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How To Use Astound In A Sentence

  • I astound myself with my memory for useless childhood trivia.
  • Internet 2 continues to break astounding records for transmitting data.
  • The writer of the poems marks parental rejection with astounding empathy.
  • Astounded, I continued to adjust the hydroscope to a range incredible, turning the screw to focus at a mile and a half, at two miles, at two and a quarter, a half, three-quarters, three miles, three miles and a quarter -- click! Police!!!
  • The Varsity itself is a wonderfully stylish boutique hotel in the heart of the city, its upper storeys offering astounding views. The Sun
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  • You will be astounded to hear the initiative was taken by an entrepreneur wishing to boost the sale of postage stamps. Times, Sunday Times
  • How they can move off from traffic lights with phone held to the ear, changing gear and turning across junctions all with one hand is astoundingly dextrous.
  • When so much painstaking medical research has been done, it may seem astounding to most of us that the doctors are still baffled by the cause. Coping With Sudden Hair Loss
  • Making a face, Ethan dug into his jacket pockets, producing an astounding array of charms, talismans, herbs, and potions in corked test-tubes.
  • Finally, we have witnessed the astounding effort of Soviet Russia to "come back" in the world's agricultural markets in order to get the "wherewithal" to carry out the Five Year Plan. The Current Business Situation
  • OKAY, I am astounded that a waiter would divulge the full recipe and the key to one of their top dishes, namely the secret ingredient of "corks". Osteria Mozza, Los Angeles - A Spontaneous Hundred-Dollar Snack
  • Our predecessors of a century ago or in the midst of the Second World War would be astounded at how acquiescent our policy-makers are about this prospect.
  • My vote ultimately was for Eric Levine, because CellarTracker as an innovative informational internet tool (and with each passing year so much more, including a forum, commerce, etc) that has burgeoned to over 1 million wine reviews since its inception is both astounding and far-reaching. Vote now! Wine Person of the Decade [the Naughties] | Dr Vino's wine blog
  • Looking back, I still remain astounded that it all came together so quickly and easily. Times, Sunday Times
  • Her capacity for stupidity has surprised her in the past, but now it astounds her.
  • Working in parks and rec, it astounds me the number of butts I find in the park areas. Don't Be a Fishing Butthead
  • Sixty seconds later, he swerved away from the keeper's clawing gloves to stroke home his 21st goal of an astounding debut campaign.
  • When at last he raised his head, his expression astounded me. The Blue Wall A Story of Strangeness and Struggle
  • In this new century hundreds of things still more astounding will be brought to light. The Secret Garden
  • Quincy has had astounding success as a painter.
  • The most astounding thing about the dot-com boom was the obscene amount of money that was spent.
  • March 7, 2006, 8: 04 pm texas hold em ottawa says: texas hold em ottawa oxygen dichotomize astounded The Volokh Conspiracy » Leiter on the Top 20 Legal Thinkers:
  • Children in one of the country's poorest neighbourhoods have chalked up an astounding improvement in exam scores.
  • Arias, recitatives and choruses all profit from his lavish and quite astounding musico-theatrical imagination.
  • downeasters," they were perfectly astounded by this second specimen of life in the wilderness; the men, being especially unused to bushfighting and the use of the rifle, were at a loss how to proceed. The Adventures of Captain Bonneville
  • I'm kind of astounded," says Tony Gierzynski, a campaign-finance expert at the University of Vermont. Fundraising shows Dem race shaping up as 'battle of titans'
  • The songs of dinosaurs were astoundingly rich and sweet and complex; untranslatably strange. Asimov's Science Fiction
  • He had been as openly astounded and as privately elated by Collingridge's bombshell as the rest of his colleagues.
  • The performance is astounding, a true sensory overload, with the room filled with the smell of fresh vegetables as well as music. Times, Sunday Times
  • And the family were more astounded to find the memory card dry and the pics saved. The Sun
  • Claire nodded, enwrapped in his words, quite astounded by some things.
  • The president was perfectly astounded at the intelligence.
  • Looking back, I still remain astounded that it all came together so quickly and easily. Times, Sunday Times
  • The stupidity of this government and its inability to manage this country effectively and fairly astounds me.
  • The grace and poise of those skaters is astounding.
  • Thus his playing, metrical but superficial and arrhythmic, astounds not for its virtuosity, but for precisely the opposite: an ignorance of what rhythm is all about.
  • Astounding, canorous, enchanting, alembicated and dramatic, the Chopin studies are exemplary essays in emotion and manner. Chopin : the Man and His Music
  • I visited the lovely sun-shielded children's playground with my granddaughter and was astounded to find that the playground is not enclosed by a childproof fence.
  • Granny was astounded and a little piqued, I think, because it had all been arranged without her knowledge.
  • It didn't offend me, amuse me, arouse me, repel me, seduce me or astound me.
  • Beginning in the late 1890s, the new photomechanical process of halftone printing contributed to an astounding growth of illustrated mass-market newspapers and magazines.
  • Leicester had failed to score in three successive matches but their pipe dream would become an astounding reality over the next four months. The Sun
  • Shelob, Smaug, the Balrog ... in their astounding names, the fearful verve of their descriptions, their various undomesticated malevolence, these creatures are utterly embedded in our world-view. Archive 2009-06-01
  • Many of us still enjoy late night "infomercials" that continue, even now, to offer astounding returns in real estate, or by purchasing "precious" commodities, or even ordinary coins repackaged so they magically become "valuable collectables. Dan Dubno: Post-Madoff: The Final Insult
  • The things this man had experienced astounded me: he had run in the Olympics and crossed paths with Hitler; lived through ferocious aerial combat and bombardment on the ground; endured a plane crash, forty-seven days on a tiny life raft, shark attacks, a typhoon and a machine gunning from a Japanese bomber; and, after his capture, joined a daring prisoner underground while enslaved in Japanese POW camps. The New Yorker
  • If we all did the things we are capable of doing, we would literally astound ourselves. Thomas A. Edison 
  • In situations involving knowledge far less frivolous than a television programme, I've been astounded time and time again by ignorance and insularity.
  • ChangeWave keeps its nose to a shorter-term grindstone -- he called the category's ability to grow in the face of a serious economic downturn "astounding. ARN News
  • When Canadians are on the road, an astounding 86 per cent choose to listen to music to beat the highway humdrum.
  • His astoundingly ugly head, with a pair of pale eyes and a slit-mouth under a conical red thatch, was thrown forward above his barrel chest, making his long face seem both inquisitive and moronic.
  • The compulsion to write - to fill up a blank page as an assertion of identity and ego - often produced volumes of personal jottings: page upon page of astounding outpouring and emotional release.
  • Through this astounding revolution, she rediscovered her original pride and her dignity as a great civilization.
  • Even if I tried for 40 years, I couldn't make this stuff up: Sheriff's officials were astounded Thursday by a letter requesting the man accused of murdering his girlfriend and possibly participating in cannibalism be placed on a vegetarian diet to keep him from being "involved in any senseless killing" while incarcerated. PETA Requests Vegetarian Diet In Jail For Cannibalism Suspect
  • I'M astounded that councils stand to lose hundreds of millions but we are warned losses may be recovered from already overburdened council taxpayers. The Sun
  • Even more astounding is the fact most of this coaching is carried out by phone.
  • The messenger stared about him in dazed astoundment. Dragons of a Fallen Sun
  • The marina at Troon is the perfect place to sip a few sundowners as you watch the yachts come in, and Culzean Castle is an astounding place to visit, with spectacular views and fabulous gardens.
  • Pioneers to this region must have been astounded to find massive tree falls that had literally been turned to stone, as if it were an eccentric display of some fabled deity.
  • I'm astounded to discover there's no clear consensus as to whether a floury or a waxy potato is preferable for this dish. How to cook the perfect rösti
  • I am still astounded by noise. Times, Sunday Times
  • And then the astounding discovery was made that a bacterial enzyme, streptokinase, could dissolve human clots.
  • You also wrote: "Every workplace or institution is full of politics and petty jealousies, that is human nature, but the sheer viciousness and bloodthirstyness of academia is astounding. The Dangers (?) Of Academic Blogs
  • These astounding essay are among the most profound studies of the effects of mind-expanding drugs written in the twentieth century.
  • Lalo has produced an astounding body of work and it has recently served as the basis for a new musical.
  • As to Wyeth, and his little band of "downeasters," they were perfectly astounded by this second specimen of life in the wilderness; the men, being especially unused to bushfighting and the use of the rifle, were at a loss how to proceed. The adventures of Captain Bonneville
  • One student testifies that he got an astounding 35 credits in a day in one subject.
  • To be truthful I find it astounding that Bali has retained its unique character.
  • It always astounds me how much she does around here.
  • The up-tick in sleazy anti-Clinton articles and biased talking head commentators in the media are so blatantly devoid of substance it's astounding! Purdum defends article slamming Bill Clinton
  • After her astounding success with The Merry Widow, Elsie performed in sixteen more musical comedies, including The Dollar Princess in 1909; as “Franzi” in A Waltz Dream; and as “Angèle” in The Count of Luxembourg, both in 1911. Cocotte of the Week: Lily Elsie | Edwardian Promenade
  • She said: 'You will be astounded to find out how common it is. The Sun
  • This remark astounded me.
  • In an equally astounding fashion, the Medium's violent pillar of fire engulfed the Dark Master's whole body from head to foot, swallowing Henry in a raging inferno hotter than the scorches of Hell.
  • His technical facility is astounding but, more importantly, he is a sensitive, poetic artist.
  • What astounds me are all the lines that shoot out around him. The Bushman Way of Tracking God
  • The astounding variety of microbes that subsist on inorganic materials without oxygen could be put to great use in much needed areas such as water treatment, waste disposal and pollution reduction.
  • And it's astounding how often the new wife looks a lot like the old wife did when they first got married. Times, Sunday Times
  • I tried to amuse him with my astounding mindlessness and my sad, fading It-girl proclivities, but he didn't seem as charmed as I would have liked. With No One as Witness
  • I find it astounding that a team that's had such an outstanding season gets that. The Sun
  • As a jazz performer she is astounding, capable of expressing a broad range of feeling and expression.
  • An even more physically astounding feat than the shot, frankly, was how quickly hefty Magic Johnson had his offensive lineman 's girth up out of his courtside seat to celebrate Bryant's shot.
  • We also remain astounded at the amount of money being spent on the pedestrianisation of Kendal, when we have yet to hear from a resident of the town who actually thinks it is a good idea!
  • It was a major blow for the Penn Museum and scholars such as University of Pennsylvania professor Victor Mair, who has for decades been studying these mummies and the astounding collection of textiles, funerary objects, domestic articles, jewelry and religious pieces found in a region that became crucial to the Silk Road. Following controversy, mummies at Penn Museum remain objects of mystery
  • Their ability to turn even the most public disaster into a personal calamity astounds me. Exit the Actress
  • August Bordine stood handcuffed and a prisoner, his face the picture of utter astoundment. Five Thousand Dollars Reward
  • The corruption and immorality that pervades the exercise is astounding.
  • She astounded me with her intelligence, her fluency in many foreign languages, and her fantastic chess skill.
  • Certainly, at face value you could argue that there is nothing astounding about the findings of this comparison between display advertising and inserts.
  • I've seen various attempts to discount the astounding 75K turnout for Obama in Portland last week, but none have the charming daffiness of this one, from rightwingy Newsbusters. I’ll Get You and Your Little Indie Band, Too! - Swampland -
  • She told some truly astounding lies just to take paid leave. Times, Sunday Times
  • We were truly astounded by your overwhelming generosity.
  • This means the Powder River Basin's soils, arroyos and streams will receive an astounding one billion gallons of water per day.
  • The other parties in this collusion shall, of course, remain nameless - but thank you for livening up what would have otherwise been an astoundingly dull evening.
  • They will fight with a ferocity, a determination, and a skill, that will astound us.
  • The five artists played this splendid score with precision, marvelously pure intonation, and an idiomatic fluency that alternately charmed and astounded!
  • Even Ann Trason, the pre-eminent woman ultramarathoner who has been the top woman at the Western States 100 an astounding 14 times, says her first ultra was "a really horrible experience."
  • The concert was an astounding success.
  • The whole operation was an astounding mixture of courage and ingenuity. Times, Sunday Times
  • `John, it was an astounding thing, absolutely the most actual thing that's ever happened to me. STONE CITY
  • I lay back, overcome with weariness yet astounded there was no pain. THE GOLDEN FOOL: BOOK TWO OF THE TAWNY MAN
  • A man had just landed from an Indian canoe, and stood on the bank, regarding him in evident astoundment. Five Thousand Dollars Reward
  • But it's astounding that a man who specializes in supposedly scientific apologetics, makes fundamental errors with even high-school level genetics.
  • Astoundingly though, the ‘dark continent’, despite owning unstinted human and natural resources, has been the home for poverty, hunger, ignorance and disease.
  • Looking back, I still remain astounded that it all came together so quickly and easily. Times, Sunday Times
  • A couple who had stopped receiving post were astounded to find a fraudster had set up a fake letterbox on their property. Times, Sunday Times
  • We were astounded to read your letter.
  • This astounding result has been demonstrated experimentally not only in rats but also in other species.
  • The breadth of subject matter on offer for museumgoers is astounding. Smithsonian Mag
  • The hypocrisy, double-speak and pretentiousness among the so-called illuminati is astounding. Center for American Progress Action Fund
  • We were astounded to read your letter.
  • As Hannah Arendt said of Eichmann at Jerusalem (in paraphrase): she was astounded at his inability to see his own crimes for what they were, to follow a simple syllogism. Ron Paul Goes “Respectful” « Blog
  • Even the name assigned to that astounding venture was still among the most closely guarded Federation secrets, and with good reason. A Time to Sow
  • The trail went cold for more than two decades - then the police had an astounding piece of luck.
  • I was astounded, for I had never seen anyone, even in Venice, dance the forlana so splendidly. The memoirs of Jacques Casanova de Seingalt
  • In any case he was something else to _a much greater degree_ — that is to say, an incomparable _histrio_, the greatest mime, the most astounding theatrical genius that the Germans have ever had, our _scenic artist par excellence_. The Case Of Wagner, Nietzsche Contra Wagner, and Selected Aphorisms.
  • What is even more astounding is that the company has launched eight new models since the beginning of 2000.
  • Physicians were astounded to note that in a 'talking-head' slot on the BBC Today programme this morning, Mr Robinson appeared to have grown a pair of testicles, enabling him to cast aspersions on the comments made on the Programme by Ed Balls MP. Archive 2009-04-01
  • It did not gaze at the shrinking couple in astoundment. No. 13 Washington Square
  • Saxons, Vikings, and Celts is a bold and ambitious embarkation that reveals the astounding results of Sykes many years of study; while the facts may present more questions of why than answers, Saxons, Vikings and Celts is one of the most important books of the twenty-first century. 2010 March 06 « The BookBanter Blog
  • Sources last night said Sir Ronnie and his senior officers were left astounded, and angry, by the break-in.
  • Their lack of patriotism in their efforts to get back into power astounds me, especially as they are always trying appear like they are more patriotic than the rest of us. Brennan: Failed Christmas bombing not like 9/11
  • Leicester had failed to score in three successive matches but their pipe dream would become an astounding reality over the next four months. The Sun
  • Either feat is astounding utilizing any weapon but these guys (I can't even remember their names) did it with "tools" like most of us have or can buy. How Good is Good Enough?
  • Every workplace or institution is full of politics and petty jealousies, that is human nature, but the sheer viciousness and bloodthirstyness of academia is astounding. The Dangers (?) Of Academic Blogs
  • In addition to my astounding mental powers, my most notable physical accomplishment is that I can put an entire mandarin orange in my mouth all in one go.
  • Claiming to have understood that ‘dancing was going to be my life’ by the time she was a teenager, she can plié astoundingly well and has been performing with Les Grands Ballets Canadiens de Montréal for the past three years.
  • I am so tired I can hardly keep my eyes open, and the irritability is astounding. Pregnancy. Sucks. | Her Bad Mother
  • Mexicans working in the US remit an astounding $8 billion a year to Mexico, a figure nearly equal to total annual foreign investment in the country.
  • At the precise instant that both boys entered the astounding world of 3 - D, they emitted low moans of amazement.
  • What astounds me is not how much we love our country but the lack of bold admissions from others that they love their countries.
  • Christine admits she was "astounded" when she was told to stop all contact so abruptly, and ignored the advice. What led Andrea Adams to kill herself at 18?
  • As a promise of lurid exotica, the term “Sci-Fi” was apt in the era of magazines titling themselves with words like “amazing”, “astounding”, “thrilling”, “stirring”, “fantastic”, but over the subsequent decades the Barnumesque hyperbole has been muted for a reason. Archive 2009-03-01
  • Slip in an audio disc and the sound astounds, with sumptuous bass and smooth vocals.
  • The great "artillery duel," as American writers are so fond of calling what used to be termed a cannonade, seems to have astounded the Federal organs into something like frankness and veracity. London; Saturday, May 2, 1863
  • Another drawcard is the astounding keyboard wizardry of Vitorio Nocenzi and Giani Nocenzi who seem to trade off one another on every track to produce a refined beauty that soars and dives across the musicscape. Latest reviews @, the ultimate progressive rock music website
  • Some of the best programmes about art introduce viewers to a world that is unfamiliar and astounding. Times, Sunday Times
  • I have always found it astounding that the lyricist of a song which almost ended up as our National Anthem never even visited our island nation.
  • The arrogance of that is still astounding. Times, Sunday Times
  • Already LittleBigPlanet 2 is looking hugely ambitious, extending its scope beyond platforming and so far astounded every time we've seen it.
  • an astounding achievement
  • Alfred Kahn replied to a letter of inquiry about Brown with an astoundingly acute appreciation of him.
  • Composition No. 79 manifests a cragginess and complexity that engulf the overall image but the aesthetic conclusion is astoundingly sublime and pleasing to the eye.
  • An astounding mass of material is already available on computer screens.
  • Inside the closet she was astounded to find a beautiful dress of such fabric she had never seen.
  • A pretty astounding year for debut albums too, despite the doom and gloom and depression that allegedly is swamping the music industry.
  • While Carton declined to comment on smartphones 'long-range prospects -- ChangeWave keeps its nose to a shorter-term grindstone -- he called the category's ability to grow in the face of a serious economic downturn "astounding. Reseller News
  • This realisation astounded me so much that I was able to retain my sang-froid. RESCUING ROSE
  • Opposite the hotel is the start of the path up to an astoundingly beautiful area of mountain-tops and shining expanses of water.
  • Countenances of such amazement were turned towards him, that Small, who had a keen sense of the ludicrous, could scarcely forbear smiling as he proceeded; and if we could suspect so grave a personage of waggery, we should almost think that, by way of retaliation, he had palmed some abstruse, monkish epicedium upon his astounded auditors. Rookwood
  • I was astounded by its beauty.
  • By my dictionary definition, to stupefy means to "overwhelm with amazement, astound, astonish"; "to stun, as with strong emotions, to benumb the faculties of as in 'put in to a stupor'. Karen Kisslinger: Ba(ra)ck to the Word "Stupid"
  • Aside from me, my sister and the staff, the only people in the gallery were an astoundingly tight arsed looking middle aged couple who strode round the gallery with a look of grim obligation.
  • In Jonsson's absence, Aucoin logged an astounding 34 minutes, 40 seconds. National Hockey League - Maple Leafs vs. Islanders
  • It never failed to astound midcareer people when Google asked to exhume those old records. In the Plex
  • Some friends of mine already know about this and have likely already chortled at my astounding lack of basic knowledge.
  • As I watched this film, an eager victim of its boundless will to astound, I found my loyal memories of the book beginning to fade.
  • Also, while researching the particular aircraft, Craig discovered an astounding fact - the plane had actually been flown by one of Germany's leading aces.
  • I think 75% of the farmers were selling peaches, to my astoundment. Fried Green Eggplant with Peach Salsa
  • Is it just me, or does anyone else find bilinguality (is that a word?) astounding? - Because visibility matters
  • It still astounds me that anyone ever remembers that as a good moment for Democrats.
  • Brandark's finery had astounded everyone, and some of those who'd prudently withdrawn from his vicinity had been lured back when he uncased his balalaika and began strumming.
  • Not only have you joined the ranks of the morally obtuse, but you have done so with an arrogance that would astound a mullah issuing a fatwa.
  • A man who had been told that his partner of 30 years had died while undergoing cancer treatment was astounded to find her still breathing. Times, Sunday Times
  • He'd seemed astounded, but poor Ryan had been making himself painfully obvious.
  • I was astounded to find it down by 33 per cent. The 8-Week Cholesterol Cure
  • It's astounding to think this first film in the original trilogy was released 37 years ago. The Sun
  • Thames watermen and Tyne keelmen in particular acquired an astounding proficiency in the choice and application of abusive epithets, but of the two the keelman carried off the palm. The Press-Gang Afloat and Ashore
  • The scientists from Glasgow University were astounded at how quickly tzatziki, souvlaki and Greek salads were replaced with burgers, fish suppers and Scotch pies.
  • The depth to which you sank is astounding and highly shocking to all decent people. Times, Sunday Times
  • I was astounded that people actually felt comfortable about printing stuff like that in public.
  • Her Act IV aria is still astounding as it was the times I heard her in LA three years back and her acting is still top drawer. I want to live
  • That Barry was an astoundingly inventive and populist composer is, by now, a given.
  • We got the roof tiler round and he was astounded," said Martine Comette. Meteorite Strikes Paris Home
  • They astound the audience with their skill and technique in throwing the device around and manoeuvring it on the string.
  • Astoundingly, death did not come sooner and through different means, given her daring exploits in America's leading big tops.
  • (Physcomitrium), immense splashes of what seemed to be the scarlet-crested Cladonia, traceries of huge moss veils, crushings of teeth (peristome) gigantic; spore cases brown and white, saffron and ivory, hot vermilions and cerulean blues, pressed into an astounding mosaic by some titanic force. The Moon Pool
  • Yes, I am plain astounded that they like the idea of being on the air together. — A Clintonian at Fox - The Caucus Blog -
  • The revelations about Dewar's astounding personal wealth belie the First Minister's image as a man who scorned the finer things in life and valued frugality and simplicity.
  • She said: 'I was just astounded as to how far people pushed things. The Sun
  • Some of the Arab fighters were astounded to find themselves fighting alongside uncovered Kurdish women. Times, Sunday Times
  • Hospital personnel per occupied bed multiplied ninefold, and cost per patient day, adjusted for inflation, an astounding fortyfold, from $30 in 1946 to $1, 200 in 1996.
  • Unfortunate it is that Bigot's astounding depravity has led too many readers and writers of Canadian history to look upon the intendancy of New France as a post held chiefly by rascals. The Seigneurs of Old Canada : A Chronicle of New World Feudalism
  • In this new century hundreds of things still more astounding will be brought to light. The Secret Garden
  • The number of birds required to produce the eggs is astounding. Archive 2005-12-01
  • He finds it astounding to think of the developments that have taken place in the arts in the county in the last decade.
  • His ability to spruik, launch damage control campaigns, and deny screw ups for the conservatives is truly astounding.
  • We like to reserve this special prize for a person making truly astounding leaps in logic.
  • Jet Propulsion Labs of California are internationally renowned for their astounding scientific achievements.
  • You know, I'm constantly astounded by how unprepared some people are for publicity.
  • Some of the Arab fighters were astounded to find themselves fighting alongside uncovered Kurdish women. Times, Sunday Times
  • Celebitchy banned me becasue she didn't like how outspoken I was, and I feel she might be a secret Jolie-Pitt hater / Anniston adorer, which sounds so silly but believe me, it's astounding how these particular celebrities cause such intense response from so many people, it's just mind-boggling.
  • I am astounded that we are not able to put compostable waste such as food scraps etc in the green bin.
  • None of us knew what an astounding difference a year would make.
  • In the astounding nakedness of its indifference to the life of its own poor, the government has therefore left itself visible, questionable.
  • The mindless violence of male purple emperor butterflies is astounding. Times, Sunday Times
  • Beyond the inner hall door, out of sight, a fantasy-land smacked the eye with astounding colour, glitter and extravagance. WHISTLER IN THE DARK
  • The endless patience and hospitality of the people was astounding.
  • This realisation astounded me so much that I was able to retain my sang-froid. RESCUING ROSE
  • We were supposed to be shocked and astounded by the sheer mountainous greed of these people. Times, Sunday Times
  • It still astounds me to see the damage that can be done to kids.

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