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  1. (usually followed by `for') extremely desirous
    thirsty for information
    athirst for knowledge
    hungry for recognition

How To Use athirst In A Sentence

  • All adversity finds ease in complaining (as [3421] Isidore holds), and 'tis a solace to relate it, [3422] Ἀγαθὴ δε ἐταίρου. Friends 'confabulations are comfortable at all times, as fire in winter, shade in summer, quale sopor fessis in gramine, meat and drink to him that is hungry or athirst; Anatomy of Melancholy
  • I saw many originally low, and to whom lack of education left scarcely anything but animal wants, disappointed in those wants, ahungered, athirst, and desperate as famished animals: I saw what taught my brain a new lesson, and filled my breast with fresh feelings. Shirley, by Charlotte Bronte
  • 'Kings! ye athirst for conquest,' etc. _You_ are not _athirst_ for it but _take it coolly_. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 17, No. 103, May, 1866
  • They started on the old "Very kind, lads, God bless you, boys," and so we rang the collocol and brought a different waiter in this time and we ordered beers with rum in, being sore athirst, my brothers, and whatever the old ptitsas wanted. Where's the show?
  • My soul is athirst for God, yea, even for the living God : Archive 2009-06-01
  • Therefore, I can gather to me no more possessions, and when ye are athirst for hooch, he will quench ye and without robbery. A HYPERBOREAN BREW
  • He believed that the respect in which these journals were held by a reading public athirst for good commentary would cause a very undesirable public indignation in the event of their suppression.
  • The sooner that they rose, the sharper was their appetite and the barkings of their stomachs, and the gnawings increased in the like proportion, and consequently made these godly men thrice more a-hungered and athirst than when their matins were hemmed over only with three lessons. Five books of the lives, heroic deeds and sayings of Gargantua and his son Pantagruel
  • To this extenuated spectre, perhaps, a crumb is not thrown once a year; but when ahungered and athirst to famine - when all humanity has forgotten the dying tenant of a decaying house - Divine Mercy remembers the mourner, and a shower of manna falls for lips that earthly nutriment is to pass no more. Shirley, by Charlotte Bronte
  • You are probably athirst with romantic desire.
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