How To Use Assortment In A Sentence

  • Adjacent to the restaurant is a bar, which is well stocked with an assortment of alcoholic beverages and non-alcoholic drinks.
  • The pet shop clerk had been helpful, showing him an assortment of mice and guinea pigs and even a pair of canaries, but in the end, Enoch had settled on the brown-and-white hamster.
  • The drug smugglers used an assortment of inventive packaging to hide their illegal shipments.
  • Sparrows, chickadees, woodpeckers, and an assortment of other creatures were awake and bustling that summer morning.
  • Also among the rich assortment of intriguing pieces that fill each page are panels dating from c.1600, decorated with saints standing beneath baldacchinos.
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  • Now, from the left, comes a ragtag assortment of college kids, labor unionists, conspiracy theorists and others who've taken to the streets in protests dubbed "Occupy Wall Street.
  • The seven young musicians play an exciting assortment of instruments including bodhran, accordion, bouzouki, guitar, bass, fiddle, Asturian bagpipes and flute.
  • An assortment of leather sheaths hang like washing on a line in a mocked-up Saxon trader's stall.
  • The final selection of four papers explores an even more miscellaneous assortment of problems.
  • The collection of seven articles, six essays, and one interview use an assortment of scholarly approaches to explicate elements in Shonibare's works.
  • For older people there have been a variety of different screening trials using an assortment of highly diverse methodologies.
  • The morphine and assortment of drugs and painkillers kept her in a dream state for quite a while.
  • They seemed a drab assortment of mediocrities.
  • New viral strains arise through a process called antigenic shift, or reassortment, when at least two viruses combine. Scientists Fear People Spread New Swine Flu
  • An assortment of half-empty aluminium trays and polystyrene cups were festering on top of the washing up along with empty lager cans.
  • And then there were the bones-a bear's digit, with the great curved claw still attached; the complete vertebrae of a small snake, articulated and strung on a leather thong, so the whole string flexed in a lifelike manner; an assortment of teeth, ranging from a string of round, peglike things that Jamie said came from a seal, through the high-crowned, scythe-cusped teeth of deer, to something that looked suspiciously like a human molar. Dragonfly in Amber
  • The game grants you omnipotence over an assortment of medieval soldiers, serfs and craftsmen, who are your humble pawns as you bid to establish your reign.
  • The assortments were soaked in brandy, whisky and rum to give it the real taste.
  • There was an assortment of free drinks on offer and a couple of plates of biscuits.
  • But the absence of the traditional enemy didn't spoil the fun for assortment of enthusiasts including gunslingers, gamblers, and their womenfolk.
  • From the top of the balcony, Howard manned the Ryman's 40-input Soundcraft Europa and an effects rack equipped with Yamaha and Lexicon processors and an assortment of dbx compressors, among other items.
  • One of the wonderful smells drifting over the sushi counter was that of our yakitori moriawase plate - an assortment of grilled chicken on wooden skewers.
  • Try combining different shapes and colors of tableware; assembled with restraint, an assortment can look beautiful and sophisticated.
  • The manufacture of a SADA II requires a demanding assortment of technologies - dealing with exotic materials, microelectronics, high vacuum, structure, and cryogenics.
  • Around me in the East Stand upper tier are an assortment of senior company directors, bankers, hedge-fund managers, and, curiously, quite a few mini-cab drivers.
  • _gold_, senor, that is, with the solitary exception of a strong wooden box (which, even after so long an interment, offered considerable resistance to my efforts to open it), containing an assortment of what I took to be pebbles of different kinds, but which I afterwards found were unpolished gems. For Treasure Bound
  • August mock polaroid drupaceous upcoming lacy days assortment flip flop heritage Upcoming
  • MIT's goal was to build their existing assortment of incompatible workstations from various manufacturers into a network of graphical workstations.
  • The Immunology Laboratory of The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia offers an extensive assortment of both cellular and humoral immunological procedures. Immunology Lab
  • The open-air market is pumping an assortment of useless bric-a-brac out to its furthermost reaches.
  • What GM needed to do to compete head-to-head with Nissan, Honda, and Toyota back then was to get lean and mean, to reduce its broad and duplicative assortments of brands and pour money into R&D and into streamling production. From On High
  • Can I, as gently as possible, say that that phrase causes difficulty, the phrase ‘various assortments of artificially defined jural rights’.
  • As the debate rages in the West about the ungodly behavior of godly men, a series of sex scandals involving India's assortment of god men -- called sadhu, baba or swami -- is making skeptics out of many Indians. Swami Sex Scandals Have India Questioning An Ancient Traditiong
  • A selection that they do have online, however, is a big package of Foil-Wrapped Mini Easter Eggs. In nine different flavors - a mix of milk, dark and white chocolates with fillings that range from hazelnut to chocolate praline to Pop Rocks in ganache (not sure if this is in all the assortments, but it was in two different ones I got at the store) - this is a really great variety pack. Leonidas White Chocolate Easter Duck, reviewed | Baking Bites
  • He has a great assortment of tables, chairs, bookcases, intricate and unusual shelving, dressers, coffee tables and a wonderful bed and bedside lockers, all crafted by Jimmy himself.
  • His kitchen is a filthy shelf covered in an assortment of pans and a camping stove. Times, Sunday Times
  • The columns shift in a laterally repeating rainbow sequence of 50 colors taken from an ink-marker assortment on a white ground.
  • For some reason, which I could not discover, the sea faunae were greatly attracted by this archipelago, and round the edges of the islands, in rock - pools and sandy bays the size of a large table, there was a bewildering assortment of life. My Family and Other Animals
  • Already, scores of mercenaries were surrounding the camp, pelting it with flaming arrows and a whole assortment of javelins and throwing spears.
  • The plant fills an assortment of plastic and paperboard containers, in sizes including gallon, half gallon, quart, half pint, 10-ounce and 12-ounce.
  • The view from our room is sublime - Scotland's longest loch and an assortment of rolling hills and mountains.
  • The paint danger has finally passed, and other than the floor of Kev's dads garage having a random assortment of white splodges, all the paint went where it was meant to.
  • Use patterned glasses for impromptu vases, creating centerpieces or table displays with an assortment of styles and sizes.
  • The initial July 1999 request yielded 68 contracts; an assortment of entreaties has the number up to 249 responses.
  • With more than 400 works, including 275 paintings, 50 of the late paper cutouts and an assortment of sculptures, drawings and prints, the massive show has temporarily displaced the entire permanent collection from two floors of the museum It's like a long, languorous alfresco feast in the south of France, with course after course of the painterly equivalent of ripe fruit, creme fraiche, warm bread and the giddy intoxication of perfumy rose. The Most Beautiful Show In The World
  • The images below show an assortment typical of the many types of calico sun bonnets which we have.
  • Once the main parts of the figure were completed in felt, an assortment of ribbons, lace trim, rickrack, buttons, sequins and feathers were added to decorate the circus performers.
  • On the mound, Willis relied on a windmill windup with a herky-jerky motion and a puzzling assortment of pitches to set National League hitters on their ears for a couple of months until he ran into a slump in mid-August.
  • Of the ones they examined, they don't see any reassortment with human viruses yet.
  • No assortment of programs, activities or diversions will fill the void if a relational context is missing in a parish.
  • There's a motley assortment/collection of old furniture in the house we're renting at the moment.
  • The cranial skeleton is composed of an assortment of cartilages and bones that have been highly modified during evolution.
  • If that changes with a mutation or a recombination or reassortment of one virus to the other, that could change everything.
  • An expansive assortment of rich colors and bicolors available includes pink, purple, white, red, blue, coral, and a host of others.
  • Three gold torcs jewellery which could be worn as an amulet or a child's necklace bronze bracelets and an assortment of amber beads, were discovered by the brothers while walking along a Co Mayo beach.
  • The face underneath was an assortment of species, all combined together to make up the hideously ugly face.
  • The signature starter, Nine Bites, is an assortment of mini-masterpieces that might include a tuna sashimi roll with truffled ponzu (a soy-citrus sauce) or a lobster pot de creme as silky as creme caramel.
  • The walls were lined with racks and shelves and cupboards and cabinets holding an assortment of equipment in organized rows.
  • They picked out an odd assortment of two-by-fours and pieces of plywood and loaded it into my pickup truck.
  • Since our island is in the Auckland City area we get to choose the mayor from among an assortment of National Party have-beens - a liberal one and an illiberal one - and an entrepreneur bent on not upsetting the chicken coop.
  • Most of the tables supported big red-and-white parasols beneath which an assortment of elderly ladies were chatting away.
  • Some of the casino crowd were here, an assortment of dinner jackets and plunging cocktail dresses.
  • So it went, change and counterchange, and the assortment of animals was depleted on both sides. Phaze Doubt
  • The tide was coming in, and there were several species of birds fishing among the rocks at the water's edge, including cormorants (Phalacorax auritus), a couple of examples of something that most resembled a Great Egret (Ardea alba), and the usual assortment of gulls, though we did spot a few Laughing Gulls (Larus atricilla), which we don't often see. One Afternoon in Connecticut
  • It was lined with the backsides of an assortment of brick buildings and had wooden crates of varying sizes stacked at random intervals next to each one.
  • Because of the setting, a rich assortment of characters is able to move in and out without clumsy contrivance. Times, Sunday Times
  • ‘Yes, please,’ she rejoined as she looked over a revolving metal stand proffering a dizzying assortment of Rasta-style knit tams.
  • No evidence of genetic reassortment between avian and human influenza viruses has been identified.
  • Base on qualitative analysis, it predict the subscriber's growth with the way of the pullulation curve, combine with district assortment.
  • We were confronted by an almost Martian environment of stark rock in a wide assortment of hues and a silence completely unnatural to our modern world of beeps, buzzes and designer cell phone rings.
  • The grey boxes, which protrude slightly from the panel, are inset with downlighters and display a curious assortment of objects, both old and new.
  • It was the usual assortment. The Sun
  • All these instruments give and require haptic feedback - music is a physical universe and the only way through it is for the improviser to engage in an endless assortment of empirical tests.
  • The gallery offers a number of great holiday gifts, such as horsehair ornaments, small traditional horsehair pottery pieces, holiday assortment card packages, handmade Navajo jewelry, a DVD of the most beautiful photography work done by Tom Narwid, and more. Sedona, Arizona, Events, News and Press
  • We may judge the effect from the serried assortment of military badges and other devices on Fovant Down in Wiltshire.
  • A handsome and mysterious stranger, an Argentine illegal worker (Demian Gabriel) arrives by fishing boat, and connects with an assortment of eccentrics, most notably an older woman (Warhol superstar Viva) who occupies a rundown and secluded oceanfront compound of old style, grand, shingled houses and bungalows. Regina Weinreich: Paul Morrissey Dishes on Acting School and Andy Warhol
  • The craft also had a supply of food - it's not like you can pull up to a row-through window and order anything - and a balky water-purification device to desalinize ocean water, plus an assortment of antibiotics and first-aid supplies. Undefined
  • The shelf contained a pell - mell assortment of English novels.
  • A rich assortment awaits the kids with illustrated mythologies to the latest fun publications.
  • For dessert, an assortment of tempting baked goods is on display at the counter.
  • The assortment was rounded out by a savoury lamb meatball loaded with parsley, and small chunks of grilled lamb brochette.
  • For me, it will always be a trip of a lifetime, as we were soon surrounded by a bewildering assortment of albatrosses, shearwaters and petrels, each a new species for us.
  • Simple displays that emphasise the activities of the household, such as an armoire stacked with an assortment of crockery, can be used to provide a restorative background.
  • An assortment of bruises in varying shade of purple and blue speckled my usually smooth, olive colored skin.
  • Already, the garden section along the side wall has been planted with striking specimens: croton, ixora, copa de oro, and an assortment of ficus trees. Gringos in Paradise
  • We are offering a wide assortment of perennials and native plants, such as sedum, purple cone flower, lilies, annuals, vegetables, houseplants and miscellaneous. Undefined
  • A huge witch, with her hooked nose, black cape and hat and broomstick stared out from an assortment of wonderful Hallowe'en creations, all made by the children.
  • Flanking the hearth is an assortment of nineteenth-century salt-glazed stoneware from New Jersey and New York.
  • They are demanding unbundled media, sold everywhere and in myriad assortments. Viacom vs. Google/YouTube, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Some currently circulating H5N1 strains are fully resistant to these the M2 inhibitors. However, should a new virus emerge through reassortment, the M2 inhibitors might be effective.
  • Across the street, an imaginative assortment of silver bijoux, beads and candles awaits you at Punto Magico.
  • Choose from the assortment, stuffed with a variety of fillings and cooked to your order in the tandoor or on a tawa.
  • The shelf contained a pell - mell assortment of English novels.
  • All in all I have acquired information about an unusual assortment of subjects.
  • The catalogue, includes an assortment of weapons: bows and arrows, swords and spears.
  • These assortments of easy-to-use greens include small, colorful favorites like romaine lettuce, green leaf lettuce, and radicchio.
  • Ahmed took great delight in fixing an assortment of dainty little sandwiches to serve at this daily ritual.
  • But the forks they use will be an odd assortment of different sets.
  • Rags were boiled for bandages and an assortment of ointments and salves were applied on Erik's skin to promote healing.
  • Back in the 1990s, when accessing the web involved a complicated assortment of computer programs with names like "Trumpet Winsock," who could have imagined a day when billionaires would tweet about fellow billionaires? News
  • At that time, it was unthinkable that anyone would believe that it was anything but real, especially after a decoration of tinsel and an assortment of differently shaped and coloured baubles.
  • There are espressos, cappuccinos, mochaccinos, lattés, teas, tisanes and a wide assortment of more exotically flavoured coffee-based potions that would definitely put a little motion in your ocean, if you know what I mean.
  • There was also an assortment of winged insectoid types of life, although the scientists assured me that they were NOT insects in the way that I knew, and some sort of creature that looked like a cross between a turtle, a lizard, and a walking stick You know, the kind of insect that looks like a stick? Around a Sun Named Inferno
  • But that approach isn't likely to work with Penney's much larger product assortment and dowdier past, which present fresh challenges. New Penney CEO Is Tapping Former Apple Co-Workers
  • Among the application areas that he thinks the process can be used for include exterior body panels of a wide assortment: vehicle hard tops, hard tonneaus, recreational vehicle and heavy truck sidewalls, and the like.
  • Note: McMahon below says that Terry “was known for his wide assortment of puzzling curves, including what Sporting Life called ‘the sharpest and speediest outcurve ever seen.’” The Neyer/James Guide To Pitchers
  • Her body twisted around to face the tree and she turned to look up into the wide assortment of golden leaves.
  • Slide 5: strategy - with protected ip 1 help women shop for fashion more quickly and confidently 2 3 4 gaming social networking product review •engaging / sticky •micro communities •focused assortments •content generation •content generation •filterable style rank •millions of •profile page •friends 5-star rankings •style reviews (tweets) •location Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • There's a motley assortment/collection of old furniture in the house we're renting at the moment.
  • In this enthusiastic adaptation, readers follow a stylized puppetlike Alice on her adventures, which are illustrated with elaborate mixed-media collages featuring a madcap assortment of books, clocks, and photographs, as well as doors and windows that open. Publishers Weekly - Children's Books News
  • An assortment of vases and faience was displayed on a built-in shelf that circled the rotunda.
  • The collections of college and university art museums are sometimes motley assortments of works of art donated by alumni to their alma mater - uneven collections with glaring gaps.
  • The series has many positive qualities, not least an assortment of strong characters, but it sure does twang away at those heartstrings. Times, Sunday Times
  • The monochromatic assortment consists of four marvels of kosher-style cuisine served with two ramekins of sour cream.
  • Rather than adhering to the system of rigorous discipline that the assortment of troubled kids have become accustomed to, Mathieu instead prefers to try and understand their problems and inspire them through his love of music.
  • Grappling with a wonderful assortment of objects - from antique orreries to modern spectrographs - Davis Baird draws the reader deep into fascinating questions about the nature of knowledge.
  • A review of some of the most noteworthy pardons in American history reveals a colorful assortment of Presidential absolutions.
  • The QM2 boasts 24-hour casinos, the only planetarium at sea, and the Canyon Ranch SpaClub, where you can unwind from the day with an assortment of pampering treatments.
  • He brought in as ministers an odd assortment of incompetent relations and hangers-on.
  • On the manager's office's left side was a grand, immense tack room, holding saddles, bridles, leathers, irons, and all assortments of tack to a large magnitude.
  • With the 1968 influenza virus, a similar reassortment of genes occurred.
  • Meals can be ordered by arranged sets from the menu or selections can be specially arranged from the large assortment of Japanese dishes available.
  • He treated us each with a cup of steaming cocoa, and biscuits and an assortment of preserves.
  • His father had brought home a large and curious assortment of feathers from the Himalayas; Mr. Grant sent far and wide for further supplies of suitable and distinctive material, and then he devoted himself to the task of dressing hundred after hundred of fly-hooks of every known pattern and of every size, from the great three-inch hook for heavy spring water to the dainty little "finnock" hook scarcely larger than a trout fly. Camps, Quarters, and Casual Places
  • What we have been noticing allot is we put out such a large assortment of appetizers and adorn them in these fancy little plates with dips and all that goes with it, everyone that comes over picks and picks and picks and by the time the meal is served, they’re just not that hungry any more. Christmas Dinner?
  • Base on qualitative analysis, it predict the subscriber's growth with the way of the pullulation curve, combine with district assortment.
  • Using an assortment of mushrooms gives this classic sauce a deep, woodsy flavor.
  • A brand new cutting garden will contain an assortment of dahlias, zinnias and petunias.
  • Seated around the smaller tables were an assortment of fairies, gnomes, centaurs, unicorns, elves, goat men, dragons, and a number of creatures she'd never seen before.
  • There were assortments of flowers lining the driveway, and a beautiful cherry tree off to the right of the lawn.
  • We then shared an assortment of three first courses - fried gizzards (who could resist), the chef's coleslaw with pineapple and hot chicken tamales.
  • The new game finds our furtive hero having to infiltrate a diverse assortment of sites such as military airbases, harbors and secret government installations.
  • It is about the rich assortment of characters who love or loathe them. Times, Sunday Times
  • No sooner have you sat down than an assortment of dishes is laid before you.
  • Grace uses an assortment of vegetables as filling/meat, and the beancurd sheet, which can be found at the freezer section of Asian grocery store, as the "turkey skin". Grace's Vegetarian Turkey
  • The whole assortment is contained in a black cordura carrying case that folds into a surprisingly compact package.
  • Expect a large assortment of straights, jabs, uppercuts, hooks, and more.
  • The morphine and assortment of drugs and painkillers kept her in a dream state for quite a while.
  • Both the Mesoamerican and Christian pantheon of gods and saints, mirrors of contemporary anxieties, were created to appeal for divine succor from a vast assortment of afflictions. Pestilence and Headcolds: Encountering Illness in Colonial Mexico
  • It should be noted that Keiji Fukuda of WHO is a close associate of Nancy Cox of the misnamed CDC who has developed a maximally virulent H5N1 Reassortment Bioweapon described in consummate detail in the March 23, 2005 Wall Street Journal. Think Progress » An Inconvenient Truth and An Intolerable Summer
  • A random assortment of dollars, pounds and euros. Times, Sunday Times
  • In this work an assortment of lipstick pinks rubbed up against lemon yellows and pale turquoises, different combinations of which were unsystematically repeated up and down the tower.
  • For me, it will always be a trip of a lifetime, as we were soon surrounded by a bewildering assortment of albatrosses, shearwaters and petrels, each a new species for us.
  • Deep in the heart of New Malden, in a modest semi-detached house near the A3, lies an extraordinary assortment of show business treasures.
  • The bartender serves beer on a glass-topped counter displaying a wide assortment of ammunition.
  • The so-called stores then kept groceries, queensware and a general assortment of goods, with usually a bottle of whiskey on the counter for such customers that wished to help themselves.
  • It's an assortment of squeaks, shuffles, buzzers, bells, beeps, blips, barks, sighs, moans, cries, and screams.
  • Tahari also showed a "rich" assortment of downturn jewelry: big hoop pipe-cleaner earrings, bandage rings, pop-top chain bracelets, and necklaces of yarn, string, and electric wire. Steve Ross: That Downturn Chic
  • What virologists fear is a different process, called antigenic shift or reassortment, which has driven previous pandemics. Times, Sunday Times
  • The gang was carrying a handgun, shotgun and an assortment of iron bars.
  • But it leaves the reader with the sense of encountering an assortment of clever ideas that have been crowbarred together into something that doesn't work as a book.
  • Expect a large assortment of straights, jabs, uppercuts, hooks, and more.
  • In amongst the wildly contorted Proterozoic strata, we spotted small fish, an assortment of hermit crabs (Pagurus spp.), small spider crabs (Libinia spp.), and a number of different taxa of cancroids, including juvenile Rock crabs (Cancer irroratus). "Here, by the ocean, the sky's filled with leaves..."
  • In the evening I hang out with a myriad assortment of interesting characters.
  • Angus replaced the necklet into the drawer of his desk, settling it into a velvet tray that held an assortment of other artifacts. One Night in Scotland
  • In the store the long shelves upon one side held dry-goods, while upon the opposite shelves a miscellany of groceries was displayed; toward the rear was the storekeeper's assortment of hardware near a counter piled high with sweaters, boots, chaparejos, all jumbled hopelessly. Man to Man
  • It was good enough to eat for dessert - the precise use to which I was putting it, having bypassed the assortment of very sweet Indian confections on offer that day.
  • Now you can see close up the random assortment of houses that were visible only as flashes of light from the other side of the bay. THE EARTH: An Intimate History
  • Route marches, drill and shooting practice helped mould this assortment of keen amateurs filled with patriotic pride into a professional fighting force.
  • As expected, Stanley tools were prominent but there was also a good selection of English tools as well as a nice assortment of planes, rules, trammels, saws, and levels by various makers.
  • Practically every food shop, restaurant, duty-free and department store I've visited here has had some kind of mooncake boxed assortment on offer, in elaborate packaging. Boing Boing
  • As we read on to learn the characters' uncertain fates and the outcome of an assortment of thwarted or ill-starred romances, the novel is so enjoyable that it's easy to miss the more serious moral questions Goodman means to ask. The Cookbook Collector by Allegra Goodman – review
  • On the manager's office's left side was a grand, immense tack room, holding saddles, bridles, leathers, irons, and all assortments of tack to a large magnitude.
  • Below my leather boots the ground is covered in an endless assortment of life: bronze pine needles, lobed oak leaves, a digger wasp.
  • There were also an assortment of expensive, though useful household items, including silver salvers, tea services, silver coffeepots, paintings and books, along with signed photographs of members of the royal family encased in gilded or leather presentation frames. Christmas with Queen Victoria | Edwardian Promenade
  • And if there is one consolation to spending a fortnight stuck in the jungle with an assortment of fruitcakes, it is that the experience makes you feel quite sane.
  • Her hair was an indefinite assortment of blacks, burgundies, purples, and browns.
  • There is also an assortment of teams from the other major cities - Basel, Bern, Winterthur, Zug and of course Zurich, which supports not one but two Sri Lankan elevens, neither of which is on speaking terms with the other.
  • The kit offers an assortment of cardboard sheets printed with the materials of siding, roofing, doors, windows and skylights.
  • They constitute an assortment of ill-defined symptoms that affect people in different ways and to different extents.
  • Eighty men and women—leading actors, supporting players, spear carriers and sailors, stagehands, flymen, carpenters and firemen, seamstresses and wardrobe assistants—moved at once, in an assortment of directions, like ants purposefully, preordinately going about their business. Oscar Wilde and the Dead Man’s Smile
  • Patients were given herbs and taught how to make decoctions, or the decoctions were prepared by the herbalist and given to the patient using an assortment of recycled bottles.
  • Japanese love a good obento, which is a select assortment of traditional delicacies served in a bento box, a compartmentalized tray with high walls to prevent intermingling of foodstuffs. - Business News
  • There's a wedding party in progress at the top table - an assortment of older relatives, skylarking kids and well-upholstered bridesmaids.
  • In my long career as a tele-psychobabbler, I must say that I encounter an assortment of juvenile behaviors among my featured guests, but few possess even 1 / 10th of Heathcliff's charged and emotionally unhealthy obsessions. Jane Austen's World
  • There is very close correlation between the stumpage volume percent of poplar timber assortment and the stumpages D.
  • From 1998 to 2001 the virus went through multiple reassortments and moved back to domestic birds, spreading almost unnoticed in Chinese chicken flocks.
  • Weapons recovered include a pickaxe, a handaxe, two hammers, a spade, eight baseball bats, a cricket bat, six long-blade knives and an assortment of small knives.
  • A wide assortment of dim sum selections for lunch include shrimp spring rolls, steamed glutinous rice with dried scallops wrapped in lotus leaves and chilled red bean cake with coconut milk.
  • A few squatty Mercury coupes, some open-engine hot rods, two pick-ups with chrome tractor trailer exhaust stacks and an assortment of sporty cars were parked on the lawn at the correct address. Cucumbertini
  • A business differentiates itself not only with a specific brand or service but also by the assortment or collection of brands or services.
  • I should have mentioned that stag-horns and bulls 'horns (the petrified relics of the old mountain monster, I mean), and so forth, are suspended in great abundance above all the doorways of these armories; and that, in one corner, a dark one as it ought to be, there is a complete assortment of the old Scottish instruments of torture, not forgetting the very thumbikins under which The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 12, No. 339, November 8, 1828
  • They seemed a drab assortment of mediocrities.
  • The secondary characters are a stock assortment of supersafe ethnic types, and Carroll's protosurrealism has been watered down into an ultrawholesome sermonette so vapid that Polonius would have blushed to deliver it: "We move too fast / We miss too much / We seldom see / All the miracles in front of us. Turner, in Her Usual Role
  • Clients could select from an assortment of marijuana strains for smoking, as well as "edibles" -- pretzels and cookies with the marijuana baked inside. L.A. Targets Cannabis Clubs
  • The chapstick-sized inhalers are available separately, or in mix and match flavour assortments. Get a Whiff of This
  • I also predict that the package the Democrats propose will not be based on any discernible economic theory, but rather will be an assortment of goodies for various constituent groups.
  • There were an assortment of fine traceries on his body, most were from shallower cuts and would eventually disappear, some would not.
  • Just where do all the dedicated dorks, delightful dingbats, and dialectical dunderheads, plus a lively assortment of daffy ding-a-lings call home-sweet home?
  • This strange assortment of whiskers of different fashions on various parts of his face, imperial, goatee, burnsides, he brought back with him. Walking-Stick Papers
  • That's Britain! is essentially a primetime assortment of those gleeful "oof, Britain is down the swanny" chunterings that Nigel Farage treats us all to on Question Time, usually greeted by light applause from two women who mistakenly thought he was passionate about hanging baskets. That's Britain!: Grace Dent's TV OD
  • The grey boxes, which protrude slightly from the panel, are inset with downlighters and display a curious assortment of objects, both old and new.
  • There was an assortment of pill bottles, boxes of syringes, phials of various medicines, and many boxes of gloves.
  • We are excited to announce that our new online Inhabitat Shop will feature a hand-picked assortment of supercute Escama bags as a means to aid our gift-giving readers and the Brazilian women who handcraft these beautifully original designs. Abigail Doan | Inhabitat
  • Fill a large basket with an assortment of goodies from your health food store, such as organic salsa, fruit teas, and tropical-flavored drinks.
  • Such a ripe assortment of characters ensured that the rehearsal process was fraught with triumphs and traumas. Times, Sunday Times
  • It's also a perfect topper for an assortment of brandies - think apricot, raspberry or plum. Colleen Mullaney: Cocktail Couture
  • On the walls were fish netting with an assortment of fishing equipment, including a fishing spear.
  • From language tutorial CDs through rhymes and stories that enthral toddlers to CDs providing information on home improvement and interior design, the show screams assortment.
  • He dumped it all on the floor with an assortment of thumps and clunks.

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