How To Use Assertive In A Sentence

  • Perhaps spurred by the era of Republican dominance and a reassertive ruling class, historians have given new attention to the plantocracy.
  • Women have become more assertive in the past decade.
  • Be assertive without being aggressive and be clear about what you want. The Sun
  • Some of the confidence and assertiveness comes from having spent time in government, and now we've identified ways where we want to make our push," said a senor administration official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss White House thinking on the Middle East developments. As Arabs protest, Obama administration offers assertive support
  • Be assertive without being aggressive and be clear about what you want. The Sun
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  • Max Bedacht was not the kind of frowsy, self-assertive Communist most Congressmen were accustomed to encountering. On being called a bigot and/or racist
  • On top of abuse, midwives also face a far more assertive and confident middle class mother than they did even 15 years ago.
  • It showed that she was finding it very hard to be assertive, and her son was confused by his mother's contradictory signals.
  • Be assertive without being aggressive and be clear about what you want. The Sun
  • She had achieved a balance between her vulnerable, nurturing, feeling side and the rational, assertive, analytical side.
  • The deep breaths exhaled by his broad lines, his declarative sentences and their assertive plangency, his deliberate tactlessness and brave humor, redirect the reader to a history of poetic Yanks: Whitman, Williams.
  • The longer he batted, the more confident and assertive he became. The Sun
  • I am trying to strike a balance between assertive and fair and stubborn and inflexible.
  • Mothers should train their daughters from a young age to protect themselves so that they grow up to be assertive.
  • Strident, assertive saddlebacks begin argumentative vocal duels, their staccato ‘Yak-yak - yak-yak’ in ever longer and louder volleys.
  • Despite the shortage of qualified dhammaduta monks, scattered across the West there are a few Theravada viharas and Buddhist centres whose incumbents, in their own quiet and non-assertive way, are working to spread the Dhamma.
  • You need to be assertive but not aggressive. Everything You Need to Know for Success in Business
  • The current Court is ‘papalist,’ issuing edicts from the top down, and he suggests one remedy is for Congress to be more assertive in giving definition to the Constitution.
  • Although quite small, the seven-year-old has become a remarkably assertive traveler.
  • A polarity is set up between the assertive convex solidity of Broadcasting House and the receptive concavity and lightness of the suspended facade.
  • Acutely sensitive to vulnerability, he delineated unassertive fortitude with steady expertise. Times, Sunday Times
  • Pietersen chose a more assertive route, his backlift full again, justifying his assertion in Perth last week that he was "on fire". Paul Collingwood's 94 puts England on front foot in Adelaide
  • If we put the sentence in the passive form, "The man was found _dead_," it will be seen that _dead_ is more than a mere modifier; it belongs to _man_ through the assertive force of _was found_. Higher Lessons in English A work on english grammar and composition
  • On Dig Your Own Hole, Beth Orton's looping lament to wasted comedown mornings gradually elided into one of that record's most assertive beats.
  • He has the assertive, husky voice and the confident, forthright manner of an athlete.
  • He might have been too gentle a soul for the furnace of the Old Firm, but if he were a spikier character he had plenty of evidence from which to formulate an assertive case for his own defence.
  • Be assertive and spell out exactly how you feel.
  • He regarded most of the new people as noisy, assertive, and ignorant of maritime knowledge, traditions and courtesy.
  • Britain today is less assertive and confident. Times, Sunday Times
  • The new mood allows for more nationalism, more assertiveness, less patience with allies, a greater readiness to go it alone.
  • Marital instability, a growing number of female breadwinners, an increase in spinsterdom and domestic conflicts engendered by the humiliations and subservience of most men's work experience, influenced women to be more socially assertive! SPEECH BY MR C MABENA: WOMEN CELEBRATING THE DECADE OF FREEDOM ON THE PATH TO TOTAL EMANCIPATION
  • She tends to thrust herself forward too much , ie to be too self - assertive or ambitious.
  • In its annual defense white paper, released Tuesday, the Japanese government for the first time used the word "assertive" in describing China's behavior toward its neighbors. Japan Arrests Chinese Fishing Captains
  • Be assertive rather than bottle up your anger.
  • How much more bounderish and assertive Clifford looked! Lady Chatterley's Lover
  • Most of the top directors are totally unreachable and it's the poor salespersons or customer service departments that become front line. Of course being assertive comes with practice and confidence.
  • What is peculiar about what is referred to as ethnicity among both is that neither is an assertive identity of "selfhood". CONTENTS
  • Losing her parents at a relatively young age had no doubt forced her to be self-assertive. Tough Customer
  • Just as the uni- prefix implies arrogance, multi- implies meekness, requiring Clinton’s secretary of state, Madeleine Albright, to come up with a toughening modifier: “assertive multilateralism.” The Right Word in the Right Place at the Right Time
  • The sporting mesomorph was driven by somatotonia, 'bodily assertiveness and a desire for muscular activity'. The Times Literary Supplement
  • It was the new, assertive influence of the sixties which saw the first signs that the chickens of irregular warfare might come home to roost. The Bullet Catchers
  • Russia is viewed as the most assertive of the Arctic powers, not only on transit routes but also on seabed resources. Times, Sunday Times
  • An assertive person does not have to make him or herself responsible for solving the problems of the world. Why Am I Afraid to be Assertive?
  • You need to be assertive but not aggressive. Everything You Need to Know for Success in Business
  • A belated sorry to those I owe, and I'm working on the 'assertiveness' - not the rudeness. Moschikat Diary Entry
  • Here are a couple more suggestions, just because I don't want to deprive readers the potential benefit of fellow squirrel-haters' wisdom, no matter how sordid: Fisher cats was one Brattleboro, Vt., resident's response to my observation that the squirrels seem to have grown more self-assertive since our dog died. Lessons for Squirrels
  • One thing that I notice, looking back over the collections, is that the strength and the assertiveness of the characters seem to shift. Writing a Short Story: A Talk with Deborah Eisenberg - Culture - The Atlantic
  • This system of direct rule by proxy enraged the Unionist right and eventually unleashed a downward spiral of loyalist reaction and republican assertiveness.
  • The so-called G77 club — now swollen to include 131 developing countries plus China — is more assertive than ever, reflecting the new confidence of the leading emerging nations. Bound to Fail
  • Regarding anger management, Ms. L. describes herself as a very meek and unassertive person who has difficulty standing up for herself, even when assertiveness may be warranted.
  • Flavours are assertive without being pungent and the food is satisfyingly filling without the heaviness of some of the other regional cuisines.
  • What is peculiar about both is that neither is an assertive identity of "selfhood". The National Question in Post 1994 South Africa.
  • Managers who tend to be unassertive tend to feel vulnerable and lack self-confidence, particularly in situations such as your own. Times, Sunday Times
  • An assertive person does not have to make him or herself responsible for solving the problems of the world. Why Am I Afraid to be Assertive?
  • The key concept for defining masculinity is machismo, which is associated with violence, power, aggressiveness, and sexual assertiveness.
  • In Sonata 10 in D Major, one of the six sonatas with full recapitulations, the lyrical second theme in the dominant minor provides a marked contrast to the assertive principal one.
  • These works, awkward and assertive, belong to the 'ineloquent' in his art. The Times Literary Supplement
  • His forthright, amiably assertive manner perhaps appealed to some readers.
  • Or we may be assertive on stage but quite shy off it. The Secrets of Musical Confidence
  • Women have become more assertive in the past decade.
  • In epistemic modality, assertives are the main performatives. And speech acts co-occur with metaphor of modality. So speech acts come with modality.
  • You have become an assertive person and others will respect you for it. POSITIVE THINKING: Everything you have always known about positive thinking but were afraid to put into practice
  • It included communications training, sensory awareness, massage, meditation, guided imagery, dreamwork, dream communities, aggression release and assertiveness training, and dyadic encounters, as well as many types of group work to help them become sensitive to the needs of others. Robert Rose: We Won't Do It, Mr. Rose
  • Chopped raw garlic lends an assertive flavor to vinaigrettes, salsas, and other sauces such as aioli.
  • And the people became more prosperous, more assertive, more individualist.
  • Having a willingness to take risks socially, to be assertive, to self-disclose, and be responsive to others are strategies to defeat loneliness.
  • She's as assertive and capable as he is petulant and out of his element.
  • When I asked Zhao Yao whether his life was different now, he began in stentorian tones — “The impact of my involvement in the show has been profound” — and then started laughing and said, “I am taking the tone promoted by the show, enthusiastic and assertive!” Win in China!
  • If you take a more assertive or aggressive stance, others may hold back from you. The Sun
  • Into his head had come a new mantra, a jingle from a commercial on TV when he was growing up, a child of baseball fields and macadam basketball courts with their bent and rusted hoops and the intense otherworldly green of a New York summer, a green so multivalent and assertive it was like a promise of life to come. The Silence
  • Chinese naval honor guard. China's navy has grown more assertive in recent years, rattling the nerves of maritime neighbors.
  • The least happy are the self-indulgent, self-centered, self-assertive, self-pitying, or simply selfish.
  • Expressing your anger in an assertive, not aggressive, manner is the healthiest way to let out anger.
  • Generally unassertive in a meandering current affairs debate and seemingly exasperated at having to read the Sunday papers ‘so fast’, at times he seemed overwhelmed.
  • He needs calm, consistent and assertive management by all adults involved in his welfare. Times, Sunday Times
  • Patterson seems like a decent fellow, but lacking in assertive leadership skills. Matthew Yglesias » New York Needs a Senator!
  • Abraham, who said his work on the clearinghouse is his own time, acknowledged that the assertiveness by scientists runs a risk of drawing the issue even further into politics. rss feed
  • He prefaces them with introductory essays that paint a vivid picture of an assertive faith characterized by ‘emotionalism, ecstasy, rigorousness, exuberance, and evangelism.’
  • Use humour But stick to the assertive style. 50 Ways to Become a Self-Confident Woman
  • It is naive to think that self-assertiveness is easy. To live self-assertively - which means to live authentically-is an act of high courage. That is why so many people spend the better part of their lives in hiding - from others and also from themselves. Nathaniel Branden 
  • Visualize yourself as an outgoing assertive friendly person.
  • These are only descriptions of unpleasant, unassertive, dishonest, or unprofessional attitudes.
  • With your practical common sense and assertive articulation, others will be glad to listen. The Sun
  • Bertinet adds a generous amount of crème fraîche to his batter, which gives it a deliciously rich flavour, but I prefer the more assertive tang of sour cream – and you can use the rest of the pot to top the blinis. How to cook perfect blinis
  • Her assertiveness is based on her enormous resources of oil and gas, something that has given Russia an economic renaissance and put her among other global powers as an equal. Energy wars
  • The verse is confident and assertive. Times, Sunday Times
  • It's very competitive and assertive.
  • Marcus Svedberg , chief economist at leading Russia fund East Capital believes that Mr. Medvedev is becoming increasingly assertive. Sparring Partners
  • I might have said I was a feminist before 1970, which is when I became pregnant and developed a long-term relationship with one of New York City's outpatient clinics, but secretly I was a premature "postfeminist," convinced that sexism was a problem chiefly for the oversensitive and underassertive. Ms. Magazine Online
  • You need to be assertive but not aggressive. Everything You Need to Know for Success in Business
  • Was that because of weedy sound, unassertive performance or both? Times, Sunday Times
  • Billups was assertive from the start, instead of deferring to teammates as he usually does early in games. - Basketball - Chicago vs. Detroit
  • The results of this study as well as prior studies suggest that narcissists do care more about being perceived as superior on agentic traits (e.g., industriousness, assertiveness, dominance) compared to communal traits (e.g., agreeableness and honesty). Do Narcissists Know They Are Narcissists?
  • Today, Europeans, vociferously unhappy about U.S. "hyperpower," want a less assertive America. Kosovo’s Dark Meaning
  • It seems that being underassertive or overassertive may be the most common weakness among aspiring leaders. Latest Stories
  • Ms. Reusing said cooking the vegetables à la grecque a piquant technique that calls for simmering vegetables in wine or vinegar and olive oil makes bitter rhubarb less bracing and mild fennel more assertive. Chicken With Rhubarb and Fennel
  • Imprisoned by an English embarrassment, I was unassertive in my twenties, and so my friend was not called upon to explain the anomalies.
  • Another firm, assertive phone call heads my to-do list for tomorrow.
  • It would take only an assertive patient and a confident healthcare provider who is willing to listen.
  • The importance of self-esteem To be assertive you need to have your self-esteem well anchored.
  • The future figures for July will prove if it's a question of "personal appeal" orchestrated by an "assertive" -- let's be euphmistic -- ad campaign ... or voters who are looking critically at the platform of the candidate and how he's changed it. Poll: Obama Pulls Into Narrow Lead In Nevada
  • Twenge's team said their finding was consistent with other research showing generational increases in self-esteem, extraversion and assertiveness.
  • First Impression: Brenda is described as an extroverted and confident woman who’s hardworking, capable, and assertive. 5-Star Baby Name Advisor
  • Just bear in mind the distinction between assertiveness and aggression if you have to jolly them along.
  • Or we may be assertive on stage but quite shy off it. The Secrets of Musical Confidence
  • The second challenge is dealing with a government that is increasingly rich, confident and assertive. Times, Sunday Times
  • His assertiveness was a transparent attempt to deflect responsibility for the truth of the matter. Mine Owner’s Collapse Theory Ruled Out - The Lede Blog -
  • More assertive than ambient, but more chill than club music.
  • He was teased since the 4th grade because he liked to play with girls, didn't like sports, wasn't aggressive or assertive -- he was called a sissy, that is where it began. Rabbi Joshua Levine Grater: Standing Up for Our Gay Kids
  • The third category is assertiveness, which is the balanced form of the above two. Roya R. Rad, MA, PsyD: How to Be Assertive Without Being Arrogant
  • Underlying assertiveness training, obviously, is the belief that we are all created equal and should treat each other as equals.
  • When he puts the mask back on he makes what I like to call a welder's nod which is basically a quick and assertive shake forward, so that the mask falls into place from the top of his head. Welder's helper Nomeclature
  • I had always thought of this boy as unassertive and bookish.
  • My own falsely self-assertive and harmful, unfree ego gets drawn into the expansive heart of God. Tattoos on the Heart
  • Charm may have replaced the rapier assertiveness of the young composer, but his authority as one of the guiding lights of music in our time is as unquestionable as ever.
  • Current US assertiveness cannot be seen simply as resulting from the short-sighted view of a few neoconservatives giddy at the thought of all those bombs.
  • Being assertive is saying, politely but firmly “I don’t like that.” Aggressive or Assertive? « Awful Library Books
  • The latter is different: barbed, energetic, smarmy, loud, dirty, assertive, insinuating.
  • Children should be taught to be assertive, but to walk away from dangerous situations.
  • So Hill did what any gutsy, spunky assertive women would do in her situation.
  • Nigerian women are very subservient to their men, so the project encourages personal development so that the women can become more assertive in deciding on a better life for themselves and their families.
  • Extraversion results were moderately low which suggests you are reclusive, quiet, unassertive, and secretive.
  • Pointing directly at a listener is an assertive act.
  • Although I'm sure she thinks that is just some sexist pig not thinking women can be powerful and assertive, which is bullshit....women can be both of those things, but she is still plain bitchy. Herd Leaves Race, Endorses Dale Mallory
  • They wanted to be practical, shrewd, assertive, dominating, competitive, critical, and self-controlled.
  • But assertive women were still paid less than all male counterparts. The Sun
  • Teach the victim to become more assertive in the way they express their wishes. Families and Friends - how to help your child form happy relationships.
  • An assertive person shows a desire to understand another person's point of view. Why Am I Afraid to be Assertive?
  • Bluntly, assertively refusing to comply with their demands withers them, because in their warped emotional environment, one person in each twosome must always dominate, the other be dominated.
  • If you really want the promotion, you'll have to be more assertive.
  • The researchers measured four extraverted characteristics - talkativeness, assertiveness, adventurousness and energy level - in 46 college students.
  • she was quiet and nonassertive as she took control
  • At a beginning level trainees are encouraged to use the personal pronoun “I” in stating a request or denial, rather than the impersonal phrasings typically employed by the nonassertive person. Planned Short-Term Treatment
  • When these people call Clinton (or House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, or Sen. Dianne Feinstein or former vice presidential candidate Geraldine Ferraro) a bitch, or even the cutesier "rhymes-with-witch," it's an expression of pure sexism -- a hope that they can shut up not only one woman but every woman who dares to be assertive. Bitch on 'bitch'
  • Some readers dismiss her work, considering it insufficiently assertive of a politics of resistance.
  • Those scoring high on the blirt scale report higher levels of assertiveness, extraversion, self-esteem, self-liking, self-competence and positive effect. Why Nagging Women And Silent Men Drive Each Other Crazy
  • An assertive person doesn't allow this to happen. Why Am I Afraid to be Assertive?
  • Or we may be assertive on stage but quite shy off it. The Secrets of Musical Confidence
  • Be assertive rather than bottle up your anger.
  • The gin is assertive, woody, a pungent mouthful, with the bite of alcohol and aromatics.
  • Prince Charles condemned the assertively modernist style of architecture.
  • On the personality side of the equation, the members are taught and given practical examples on how to be assertive, how to be authoritative and how to come across well in interview situations.
  • Although the prose is clear and readable it is also assertive, didactic and sometimes patronising.
  • She was at least fifteen, maybe twenty years older than he, and a good-looking old gal, but her assertiveness was a turnoff. Mortal Remains
  • I mean how important is it for your character to be assertive and not simply kind of bowled over by the daughters on this show? INTERVIEW: Molly Ringwald Talks “The Secret Life of the American Teeager”
  • With the Scherzo we are back to bare unisons and octaves, though now assertive, but the G with which the music starts makes the key unambiguously clear as C major.
  • She was extroverted and assertive.
  • Other motorcyclists, more assertive and impatient the word reckless came to mind, began snaking their way in the narrow space between lanes of stopped traffic, as is common here. NYT > Home Page
  • his self-assertive and ubiquitous energy
  • You'll have to be a bit more assertive - and forearmed.
  • Certainly, there was a variety of such cases, and while we do not always know the motivations for the defendants 'actions (and doubtless not all were noble), the physical assertiveness of these women and the court's matter-of-fact handling of these matters suggests that these women's violence was no more shocking to the community than men's, indicating a certain fluidity of gender relations within the plebeian community and demonstrating that these women felt they had the right to use verbal and physical intimidation in the public sphere. Gutenber-e Help Page
  • You'll carry a kicky little purse made from a humanely-harvested box-turtle's shell on a quietly assertive strap of particolored faux Sillystring. Mayor Bloomberg, Buy Those Handguns
  • Harris's style is strong and assertive, imbued with an American melos of hymn tunes and folksongs, and using the orchestra to create powerful effects of block antiphony.
  • Over the past three decades, environmental concerns have informed new technologies, spawned new patterns of consumption, re-structured an assertive state, and even dynamized the French economy.
  • But secondly, and more assertively, they examine the extremely diverse ways in which ontological insecurity is both generated and overcome.
  • Be assertive and spell out exactly how you feel.
  • Teach the victim to become more assertive in the way they express their wishes. Families and Friends - how to help your child form happy relationships.
  • They wanted to be practical, shrewd, assertive, dominating, competitive, critical, and self-controlled.
  • Chopped raw garlic lends an assertive flavor to vinaigrettes, salsas, and other sauces such as aioli.
  • Written and directed by Adam Rapp, starring Zooey Deschanel, Will Ferrel, Ed Harris, and Amelia Warner, “Winter Passing” is a film whose unassertive, low key existence continually enthralls me. Overlooked Movie Monday: Winter Passing » Scene-Stealers
  • His colleagues should respect him for being assertive and managing his time well. BE YOUR BEST: How Anyone can become Fit, Healthy and Confident
  • This case illustrates how the development of an individualized hierarchy for each client guards against a common clinical error in working with the nonassertive. Planned Short-Term Treatment
  • But assertive women were still paid less than all male counterparts. The Sun
  • If you take a more assertive or aggressive stance, others may hold back from you. The Sun
  • Moreover, they are characters who have absorbed the English-speaking colonialist attribution of barbarity to the Irish language and are now steeped in a culture of patient acceptance over assertive action.
  • Hurley had reacted to her new singledom in a masculine assertive way, with a series of short, publicly passionate affairs.
  • Her character was more assertive, and relations were more conflictual. Times, Sunday Times
  • The best type is energetic but reserved; for the 'bluenose' does not consider it necessary to be self-assertive. The Canadian Type
  • It seems to me that defining assertive behavior as "masculine" is one of the factors that works against women's career advancement (but that's a different post). Archive 2007-05-01
  • Assertive, clean, black-fruit flavours are threaded with a necessary acidity and backed by chewy oak.
  • An evangelical agnostic, Linton tends to be amusingly (or at least assertively) grouchy (although her antifeminism can make modern readers similarly grouchy...) Readable
  • The Emperor is often associated with Aries, which is a strong and assertive astrological fire sign.
  • But secondly, and more assertively, they examine the extremely diverse ways in which ontological insecurity is both generated and overcome.
  • Not being the most assertive or forceful of people I take it all too personally and can get quite upset.
  • The results of this study as well as prior studies suggest that narcissists do care more about being perceived as superior on agentic traits (e.g., industriousness, assertiveness, dominance) compared to communal traits (e.g., agreeableness and honesty). Do Narcissists Know They Are Narcissists?
  • The Emperor is often associated with Aries, which is a strong and assertive astrological fire sign.
  • At Ballydoyle in Tipperary two months before Cheltenham, O'Brien, who was habitually unassertive about his horses, ran a hand across Istabraq's flank and told me quietly: ‘He'll blow them away.’
  • She is warlike and aggressive, not submissive and unassertive.
  • Her direct, active and assertive engagement with the camera was shocking in a land where schoolgirlish giggling and "cuteness" were considered most arousing to men of all ages.
  • He's also assertive, which is useful, and generous, which is also useful. Teamwork, Part I
  • Chinese naval honor guard. China's navy has grown more assertive in recent years, rattling the nerves of maritime neighbors.
  • I could never portray anybody mousy or unassertive, or that typical starlet persona.
  • Another Full Moon, which contains the self-assertive “Vertical,” is also notable for “My Position in the History of the Twentieth Century,” in which she reflects on her good fortune in being somewhere else when Hitler was killing Jews in Europe: Ruth Fainlight.
  • The former is as useful for unassertive men in the material world as it is for women.
  • Over time they become more assertive, expressing themselves as compulsions and obsessions, phobias and prejudices, neuroses and psychosomatic illnesses.
  • They've become more personally assertive, more sexually aggressive, and less willing to put up with self-indulgent bullshit from their men.
  • If you really want the promotion, you'll have to be more assertive.
  • Marks appear weighty and assertive if driven on to the canvas with a painting knife.
  • It is curious what a subtle but unmistakable transmutation it makes, both in the body of men and women: the woman more blooming, more subtly rounded, her young angularities softened, and her expression either anxious or triumphant: the man much quieter, more inward, the very shapes of his shoulders and his buttocks less assertive, more hesitant. Lady Chatterley's Lover
  • However, the new churches may not be able to translate today's assertiveness into permanent political power.
  • an energetic assertive boy who was always ready to argue
  • The addressee is encouraged to be assertive but not argumentative; friendly but not trusting; vigorous and impressive but not overstretching it.
  • Now it's reborn, in an apocalyptically apologetic and assertively undesigned designery sense. Times, Sunday Times
  • Delivered by an unassertive voice-over that barely rises above an ambient whisper, it's the perfect accompaniment to an ad that is as pedestrian as they come.
  • Still other imagery features assertive women who are seductresses and murderers.
  • His lovemaking was different this time, more intense, more assertive as if he was trying to exert some power over her.
  • Each has its own flavour, without ever being overassertive or heavy, and all have a lovely spring-like freshness. Times, Sunday Times
  • `I will take care of my own life,' she said assertively
  • He will also be constrained by his increasingly assertive junior partner. Times, Sunday Times
  • They begin to mute their voices, not be as assertive.

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