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How To Use Attic In A Sentence

  • Upstairs were the bedrooms; “mother-and-father’s room” the largest; a smaller room for one or two sons, another for one or two daughters; each of these rooms containing a double bed, a “washstand, ” a “bureau, ” a wardrobe, a little table, a rocking-chair, and often a chair or two that had been slightly damaged downstairs, but not enough to justify either the expense of repair or decisive abandonment in the attic. Chapter 1
  • And Ahaziah fell down through a lattice in his upper chamber that was in Samaria, and was sick: and he sent messengers, and said unto them, Go, enquire of Baal-zebub the god of Ekron whether I shall recover of this disease. The Dor�� Gallery of Bible Illustrations
  • _Attico genere dicendi se gaudere dicunt; atqui utinam imitarentur nec ossa solum, sed etiam et sanguinem. A Dialogue Concerning Oratory, Or The Causes Of Corrupt Eloquence The Works Of Cornelius Tacitus, Volume 8 (of 8); With An Essay On His Life And Genius, Notes, Supplements
  • Along the rural lanes beyond Arambol, old farmhouses are enclosed in latticed palm shade.
  • By this time, Dad and I had replaced the old dipole with a short Yagi array, horizontally polarized of course, and screwed to one of the crossbeams in the attic, so now we had three channels with excellent reception.
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  • If the worst happens, I'll start an underground blogging movement with secret servers in people's attics.
  • It is written in Attic Greek, with much studiedly antithetical rhetoric and frequent verbal borrowings from the classical authors.
  • The room was an attic, ten feet square, lighted only by a skylight, its sole furniture a narrow iron bedstead, a chair, and a washhand-stand with one game leg. Down and Out in Paris and London
  • The pest control officer put bowls of rat poison in the attic.
  • We were crawling along the narrow steel lattice of the bridge.
  • The letter is believed to be the first which appeared signed "ATTICUS," and was written many months before the author became known as Junius, and before any necessity had arisen for the exercise of that habitual caution which he afterwards evinced in the mention of any circumstance at all likely to lead to his detection. Notes and Queries, Number 18, March 2, 1850
  • Our attic suite was half the size of our Dublin terrace house, with a huge main bedroom and a comfortable twin room for the boys.
  • On top of the cave are two bedrooms, a galley kitchen and an attic room. Times, Sunday Times
  • We are overapt to apply our nineteenth century prejudices and prepossessions to the morality of the ancient Greeks who would have specimen'd such squeamishness in Attic salt. Arabian nights. English
  • Where necessary to render harmless and carry away noxious or flammable gases, line brattice or other approved methods of ventilation shall be used so as to properly ventilate the face.
  • Its futuristic design features wind turbines instead of the traditional minarets, while a translucent latticed roof would replace the domes seen on most mosques.
  • Finally, a Cretan youth was allowed only one garment, the Attic ephebe wore a black garment, and in certain mystery cults initiates were required to wear white clothing.
  • There is no doubt that a lattice does exist, and mesenchymal cells certainly line up along it.
  • By choosing just one area of the attic for one dejunking session, and saving the rest for the next time, you'll do the job more thoroughly and you'll feel a greater sense of accomplishment.
  • The restaurant itself is interesting, with use being made of lattice wood to give a ‘Thai’ feel to the place.
  • We stayed there in an old farmhouse with thick stone walls and shutters, and silk worms in the attic. Times, Sunday Times
  • Across all this face the brattice had not been continued, approach up this slope being the most difficult to sustain. A River So Long
  • The "gharry" makes an excellent perambulating studio -- it is a small, high, wooden cab, with little lattice shutters instead of glass which pull up all round so that you can let down those you need for view, aft or forward, or at either side, and pull up the others and thus have privacy and light and air, and you need no stove or hot pipes, for you could roast a partridge inside! From Edinburgh to India & Burmah
  • Can an estate agent include an unconverted garage or attic in the total square footage?
  • All her images of a tiny waif locked in the attic seemed suddenly foolish and fantastic.
  • Attic vents can be installed along the entire ceiling cavity to help ensure proper airflow from the soffit to the attic, helping to make a home more comfortable and energy efficient.
  • Tydeus Chian leader of party executed for Atticism, 8.38.3 THE LANDMARK THUCYDIDES
  • Well, often what you'll see in a pergola is a lot more lattice going in closer together and going perpendicular to that, creating the surface for the growing vine and to block sun, of course. CNN Transcript Jul 23, 2005
  • This can be distinguished by the diamond-shaped lattice separating the sheeting layers, and a ‘coarse’ grain to the microprisms.
  • Then we planted some climbing plants on the ground below the lattice.
  • The main bathroom has a corner bath with shower attachment and part tiled walls, while additional storage is available in the hot press and attic.
  • Thus removal of a small cholesteatoma may allow for reconstruction of the outer attic wall or creation of a cavity that extends to or just beyond the mastoid antrum.
  • These neurologics were a crystalline latticework of proteins, the living circuitry of the cell's tutelary computer. THE BROKEN GOD
  • The whole text, containing 114 chapters or surahs, with a total of 6,236 verses, thus has a lattice structure which connects every word with every other word by rhythm, rhyme and meaning.
  • Will the owners of townhouses carve out self-contained flats in the attic or the basement to avoid the annual toll? Times, Sunday Times
  • Nests may be built in trees and shrubs but are frequently found under building overhangs, in attics, barns, garages and sheds.
  • His narwhal tusks stand in the attic near a loose pile of taxidermic heads.
  • He is also presently looking for a helicopter pad around the Atticall area.
  • The windows were glazed in lattice panes of leadwork, hung in casements. Desperate Remedies
  • 'As before the pike will fly' in which Coeur-de-Lion's discomfiture of the 'septemvirate of quacks' is hymned; and the finale is quite Attic. Gryll Grange
  • The turbine ventilator (also known as "whirlybird") is one of the many types of roof vents available, preferred by some because it uses a wind-propelled fan instead of an electric fan to draw heat and moisture out of the attic space. Shaister Miester Do Da
  • The cycle can be used to determine the lattice enthalpy of sodium chloride.
  • The third bedroom is situated on the upstairs return and there is landing access to the attic.
  • She told him that while cleaning out an attic she had found an old box which, among other things, contained one of Osmond's scrap books of his cuttings from 1950 to 1954 and several sketches.
  • Attic Greek
  • As a boy growing up on Long Island he had greeted news of hurricanes by going up to the attic to sit with an anemometer, and built his own telescope in order to gasp at the planets it revealed.
  • Aboue this foresayde Triangle, and vnder the vpper coronice in a smooth plaine were these two Attic wordes in capitall Letters, ΔΙΟΣ ΑΙΓΙΟΧΙΟΝ. Hypnerotomachia The Strife of Loue in a Dreame
  • Much of her time in France she lived in dormered attics like that. THE GWEN JOHN SCULPTURE
  • A crystalline metal is composed of a lattice of positively charged ions.
  • There is access from here to a partially floored attic with pull-down ladder.
  • But the most bustling of the galleries is a sun-washed, two story lavender Spanish colonial building with a latticed metal balcony porch.
  • We're making our attic into an extra bedroom.
  • A real bonus of this property is the converted attic, an almost 14 square metre room with a large dormer window.
  • The water was at the time running down the brattice as usual.
  • Nail up a set of reference strings on the rafters that protrude the most into the attic.
  • The lattice pattern on the front of her blouse, unlike Viola's, draws sensual attention to her bust line.
  • Assuming aggregation happens on the cell surface, we choose a two-dimensional hexagonal lattice.
  • There he could be as quiet and retired as in the attic of his Uncle Robert Manning's house in Salem.
  • The minimum quantity of air at the end of the line brattice before starting each cut and the operating range after the scrubber is started will be measured by a certified mine official.
  • This crystalline structure is an orderly arrangement of ions known as a crystal lattice.
  • Charlotte Brontë's novel is not very different from typical gothic thrillers - everything from a sadistic schoolmaster to the arsonist madwoman in the attic.
  • The Son of Anak, otherwise Rufus the Blue-Eyed, and also plebeianly known as Tots, rioted with him from brier-rose path to farthest orchard, scalped him in the haymow with barbaric yells, and once, with pharisaic zeal, was near to crucifying him under the attic roof beams. Local Color
  • Often, reflective insulation materials have flanges that are to be stapled to joists in attics or floors, or to wall studs.
  • From no point of view could the West look so lovely as from that lattice with the garland of jessamine round it, whose white stars and green leaves seemed now but grey pencil outlines - graceful in form, but colourless in tint - against the gold incarnadined of a summer evening - against the fire-tinged blue of an August sky, at eight o'clock p.m. Shirley, by Charlotte Bronte
  • The facades on the buildings that conform the quadrangle are adorned with elaborate representations of Mayan huts, rectangles and Chac masks, with superimposed ornaments such as carved loops, lattices, small columns, human shapes, birds and monkeys. The Maya civilization, cities of the Maya
  • Quartz is colourless when pure but minute amounts of impurities or lattice imperfections give rise to varieties such as amethyst, cairngorm, rose quartz, and smoky quartz.
  • A molecule is first placed at the center of a square lattice.
  • Pergolas, open steel stairs, lattices and wooden blinds all act as shadow-casters and gnomons.
  • Depending on the exact value of the ratio, the model produced stripes or lattices.
  • After boron atom enter diamond's crystal lattice, the structure and character will be changed.
  • Rendered only somewhat individual by almost insignificant pencil numbers along the edges, the rows and columns form a visually disturbing base latticework.
  • If your attic has metal joists, you may want to place rigid foam insulation between the joists and the ceiling drywall.
  • The effect can be seen in attics under ill-fitting tiled roofs, where the sun's rays are focused through chinks between the tiles.
  • Two face-centred cubic lattices can also interpenetrate in such a way that every point belonging to the one lattice is at the centre of gravity of a tetrahedron whose vertices are points belonging to the other lattice. Nobel Prize in Physics 1915 - Presentation Speech
  • It was a sad day for him when, after a couple of months 'snug lying, he had to betake himself to his attic under the roof, where he shivered in the coalless city. The Mountebank
  • The potential to convert the attic as well as ample parking and a good-sized back garden adds to its appeal.
  • This is the story behind the Victorian madwoman in the attic, of all the forgotten women whose rewritten histories replace isolation with hysteria, and non-conformity with insanity.
  • They would then have to try and piece together how the tune may have sounded, based on the chords and on other bits of sheet music which they might have come across while clearing out dusty attics.
  • The shaft at Moorfield had the brattice removed and was fitted out with two double-decked cages.
  • If, on the other hand, as was assumed in crystallography, a regular arrangement of the atoms or the molecules in a space lattice was the basis of the shapes of the natural crystals, then, according to estimates, the distances of the points of the lattice ought to be exactly of that order of magnitude that was required for the decomposition of X-radiation in a spectrum. Nobel Prize in Physics 1924 - Presentation Speech
  • A solvate is a single crystalline phase of a given compound of specific chemical structure in which a solvent molecule or molecules have been incorporated into the crystal lattice.
  • He flew into a frenzy and headed up the ladder to the attic with a rope.
  • This is the technique which detects stored energy in the crystal lattice of minerals, caused by natural radiation.
  • The moment you enter the gates you're swallowed up in a labyrinth of latticed houses where tailors embroider silken hangings and silversmiths work on glittering jewellery.
  • How much of the tennis commentary was taken up with that big attic window? Times, Sunday Times
  • These neurologics were a crystalline latticework of proteins, the living circuitry of the cell's tutelary computer. THE BROKEN GOD
  • Cs ~ + can enter crystal lattices of hydrate products of AASC and be retained.
  • I had to check the dictionary to discover that Boeotians were inhabitants of a city-state northwest of Attica, reputed to be dull and stupid.
  • Add to that the exhausting thought of dejunking a chock-full attic and garage for the next several weekends - suddenly hiring an expert sounds like a brilliant idea!
  • The book initially examines the theories behind p-conjugated materials and electron-lattice dynamics in organic systems.
  • Stiff and unpracticed, Szpilman manages to reprise Chopin's Nocturne in C-Sharp Minor, whereupon the officer stows him in an attic directly above German headquarters and feeds him.
  • This spatial richness was supported by the increasing complexity of the decorative scheme, with the frieze above the first floor decorated with medallions beneath an attic storey supported on caryatids.
  • Closed doorways flanked either side of the passage while at one end it finished in a latticed window - dark outside - and at the other in the blank wall of a T-junction.
  • A new method dealing with the determination of crystal lattice parameters is presented in this paper and its application to that of aluminum plate is also discussed.
  • In chests in the attic are furbelowed skirts of her great-grandmother's day, the day when her set of six chairs, delicately designed by a colonial craftsman, made a wedding present for her ancestor.
  • The pit is reinforced with a lattice of steel girders from top to bottom.
  • The most miserable of those who inhabited the hovel were a family of four persons, consisting of father, mother, and two daughters, already well grown, all four of whom were lodged in the same attic, one of the cells which we have already mentioned. Les Miserables
  • We pulled the stairs to the attic down from the ceiling and made our way up the creaky ladderlike steps. Full Frontal Nudity
  • They hid me from the police in their attic.
  • Row upon row of desks was spread out before the panel in an intricate latticework, and numerous academy students were already scribbling furiously onto sheets of parchments with well-inked quills.
  • Hipparchos patronized performers like Anakreon and Simonides, embellished the herms he set up throughout Attica with gnomic sayings, and added Homeric recitals to the Panathenaia.
  • The unique toroidally-shaped rectangular roof, hung from a basket weave lattice arch with a record breaking span of 315m, is an innovative and structurally efficient solution to providing fully covered, unobstructed views to all WA Business News - Latest News
  • He's also a terrible miser, hoarding gold in his attic while his poor young wife - who has agreed to the arrangement only to protect her woefully indebted father - wants for the smallest pat of butter.
  • British scholar and art historian who identified the various potters responsible for making Attic black-figure ware and red-figure ware.
  • Above looms the fantastic network of 53,000 tonnes of steel lattice - work connected to the main tubular steel members which look solid enough but are in desperate need of a fresh lick of paint.
  • The top floor is the attic space, beautifully preserved with roof timbers carbon-dated to 1566.
  • Using chain pulls, workers then lifted the panel and loosely connected it to attic posts, attached to roof trusses.
  • Sam Waterston has been doing his high-sniffy rectitudinous grandstanding for so long it's as if he expects some soft of Atticus Finch statue; Elisabeth Rohm is no worse than Angie Harmon, but no better; and Fred Thompson is a pompous pork chop whose cliched Southern homilies wouldn't be listened to seriously for ten seconds in NY (whereas Steven Hill, with his crusty cut-the-crap irritability and desire to get out of the office before bad news could follow, was the authentic article). New Guy in Town: James Wolcott
  • Five steep steps led to a low-ceilinged attic bathroom with permanently dim lighting.
  • My ophthalmologist said that I had a common condition called lattice thinning, likely in part hereditary, which would make me more susceptible to a retinal tear. The $1,000 Genome
  • Along the rural lanes beyond Arambol, old farmhouses are enclosed in latticed palm shade.
  • BREEZY DAY" is the title painting in a news series of paintings by Julia Waco that will be on display Portland's Attic Gallery Feb. 5-March 5.
  • She proposed to do this closing at the first moment of sheer intolerableness, and that moment seemed well reached when she entered Creeper Cottage and realized what the attic, the kitchen, and the pump really meant. The Princess Priscilla's Fortnight
  • The gateway was equipped with a portcullis, but it was raised and the entry was protected only by a light, almost ornamental iron lattice.
  • The rain echoed in the shadowy attic space and made me feel small and fragile, like a lace glove left behind on moving day—mateless and abandoned. Bleeding Violet
  • The lattice, with its entwined flowering twig pattern, was finished in pink, bronze, and green by brushing on copper-based colorants.
  • Houses like this can either feel like they've never been occupied - full of treasures polished by an invisible army of servants - or appear all too lived in, suggesting a handful of ghosts and a madwoman or two in the attic.
  • Journal of the American Chemical Society that they have constructed a type of superlattice that shows "unique low-to-high and high-to-low resistance switching that may be applicable to the fabrication of an emerging memory device known as resistive random access memory," or RRAM. Newswise: Latest News
  • Both the lattices and courtyards have historically been used to filter light and block wind. Oregon Beach House
  • The estimated $ 6,500 cost of insulating the attic will be split three ways.
  • A conservative figures out waterboarding is torture23rd02: 06 pm: Feeling Calm25th02: 20 pm: I need more short fiction26th07: 24 pm: Story A Day: Elvis in the Attic by Catherine M Morrison31st04: 40 pm: Dr. George Tiller — 4 comments May 2009
  • Instinctively, she turned her head to keep watch out of the lattice window as she'd done all those years ago. THE BOOK LADY
  • The attic was full of all kinds of garbage, including an old stereo and boxes of broken toys.
  • These lattices join together into one of seven different crystal systems, each contributing to a crystal's unique qualities.
  • In attics, thermal bridging can be reduced by adding sufficient loose-fill insulation thickness, or cross-installed batts, to cover the wood or metal frame as much as possible.
  • This attic room was once a sculptor's studio and has french windows opening onto a decked terrace. Times, Sunday Times
  • There was no mistaking it, it was a "lattice" -- a real one, with old bluish panes set in sturdy black moldings, not the stage variety made of plate glass and papier-mache that he had seen in the sham cottage of aesthetic suburbs at home. The Refugees
  • The effect of Si on the crystal lattice parameters, lattice volume and crystal defects of the eutectic cementite in malleable cast iron has been studied by using X ray diffractometer and TEM.
  • Pack these books together and put them in the attic.
  • -- Street patterns must be easily navigable and latticelike, with blocks that are not too big and intersections that are not too far apart. Terms, mind-sets must be changed to encourage and enable more walking in cities
  • If you have any of the above in your attic, they would gratefully appreciate your permission to use them on their site.
  • If we have to access your attic to change splitter configurations (or to do a wallfish), move your own shit out of the way, it's not our job to move your boxes and luggage in your closet. 25 Reasons Why Cable Technicians Hate You - The Consumerist
  • From time to time, he visited the manikin and presented him with scrolls written in a secret language to provide him with a library in the fastness of his attic retreat.
  • I think WordPress is the one stand-out example where open source and design have meshed well together, but that again illustrates my point, since design is consolidated into the hands of a few who work at Automattic and have a mandate to steer the direction of the platform. Losing my religion | FactoryCity
  • Sotheby's An Attic red-figured hydria, attributed to the Marsyas Painter Spring Art Auction Highlights
  • We were crawling along the narrow steel lattice of the bridge.
  • For instance, such people and equipment are susceptible to impact from vehicles passing through a brattice cloth screen.
  • Dr. Jay A. Switzer and his colleagues at Missouri S and T have said that they have constructed a type of superlattice that shows "unique low-to-high and high-to-low resistance switching that may be applicable to the fabrication of an emerging memory device known as resistive random access memory," or RRA.. Gaea Times (by Simple Thoughts) Breaking News and incisive views 24/7
  • It was the practice to fill in the spaces between the brattices and the wax walls with slack.
  • It has an abominably disgusting odour, and is therefore named the "lattice stinkhorn. Herbal Simples Approved for Modern Uses of Cure
  • In this case, cupfuls of frontal lobe, corpus callosum and snowflake-unique collections of synapses that led Miss Mullens to curse out loud with words like “poot” and “jiminy” and yet have internal dialogue like a motherfucking stevedore, as I was to find out to my displeasure when her consciousness exploded into mine as I was lying in the attic, replete, about four hours later. Blood Lite II: Overbite
  • Slatted or lattice style roofs are just enough to diffuse the sun's rays when they are at their peak without covering your deck or patio completely.
  • Henry chanced upon some valuable coins in the attic.
  • he gave the attic a good rummage but couldn't find his skis
  • For those unfamiliar with the design of the cursed building I inhabit, I live in the (rather shabbily) converted attic.
  • I pray you to open the lattice, Nigel, for the steam is overthick. Sir Nigel
  • Yet if he had lived, the boundary-stone of Attica could not have stood where it does today, between the Isle of Pelops and the Isthmus. The King Must Die
  • A geodesic lattice framework, referred to as a ‘diagrid structure,’ supports the building and is, in effect, the largest radiator in London.
  • -- "His aim," said Brutus, "was to be admired as an _Attic_ Orator: and to this we must attribute that accurate exility of style, which he constantly affected. Cicero's Brutus or History of Famous Orators; also His Orator, or Accomplished Speaker.
  • Stuffed with straw - in the walls, in the foundation, and, under the original plans, in the attic - it was billed as a groundbreaker in sustainable and affordable housing.
  • At a quarter to eleven she galloped back up to the attic room.
  • He served as an officer in the cavalry and for a couple of years his poster collection lay in his Berlin attic. Times, Sunday Times
  • Air gaps could be created by using perforated corrugated iron or metal, weldmesh, or a variety of lattice type materials.
  • The net stability and crystallization of the gel - glass was analyzed by energy of crystal lattice.
  • An unconverted attic doesn't count as a third storey, by the way.
  • He designed and built the lattice fence himself, setting the stepped sections back slightly from the sidewalk to accommodate a planting strip.
  • The room has a built-in wardrobe and storage cupboard and ceiling access to an attic storage area.
  • Some houses will also have Arts and Crafts-style architraves, covings, skirtings and mantelpieces, while others will feature decorative ceiling beams and attic storage areas.
  • It is shown that unlike square antiferromagnets, the integrated spin dynamics of the hole doped bilayer triangular lattice does not show particularly universal behaviors.
  • So dump the SUV, tell your kids to walk to school, turn down the central heating, insulate the attic, take shorter showers, use CFL bulbs and lag the hot water tank.
  • All day long, rescuers in boats and helicopters plucked bedraggled flood refugees from rooftops and attics.
  • Joining them across the United States were lumbermen, fishermen, merchant marines, taxicab drivers, and inmates at Folsom, Attica, and Statesville.
  • In the old days, families with children or relatives who were perceived as being "teched" - as in nuts - were kept out of sight from visitors; usually relegated to a room in the attic. August 2004
  • Instinctively, she turned her head to keep watch out of the lattice window as she'd done all those years ago. THE BOOK LADY
  • The house sleeps 12 to 14 in six bedrooms plus an attic room. Times, Sunday Times
  • The archaeologists found a house built around 300 BC, with a basement and attic.
  • The Persians marched across the Attic peninsula and burned Athens.
  • Her last foal is a yearling by Atticus named Artist's Dream.
  • A lattice of thin white strands flashed dimly on the oak, forming a binding, blinking silvery spiderweb.
  • This marvellous creation is worked in precious two-tone variegated lace, and is accompanied by a tanga panty and a push-up bra with latticed straps.
  • If you need extra space then the attic upstairs could be easily converted into two more rooms.
  • Seeing she got the correct place, she opened the gate and walked under a wooden archway, yellow climbing roses intricately woven in its latticework.
  • There was Cousin Noreen, all alone in her dazzling white attic, listening, and waiting for inspiration to strike.
  • Here we have used the atomic force microscope to directly observe changes in the atomic lattice on a calcite seed crystal after the introduction of abalone shell proteins.
  • But when the filter is in the attic or somewhere else that is fairly inaccessible, this becomes an odious chore that is often left undone.
  • It is possible that mummified black rats - also known as roof rats - found in attics were not placed there for protection, but merely died there and became naturally desiccated.
  • Latticed brickwork, brickwork meant to suggest battlements, and brick towers meant to look palatial.
  • Segmented con-, Crete liners, precast tubes, lattice girders and liner plates. CORMORANT
  • The unsightly cast-iron gasometer that gave its name to a hairpin bend is long gone, the train station whose ticket office overlooked another 180-degree corner has been replaced by a luxury hotel, and the famous Tabac is buried during race week under the latticed scaffolding of a temporary grandstand. Monaco grand prix: The race where heroes are made
  • As I opened this watch, which my sister had found hidden in her attic after all these years, there was a distinct smell of carbolic soap and it reminded me at once of Grandfather.
  • The Restaurant du Soleil, where the marriage feast was held, was an earwiggy hostelry on the outskirts of the town, sheltered from the prying roadway by a screen of green lattice and a series of _tonnelles_, the dusty arbours, each furnished with table and chairs, beloved of The Belovéd Vagabond
  • In many an attic somewhere, there is a large steamer trunk filled with all sorts of practical odds and ends. The Constraints of Corporate Tradition
  • The whole text, containing 114 chapters or surahs, with a total of 6,236 verses, thus has a lattice structure which connects every word with every other word by rhythm, rhyme and meaning.
  • At least concerning medial positions, Bailey notes in Essays on time-based linguistic analysis (1996), p. 302, fn.4 (see link): "The [tšː] that one might expect in Attic comes from *tw (τϝ) as well as from *ky [cy]; this is found in Attic, Boeotian, Cretan, and some Euboean lects, while other lects (especially Ionic and Doric) had already moved on to σσ [šː]. Fat porkers get sacrificed
  • An inexpensive brattice cloth selection does not make the choice necessarily cost-effective.
  • During the summer months, they often seek shelter behind loose boards, under eaves or shingles, in attics and church belfries, and so on.
  • There is good evidence to suggest that Numenius antedates Atticus, whose floruit is set around 176 (Eusebius, Chronicle, p. 207 Helm): Proclus in his 5th-c. Numenius
  • It includes a library, kitchen, four main bedrooms, a dressing room, two bathrooms, three further attic bedrooms and a study.
  • If again a lattice point is placed so as to coincide with the central point of each cube face, the so-called face-centred cubic lattice is obtained, whereas the centred cubic lattice has one lattice point in every cube-centre. Nobel Prize in Physics 1915 - Presentation Speech
  • I mean, totally apart from the fact that it was like the whole Attic Project was lying there on her bed, all ready for Step 3, it was just an amazing thing to see: an enormous scrapbook covered in purple silk, with thick cardboardy pages full of faded photos and typed letters and fountain-pen-written notes. THIS IS ME FROM NOW ON
  • Natural surfactant has been observed to form a structure, tubular myelin, that appears as a square lattice in electron micrographs.
  • Her photography studio was a converted attic.
  • The accommodation is completed by an impressive attic conversion with separate landing overhead.
  • This ionicity leads to unusual for an element phenomena in dielectric properties, lattice dynamics, and anomalous electronic properties. Innovations-report
  • A proper attic vent system consists of an intake and an exhaust.
  • From the kitchen, access is gained to the attic space by means of a retractable ladder.
  • A rare collection of cookbooks consumed her private attic rooms from floor to ceiling, an archive that grew like a fungus above and around her good pieces of furniture, such as the seventeenth-century gueridon or the Louis XV–style walnut bergère armchair. The Hundred-Foot Journey
  • Latticed: = cancellate; q.v. Latus: the side: broad. Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology
  • Do not step through attic floor joists onto the ceiling of the room below.
  • Stiff and unpracticed, Szpilman manages to reprise Chopin's Nocturne in C-Sharp Minor, whereupon the officer stows him in an attic directly above German headquarters and feeds him.

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