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How To Use Atypical In A Sentence

  • High school students who do volunteer work are not atypical.
  • The presence on an arts board of the occasional, often atypical artist from a minority does not do much for the community, other than condescend to him or her.
  • In addition to the typical "island dog," we saw "atypical" breeds such as huskies, chows, pit bulls, cockers and Labs. SFGate: Top News Stories
  • Most people know pharma's blockbuster atypical antipsychotics Seroquel, Zyprexa and Geodon, off label marketed to kids, the elderly, the uncategorizable and the suggestible -- are you sure you don't have racing thoughts ask ads? Start Your Engines Drug Reps! FDA Panel Says Yes to Seroquel, Zyprexa and Geodon for Kids!
  • The authors point out that prolactin sparing atypical antipsychotics offer a new management strategy for antipsychotic induced hyperprolactinaemia.
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  • Pain in the abdomen below the last rib especially while walking or lifting weight is called atypical angina.
  • Contrary to its name, atypical depression is one of the most prevalent forms of the disorder.
  • With his dark curly hair and atypical looks, he was cast as Shakespeare's Richard III.
  • Moreover, price trends have a political dimension, with rural inflation now atypically stronger than that in urban areas, potentially fuelling tensions over the widening wealth gap in the country.
  • We selected those cases in which the differential diagnosis included regenerative atypical hyperplasia versus esophageal carcinoma and cases of atypical regenerative hyperplasia that were mistaken for carcinoma.
  • The presence of Tori Freestone's darting flute makes the horn front-line quite atypical.
  • They discovered the fetus had a condition common to those with radioactive exposure: atypical syndactyly.
  • Atypical manifestations are common: vesicles may not form, and HSV infection may be misdiagnosed as another disease.
  • That same day, Mexican authorities notified PAHO of a worrisome outbreak of atypical pneumonia.
  • these days large families are atypical
  • These agents may be particularly effective in the patient who has prolonged or atypical migraine aura.
  • Riley, 2, was diagnosed with an atypical teratoid rhabdoid tumor in her brain on Nov. During a checkup, the doctor noticed Riley's head circumference had jumped up out of proportion with the rest of her body. | news
  • But then again, just about everything about this remarkable woman is atypical.
  • Two major techniques are the transfiguration of classical fairytales, and the integration of traditional motifs with contemporary references within atypical settings and plotlines.
  • The whole set-up, the diabetes, and the sledgehammer violence were all played in a way that's atypical of what I expect in a mainstream film, feeling much more like a fringe flick in the greasy intensity of it all.
  • His atypicality is mild, although he does show a pretty big disparity in his skills.
  • Also included were employees who had atypical or nontraditional jobs, such as glassware washers, computer programmers, and couriers.
  • The canvas is at once typical and atypical of the artist's expressionist manner, familiar in its emphatic and swelling interlocking forms, yet unexpectedly still and harmonious in its quality of repose.
  • At 35 deg C, not atypical of a sunny, summer day in the southwestern U.S. deserts, the western diamondback rattlesnake, Crotalus atrox, shakes its rattle at frequencies up to 90 Hz.
  • Studies suggest that sputum smears persistently positive despite negative culture results may in some patients be due to nonviable or atypical mycobacteria.
  • The newer, so-called atypical medicines are helping change the face of mental illness, experts agree.
  • Atypical of one with his breadth of banking experience at senior levels, it seems he never properly assessed the risk involved and blindly jumped into a game way beyond his comprehension.
  • Atypical cells can also grow in a lobule, the part of the breast that produces milk. The Call-Back
  • Urine cytology showed transitional cells only, but a brush biopsy from the renal pelvis revealed atypical cells.
  • She died of an aggressive form of cancer called atypical teratoid rhabdoid tumor (ATRT). Undefined
  • The British press has been atypically lenient in its review of his atrociously indecorous behaviour.
  • Such letters of complaint are atypical; the foundation usually receives nothing but praise and admiration for our work.
  • This tells us that there may be some measurable differences in bone quality parameters in patients on long-term bisphosphonate therapy, which might contribute to the development of atypical fractures. Science Blog
  • Women are disproportionately employed in the so-called atypical workforce of part-timers, temporary workers, and homeworkers.
  • Further investigation of mechanisms of atypical liver necrosis after concentrated acetic acid ingestion is needed.
  • the idea that if one's brain has a atypicality the probability of having other, seemingly unrelated, atypicalities is increased. What's it Like?
  • It is because this book has something important to say to ‘normates’ about their own lives, as well as about the lives of conjoined twins, that it stands a real chance of changing how we think about those with atypical anatomies.
  • Far from complaining about the atypical venues, they rather enjoy them.
  • behavior quite unrepresentative (or atypical) of the profession
  • Nars Orgasm blush is certainly an atypical name, although I will leave it to the reader to decide whether it falls under ‘’unexpected descriptive’’ or simply ‘’ambiguous.’’ Balloon Juice » 2005 » July
  • The economy of the province was atypical because it was particularly small.
  • Well, a rum baba and a treacle tart were atypically heavy.
  • Persistence of atypical organisms has also been documented after clinical cure.
  • In that sense, it could be called atypical for the year. The World’s Greatest Wine Estates
  • The authors conclude that among Medicare beneficiaries with unstable angina pectoris, more than one half have atypical presentations.
  • Several features of the mountain belt are atypical when compared with other Palaeozoic orogens such as the Appalachians, Caledonides and Variscides.
  • Aspiration cytology showed no evidence of atypical cells.
  • Professional Teachers' Union chairman Cheung Man-kwong on Tuesday urged the Government to suspend classes at all Hong Kong schools to contain the spread of the atypical pneumonia virus.
  • The economy of the province was atypical because it was particularly small.
  • Sputum cytology showed atypical cells suspicious of bronchogenic carcinoma.
  • In the massively enlarged spleen, extramedullary hemopoiesis was prominent, with clusters of atypical megakaryocytes with vacuoles and erythrophagocytosis.
  • The famous Capital Beltway, the very emblem of atypicality, lies about 50 feet from the terrible new parking garage.
  • This is not atypical of the way media treats any specialist pursuit.
  • If this fails, or the patient has severe or atypical symptoms, other diagnostic measures are indicated.
  • We see Agent B storming in to the restaurant's kitchen, devilishly sucking the spoon from a pot of sauce and challenging an atypically frolicsome chef to a French-stick sword fight. The Hard Sell: KGB Deals
  • There are a number of other causes of atypical pneumonia.
  • A paraphilia is a condition in which a person's sexual arousal and gratification depend on fantasizing about and engaging in sexual behavior that is atypical and extreme.
  • This article is completely atypical in its brutal realism about the situation in Saudi Arabia.
  • There was no atypical gland or crypt abscess in the mucosa.
  • Their housing situation is not atypical, even for this affluent suburb.
  • Such isolated examples would be atypical and quite misleading.
  • For 20 years the trio has personified atypical instrumentation and superb musicianship, while maintaining a spirituality that is felt throughout.
  • Indeed, atypical E. coli that grow aerobically on citrate (Cit+) have been isolated from agricultural and clinical settings, and were found to harbor plasmids, presumably acquired from other species, that encode citrate transporters (44, 45). Assessing Fault
  • This indicates that for a long time successful people were those who were slightly atypical in their culture.
  • We should also do more research to explain how experts reason in complex or atypical cases.
  • Bushy Beach (perhaps the name indicates its atypicality) just south of Oamaru springs to mind.
  • On physical examination, no clinically atypical or suspicious nevi were observed on the skin or scalp.
  • Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, which are associated with developing melanoma, include a strong family history of melanoma, a personal history of other types of skin cancer, and the existence of atypical moles known as dysplastic nevi. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • The pharmacodynamic action of atypical antipsychotic drugs is attributed to their action on both the serotonergic and dopaminergic systems.
  • This reported acalculia, specifically anarithmetria, is a feature atypical for the pure syndrome of alexia without agraphia.
  • His detailed explications of a single patient's symptoms, his willingness to share stories from his own life and his references to medical texts from earlier centuries are not only atypical of how most neurologists work today, they defy the status quo.
  • Moreover, price trends have a political dimension, with rural inflation now atypically stronger than that in urban areas, potentially fuelling tensions over the widening wealth gap in the country.
  • Relative to atypical antipsychotic use, conventional antipsychotic use was associated with a higher risk for death at all time points.
  • The atypical clinical appearances and short active phase of labor are the cause of antepartum misdiagnosed. Atypical abruptio placentae is an important causes of perinatal mortality.
  • atypical behavior is not the accepted type of response that we expect from children
  • These white blood cells help fight viral infections, and an increased number of ‘atypical’ lymphocytes usually indicates current infection with mononucleosis.
  • Except in the most atypical and extreme cases, women are never truly proud of promiscuity.
  • Available cholinesterase inhibitors drugs are donepezil, galantamine, rivastigmine, and tacrine. antipsychotic agents (olanzapine, quetiapine, risperidone), were found to have "adverse effects offset advantages in the efficacy of atypical antipsychotic drugs for the treatment of psychosis, aggression, or agitation in patients with Alzheimer's disease. Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium - Recent changes [en]
  • Gilbert's daughter has been diagnosed with atypical teratoid rhabdoid tumor and is receiving chemotherapy at Tulane HERE, THERE AND BACK AGAIN - A user blog
  • atypical pneumonia
  • Tree-lined boulevards dotted with pavement cafes and small boutiques characterise this atypical Tokyo quarter, and a maze of alleyways and backstreets happily interrupts the city's otherwise ubiquitous grid pattern.
  • The confluence of atypical price spikes, enormous and unrelenting equity extraction, huge churning, and risky late-cycle borrowing terms assure the coming proliferation of underwater homeowners.
  • Bupropion is an atypical antidepressant structurally similar to diethylpropion, an appetite suppressant.
  • This study examined perceived behavioral atypicality as a predictor of children's school-based adjustment.
  • In this respect, treatment strategies that minimise the risk of side effects, such as the use of low dose typical neuroleptics or atypical antipsychotic drugs, may be a rational choice for the first episode.
  • Testing on specimens with rare atypical cells may produce false negatives.
  • Because increased atypicality is assumed to increase the variance of offers, increased atypicality raises the selling price.
  • The second-generation quinolones have increased gram-negative activity, as well as some gram-positive and atypical pathogen coverage.
  • Almost all the examples he gives for a restriction of client participation are atypical of a community work situation.
  • As many people present atypically with coeliac disease as present with the more classical triad of steatorrhoea, diarrhoea, and weight loss.
  • Our case contained cells at various stages of metaplasia, ranging from atypical cancer cells to mature adipocytes.
  • Fascinating anecdota, but then you’re wildly atypical, even for the average user of Bring it on, Rupert « BuzzMachine
  • The wine must pass an analytical test and is blind tasted by a panel which may reject wines judged faulty or atypical, and often does.
  • In this respect, treatment strategies that minimise the risk of side effects, such as the use of low dose typical neuroleptics or atypical antipsychotic drugs, may be a rational choice for the first episode.
  • Judges rated the atypicality of the prosody in samples of conversation from participants in each of the three groups.
  • The atypical antipsychotics, which also include Clozaril, Geodon and Abilify, were designed to avoid tardive dyskinesia, which is why they were perceived as safer, Ray said.
  • A liver biopsy may be necessary if the diagnosis is unclear or if there are atypical features.
  • I soon tumbled to the fact that my weekends were atypical
  • The term ‘atypical’ was originally used to describe drugs that in animal models predict antipsychotic effects but do not produce catalepsy, most notably clozapine.
  • Our data show that the risk of ischaemic stroke is similar for patients receiving atypical antipsychotics and those receiving typical antipsychotics.
  • Her atypical behaviour and progressive music meant that she fell out with the record company.
  • Although this language sounds hyperbolic, it was by no means atypical of audience responses.
  • Relative to atypical antipsychotic use, conventional antipsychotic use was associated with a higher risk for death at all time points.
  • Whereas Driver has pointed out that the data Knobe relies on can also be used to support the claim that it is the atypicality of the agent's behavior that influences our willingness to assign causality to that agent. Experimental Philosophy
  • The biopsied lesion was composed of the usual features of hyperkeratotic seborrheic keratosis, but with focal atypical melanocytic proliferation with nesting along the dermal-epidermal junction. BioMed Central - Latest articles
  • The current names used for this group of tumors are tumorlets, carcinoids, atypical carcinoids, large cell carcinomas with neuroendocrine features, and small cell carcinomas.
  • With understated brilliance, she uses typical photographic structures to picture atypical family groupings.
  • The government, atypically, reels, staggers - punch-drunk on the ropes, praying for a bell.
  • Then you have your atypical "bad": what musical gormand thought to put Duran Duran's THANK YOU elpee in the mix, as oppose to ANY OTHER DURAN DURAN ALBUM EVER CONCIEVED! Joegood Diary Entry
  • Doctors are also interested in identifying dysplastic naevi, atypical moles. Times, Sunday Times
  • One good quality assurance indicator for the Digene HC2 assay would be to monitor the frequency of oncogenic HPV types in atypical squamous cell specimens.
  • Pistillate flowers, sterile male flowers, atypical bisexual flowers and staminate flowers are inserted on the same contact parastichies.
  • And the peanut, which will not be mentioned again, is an atypical legume.
  • As many people present atypically with coeliac disease as present with the more classical triad of steatorrhoea, diarrhoea, and weight loss.
  • Well, a rum baba and a treacle tart were atypically heavy.
  • Moose and deer feed upon hobblebush, but the plants that they have browsed become stunted and develop atypical leaves.
  • Other features of atypical hyperplasia included granulated tissue with atypical endothelial cells, nonatypical mitosis, lymphoid hyperplasia, and the absence of dysplasia or carcinoma in situ.
  • Recent research suggests that suppressed bone remodeling from long-term bisphosphonate use might result in brittle bone that is prone to atypical fractures," said Gladnick. - latest science and technology news stories
  • If you've visited more than a few schools, you know this picture is not atypical.
  • Here's a handy list: primary atypical pneumonia, humectant, lapis lazuli, magniloquent, magnetohydrodynamic, deuteranopia, bryology, vorlage, Wesleyan.
  • People taking atypical antipsychotics can be compared with either people taking an alternative antipsychotic or with those prescribed no antipsychotic drugs.
  • Because of the atypical structure of its undergraduate college system, the University of Chicago, unlike almost all other American universities, permitted graduate students to compete in intercollegiate athletics. F.Sherwood Rowland - Autobiography
  • Black vertical lines indicate the typical homeobox gene family and gray vertical lines the atypical homeobox gene family.
  • That also strikes me as a good way to approach an aesthetics of what I'm labelling Spectaculist Fantasy, steering us away from the assumptions that use of conventional epic tropes equals conventional use of epic tropes or that subversion of conventionality is necessarily about introducing atypicalities of character, plot or theme -- which strikes me as potentially quite superficial (I wonder if you can talk about a "cult of subversion" on a par with Scott's "cult of innovation"). More Aesthetics
  • I have to go to the derm every six months (fam history of melanoma, many, many nevi) I think I could keep my Dermatologist in business with harvesting my various atypical nevi, alone. Mohs Nose Woes - Part 2
  • According to one theory G.W. Bowersock’s, in particular Julian’s Paganism was highly eccentric and atypical because it was heavily influenced by an esoteric approach to Platonic philosophy sometimes identified as theurgy and also neoplatonism. Julian 1st…Caesar of Rome! Past life experience… « Julian Ayrs & Pop Culture
  • In view of all the atypical features, it was sensible to aspirate pleural fluid to see if it was a transudate or an exudate.
  • However, most of the material was atypical being much smaller in all aspects, often decumbent, with club-shaped, pubescent capsules.
  • The use of atypical drugs such as clozapine and olanzapine, which do not have this effect, may increase fertility rates.
  • Atypical antipsychotics are more expensive than the conventional drugs.
  • Purpose To explore the histopathologic characteristics and diagnostic criteria in atypical meningioma ( AM ).
  • As we learned in Intermediate Statistics with "small" samples regarding inferential test statistics, we do run some risk of "atypicality" due to the "small" sample size.
  • The lymph node biopsy showed sclerosis surrounding cellular nodules that contained clusters of large atypical cells admixed with small lymphocytes and numerous eosinophils.
  • I have to go to the derm every six months (fam history of melanoma, many, many nevi) I think I could keep my Dermatologist in business with harvesting my various atypical nevi, alone. Mohs Nose Woes - Part 2
  • They discovered the fetus had a condition common to those with radioactive exposure: atypical syndactyly. Archive 2005-08-01
  • Travel in a time of atypical pneumonia has become a nightmare of minimal flight schedules, unsettling health checkpoints, official no-go zones and profoundly unwelcoming hosts.
  • Overall tolerability was similar between the two classes of drugs, but atypical agents caused fewer extrapyramidal side effects.
  • This case report describes a patient who has throat discomfort and aphonia as atypical observations of laryngeal dystonia.
  • It is an atypical crime film, a sort of film noir with the brights on.
  • Avalanna's cancer is called atypical teratoid rhabdoid tumor ATRT and is so rare that fewer than 30 new cases are diagnosed in the US each year. | Top Stories
  • The economy of the province was atypical because it was particularly small.
  • The fallacious translation of trope into signifier is symptomatically reiterated later in the chapter in the form of an atypical terminological mistake. Professing Literature: John Guillory's Misreading of Paul de Man
  • Fleas show a transformation of the multifaceted eyes and ommatidia of most insects, replaced instead with heavily sclerotized, atypical ocelli, or ‘eyespots,’ or in some cases, a complete absence of any eye at all.
  • Persistence of atypical organisms has also been documented after clinical cure.
  • A nuclear medicine bone scan is useful when surveying the entire skeleton for osteoporotic fractures, especially when symptoms are atypical.
  • Lamium maculatum (spotted nettle) cultivars already running amok in my garden, a gift of another lamium, atypical though it may be, did not exactly make me leap for joy. Christian Science Monitor | All Stories
  • she was atypically quiet
  • It was an atypical error for a side that have boasted the most niggardly defence in the division. Times, Sunday Times
  • Those lawyers would be well advised to think out - side of the box, and to use their legal skills in atypical ways. Rethinking What It Means to be a Lawyer
  • Sometimes a lesion may appear atypical at first; then dermoscopy reveals it to be a simple angioma, a benign growth made up of blood vessels. Simple Skin Beauty
  • She was treated with the atypical anti-psychotic medication — administered in fortnightly injections so it is not left up to a patient to take the medicine every day. Scientology-related case: Anti-psychotic drug use furore
  • Among the atypical psychoses or psychoses NOS, patients who have no emotional blunting particularly no avolition prior to the present episode are likely to respond well to biologic treatment. The Neuropsychiatric Guide to Modern Everyday Psychiatry
  • Perhaps my recent attack of apathy isn't so atypical after all.
  • It was in many ways, an atypical childhood, but he would just look at you blankly if you said that to him.
  • However, malignant tumors such as poorly differentiated carcinoma, small cell carcinoma, large cell carcinoma, and atypical carcinoid may have potential to grow, leading to pleural carcinomatosis.
  • While most saguaro cacti grow in a typical fashion, a few individuals will grow in an atypical form known as a cristate or crested saguaro.
  • It has been suggested in answer (13, 14, 15) that the commissurotomy evidence may be misleading because of an atypical bilateral spread of language into the right hemisphere correlated with the long-term epilepsy and associated pathology. Roger W. Sperry - Nobel Lecture
  • Patients with lesions such as sclerosing adenosis, fibraoadenoma with complex features, moderate or florid hyperplasia without atypia, or atypical ductal or lobular hyperplasia were excluded from being either a case or a control. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • The spring season in New York is, happily and atypically, plump with demonstrations of such genre bending, with entrancingly wicked shows that extract the profane from the sacred and the rot from the pillars of society. February 2006
  • Atypical symptoms include pain in the upper midline (epigastrium) or even chest. Dr. Jon LaPook: Body Language: Knowing Your Parts
  • The stifle joint is analagous to the knee joint of man and is to be considered an atypical ginglymus (hinge) articulation formed by the femur, tibia and patella. Lameness of the Horse Veterinary Practitioners' Series, No. 1
  • I've long ago learnt that the breed I encountered today is atypical.
  • Jaclyn Biegel, PhD is investigating mutations in the INI1 gene that are associated with the formation of atypical teratoid/rhabdoid tumors of the brain and/or kidneys. Pediatric cancer research
  • De Montamy's theory of coloration for enameling is unusual in eighteenth-century writing — the transformations that created such colored objects were rarely articulated — and we have no way to know whether his ideas were typical or atypical. The Creation of Color in Eighteenth-Century Europe
  • It was typical of him and atypical behaviour for a man targeting two more golds. Times, Sunday Times
  • Objective:To report the clinical diagnosis and experiences of treatment of the first case of infectious atypical pneumonia in Guangzhou Respiratory Institute.
  • On physical examination, no clinically atypical or suspicious nevi were observed on the skin or scalp.
  • When antibiotics active against atypical pathogens were used, only pneumonia related to legionella showed a statistically significant improvement in outcome.
  • In Europe, although ID physicians agree that about 40% of CAP is due to the atypicals,that beta-lactam antibiotics alone should be used anyway even though they have no activity against the atypicals. Pneumonia guidelines-Europe versus U.S.
  • The sexual subgroups also differed on a measure of gender atypicality in adulthood.
  • It is a tale of violence and sexual obsession, certainly, but atypical; it is hardly a straight suspenser, but much more modern in its perplexingly oblique depiction of fear and horror, which mixes in the kind of single-girl romantic comedy found in Varda's Cléo From 5 to 7, Godard's Clueless, Rivette's Paris Belongs To Us. Four young women work in a French store and dream of getting away somewhere, anywhere. Claude Chabrol anatomised the French middle class with a twist of the scalpel
  • In this study, both an older neuroleptic (Haldol or "haloperidol") and a newer atypical neuroleptic (Zyprexa or "olanzapine") caused significant shrinkage in the higher level parts of the brains in monkeys. WHAT REALLY HAPPENED
  • a class of atypical mosses
  • Thirteen of the patients were initially asymptomatic, seven presented with atypical chest pain and seven were admitted to the hospital with overt cardiac tamponade.
  • That makes the universal affection for the BBC's 1986 miniseries The Singing Detective seem that much more atypical.
  • Atypicality’ was initially defined as the inability to induce catalepsy in laboratory animals (as the old, ‘typical’, conventional agents can do).
  • In a yet smaller fraction of patients, these atypical cells began to show the characteristic cytological changes of cancer, with bloated, abnormal nuclei often caught dividing furiously. The Emperor of All Maladies
  • One of the most notorious examples, a module for control of eye formation that is common to drosophila, mice, and humans may stand as an emblem for laymen such as me, but it is a very small part of the story and may turn out to be atypical.
  • Routine biopsy is not needed to confirm the diagnosis but may be needed in patients whose presentation is atypical.
  • They are not sure what the organism is but it may be an atypical mycobacterium, which is peculiar to India.
  • Although molecular marker-based identification is impractical for routine use, it could be useful for verifying the identity of troublesome biotypes with ambiguous or atypical morphology.
  • Atypical social engagement is framed in terms of disorders such as autism and Williams Syndrome, as well as in the effects of adverse early rearing environments such as institutions.
  • However, he seems to recognize that his own experiences are atypical.
  • An atypical hydronephrotic type may have isolated ureteral atresia with multiple cysts communicating with a dilated renal pelvis with dysplastic renal tissue forming trabeculae between the cysts.
  • And on the nursing front, Alwin notes that there's been an outbreak of atypical pneumonias in Asia, possibly harbingers of a more virulent flu strain to come.
  • A previous fine needle aspirate of the thyroid had revealed atypical follicular cells but no obvious evidence of malignancy.
  • On physical examination, no clinically atypical or suspicious nevi were observed on the skin or scalp.
  • This bird is atypical of most species here in that it does not build a nest.
  • But I have to admit that my circumstances are unusual and my reaction is probably atypical.
  • It is, at the same time, also an excellent example of the atypical and acutely volatile nature of the current environment.
  • This piece, one in a series referencing visual artists, is largely centered on a marimba the performer plays in non-standard ways that allow him to attenuate the sound either by direct dampening with the hands or using atypical mallets for the job. Bang on a Piano All-Stars
  • Moreover, the double letter ‘a’ is atypical in the German language.
  • B. Cold-knife conization is the best method for diagnosis of AIS. Adenocarcinoma in situ (AIS) of the cervix is characterized by endocervical glands lined by atypical columnar epithelial cells.
  • Our results indicate that atypicality cannot be ignored in an analysis of the folk concept of causation. Experimental Philosophy
  • Moreover, our results suggest that atypicality can affect causal judgments about an agent's action even when it is not the agent who has acted atypically. here and we would welcome any comments that you might have. Experimental Philosophy
  • Those teeth, which are atypical are more difficult to clean, they are under greater strain therefore they can be loosened and lost sooner, while possibly causing aesthetic discommodity.
  • It isn't atypical in the heli-skiing industry to have a dozen or more skiers at the bottom of a run when the next group begins down.
  • Additionally, atypical lipomas were considered as malignancies.
  • Their reasons for adopting this view differed somewhat, but we can take Galileo's position as not atypical.
  • Valerie Atherton’s Playground and Intellectual Department for the most chucklesome, atypical, apparently genuine film reviews you have read in a long time, go here Creased or Folded? hecklerspray Tells You the Way it is

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