
How To Use Attacking In A Sentence

  • Blackpool Scorpions notched their first away win of the season against a good attacking Leigh team.
  • Predators have been observed to avoid attacking brightly coloured species.
  • The bladelike projections behaved like serpents, attacking and recoiling repeatedly. Reap the Whirlwind
  • Some game bird breeders even debeak the birds or attach "peepers" or googles to their eyes to keep them attacking each other in the packed pens. (see: caged hen egg operations.) Is your state breeding birds for Dick Cheney style hunting like Illinois?
  • The Cologne goalkeeper signalled his potential by publicly attacking the legendary Bayern Munich Maoist Paul Breitner for his heavy drinking, smoking and gambling though not, strangely enough, for his scrofulous appearance. Note to England's rugby players: embrace Der Aggro | Harry Pearson
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  • I am for _meddling with slavery everywhere_ -- _attacking it by night and by day, in season and out of season_ (no, it can never be out of season) -- in order to _effect its overthrow_. History of the Negro Race in America from 1619 to 1880. Vol. 2 (of 2) Negroes as Slaves, as Soldiers, and as Citizens
  • The air was choked with smoke and fury, the noise deafening, the attacking fierce. Times, Sunday Times
  • DESPITE his great attacking prowess and capacity to find the net fairly on a regular basis, he does not come across as a penalty taker. The Sun
  • Obama would surely be careful in innovating his plan since the opposition will be attacking him even if he is successful. Times/CBS Poll: Iraq Still a Dividing Line - The Caucus Blog -
  • Florida's Democratic candidate for governor, Alex Sink, said Monday she will begin airing a rare two-minute-long TV ad attacking Republican opponent Rick Scott for the massive fraud scandal that occurred on his watch at his former hospital company. Alex Sink Attack Ad RIPS Rick Scott Over Massive Medicare Fraud (VIDEO)
  • There are also scenes of prisoners attacking guards, shanking each other, and discussing their murders, assaults, and mutilations in graphic terms.
  • Asia and South America, attacking various members of the Bovidae, horses, camels, donkeys, etc. as well as the big game, antelopes, deer, etc. sometimes wiping out great herds. Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1907 - Presentation Speech
  • Again, it seems pedantic to quibble about the differences between strikers and attacking midfielders. Times, Sunday Times
  • A bout of fierce fighting gave the rest of the English fleet enough time to come to the rescue and begin attacking the convoy. Times, Sunday Times
  • He used the old trick of attacking in order to defend himself.
  • The backs have overcome their attacking troubles, and shuffling players around in positions seems to have paid off.
  • When the ship fired its polaron beam at one mine, others within that defensive sphere reacted to the threat, homing in on the source of the beam and attacking it en masse. Creative Couplings
  • The pair had to track back to protect their full backs, provide the attacking width, and also cut inside to assist midfield. Times, Sunday Times
  • Ask your followers to STOP attacking her in demeaning ways. not because she is a woman but because you CONTINUALLY espouse change but do little to make your followers see change as accepting old guard while creating the new guard. Clinton: 'I've never given up on you'
  • These are (1) the production in the blood of an antidote to the toxin or poison elaborated by the invading microbe -- an antitoxin, which chemically neutralises the toxin; (2) the production in the blood of the attacked animal of a "germicidal" poison which repels and kills the attacking microbes themselves (not merely neutralising their poisonous products); (3) the extermination of the intrusive, disease-producing microbes by a kind of police, which scour the blood channels and tissues and "eat up" -- actually engulf and digest -- the hostile intruders. More Science From an Easy Chair
  • The former England captain made his reputation as a prolific goalscorer and allround champion of attacking football. The Sun
  • That can be key if you're protecting a lead but teams sometimes kill their attacking chances by slowing play down. Times, Sunday Times
  • bushwhacking guerrillas attacking from ambush
  • It was a farrago of non-sequitur and half-truth, attacking the questioners for things they had neither said nor thought. THE SCAR
  • Carapace width does not vary within a molt and is proportional to the length of the males' raptorial forelimbs, which they use in attacking other males.
  • When Bath won an attacking scrum on the right and Swift began to drift across his marker did not follow him.
  • Also, Mousavi has written a letter (in Farsi) to the Iranian security council saying that personnel from the Ahmadinejad-loyalist Basij militia are doffing their uniforms and attacking innocent people in the streets. Iran Election Live-Blogging (Wednesday June 17)
  • [5] Meanwhile Eurylochus and his companions, finding that this force had entered and that it was impossible to storm the city, withdrew, not to the Peloponnesus, but to the country once called Aeolis and now Calydon and Pleuron, and to the places in that neighborhood and Proschium in Aetolia; [6] because the Ambraciots had come and urged them to combine with them in attacking Amphilochian Argos and the rest of Amphilochia and Acarnania; affirming that the conquest of these countries would bring all the continent into alliance with Sparta. THE LANDMARK THUCYDIDES
  • Whether Godzilla’s attacking, a meteor is about to hit Metropolis or every car in town has mysteriously turned bright pink, a journalist will have something to do. Superhero Nation: how to write superhero novels and comic books » Common Superhero Day Jobs, Part 1
  • They are capable of defending well and attacking well, but rarely at the same time. Times, Sunday Times
  • In truth, more money in the teachers' pay packets is only papering over the cracks, not attacking and solving the real problems.
  • It was a combination of towers, palisades, ditches, abatis, and caltrops to slow the attacking Gauls.
  • A farm leader called yesterday for an effective law to deal with unattended dogs roaming the countryside attacking sheep.
  • But the Bees set about their counter-attacking gameplan with style. The Sun
  • HuffPost's Sam Stein writes, Unwilling or perhaps uneager to let go of last week's scuffle over Mitt Romney's controversial distortion of an old Barack Obama quote, the Democratic National Committee announced on Monday a major ad campaign attacking the former Massachusetts governor's character. HUFFPOST FUNDRACE - Obama Takes A Page From Bush, GOP Targets Obama Through TV Ads, Palin Dead Enders Want Her To Reconsider
  • He was charged with attempted murder after attacking his brother and father and trying to kill himself a year earlier. The Sun
  • The misconceived refusal to give Charlie Adam a penalty and send off Philippe Senderos on the hour, a spoilsport decision to disallow a goal for Luis Suárez midway through the second half and a red card for the young midfielder Jay Spearing a few minutes later prefaced a crescendo of Fulham attacking which ended with a dreadful Pepe Reina error and a decisive tap-in for Clint Dempsey. Andy Carroll's ineffectiveness adds to Liverpool frustration at Fulham | Richard Williams
  • The now shieldless Sestuan landed on the attacking ship and first tore through the missile pods that had shot him, hoping to hit something to ignite another explosion.
  • The final battle, although it seems rather misleading to describe it as such, involves wobbly Satan throwing rubber starfishes at Thor, which he then has to pretend are attacking him. Current Movie Reviews, Independent Movies - Film Threat
  • What took place in the hour before that substitution was as good an advertisement for open, attacking football as one could wish to see. Times, Sunday Times
  • Circumstances dictated that they played a defensive rather than attacking game.
  • He was forced to beat the attacking dog around the head with a stick in order to save his own pet.
  • Trains lines were dynamited, and civilians were attacking police stations and disarming police officers and taking them prisoner.
  • No one disrespected an elder, and no one so much thought of attacking one without more than ample reason.
  • All three nations have provided support to the insurgents attacking coalition forces.
  • If the critics have ways of bringing about this changed pattern of cropping, why don't they simply do it, and stop wasting their time attacking a system that by their reckoning is a failure?
  • And neither the feces of bobcats nor the urine of foxes, coyotes, and bobcats discouraged voles from attacking seedlings.
  • Another term the republicans banty about is “strict contrutructionst” judges when attacking Democratically imposed Judges. Think Progress » Cornyn Hypocritically Accuses Democrats Of ‘Hysterical’ Reaction To Right-Wing Judicial Activism
  • Giuliani’s sole reliance on military force and attacking people rhetorically is in fact a defensive posture that won’t work. Thinking in Real Time
  • During the luncheon break, commando kennel dogs gave an entertaining display of dancing and attacking skills.
  • But the klieg lights had barely dimmed when anonymous "law enforcement authorities" began attacking the NYPD's case and its methods. New York Police and the FBI Feud Over a Terrorist Case
  • I'd rather read the reasoned thoughts of someone who has taken the time for self-examination as opposed to attacking others simply for having views that are outside of the mainstream.
  • By attacking Russia, he realigned the board so that France could expect greater benefits from keeping Italy alive than from continuing the alliance with Germany.
  • As a teenager, she would argue with her father about attacking the corruption and filth associated with politics.
  • HOFFER: And it has a kind of muckrake -- or a sort of -- you know, muckrakers at the beginning of the 20th century were attacking the robber barons, the great industries, for their abuses, the way they abused their workers, they way they abused public trust, and so on. Past Imperfect: Facts, Fictions, Fraud American History from Bancroft and Parkman To Ambrose, Bellesiles, Ellis and Goodwin
  • The concentration is going to be very important in dealing with all the issues in terms of attacking and defending. Times, Sunday Times
  • Ireland's masterly tactical performance was a shock but they were the better team, with more attacking invention. Times, Sunday Times
  • The situation escalated, with villagers attacking each other with clubs and other weapons.
  • He has been tried as a holding midfielder without much success and he is not looking any better as an attacking midfielder. The Sun
  • But, as our graphic shows, all four of the teams have new attacking plays and new weaponry. Times, Sunday Times
  • He tried to think backthe ship, overrun with demons; Isabelle falling and Jace catching her; blood, everywhere underfoot, the demon attacking Cassandra Clare: The Mortal Instrument Series
  • In fact, a lot of network attacks are to abuse different network protocols and several new attacking methods violate the protocol standard.
  • His platoon, attacking heavily fortified and strategically located hostile emplacements, had been stopped by intense fire from a large bunker containing several firing posts.
  • Taking missile attacking large size moving target as example, the operational effectiveness model of the satellite was built with probability of hitting target as measure of effectiveness.
  • The Bedouin traditionally hang amulets on the body of adults to prevent the evil eye, devils, impure spirits and other illnesses from attacking the bearer of the amulet.
  • From the bloody hematoma on his forehead to the true Manchu beard-mustache combo, bloody cuts on his body and guaranteed-to-offend tattoos, this seven-inch tall likeness of the late punker best known for using the stage as a toilet, performing naked and attacking his fans is for the hardcore only. Boing Boing
  • Due to their low submerged speed, most submarines operated as temporarily submersible torpedo boats, largely sailing and often attacking while surfaced.
  • In the US, the punishments for yobbery are harsh, and gangs are likely to be attacking each other, rather than the general populace.
  • He took them to ninth in his first full season, moulding a counterattacking team. Times, Sunday Times
  • A group of consultant at the hospital signed a letter attacking her management of the hospital. Times, Sunday Times
  • He believed, reasonably enough, that the Journal would continue attacking him and others.
  • I think its nothing short of rude and ignorant to attack a site set up to promote young feminism on the basis of ageism, I notice the same people are not attacking it for sexism.
  • In the mid-1800s, they roved the streets of St. John's, sometimes attacking spectators or fighting with rival bands.
  • He has two crucial weapons, the high cross-court lob and the attacking boast.
  • It's being played at a terrific pace by two teams intent on attacking.
  • Best days might be behind him but he is still a formidable attacking force. The Sun
  • Workers besiege police barracks and surround the paratroopers attacking the soldiers, arguing with them.
  • Fake Sniffit = Indiana Voter ... it's like blog t-ball ... snag someone's moniker who annoys you, put nonsense words in their mouth, then post later attacking it under a different name Moderate Dems will determine if health care bill gets to Senate
  • This allows the attacking soldiers access to the building through holes blasted in the walls.
  • If the bicarbonate is used, and heat is applied gradually, steam and carbonic acid are given off at a comparatively low temperature, and the carbonate is left; at a higher temperature (about 800° C., or a cherry-red heat) the carbonate fuses attacking the quartz, and giving off more carbonic acid; as the heat increases, and the attack on the quartz (which of itself is infusible) becomes complete, the whole mass settles down to a liquid sodium silicate, which is sufficiently fluid to allow the gold and lead to settle to the bottom. A Text-book of Assaying: For the Use of Those Connected with Mines.
  • Earlier in the evening they had gone out with the express purpose of attacking people in that park.
  • Both teams are a little light in attacking numbers and it's quite congested in the middle. Bursaspor v Manchester United - as it happened
  • They were also a team who often lacked attacking bite. Times, Sunday Times
  • The NIE now confirms what was reported last week: the al-Qaeda we failed to finish off in Afghanistan and Pakistan has 'regenerated' and remains intent on attacking us at home," said Biden. Bob Geiger: Bond Continues Misleading Constituents About Iraq
  • It's wrong of the press to publish articles attacking the Queen when she can't answer back.
  • Attacking it from another angle, there are physical ways of moving that signal the character of the person and his predominant emotions. Fools Rush In - A Call to Christian Clowning
  • Helen was sent to prison for attacking a man with a knife.
  • Inter have done more attacking in the opening eight minutes than I've seen them do in all their matches this season.
  • Over at Peter's there has been talk of flying ants and mozzies that seem to be attacking us in their thousands this year.
  • At about the summer solstice of 1999, Leo Marx ignited a controversy still running in ecocritical circles by attacking ecocentrism.
  • The trouble with the strategy is that while it draws huzzahs from the media, attacking Republicans rarely appeals to enough . . . Huntsman's Anti-GOP Strategy
  • In the original incarnation of the rule at least 3 defending players had to be goal-side of any attacking player.
  • It is not just about attacking or expansive football. Times, Sunday Times
  • The nations of China and Russia, through their intelligence services and through their corporations, are attacking our research and development," said U.S. counterespionage chief Robert Bryant. China Singled Out for Cyberspying
  • Famous defense attorney Linda Kenney Baden lashed out at Orlando ` s local media, and what she calls tabloid media on NBC ` s "Today Show" this morning, while simultaneously attacking the prosecution ` s decision to seek the death penalty. CNN Transcript May 4, 2009
  • In such jurisdictions, a wife whose coresident husband is attacking her with deadly force must not shoot him if she can run out of the house safely. HOME COMFORTS
  • She has a very attacking game. Times, Sunday Times
  • Kea, the world's only snow line-dwelling parrot, are widely known as inquisitive birds who appear to take delight in attacking rubber items like windshield wiper blades. KOLO - HomePage - Headlines
  • As bombing raids attacking Britain's cities increased during World War Two, thousands of children were uprooted from their families and sent to the safety of the countryside.
  • Wallach (2009) also observed that baiting and shooting dingoes makes them prone to attacking lambs and crucially, that reintroducing them helps prey diversity. Biodiversity 100: actions for Australia
  • The idea of attacking malpractice costs at the bedside is the most effective solution. Curbing medical lawsuits: What Obama really means
  • He may try to blast his way out of trouble, playing attacking shots to balls he would not normally contemplate hitting.
  • We were on top of them, we played attacking football and only missed goals today. The Sun
  • This, then, is what Tom Friedman — in antiseptic language designed to leave elite consciences undisturbed — would like to portray as successful American policy: Using the Iraqi people as bait to attract jihadists from around the region and distract them from attacking the American homeland. Wonk Room » Friedman: America Successfully Used Iraqis As Bait
  • He says infantry that didn't keep moving and attacking would be accused of cowardice or dereliction of duty.
  • Activists voted overwhelmingly for a conference motion attacking the victory at all costs mentality in the sport. The Sun
  • In each case the violation alleged by those attacking minimum wage regulation for women is deprivation of freedom of contract.
  • The two broke free but were cuffed by police after escaping the attacking nonagenarian through a bedroom window.
  • In an attack it was awkward to move and set-up - but in defence it was a very dangerous weapon for anyone attacking a position defended by Vickers machine guns.
  • Fergus and I, after having lain awake for a considerable time, taking it for granted that they had given up all intention of attacking the house, at length fell into a kind of wakeful doze from which we were at once aroused by a loud knocking at the hall-door. The Tithe-Proctor The Works of William Carleton, Volume Two
  • Worked tirelessly and showed guile in the attacking third. The Sun
  • Obama responds by reiterating tax pledges he wouldn't keep, while specifically (and "misleadingly") attacking Reason Magazine
  • But then we became bolder, and soon some were attacking the paper in the same forthright manner of the teacher herself.
  • MTV is launching a global marketing push to tackle climate change that includes a TV ad attacking businesses guilty of "greenwash" - deliberately misleading consumers about their eco-credentials. Media news, UK and world media comment and analysis |
  • His language might at times ascend to rhapsody, yet his was an uncommonly practical approach - radical in the sense of attacking the preeminent social problem at its root, but basically conservative as to method.
  • Now rival groups aligned with the deposed government are counter attacking. Times, Sunday Times
  • Lusty conservatives who attack free verse, free fiction, ultra realism, "jazzed" prose, and the socialistic drama as the diseases of the period have my respect and sympathy, when it is a disease and not change as change that they are attacking. Definitions: Essays in Contemporary Criticism
  • Chelsea's preseason has already demonstrated an interesting fluid style of play, utilizing the fullbacks as an attacking quantity, very similar to Bielsa's highly successful Argentinean side in the recent Copa
  • At nesting time the parents become bold and pugnacious attacking crows, magpies, cuckoos and kestrels crossing their territory.
  • One drill using mannequins as opponents focused on team shape after attacking raids and, in particular, finding the shortest route back into a position. Times, Sunday Times
  • Rightwing Chumani Booi went over for a hat-trick but it was nuggety scrumhalf Vido Nako, who triggered the first attacking move of the evening, who got the man-of-the-match nod.
  • Alcohol thus prevents the cells from attacking invading bodies or of reacting in the presence of the toxins which also, as is well known, exert a more or less marked negative chemiotaxis, i.e., the cells appear to be paralyzed. Alcohol: A Dangerous and Unnecessary Medicine, How and Why What Medical Writers Say
  • And this will benefit their counter-attacking game plan. The Sun
  • Virginia Senator George Allen tried to make Dem Jim Webb's treatment of women a central issue in the campaign, attacking Webb on the stump and in ads for his allegedly misogynic fiction writings and his essays about the problems of having women in military academies. VA-SEN: CNN Exit Polls: Webb Well Ahead Among Women
  • But he lacks the attacking instincts and power compared to the welterweight elite. The Sun
  • At the head of the table sits a brooding Jimmy Floyd Hasselbaink, moodily attacking a chicken dish.
  • He has strained against every nettlesome one of them - counter-attacking and squandering valuable time that should have been used to promote his message.
  • One loves watching Bush's bootlicking cronies attacking Scott McClellan for his new book critical of Bush. Bartlett rips McClellan, calls allegation 'total crap'
  • Always a potent outlet down the right as an attacking full-back. The Sun
  • Attacking Congress's authority under the Commerce Clause, a favorite move of opponents of the New Deal, has consistently failed — even conservative Supreme Court Justice Anontin Scalia concedes the point — and the doctrine of "interposition," offered as justification to block civil-rights legislation, has been discredited for five decades. After the Fall
  • Attacking Iran will finish off the U.S. empire — not that Iran could kill the USA, but the chaos that will ensue is going to be the final straw that kills the economically-sick USA. Protesting HCR 362 at Nancy Pelosi’s House « Blog
  • Military officials insist their case for attacking the operation was airtight
  • She flew through a building that had a hole in it and lost the fighter squadron that was attacking her.
  • There is a certain relish that some on the left side of the political divide take in attacking progressives in a way that ensures that the boundaries of political discourse will be policed consistent with an information environment slanted in favor of the right-wing. Jonathan Weiler: On False Equivalencies
  • It is hoped they will also put off thugs attacking cops if they know they are being filmed. The Sun
  • As is well known, the robin is pugnacious, fighting with its own kind and attacking other birds.
  • Only when ports cannot be cut off does attacking shipping at sea become necessary.
  • We've heard that he lost because he futilely accused Barack Obama of associated with terrorists or because he didn't devote enough time and energy to attacking Obama's questionable associates.
  • The cancer cells are attacking his liver
  • The self-defense system ensures protection from guided and unguided weapons of the enemy's fighters attacking the aircraft from its front and rear hemispheres.
  • United were playing a positive attacking game and again Samuel caused palpitations in the home rearguard.
  • Barnes managed to stem the tide a little by giving Liverpool a genuine attacking outlet.
  • The author showed again her utter fearlessness when it comes to attacking the big subjects and her determination to bring philosophical discussions into the realm of highly readable and entertaining literature.
  • This campaign is about having a real conversation about energy issues and about finding common ground where we can move forward, and it's disappointing that there are groups that are interested in attacking Chevron and not engaging in a rational conversation," Morgan Crinklaw, a Chevron spokesman, said Tuesday. Critics spoof new Chevron ads promoting responsibility
  • The upper part is the territory of the surgeonfish which savagely protects it by attacking divers when they approach.
  • He declined to play attacking shots for the best part of his stay at the crease, not even looking to score, and instead blocked, padded up or left the ball alone.
  • The crowd were fantastic and have had an enjoyable night of attacking football. The Sun
  • The concentration is going to be very important in dealing with all the issues in terms of attacking and defending. Times, Sunday Times
  • Avoid insulting or attacking them. Between Worlds: A Reader, Rhetoric and Handbook
  • One drill using mannequins as opponents focused on team shape after attacking raids and, in particular, finding the shortest route back into a position. Times, Sunday Times
  • It used adult blood stem cells to replace white blood cells, that the doctors had killed to stop them attacking beta cells that make insulin. Times, Sunday Times
  • If any portion of the plan failed there was still the possibility of retrieving the situation by simply attacking and if either flank attack succeeded it would bring a great advantage to the Chin army.
  • That said, attacking a special olympian, a wheel chair bound amputee is probably counterproductive. Archive 2008-04-01
  • Four of the disgraced warriors from the first encounter attempt to regain their honor by attacking the party from the rear.
  • The ANC are attacking rugby because it is the soft underbelly of South African sport.
  • Think of the modern game, how for years counterattacking became almost a luxury item. Times, Sunday Times
  • Condulmiero was already fiercely engaged, and soon his carack was a mere unrigged helmless waterlog, only saved from instant destruction by her immense size and terrific guns, which, well aimed, low on the water, to gain the _ricochet_, did fearful mischief among the attacking galleys. The Story of the Barbary Corsairs
  • Inside the coprolites, pieces of T. rex bone were found, indicating that the dinosaur in question had cannibalized - either through attacking or scavenging - another T. rex.
  • This championship has seen a re-emergence of an attacking game long dormant, but there have been worrying signs too. Times, Sunday Times
  • Mr Bush's indiscretion had become a vehicle for attacking the Democratic presidential nominee.
  • His timing was impeccable attacking his old boss on the day he was making a big speech on the economy.
  • The personnel on this tour are different and we have a more attacking approach. The Sun
  • The insurrectionists that we have oft complained of late have grown more bold in their depredations, attacking ever nearer to our palace.
  • Novelist and literary essayist Nicholson Baker once again has caused a stir in the library world, this time attacking the sale and/or destruction of original newspapers once they have been microfilmed.
  • So this was an untrained, undisciplined and unmotivated force that had no intention of attacking the townspeople.
  • He then developed a strategy for attacking the Hedjaz railway, the Turkish supply line.
  • Experts on the red kite - a spectacular bird with a wingspan of up to 6ft - say it is essentially a scavenger which feeds on carrion rather than attacking sheep or game birds.
  • If they are not physically attacking them, they are raiding fields for food.
  • And the current president of the United States, whom it might not be altogether inaccurate to describe as the Galahad of the SNL and Stewart generations, has made exactly one speech about Muslim garb — defining the wearing of the hijab as a human right and indirectly attacking those French secularists who have their misgivings about it. Cheap Laughs
  • It seems that a Cuban blogger who lives in Galicia, in Spain, has fallen foul of the the Major of Oleiros who is supposed to be a Galician nationalist, which he seems to display by attacking the United States and, especially, Israel whenever he can. Rum story from Spain
  • Attacking midfielders are the most positionally versatile and central defenders the least. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the space of a few weeks in March, a number of incidents occurred including youths attacking a postman as he collected mail from the post box in the centre.
  • Back came Emley, with some fine attacking play, opening a gap for their agile stand-off Dave Pawson to score a converted try.
  • The red team was attacking very well, but the blue goalkeeper held them out I think.
  • Over the past five years, few teams can touch them for number of tries scored and appetite for attacking play.
  • The finding suggests that environmental factors determine whether genetically susceptible twins will contract lupus, or systemic lupus erythematosus, which is characterized by the immune system attacking the body's own cells. Latest Science News Features, Blog Entries, Column Entries, Issues, Articles and Book Reviews
  • It was a combination of towers, palisades, ditches, abatis, and caltrops to slow the attacking Gauls, so that Roman missile engines could more effectively engage them.
  • A potentially fatal fungal disease called downy mildew has been attacking basil plants in NPR Topics: News
  • I CANNOT BELIEVE obama's people keep attacking clinton, accusing her of being a racist, of being a destructor etc etc. they've got their nomination, they got what they wanted. are they trying to make us vote for mccain?!?!?!? it is UNBELIEVABLE. clinton isnt dividing the democrats. its the obama people insulting clinton, our gal. and in case you hadnt noticed, we dont forget those who mess with the clintons. Senators mull the No. 2 spot
  • They spluttered and struggled for attacking fluency but dug in and showed determination on a cold and blustery afternoon when the result mattered more than their performance. Times, Sunday Times
  • After President Obama forgave Lieberman for attacking his character and good intentions during 2008 presidential campaign, especially in light of Democratic Legislatures preference to terminate Lieberman's political career, the embarrassment is solely on "Joe the Jerk" Lieberman. MN GOP calls Franken-Lieberman incident an 'embarrassment'
  • He preferred an aggressive game based on length drives, deep crosscourts, and attacking boasts.
  • Now consider the contrast with Bournemouth's attacking strength. Times, Sunday Times
  • We are putting the attacking path ahead of results but we are trying to reach them together. Times, Sunday Times
  • He has strained against every nettlesome one of them - counter-attacking and squandering valuable time that should have been used to promote his message.
  • If attacking his right leg then your left instep is behind his right knee.
  • The other two squads had further to go in attacking similar installations around the northern or inner caisson.
  • Despite their clangor on LA based Persian satellite TV, these individuals who spend all of their time attacking groups that secure victories for the community, were unable to prevent positive change, exposing themselves and demonstrating that they have no base of support. Shawn Amoei: Obama Scores Points With the Iranian People
  • The benefit of the doubt is supposed to go to the attacking player anyway. The Sun
  • The ANC are attacking rugby because it is the soft underbelly of South African sport.
  • The dead include civilians, soldiers and the tribal leader Rahim Bezoni, all killed for refusing to back the fight against the British forces attacking the city.
  • Neither "my experience" nor the "100% intellectually valid" queer reading are meant to be identical to the author's intention, and so your sorites is still attacking a point I'm not defending. Whether true or not
  • The pilots went from attacking bombers to defending them. FIGHTER BOYS: Saving Britain 1940
  • Both spiney lobsters and hermit crabs have been observed attacking gastropods in this fashion and both produce the distinctive notched gastropod remains.
  • At nesting time the parents become bold and pugnacious attacking crows, magpies, cuckoos and kestrels crossing their territory.
  • While Buckley calmly declares Hefner's out to "annul" the moral code, Hefner attempts to claim he was not rejecting or attacking monogamy, which is quite simply lying. The Patriot Post
  • It's wrong of the press to publish articles attacking the Queen when she can't answer back.
  • Just like they had done during the airfield rescue, the twins were attacking the saucers.
  • The spontaneous regression of some tumors is usually explained as a phenomenon of the individual's own immune system attacking the tumor burden.
  • In sensational scenes on 'Comic Relief Does the Apprentice' to be screened tonight, Patsy Palmer is seen attacking Ultimo Lingerie boss Michele Mone, with a DD underwired, padded bodyshaper after the multi-millionaire claimed that even her range of state-of-the-art cleavage-enhancing bras could do nothing for the 'Eastenders' star's 'saggy spaniel's ears' : Spoof News : Front Page

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