How To Use Assassination In A Sentence

  • To buttress his stance that the Church sanctioned such assassinations, Petit drew on Thomas Aquinas and other theologians, but the defense rested on John of Salisbury's explicit theories about the legitimacy of tyrannicide.
  • Labor Party leaders have denounced the talk as an attempt by the right to escape indirect blame for the assassination.
  • So he induces Ray to offer Jonathan a vast sum of money to undertake an assassination in Berlin - money which the seriously ill and impecunious Jonathan badly needs.
  • During the trial he became so fearful of assassination that he had steel plates sewn into his hat.
  • The character who seems most conscious that the ides of March falls within Lent is Brutus, especially in his account of the manner in which the assassination should be conducted.
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  • A country discovering a successfull assassination, supporting rebels or desecration of holy site now gets a casus belli against the offender.
  • Torture of political detainees became widespread and systematic after the assassination of President Sadat in October 1981.
  • During the 1976-83 period, operations included the assassination of police informers and perceived quislings, bank robberies and attacks on the security forces and police stations.
  • After Julius Caesar's assassination, the triumvirs was formed, consisting of three determined men, Octavius Caesar, Mark Antony, and Lepidus, who shared the rule of the Roman Empire.
  • The assassination somehow transfigured Kennedy into a modern American saint.
  • As much as he hated the notion of prolonging his exposure to those sons of bitches, once someone breathed the word assassination it all became a new ball game. Scott Free
  • If the lowest ruffian may stab your good name with impunity in England, will you be so uncandid as to exclaim against Italy for the practice of common assassination? The Expedition of Humphry Clinker
  • The film is an intimate portrait of a woman and her mission of assassination.
  • Since Ford had used the word assassinations, we assumed we were looking for persons who had been murdered—possibly persons who had died under suspicious circumstances. Staying Tuned
  • This assassination had almost as many motives as it had conspirators.
  • After a century of suspicion, ridicule, character assassination and scientific debunking, Freud has not only survived, but grown into a figure of mythic proportions.
  • Demoralize the enemy from within by surprise, terror, sabotage, assassination. This is the war of the future. Adolf Hitler 
  • Although he claims that ‘indirect assassination’ is not in his nature, this is exactly how he disposes of his superfluous first wife.
  • The campaign was accused of character assassination because of its negative ads.
  • He and his gang were planning to carry out random sectarian assassinations on Catholics in Belfast.
  • The leaders pointed to previous alleged assassination plots based on what they called flimsy evidence.
  • The "dovish" Biden position called for relying primarily on assassination, while the "hawkish" McChrystal stance embraced both assassination and more troops. Fred Branfman: Petraeus Must Go: Mass Assassination of Muslims Threatens Us All
  • Assassination is the extreme form of censorship. 
  • Sarah Bradford is right to spend two-thirds of her quiet, lucid biography on the years before the assassination.
  • A rigged election, ethnic violence, economic dysfunction and now a political assassination -- the crisis in Kenya has hit a sad superfecta. Kenya's Collapse
  • A punting cabbie is a bit stressed when he has to give Holmes a ride, and ends up in the middle of an assassination plot, and loses his ring-in rat terrier. Archive 2007-11-01
  • No one was more grief-stricken by Lincoln's assassination than Stanton, who spoke the imperishable words as the president breathed his last: ‘Now he belongs to the ages.’
  • After the assassination of President Garfield by the "paranoiac The World's Best Orations, Vol. 1 (of 10)
  • The only if was who got to him first: some religious bampot avenging the murder of a priest, or the hired hand of whoever set him up, in accordance with the second rule of assassination. It's October, 1956.
  • Meanwhile on Monday, the EU was questioning Israel about falsified European passports used in the assassination - suspectedly the work of the Mossad. - Front Page
  • They conducted a campaign of bombings and assassinations.
  • Since 1981 after the assassination of Egyptian President Anwar Sadat, Hosni Mubarak of Egypt in charge of the political arena today.
  • Political leaders and heads of state last night paid tribute to a commanding figure who survived both an assassination attempt and a brush with cancer during his time in the Oval Office.
  • However, the attempted character assassination of Margo plumbs new depths and raises wider questions.
  • Three local leaders have been killed in political assassinations.
  • She was a victim of character assassination .
  • Because assassination is an act of war, such activities should always be considered a military operation.
  • It has also raised fears that political assassinations are making a comeback as a way to eliminate opposition figures.
  • following the assassination of Martin Luter King ours was an unquiet nation
  • Within five years, surviving numerous assassination attempts, he managed to convert thousands of Calvinists back to Catholicism.
  • Breton, Surrealism's leader and a past master of character assassination, claimed in the final issue of Minotaure that Dali was a self-confessed racist, and Dali chose not to respond.
  • A gangland war erupts that sees assassination attempts, violent reprisals, and an ever-rising body count.
  • This was Antonio Lozano Gracias, whose appointment as attorney general Zedillo hoped would give the assassination investigations credibility.
  • HE HAS survived two recent assassination attempts and been roundly condemned within his own country for the American-led war on Iraq.
  • George W. Bush strongly condemning what he called the cowardly assassination of Benazir Bhutto. CNN Transcript Dec 27, 2007
  • In 1969, gun-runner Lauren Hall told De Mohrenschildt that he was offered $50,000 to participate in the assassination. SciFi, Fantasy & Horror Collectibles - Part 653
  • During my youth, we were constantly running away from the shelling, bombing, booby-trapped cars and assassinations that the Syrian Army was perpetrating in Lebanon against the Christian population. Assad Has No Friend in Lebanon's Christians
  • He was degraded from his orders, and being even in danger of assassination, took refuge with Douglas of Longniddry, and there remained until the end of 1545
  • Incapable of making any broad appeal, the presidential contenders will resort to electoral fraud, character assassination, chauvinist appeals and outright violence to boost their chances.
  • There is energy there that is readily perceivable, that is different from similar types of psychological/cultural energy that one experiences on one’s own or around the family kitchen table with only 3-5 people; the same sort of group energy exists with a mob, or during a wedding ceremony, a rock concert, a political demonstration, or a national tragedy like JFK’s assassination, or 9/11 and so on. Another Look
  • Israeli sources say they won't abandon assassinations if they get word of what they call a ticking bomb. CNN Transcript Jun 16, 2003
  • The assassinations and executions were to be carried out by agents already in place in the occupied countries or by agents parachuted in specifically for the task.
  • He cut his teeth working for former New Orleans district attorney Jim Garrison on the J.F.K. assassination, and he boasts that he served as former attorney general Ramsey Clark's "Doberman" at Waco. C.S.I. Neverland
  • But this project went unrealized, and after Caesar's assassination he was proscribed by Mark Antony: his library at Casinum was plundered, but he escaped to live the rest of his life in scholarly retirement.
  • A secret CIA operative, he committed 33 assassinations - or so Confessions of a Dangerous Mind would have us believe.
  • Think of John F. Kennedy in the Cuban missile crisis. Or Walter Cronkite during the Kennedy and Martin Luther King Jr. assassinations.
  • But their assassinations and long history of hostage-taking have earned FARC the label terror organization by the U.S. and the European Union. CNN Transcript Jul 3, 2008
  • Lord Acton's erroneous idea, that Ridolfi was employed by Pius V to obtain Elizabeth's assassination, seems to have arisen from a mistranslation of Gabutio's Latin Life of St. Pius in the Bollandists Cecil eventually discovered the intrigue; Norfolk was beheaded, 2 June, 1572, and the Puritans clamoured for Mary's blood, but in this particular Elizabeth would not gratify them. Mary Queen of Scots
  • The defence lawyer attempted a character assassination of the witness .
  • They are already serving prison sentences for their part in the assassination.
  • The context is that a pill popping fascist gasbag who popularized hatespin and character assassination is getting a taste of his own medicine.
  • “I find your use of the word assassination rather amusing,” snarled Rudin. Vince Flynn Collectors’ Edition #2
  • ‡ Sarajevo was the site of the assassination in 1914 of Austrian Archduke Francis Ferdinand, which sparked World War I. 2 Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Sarcastro: This kind of institutional Governmental incompetence is why we need to privatize assassination! The Volokh Conspiracy » Assassination, Self-Defense, and the Koh Speech
  • Piper added that the Mossad role alongside certain Mossad-allied elements was the 'missing link that explained the entirety of the assassination conspiracy of John Kennedy.' Daimnation!: Blood money
  • In Bolivia, three foreign nationals were killed and two arrested in what the Bolivian government called a thwarted assassination plot on President Evo Morales. Democracy Now!
  • The only way to stop these "narcotic assassinations" is to take out drug gangs through long-term narcotics operations, Mr. McCarthy said. Newark's Top Cop Faces Hurdles
  • It concerned the assassination of foreign leaders from a philosophical point of view.
  • After slyly gaining entrance to the castle and accidentally saving the king from an assassination attempt, he is given prestige and title by the thankful ruler.
  • Four months later, in June, the assassination of an archduke in the Balkans led to World War I, which has also been called “the Third Balkan War.” Bloodlust
  • Surprised to be given a presidential pardon six years later, he is unaware that the CIA pressed for his release so as to enable other countries' assassination squads to eliminate him.
  • But Castro stood up to everything the Yanquis threw his way: a CIA-trained exile army foiled at the Bay of Pigs in 1961, numerous assassination attempts, a US embargo that is still in effect.
  • She was a victim of character assassination .
  • By the end of the year there were 129 killings, murders, assassinations, crossfire victims, accidents and unexplained deaths.
  • Oliver Stone, operating under a hail of criticism, was finishing a revisionist movie about the Kennedy assassination.
  • The Americans have not executed prisoners in retaliation for assassinations.
  • There are systematic assassinations of policemen, translators, local officials, and anybody associated with the occupiers.
  • The first oil shocks and gas-station lines in peacetime history; the first presidential resignation ever; assassinations and riots; failing schools; failing industries; polarized politics; vulgarized culture; polluted air and water; divisive and inconclusive wars. How America Can Rise Again
  • Israel Defense Force Sayeret Matkal Branch — Sayeret Matkal is a deep-penetration unit that has been involved in assassinations, the theft of foreign (US) defense, financial, industrial and diplomatic secrets and the theft and destruction of foreign weapons and research facilities. Now You Can Be Sure: Jews Did 9/11 | Disinformation
  • His latest film is a dramatization of events leading up to the assassination of a heroic reporter in 1996.
  • As an indicator of forcible suppression it often appears in charts associated with assassinations (but not necessarily for the actual moment of such deeds).
  • Hi Woonsocket or Sean Hanity or Glen Beck, you are obviously a frightwing plant trying pathetically to restage the election (which is over) sorry, by bringing up lame character assassinations already vetted out by the american people during the years long election season. CNN Poll: Americans mostly agree with Obama on Afghanistan
  • The ballet begins in Egypt with Cleopatra luxuriating in her bath, and swiftly moves on to her quick-witted evasion of an assassination attempt by her brother to her triumphant seduction of Caesar and decampment to Rome.
  • Great public assassinations, political and religious butcheries, traverse this underground passage of civilization, and thrust their corpses there. Les Miserables
  • The assassinations seemed indiscriminate, unconscionable, and wild, but they were never mindless.
  • I'm not an assassination buff, so by the time we are delving into the motives and whereabouts of suspects 7 and 8, I'm needily eyeing one of the many cappuccino places we pass on the way to our final destination, Lafayette Square. Reenactors turn history into theater across D.C. area
  • Assassination is the extreme form of censorship. 
  • They are already serving prison sentences for their part in the assassination.
  • Democracy under the Republic was decaying to the point at which political assassination was a commonplace.
  • But all aerial bombardments, offensive raids, ambushes and assassinations are to come to a halt, he said.
  • You gotta remember that Dick Cheney, who is still one of the top "capos" in America's economic mafia, has been America's self-anointed assassination king for the last eight years The Smirking Chimp - News And Commentary from the Vast Left-Wing Conspiracy
  • For beyond-the-pale rhetoric it's hard to beat Carry Nation, the God-fearing temperance zealot she used a hatchet (and hammers, rocks and bricks) to attack saloons in the first decade of the 20th century who celebrated the assassination of President William O. McKinley in 1901 by calling him a "whey-faced tool of Republican thieves, rummies and devils. Temperance Tantrum
  • When I first heard Pentagon newspeak refer to assassination as ‘decapitation,’ I naturally thought of Charles I and Louis XVI.
  • The assassination also has great implications for President Hamid Karzai personally, compounding his sense of vulnerability as he sees the world beyond the walls of the Arg Palace closing in on his power and perhaps survival. Vanda Felbab-Brown: Implications of the Assassinations of Prominent Politicians in Afghanistan
  • In AD 656, after the assassination of Uthman, the third caliph, Ali ascended to the caliphate.
  • Famed treasure-hunter (in Hollywood, this, along with "tomb raider," is a synonym for "archaeologist") Ben Gates (Nicolas Cage) has just received shocking news: a shady antiquities collector (Ed Harris) has evidence that an ancestor of Gates conspired in the assassination of President Lincoln. Movie Review: National Treasure: Book of Secrets
  • The assassination of Anwar Sadat in 1981 by an Islamic extremist led to a crackdown and the banning of Islamic political parties across the Arab world.
  • Did you get any indication from the Israelis that they would stop what you call assassinations, what they call targeted killings? CNN Transcript Jun 15, 2003
  • He lives in constant fear of assassination.
  • The criminal underworld was considering hiring foreign hit-men for a possible assassination attempt.
  • As rebels challenging pro-Qaddafi forces struggled to regroup around the oil port of Brega, and the roar of allied warplanes was heard again over the capital, residents reacted in shock at the defection of Foreign Minister Moussa Koussa, a close ally of Colonel Qaddafi's since the early days of the revolution, who once earned the nickname "envoy of death" for his role in the assassinations of earlier Libyan defectors. NYT > Home Page
  • In exchange for their hospitality received from Rei's father, the two women trained Rei in the ninjutsu art of Shinobiyaka Hitokiri, which loosely translates loosely to Stealthy / Secret Assassination.
  • All killings, all maimings, all arrogant demolishions of people's homes, all assassinations, all bombings, all suicide attacks, all aerial slaugherings, all tank cannonades, all invasions are inherently wrong.
  • Even after the assassination, it was by no means predetermined that war would result.
  • Vietnam was not the first American war where a significant number of officers were killed by their own men, but it was the only war that produced a verb describing the action: to "frag," because the preferred weapon for assassination was the fragmentation grenade, ubiquitous and impossible to trace. 1968
  • Sarah Bradford is right to spend two-thirds of her quiet, lucid biography on the years before the assassination.
  • A U.N. tribunal is investigating the 2005 assassination of former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafiq al-Hariri. Hezbollah Slams UN Report on Lebanon
  • The love passages are pauses in a course of violent action, the assassination of Rizzio, the murder of Darnley are not overcoloured melodramatically, and the scenes in and about the Studies in Literature and History
  • Then an elaborate plot was hatched to concoct the perfect assassination of the world leader.
  • Although I grew up in Delhi hearing about riots in Moradabad, Aligarh, Meerut, and old Delhi, the closest I came to witnessing them was during the 1984 Sikh riots in Delhi following the assassination of then-Prime Minister Indira Gandhi. Kavita N. Ramdas: Reflections from a Colleague - Justice and Community Building
  • The Muslim Brotherhood, Egypt's most powerful Islamist political group, condemned what it called the assassination of Mr. bin Laden in a statement distributed to reporters on Monday. World Cheers Bin Laden Killing, Prepares for Strikes
  • Assassination is the extreme form of censorship. 
  • They can see them boobing their speculations about indefensible targets from station to station on television, or read articles like Garwin's to replenish their strategies of mass assassination. 'Facing Up to Things'
  • the AUC conducted over 800 assassinations in one year
  • These paramilitary squads might engage in assassinations or kidnappings.
  • Just as a note, on the blog linked at inkspot (on the O&B post), our old “friend” Danny boy uses almost identical language to Steve Bloom, deriding amateurs, claiming that this blog indulges in character assassination etc (which is a real hoot, imagine Mr Character Assassination himself moaning about it). National Academies Panel on Temperature Reconstruction « Climate Audit
  • As for ‘violence’, a very popular topic in the echolalist edifying ‘discourses’, the one they know best but never write about is character assassination and back-stabbing.
  • After the assassination of Julius Caesar and seizure of power by the Second Triumvirate, Brutus and Cassius were left commanding republican forces in the east.
  • Sunday's assault is the latest in a string of regional attacks that have included the assassination of several high-profile officials, including Mr. Karzai's half-brother and the mayor of Kandahar city in neighboring Kandahar province. 12 Police, Child Killed in Southern Afghanistan Suicide Blast
  • The period between 1870 and 1914 witnessed intensifying nationalistic and imperial rivalries in Europe, culminating with the assassination of the Archduke Francis Ferdinand and the outbreak of World War I in 1914. 10. World History since 1550
  • the original Jihad was responsible for the assassination of Anwar Sadat in 1981
  • One of the arguments it Amuses me to use with people who believe that guns are both inherently evil and somehow self-willed is that there are far more guns in private hands in America now than at almost any time in the past, people seem to be less civil than ever, we find out more often than ever about how utterly wretchedly some politicians treat the citizenry, yet political assassination is less common now than ever it was. The Volokh Conspiracy » The Bad Old Days
  • There have always been many unanswered questions about the assassination of Martin Luther King.
  • Pretoria refuses demands for judicial inquiry into assassination squads De Klerk reformist image suffers as cover-up feared.
  • Marcellinus, or rather his continuator, (in Chron.,) casts a shade of premeditated assassination over the death of Constantine. The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • And then, Biggie turns the leaf and achieves a kind of artifical cloture right on the eve of his assassination. Who Else Seen the Leprechaun Say “Haaaaay!”?
  • Or is that beneath the grandeur of UNC Law Professors – unlike secret phone call assassinations? Blog Articles » Print » “Is That Legal?” admits repressing!
  • If Moylan was correct, this goes some way toward explaining the puzzle of the timing of McGee's assassination.
  • After a series of assassination attempts, Wirz was forced to make most of his journey to Washington in disguise: clean-shaven, and in a black suit and beaver hat.
  • ANKARA (Reuters) - The man who tried to kill Pope John Paul II, Mehmet Ali Agca, was released from prison in the Turkish capital Ankara on Monday, nearly 30 years after the assassination attempt in St. Peter's Square. Latest News - Yahoo!7 News
  • As with the JFK assassination, people fallaciously assume that such a momentous event must have involved an elite team of professionals tied to some mysterious organization with possible international connections. The Volokh Conspiracy » Timothy McVeigh Was No Libertarian: The Fallacy of Conflating Two Very Different Types of “Anti-Government” Movements
  • But the star had been brooding on his own mortality since the assassination of President John F Kennedy three years earlier.
  • The President's half-brothers, have all served as ministers and have ordered the assassination of their fellow countrymen abroad and repressed local uprisings and religious and ethnic minorities.
  • There are numerous recent cases of character assassination and reputation assault that would discourage any sane person from accepting high government appointment.
  • Going by the rage and anger that the assassination has sparked, the world should brace itself for more violence and bloodletting.
  • The book is a wild sci-fi ride: human clones, recorded human memories, a villain bent on global chaos, lots automatic gunfire, presidential assassinations ... it's an action-packed hoot. An Interview with Innovative Author J.C. Hutchins
  • A young student in 1984, he maintains Blue Star and the massacres after Indira Gandhi's assassination created a religious revival among British Sikhs.
  • His good fortune in surviving subsequent assassination attempts increased his belief in his divine protection.
  • Second, you must submit to a two-and-a-half year purgatory of character assassination and blatant distortion of your record as a public official.
  • In one 12-hour period, assassination attempts were mounted on as many as five politicians from a moderate party.
  • Article 23b of the Hague Regulations, signed by the U.S. and other nations in 1907, prohibits assassination, proscription, or outlawry of an enemy, or putting a price upon an enemy's head, as well as offering a reward for an enemy 'dead or alive'. Blake Fleetwood: Did We Save Bin Laden From a "Fate Worse Than Death"?
  • One of the terrible facts about assassinations that Loughner seems to have grasped is that you can't commit one without becoming an "assassin" -- a boldface, tri-partite name that gets slung down through history. Giffords shooter Jared Lee Loughner's YouTube message to the world
  • The day of the assassination bid was also the feast of Our Lady of Fatima.
  • BLITZER: Is he, though, a legitimate target for what they call targeted assassination -- the leader of Hezbollah? CNN Transcript Jul 16, 2006
  • There are numerous recent cases of character assassination and reputation assault that would discourage any sane person from accepting high government appointment.
  • [21] I might also mention the sentiment of Count Conigsmarck, who allowed, that the barbarous assassination of Mr. Thynne by his bravoes was a slain on his blood, but such a one as a good action in the wars, or a lodging on a counterscarp, would easily wash out. The Dramatic Works of John Dryden
  • Malcolm modified his views toward integration shortly before his assassination on February 21, l965.
  • They shot ten hostages in reprisal for the assassination of their leader.
  • A full-scale character assassination of the dead woman got underway in the tabloid press.
  • Not only that, they are more likely to take bribes, sleep their way to the top, steal the ideas of a colleague and pass them off as their own or to resort to character assassination.
  • Aleksei Petrov, one of the most striking and mysterious figures from Bulgaria's 20-year transition, walked into the court-room on crutches due to what he called a trauma from a 2002 assassination attempt. (Sofia News Agency)
  • Let me be your cynical advocatus diaboli and put it this way: Hitler survived 42 assassination attepts – Lincoln not even one. Difference Between Theists, Agnostics and Atheists | My[confined]Space
  • As far as Hamlet was concerned, revenging a death was the best reason for an assassination.
  • Jackson has spent his last three albums in a spitting rage about perceived harassment, character assassination and general obloquy.
  • It was a 10-minute homage to himself, sonorously narrated by Gregory Peck and made on the orders of the White House staff to introduce the new president to a sceptical public after Kennedy's assassination.
  • Not a generation, the boomers, to heed Homer, who advised, "Best not to be born, or to die young"; or for that matter Xen o phon's Socrates, who submits to death tranquilly because he thinks it preferable to old age which Trotsky, before meeting with death through assassination by ice pick, called "the most unexpected thing of all that happens to man". Nobody Gets Out of Here Alive
  • But does this justify the character assassination in which Grassley et al have engaged?
  • And I couldn't wait to say that it could be misconstrued as a hatred for someone who they want to berate, which is tantamount to character assassination, because of race, culture and the color of their skin. In Defense of Manny Pacquiao
  • Earlier injuries would be crucial in identifying Uday, who was hit by 17 bullets in an assassination attempt in 1996 that left him with a limp.
  • They condoned actions such as assassinations, bombs without warnings and the summary execution of informers and traitors.
  • We've also heard of several more abductions and now assassinations.
  • Julius Caesar's assassination in 44 BC was followed by the development of imperial rule, headed by the first emperor, Augustus.
  • In this context, Israel must end the siege imposed on the Palestinian people and withdraw its forces to positions occupied on September 28, 2000, and hold assassinations and the repeated incursions in the territories under the control of the Palestinian Authority, and immediately halt all settlement activities in the occupied territoried, including the illegal confiscation of land and the expansion of settlements under the pretext of natural growth or any other consideration. CNN Transcript Jun 8, 2002
  • The bulldoggish Wallace himself candidly told reporters two years after the gunshots had paralyzed his legs and confined him to a wheelchair: "I think my attempted assassination was part of a conspiracy. Freezerbox Magazine
  • U.S. ‘Personality Assassination 'of a Palestinian Ally yahooBuzzArticleHeadline =' U.S. ‘Personality Assassination\ 'of a Palestinian Ally'; yahooBuzzArticleSummary = 'Article: The UN\'s goldstone report has backfired, putting the survival of Mahmud Abbas at risk, due to the Obama administration\'s handling of diplomacy.' U.S. ���Personality Assassination' of a Palestinian Ally
  • Rodrigo arranged his own assassination, supplied a DVD postlude to the masses via YouTube & social media, begged his country, Enough Guatemala, Enough! Kingdom of the blind
  • Prior to his assassination, he had proclaimed that Guinea-Bissau would declare its independence from Portugal in that year.
  • There are a few supposedly respectable academics who have gone way out there in conspiracy theory, but I would say that most of them are kind of gumshoes, amateurs, and people who probably were impacted by the assassination. A Single Bullet
  • An old-fashioned movie camera captured the most famous pictures in the citizen-media genre:the assassination of President John F. Kennedy in Dallas, Texas on November 22, 1963.
  • Don DeLillo's reconstruction of Lee Harvey Oswald and the Kennedy assassination in Libra (1988) is one example. Confusion and Turbulence
  • a look back at the jfk assassination* roscoe museum displays one-of-a-kind jfk artifacts* dallas marks 45th anniversary of jfk assassination* huckabee to present dan rather talking about jfk assassination* former dallas sheriff jim bowles pens novel about jfk assassination* remembering jfk in dallas* jfk assassination viewed from the periphery in arresting new novel* jfk conspiracies: should we care? Media monarchy
  • The attempted assassination was an act both of expiation and of restitution.
  • Dr. Mark Stegeman's character assassination of our MAS department teachers is most troubling to me and I feel it is out-and-out evil," Gonzalez said. Jeff Biggers: Groundswell Calls for School Board President Resignation in Arizona Ethnic Studies Debacle
  • The film also recalls the elaborate assassination methods, secret passages and underground lairs that were typical of Rohmer's contemporary Edgar Wallace, who inspired the then popular series of Krimi films in Germany.
  • A full-scale character assassination of the dead woman got underway in the tabloid press.
  • The assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand, heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne, at Sarajevo on June 28 by a member of a secret society of Serbian nationalists provided the chance. Armistice Day 2 0 0 5
  • His good fortune in surviving subsequent assassination attempts increased his belief in his divine protection.
  • fated to be the scene of Kennedy's assassination
  • The assassination, despite its sorry outcome and the waves of harsh criticism against their country that it stirred, aroused in some Israelis a counterreaction of proud patriotism. Ronen Bergman: The Price of Vanity
  • Immediately after the assassination he raced from Montreal to New York, where he was closeted in a five-hour locked-door meeting.
  • She would like an investigation into the assassination of her husband.
  • It may occur to some hypercritical person to suggest that the English language has frequently been murdered in my den, and that it is its horrid corse which is playing havoc at my home, crying out to heaven and flaunting its bloody wounds in the face of my conscience, but I can pass such an aspersion as that by with contemptuous silence, for even if it were true it could not be set down as wilful assassination on my part, since no sane person who needs a language as much as I do would ever in cold blood kill any one of the many that lie about us. Ghosts I Have Met and Some Others
  • First, Captain Kangaroo was preempted by coverage of the assassination and my parents were so shook-up that they stood around the televison for what seemed like days on end. 'Letters to Jackie' captures a nation's anguish
  • Moreover, tyrannicide is intrinsically interesting, involving as it does political assassination or attempted assassination.
  • She received a letter from Sir Anthony Babington, asking for her to approve "the dispatch of the usurping Competitor" – in other words, the assassination of Elizabeth.
  • But this has been a race so full of surprises, spectacular flameouts and now an alleged assassination attempt that no one is writing the final script just yet. Niall O'Dowd: The Irish Presidential Race Becomes a Gripping Soap Opera
  • I wouldn't take this to the bank: Freedom's Phoenix also hints that Barack Obama may be involved in the Kennedy assassination cover up, and that MRI brain scans can detect a tendency to "freeload" that could then be corrected through medical intervention. Archive 2009-09-01
  • in 1968 ETA launched a campaign of political assassinations of government officials
  • The sect did use assassination as a highly effective weapon, however, against other Persian groups.
  • A full-scale character assassination of the dead woman got underway in the tabloid press.
  • This kind of institutional Governmental incompetence is why we need to privatize assassination! The Volokh Conspiracy » Assassination, Self-Defense, and the Koh Speech
  • Bush has refused to authorize an assassination attempt, though there have been U.S. efforts to "decapitate" the Iraqi leadership through air raids on Baghdad bunkers. 'His Head On A Plate'
  • We've also heard of several more abductions and now assassinations.
  • Restaurant launch puts my family feud in the past, says Ramsay Gordon Ramsay pledges to put the 'baggage' of his feud with his father-in-law behind him at the launch of his new London restaurant Amanda Knox 'is a diabolical she-devil' Amanda Knox was subjected to a fierce character assassination as she was described as a 'diabolical, satanic, demonic she-devil,' by a... Evening Standard - Home
  • The assassination could do serious damage to the fragile peace agreement that was signed last month.
  • They have turned character assassination into a state-of-the-art enterprise to get big ratings.
  • The rest were drawn, or abandoned because of bad weather, crowd trouble, or assassination.
  • The assassination was in reprisal for invasion.
  • Horrocks, a salvager and the King's former bodyguard, is called upon by the Queen to find the missing King who's gone into hiding after a failed assassination attempt that took the life of one of his sons. REVIEW: Counterfeit Kings by Adam Connell
  • BRENT SADLER, CNN BEIRUT BUREAU CHIEF (voice-over): The somber aftermath of Lebanon's latest political assassination, the body of young cabinet minister Pierre Gemayel is carried through the streets of his Christian ancestral home outside Beirut. CNN Transcript Nov 22, 2006

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