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How To Use Atonal In A Sentence

  • Lambert isn't against atonalism, and admires Berg a great deal, but he's against any sort of dogmatism, and the atonalists had become dogmatic even by then.
  • Eschewing schools and musical fashions, he wrote a great deal of music which is seldom heard, exploring bitonalites and partly delving into the realm of atonality.
  • Rounds are no longer written in modern musical styles, and remain untouched by developments in chromatic harmony, atonality, jazz idioms, serial structures and folk modes.
  • Mr. Weber is not a moralist and does not claim that, by preferring Tchaikovsky to, say, the current-day atonalist Charles Wuorinen, we are philistines or reactionaries. That Melody Sounds Familiar
  • ‘Mäander’ is an incredible, multi-layered sound world of 4 or 5 layers of clarinets that is atonal, arrhythmic, ominous, and funereal.
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  • I would probably "ground" the audience in tonal conventional music sounds during the real-world part of Zann and move them into atonal "out-there" sounds when that window opens (if I am recalling the story correctly). Lovecraft Paragraphs : The Lovecraft News Network
  • His compositional palette incorporates atonal and nontonal elements, but within a primarily tonal framework. NYT > Home Page
  • Even in the atonal phase, before he adopted serialism, he presented obstacles for his listeners.
  • Strangulated squeaks, beeps and atonal, dying samba rhythms scuttered into life. Simon Boccanegra; 63rd Aldeburgh festival
  • His fondness for chromaticism was such that Schoenberg suspected he would soon join the ranks of the atonalists, but for Reger chromaticism was a means of expanding the resources of tonality, not a harbinger of its imminent collapse.
  • The serialists / atonalists wrapped themselves in quasi-mathematical systems at the expense of the subjective, though they insisted that the works were meant to be expressive.
  • Around the turn of the century, composers began to experiment with atonality, dissonance and primitive rhythms.
  • It also is the least atonal-sounding movement and will likely appeal even to those of fairly conservative tastes.
  • But Chansons d'Édith Piaf has its exquisite moments, the first tune alone, "L'accordéoniste," providing a six-minute journey from atonalism to cabaret to swing. Paul Motian Sans Piano
  • The Chamber Symphony from 1967 is definitely a massive leap forward and here one can sense the deep atonal overtones that lie behind the heart of the music.
  • Fifty-five years after his death, Anton Webern still leads listeners through a musical underworld where even dodecaphonic and atonal rules simply don't apply.
  • Dori's airhorn had a decidedly different tone than Devon's, and the resulting sound was a bray that was both loud and atonal.
  • Yet I have to say that its rigorous and intransigent atonal style with a preponderance of chromatic note clusters and major seventh and minor ninth intervals now seems outworn, its initial impact long dissipated.
  • He founded a school of cacophony which resulted in atonalism, and then, like his friend Picasso in art, left his school behind.
  • Not one to experiment in the emerging environment of atonal and neo-classical music, his old-fashioned compositions were swept aside well before his death.
  • Here was obviously a great future talent for atonal and dodecaphonic scores. An Autobiography
  • But influential East Coast critics were not kind to this gorgeous music that seemed so out of step with postwar atonalism. Where Korngold Shone
  • The majority always turn an unfavorable attitude towards atonal composition.
  • When he finished, he bounced on his toes and laughed a flat, atonal laugh. MINUTES TO BURN
  • This study has confirmed that indeed, he did develop numerous innovative techniques before his European counterparts, including polytonality, tone-clusters, atonality and polyrhythms, and many others.
  • The Violin Concerto starts off, for instance, with dissonant sustained chords auguring a foray into some atonal world of austerity and gray shadings.
  • Our genetic evidence from Drosophila and previous in vitro studies of mammalian Atonal homolog 1 (Atoh1, also called Math1 or Hath1) suggest an anti-oncogenic function for the Atonal group of proneural basic helix-loop-helix transcription factors. Intervallic cell
  • The section ends almost whimsically with the band fixating upon a repeated bop riff and then finishing with an extended atonal blast.
  • The psychocultural ground of Schoenberg's atonalism and its complex procedures was the disintegration of the Austro-Hungarian empire.
  • In fact, it reminds me very much of Schoenberg's freely atonal music of roughly twenty years previous.
  • Brecht's words, juxtaposed against Weill's music, with its atonal harmonies and angular lines, venomously satirized the state of affairs.
  • In music, melody and tonality became old-fashioned, and the twelve tone row and atonality reigned supreme in ‘serious’ composition.
  • Charles Wuorinen is directing the festival, and listeners who are stuck in the musical politics of the relatively recent past or who think that Mr. Wuorinen's music lies on the severe, atonal side, might assume that this year's festival would tilt toward what Milton Babbitt semijokingly called maximalism. NYT > Home Page
  • Dissonance emerges through highly structured chord strata and haunting tonalities and atonalities working with and then against one another.
  • The rest will make you want to slit your wrists or take an Advil at too much atonalist sound distortion. Is That Legal?: Be Cool, Realize You're Old School
  • City" is sometimes described as atonal, but perhaps "supertonal" might be a better term, it seems to exist in every key and every tempo at the same: great, towering, unresolved dissonances the size of the Chrysler building are constructed right in front of you and then tumble to the ground "watch out for flying glass! The Jazz Scene: Birthdays and Mermaids
  • he composes atonally
  • Spectralism is an interesting case in this scheme: a definite reliance on scientific analysis, but retaining connections of vocabulary and sonic effect with post-serialist atonality — not, in its current form, enough of a break. Archive 2008-09-01
  • It seamed that between extratonal and neo-tonal codes there were nothing but divarications.
  • The negative reaction began to gather when Mr. Reed was named "the most overrated lyricist of all time" by the music website Flavorwire, and almost simultaneously a Village Voice online critic who heard a "Lulu" preview cited its "grinding atonality that veers on amusicality" and "relentless misogyny. A Rocky Start to a Metal Marriage
  • Walton, who in early days dabbled in atonality, eventually settled for neo-romanticism and his Viola Concerto is a most elegiac composition.
  • The serialists / atonalists wrapped themselves in quasi-mathematical systems at the expense of the subjective, though they insisted that the works were meant to be expressive.
  • It was intellectuals who kept the spotlight on atonalism long after the public got alienated from it.
  • That aside, my views on Boulez ever-evolving as they are are fairly clear: it's obvious, in 2008, that dodecaphonic atonal music didn't win the battle for the hearts and minds of the musical cognoscenti. "some safe, undecisive [sic
  • The author Maynard Solomon wrote a paper alleging that Ives had backdated his scores in an effort to establish his p;recedence in the race toward atonality. Once More into the Breach
  • Laughed reading your comment about "improvisations"--I took piano for 11 years, but having lived for 8 years, sans piano, I've reached the playing nadir where the simplest Mozart piece sounds like weird atonal dissonance. Fixing a Hole
  • In addition to the smooth transitions between both the divergent, heterophonically-interwoven tunes and between tonal, modal and atonal pivots of the different sections, Olivero also presents a rhythmic dichotomy, between slow-paced, rhythmically flexible cantabile sections and harshly syncopated, rhythmic intersecting phrases. Betty Olivero.
  • Litten's carpenter friend Max John Hollingworth, looked up from his spokeshave with perhaps one too many knowing political apercus; and Litten's "weary" catalogue of his father's objections to the new Weimar republic – "To him, it's all atonal music, flat roofs, Bauhaus chairs, the rumba, Otto Dix, negro jazz, Jewish self-assertion" – could have done with the lumps taken out of it. Rewind TV: The Man Who Crossed Hitler; Hans Litten vs Adolf Hitler: To Stop a Tyrant; Random; American: The Bill Hicks Story; The Hour – review
  • This is an umbrella term for a group of musicians in Japan whose music is primarily atonal, noisy, improvised and loud.
  • Well, Schoenberg was the progenitor of what is called atonality, which meant simply that he abandoned most of the harmonies that had been in use for centuries and devised new harmonies of his own, which were sometimes quite frightening to hear and, in other cases, had a sort of a weird impressionistic beauty to them. Beauty Amid the Discord: Music in the 20th Century
  • He would experiment with Schoenberg-style atonalism before embracing tonal and populist elements (especially American jazz).
  • For all its modern, atonal, chic suavity, the variety of ingredients in combination were limited, the flavours cloddish. Times, Sunday Times
  • And then something happened, the atonalities came together, and Claude could have sworn he was hearing a rainstorm. METAPLANETARY
  • Webern makes the move to free atonality at roughly the same time Schoenberg does and with very much the same result: a long creative silence.
  • Creston explored a variety of musical techniques and compositional styles, including atonalism.
  • This process could not go on indefinitely, and in 1908 Schoenberg made the break into atonality, abandoning the attempt to fit atonal harmonies into tonal forms.
  • When the lectures were first delivered, Bernstein's rejection of atonal music deeply offended many avant-garde composers.
  • Many of Ives "compositions were ground breaking and anticipated 20th century musical techniques such as polytonality, atonality, 12 tone formations, polymetres, and polyrhythms. QCOnline Metro News
  • The majority always turn an unfavorable attitude towards atonal composition.
  • He would also have us believe that somehow, serialists and atonalists could bury expression in their music by piling on the mathematical base on which their music was founded.
  • You start to understand why, even given late-Romantic levels of dissonance, atonality so bothered the d'Indys of the world — dissonance was OK as long as the movement from key center to key center remained purposeful and perceptible, but lose that modulation, and things start to seem random. Mod squad
  • The serial and atonal composers vehemently brought this issue forward in mid-century.
  • Guitarist Dimitri Coats, best known for the band Burning Brides, hammers out his riffs like a drummer and, in a live version, offers a pithy solo that recalls the atonal squirm of Black Flag founder Greg Ginn. NPR Topics: News
  • Reich can take some of the credit for busting the stranglehold on the 20th century of atonal music, which he calls a red herring; he describes listening to such work as akin to taking a bitter pill.
  • Atonality isn't exactly setting the world on fire these days, what with all these whippersnappers and their feel-good postminimalism. Archive 2009-04-01
  • Fifty-five years after his death, Anton Webern still leads listeners through a musical underworld where even dodecaphonic and atonal rules simply don't apply.
  • What few of us do, and what atonality causes in us that we so resist, is to react physically to music. More on music
  • Night after night, musicians, critics and other cognoscenti packed the club to absorb the quartet's extended ‘free jazz’ atonal group improvisations.
  • This is an umbrella term for a group of musicians in Japan whose music is primarily atonal, noisy, improvised and loud.
  • It has elements of traditional folksong with some gentle ventures into atonality.
  • Around the turn of the century, composers began to experiment with atonality, dissonance and primitive rhythms.
  • The majority always turn an unfavorable attitude towards atonal composition.
  • Our genetic evidence from Drosophila and previous in vitro studies of mammalian Atonal homolog 1 (Atoh1, also called Math1 or Hath1) suggest an anti-oncogenic function for the Atonal group of proneural basic helix-loop-helix transcription factors. Archive 2009-04-01
  • As it turns out, a very similar gene, Atonal homolog 1, controls the development secretory cells in the lining of the colon in both humans and mice — and, as Bossyut and his team discovered, inactivating Atoh1 in mice triggers the onset of colon cancer. Archive 2009-04-01
  • His interest in atonal music drew him on to study composition at the Juilliard School of Music (M.S., 1962) in New York City and then to Paris to study under Nadia Boulanger. Five People Born on January 31 | myFiveBest
  • Emma was experimenting with atonal motifs on a xylophone and Vicky had been given a doll but had pulled the arm off.
  • I thought for sure that "atonal" would first turn up in a discussion of Liszt's music, but "omnitonal" seems to be the phrase that his contemporaries — those who had the chance to hear pieces like the Bagatelle, at least — used. Mod squad
  • Actually, there was a time when Ter Veldhuis, 58, dabbled with atonalism, but he said he Projo Local News
  • In the early twentieth century, however, composers led by [Arnold] Schoenberg began to rally against the traditional conventions of music to produce compositions which lack tonal centres, known as atonal music. The Atonal President
  • We can therefore create whatever degree of atonal norm we wish, just through our knowledge of the nature of intervals.
  • With pounding keyboard work reminiscient of Dr. John, the song swings along, excitingly edging closer and closer into atonalism but never quite getting there. PopMatters
  • The textbook line is that contemporary European jazzers found their own identity apart from the American motherlode in a severe "free" atonalism (saxophonist Evan Parker, guitarist Derek Bailey), and in a lyrical if sometimes chilly meld of classical tones and (white people's) folk motifs (a lot of what you hear on the influential German label, ECM). Jazzers Solal, Gustavsen Shine In Age of Really Good Pianists
  • Tonality and atonality (as syntaxes) may be anathema to one another, but the relationship between consonance and dissonance in tonal music is a defining characteristic of tonality. Spark plugs and transmissions
  • Last winter, I dragged Chris to see Wozzeck, a modern German opera that, while not atonal and only occasionally dodecaphonic, sounds dissonant and strange. One thing about LiveJournal that annoys me.
  • As Schoenberg said, atonality is rejected not because it is ugly, but because it is misunderstood.
  • I compared him with his colleague Milhaud, whose deeply biting satire and occasional ventures into atonality took him in other directions, in a worldly sense making his music astringent.
  • After a short, nearly atonal string interlude, the rhythm section breaks in with an Arabic-sounding, odd-metered vamp.
  • Why do you think audiences have trouble with modern or atonal classical music?
  • People did not accept atonal music at that time
  • He just wants metronomes, randomness, atonality, doubletime kick drums and clicks.
  • Call me a philistine, but I have small patience for Samuel Beckett, can tolerate only small doses of serial atonality, and am bored numb by recitative.
  • In atonal music, the harmonic relationships may be very complex indeed, yet they are undoubtedly there.
  • (Which, interestingly, would mean that the reaction against atonality is less about the intrinsic properties of tonal harmonies and more about it’s ability to create the illusion of rhythmic symmetry.) Archive 2006-09-01
  • The grievous error he and his atonalist cohorts made was to dictate the path of new music to the exclusion of all else.
  • In the early twentieth century, however, composers led by Schoenberg began to rally against the traditional conventions of music to produce compositions which lack tonal centres, known as atonal music. news, business, sport, the Daily Telegraph newspaper, Sunday Telegraph
  • What replaced them was a sound infinitely more sinister, one that never failed to produce a scutter of gooseflesh up her back: a low, atonal noise, like the warble of a siren be - ing turned by a man without much longer to live. Wizard and Glass
  • The Violin Concerto starts off, for instance, with dissonant sustained chords auguring a foray into some atonal world of austerity and gray shadings.
  • Talman would also have us believe that somehow, serialists and atonalists could bury expression in their music by piling on the mathematical base on which their music was founded.
  • When he finished, he bounced on his toes and laughed a flat, atonal laugh. MINUTES TO BURN
  • The beatboxing is cool; it's when he lapses into distortion and other ear-piercing, atonal sound that I start wishing I were deaf. Revisiting, revising (Music (For Robots))
  • Dissonance emerges through highly structured chord strata and haunting tonalities and atonalities working with and then against one another.
  • Composed in the late 1930s – with one ear directed toward the rise of fascism, and the other turned to the conservative critics complaining about his progressive, atonal style – the work combines elements of 12-tone serialism, nostalgic lyricism and folk dance, all couched in the swashbuckling rhetoric of the Romantic concerto. Ehnes/LSO/Noseda - review
  • When it kicked at night and woke her, Emma spread her fingertips over the foreign swell that was her own body and imagined the baby spoke to her in a secret, atonal humming.
  • This commitment to rigorously atonal music, planned and performed as a separate entity from the choreography, is at the core of Cunningham's radicalism.
  • If a colleague dropped atonal writing, the atonalists saw this as a threatening refusal to validate their own work.
  • Even though there were people like Berio and Crumb, most of the teaching was slanted toward Schoenberg, and atonalism and serialism, etc. Opera Today
  • Atonal music, the Italian opera style, the operetta and the paintings of Impressionism are also Jewish.
  • Powers's music from the 1980s deploys a considered synthesis of serial, atonal and tonal techniques.
  • The atonalist members of the second Viennese school had appropriately ludicrous deaths: Arnold Schoenberg, who suffered from a morbid fear of the number 13, died on 13 July 1951; and Anton Webern was accidentally shot in post-war Austria, when GIs arriving to arrest his son-in-law saw him light a cigar and assumed it was a weapon. The Independent - Frontpage RSS Feed
  • He does not like atonality and caused a big stir when he created an alter-ego for himself, Van den Budenmeyer, as a newly discovered classical composer from a few centuries ago.
  • In music, atonality or the abandonment of rules of tonality, was the counterpart of cubism and surrealism in art and the functionalism of Bauhaus.
  • (Seriously, every Spanish-English dictionary I have says "atonal" is the same in both languages. "His accordion's done wonders for his personality"
  • It amply justifies my contention that for Stravinsky in the Twenties, the word "modernism" had become "a code for that specifically postromantic legacy of revolution and chaos exemplified in politics by the Bolsheviks, and in music by the expressionistic atonal works of Schoenberg. 'Jews and Geniuses': An Exchange

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