
How To Use Assertion In A Sentence

  • A couple of commendable but slight folk covers albums in the early Nineties lead to assertions of writer's block. The Sun
  • These institutions have made the assertion of ethnic identity possible.
  • Just last year, pinkos raised a stink over the NCERT's deleting of certain offensive and unauthenticated assertions from history books.
  • This sits badly with the Act assertion that all data be ‘obtained fairly’.
  • Many of Rogers' assertions and specific rebuttals (which form, in effect, a counter-reading of Kornbluh's book) are best answered by Kornbluh himself.
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  • Each time he gets a black cube it confirms the assertion that all six cubes are black.
  • Tony Abbott certainly believes if you repeat it often enough a baseless assertion becomes fact.
  • The very existence of the Tea Party unsettles the assertion that stable liberal democracy yields a politics governed by reason alone. Feisal G. Mohamed: Against Historical Fundamentalism: Jill Lepore on the Tea Party
  • They might also expect a return visit from an official with a search warrant wishing to verify the truth of the destruction assertion. ill lich TSA subpoenas, threatens two bloggers who published non-classified airline security directive Boing Boing
  • Many would no doubt take issue with me on that simple assertion, citing personal reasons why it is not so.
  • But others, founding their assertions upon more plausible reasoning, say that the petty Mussulman kings, who were the neighbours or tributaries of Benabad, justly alarmed at his alliance with a {93} Christian king, solicited the support of the Almoravide. History of the Moors of Spain
  • One researcher has called the neem scene an "uncharted jungle" of miscellaneous assertions, disconnected details, and limitless possibilities. 2 The Reality
  • distinguishing between verifiable fact and tendentious assertion
  • To me- this kind of guiltless assertion of one’s own soul, this demand to control one’s own life- that’s the heart of it, that’s what turns my head to know that someone really means ‘liberty’. Shameless Self-promotion Sunday #40
  • Avoid making intuitively obvious but unfounded assertions.
  • Making vaguely related assertions in response to an argument is not a counter-argument.
  • To start with this is an unproven assertion based all too obviously on a cosy view of a mythical working class family from the Fifties.
  • No documentation was produced to verify that assertion, nor was her son called as a witness at trial.
  • I must also challenge his assertion that most businesses are closed at weekends. Times, Sunday Times
  • As a result of this selection being chosen, testing for a liberal media bias, whether one views it as an assertion or an assumption was not within the purveyance of this study.
  • They also challenge his assertion that the countries would be great friends after separation. Times, Sunday Times
  • Other than a few academically toned articles, I have yet to meet or read anyone who will actually back up their assertions with references to the books.
  • Is it an instrument of social oppression or of national self-assertion?
  • They can wait for evidence and weigh evidence, uninfluenced by the emphasis or confidence with which assertions are made on one side or the other.
  • Nowhere in the report does she provide evidence for these assertions:they are merely dogmatically stated as fact.
  • The assertional analysis identified relationships between nouns, connectives, and operators in phrases.
  • The autumn air is thick with assertions that the Prime Minister's luck is finally running out.
  • Assertion: Michelle Obama's affectionate fist bump with her husband as they walked offstage was a "terrorist fist jab" (in the words of Fox anchorperson E.D. Hill). Robert Koehler: The Shadow Platform
  • In tandem with a reform of the modern Mass, already tentatively under way, the foundations could be laid for a return to dignified worship and reassertion of doctrine.
  • As to the latter, Judge Berzon in her opinion said, “Here, however, Coalition has not proven except by assertion that the remaining detainees have no relationship with anyone who could appropriately serve to litigate the legality of the detention.” The Conservative Assault on the Constitution
  • Cutting across these lines, there is the question of how to interpret the assertion, proffered by the Rebbe himself, that a rebbe is the Essence and Being of God.
  • In any case, my assertion that The Airlords Of Han is a terrible novel (racist or not) is entirely correct. The “Buck Rogers” Quandry – In Which I Contradict Previous Views « The Graveyard
  • Perhaps the most remarkable proposition in Pope Benedict XVI's encyclical letter Caritas in Veritate, therefore, is the controversial assertion that gratuity-or as the official English translation frequently reads, "gratuitousness" - is essential to economic life. Catholic Community Speaks |
  • Any objective scrutiny of the list of banned organisations makes a mockery of this last assertion.
  • To start with this is an unproven assertion based all too obviously on a cosy view of a mythical working class family from the Fifties.
  • Extreme assertions of diversity, such as Kallen's, imply a kind of racial or ethnic essentialism and separatism, not merely cultural pluralism.
  • However, equally I don't think one can credibly take a blithely post-modern approach and mutter vaguely about ‘multiple truths’, if basic historical factual assertions have been misstated.
  • By the time the number of examples of myths, false assertions and cases of deliberate disinformation had reached 40 I reckoned it was time to publish them.
  • I would like to begin by dismissing the assertion that the AVC is nothing but a gang of toughs who go about setting fire to kittens and extorting cash from other VUWSA funded activity groups.
  • Not necessarily a ground-breaking assertion, but I'll bet there's more than a few folks out there who could use a walloping masterpiece of ethereal but hard-driving psychedelic garage rock.
  • In a single phrase, these words exempt the sentence's subsequent assertions of human equality and unalienable rights from the claims of traditional conduct, metaphysical certainty, and scientific proof.
  • And for the assertion laid down, I desire that those who despise and reproach it would attempt an answer unto the ensuing arguments whereby it is confirmed, with those others which shall be insisted on in our description of the nature of the work of regeneration itself, and that upon such grounds and principles as are not destructive of Christian religion nor introductive of atheism, before they are too confident of their success. Pneumatologia
  • Democracies, many classical Greeks believed, were slow to fight, but more effective when they fought (ancient memory suggests this assertion is somewhere in Thucydides, but I could not find the exact citation). Balkinization
  • Nor are these assertions mere neutral constations; they are exhortative performatives that require the passage from sheer enunciation to action. Reading, Begging, Paul de Man
  • The amount of water used to put out the twelve minute bonfire proves this assertion.
  • The evidence supporting the assertion would presumably be the available statistical data.
  • Your blatant evasion of the main tenet of my assertion proves to me that you do not understand the basics of the Constitution. Think Progress » ThinkFast: March 30, 2010
  • This may mean ignoring the frequent assertion by critics that in adventure stones character must be subordinate to action.
  • Pietersen chose a more assertive route, his backlift full again, justifying his assertion in Perth last week that he was "on fire". Paul Collingwood's 94 puts England on front foot in Adelaide
  • Dewey's instrumentalism was both a theory and a method of inquiry for solving problems and for generating truth, or what he called warranted assertion.
  • She makes very general assertions about marriage in the poem.
  • We must not believe, notwithstanding the assertions of almost all zoological writers, that the word orang-otang is applied exclusively in the Malay language to the Simia satyrus of Personal Narrative of Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America, During the Year 1799-1804 — Volume 2
  • The report's tone is admonitory, its assertions sweeping.
  • Now, the perpetrator governments have agreed to this legal conclusion, although they maintain the implausible assertion that gun confiscations were not the result of official policy.
  • I sobbed and wept so that my eyes were almost blind; and the ruffian you have such sympathy with stood opposite: presuming every now and then to bid me "wisht," and denying that it was his fault; and, finally, frightened by my assertions that I would tell papa, and that he should be put in prison and hanged, he commenced blubbering himself, and hurried out to hide his cowardly agitation. Wuthering Heights
  • Leonsis might stand alone with that assertion, but at any rate, here's more of what he had to say today at the National Press Club, courtesy of your friendly neighborhood bogger: Ted Leonsis: NHL is stronger financially than NBA
  • He attempts to rebut the assertion made by the prosecution witness.
  • He asks: "Is there any scientific evidence to back up the assertions of clinical ecology? An Alternative Approach to Allergies
  • The term allegation implies just that, alleged, an unproved assertion. Denver Post: News: Breaking: Local
  • Despite the narrator's poetically expressed assertion that "history tightropes toward family," history barely puts in an appearance here.
  • A solemn vow, the most immense assertion of the will that any person makes in the course of a lifetime. Times, Sunday Times
  • She rejected the assertion that South Africa had "finessed" its position. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • All had clashed with their civilian superiors, and their campaigns imploded for the same reasons that led to those clashes: assertions of intellectual superiority, moral certitude and the lack of a common touch.
  • It is an open question, however, when such declarations are to be taken as identity assertions, with pantheistic or acosmic intentions, and when they are perhaps hyperbolic variations on descriptions of union-type experiences. Mysticism
  • I'd like to see exactly how that assertion can be reconciled with the original statement.
  • What more reasonable than that this should be done, while living witnesses may yet be called, to prove or disprove the several allegations and assertions; since, in a few years more, such witnesses may be as much wanting as to prevent a canonization, which is therefore prudently procrastinated for above an age? The Prose Works of Jonathan Swift, D.D. — Volume 10 Historical Writings
  • [559] In _Passiflora_ the organogeny of the flower clearly shows the truth of this assertion, as was indeed shown by Payer and Schleiden. Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
  • In addition, the assertion that the documents might have been fabricated is without foundation and the argument is somewhat fanciful.
  • It is only a failure if we think that individuals should be detained on mere assertions and not on hard proof.
  • With this information in hand, we now turn to several of the assertions in Isom's article.
  • The assertion that the noise of the parachutes opening can be terrifying puzzles me somewhat.
  • There is a basic truth in his assertion, for before his time the use of marble was rare in Roman architecture.
  • Because of rising nationalism and reassertion of traditional values in Asia, shoving "the white man's Christianity" upon Asians is no longer advisable.
  • Again: if true believers shall live, and continue to the saving of their souls, in opposition to them that fall away to perdition, then they shall certainly persevere in their faith, for these two are but one and the same; but that true believers shall live, and believe to the saving of their souls, in opposition to them that draw back, or subduct themselves, to perdition, is the assertion of the Holy Ghost: ergo. The Doctrine of the Saints��� Perseverance Explained and Confirmed
  • And this entitles the precept, _Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself_, to the pre-eminence given to it, and is a justification of the apostle's assertion, that all other commandments are comprehended in it, whatever cautions and restrictions {28} there are, which might require to be considered, if we were to state particularly and at length what is virtue and right behaviour in mankind. Human Nature and Other Sermons
  • The assertion that this has reached epidemic proportions can not be challenged.
  • This is the same moonbat excrement when liberals try to explain constitutionality, if you make the assertion that people are dieing you are also asserting the government is committing murder. Phil Hare (D, IL-17) does not know the first Rule of Holes. | RedState
  • John Maynard bagzzaf wrote: No I don't "admonish" those on the right for using the word communist, and I do not have to show that I've done it in the past to discuss AM760's assertion. Denver Post: News: Breaking: Local
  • But that preposterous assertion is contradicted by much evidence.
  • Who hasn't taken solace in some form of greediness, self-assertion, or just plain carelessness?
  • Now, they are again insisting that their beef is safe, but that assertion is questionable given that there is currently no reliable way to test live animals to see if they are harbouring the disease.
  • Posner reviews them all in turn, in a hectic flurry of piled-up fact-bites, speculative calcula-tions, passing quarrels, and offhand policy dicta ” an orderless mixture of assertion, guess, remark, and opinion for which the term "farrago" would seem to have been invented. Very Bad News
  • It's filled with unsupported assertions, deceptive qualifiers, logical fallacies and rhetorical tricks so cheap they would make a trial lawyer blush.
  • Experiments conducted in the field and the lab are a major basis for this assertion.
  • Yet how can these assertions be measured against something that tastes so foul? Fats, Nutrition and Health
  • Now on the one hand, as we have seen, every brick making up this massive conceptual edifice is a friable mixture of untruth, half-truth, hypothesis or assertion. Professing Literature: John Guillory's Misreading of Paul de Man
  • He tap-dances around the line between speech and song with such dexterity that by the time he reaches his summation — See now what a condition I am in! — we don't even notice that the seeming self-deprecation is actually an assertion of intellectual authority. Archive 2008-11-01
  • That was the question which seemed to linger despite Livingston's categoric assertion that David Hay's appointment as head coach, confirmed before the game, would not entail team selection duties.
  • Thus, he does not recognize sentential compounds, such as conjunctions and disjunctions, as single assertions.
  • He is equally doubtful of my assertion that the modern knowledge society can go on satisfying growing human wants, including our aspiration to preserve a liveable environment.
  • Such assertions are misleading to say the least. Times, Sunday Times
  • We prefer the view taken by Dr. Brown to that of Dr. Stick - that the assertion that chiropractic strengthens the immune system is not a fact, but a contention.
  • Imposing such a ban requires far more compelling logic than the assertion that we should not play God.
  • I have an instance of a very grim assertion of extreme sabbatarian zeal. Reminiscences of Scottish Life and Character
  • I have to laugh at the assertions from the Constellation office that Orion would be able to service satellites. Candid Comments on the Constellation Program - NASA Watch
  • Contrary to Dan Klein's foundationless assertion, I did not pursue an academic career because I did not want to specialize in a discipine, not because my fragile female psyche couldn't hack conflict. A Kuranian Take on the Religious Gender Gap, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Davie qualifies bold assertions and subordinate escape-clauses, paradoxical epithets and sentences opening with an adversative link.
  • This is clear from the ‘father of uniformitarian geology’, James Hutton - see his assertion.
  • Each of these theories springs from purely logical roots, confirmationism from Carnap's work on inductive logic, and falsificationism from Popper's rejection of inductive logic coupled with his assertion that universals can be falsified by a single counter-instance. Historicist Theories of Rationality
  • He has had his ups and downs but is sincere in his assertion that rugby is his main focus. Times, Sunday Times
  • As for the assertion, "One of the recipients, Minnesota Rep. Michelle Bachmann, is even loonier than Palin. Palin's PAC steps up contributions to GOP candidates
  • My evidence for both of these assertions is to be found in a particular Horatian poem: number five in the first book of Horace's satires, commonly referred to as ‘A Journey to Brundisium.’
  • Paragraph 8 of the council's statement of claim makes a similar assertion in relation to the article of 24 September.
  • It makes this assertion in support of its argument that a longer sublease would have been easier to market than a shorter sublease.
  • Which is why your comment is nothing but unsupported and unargued assertions. The Volokh Conspiracy » Racism and The Tea Partiers
  • The government's assertion that torture and summary executions might be carried out without recourse to the law clearly shocked the court.
  • And finally, these statements are characterised by a conspicuous absence of facts to bolster such assertions.
  • But the "more devo" option was excluded on the assertion that a straightforward Yes/No vote would deliver a clean result.
  • Those writings are largely based upon Freud's assertion that firesetting in youth is a regressive retreat to ‘primitive man's’ desire to gain power and control over nature.
  • But through it all, none was more vocal in his assertion than Prof Pavlov.
  • Some buckled beneath the assertion that Greene was the greatest anyway.
  • Researchers have recently challenged these assertions.
  • The reasonably widespread if often vague notion that super-close reading results in undecidability rather than organic unity; the not uncommon, if typically undisciplined assertion that texts predict and choreograph the foibles of their interpreters — these tics of contemporary professional critical writing bear the faint but unmistakable trace of de Man's signature. Introduction
  • At the function that I attended, too, a number of articles spoke of this assertion on their past.
  • Whether one would find the moral and altruistic assertion "galling" and "off-putting" is another matter attributable to taste. A Pat on the Back for Matzke
  • Do you have any evidence to support your assertions?
  • There have been no protests about people who feel their right to debate a contentious assertion in the NDT has been quashed by over-zealous topic starters.
  • The assertion that these claims have been shown to be grossly inflated is a little premature in my opinion.
  • This shows that the to infinitive necessarily implies the assertion that the pin actually dropped.
  • They are a time of exploration, assertion, and challenge, and often of confusion, contradictions, and trauma.
  • The balancing act between self-loathing and self-assertion got her through the wild days and has landed her on her present plane of serene renunciation.
  • Some may be insistent on it in their fiction (as some may insist on the complete exclusion of alethic quirks,) but I challenge any assertion that it has ever been, or ever should be, standard practice in narrative. Modality and Hamlet
  • Assuming public accountability is the function of public finance, and government accounting is the assertion, measurement and communication of the process of the discharge of public accountability.
  • The compulsion to write - to fill up a blank page as an assertion of identity and ego - often produced volumes of personal jottings: page upon page of astounding outpouring and emotional release.
  • His assertion that "markets are always by their nature driving towards equilibrium" is categorically false.
  • But still later he repeats the assertion of the Eocene ( "Oligocene") age of the Santo Domingo beds in sueh a categorical manner as to demand an equally pointed refutation,! the more especially since Mr. Conrad is the oldest and best infonned of the authorities on the American Tertiaries. Transactions of the American Philosophical Society
  • The British writer Melanie Phillips, no conservative, sees in such casual assertions a breathtaking illiberalism and inversion of traditional values.
  • But the assertion is ungrounded, and just plain silly.
  • Meo's handling of Miles' later maturation and increasing self-assertion was stylish and well modulated. Rodney Punt: Turn of the Screw Gets a Stunning New Turn at LA Opera
  • But Ncita laughed off the Tanzanian's assertion saying his charge was the best fighter from the junior bantamweight to the junior featherweight divisions.
  • I have my reasons for this of course but suffice it to say that his ignorance of certain intel community practices and internal history is underscored by his personal assertions contrary to the reality. Pat rogers
  • But both the bishop and the senator were thoughtful for them and when they came tardily to the board they found the group close about the old commodore, their own places saved and the judge and the general sustaining the squire's rather peppery assertion to the courteous but vilely inconvincible commodore, that certain new laws of Congress must be upheld with all the national power, Gideon's Band A Tale of the Mississippi
  • Elaborating on Engels's assertion that the ultimate aim of a communist party is to "surpass the entire State, and thus democracy too (" surpass "- Überwinden in German, is also translated as" overcome "), Lenin wrote: Political Affairs Magazine
  • Then those who "intrude" (thrust, that is) themselves into the fold, who by natural insolence of heart, and stout eloquence of tongue, and fearlessly perseverant self-assertion, obtain hearing and authority with the common crowd. Harvard Classics Volume 28 Essays English and American
  • Assertion is the linguistic expression of a belief, and is also a mental act.
  • [Darwin's assertions above indicate that this is no longer the case in civilised society] Cue outrage in three, two, one…
  • There appear to be two problematic assertions involved: first, an overly generalized, if not at times hypostatized, split of cultural spheres into The Kyoto School
  • Stringing words together at random and making fact-free assertions is no way to convince anybody. Matthew Yglesias » The Road Not Taken
  • Support your assertion with specific examples. Between Worlds: A Reader, Rhetoric and Handbook
  • Vieira delivers this so-strident assertion with so mild a voice.
  • There is no evidence to support the assertion that he was an important and influential teacher.
  • According to the eminent modern philosopher Karl Popper, the defining characteristic of science is that its assertions are falsifiable.
  • He was correct in his assertion that the minister had been lying.
  • Pan-Arabism sprouted in the Ottoman Empire ruling period. Its basic assertion is that Arabians are a national community with goal to establish a United and independent Arabian country.
  • First they tried to buffalo voters with the odd assertion that North Dakota banks don't sell their customers' information, so there's no need to worry.
  • In fact, last night with elbie_at_trig and thingo I made a Bold Assertion: a year from now, I'll be in good enough shape to go climbing at the campus bouldering wall. Theatre Review: "Arcadia" by Tom Stoppard
  • By sheer force of self-assertion we have lifted ourselves from the dust where we once crawled as worms and no women; we no longer wither on the virgin thorn – we flourish on it; and ungarnished though we be with olive-boughs, we are not ashamed when we meet with our enemies in the gate. Marriage as a Trade
  • Also, you make the ridiculous assertion that Minhag Hamakom at the western wall was without a mechitza- forgetting that the wall was never the organized shul it was until 1967. Kotel rabbi protests Conservative movement prayers | Jewschool
  • The stanza's concluding couplet, however, with its assertion that "A heavy weight of hours has chained and bowed/One too like thee: tameless, and swift, and proud" (55-56), signals that the process of self-forgetting is not complete. Shelley's Golden Wind: Zen Harmonics in _A Defence of Poetry_ and 'Ode to the WestWind'
  • A study released today by a team of leading database experts, among them Structure 09 speaker Michael Stonebraker, has been generating buzz for its assertion that clustered SQL database management systems (DBMS) actually perform significantly better for most tasks than does cloud golden child MapReduce. MapReduce vs. SQL: It’s Not One or the Other
  • A solemn vow, the most immense assertion of the will that any person makes in the course of a lifetime. Times, Sunday Times
  • We make it a point to disbelieve most of the accusations or remarks against ourselves or our friends and neighbors when the relator merges his personal accountableness for an assertion in the vague generality of "what people say. A Manual of Etiquette with Hints on Politeness and Good Breeding
  • The proof of this lies in the words _ex ou_ just below; not _ex ôn_ (_ouranôn_) but _ex ou_ (_politeumatos_): I can find _no proof_ of the assertion (Moulton's Philippian Studies Lessons in Faith and Love from St. Paul's Epistle to the Philippians
  • The difference between the two first sentences is the difference between a high-spirited epic of self-assertion and a slender account of the threadbare ego.
  • The core of the actual evidential argument, once you strip away the assertion of factuality, is that the term "outcry" is consistently used to relate to murder victims, and that we should therefore consider it to mean murder victims on the context of Sodom. Wisdom, Justice And Mercy
  • One might question, though, his assumptions concerning proxenia and their impact on his assertion that most traders were xenoi rather than metics.
  • What he must do is to formulate an assertion which contradicts our own, and give us his instruction for testing it.
  • So first, let me emphasise that I really am, despite any subsequent assertions, counter-claims and nit-picking objections, recommending this book: it is enormous fun, and its authors' hearts are in the right places.
  • But this claim rests on assertion, not proof. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Leaders within the Catholic Church were outraged by his assertions, referring to the scriptural claims of the earth's position within the universe. Roy Speckhardt: Rapture Fever
  • The generalized assertion of privilege must yield to the demonstrated, specific need for evidence in a pending criminal trial.
  • The emphatic affirmation of a supermundane, spiritual order of reality and the equally emphatic assertion of the caducity of things material fitted in with the essentially Christian contention that spiritual interests are supreme. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 12: Philip II-Reuss
  • Which means that anyone reading your assertions is presented with a tough choice. The Volokh Conspiracy » Lawyers, Treason, and Deception: A Response to Andrew McCarthy
  • But while Brooks is correct that exurbs contributed to the 2002 Republican victories, his assertion that they were central to these victories, is much shakier.
  • Their libertarianism was more aesthetic than political, an assertion of personal autonomy against repressive philistinism.
  • Although Buddhism does not assert God as an individual being and is therefore sometimes characterized as atheistic, it is officially recognized because of its assertion of Adibuddha. Current Situation of Buddhism in the World
  • Washington: President Barack Obama's "reassertion" of US leadership in the Middle East offers a rare opportunity to get Israel and the Palestinians, Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak - Articles related to A Shark's Tale
  • The assertion is based on the fact that this house has the first ever approved rain catchment system in San Francisco, and for a conventional family of five - that’s huge! LORAX’S “GREENEST HOUSE IN SAN FRANCISCO” | Inhabitat
  • I am of course resorting here to rhetoric and bare assertion. Philosophy at the Limit
  • But this assertion evidently denied the coeternity of the three persons of the Trinity; it suggested a subordination or inequality among them, and indeed implied a time when the Trinity did not exist. History of the Conflict between Religion and Science
  • We know nothing of course, but we do not remotely know even this, and mere assertion in no way ameliorates our destitution.
  • Hidden from the public discourse in this assertion is the fact that the content creators are actually stealing form the public by denying the public full use and enjoyment of their legally bought content. Matthew Yglesias » Intellectual Property is About Consumers
  • My notes say that it is "a cross between the song of the chewink and that of dickcissel," and I shall stand by that assertion until I find good reason to disown it -- should that time ever come. Birds of the Rockies
  • Such a questionable assertion is sure to provoke criticism.
  • Therefore we can not make the apriori assertion that private ownership and unfettered operation is always more efficient.
  • reassertion" of U.S. leadership in the Middle East offers a rare opportunity to get - Articles related to A Shark's Tale
  • In this case, where Chomsky makes an extreme assertion without troubling to give a source at all, it requires examining a large amount of material to come to a conclusion.
  • This used to be a well-known fact; and daily still, in certain edifices, steeple-houses, joss-houses, temples sacred or other, everywhere spread over the world, we hear some dim mumblement of an assertion that such is still, what it was always and will forever be, the fact: but meseems it has terribly fallen out of memory nevertheless. Latter-Day Pamphlets
  • I suspect that further analysis of the role of animals will support my assertion that the works also represent remarkably similar demonologies.
  • He made an assertion that he was not responsible for it.
  • Tim Vaculik says: your assertion is absolutely false and anyone who has read the billunderstands this! pags2 says: Think Progress » Gingrich Pledges Government Shutdown If GOP Wins Back House And Senate
  • The real problem with the minister's assertion is that it oversimplifies an issue that we don't fully understand. Times, Sunday Times
  • In addition to using an assertion sign, Reichenbach also uses indicators of interrogative and imperatival force. Saving Prostitutes in Sevilla
  • They are a time of exploration, assertion, and challenge, and often of confusion, contradictions, and trauma.
  • The compiler might be able to optimise code; if it can prove that the field will never be NULL it can skip the conditional in the assertion, and after the assertion it will know that the field cannot possibly be NULL please, let's keep multithreading out of this for now... and so can skip checks for NULL in the generated object code, thus speeding up execution. Snell-Pym » Assertions
  • Assertions about authenticity of personal experience could be presented as if they were an unproblematic guide to an understanding of processes of subordination and domination.
  • He quotes without confutation the assertion that ‘the globe may be surveyed and history may be reviewed in vain for any evidence of a considerable country in which want can be fairly attributed to an increasing population.’
  • As this gentleman _had been_ a contagionist, occupied a very responsible situation during the Moscow epidemic, and quotes time and place in support of his assertions, I consider his memoir more worthy of translation than fifty of your Keraudrens. Letters on the Cholera Morbus. Containing ample evidence that this disease, under whatever name known, cannot be transmitted from the persons of those labouring under it to other individuals, by contact—through the medium of inanimate substances—or throug
  • The application shall specify the name of the ship, the facts of and reasons for applying for publicizing notice for assertion of maritime liens.
  • Amplification, then, is a kind of graver affirmation, which by exciting feelings in the mind conciliates belief to one's assertion. The Orations of Marcus Tullius Cicero, Volume 4
  • Zero stats offered for this assertion, despite Tino explaining in intricate detail all the externalities. Borjas: What's His Problem?, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Though none of these experts agreed openly with Horkheimer's assertion that Monty's excessive masculinity indicated repressed homosexuality, their obsession with "virility" is very suggestive. Caught in the Crossfire: Adrian Scott and the Politics of Americanism in 1940s Hollywood
  • Either our proposition must be proved apodeictically; or, if this is unsuccessful, the sources of this inability must be sought for, and, if these are discovered to exist in the natural and necessary limitation of our reason, our opponents must submit to the same law of renunciation and refrain from advancing claims to dogmatic assertion. The Critique of Pure Reason
  • The next point at which a stand was made was the assertion that the condemnation of Galileo was "provisory"; but this proved a more treacherous shelter than the others. A History of the warfare of Science with Theology in Christendom
  • But even this latter assertion is somewhat uncertain and ambiguous for several reasons.
  • Or do you interpret it as more twisted and ironic, a bitter medley of weather criticism, tourist blurb, and the locals' proud assertions?
  • It's easy to see how Stanley accidentally substituted trustiness for truthiness, since it anticipates Colbert's blowhard assertion, "I don't trust books."
  • Second, I can't help but cast a somewhat skeptical eye at assertions that Obama's polling numbers are understated because they miscount/undercount the youth vote. Poll: Obama, Romney Ahead In Iowa
  • But like any other principle claiming ultimacy, it is nothing but a phantasm - a mere assumption, an assertion, a claim - one which reigns supreme simply due to its success in excluding other, competing claims.
  • Assertions that intention is the sole criterion of validity are few, suspect, and found only in post-classical texts.

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