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How To Use Attune In A Sentence

  • Had I been more attuned to racism in the office, I might have anticipated the reaction.
  • The musical instruments symbolize an underlying harmony behind nature's powers, to which the successful alchemist must himself be attuned.
  • The clinician must be well-attuned to the patient when the patient may be in the process of reconstructing schemas, thinking dialectically, recognizing paradox and generating a revised life narrative.
  • Therefore, the most successful programs were those that were attuned to the future and flexible enough to respond quickly.
  • reading of Homer and other texts, they rely heavily on Heidegger's concept of "attunement, NYT > Home Page
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  • So again like a good politician I shall try to tailor my ideology to make it sound more attuned to a reality that surprises and confounds me.
  • To walk the Naga Hills with Kevin is to understand a mind and a community that is extraordinarily attuned to the environment in which they thrive, and which has as its fundament, the concept that we know and call as sustainability.
  • Then, while sitting in a chair in the lobby, drinking an electrolyte beverage while waiting for Donna to join me after her own health regime, I realized that I felt wonderful -- "attuned" might be the more precise word. Archive 2008-07-27
  • Thus Helen of Troy may have been a bewitching casus belli — and her elopement with Paris may have led to the deaths of thousands — but in fact she was acting with aret é ; she showed herself to be in close attunement with Aphrodite, who demanded an obedience not only to herself but to the imperatives of the heart. The Gods Return
  • But, despite its supposed attunement to natural universal energy, the shares have not done well since the float. Times, Sunday Times
  • A good nurse has to be attuned to the needs of his or her patients.
  • But broadcasting was not closely attuned to the preferences of viewers, or to the basic tenets of efficient operation. The Media in Britain Today
  • She shared none of his growing absorption in politics but was attuned to him in the world of magic.
  • The dozen or so of Danny's friends, convinced that the two Daniels did not commit a hate crime are so unattuned to the historical context of their words that it gave me pause. Reflections on a Rally
  • You have to digest the mass you bring in, and therefore I would see to it, if I were you, that only picked men, whose souls are in attune with the soul of Canada, be allowed to come in here and take part in the life of the nation. Canada's Place in World Politics
  • Infectious set brims with the trio's near-psychic sense of mutual attunement. Times, Sunday Times
  • Is it an effect of pressure, of hygrometry, of electrical conditions, of properties that escape our coarser physical attunement? Bramble-Bees and Others
  • Educational needs are diverse, and not necessarily attuned to the patterns of regular schools or for those clever and strong enough to make it to maturity.
  • Moreover, response was often a matter of context, and of finely attuned social and cultural distinctions.
  • I thus associate the compact world of the admirable hill-top, the world of a predominant golden-brown, with a general invocation of sensibility and fancy, and think of myself as going forth into the lingering light of summer evenings all attuned to intensity of the idea of compositional beauty, or in other words, freely speaking, to the question of colour, to intensity of picture. Italian Hours
  • In short, we have here once more another instance of that "attunement" between sender and receiver the most common instance of which is the wireless telegraph. Genuine Mediumship or The Invisible Powers
  • Visitors will be attuned to the ‘music’ of the swamp with the calls of woodpeckers, barred owls and limpkins along the ‘On the Boardwalk’ exhibit.
  • A mother's ears are attuned to even the slightest variation in her baby's breathing.
  • For the mind is so attuned to the reception of facial signals that almost any combination of two dots and a dash will suffice.
  • Learning is already under way at this stage, involving, for example, the infant's affective attunement to the mother.
  • Although the three were not ideally attuned, they brought a gentle whiff of nostalgia to a season of high-keyed dance.
  • So attuned is the human mind to look for and find answers that sometimes it extracts meaning where none exists: the face of an old man, a witch, or the image of a monster, seen in an inkspot; psychic portent attributed to mere coincidence; the cry of "why me?" when natural disaster strikes, as if the agent of disaster chooses its victim; the perception of supernatural anger expressed in the violence of an earthquake. The urge to know
  • You heard about feminists and their arguments, and maybe they sounded "shrill" or "churlish" or "bitchy" to your patriarchally-attuned ears. "I'm not that!"
  • The development of empathy in an individual from art mirrors the original derivation of the term; it is art that makes us empathic; art that models others' inner lives for each of us; art that attunes us to experience and suffering beyond ourselves. Brian D. Cohen: Does Art Make You a Better Person?
  • But broadcasting was not closely attuned to the preferences of viewers, or to the basic tenets of efficient operation. The Media in Britain Today
  • Note: When people are adopted, they can still attune themselves to the energy of these mother and father lines. Wild Feminine
  • But then, as he drove the man back to Marseille, he became attuned to something else. LAST SHOT
  • There is also a new enforcement factor at work, which is the emergence of global markets attuned to fiscal responsibility.
  • Physical medicine is my art, and working in the root of the female body is like making sculpture; it requires the practitioner to attune to the deeper currents that give shape to a physical structure. Wild Feminine
  • Had I been more attuned to racism in the office, I might have anticipated the reaction.
  • Once their ears are attuned to this aspect of pianistic musicianship, their playing will never be the same.
  • Catholic health-care leaders themselves are attuned to the problems these developments pose.
  • This block is more frontally disposed, formally clear, and attuned to the wide space in front of the complex than anything already there.
  • To stabilize grain market, stabilize price, country for many times from Jilin urgent attune grain.
  • His latest strategy - which he's toyed with before but is introducing in force this year - targets the lugs of youth, which he believes can be attuned to classical music once prised from more strident stimulations.
  • His ears are attuned to the noise of a big city.
  • Doctors, health visitors and social workers are not law enforcement officers permanently and selectively attuned to discovering breaches of statute. Taking Child Abuse Seriously: Contemporary issues in child protection theory and practice
  • Much of Weaver's writing is devoted to the context in which food is grown and eaten, so he is particularly attuned to political contexts.
  • Her ears are sharply attuned to her baby's cry.
  • The sentiment that musical place arouses is reached along with happy attune, rhythm, air, rhythm, layout, pictophonetic characters wait for an element tinnily and different.
  • Perhaps the strongest influence is what psychiatrist Daniel Stern calls attunement -- whether caregivers "" play back a child's inner feelings. '' Your Child's Brain
  • They smile and lark with the lads, presenting themselves as just another athlete, multi-skilled, gregarious, tactically attuned. Can Joe Hart save himself from the curse of the England keeper? | Barney Ronay
  • She shared none of his growing absorption in politics but was attuned to him in the world of magic.
  • Passengers are well attuned to local delicacies. Times, Sunday Times
  • He himself is not aware how illuminating this difference will be to one mind closely attuned to his own. COFFIN ON THE WATER
  • As a Pisces, your consciousness is more comfortable when it's attuned to the macrocosmic perspective.
  • Her aggressive titles were now familiar stock among a certain informed readership attuned to decadent works.
  • Subsequent sections flesh out this theory of prose's stylistic attunement to the 'tonality of bourgeois existence'. The Times Literary Supplement
  • It is wonderful to see a mind that is so exquisitely attuned to critical examination at work in the moment, the moment of his own life.
  • Many spiritually advanced people I know (not coweringly religious, mind you, but deeply spiritual) identify Obama as a Light worker, that rare kind of attuned being who has the ability to lead us not merely to new foreign policies or health care plans or whatnot, but who can actually help usher in a new way of being on the planet, of relating and connecting and engaging with this bizarre earthly experiment. OBAMA IS THE SPIRITUAL LEADER WE HAVE BEEN LONGING FOR
  • Pizza and pasta lovers are well attuned to the cheaper ranges of Italian wines already. Times, Sunday Times
  • And so maybe then, gradually at first, Kathy became attuned to a curious new odor in the air.
  • Because it sees all psychopathology as reflecting self deficits—that is, gaps, missing, or underdeveloped elements in self-structure that come about as a result of unattuned or traumatic caretaking, treatment based on self psychological principles provides patients with a second chance to complete their development. Object Relations Theory and Self Psychology in Social Work Practice
  • Cypress is another woodsy smell that will remind you to ground unto the Earth Mother for comfort and peace as well as attune to the pine tree kingdom.
  • His was an education and upbringing attuned to arts and letters and dismissive of science. Times, Sunday Times
  • An original thinker always alertly attuned to contemporary culture, he was admired for his intellectual style and the felicity with which he expressed his ideas in his many books and articles.
  • Her ears are sharply attuned to her baby's cry.
  • Yet many of us in North America have become "autistic" to the natural world and have to re-attune ourselves to the whisperings of non-human nature, notes "geologian" Thomas - Home Page
  • Business leaders would lose no time in pointing out the obvious: that for business to succeed it has to be keenly attuned to a market place that subsumes myriad customer tastes, concerns and preferences.
  • And here lies an area where he just might drive a few shards of uncertainty into an apparently perfectly attuned Federer. Times, Sunday Times
  • Because of this long period of co-evolution, dogs are the most attuned of animals to our own species needs and ways of living.
  • At the same time, he was equipped with a political antenna that was finely attuned to social discontent and class conflict.
  • Their ears were still attuned to the sounds of the London suburb.
  • In his early research on attunement, Stern and his colleagues filmed mothers interacting with their babies, who were seated in inclined infant seats so that they could “talk” to their parents. Red Flags or Red Herrings?
  • The wind makes the music, attuned to the vibrations of the natural world. The Times Literary Supplement
  • As people become more attuned to ordering custom vehicles, we feel this trend will grow.
  • Our challenge is to activate and re-activate an attunement and awareness for the bioregions in which we dwell.
  • We live in an age of overnight TV era are not, for the most part, attuned to the notion of rigour, to the notion of the thing pursued for its own sake rather than for the celebrity payoff. The Guardian World News
  • US politicians are attuned to petroleum's importance to their career prospects.
  • As a certified Sodomite, attuned to homophobic undercurrents, I'm intently aware of subtext in narratives, how superficially fun and fluffy entertainment can carry the dodgiest of messages. Archive 2010-05-01
  • Drummer Wilson is astutely attune to the needs of the music as he seamlessly changes from brushes to sticks, from clashing hi hat to shimmering cymbal. Ralph A. Miriello: Denny Zeitlin With Buster Williams and Matt Wilson at the Kitano
  • Not altogether true, but still perfectly attuned to the moment. Times, Sunday Times
  • Schumer, whose faith in his sense of the authentic is absolute, is every bit as attuned to perceived Democratic elitism as Fox News is. The Man in the Middle
  • Self is well attuned to the multiple valencies of that innocuous phone phrase 'you're breaking up'. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Wicca, witchcraft, paganism, whatever you want to call it, is more like an attunement with the forces of nature, a response to them.
  • Taylor believes that the severance of understanding and attunement resulted in superior understanding at least of physical nature.
  • The dream, then, is of one language and one world perfectly attuned. Foucault and Derrida - The Other Side Of Reason
  • His ears are attuned to the noise of a big city.
  • Rarely has a presenter and his subject been so perfectly attuned. Times, Sunday Times
  • Likewise, the Federal Communication Commission has become acutely attuned to the need for additional greater spectrum in order to sustain wireless growth and demand..
  • In this silence, alert us to the wailing of people in peril, awaken us to possibilities of perfection, attune us to the sinews of strength that we share, so that our hands will not be lifted in destruction.
  • She looked at him closely; her ear attuned to his voice caught the slightest thickness in the dissyllable. The Beautiful and Damned
  • He and the tempestuous Chapman had an incredibly attuned working relationship which began m 1960.
  • Doctors, health visitors and social workers are not law enforcement officers permanently and selectively attuned to discovering breaches of statute. Taking Child Abuse Seriously: Contemporary issues in child protection theory and practice
  • Having become attuned to them, I now hear them everywhere, every day.
  • She is much more attuned than I am to the technology.
  • His ears are attuned to the noise of a bug city.
  • When it comes to fashion, his antennae are not as finely attuned. Times, Sunday Times
  • So attuned is the human mind to look for and find answers that sometimes it extracts meaning where none exists: the face of an old man, a witch, or the image of a monster, seen in an inkspot; psychic portent attributed to mere coincidence; the cry of "why me?" when natural disaster strikes, as if the agent of disaster chooses its victim; the perception of supernatural anger expressed in the violence of an earthquake. The urge to know
  • These offices are clearly more cost-effective, and the staff are more closely attuned to the needs and requirements of members in their regions. Times, Sunday Times
  • He possessed both an indomitable will and supersensitive antennae attuned to the political airways.
  • Anyway the Bowen technique, if you believe it, allows the body to reset itself and heal itself via a series of gentle attunements.
  • A mother's ears are attuned to even the slightest variation in her baby's breathing.
  • His love of the sea contributed to a personality that was perfectly attuned to the secret world of intelligence. Times, Sunday Times
  • My ears are not attuned to Japanese music yet.
  • The Bochum Symphony Orchestra are attuned to these overtly romantic pieces and both soloists are also top class interpreters.
  • Maybe divination's not for you; maybe your forte is in healing, so you receive your Reiki attunements and do healings that way, or maybe it's herbalism and you take what you learn and help people.
  • And expats, when not complaining about something or other, are often particularly attuned to them. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is this approach that makes him so keenly attuned to the needs of plants - a plant whisperer of sorts.
  • So I think people are definitely, you know, kind of attuned to being in the right place. CNN Transcript Aug 22, 2009
  • ‘Effective managers have to be attuned to what's going on in their departments, but they are not psychotherapists,’ states Kipper.
  • Specifically, across cultures women have been shown to be on average more emotionally responsive, more socially attuned, and more verbally gifted than men.
  • Passengers are well attuned to local delicacies. Times, Sunday Times
  • For those who have the luxury of regular access to natural settings suitable for meditation and attunement to the Earth, this may truly be the case.
  • Wysing Arts Centre, Sun to 18 MarSkye SherwinFreud's portraits are hard, disquieting things, attuned to the tough reality of bare, veiny sprawling bodies and the jaundiced walls, gummy sheets and cruel furniture around them. This week's new exhibitions
  • One may attune to the script for ascension through one's conscious freewill choice.
  • This is analagous to how a radio, accessing 'universally the same' radio frequencies, can attune via various simple mechanisms to different stations such that at one moment it will be playing the jazz and another the rock stations. A Materialist Red Herring
  • The dream, then, is of one language and one world perfectly attuned. Foucault and Derrida - The Other Side Of Reason
  • They were more attuned to the subtleties of human behaviour. LOST SUMMER
  • The latitudinarianism of the incumbent rabbi was attuned to the religious outlook of the congregation's membership, for whom Orthodoxy was a matter of preference, not of practice.
  • Much of what impels him to write is an urge to create something as vast and multifaceted as the universe, to establish in his books a parallel realm, one attuned to his obsessions, mapping out his philosophy of history.
  • What he has delivered is a powerful and solid opera, beautifully attuned to the expectations of its audience, challenging but never going too far, involving and magical.
  • Stenhammar's art seems far more attuned to the Swedish spirit.
  • Indeed, since taking the advice to "attune their sensitivities better to the fine-grain of everyday life" and make books safe for reading "five or ten minutes at a clip, non-commitally" is the most idiotic and self-destructive thing publishers could do, they no doubt will do it, with great dispatch. Writing and Publishing
  • Swahili is attuned to diverse kinds of animacy, even to degrees of animacy. The English Is Coming!
  • Work done by students and professionals must be guided by cybrarians attuned to the problems inherent in images or videos.
  • After lumber attune reduces yield, meet the influence with new generation of current to lumber price.
  • The 1930s thrillers seem more politically aware and attuned to their times.
  • We shop at the same stores, he uses more beauty products than I do and is more attuned to fashionable circles than I am.
  • Members were attuned to the political environment and sought what was politically possible.
  • By being attuned to individual students' personal goals, teachers can assist students who otherwise might give up.
  • Professionally, the men are clearly closely attuned.
  • It heightens our sense of attunement, speaking of harmonies and rhythms. Times, Sunday Times
  • They were more attuned to the subtleties of human behaviour. LOST SUMMER
  • The deteriorating talks have brought new attention to differences between House Speaker Boehner, long known as a deal-maker who can work with Democrats, and his top deputy, Majority Leader Cantor, a rising star closely attuned to the anti-tax passions of the Republican rank-and-file. Two Debt Scrambles and a Google Coup
  • The musical content lacked the roll call of iconic names of the Olympics but was closely attuned to the celebratory ethos of these games. Times, Sunday Times
  • This means education systems and economic structures that are attuned to, and can adapt to, global technological innovations.
  • It was a style unapologetic to traditional aesthetics, but alive to the needs and impulses of the moment: pared-down and vernacular in diction, unterrified of authority or manners, wisecracking, brutally frank except when it was hoaxing, joyously attuned to terrain, and above all, attuned to the fate and the legitimate viewpoint of the common man. Mark Twain
  • After lumber attune reduces yield, meet the influence with new generation of current to lumber price.
  • Moreover, response was often a matter of context, and of finely attuned social and cultural distinctions.
  • Be attuned to potential allergies and asthma. Times, Sunday Times
  • She yielded to its influence, and the too natural consequence in a mind unattuned to soft emotions was, that the attentions of Adrian became distasteful to her. The Last Man
  • The property that labor concerns decided its attune rectify a mechanism to should have pluralism.
  • Will they instead design neighborhood parks finely attuned to the pederastic behaviors of unregistered sex offenders in the area, orchestrating a genetically-encoded series of seismonastic movements when one is detected? My Garden Is Telling Me That I'm Abusing My Kids
  • He possessed both an indomitable will and supersensitive antennae attuned to the political airways.
  • Neglect can take the form of ignoring or not seeing another's humanness, withholding care, nurturing and attention or a shutting down of the relational behaviors that reflect attunement and connection. Dr. Tian Dayton: Relationship Dynamics Within the Addicted/Traumatized Family System
  • In Roche's fevered imagination his leader is a combination of Mother Teresa, St Francis of Assisi and metrosexual man, finely attuned to the sensitivities of those around him.
  • Ultimately, recognition of the universal, delicate synchronicity that enmeshes us at every scale of time and space may enable us to be more sensitively attuned to our interconnected universe -- a sort of cosmic soup that is both sub-atomic and vast at the same time. Kevin Bermeister: God's Time, Science's Ideal
  • When someone mentions SECRET concerning another’s interests, ears attune toward the sound of the one speaking, and syllables are licked from the air as if they were ice cream. Secrets from Blueprints
  • Rather, they were attuned to anything abnormal or unusual that might signal danger. The Runaway Brain: the Evolution of Human Uniqueness
  • We attune ourselves to the beat of drums; gradually, we realise that it is the rhythm of ritual breast-beating.
  • Her work remains sensitively attuned to women's issues, but retains an element of playfulness alongside its edginess.
  • It was a natural growth for a vital composer who had her ears keenly attuned to new developments, and could selectively integrate what she wanted into her own personal idiom.
  • He was exquisitely attuned to the need for public relations.
  • We who are attuned to the cycles of Nature and the rhythms of the Earth often feel overwhelmed by the escalating environmental crises.
  • Your senses become better attuned to art when the light is fresh; you are less subject to museum fatigue.
  • The kids tell me that the supervising adults are not attuned or even paying attention to those moments when they are rejected from a lunch table, being called a hippo in the hallway, or even when they eat their lunch in the bathroom in order to avoid being seen eating alone in the lunch room. Barbara Greenberg: School: A Great Place for Bullying
  • A film less attuned to the reality of how oppression affects human beings would have had the impoverished South African blacks forming some kind of solidarity with their alien brothers, but District 9 has no such pretensions, instead showing that the arrival of the Prawn gives even the poorest, slum-dweller a whole new class of beings, below even them, to exploit for fun and profit. Will Menaker: District 9
  • Leaders high in emotional self-awareness are attuned to their inner signals. Times, Sunday Times
  • His antennae are sharply attuned to such shifts.
  • And in the realm of equity jurisprudence, he is attuned to making the common law make sense.
  • Rich in cultural capital and attuned to information and communication structures, they apply themselves assiduously to the task of self-fulfillment.
  • These offices are clearly more cost-effective, and the staff are more closely attuned to the needs and requirements of members in their regions. Times, Sunday Times
  • As I recall Krim said something to the effcet that the Ginsberg crowd was so unattuned to pulp publishing that they were even thinking of sending On The Road there. Podpublishing
  • They draw us into another world, their world, to which we must attune and acclimatize ourselves.
  • Those deviations that were identified in the subjects he studied always reflected mismatching or unattuned transactions between children and their caretakers, rather than residing in the infant alone. Object Relations Theory and Self Psychology in Social Work Practice
  • And to this extent, Robbe-Grillet has been proven correct when in the same essay he predicts that this sort of modernist experimentation (with which he more or less associated his own fiction) will become "assimilated," viewed by critics still attuned only to the past as the most recent golden age of storytelling. Experimental Fiction
  • He dips his head and gives me the look that says, how can you resist someone as quiveringly self-aware, as attuned to the mechanisms of his own irresistibility, as I, Russell Brand, am? Russell Brand: This charming man
  • Self psychology sees all psychopathology as reflecting self deficits—that is, gaps, or missing or underdeveloped elements in self structure that come about as a result of unattuned or traumatic caretaking. Object Relations Theory and Self Psychology in Social Work Practice
  • Caissa, " and he seemed to be arguing against himself to judge by the action and the conflict of color in his robe, -whatever attraction you might have just felt for me, might be emotionally experiencing, is caused by proximity to coelura attuned to my needs .... The Coelura
  • They seem almost supernaturally attuned to each other on this piece, contrasting hollow-sounding beats with sandpapery scrapes.
  • Or would it produce an effect that was only nebulously hinted at by the term contra-attunement? The Man with Two Faces
  • John's nose is acutely attuned to the wide range of different smell that he works with daily.
  • He imagines the church as a community of ‘mystagogues,’ attuned, disciplined, perceptive and nimble.
  • Plus, knowing somehow with their finely attuned student sense that I had written complimentarily about them, the students decided to indulge in some freestylin' in the hallway about 1am. What was I thinking?
  • Rather, they were attuned to anything abnormal or unusual that might signal danger. The Runaway Brain: the Evolution of Human Uniqueness
  • We become imminently attuned to sussing out who is being genuine and has something interesting to say, and is thus worth listening to, and who is full of b.s. When you blog, all it can take is one thoughtless or ill-informed post to erase any credibility that you have. Blogs and buzz
  • The nature of sprites and pixies was a very innocent one, more attune to that of children than creatures of magic.
  • Beneath this notion of the pact and therefore of adequation, the notion of veiling/unveiling attunes the entire Seminar to the Heideggerian discourse on the truth. Enowning
  • But broadcasting was not closely attuned to the preferences of viewers, or to the basic tenets of efficient operation. The Media in Britain Today
  • The civilized modern stage upon which status dramas are enacted is not so stripped down - we don't literally miss out on meals if our neighbors overstuff their pantry - but the mechanism remains intact and attuned to the same ultimate goals.
  • I think the catastrophe demonstrates that we are not as completely attuned to the forces of nature as we think we are.
  • His stance was gentle, respectful, calm, centered, attuned, and responsive.
  • And here lies an area where he just might drive a few shards of uncertainty into an apparently perfectly attuned Federer. Times, Sunday Times
  • Indeed, since taking the advice to "attune their sensitivities better to the fine-grain of everyday life" and make books safe for reading "five or ten minutes at a clip, non-commitally" is the most idiotic and self-destructive thing publishers could do, they no doubt will do it, with great dispatch. Writing and Publishing
  • But, next season, players will become more attuned to what he is going to do and become more adept at stopping him.
  • They seem almost supernaturally attuned to each other on this piece, contrasting hollow-sounding beats with sandpapery scrapes.
  • Their finely attuned ecological sensitivity makes them true heroes in a region dominated by agro-industry.
  • Likewise, the Federal Communication Commission has become acutely attuned to the need for additional greater spectrum in order to sustain wireless growth and demand..
  • It was inspired in part by the company's performance last January at the Tasmanian Circus Festival, where, upside-down on the other side of the earth, she felt a special attunement to her body's navigation system. Curtain Raisers: A Future for Circus in the Balance
  • Above all, it insists on the epistemological significance of aesthetic experience, that is, on its ability to "attune" the mind and thus prepare the ground for what Kant had called "knowledge in general. The Voice of Critique: Aesthetic Cognition After Kant,
  • Therapists who are attuned to experiences of clients cut-off from sense of self by trauma and depression will find it worthwhile to pursue this volume.
  • The same tactic is also perfectly attuned to writing about music, an art form in which the rests are just as important as the notes. Times, Sunday Times
  • We/Our ears are becoming attuned to the noise of the new factory nearby.
  • Health care practitioners who are not attuned to racial differences may not be aware of unique physical conditions as well.
  • Her work remains sensitively attuned to women's issues.
  • However, when you attune to your own cycle of fertility, you can access the energetic support corresponding to the rhythms of your female body. Wild Feminine
  • Early learning environments in which teachers are attuned to temperamental differences among children may help to provide a comprehensive basis for the development of skills important for learning.
  • Instead of guarding with walls, that inefficiently block all types of energy, you attune with a vibrancy that supports health and repels or clears toxicity. Wild Feminine
  • There is also a new enforcement factor at work, which is the emergence of global markets attuned to fiscal responsibility.
  • `Because the Lightstone,' Ymiru said, `is attuned to the galastei and all things of power, but especially to the telluric currents. THE LIGHTSTONE: BOOK ONE, PART TWO OF THE EA CYCLE
  • All of a sudden, my ear got kind of attuned to all the jargon they were using, and it hit me that those were some great lines," says Mr. Miles, who hopes that the resulting song, "Wall Street Bail Out Blues," will help listeners vent their feelings. No Dough in the Do-Re-Mi: Songwriters Take On the Recession
  • This means that women must attune to themselves first rather than simply following or pleasing the outer world. Wild Feminine
  • Theoretical ideas are connected to the world by a translation into an empirical language more closely attuned to the observable world.
  • In the previous millennium black warriors and captives had occasionally appeared in the art of Egypt, Crete, and Cyprus ” their precise racial origins are a matter of debate among scholars still attuned to dolichocephalous and mesaticephalous physical types. Out of the Shadows

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