How To Use Auditory In A Sentence

  • Lacking auditory and visual cues, the e-mail message or newsgroup post can be productively ambiguous in tone.
  • Objective To explore a proper recording of the unit discharge in auditory nerve and inferior colliculus for the observation of characteristics of response potential.
  • If crows have become unwelcome guests, Martens recommends scare tactics, such as Mylar tape, pie tins, scary eye balloons, scarecrows, and auditory alarms.
  • Objective To investigate the curative effect of tube placement and drug irrigation in the auditory tube under nasoscope in the treatment of secretory otitis media(SOM).
  • In the 16th and 17th centuries, the cries turned still more colourful and clamorous, as a kind of auditory arms race developed between the vendors.
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  • The spread of print, the rise of mass literacy, and print's visual nature caused a profound change in the cognition of individuals from an auditory, holistic, collective functioning towards a visual, private outlook (and inlook) of the exterior and interior worlds. Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium - Recent changes [en]
  • We measured egr-1 in the auditory brainstem and its forebrain targets and found that conspecific whine-chucks elicited greater egr-1 expression than heterospecific whines in all but three regions. Elites TV
  • This phenomenon is distinct from onomatopoeia - it is sometimes called sound symbolism: there is no question of auditory resemblance.
  • The same is true of the inner ear, which converts sound waves to electrical impulses for the auditory nerve. Fats, Nutrition and Health
  • Conclusion:There are deficits in every side of reading in Chinese developmental dyslexics, and the main problem is auditory perception disorder.
  • One reason cassette players and other consumer electronics are played so loud, Hull said, is the phenomenon of auditory adaption.
  • Inflammation or infection of external auditory canal and auricle.
  • Perception: Visual Scene Analysis, Object Recognition, Auditory Scene Analysis, Depth Perception, Stereo Vision, Stereograms.
  • Grandma said, people died is auditory sometimes feel to the imperial power, when if you hear his beloved people cry, then he will go back, a look back on the deal days.
  • As the side of the wakeboarder's face hits the water, a column of air is forced into the external auditory ear canal and the tympanic membrane ruptures.
  • Schizophrenia is a brain disorder that can cause, among other things, visual and auditory hallucinations, delusions and distorted thinking.
  • These task parameters may have contributed further to any inherent vulnerability to salient visual and auditory distractors.
  • Patients were excluded if their auditory canals were obstructed with cerumen or if they had contraindications to rectal or ear temperatures.
  • The lemniscal pathway is hypothesized to be responsible for tonotopic processing of auditory information, whereas the nonlemniscal pathway is responsible for other aspects of auditory processing, including the activating effects of audition. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Grandma said, people died is auditory sometimes feel to the imperial power, when if you hear his beloved people cry, then he will go back, a look back on the deal days.
  • Sound is converted to signals by the processor and transmitted to the auditory nerves by the electrodes.
  • The skull from the cave of Engis — viewed from the right side. ‘a’ glabella, ‘b’ occipital protuberance, (‘a’ to ‘b’ glabello-occipital line), ‘c’ auditory foramen. Essays
  • Psychological effects include intense visual hallucinations, depersonalization, auditory distortions and an altered sense of time and body image. Students ordered held in case of suspected drug lab at Georgetown
  • Dagan 15.231 speaks of the issue of a lumbricoid from the external auditory meatus. Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
  • The apocrine sweat glands are confined to the axillae, areolae of the nipples, the anogenital area, and the external auditory meatus.
  • Our ability to make sense of subtle auditory feedback cues will be a huge area of growth over the next few years.
  • The auditory ease of the merry mockeries of maidens is abruptly undermined by the trochaic retarding of the ‘sharp voices’ insisting on ‘maiden labour.’
  • Both drugs were equally efficacious in improving auditory hallucinations and suspiciousness.
  • With a graceful gesture she swept the tresses framing her right cheek behind a delicate ear, revealing that the pinna contained two openings to the auditory canal, one in the center, and a smaller one near the upper edge. Star Trek: Voyager®: Full Circle
  • Grandma said, people died is auditory sometimes feel to the imperial power, when if you hear his beloved people cry, then he will go back, a look back on the deal days.
  • Contact dermatitis, irritant or allergic, can involve the pinna as well as the external auditory canal.
  • Static electricity can damage the components of an auditory brainstem implant.
  • [(Our superior had an apartment within her parlour, she called her auditory) 29.1 (; thither)] TJ Agnes De-Courci: a Domestic Tale
  • The skin of the auditory canal contains many sebaceous glands and modified apocrine (ceruminal) glands and variable numbers of hair follicles.
  • The nerve passes along the internal auditory meatus with the vestibular nerve and across the subarachnoid space, just above the flocculus, almost directly medialward toward the inferior peduncle to terminate in the cochlear nucleus. IX. Neurology. 5h. The Acoustic Nerve
  • Schizophrenia is a brain disorder that can cause, among other things, visual and auditory hallucinations, delusions and distorted thinking.
  • Grandma said, people died is auditory sometimes feel to the imperial power, when if you hear his beloved people cry, then he will go back, a look back on the deal days.
  • The brainstem is the first part of the brain that processes auditory information and relays that information to higher brain centres. Daily News & Analysis
  • It is communicated both by auditory and visual cues.
  • He was diagnosed as having a word retrieval difficulty as well as difficulty with auditory verbal processing.
  • Again, with reference to the homology of the ossicles of the ear with the opercular bones in fish, "employing other resources equally hidden and rudimentary, Nature makes profitable use of the four tiny ossicles lodged in the auditory passage, and, raising them in fish to the greatest possible dimensions, forms from them these broad opercula ...." (p. 85). Form and Function A Contribution to the History of Animal Morphology
  • For auditory, is the sound close or far away; high or low pitch; clear or muffled; balanced in mono or stereo?
  • If the cerumen is difficult to remove, a ceruminolytic agent such as Cerumenex or even a simple 4 percent baking soda solution should be used in the office to soften the cerumen first to avoid traumatizing the external auditory canal.
  • Neurons in the nucleus isthmi pars parvocellularis (Ipc) responded to wide ranges of visual and auditory features, but they were not tuned to particular values of those features. Naturejobs - All Jobs
  • Children who have auditory processing disorders may behave as if they have a hearing loss.
  • And, of course, the biggest tip off that I am auditory is that I often talk to myself o_O Match Your Learning Style With The Proper Productivity Tools | Lifehacker Australia
  • The combination of visual and auditory stimuli is intriguing as well for the audience.
  • To read words that are new to us, we have to learn to associate a visual stimulus (a letter, or grapheme) with its corresponding auditory stimulus (the sound, or phoneme).
  • Air ReviewDallas-based art-folk quintette Air Review is the auditory splendor of lead vocalist Douglas Hale piano, guitar, backing vocalists
 Phil Ramone and Danielle Evin: Dog Ears Music: Volume 198
  • Nerve impulses along the auditory nerve auditory cortex reached the center to form a hearing.
  • If this were not so, contextual facilitation of auditory word recognition would occur only for words at the end of clauses.
  • The effects of eating ichthyoallyeinotoxic fishes, such as certain mullet, goatfish, tangs, damsels and rabbitfish, are believed to be similar to LSD, and may include vivid and terrifying auditory and visual hallucinations. Boing Boing: April 16, 2006 - April 22, 2006 Archives
  • That sound is a mere nervous sensation is further proved by the fact that we have disturbances of the auditory nerve which we call singing in the ears. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 20, No. 122, December, 1867
  • Sound, the Auditory System, and Pitch Perception.
  • Now if I should preach in the country, among the unlearned, I would tell what propitiatory, expiatory, and remissory is; but here is a learned auditory: yet for them that be unlearned I will expound it. Sermons on the Card
  • Until recently, psychoacoustics has devoted more attention to the behaviour of the peripheral auditory system than to the details of cognitive processing.
  • The preference of auditory learning indicates your basic reflectiveness coupled with a tendency to process information sequentially.
  • Conductive hearing loss does not involve damage to the receptor cells or any other nerve cells in the auditory pathway.
  • The most commonly reported psychotic features are auditory hallucinations and delusions.
  • Recent psychophysical and electrophysiological studies have demonstrated that shifting attention to a nonpredictive auditory cue modulates the processing of subsequent visual stimuli at early stages as well as later ones.
  • We are all the subjects of a constantly changing stream of sensory experience - visual, auditory, tactile, olfactory - that puts us in touch with objects and events in our environment.
  • You may either work particularly hard at cultivating your auditory skills or risk ‘missing out’ on being able to efficiently process what you learn.
  • It's an artificial device which stimulates the auditory areas of the brain.
  • The implant is placed in the cochlea and connected to the auditory nerve with thin wires.
  • I remember my mother grinding up tablets of Largactil (the major tranquilliser chlorpromazine) to put in his tea in the hope of dampening his florid auditory hallucinations.
  • You have an exorbitant auditory impediment," replied the doctor, conscious of the necessity for maintaining a certain iatric mystique, and fully aware that "a pea in the ear" was unlikely to earn him any kudos. Bookworm
  • Otitis externa is dermatitis, usually bacterial, of the auditory canal and sometimes the external ear.
  • They had slower reaction times for visual and auditory stimuli, as well as subtle chorea, dystonia, and nystagmus.
  • They had slower reaction times for visual and auditory stimuli, as well as subtle chorea, dystonia, and nystagmus.
  • Otitis externa usually is caused by water stagnating in the external auditory canal.
  • The state and the direction of research in speech separation technique, including computational auditory scene analysis (CASA) and blind source separation (BSS), are reviewed.
  • Just the auditory cortex of a human brain is many times larger than the entire brain of a bat. Times, Sunday Times
  • Free floating debris in the endolymph of the semicircular canal is assumed to act like a plunger, causing continuing stimulation of the auditory canal for several seconds after movement of the head has ceased.
  • The effect of electrical stimulation on excitability of the auditory nerve in guinea pig Objective 1.
  • In such a system, visual and auditory linguistic signifiers are in changing, unstable correspondence with the concepts they stand for.
  • When the Spanish speakers pick up the pace and the volume, it's an auditory cue to stop reading your newspaper, balancing your checking account or writing your article.
  • But the curse of a most fluent pen, and of a numerous auditory, to whom his words were oracles, was upon him; and seventy volumes, more or less, which Cotta issued from his wareroom, are for the library of the Germans now, and for the selection of judicious editors hereafter. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine — Volume 56, No. 345, July, 1844
  • In skin of external auditory canal , there are multilayer applanation - keratinocyte, epidermis, collagen fibrils, collagenoblast and leukomonocyte.
  • -- The principal medicinal use of this plant in the Philippines is the introduction of the hot juice of its fleshy leaves into the external auditory canal in cases of otorrhoea or of simple earache, whatever its cause. The Medicinal Plants of the Philippines
  • However, due to the mediation of synesthesia, people obtain the visual sensation beyond auditory when they enjoy The Moonlight.
  • It may be caused by lack of concentration, poor hearing, confusion of auditory and visual cues, etc.
  • While religious freedom had been secured, philosophy had become timid, official, and timeserving; retentive as FONTENELLE of the truths within its grasp, and fearful to give utterance to aught that might disturb the stillness of the temple, the lecture-room, or fashionable auditory. An Expository Outline of the "Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation" With a Notice of the Author's "Explanations:" A Sequel to the Vestiges
  • Grandma said, people died is auditory sometimes feel to the imperial power, when if you hear his beloved people cry, then he will go back, a look back on the deal days.
  • It's endoderm ultimately forms the lining of the auditory tube, tympanic cavity and mastoid antrum.
  • The auditory bullae and the turbinals also tend to be large and complex.
  • Mental function is altered so that perception of all sensory input - visual, auditory, tactile or olfactory - is distorted.
  • It has been thought that the ability to retain sequential items in short-term auditory memory ends at seven years of age; thus, prevailing intellectual wisdom and Miller's research has been that most people can repeat back about seven sequential items -- plus or minus two, referred to as "7 + or - 2"; yet, as in all things, some people do a little better, and some do a little worse -- but the magic number seven is the average, and describes the ability of most of us. The Full Feed from
  • One reason cassette players and other consumer electronics are played so loud, Hull said, is the phenomenon of auditory adaption.
  • It's an artificial device which stimulates the auditory areas of the brain.
  • This phenomenon is distinct from onomatopoeia - it is sometimes called sound symbolism: there is no question of auditory resemblance.
  • The sharp frequency selectivity of auditory nerve fiber responses to sound is a hallmark of vertebrate cochlear function.
  • Aphasia is characterized by verbal auditory agnosia. Psychological and behavioral abnormalities are very common in children with LKS.
  • Nevertheless, the tinnitus may not disappear even the labyrinthine is totally removed because the spontaneous spark of the neurons in the central auditory system after the operation.
  • The model proposed here most naturally fits with an amodal (or supramodal) word space: neither dimension of this space has a purely auditory or visual character, but instead, each sensory modality contributes some evidence in each of the feature dimensions. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • In addition there was no evidence of abnormal perception or any auditory hallucinations which had been a feature previously.
  • There is NOTHING--and I mean NOTHING--that the combination of facial nerve palsy with ipsilateral oropharyngeal and auditory canal vesicular lesions could be other than Ramsay Hunt syndrome. Definition of a Specialist
  • The bullet passed onwards through the base of the skull, crossing the external auditory meatus, fracturing the zygoma and probably the condyle of the mandible, and eventually lodged beneath the masseter muscle. Surgical Experiences in South Africa, 1899-1900 Being Mainly a Clinical Study of the Nature and Effects of Injuries Produced by Bullets of Small Calibre
  • Orton-Gillingham is a multisensory approach that uses phonemics and three basic learning pathways: visual, auditory, and kinesthetic. Knowing Jesse
  • The specific auditory processing declines that are most likely to be very important include declines in monaural auditory temporal processing and binaural processing.
  • Objective:To assess the accuracy of threshold using the multiple auditory steady state responses (MASSR) to bone conduction stimuli in a group of patients with conductive hearing loss.
  • Based on this, went up to image construction. It discussed that the hint function of film voice can produce visual-auditory image only by combination with picture motion.
  • Talking to oneself, for example, happens continually: an auditory hallucination can be proven to be a sufferer talking to themself, but misattributing the source.
  • The external auditory meatus runs as a bony tube to the side of the tympanohyal we cannot see on the left-hand picture.
  • An otoscope should be used to examine the external auditory canal for cerumen, foreign bodies, and abnormalities of the canal skin.
  • These results demonstrate that the difficulties with speech perception by SLI children extend beyond the auditory-only modality to include auditory-visual processing as well.
  • Sounds were bouncing around the walls, creating an auditory muddle.
  • Little “d” deaf refers to the audiological condition of hearing impairment, where a deaf person cannot perceive the unaided auditory signal to understand speech. Fishbird : “Bob’s House”: SuperBowl 2008 (revisited)
  • Does the child respond to auditory stimuli?
  • It has been suggested that their purpose is to sharpen the tuning of the signal passed to the auditory nerve.
  • Grandma said, people died is auditory sometimes feel to the imperial power, when if you hear his beloved people cry, then he will go back, a look back on the deal days.
  • Sensorineural hearing loss also can result from damage to the brain's auditory center.
  • Conversely a child who is weak in visual perceptions can be helped to use auditory and verbal skills to comprehend other children.
  • Herring and other clupeids such as pilchards and sardines have a sophisticated auditory system.
  • Previous research into hypnagogic/hypnopompic imagery has tended to focus on hypnagogic imagery and the visual and auditory modalities in particular.
  • Although the reason for this result is unascertained, the interaction between the auditory sensation and the vibration sensation at the same frequencies is suggested.
  • Grandma said, people died is auditory sometimes feel to the imperial power, when if you hear his beloved people cry, then he will go back, a look back on the deal days.
  • This technique works because your brain has three main ways of processing information: auditory, visual and physical. The Sun
  • Other acoustic experiences, such as the hearing of human voices, may have been due to direct electric stimulation of the auditory cortex.
  • Grandma said, people died is auditory sometimes feel to the imperial power, when if you hear his beloved people cry, then he will go back, a look back on the deal days.
  • As in other vertebrates, the anuran auditory system is susceptible to noise masking.
  • Imagery should involve as many of the five senses - auditory, olfactory, tactile, gustatory and kinesthetic - as possible.
  • A cacophony of sounds and flurry of images create a visual and auditory whirlpool for the senses.
  • The motion of the tectorial membrane with respect to the reticular lamina subserves auditory function by bending the outer hair cell bundles and inducing fluid flows that shear the inner hair bundles in response to sound energy.
  • The longer you leave your hearing unaided the more your brain is deprived of auditory stimulus. Times, Sunday Times
  • Still other patients may experience mixed obsessive recollections with flashbacks and, at times, auditory and visual hallucinations.
  • Eg. The latter involves microwaves aimed at the auditory cortex.
  • In the Reformation church sermonizing in the nave gave particular meaning to the term ‘auditory’ church.
  • Fibers of the optic and auditory radiations are interposed between the lentiform nucleus above and the temporal horn of the lateral ventricle below.
  • Grandma said, people died is auditory sometimes feel to the imperial power, when if you hear his beloved people cry, then he will go back, a look back on the deal days.
  • It is known that interaural intensity difference (IID) is also an important cue in human auditory localization mechanism.
  • Short-term language therapy was recommended to help with grammar, syntax, and auditory discrimination.
  • 'The papilionaceous and exorbitant auditory impediment?' Captain Corelli's Mandolin
  • Every reptile, living or fossil, however, has at least four bones in the lower jaw and only one auditory ossicle, the stapes… There are no transitional fossil forms showing, for instance, three or two jawbones, or two ear bones. What a difference a day makes. - The Panda's Thumb
  • Whether this is due to decreased plasticity in the auditory cortex or in the language areas of the cortex is not known.
  • The biggest laugh in the evening probably went to the distressed psychiatrist who claimed his auditory hallucinations took the form of the voice of the health secretary permanently emanating from his own fundament.
  • Finally, suggestion on ways to improve interpreters' auditory perception ability is offered.
  • The central processes of bipolar neurons constitute the auditory component of the eighth cranial nerve, which projects centrally to the cochlear nuclei.
  • Conclusion:VIP not only contributes to regulate the cochlea microcirculation, but also acts as the neurotransmitter in the pathway of the auditory system.
  • Sound is converted to signals by the processor and transmitted to the auditory nerves by the electrodes.
  • His work spans the fields of auditory perception, cortical plasticity and disorders such as dyslexia and focal dystonia.
  • Imagery should involve as many of the five senses - auditory, olfactory, tactile, gustatory and kinesthetic - as possible.
  • Is remedial external auditory meatus phlogistic what medicine to eat to have effect quite fast?
  • Strictly speaking, this should be used to refer to an auditory sensation experienced by the hearer.
  • The males and females were presented in 1-1 Nalgene bottles with holes drilled into the covers to allow for the passage of any possible olfaction or auditory stimuli between individuals.
  • In this period of life by the mysterious bond between the auditory channel and the motor channel of the spoken language it would seem that the auditory perceptions have the direct power of provoking the complicated movements of articulate speech which develop instinctively after such stimuli as if awaking from the slumber of heredity. The Montessori Method
  • Some virtual worlds provide auditory and haptic information.
  • This includes the pinna on the side of the head and the external auditory meatus, or ear canal, which terminates at the eardrum.
  • Again, these chemicals demyelinate the Purkinje axon creating problems with balance, visual motor processing and integration and auditory processing. Jett Travolta, Seizures, Autism
  • The external ear consists of an expanded portion known as the pinna or _auricle_, and of a passage, the auditory canal or _meatus_, leading inwards from it. A Practical Physiology
  • The experience of someone talking to her when no one is around is what is called an auditory hallucination.
  • Three-dimensional auditory display apparatus and method utilizing enhanced bionic emulation of human binaural sound localization
  • The effects of eating ichthyoallyeinotoxic fishes, such as certain mullet, goatfish, tangs, damsels and rabbitfish, are believed to be similar to LSD, and may include vivid and terrifying auditory and visual hallucinations. Boing Boing: April 16, 2006 - April 22, 2006 Archives
  • Visual and auditory problems can contribute to poor school performance and inattention.
  • The flap called the tragus protects of the auditory meatus, or earhole. The Anatomy of the Ear
  • For example, recent studies demonstrated that orienting attention to a nonpredictive auditory cue improves visual perception and modulates neural activity in multimodal areas as well as modality-specific visual areas of cortex.
  • AZ performed normally on auditory and cognitive tasks, yet exhibited severe grammatical impairments.
  • Scientist found that the left hemisphere is generally dominant for auditory processing in noisy environments.
  • He's bright, but needs full-time 1 to 1 support because of his social communication and language disorder, auditory processing disorder and dyspraxia.
  • In addition to allowing self-direction, these activities emphasized visual, tactile, and auditory materials.
  • William Thomas Andrews was a dwarf seventeen years old, whose head measured in circumference 35 inches; from one external auditory meatus to another, 27 1/4 inches; from the chin over the cranial summit to the suboccipital protuberance, 37 1/2 inches; the distance from the chin to the pubes was 20 inches; and from the pubes to the soles of the feet, 16; he was a monorchid. Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
  • Now the four-gilled kinds (judging from the only existing form, the nautilus) had the auditory organ in a very inferior condition of development to what we find in the dibranch; thus we have not only evidence of the independent high development of the organ in the former, but also evidence pointing towards a certain degree of comparative rapidity in its development. On the Genesis of Species
  • The children in Asperger's study displayed a range of hyposensitivities and hypersensitivities to taste, tactile, and auditory stimuli.
  • Stimulate your child's auditory senses and encourage their sense of rhythm and dance.
  • He draws a parallel between intrusive imagery in trauma and the unexpected visual and auditory imagery that may occur about the deceased.
  • Short-term auditory memory in particular doesn’t seem to last longer than around 10 seconds. The Muse in the Machine
  • They are conditioned to respond to an auditory stimulus by, for example, dropping a block when a sound is heard through earphones.
  • The advance and the direction of research in auditory scene analysis (ASA), including psychological auditory scene analysis and computational auditory scene analysis (CASA), are reviewed.
  • 'tactual' time than in either 'auditory' or 'optical' time. Harvard Psychological Studies, Volume 1 Containing Sixteen Experimental Investigations from the Harvard Psychological Laboratory.
  • By doing this, the paper attempts to find out auditory perception difficulties that interpreters encounter during the conferences.
  • The plasticity of the auditory system is currently thought to be at its maximum below the age of 2 years.
  • That's partly because people who are stoned are so often tedious with it, and partly because I'm blessed - others say cursed - with a facility for unprompted auditory and visual hallucinations.
  • It is administered through bifrontotemporal electrodes, one on each side of the head, placed an inch above the midpoint of an imaginary line joining the outer canthus of the eye and the external auditory meatus. The Neuropsychiatric Guide to Modern Everyday Psychiatry
  • The task of differentiation acts the cross-modal cue role under the condition of auditory cue-visual target.
  • The computer touched his optic nerve, touched the auditory nerve leading from his inner ear into his brain. The Broken God
  • Perhaps she's so deaf that nothing short of a cataclysmal uproar will reach her auditory nerves. ' The Beetle
  • Objective:To assess the accuracy of threshold using the multiple auditory steady state responses (MASSR) to bone conduction stimuli in a group of patients with conductive hearing loss.
  • (Monash University psychiatry professor) David Copolov: We think of voices maybe as a distortion of auditory memories, we have memories of things that we've heard and things that have been said to us and it's our current conceptualisation that these voices are replayed, but in a very real sense of auditory memories and a distortion of these auditory memories feeding in to the regions of the brain that process hearing. Boing Boing: July 23, 2006 - July 29, 2006 Archives
  • Elastic cartilage is found in the external ear, auditory tube, epiglottis, and corniculate and cuneiform cartilages of the larynx.
  • Nevertheless, the tinnitus may not disappear even the labyrinthine is totally removed because the spontaneous spark of the neurons in the central auditory system after the operation.
  • The only problem I have now is that I have a bit, and *only* a bit and not a useful enough amount, of an auditory chameleonic trait, and so listening to ten hours of Lenny Henry now means I catch myself today occasionally slipping into a faux-Caribbean accent. Mammothbooks, acoustic Aphex Twin, vampire v. werewolf, Anansiaudio
  • This route included many auditory and visual distractors, resembling the jungle scenery in the videogame.
  • We can apply for example psychoacoustic tests to Watts' simulation of these 15 regions, get very similar results as we get applying psychoacoustic tests to human auditory perception.
  • In chapter 3, it analyzes the psychological process of conference interpreting, especially the auditory perception process.
  • the external auditory canal
  • It supplements the visual experience with auditory commentary, tactile maps, and touchable models to provide information about a room or an exhibit.
  • In some cases the pus escapes into the external auditory meatus by perforating its posterior wall; in others a sinus forms on the inner side of the apex of the mastoid, and the pus burrows in the digastric fossa under the sterno-mastoid -- _Bezold's mastoiditis_. Manual of Surgery Volume Second: Extremities—Head—Neck. Sixth Edition.
  • These may extend to the nasopharynx and they commonly terminate in the area of the external auditory meatus.
  • It is not equipped with auditory organs; yet everyone brought up on the veld knows its system of small knocking sounds. ON CATS
  • The troops would hear the message either in a microphone or through electrodes placed in the auditory cortex of their brains. The Times Literary Supplement
  • The microphone transmits sound to the implant, which converts it to electrical impulses that travel the thin wires and stimulate the auditory nerve.
  • Tactile and auditory stimuli provoke convulsions with opposthotonis.
  • Compared to wolves, domestic dogs are smaller and have proportionally smaller teeth, a wider palate, broader braincase and higher frontals, and smaller, less rounded auditory bullae. Archive 2006-10-01
  • All the subjects sat in the standard audiometric room, the air and bone conducted pure-tone auditory thresholds were examined by the professional technician.
  • Species of the latter are specialized for life at high latitudes, and have short tails, a reduced hallux and inflated auditory bullae. Archive 2006-03-01
  • Those measures of perceptual acuity were presented in the visual, auditory, and olfactory sensory modalities.
  • They used a technique called “dichotic listening,” which Wikipedia defined as a technique where two different auditory messages were transmitted at the same time. Chocolate & Vicodin
  • Once the external auditory canal has been cleansed as much as possible and a wick inserted if swelling is severe, topical antibacterial therapy should be started.
  • In summer 1971, Kiang gave me intensive tutorials in auditory neurophysiology and an interesting project analyzing spike trains from the cochlear nucleus. Roger Y. Tsien - Autobiography
  • This time at a lower register which is both more commanding and better suited to an auditory range ruined by years placing bets at the dog track at Concreton.
  • However, hallucinations in auditory and other sensory modalities can also occur.

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