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How To Use Attainment In A Sentence

  • Hence it became necessary to distinguish one from the other _by name_, and thus the notation from midnight gave rise, as I have remarked in one of my papers on Chaucer, to the English idiomatic phrase "of the clock;" or the reckoning of the clock, commencing at midnight, as distinguished from Roman equinoctial hours, commencing at six o'clock A.M. This was what Ben Jonson was meaning by attainment of majority at _six o'clock_, and not, as PROFESSOR DE M.RGAN supposes, "probably a certain sunrise. Notes and Queries, Number 214, December 3, 1853 A Medium of Inter-communication for Literary Men, Artists, Antiquaries, Genealogists, etc.
  • It would emasculate the trial process, and undermine public confidence in the administration of criminal justice, if a standard of perfection were imposed that was incapable of attainment in practice.
  • While skill attainment is a valid goal, still anything that cannot go on forever will stop. Matthew Yglesias » Skill Stagnation
  • In earlier times the former had been underachieving educationally whereas the latter are now near the peak of their attainment level.
  • A personal philosophy is something which all people have nomatterwhat their background, class, or educational attainment.
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  • Sociologists Claude Fischer and Greggor Mattson have argued that while much talk about America fragmenting is overblown, “gaps by social class and educational attainment are widening among Americans by almost any measure.” American Grace
  • That “never-happened” is a static phenomenon that starts to be the case on our mental continuum with the arising of the “present-happening of our attainment of arhatship” and then continues on our mental continuum, without changing or being affected by anything, forever. What Does a Buddha Know in Knowing the Past, Present, and Future? ��� Part One: Temporally Related Phenomena
  • We can't exaggerate his scientific attainment.
  • Such advertisements linked everyday acts of consumption to the attainment of historic goals.
  • With the attainment of concrete operations, the ability to reason logically about and solve conservation problems emerges.
  • We have already seen that output cognition is closely related to level of educational attainment and socioeconomic Position.
  • Students in their final year at a non-accredited school may enroll in ECFVG and apply to take the IELTS to meet the English language requirement prior to attainment of the veterinary degree.
  • A good education should combine breadth of social experience and the formal attainments which still determine access to higher education.
  • Some limited beings, before attaining Buddhahood, are able to validly cognize certain “results, which are not yet happening” as a feature of their rebirth state or as an aftermath of strong imprints from attainments gained from meditation done in former lives. What Does a Buddha Know in Knowing the Past, Present, and Future? ��� Part Four: Valid Cognition of the Past, Present, and Future
  • The tragic hero, we are told, still treats the ethical as his telos or goal, even if this entails subordinating particular duties to its attainment.
  • As, by the public resolutions, and foresaid unbounded toleration, the bounds fixed by JEHOVAH, and homologated and sworn to, in our national attainments and constitution, were greatly altered, so the parliament of Act, Declaration, & Testimony for the Whole of our Covenanted Reformation, as Attained to, and Established in Britain and Ireland; Particularly Betwixt the Years 1638 and 1649, Inclusive
  • The gentry of a small country town could then afford to do with humble attainments in that line, and I am inclined to think the tradespeople were as a rule better informed. Autobiography and Other Memorials of Mrs. Gilbert, Formerly Ann Taylor
  • And in spite of their consistently high educational attainments, professionals of Indian descent in the U.K. find it hard to break into the upper ranks, where they are severely underrepresented.
  • Within the tapestry of Indian thought, solitude is an extremely important path which has to be traversed for the attainment of moksha or nirvana.
  • (the possession of correct views, decision and purity of thought and will, the ability of reproducing any sound uttered in the universe, vow of poverty, asceticism, attainment of meditative abstraction of self-control, religious recollectedness, honesty and virtue), and such doctrines. Buddhism and Buddhists in China
  • Taxable household income was strongly related to educational attainment.
  • The possibility of enhancing one's knowledge is limitless.Graduation only marks a stage of one's education.Unceasing acquisition of knowledge will unceasingly escalate us to ever higher and higher attainments.
  • But grammar school heads say this is because their pupils have already reached high levels of attainment by that stage.
  • Oxford says attainment at school is the single biggest barrier. Times, Sunday Times
  • Reproductive surgery specialty: in reproductive surgery, urethral surgery, urologic neoplasms, very high attainments, has repeatedly won the outstanding achievement award of the military clinical.
  • The taste and science displayed in its execution do credit to the engineer; and the soil in which it is imbedded, being argillaceous, partially encrusted with strontian, reflects equal honour on his geological attainments. The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 13, No. 375, June 13, 1829
  • No matter how strong you are how notable your attainments, you have endruring significance only in your relationship to others. 
  • Regardless of our level of attainment, when we cognize the presently-happening five aggregate factors on our own mental continuum and thus cognize our own mental continuum and our own mere “me,” all the other noncongruent affecting variables imputable on our mental continuum also appear to our cognition. What Does a Buddha Know in Knowing the Past, Present, and Future? ��� Part Four: Valid Cognition of the Past, Present, and Future
  • Low levels of public services, combined with historically low levels of educational attainment, limit the attractiveness for business.
  • No sooner had the flow of liquor from Rum Row in the Northeast been stanched than it began to gush in unprecedented quantities through the sluiceway that was Detroit, where an overmatched prosecutor said, “The greatest obstacle to the attainment of Prohibition is the Constitution of the United States, the instrument that decreed its birth.” LAST CALL
  • And in any case, America can hardly afford to prolong its tumble from the summit of educational attainment any longer. Wonk Room » Study: Pre-School Investments Increase GDP And Pay For Themselves
  • His letter acknowledged that some schools had'substantial difficulties' in raising and maintaining attainment because students lacked confidence. Times, Sunday Times
  • But one thesis about why poverty is so often paired with low intellectual attainment could prove seismic. Times, Sunday Times
  • In a special essay on Hispanics, the report notes that Hispanic immigrant adults 'degree attainment is 14 percent, compared with U. S.-born Hispanics at 25 percent. College Diversity: Colleges More Diverse, But Racial Gaps Persist
  • Reflecting on her attainment, she uttered these verses in exultation: Psalms of the Sisters
  • Satisfaction lies in the effort, not in the attainment. Full effort is full victory. Mahatma Gandhi 
  • One of the most eminent pianists of his generation as well as a scholar of considerable attainments, Paul Badura Skoda's recordings date back to the 1950s.
  • Bushrod Washington, a member of the United States Supreme Court, and well known as a jurist of high attainments and great powers of mind, in the case of History of Woman Suffrage, Volume II
  • D darkness of calamity dash of eccentricity dawning of recognition day of reckoning daylight of faith decay of authority declaration of indifference deeds of prowess defects of temper degree of hostility delicacy of thought delirium of wonder depth of despair dereliction of duty derogation of character despoiled of riches destitute of power desultoriness of detail [desultoriness = haphazard; random] device of secrecy devoid of merit devoutness of faith dexterity of phrase diapason of motives [diapason = full, rich, harmonious sound] dictates of conscience difference of opinion difficult of attainment dignity of thought dilapidations of time diminution of brutality disabilities of age display of prowess distinctness of vision distortion of symmetry diversity of aspect divinity of tradition domain of imagination drama of action dream of vengeance drop of comfort ductility of expression dull of comprehension duplicities of might dust of defeat Fifteen Thousand Useful Phrases A Practical Handbook Of Pertinent Expressions, Striking Similes, Literary, Commercial, Conversational, And Oratorical Terms, For The Embellishment Of Speech And Literature, And The Improvement Of The Vocabulary Of Those Per
  • Your determination, selflessness and courage have brought that freedom struggle forward towards its attainment.
  • Topaz is also used as a teacher of spiritual love and attainment.
  • These are either altogether superfluous, mere badges of ostentation and luxurious wealth, or they point to some fifth function not so much as contemplated by other universities, and, at present, absolutely and chimerically beyond their means of attainment. Memorials and Other Papers — Complete
  • The possibility of enhancing one's knowledge is limitless.Graduation only marks a stage of one's education.Unceasing acquisition of knowledge will unceasingly escalate us to ever higher and higher attainments.
  • The number of different positions held also predicted higher attainment. A Conceptual View of Human Resource Management: Strategic Objectives, Environments, Functions
  • So we should be looking at the issue of personal resilience and we should be looking afresh at educational attainment. The Sun
  • The print edition includes some additional statistics on educational attainment in Groton and Dryden, as well as a community calendar. Living in Dryden: March 2004 Archives
  • They can also represent unconscious urges that hold us back from higher attainments.
  • This simplification is achieved through the aggregation of attainment target assessments into profile components, and into results on each subject.
  • No matter how strong you are how notable your attainments, you have endruring significance only in your relationship to others. 
  • All of this blessed service is simply a faint foregleam of the noble attainments and beautiful opportunities which the future holds for Southern girls. A slaveholder's daughter,
  • Increasingly, adult patients are achieving independence, careers, and impressive educational attainments.
  • Never before had he come across a woman that was so similar to himself, so conniving, and ruthless in the attainment of her goals.
  • So we should be looking at the issue of personal resilience and we should be looking afresh at educational attainment. The Sun
  • The results suggest a lack of social interaction may have adverse intergenerational effects in terms of educational attainment.
  • Bodhisattvas, or brave ones, the spiritual offspring of the Buddhas, are those beings who have the enlightening attitude (bodhichitta) to work toward the attainment of Buddhahood, that is enlightenment, for the sake of all beings. The Wheel of Sharp Weapons
  • And in all this PRINCESS MARYA ALEXEVNA is perfectly right and plays the true prophet, unless these young people who are getting married have another purpose, their one and only one, unknown to PRINCESS MARYA ALEXEVNA, and that not a brainish purpose, not one recognized by the intellect, but one that gives life its color and the attainment of which is more moving than any other. Reminiscences of Tolstoy
  • On average they achieve lower attainment in SATS tests and exams throughout school.
  • Crime has reduced significantly, but poor educational attainment, poor housing and high unemployment continue to disaffect whole communities.
  • No matter how strong you are how notable your attainments, you have endruring significance only in your relationship to others. 
  • But universities inclined to blame schools for low student attainment will find that the inclination is mutual. Times, Sunday Times
  • School usually set as their educational objective the attainment of a balanced development of a person.
  • Owl, however, was a very talented bird, and one felt that even his fallacies were a mark of attainments beyond those common to his race. 'That Very Mab'
  • Hence it app€ars. tlwt in the United States they enjoy the bleffings of a free government and mild laws, of perfonal liberty, 'and protection of property, for nearly one tenth part of the fum which is paid in England for the pur - chafe of fimilar benefits, too generally without the attainment of them. An historical, geographical, commercial, and philosophical view of the American United States
  • Research shows that they raise attendance and attainment. Times, Sunday Times
  • He could picture but one way of destroying this terrible loneliness, the attainment of a spiritual -- a divine -- state of love, a condition to which he would give no name utterable by human lips, lest it be profaned, but for which his whole being yearned. Short Stories of the Tragedy and Comedy of Life
  • The possibility of enhancing one's knowledge is limitless.Graduation only marks a stage of one's education.Unceasing acquisition of knowledge will unceasingly escalate us to ever higher and higher attainments.
  • For each attainment target we have recommended statements of attainment and programmes of study at up to 10 levels.
  • The attainment of the success is not easy.
  • Hills often symbolise the climb to high attainments and a wider view of life.
  • Let me give just one recent illustration of how the civil religion serves to mobilize support for the attainment of national goals. Sociology and Religion: A Collection of Readings
  • According to the Gelug explanation of Chittamatra as given by Tsongkhapa in his earlier writings, the continuity of the alayavijnana ceases with the true stopping of the emotional obscurations, whether this occurs with the attainment of Hinayana arhatship or an arya bodhisattva eighth level bhumi mind. Basic Features of the Gelug-Chittamatra System ��� 2 Specific Points Concerning the Three Types of Characterized Phenomena
  • Highest college attainment: 57.9% of adults 3. Cedar Rapids, Iowa Boomtowns And Busts
  • Because of that, it is called “the attainment of a first-level bhumi mind, ‘extremely joyous,’ or a pathway mind of seeing.” Mahamudra Eliminating the Darkness of Unawareness ��� Part Four: Enhancing Your Practice
  • As one undertakes the various tasks involved in goal attainment, it is normal to experience failure as well as success.
  • This lack of discrimination suggests that the general knowledge required is not highly related to attainment in mathematics.
  • The passage of our self is through its selfhood, which is independent, to its attainment of soul, which is harmonious. Sadhana : the realisation of life
  • emancipate" the African majority through the attainment of ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Now the safe yield has been defined as the attainment and maintenance of a long-term balance between the amount of ground water withdrawn annually and the annual amount of recharge.
  • Low attainment at some poorly performing schools is the most powerful variable stopping some able individuals entering selective universities. Times, Sunday Times
  • But Marek Kohn's book is written in the belief that the upbringing of scientists and their attainments in science are crucially intertwined.
  • This prompts a general improvement in educational attainment, including maths. Times, Sunday Times
  • The process demands simpler information than a collection of attainment target scores.
  • Their victory over difficulties affords the most rational cause of triumph, and the attainment of new ideas leads to incalculable riches, such as gratify the glorious avarice of aspiring and comprehensive minds. The Borough
  • Increasingly, adult patients are achieving independence, careers, and impressive educational attainments.
  • Let me give just one recent illustration of how the civil religion serves to mobilize support for the attainment of national goals. Sociology and Religion: A Collection of Readings
  • Her love and reverence for her father and her pride in his attainments were very beautiful: and in order to appreciate what it was in him that inspired this great sentiment, not only in his daughter, but in so many leading men of that time, the eccentricities of the man whom the world called unpractical and visionary must be forgotten, so as to get a glimpse of the Alcott who was the intimate friend of Emerson -- a genius, a philosopher, an optimist, in spite of failure and in spite of opposition. Three Unpublished Poems
  • Once the certain level of attainment is reached the pupil can then decide to go on to vocational or academic training or go out to work. One Nation of Opportunity
  • Thebes stands for reunion with mother and the attainment of power and Kingship.
  • I found him a most agreeable man, a sharp observer, and the possessor of intellectual attainments of no mean order.
  • Both talking politics and feeling relatively unrestricted about with whom one can safely discuss politics are closely related to educational attainment.
  • Attainment target 3: A growing ability to construct and convey meaning in written language matching style to audience and purpose.
  • Evidently the attainment of an ordered world consonant with divine laws remained the ideological framework of antislavery.
  • Likewise, the attainment of the result, namely Buddhahood, comes from this sustained concern for others. A Commentary on Attitude-Training Like the Rays of the Sun - His Holiness the Fourteenth Dalai Lama ��� Day Four: Completion of Preliminaries and the Two Types of Bodhichitta
  • We hope that a team approach will raise attainment. Times, Sunday Times
  • Among them, discourse space, historical space and subject space respectively contributes to the attainment of the real presence, diachronic and individuality of aesthetic understanding.
  • Men with qualifications got half of the questions on the links between diet and disease wrong, while men without educational attainments answered two-thirds incorrectly.
  • It is, in the medieval sense of the term, a masterpiece - meaning, an exemplification of talents and acquirements, offered by their possessor as a gift to the onlooker, and a proof of attainment.
  • When the pitch and height of men’s attainments in this world is but a consectary, an appendicle of it, what must this kingdom be in itself, when all these things follow as attendants? The Works of the Rev. Hugh Binning
  • We congratulated her upon her attainment to so great an age.
  • No matter how strong you are how notable your attainments, you have endruring significance only in your relationship to others. 
  • The laurel tree, which Correggio renders with great naturalism, simultaneously evokes notions of fidelity, chastity, and poetic attainment.
  • However, whether or not this applies to man in the first stages of his upward climb to the goal of attainment of conscious godhood, it most assuredly applies to those souls who have become aware of their purpose, and who have made a _conscious_ choice of their karma. Cosmic Consciousness
  • Because of the striving for uniformity of attainments, there was little financial incentive to encourage clever children to realise their full capabilities.
  • Bonus payments encourage the attainment of higher production targets.
  • The independent sector has a strong tradition of academic attainment and good exam results.
  • This is especially the case in those countries in Europe, particularly on the Continent, where the idea above referred to, of the allowableness of falsehood in certain cases as a means for the attainment of a good end, is generally entertained. Gentle Measures in the Management and Training of the Young Or, the Principles on Which a Firm Parental Authority May Be Established and Maintained, Without Violence or Anger, and the Right Development of the Moral and Mental Capacities Be Promoted by Met
  • May 31, 2006, 3: 33 am bad debt reserve says: bad debt reserve daring attainments blackberry Chinatown passivate impulses The Volokh Conspiracy » Occidental College’s censorship of radio station –
  • When Brodsky was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1987, the Swedish Academy cited among other attainments his ‘quite amazing mastery of the English idiom’.
  • Those findings were released Wednesday in a biannual report card on minority educational attainment by the American Council on Education, with financial backing from the GE Foundation. College Diversity: Colleges More Diverse, But Racial Gaps Persist
  • The country and the citizen will give credit to the government for what are clearly creditable attainments.
  • I will not resist, therefore, whatever it is either of divine or human obligement that you lay upon me; but will forthwith set down in writing, as you request me, that voluntary Idea which hath long in silence presented itself to me of a better Education, in extent and comprehension far more large, and yet of time far shorter and of attainment far more certain, than hath been yet in practice. The Life of John Milton Volume 3 1643-1649
  • Their attainment has improved as they are more capable of accessing the curriculum. Times, Sunday Times
  • We congratulated her upon her attainment to so great an age.
  • The inspectors acknowledged that the high number of children in the school with special needs has had an impact on our overall standards of attainment.
  • The Italian man, it is true, has been often described as eminently reticent; and the northern popular conception represents him as apt to seek the attainment of his object by the concealment of it. A Siren
  • Goal, the sporting term, has the widest possible application to characterize our wishes and attainments.
  • Researchers have found substantial social problems associated with single parenting: higher crime rates, drug abuse, lower educational attainments, chronic poverty.
  • his attainment of puberty was delayed by malnutrition
  • There was a strong link between attendance and attainment in the schools in the survey.
  • Even granting the dominance of Manchester United, England's attainments in European club competitions this year speak of a domestic environment more demanding than most.
  • And she believes the impact on attainment could be impressive.
  • If you have an ambition to do anything in the world, or to be anything more than a plodding character in the tide of human life, see to it that the man whom you are to marry is one who is competent to aid you in the attainment of noble and useful things, instead of being an "incumbrance" and a hinderance. Plain facts for old and young : embracing the natural history and hygiene of organic life.
  • My father was not a man to underrate the bearing of Latin satirists or Greek dramatists on the attainment of an aristocratic position.
  • This anger and frustration stems from a sense of cultural besiegement, which they are finding can never be dealt with through the attainment of power alone.
  • As far as I can tell, the most likely consequence of the incessant droning that taxes are bad, now that the primary goal of destroying public services while reducing the tax burden on the already prosperous is close to attainment, is that all Americans will adopt the Greek attitude towards taxes. The Volokh Conspiracy » California’s Woes and Prop 13
  • We will consult on how best to support external examiners in ensuring our grading system provides a clearer, more comparable picture of student attainment. Times, Sunday Times
  • Schools usually set as their educational objective the attainment of a balanced development of the person.
  • As well as such differences in educational attainment, there are differences in the characteristic linguistic behaviour of various groups.
  • The trend towards equality of attainment is especially marked in schools that have been comprehensive for a long time.
  • You put those things together, and it seems like what the statute wants the EPA to do is set a NAAQS for GHGs near zero, require all areas to be in attainment for that level of emissions, which would then require a finding that all areas are out of attainment, which would require a suspension of any EPA permit that would increase emissions, and SIPs for states to achieve impossible levels. Matthew Yglesias » Regulate!
  • With the attainment of concrete operations, the ability to reason logically about and solve conservation problems emerges.
  • But universities inclined to blame schools for low student attainment will find that the inclination is mutual. Times, Sunday Times
  • And he declared that "attainment of the knowledge belonging to these highly interesting subjects is founded almost wholly upon observation" (italics added ). Science, Technology, and Social Change
  • How do we “boost educational attainment at the bottom” when educational attainment is “depressingly” easy to predict by age 5? July « 2008 « Isegoria
  • The biggest gap in attainment is between pupils from disadvantaged backgrounds and their peers. Times, Sunday Times
  • As cognitive development reaches an upper limit with full attainment of formal operations, so too does affective development.
  • Individuals with such educational attainments are likely to have outstanding career opportunities and to have considerable talent to offer employers.
  • the attainment of independence
  • With the attainment of concrete operations, the ability to reason logically about and solve conservation problems emerges.
  • The trust was recently appointed lead charity to administer a 125 million government fund to boost the attainment of disadvantaged pupils. Times, Sunday Times
  • With the attainment of unlabored (rtsol-med) bodhichitta, which arises without such reliance, we become bodhisattvas. 6 Gelug Presentation of Tantra in General
  • Good historical practice will usually ensure that the attainment targets are covered many times over in the course of the work.
  • The positive attainments of that era laid the groundwork for a much more complex, educated, and sophisticated society that, a generation after Stalin's death, made demands on the system beyond its capacity.
  • The country and the citizen will give credit to the government for what are clearly creditable attainments.
  • Let me give just one recent illustration of how the civil religion serves to mobilize support for the attainment of national goals. Sociology and Religion: A Collection of Readings
  • The objectives of a marketing department are directed towards the attainment of corporate aims, such as profitability growth and social responsibility.
  • A total of 71 percent of the full attainment range sample obtained the correct answer.
  • The limited amount of means at my disposal, and the unsuitableness, and inadequacy of my present attainments forbade me to seek for the Professorship of Civil Engineering.
  • Pure academic attainment isn't necessarily a good measure of hard work. Times, Sunday Times
  • Governments and parents have become increasingly preoccupied in recent decades with measurable academic attainment, forcing schools and teachers to follow suit. MAKING HAPPY PEOPLE
  • Their secret teachings delineating specific steps on the quest and the stages of attainment, beautiful, yet neutral, an oversimplistic reading of the people we meet. 55 words #5
  • The targets are being set based on the pupils' previous attainments at primary school and a national database of pupil achievements.
  • But universities inclined to blame schools for low student attainment will find that the inclination is mutual. Times, Sunday Times
  • The more the individual attains the items on the objective list over the course of her life, the better her life goes, whatever her subjective opinions and attitudes about such attainments might be.
  • She must have heard of the three attainments and three excellences a thousand times, to judge by the expression—almost imperceptible, except around her nostrils—of scorn. Wildfire
  • Pupils' attainment is not the result of an individual but of a number of teachers. Times, Sunday Times
  • The children could use a standard proforma to assess their own performance against the relevant parts of the attainment targets.
  • Hence it became necessary to distinguish one from the other _by name_, and thus the notation from midnight gave rise, as I have remarked in one of my papers on Chaucer, to the English idiomatic phrase "of the clock;" or the reckoning of the clock, commencing at midnight, as distinguished from Roman equinoctial hours, commencing at six o'clock A.M. This was what Ben Jonson was meaning by attainment of majority at _six o'clock_, and not, as PROFESSOR DE M.RGAN supposes, "probably a certain sunrise. Notes and Queries, Number 214, December 3, 1853 A Medium of Inter-communication for Literary Men, Artists, Antiquaries, Genealogists, etc.
  • O! into what dwarfishness the morality, and the spiritual and elevated attainments of most Christians sink in the presence of such men! The Story of My Life Being Reminiscences of Sixty Years' Public Service in Canada
  • His letter acknowledged that some schools had'substantial difficulties' in raising and maintaining attainment because students lacked confidence. Times, Sunday Times
  • As a poet, Zhang Zhidong naturally had his own creation attainment and the poetics principle.
  • Satisfaction lies in the effort, not in the attainment. Full effort is full victory. Mahatma Gandhi 
  • His letter acknowledged that some schools had'substantial difficulties' in raising and maintaining attainment because students lacked confidence. Times, Sunday Times
  • Its aim is to set professional standards, measure their attainment and promote ethical behaviour throughout the industry.
  • Evidently the attainment of an ordered world consonant with divine laws remained the ideological framework of antislavery.
  • Therefore patience, compassion, and love are the keys toward our attainment of enlightenment.
  • Attainment target 3: A growing ability to construct and convey meaning in written language matching style to audience and purpose.
  • It is significant, however, that while the highest salary for a non-resident teacher has been only $1,400, "the best situation has been offered by an insurance company for a private secretary of high attainments in stenography and higher mathematics. Art and Handicraft in the Woman's Building of the World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 1893
  • We need to resist thinking that this proves our superior worth and attainment.
  • Both talking politics and feeling relatively unrestricted about with whom one can safely discuss politics are closely related to educational attainment.
  • Good historical practice will usually ensure that the attainment targets are covered many times over in the course of the work.
  • To be eligible for a grant under this scheme, you must also fulfil the following conditions relating to residence, age, academic attainments, means and nationality.
  • Men of science regard the discovery of a new fact in science as a higher attainment than the application of it to useful purposes, while the world at large regards the _application_ of the principle or fact in science to the useful arts as of paramount importance. Samuel F. B. Morse, His Letters and Journals In Two Volumes, Volume II
  • I found him a most agreeable man, a sharp observer, and the possessor of intellectual attainments of no mean order.
  • He is a scholar of the highest attainments.
  • Information on academic attainment in every single Scottish primary school is gathered by local authorities each year, but it is kept secret.
  • That hour at the entrance to Deception Pass had been the climax of her suffering -- the flood of her wrath -- the last of her sacrifice -- the supremity of her love -- and the attainment of peace. Riders of the Purple Sage
  • Their attainment is higher than the national average at GCSE. Times, Sunday Times
  • Friends brought presents, especially neck-bands in the form of a half-moon (_lunulae_), and the golden balls (_bullae_) which were worn as a charm round the neck until the attainment of manhood. The Religion of Ancient Rome
  • Yet evidence linking technology to higher attainment in schools is elusive. Times, Sunday Times
  • In general, the attainment of peak pressure conditions in compressional systems such as the Delamerian Orogeny reflects the effects of crustal thickening.
  • The remarkable improvement in wiredrawing which has been made in Birmingham, Vienna, and Nuremberg, of late years, has rendered these high tensions of far easier attainment than they would have been earlier in the century. Scientific American Supplement, No. 385, May 19, 1883
  • Yet, great as is the victory over conservatism which is represented in the accomplishment of man suffrage, infinitely greater will be the attainment of woman suffrage.
  • Let me give just one recent illustration of how the civil religion serves to mobilize support for the attainment of national goals. Sociology and Religion: A Collection of Readings
  • Children will be awarded points for good behaviour, attendance and educational attainment.
  • Behaviours at interview play a major part in determining the outcome of the job attainment process, for example nonverbal behaviours in unstructured interviews.
  • But baptism is only the beginning, for it "seeks for the attainment of the fullness of life in Christ" (Directory for the Application of Principles and Norms on Ecumenism, n. 92), and thus for the common reception of Christ in the Eucharist. Television
  • But there is still a shocking gap in attainment. Times, Sunday Times
  • First, it said on economic growth that ‘over the next few quarters the upside and downside risks to the attainment of sustainable growth are roughly equal’.
  • The attainment of the success is not easy.
  • Even the lag in educational attainment that continued to mount from the late 1970s did not account for the differences.
  • How a child is raised between 1-16 (education, parental support, etc …) plays a much bigger role in attainment and income than anything between 16-39. jmo says: Matthew Yglesias » Life, According to Patti Stanger
  • The end of all scholarly attainment is to live nobly. I, Pirate, Part IV …
  • The attainment of the carpenter is that his work is not warped, that the joints are not misaligned, and that the work is truly planed so that it meets well and is not merely finished in sections.
  • Conversely, the attainment of all pupils in a school is depressed if a school has few pupils from advantaged backgrounds.
  • The illusion was nourished that Britain, for all its acknowledged economic weakness and technical backwardness, could still, through its cultural attainments, play Greece to America's Rome.
  • I wrote about meeting Deborah Ball a while back, she taught me that like any profession, there are objective, clear, and assessable gradations of attainment in teaching proficiency. 10 posts from December 2009
  • A personal philosophy is something which all people have nomatterwhat their background, class, or educational attainment.
  • This lack of educational attainment limits social mobility. Times, Sunday Times
  • The biggest gap in attainment is between pupils from disadvantaged backgrounds and their peers. Times, Sunday Times

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