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How To Use At all costs In A Sentence

  • Cattle seem to absorb less radioactivity than sheep, except for the milk, which is to be avoided at all costs because of the iodine.
  • Peace processes thus become sacrosanct and must be kept going at all costs. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is also a caustic commentary on the American Dream of success at all costs. Times, Sunday Times
  • There are still eight games left so we must avoid complacency at all costs. The Sun
  • The lesson here is that long and low is always chic, and to avoid at all costs what I call 'furniture on steroids': American designs are generally so supersized and big and puffy. Silver-Screen Décor
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  • You react with an intense and zealous activity designed to achieve your aims at all costs.
  • These requirements must be enforced at all costs. Times, Sunday Times
  • Security during the president's visit must be maintained at all costs.
  • After a hideaway chat with Nixon, his consiglieri, Chuck Colson, concluded that it was imperative "to stop Anderson at all costs. The Best of Enemies
  • The collapse of the British Empire, which Winston Churchill had vowed to defend at all costs, opened the way to worldwide decolonization.
  • It's win at all costs and he is going to have to be careful because he could lose a lot.
  • Activists voted overwhelmingly for a conference motion attacking the victory at all costs mentality in the sport. The Sun
  • And he avoided noisy and crowded at all costs… which meant he also avoided places like malls.
  • Can a man trained to attack and win at all costs turn out to be a big old softie? Times, Sunday Times
  • We cannot, in his view, evade the radical Otherness of non-being; hence the obligation of the living is to fight for life at all costs.
  • The precious greenery around the city must be protected at all costs.
  • Such risks must be guarded against at all costs.
  • Security during the president's visit must be maintained at all costs.
  • So, the rural museum and playground was to be kept open at all costs so as not to offend the weekend green wellie brigade rather than take the belt-and-braces approach that might actually work to stop the spread of this fell disease. Archive 2007-08-05
  • He is a compulsive liar and con man who should be avoided at all costs. The Sun
  • Keeping up appearances at all costs and considering marriage as a social necessity - such are the givens in the our national psyche.
  • Yet the German and French governments, chivvied by the European Central Bank, do not insist that Greece service its debts at all costs as a favor to the banks. Why We Aren't Bashing Banks
  • Fatty, greasy, fried foods and fatty meats like hot dogs, beacon sausages, fish and chicken should be avoided at all costs just like butter, mayonnaise, salad dressings and other oils.
  • Gardeners occasionally regard shade as an evil to be avoided at all costs.
  • Activists voted overwhelmingly for a conference motion attacking the victory at all costs mentality in the sport. The Sun
  • Flashman's itch to survive and to save his skin at all costs makes him a resolute and desperate character.
  • We must avoid a scandal at all costs .
  • He always wanted to be the breakout star at all costs.
  • Zedillo wanted at all costs to avoid the sixth-year, end-of-term jinx that has befallen every Mexican president since Luis Echeverria in 1976. The End Of The Road?
  • Glennon said that the formation of this majority represented a Neanderthal way of controlling the council at all costs.
  • She is keen at all costs to avoid a court case .
  • My mother was responsible, solely because in deference to his manic passion for rock 'n' roll music my father wanted to call me Elvisa and had to be countenanced at all costs.
  • The women's volleyball team put up a desperate fight to win the world championship at all costs.
  • His programme: reform the moribund economy but hold onto power at all costs. Times, Sunday Times
  • This is done usually at the behest of central bankers who are still somewhat perplexingly attached to strong currencies at all costs.
  • My advice is to avoid confrontations at all costs. THE DOG LISTENER: Learning the Language of your Best Friend
  • The entire road is a pothole - a red-earth track with occasional rafts of Tarmac which drivers avoid at all costs for fear of wrecking their suspension.
  • It is a dire coach company in the UK, to be avoided at all costs for their provision of uncomfortable seats and tardy services.
  • Tax the rich, lets make Rush happy at all costs, his suffering is my pleasure. hahaha Senate health care bill price tag: $849 billion, CBO says
  • The government wanted to avoid war at all costs.
  • At all costs I had to avoid any comment which she might feel was unchivalrous. ABSOLUTE TRUTHS
  • When he motioned for her to take the wooden spoon from him she did so, avoiding touching him at all costs.
  • And what would those involved do differently if starting out now-or avoid at all costs?
  • Maintaining a bella figura at all costs can cause problems greater than a partially blocked street.
  • Prior to this, Fowler had avoided taking sides at all costs; he was dégagé.
  • Avoid at all costs, unless you are a co-dependent who likes to feel maladjusted.
  • when peanut butter turned into a guilt-ridden indulgence akin to candy bars, cookies, and cakes: diet disasters to be avoided at all costs.
  • I don't play the lotto and I avoid gambling at all costs because I'm a risk-taker by nature.
  • Its funny to see people spell Fox news "FAUX news" or refer to it as "Fixed" which are two terms coined and promoted by the ultra-left, promote anything obama at all costs, MSNBC. Networks respond to false Fox ad
  • She was also a governor for no less than 14 schools and a true-blue Conservative who avoided wearing red at all costs.
  • In any event, the good of the country dictates that the political dynasties should be avoided at all costs -- from which ever party they arise from. swarty wrote on January 30, 2008 10: 59 PM: Election Central | Talking Points Memo | Obama Attacks Hillary As Calculating And Divisive
  • Victory at all costs, victory in spite of all terror, victory however long and hard the road may be; for without victory there is no survival. Winston Churchill 
  • He advised us that, if we insisted on completing our journey, we should avoid Aigul and Count Ulanu's demesne at all costs. THE LIGHTSTONE: BOOK ONE, PART TWO OF THE EA CYCLE
  • He had to hold the Control at all costs and discourage the enemy from any further attempt to rush his position.
  • If that were the case then no civil law could apply and all men preserved their primitive rights to secure themselves at all costs from harm.
  • We must at all costs prevent them from finding out about the plan.
  • For the pagan, the alienation from divinity is so palpable and painful that it must be overcome at all costs, even if ethics are the price.
  • Healthy ambition is a fine quality, but winning at all costs can alienate even the most devoted admirers.
  • The nations amongst whom they were exiled were like the unclean idolaters of old, whose blandishments and evil influence must at all costs be resisted, until such time as God in His infinite mercy chose to redeem and vindicate His people.
  • We think they would try to avoid this at all costs because it would be effectively hari-kari , and by that I do mean political suicide," Behravesh said. Delayed Social Security Payments May Prevent Default But Would Cause Disaster
  • Peace processes thus become sacrosanct and must be kept going at all costs. Times, Sunday Times
  • I expect insurers and other firms to preserve their profit margins at all costs.
  • Commenting on the activities of PKI chairman Aidit in Central Java immediately after the coup, it notes that he warned subordinates: at all costs not to allow the PKI to be provoked into violent action… he told the people who assembled to hear him that there must be no demonstration of support for the coup…. What Happened in Indonesia?
  • His programme: reform the moribund economy but hold onto power at all costs. Times, Sunday Times
  • Many view nursing homes with the same distaste as prisons and vow to avoid them at all costs.
  • But his insulting treatment of a key ally shows him to be irresponsible, graceless and obsessively bent on winning office at all costs.
  • He is a compulsive liar and con man who should be avoided at all costs. The Sun
  • That must be defended at all costs to preserve our pluralism and democratic polity.
  • Howdy pardner, Taylor ‘Psychosis’ Bell here once again to provide you with valuable information on a game you should avoid at all costs.
  • You must stop the press from finding out at all costs.
  • Clashing with a rival release is to be avoided at all costs, and since the choice slots are staked out years in advance by the biggest of the big guns, April and May are a good time for smaller action movies to clean up.
  • Any chink in the armor is to be avoided at all costs; it will just turn up on YouTube and everyone will laugh at you. "Would you like to see a little of it?" said the Mock Turtle.
  • Winning, at all costs, and at whatever long term consequence, seems to be all that matters to them.
  • At all costs, the vehicle must never be overloaded.
  • He is a compulsive liar and con man who should be avoided at all costs. The Sun
  • On the other hand the bureaucrats were wedded to social partnership and wanted to avoid conflict with the authorities at all costs.
  • You must stop the press from finding out at all costs.
  • It doesn’t matter if you’re James Jones, John Cheever, or a stewbum snoozing in Penn Station; for an addict, the right to the drink or drug of choice must be preserved at all costs. On writing by stephen king
  • Rule of mob is deaf to the voices of reason, and hence the rule of mob must be stopped at all costs.
  • But having said all of that, this is still a gutsy move by Log Cabin - gutsy because some of their members/funders, according to my sources, are anti-gay gays who care nothing about gay civil rights and everything about protecting George Bush at all costs. 08/15/2004
  • I don't have a problem with naturalistic explanations for miracles, as long as they are not too tortured or based on a philosophy which is, at bottom, the adamantine will to deny the supernatural at all costs.
  • The Germans had decided to make Warsaw a fortress city which would be defended at all costs in an effort to stem the advance of the Red Army.
  • Lies for no good reason are despicable and should be avoided at all costs.
  • It should be avoided at all costs, never mind how slick the sales patter is.
  • My companions and I are on a quest to retrieve the artifact and bring it back to the realm, at all costs.
  • Elly: Rule 1 of malloc is the same as rule 1 of air travel: "Attempt at all costs to keep your number of landings equal to your number of takeoffs." monochrom: I was trying to design a sensible language ... then I downloaded ghc. conal: The C ADT is implemented simply as String (or char *, for you type theorists, using a notation from Kleene) Planet Haskell
  • His stark, dramatic compositions strive for immediacy of effect at all costs - now in unpolished newsreel fashion, now in shadowy borrowings from Expressionism.
  • We must finish the work at all costs before midnight.
  • You must stop the press finding out at all costs .
  • A simple test of the big ego is the inability to take a joke, inability to take criticism, seeing everything as an insult to one's respect or "face" which must be protected at all costs (status game), every idea is to be taken very seriously and a profound dissatisfaction is felt and expressed when reality is unwilling to cooperate, either the lack of self-criticism (everything is the fault of others or society) or the opposite extreme, self-flagellation, which is just basically another kind of big-ego game, the holier-than-thou one, and an inability to see other people as anything else but the object of one's desires or an obstacle to them. Armed and Dangerous
  • Why do they continue fight regulators whyvoterepublican: So, why don't the repubs want to do any thing alienator 18 minutes ago (6:41 PM) wow... only 2 comments and its back to blaming obama alienator: wow... only 2 comments and its back to blaming obama Mattie 16 minutes ago (6:43 PM) Republican­s protect the oil companies at all costs. The Full Feed from
  • Is this mirrored in the appearance of the ‘esteemed male guest’ who must be accommodated at all costs?
  • At all costs we must avoid appearing to want attention and to cause controversy.
  • Also a cordon is not legal territiry to be defended at all costs, it only acts as a cordon with the consent of the public to acknowledge it as such. Policeman killed - NO STORY. Woman slapped - BIG STORY. « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • Civilian casualties must be avoided at all costs.
  • He is a sore loser who wants to win at all costs, always and everywhere.
  • This implies that history, with all its stratifications, is preferable to the idea of repatriation at all costs.
  • They also have a very powerful kick, to be avoided at all costs, and have most unsocial habits like peeing on your foot or leaving large deposits for you to stand in.
  • Lee had anticipated this attack, and had told the brigade commanders that the center must stand firm at all costs.
  • This is to be avoided at all costs if the channel is to remain a mass audience broadcaster.
  • Victory at all costs, victory in spite of all terror, victory however long and hard the road may be; for without victory there is no survival. Winston Churchill 
  • But he should avoid self-pity at all costs. Times, Sunday Times
  • He is a compulsive liar and con man who should be avoided at all costs. The Sun
  • Leading it back into civil war was always the worst-case scenario to be avoided at all costs. Times, Sunday Times
  • The government has at its helm a man who seeks consensus at all costs irrespective of what that cost might be.
  • TRY to decentre yourself and put your mother first at all costs, otherwise what will seem like a scripted drama could easily turn into an unscripted, unreviewed, unwatched hellish nightmare. [Help] Most Recent Posts
  • The state custodians had failed to discharge their responsibility to protect investors from being swindled by unscrupulous people who were determined to enrich themselves at all costs.
  • I don't play the lotto and I avoid gambling at all costs.
  • Then the cylons all jump in their basestars — dragging Baltar along with them — yelling, “Follow that battlestar!!” totally forgetting any motivation they may have exhibited from the first two seasons other than to kill the humies at all costs. EXTRALIFE – By Scott Johnson - BSG heading to NBC officially now?
  • ‘I was mortified that on my second case I had done exactly what I had set out to avoid at all costs,’ he said.
  • The women's volleyball team put up a desperate fight to win the world championship at all costs.
  • He has gladly capitulated to a constellation of race-hustling poverty pimps in an repellent effort to hang on at all costs.
  • It is also a caustic commentary on the American Dream of success at all costs. Times, Sunday Times
  • Rule of mob is deaf to the voices of reason, and hence the rule of mob must be stopped at all costs.
  • What makes some people purposely seek out dissenting and alien viewpoints and accommodate them into their thinking, while others avoid them or try at all costs to nullify them?
  • Such benefits, in tandem with fame and adulation that bordered on worship, unsurprisingly fuelled the desire to win at all costs and athletes were not above cheating to do so.
  • Considering probably that there is no way to force Chavez from not using the public monies they openly ask for a new electoral law where state should finance political parties and where the automatization at all costs sought by chavismo does not become the stumbling block it has become for fair election. 03/12/2006 - 03/19/2006
  • We must at all costs prevent them from finding out about the plan.
  • The public bar would win no beauty contests, and avoid it at all costs if you have a problem with passive smoking - or, ahem, folk music.
  • Gardeners occasionally regard shade as an evil to be avoided at all costs.
  • But the its fixation with him and its desire to ‘defeat’ him at all costs led it into two serious and damaging misjudgements.
  • The women's volleyball team put up a desperate fight to win the world championship at all costs.
  • My younger brother, Chris, was a little too determined to win at all costs and received the dreaded black flag for confusing go-karting and the dodgems.
  • But he should avoid self-pity at all costs. Times, Sunday Times
  • There are still eight games left so we must avoid complacency at all costs. The Sun
  • We must finish the work at all costs before midnight.
  • C Some people adore the taste of anchovies, while others avoid the small salty silvery fish at all costs. Times, Sunday Times
  • Victory is paramount and anything that gets in the way is deemed the enemy that must be destroyed at all costs.
  • Leading it back into civil war was always the worst-case scenario to be avoided at all costs. Times, Sunday Times
  • Peace processes thus become sacrosanct and must be kept going at all costs. Times, Sunday Times
  • We must at all costs have more people, especially when you consider that our birthrate is falling and will fall gradually. Can We Achieve Canadian Unity?
  • Fixated with the task of printing what it considers to be scoops and exclusives at all costs - even when it had the flimsiest evidence to make its case - the Post has been captured by its own game and, worse, it has become a caricature of itself.
  • This is to be avoided at all costs if the channel is to remain a mass audience broadcaster.
  • The women's volleyball team put up a desperate fight to win the world championship at all costs.
  • We are determined to defend our motherland at all costs.
  • It's a portmanteau word combining dodgy and hotpot, and means a talking horse - another term in the lexicon - which should be avoided by punters at all costs.
  • Gardeners occasionally regard shade as an evil to be avoided at all costs.
  • At all costs, this has to be prevented, he wrote on yellow pad paper in pen, referring to the leaderless, consensus approach of the Occupy Wall Street protest. The Seattle Times
  • A political vacuum must be avoided at all costs.
  • Politicians have been sold the idea that it is a big wealth-creating industry that must be cherished at all costs and now refuse to face the downside.

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