How To Use Audibly In A Sentence
Some one spoke his name audibly, and he enjoyed in some degree the sensation of being a person of mark.
A Hoosier Chronicle
He sat down abruptly, almost cataleptically, drew his head away from the clutch of her hands and out of the entanglement of her hair, and, his nose thrust upward at an angle of forty-five degrees, he began to quiver and to breathe audibly in rhythm to the rhythm of her singing.
The husband sighed inaudibly, returned to his half-filled plate of food, then removed himself from the room, leaving Mrs. Petty alone with her thoughts.
Minimal Resistance
During service, Master Simon stood up in the pew, and repeated the responses very audibly; evincing that kind of ceremonious devotion punctually observed by a gentleman of the old school, and
The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon
Add to this the audibly ticking kitchen timer of the title counting down from 12 minutes, and Sarah waving a knife, partly losing her mind, directly at the audience, challenging someone to stop her.
The L Magazine - New York City's Local Event and Arts & Culture Guide

There was silence in the room, but only because Arnold did not bristle audibly.
Once she accepted his hand and their fingers interlocked, he sighed audibly and closed his eyes.
The glowing, expressive decorations in the Larghetto came off as trifles, and the passage-work in the Finale simply whizzed by, often inaudibly.
Eschenbach, Tetzlaff, Bruckner: The fresh and less familiar faces of the NSO
Then he suddenly notices something really shocking and his hand flies up to his head as he gasps audibly.
After this welcome, Granganameo made them a long set speech, to which Captain Amadas replied by presenting him with divers things, which he joyfully received; and during the whole ceremony none of the company of attendants spoke a word audibly, but each in the other's ear very softly.
North Carolina and its Resources.
When he hangs up, the man sighs audibly.
He heard the clock ticking audibly and half suspected that he had been dozing.
Needles and sharps should be counted audibly and concurrently by the scrub person and circulating nurse at the beginning of the procedure, as items are added to the field, and at the end of the procedure per the facility's policy.
This post was great, but I snorted, audibly with the bucktooth binky …. oh lordy
Deliverance | Her Bad Mother
And Fatty, alias Percival Delaney, a grotesque of manhood, put his bulgy hand to his puffed lips and kissed audibly into the starry vault of the sky.
For once, I was glad she did as my stomach was grumbling very loudly and very audibly.
Reusch grew odious to him, and he revenged himself for the hypocrisy of other hours by fierce scorn, cast audibly at this laborious exegetist.
Born in Exile
At last, she had stopped crying, at least audibly anyway.
Dan Wild and Delia Brett performed a hauntingly erotic duet, both dancers breathing audibly, heeding no notice of their sweat-drenched bodies, clinging to each other ferociously.
Parisian gaiety, which some French historian of the siege calls douce philosophie, lingering on him still, he said, audibly, turning round to any stranger who heard: "Happiest of mortals that we are!
The Parisians — Complete
His response had been a severe lashing with a whip, and she had never argued audibly again.
This post was great, but I snorted, audibly with the bucktooth binky....oh lordy
Plonked in front of me was a steaming, audibly sizzling pile of chunky meat, with no rice or vegetables in view.
The air conditioner droned almost inaudibly.
Water will trickle audibly here and there, and there'll be the gentle swish of bamboo and tall grasses.
Overall, the movie sounds great and the conversations are crisp and easy to audibly understand; no muffled mix here.
"Oh, that," he pauses, trying to ignore the girls who now snicker audibly.
Eleanor clutched a handful of sand, grinding her teeth audibly.
Kris snorted quite audibly, then skewered the meat on a stick.
She muttered inaudibly, miserable for the rest of the day as she brooded on that dark piece of information.
Buck sighed audibly and wiped his brow as the jury, which had deliberated for five-and-a-half hours, returned its verdicts.
One remembers how audibly and visibly subfusc was the almost apologetic chorus in their otherwise excellent opera, Don Carlo.
The audience was audibly demurring.
The Times Literary Supplement
Elizabeth Cooper, wife of a pewterer, of St. Andrews, Norwich, had recanted; but, tortured for what she had done by the worm which dieth not, she shortly after voluntarily entered her parish church during the time of the popish service, and standing up, audibly proclaimed that she revoked her former recantation, and cautioned the people to avoid her unworthy example.
Fox's Book of Martyrs Or A History of the Lives, Sufferings, and Triumphant Deaths of the Primitive Protestant Martyrs
Robert Creedle, too, who travelled with Giles, had been incidentally informed by the hostler that Dr. Fitzpiers and his young wife were in the hotel, after which news Creedle kept shaking his head and saying to himself, “Ah!” very audibly, between his thrusts at the screw of the cider-press.
The Woodlanders
The two live their lives, basically coexisting, with dad usually slinging barbs at his son, telling him to work harder and study more, and with son usually rolling his eyes, sighing audibly, and driving his Jeep.
The waxen pellet which packed the powder hit him smartly on the philoprogenitive bump, and he swore audibly.
The Making Of A Novelist An Experiment In Autobiography
He sighed audibly in the empty shop and thumbed at a dog-eared corner.
She did it below the level of prevailing noise, like in church, singing hymns inaudibly.
The audience gasped audibly at a few of these.
The others, having reached the door, turned round, and finding that the youth did not follow them, one of them called to him with a tone of some authority; whereupon the young man rose, and, pronouncing half audibly the word "botheration," rose and followed them.
Lavengro the Scholar - the Gypsy - the Priest
he spoke audibly
The axe's edge gleamed as it moved up and swept down, swishing audibly through the air.
We at Catallarchy wish to communicate that reading that quote caused all our scrotal skin to simultaneously and audibly shrivel.
American Mugabe?, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
Audibly, he said, ‘It is my honor, kind sirs, and madam, to welcome you to my home'.
The wood that had been drawn for the fire was green, and it ignited too slowly to satisfy the shivering impatience of women and children; I vented mine in audibly grumbling over the wretched fire, at which I in vain endeavoured to thaw frozen bread, and to dress crying children.
Roughing It in the Bush
‘Oh, why did I not realize this before,’ he said quietly, almost inaudibly.
The remote access computer antiacid by the essential primitivism foreclosure atreus trionyx on his audibly ties to uneducated larkspur and his calcedony balloon on at momently two profitability to wattmeter megabat who were rotted to get zoroastrian music with matai.
Rational Review
Sometimes a blob in a grey big rib duffel coat would audibly giggle when she started reciting the magical powers and diabolical curses inscribed on the trifold.
What it means to be a doctor is to love
Since I hadn't the energy to get up and improve matters, the record played on almost inaudibly.
Do, however, stay on the phone for a few seconds after the all-important beep, and sigh audibly into the receiver.
This is accompanied with a very loud "beep" from the unit to let you know audibly that a button has been pushed.
This required a method any case, one Company, supposedly laudibly, to establish carcinogenicity, which is now an impor - searched for a nonalcoholic solution for their sulfo - tant element in the toxicology package for an over - namide.
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He audibly emphasized the Arabic word for depth as he spoke.
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The air conditioner droned almost inaudibly.
Sighing audibly the young swordsman shook his head, in frustration and disgust at his own incompetence.
Quietly, almost inaudibly, he whispered, ‘They're family.’
The old rheumy eyes swivel audibly away from the mushroom cloud of dust now settling near the fireplace.
It was as though she were asking me, inaudibly, “Feeling a bit jealous, kid?”
2010, what I wanted
The maid of the house with her face upon her folded arms, as she stood leaning against the wainscot, more audibly exprest her grief than any of the others.
Clarissa Harlowe
My last gig was at 2am; a guy at the side of the stage said to me, almost inaudibly, "You've already done this bit.
Portrait of the artist: Phill Jupitus, comedian
Water will trickle audibly here and there, and there'll be the gentle swish of bamboo and tall grasses.
The UPMM under podium mounted microphone gave us good idea of how this innovative "mounted under anything" hydration system works, at least audibly, that is ...
BSNYC Friday Fun Quiz (Special Thursday Edition)!
They bow you away, first audibly pronouncing your name with polyglottic accuracy, and then you are free to wander where you like.
Roman Holidays, and Others
There's an onstage jazz trio Peter Erskine, John Parricelli and John Paul Jones, no less who appear briefly and mostly inaudibly in a single short scene.
Anna Nicole - review
There was silence in the room, but only because Arnold did not bristle audibly.
She was like a forest, like the dark interlacing of the oakwood, humming inaudibly with myriad unfolding buds.
Lady Chatterley's Lover
Where's my wife? he muttered almost inaudibly, his face buried in the pillow as she cleaned his waste from underneath him.
Waiting for His Wife
He repeated his own name audibly to himself, as though in this way he could recall her voice.
Can You Forgive Her?
she spoke inaudibly low
Refugees beware: the United States, once a leader in refugee protection, is demonstrating to the world that a government can turn back any refugee by inaudibly uttering the words "national security.
Mark Hetfield: Refugees, Hairdressers, and Homeland Security
Ulaanbaatar is a small city, and Tumenulzii, audibly from a Chinese region, does not feel safe.
Ming Holden: Freedom To Write: An Exiled Chinese Dissident, a Conference in Istanbul, and Some Milky Tea
Her institution "affirms the political relevance of the great Western ethical imperative," which, it turns out, includes your duty not to audibly communicate with people via a hand-held device.
He nearly gasped audibly when he saw what had been written on the page.
Beth was feverish and fitful, tossing about beneath the sheets, her head thrashing from side to side, muttering inaudibly from time to time.
It's never a good sign when the audience audibly groans throughout what was meant to be a grand love story.
When the time is right, I shall explain everything to you,’ he murmured almost inaudibly.
Bill was just being polite to a guest - but Bernie was boohooing audibly.
She quickened her eating pace, and audibly swallowed one last time.
There was silence in the room, but only because Arnold did not bristle audibly.
The remote access computer antiacid by the essential primitivism foreclosure atreus trionyx on his audibly ties to uneducated larkspur and his calcedony balloon on at momently two profitability to wattmeter megabat who were rotted to get zoroastrian music with matai.
Rational Review
Speaking to Alfie on the phone last week, he was almost inaudibly giddy, and told me about lots of frankly crazy and brilliant applications they have in mind, one of which is Borough Pong.
Dashingly Hot Off The Press
The soldier was cursing audibly now, though his voice was little more than a whisper intended to remain secret from his NCO below.
But the only common instances of animal infrasound - inaudibly low frequencies - were the 20 hertz songs of fin and blue whales, and these proved fiendishly hard to investigate.
But as each person stepped up to the counter to fork over the $200 impound fee, most simply muttered inaudibly underneath their breath.
After D.C. storm, bewildered drivers ask: 'Dude, where's my car?'
Some audiences become audibly uncomfortable whilst watching this film.
It's clearly been in use for some time as you can hear the clonks from the wonky pedal board quite audibly.
The others, having reached the door, turned round, and, finding that the youth did not follow them, one of them called to him with a tone of some authority; whereupon the young man rose, and, pronouncing half audibly the word "botheration," rose and followed them.
Lavengro The Scholar, the Gypsy, the Priest
Apparently if a curse was spoken audibly (compare Lev 5: 1, “audible curse”; NRSV, “public adjuration”), it constituted a conditional rather than an absolute imprecation: it allowed the guilty party to come forth and make restitution (in the case of theft).
Mother of Micah: Bible.
My breaths shortened considerably, until I audibly gasped for air.