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How To Use Assigned In A Sentence

  • As a life-long Sox fan, Thomma professed deep offense at being put in the Cubs section when he blogged: a crime against nature, your correspondent - a genuine White Sox fan, a man who attended his first twi-night double header at the Old Comiskey in 1963, who sat behind third base for the 50th anniversary All Star Game there in '83--has been assigned a seat in the Cubs section. Archive 2008-11-25
  • Once upon a time there were three beautiful girls who went to a writing college, and they were each assigned very hazardous duties.
  • What splendor and pulchritude, what symmetry in all things, what assets for the necessities of life have you not granted and assigned to this land and its inhabitants! Brotherhood of the Butterfly Net
  • Soldiers assigned to staff positions must be computer-literate and seek training for the operating systems and programs they will use.
  • I found the head of the flat humerus so characteristic of the extinct order to which the Plesiosaurus has been assigned, and two digital bones of the paddle, that, from their comparatively slender and slightly curved form, so unlike the digitals of its cogener the The Cruise of the Betsey or, A Summer Ramble Among the Fossiliferous Deposits of the Hebrides. With Rambles of a Geologist or, Ten Thousand Miles Over the Fossiliferous Deposits of Scotland
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  • He had been assigned to stand guard beside one of the caged men as they drove in a column through a baying mob. Times, Sunday Times
  • Consequently a number of Navajo Indians were drafted into the US army as radiomen, and would have soldiers assigned to them to protect them and prevent them falling into enemy hands.
  • Educational object are new associates, including newly-assigned operator , managerial and technical personnel, temporary employee as well as trainee.
  • He enlisted in the Army in 1980 and was first assigned as a young private as a supply clerk in Germany.
  • The machine that prints tickets assigned the number 666 as a prefix on all the tickets for the film, said Gary Smith, owner of the Movies at Berry Square in northwest Georgia.
  • Participants were randomly assigned by an ‘adaptive biased coin’ technique, rather than simple equiprobable randomisation, to ensure balance of group numbers.
  • In some cases, they could be assigned to another experimental colony as the colonies were all located in the same apiary.
  • One of these unassigned elements from the upper portion of the pit at the level of the house floor is charred, probably as a result of the burning of the house.
  • Mr. Wallace used his training in southeast Asia while he was assigned to an international police unit. Heroes or Villains?
  • The two governments assigned a day for the next negotiation.
  • The charges of the ionized groups were assigned assuming standard amino acid protonation state at pH 7. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • At first an internuncio was assigned to that country, but of late years a nuncio has resided there. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 11: New Mexico-Philip
  • Hundreds of police and MI5 officers were assigned to the investigation. Times, Sunday Times
  • A key role in this warfare is assigned to remote minelaying and remotely controlled minefields.
  • In the minor arcana, Mars is assigned on cabbalistic grounds to the fives.
  • Agriculture (MOFA) on Tuesday said all canoes along Ghana's coast have been assigned registration numbers for easy identification and other outreach Africa, has been identified as the foodstuff to provide food security for Africa, given the assets and opportunities prevailing on the ... - Photown News
  • On Lag 0 Ignored Repetition trials, the probe target was reassigned the word that appeared as the distractor in the second prime display.
  • Upon completion of compulsory service each soldier is assigned to a reserve unit.
  • Each individual was assigned a case officer from a specialist section within the counter-espionage branch to monitor every aspect of the agents' handling.
  • Researchers randomly assigned 3,120 pre-symptomatic patients from 30 countries to receive carotid endarterectomy either as soon as possible or not until symptoms appeared. Why You Forget Birthdays
  • The categories to which an item could be assigned by the use of this digit are detailed in Table 10, below.
  • There is usually a defining moment in the formation of any enterprise when the potential spoils are divided and roles assigned. Times, Sunday Times
  • Madison was assigned to investigate a balloon accident.
  • A Part Number equal to the module name is automatically assigned for each module name reserved.
  • And the Master, seated in conclave in the Jeta Grove, assigned her the foremost rank in the mystic powers. Psalms of the Sisters
  • I'm convinced God has assigned a legion of Road-Angels specifically to me.
  • “if a man slea the chancellor, treasurer, or the King†™ s justices of the one bench or the other, justices in eyre, or justices of assise, and all other justices assigned to hear and determine, being in their places, doing their offices”. Think Progress » Bush’s Iraq PR Campaign Falling Flat
  • Vries, "than that, on the one hand, everything which exists is conceived by or under some attribute or other; that the more reality, therefore, a being or thing has, the more attributes must be assigned to it;" "and conversely," (and this he calls his argumentum palmarium in proof of the existence of God,) "the more attributes I assign to a thing, the more I am forced to conceive it as existing. Froude's Essays in Literature and History With Introduction by Hilaire Belloc
  • The value assigned for each cell is the value of Gaussian curvature at the cell centroid.
  • Caitlin acted as traffic controller, designating the rooms to which the things were assigned.
  • These parts are usually assigned a lower priority, which often causes them to be delayed in shipment.
  • These factors are statistically weighted as to importance, and relative values are assigned.
  • The teacher assigned a different task to each of the children.
  • In particular, no self-application is typable in a Church-style typing system, whereas some of those terms can be assigned a type in a Curry-style typing system. Combinatory Logic
  • ETC3 allows its users to select the parameters for the composition of some random poetry, based upon the “styles” of other poets, whereupon the software goes on to create a text that conforms to these preassigned constraints (be they in the form of a chosen subject, a chosen grammar, a chosen lexicon, etc.). Poetic Machines 07 : Christian Bök : Harriet the Blog : The Poetry Foundation
  • Goss defines military effectiveness as the fulfillment of assigned missions and the accomplishment of political objectives.
  • Their caper involves a nightlong journey of picking up cash all over town in a purloined bank van with Wayne and Henry posing as bank guards assigned to collect all this money.
  • From what we’ve seen Connie do over the last four years, it seems as if her self-assigned mission is to identify artists in all media who are making nondogmatic, nondidactic work that nonetheless aims to change political consciousness, encourage those artists, and bring them together. Living Justice
  • Yet all of the various elements which have historically been assigned to Fortune, Fate, and Chance are gathered into a single providential system of which the fortuitous is a part. FORTUNE, FATE, AND CHANCE
  • The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, known by the acronym Icann, is accepting applications for an infinite number of new Web addresses, known as top-level domain names. A New Challenge for Web Freedom
  • Every copy of the Issue which is sent out has a unique Issue identifier assigned by the user.
  • After six months at the front, Dan was assigned to Fort Sill, Oklahoma, as an instructor.
  • Patagium - ia: in Lepidoptera, those sclerites that cover the base of primaries: often used as synonymous with tegula and squamula, q.v.: assigned by some writers to the pro -, by others to the meso-thorax: homologized with the paraptera of meso-thorax. Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology
  • I've been assigned the task of looking after the new students.
  • New workers were and still are assigned randomly to different specialities.
  • More than 150 officers were assigned to the case. Times, Sunday Times
  • Other jobs assigned by the corner sales manager or the sales coordinator.
  • A special prosecutor was assigned, and charges were filed against the officers in June 1996.
  • During a long conversation with a senior administration official, I asked why Wilson was assigned the mission to Niger.
  • Individuals within each agency are also assigned affirmative action roles. Human Resource Management in Government
  • Page 127 on Col. Rochester, whose wealth, enterprise, and intelligence well qualified him for the undertaking; and as it had been assigned him to cognominate the new village, I have heard it said that he jocularly gave his reason for selecting its present title, as follows: Twenty-two years a slave, and forty years a freeman--,
  • The lakeshore processes displayed through the formation of numerous bars, spits and tombolos within the lakes of this park are tentatively assigned provincial significance.
  • Only graduates majoring in movie directing have a chance of being assigned a directing job in one of the approved studios.
  • She convinced Continental's senior executives to take ownership of important agencies and corporations in assigned territories, and to join marketing staffers on sales calls and at the twice-yearly customer confabs.
  • He then served as an instructor in engineering at West Point for two years after which he was reassigned to a post in Georgia.
  • Customers of legal age sign up for a user account, for which they are assigned a unique, 5-digit, hexadecimal PIN.
  • What an infinitesimal fraction of time's fathomless abyss is assigned to each of us!
  • When the grant arrives, the ONU transmits frames at wire speed during its assigned time slot.
  • Typically, managers focus on operating their area of assigned responsibility for efficiency, cost containment, and compliance with delivery schedules.
  • Despite this, none of the newer buses has been assigned to the route, so Victoria buses, slow and lumbering old cows, are often broken-down, causing even more frequent delays.
  • Thus, the speakers represented by tables 6.2 and 6.3 were assigned range scores of 5 and 0 respectively.
  • Instead, armored and mechanized task forces operate in or near population centers, compounding the difficulty of their assigned tasks.
  • The two assigned numbers may be divided between a piecer and a quilter or awarded to individuals within a group as determined by that group.
  • A number of obsolete and superfluous names have been assigned to Franklin andradite, among them are the polyadelphite of Thomson, melanite of Seybert and Seymour, and also colophonite, topazolite, and titanmelanite, all of obscure origin locally.
  • It has now become a distinct possibility that all spaces in the assigned lots would be taken.
  • For example, all specimens assigned to the Incertae familiae, discussed below, were treated as members of one highly variable species.
  • (Kirkevaag) was made the seat of a diocese (diœcesis Orcadensis), in connexion with which a cathedra! chapter was later established, and the Shetland Islands were assigned it as an archidiaconate. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 11: New Mexico-Philip
  • The letter V has been assigned the number 4 in numerology.
  • It's to provide security services for US diplomats, officials and others once assigned to the military at around six times the cost and can be up to $1200 per man-day. Torture, Paramilitarism, Occupation and Genocide
  • I've been assigned the task of looking after the new students.
  • Note that the maniple of the centurial tribune is now at eighty percent strength, hence this maniple is usually assigned to kitchen duties. Draining the Swamps
  • Larger churches usually divided the town into administrative districts and assigned an elder to each. Christianity Today
  • & Poor's recently assigned its AA - counterparty credit and financial strength ratings to Delta Plan of New Also known as factored rating. Xml's
  • Actively participate and lead the generation of product improvement ideas for assigned product line.
  • The word “angel,” of course, is the generic name for all members of the heavenly host, as well as the name assigned to the lowest rank in the descending scale of spiritual creatures. The Angels and Us
  • The computer is not used as a genius assigned moronic tasks of accumulating data for the sheer electronic thrill of it.
  • He was instead assigned to supervise asbestos removal.
  • Subsequently, groups were randomly assigned to receive one of the three supplemental treatments (corn, rice bran, or soybean hulls), resulting in three replicates each of two years.
  • Consequently he assigned to Angelo an income revertible after his death to Madam Solimann. The Journal of Negro History, Volume 4, 1919
  • With his place on the social scale preassigned by birth, Valentin is not so fortunate: “What I envy you is your liberty,” he observes, “your wide range, your freedom to come and go, your not having a lot of people, who take themselves awfully seriously, expecting something of you.” Archive 2009-11-01
  • In this particular sp, sql was failing because, i was not providing the correct parameter but i had to do the 'breakpoint' in my code to know that. .i was expecting, if sql was erroring out b/c of wrong parameter, it shud have gone to the sql-catch and wud have come back with value 1 to c# DAL code, which in turn was suppose to be assigned to the ASP.NET Forums
  • Our minister of justice is getting paid very well, I'm sure, for being assigned this position, but in the meantime he can heartlessly look the other way, and allow innocent people's lives to be destroyed.
  • Adrian will also deputise for Helen in her absence and will also lead on key major editorial projects, assigned by the Director of News.
  • Words are no longer unanalysed wholes, but are assigned an internal structure.
  • Likewise, children are sometimes assigned schoolwork they find distasteful.
  • In this case, the semantic theory used incorporated the principle of bivalence: every sentence was assigned either the value true or the value false.
  • Sailors were assigned to messes, each of around ten to twenty-five men, and equipped with a stowable table, cutlery, plates and a bread bin.
  • Yuki Cross, adopted daughter of the headmaster, is a Guardian, assigned to keep the groups separate, although she’s in love with Kaname, President of the Night Class and her past rescuer. Vampire Manga: Vampire Knight, Bloody Kiss » Manga Worth Reading
  • Relative weights are assigned to the various customer attributes.
  • When people are assigned overseas and then return, they have to remain undercover or else the front companies and contacts in that area are compromised. Sound Politics: Tom Maguire Wants Our Help
  • In 1918 his stock was confiscated, but he became chairman of the cooperative to which it was assigned.
  • It proved quite impossible to carry out the task assigned without involvement in the still fluid political situation.
  • You retain a lawyer to litigate the case, although under most policies, the attorney will be assigned to you by your insurer.
  • All disciplinary problems are brought before the Committee and the two prison wardens previously assigned these duties no longer perform them.
  • He developed the system whereby every known living creature is assigned to a kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, and species.
  • All bills introduced during a two-year congressional term are designated "HR" in the House and "S" in the Senate, with consecutive numbers assigned in order in which they are introduced in each house.
  • He hopes to be classified as a refugee and assigned to a country so he can complete high school and go on to university.
  • It was a new harmonic experience, and very delightful; although I noticed that the men who rang seemed to do it with the greatest effort, but in chiming one man is assigned to each bell-rope. Hawaii's Story, by Hawaii's Queen
  • Some baiters were reassigned to a ‘Dumpster Task Force’ to ticket people for leaving garbage out.
  • Each visiting officer is assigned one family to support. Times, Sunday Times
  • It will be seen, in fine, that in the main Obermüller does not differ from accepted theories in German ethnology, which have long carefully dissevered the Celts from the Teutons, and assigned to each tribe with approximate accuracy its earliest fixed abode in Europe. Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science Volume 11, No. 23, February, 1873
  • Complex modeling, simulation, and engineering tasks are often broken into pieces and assigned to multiple systems.
  • I was temporarily assigned to a cubicle that was supposed to be empty for another day.
  • The Frenchmen diuerse times required to haue some dower assigned foorth for queene Isabell, but that was at all times vtterlie denied, for that the marriage betwixt hir and king Richard was neuer consummate, by reason whereof she was not dowable. Chronicles (3 of 6): Historie of England (1 of 9) Henrie IV
  • Until recently, our visiting members were usually assigned to offices with two members to an office. Infinite in All Directions
  • The two unassigned saplings were used for other purposes.
  • He says he even lectured the FBI agents assigned to tail him, telling them to go back to school and study computers or something with a real future because their job was no good.
  • The speculation had been that Newcastle United's Andy Carroll might be included in Capello's party to carry out the sort of duties that will now be assigned to Davies. Kevin Davies gets surprise England call-up for Montenegro game
  • If she stayed, she would be assigned a steady diet of deportation orders from the criminal division to defend.
  • The guestimate of the duration assigned to an average male generation is only one statistical gap through which the carts of future study might be driven.
  • We have commented above on the disputes among modern scholars as to whether Aristotle wrote the treatises now assigned to him.
  • The score assigned to the word by the syntax analyser is shown beneath the word.
  • Instead of dramatizing the story, one student would take the role of moderator and interview the main characters concerning the events outlined in the assigned book.
  • Larger churches usually divided the town into administrative districts and assigned an elder to each. Christianity Today
  • The online site will be monitored for the next year, noting the number of hits and messages from the viewers and then the project will be redesigned and reassigned.
  • All personnel are assigned a sector of observation and fire, with the lead automatic weapon gunner maintaining special emphasis on road medians or emergency lanes.
  • But they were waved through by agents assigned to protect the man who is more at threat than anyone else on the planet. Times, Sunday Times
  • The ideal stoic would go about life as an actor in a play, playing the roll they are assigned.
  • Its characteristics are the argentiferous and cupriferous ores, whereas in South Midian gold and silver were worked; and the parallelogram whose limits are assigned above, might be converted into a Northern The Land of Midian
  • But now that he had left the service, this objection was removed, and in June 1854 the sum of 300 pounds sterling was assigned for this purpose, while the remainder of the expense was borne by the Ray Society, which undertook the publication under the title of "Oceanic Hydrozoa. The Life and Letters of Thomas Henry Huxley
  • As he inserts them, he says the words newly assigned to each one: “Per sua sancta vulnera” at the first, “gloriosa” at the second, etc. Compendium of the 1955 Holy Week Revisions of Pius XII: Part 6.1 - Holy Saturday and the Blessing of the New Fire, Procession, Exultet, Prophecies
  • They are assigned much less homework. Advanced Educational Psychology For Educators, Researchers and Policymakers,
  • As two of the accused resided in one house, it had ten police assigned for its attack. Scottish Voices 1745-1960
  • For a time he was assigned to the 1/75 Ranger Indoc Program at Hunter before the Regt was activated and that function consolidated at Ft. Benning. Command SgtMaj Rick CAYTON
  • Jan's been assigned to the Asian Affairs Bureau.
  • The scientists reassigned to the survey possess expertise in areas such as population dynamics, physiology, animal behavior, habitats and biodiversity.
  • The death penalty is assigned not only for violent crimes but also for acts such as bribery and corruption.
  • Rapid-fire calls over the radio were heard as all of the Apaches performed their assigned tasks like a well-oiled machine.
  • A promising young lawyer assigned to defend a murder suspect finds her client so appealing, she helps him escape.
  • He was assigned the task of sending highly classified combat information to assigned receivers via electric codes.
  • The custom of naming the days may then have arisen, he says, (1) by regarding the gods as originally presiding over separate _days_ assigned by the principle of the tetrachord (I.e., skipping two stars in your count each time as you go over the list) so that you get this order: the day of Saturn, of the Sun, of the Moon, of Mars, of Mercury, of Jupiter, of Venus Dio's Rome, Volume 2 An Historical Narrative Originally Composed in Greek During the Reigns of Septimius Severus, Geta and Caracalla, Macrinus, Elagabalus and Alexander Severus; and Now Presented in English Form. Second Volume Extant Books 36-44 (B.C.
  • dissociable," with tongues which he cannot utter, or cannot understand; that, like the wife of Hector, it proclaims in accents scarcely to be resisted, that there is a tower assigned to everyman, where it is his first duty to plant himself for the sake of his own, and in the defence of which he will find perhaps enough to do, without extending his care to the whole circuit of the city walls. The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 13, No. 371, May 23, 1829
  • This helps to explain the unfortunate experience of a certain agriculturist from the U.S. assigned to duty in another country.
  • If he is assigned a player to mark throughout a game, it is almost guaranteed that that player will not have a large impact on the game.
  • It is assigned to an earth satellite station, similar to those used by CNN reporters during the Gulf War. CORMORANT
  • When relocating the company in October from its famously grungy Madison Avenue offices to bright new digs off Park Avenue, he assigned himself an office no larger than those of other key executives.
  • We are seeing boats coming in from all over the world with manufacturer identification codes assigned by their country of origin.
  • Government officials stole relief money assigned to rebuild ruined rice terraces and then local authorities attempted to levy a tax on villagers.
  • They are 14 unassigned areas without POTS service.
  • Workers must be provided with a free health assessment before they are assigned to night work and at regular intervals after that. Times, Sunday Times
  • However an assignment by way of mortgage - where there is an outright transfer to the assignee mortgagee with the assignor mortgagor having the right to have the debts reassigned to him on redemption - is within the section.
  • They will be divided into teams and assigned civic roles.
  • Under managed care, patients are assigned to a primary care physician who determines what health services they will receive.
  • A patient going through acute detox will have an assigned nurse nearby.
  • He dispatched the task he was assigned
  • She assigned the story, she said last week, as an example of ‘an unsympathetic narrator, a guy who is sadistic and sexist.’
  • The variety of tasks performed in the office requires a range of space types: open and enclosed, public and private, individual and group, owned and unassigned.
  • Last year, I was assigned to my own, unshared locker and I had a feeling that it wasn't coincidental.
  • Since the most productive of heat and warmth are Cancer and Leo, they assigned these to the greatest and most powerful heavenly bodies, the luminaries, as houses.
  • Although conservation matters are generally assigned on an area basis, many councils now have their own conservation officers.
  • It has assigned staff members only to places where there are internationally displaced migrants - such as in the border areas of East Timor and East Nusa Tenggara.
  • Onward movement is accomplished when joint forces leave the staging area and move to assigned areas of operation.
  • After graduation from the dance school, he was assigned to the Shanghai Ballet Company.
  • Now there was a veteran aboard who because his years began to disqualify him for more active work had been recently assigned duty as mainmastman in his watch, looking to the gear belayed at the rail roundabout that great spar near the deck. Billy Budd
  • When you enter a road, you set your radio to the assigned frequency and monitor the traffic.
  • I cannot presume to compete with the witty, amazingly well-worded comments so far (the mascara is running down my face as I type!) …. just offering up the possibility that Scott (” they assured me they were not involved”) Mac … has been re-assigned … to guard duty on Air Force One so that Bushie will always know his mountain bike is safe! Think Progress » 19 Days and Counting: Where’s Scotty?
  • The same goes for SCVs: deploy teams of two for repair purposes, so they can fix each other after repairing damage to the structures and/or mechanical units to which they're assigned.
  • Make sure that VNICs are unplumbed (ifconfig vnic6 unplumb) and not assigned to a zone (delete the zone first) before you can delete them. Planet Sun
  • More than 150 officers were assigned to the case. Times, Sunday Times
  • Every available officer will be assigned to the investigation.
  • We assigned geographic areas using the distributions of allopatric and sympatric species as a guide: North America, Mexico, Central America, South America, and the Greater Antilles.
  • To every fifty children a tutor is assigned: they ramble through the country to collect specimens and observe the various formations, – excursion-trains being frequently engaged in taking them to distant localities to see for themselves hot springs, mountains, canyons, stalactites, stalagmites, &c. Man's Rights: or, How Would You Like It?
  • In the social science literature on immigration and ethnicity, the term assimilation has been assigned various meanings. Assimilation in the United States: Nineteenth Century.
  • The miniature calamondin ‘orange’ grown as a decorative house plant is sometimes considered to be a mandarin × kumquat hybrid, and sometimes assigned to a species of its own.
  • She assigned her whole estate to a charitable organization.
  • In establishing the overall 36 billion gallon goal, the government assigned subtotals to ethanol on the one hand and all advanced biofuels on the other. The Real Promise Of Advanced Biofuels
  • Finally, I am very doubtful about the remaining three unassigned colors of “nattier”; “orchid”; and “veronese.” Archive 2009-05-01
  • A huge amount of strife can be avoided if homework is designed rather than just assigned. Times, Sunday Times
  • He was assigned to work as an Inspecteur des Finances at the French Finance Ministry in 1971 and rose up the hierarchy.
  • Specific planning was assigned to the departments which would have to execute the plans.
  • This was the author's, or whosever to whom authors assigned their intellectual property.
  • To us the task of roadmaking in No-Man's-Land was assigned. The Story of the 2/4th Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry
  • Vernon assigned some very easy homework from the first chapter of our text book, and then we were dismissed.
  • After processing, equal numbers of calves were randomly assigned to one of the three preconditioning treatments.
  • Although courses in the program would continue to be offered, the administration reassigned the professor's courses to others.
  • The patients were assigned to two groups of roughly equal numbers.
  • I'm assigned to seven dogs, which I walk individually. I also pet-sit cats.
  • Timbul was given a position without a portfolio as an expert staff assigned to the minister.
  • So Dad had his project reassigned and moved us up to Alaska.
  • The police motorcycles performed magnificently on intersection control while the motorcycles doing the outriding maintained their assigned positions at the back of the presidential limousine and toward the curb. The Kennedy Detail
  • There is usually a defining moment in the formation of any enterprise when the potential spoils are divided and roles assigned. Times, Sunday Times
  • Some of you may be assigned Orientation Duty, which means you show them around.
  • Each composer is placed in a pigeonhole or assigned to a particular school, while those who do not fit comfortably under any of the standard-isms get a category all to themselves.
  • Ross previously was assigned as executive officer of the amphibious assault ship Essex.
  • On the most lucrative routes, the airlines may be assigned different time slots.
  • Therefore, in terms of geological age determined by radiolarians and the ammonoid, this brachiopod fauna should be assigned to the latest Changhsingian.
  • The couples were randomly assigned to receive latex or polyurethane condoms.
  • And yet, the blame is being assigned to the free market, and President [...] The Left’s Hilarious Attacks « Tai-Chi Policy
  • But they were waved through by agents assigned to protect the man who is more at threat than anyone else on the planet. Times, Sunday Times
  • As two of the accused resided in one house, it had ten police assigned for its attack. Scottish Voices 1745-1960
  • When Strike Command was disestablished in 1971, responsibility for Sub-Saharan Africa was left unassigned.
  • Stem cells extracted from human embryos are promising because they are primordial cells yet to be assigned a specific function, making them useful in the treatment of a wide variety of maladies.
  • The two large classrooms have been assigned to us.
  • Program music AS a genre is usually ASsigned to the Romantic period.
  • There is much evidence that these officers spent much of their time scheming for their own political advantage and in hopes of being assigned their own regiments.

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