster to the label by augmenting its roster with heavy-duty acts like John Coltrane, Charles Mingus, and the Modern Jazz Quartet. -- Top News
  • This has been augmented by retirement migration, a topic that will be elaborated in the following section.
  • Although no direct markers of oxidant/antioxidant status or inflammation were measured in the patient described, the observed clinical effect is coincident with augmented GSH levels.
  • In Deus Ex: Human Revolution, you play Adam Jensen, security chief for one of the many companies in the near future that are exploiting a new technology called "augmentation. Bart Motes: Deus Ex: Human Revolution
  • (*) (*) There is a pun in the French on the two meanings of the verb _hausser_, -- "to raise" and to "augment" or "run up. Cent nouvelles nouvelles
  • My rack of lamb was baked to perfection and nestled on a bed of peppered savoy and sliced potatoes, augmented by a delicious rosemary and orange jus.
  • Walking over obstacles, uphill and downhill walking either in free walking animals or simulated on a treadwheel augmented with positive or negative friction has been investigated in some detail.
  • Candidates increasingly are using the Net as an inexpensive way to augment campaigns, through Web pages and e-mail.
  • Essential hypertension is often associated with an augmented proximal reabsorption of sodium and uric acid.
  • Nor is it the first time activists have harnessed technology to augment the power of the new transparency laws. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the birthplace of civilization, we have again run aground on the rocky shoals of nationalism, this time augmented by a religious fervor that increases the danger.
  • The reservoirs were low and the supply was being augmented by pumping from the Mints Feet well.
  • nootropics" such as methylphenidate, modafinil and piracetam are increasingly being used by the healthy to augment cognitive ability. The Serious Tip
  • This is the individual product, with its core, secondary, and augmented elements (e.g. a 1 litre bottle of non-biological washing powder).
  • Fresonibus igitur tributum daturis mos erat singulos nummos in hujus _scuti cavum_ conjicere, e quibus eos duntaxat in censum regium ratio computantis eligeret, qui eminus exatoris aures clarioris soni crepitaculo perstrinxissent quo evenit, ut id solum æs quæstor in fiscum supputando colligeret, cujus casum remotiore auris indicio persensisset, cujus vero obscurior sonus citra computantis defuisset auditum, recipiebatur quidem in fiscum (!!!), sed nullum summæ præstabat augmentum. Notes and Queries, Number 51, October 19, 1850
  • So why not take this natural mixing and "augment" it with some involuntary wealth redistribution? US Market Commentary from Seeking Alpha
  • Augmentation of the volume of the head is called macrocephaly, and there are a number of curious examples related. Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
  • Il y a, au moins, un fait, de ce genre qu'on ne peut nier, c'est la proposition fait en d'augmenter l'armee de terre, au moment ou on alloit commencer, une Guerre de Mer. John Adams diary 34, 5 -- 26 October 1782
  • Add the Prologue2Go application – communication software for the iPhone, iPod touch and now the iPad – for $189. 99USD and you have an augmentative communication device, which does more than communicate, for a fraction of the cost. Do It Myself Blog – Glenda Watson Hyatt » 2010 » April
  • His grainy voice and big open-tuned acoustic guitar are augmented with a smattering of other instruments; a cello here, a flute or steel guitar there.
  • Kharaharapriya was thereafter taken up for a condensed elaboration that made a quick detour of the scale and was succeeded by "Senthil Andavan" in rupaka tala, augmented with a beautifully contoured neraval and fluent kalpana swaras. The Hindu - Front Page
  • The augmentation of the tourist facilities at Neyyar Dam has attracted many to the tourist spot located a little off the city.
  • Biologists are augmenting the wild population with 18-month-old animals bred on one of the islands.
  • Admire our strategy when we feign indifference to what you call the pleasures of love, pretending even to be far removed from its sweetness, we augment the grandeur of the sacrifice we make for you, by it, we even inspire the gratitude of the authors of the very benefits we receive from them, you are satisfied with the good you do us. Ninon de L'Enclos the Celebrated Beauty of the 17th Century
  • The French botanists, following Dunal and Moquin, attribute an increase in the number of whorls in the corolla, and other parts of the flower, to a process which they call chorisis, and they consider the augmentation to be due to the splitting of one petal, for instance, into several; -- somewhat in the same manner as one may separate successive layers of talc one from the other. Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
  • Furthermore, I will augment the sum to one million.
  • They are usually sandwiched between layers of other pyrotechnical material, much as a burger is augmented with pickles, tomato, and relish. Alchemy and Artillery
  • He has genuine physical presence to augment his smooth changes of pace and direction.
  • Direct augmentation of human memory and mental processing through implanted connections to a computer will be just a natural extension of current trends.
  • You may augment the number of their advisers. Thinking the Unthinkable
  • Huguenots brought their skills to augment those of Zurich's own craftsmen, and other refugees enriched its artistic life.
  • His popularity sprang from his simple, evocative verse, augmented by the appeal of a noble birth, romantic youth, and tragic end.
  • The trio's guitar-free lineup is augmented by Chaplin's full-throated vocal delivery.
  • When the camera shifts to what the actors can see, the audience gets dizzy views of the surroundings, thus augmenting the overwhelming panic that fuels this film.
  • Brown says: Mixed Reality labs specializes in augmented reality. Boing Boing: April 10, 2005 - April 16, 2005 Archives
  • An augmentation that increases the strength and wisdom of the templar's ally.
  • Although she has played a handful of solo shows already, the singer has only recently augmented her backing band to a fully amplified three-piece. Times, Sunday Times
  • Church augmented his tagging program to locate noun phrases.
  • Improved seeds have contributed to augmented cultivation as is testified by the experience of the Land Development Agency during the last year.
  • All good federalists should oppose this judicial augmentation of Congress's powers.
  • In the birthplace of civilization, we have again run aground on the rocky shoals of nationalism, this time augmented by a religious fervor that increases the danger.
  • The new link features an expanded shop, revenue from which has become vital to augmenting the budget of any gallery.
  • Professor Levi – Brullo, F.D. of Sexe — Weiman – Eitelnaky finds, from experiments made by hinn with his Nuremberg eggs in the one hands and the watches cunldron apan the oven, though it is astensably a case of Ket’s rebollions cooling the Popes back, because the number of squeer faiths in weekly circulation will not be appreciably augmented by the notherslogging of my cupolar clods. Finnegans Wake
  • She has met her obligation partly with three compact but useful articles in the festival program book, and she is augmenting those with a few carefully reasoned preconcert talks. Tanglewood Festival: Male Singers Need Not Apply - ArtsBeat Blog -
  • The Slave State which has increased _most_ rapidly to the square mile of all of them from 1790 to 1860, has had a smaller augmentation per square mile than that Free State which has increased most _slowly_ per square mile during the same time of all the Free States, and the result is the same as to wealth and education also. The Continental Monthly, Vol. 5, No. 3, March, 1864 Devoted to Literature and National Policy
  • Nor is it the first time activists have harnessed technology to augment the power of the new transparency laws. Times, Sunday Times
  • His small salary is augmented by a commission.
  • To make greater, as in value, beauty or reputation; augment.
  • Hours later, the howling of wolves, augmented by the valley and echoing off the steep, timbered slopes, woke me from a dreamless sleep.
  • Essential hypertension is often associated with an augmented proximal reabsorption of sodium and uric acid.

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