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au revoir

  1. a farewell remark
    they said their good-byes

How To Use au revoir In A Sentence

  • However, it could be au revoir rather than adieu to scary Sandra.
  • This is not farewell, then, but only au revoir, from your most devoted, et cetera, et cetera. LION IN THE VALLEY
  • _Au revoir, mes enfans_," said Jacques -- "_au revoir_, if zey do not hang me. Cormorant Crag A Tale of the Smuggling Days
  • He'd had a couple of billets-doux passed to him, and presents, at the Au Revoir Gala. MR STARLIGHT
  • Au revoir, " said our visitor, and, with a bright, kindly glance from one to the other of us, she replaced her pearl-box in her bosom and hurried away.
  • Au revoir, too, to éclairs, choux buns and meringues, but – and this might be controversial – I'll be relieved to be free of the tyranny of the croissant. OK, if the French play up, the croissant gets it | Alex Clark
  • So Tracey, this time it's goodbye and not au revoir but when you get caught by the French wealth tax, don't come whining back here. Will I miss Tracey Emin ?
  • For now I will say arrivederci, auf wiedersehen and au revoir to Europe, but the next time around I'll be bringing Chuck Norris. October glimpses
  • Brooklyn-based electro-pop trio Au Revoir Simone is back with a follow-up to the 2007 release, The Bird of Music.
  • For this must be a very sombre day in the nascent history of Robot Fist; we say farewell, adios and au revoir to Mr Alistair Kennedy, founding father and patriarch of this most hallowed of organs.
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