How To Use Asseveration In A Sentence
Its essence is an asseveration that the physical constants must have values within extremely narrow limits in order for life to exist.
The Panda's Thumb: Mark Perakh Archives
A favourite and amusing mode of asseveration among the syeds, especially in testifying to an untruth, is "Beh ser e jeddam" (by the head of my grandfather), meaning Mahommed; indeed it is a common adage that the greatest swearers are the greatest liars.
Glimpses of Life and Manners in Persia
This astonishing asseveration he bases upon the truism that ‘the productiveness, or utility of the soil is a decisive factor in the determination of its value or its rent.’
Chabray, no asseveration or shrieks availing her, fair slim damsel, late in the arms of Royalty, has a garter round her neck, and furibund
The French Revolution
Competitive journalism, like competitive advertising, ends in the asseveration of impossible claims.

This was the asseveration in the first paragraph of the petition.
A fly was speedily found; and three donkeys — which the proprietor declared on his solemn asseveration to be ‘three parts blood, and the other corn’ — were engaged in the service.
Sketches by Boz
With this solemn asseveration, which is not lightly made, but which is the result of sixty years 'experience, I leave you.
The Pilot
But pray, Mr. Lovelace, do you mean any thing at all, when you swear so often as you do, By your soul, or bind an asseveration with the words, As you hope to be saved?
Clarissa Harlowe
The oath of one of the initiated must counterbalance the most solemn asseveration of every one that is not acquainted with our holy secrets.
Anne of Geierstein
For it is I think that gives the asseveration such grace and dignity, so that a small but not insignificant wrong is done when (on a couple of occasions in Posthumous Keats) his precisely guarded hope is indurated into "his statement to his brother George, in 1818, that he would be among the English poets after his death," within "a future that meant to place him 'among the English poets.'
Keats's Afterlife
I do not take too seriously Bill's asseverations (as he might say) about retiring from this, that, and the other thing.
A friar was seated in the same car with the murderer, to whom he did not hesitate to repeat, under the seal of confession, the same false asseveration which he had made upon the place of combat, which charged the
The Fair Maid of Perth
On all such occasions, Mr. Grimwig plants, fishes, and carpenters, with great ardour; doing everything in a very singular and unprecedented manner, but always maintaining with his favourite asseveration, that his mode is the right one.
Oliver Twist
The oath they bound themselves by consisted of a simple asseveration: “We will remember past offences no more;” and to this day125 the two parties live amicably together as good citizens, and the democracy is steadfast to its oaths.
In scholion 9 we read that on a certain occasion St. Patrick said, 'Dar mo dhe broth,' which is explained, 'God is able to do this if He choose'; and yet immediately after it is added that 'Dar mo dhe broth' was a sort of asseveration familiar to St. Patrick, signifying 'By my God, Judge, or judgment.'
Bolougne-Sur-Mer St. Patrick's Native Town
It is not expedient to burden this preliminary to my story with further details, which I do make asseveration I possess a-plenty.
For it is I think that gives the asseveration such grace and dignity, so that a small but not insignificant wrong is done when (on a couple of occasions in Posthumous Keats) his precisely guarded hope is indurated into "his statement to his brother George, in 1818, that he would be among the English poets after his death," within "a future that meant to place him 'among the English poets.'
Keats's Afterlife