How To Use Assail In A Sentence

  • This case for a belief module is far from unassailable, and indeed every one of these prongs is still vigorously disputed, but the whole picture is compelling.
  • From the dark streets of the city, whether lit by a single streetlamp or brazenly flashing neon signs, to the desolate coastline, where Marlowe is first blackjacked by an unknown assailant, there is no safe haven from disorder and danger. Caught in the Crossfire: Adrian Scott and the Politics of Americanism in 1940s Hollywood
  • The victim was unable to give many details about her assailant because the attack was over in seconds.
  • Yet the potential role of friendly bacteria in promoting digestive health is becoming increasingly unassailable. Times, Sunday Times
  • The students assailed the speaker with questions.
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  • According to first findings, the guard was shot down with eight or nine bullets from a machine gun fired by an unknown number of assailants who had approached him.
  • Rather Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko and former Prime Minister Viktor Yanukovych, both discernably more open to Russian influence than Yushchenko (who was poisoned by unidentified assailants on the occasion of his last run for President), will face each other in the runoff. Christopher Herbert and Victoria Kataoka: Foreign Affairs Roundup
  • Unlike the buccaneers, who had fired high to cripple their enemies above decks, the French fifed low to smash the hull of their assailant. Captain Blood
  • The loss of the barbican had also this unfortunate effect, that, notwithstanding the superior height of the castle walls, the besieged could not see from them, with the same precision as before, the operations of the enemy; for some straggling underwood approached so near the sallyport of the outwork, that the assailants might introduce into it whatever force they thought proper, not only under cover, but even without the knowledge of the defenders. Ivanhoe
  • Stepping out of the wooden portals, your nostrils are assailed by the pungent smell of leaf-wrapped dosai.
  • So, on any test of scrutiny or deference, there is no arguable reason for suggesting that this point of the claimant makes the determination assailable.
  • But he was built of loyalty and unsuspicion; and though for a mere second a fear assailed him that the old lady was about to charge Reuben with playing his daughter false, he scouted the fancy hotly. Aunt Rachel
  • This was a particularly risky means of concluding a siege as the attackers using ladders would be continually assailed from above on their climb up the walls.
  • In addition, those who make false claims usually say the assailant was unknown to them. Christianity Today
  • I grabbed my assailant, yelled very loudly and he dropped my phone. Times, Sunday Times
  • He said he left the house and ran around the block, which is shaped like a horseshoe, looking for the women's assailants.
  • Sauce: Heaping containerful Dijon Mustard (I misused intact caryopsis condiment) 2 tablespoons canola oil 2 tablespoons vinegar and citrus Garlic of garlic pauses Litter containerful (if you can not use honey) Seasoner and assail Impertinent Abandon, yellowness juice Preserved almonds gently; One-third cup slivered almonds Teaspoon canola oil Teaspoon abolitionist dulcify Compound: 1. UH Watch
  • Nowadays, partisans on one side of the aisle mercilessly assail their opponents as nefarious ideologues bent on the destruction of the nation, while claiming the sacred mantle of the Founding Fathers as exclusively their own. Morgan Pehme: Strip Politics: A Cure for Incivility
  • England took an unassailable 2-1 lead in Melbourne last week. Times, Sunday Times
  • Oudin overcame Julie Coin 7-6 (7-3), 6-4 in just over two hours Sunday to give the Americans an unassailable 3-0 lead. Oudin wins to give USA spot in Fed Cup semifinals
  • Putting aside the hugely significant issues of the native Americans and African slaves whose rights were obliterated, the United States was built upon the promise of the unassailability of individual rights. THE STORY OF STUFF
  • Tiny though she was compared with her assailant, she fought like a wildcat.
  • A bolt struck one of the assailants in the neck and nearly decapitated him.
  • When he turned back to Sinclair, his face was impassive, the Eton sang-froid unassailable. THE SCAR
  • A history like this and it took them 40 odd years to get rid of the Red Army; probably too busy wassailing to notice, I shouldn't wonder.
  • I am assailed by disappointment, no one will endeavour to sustain me in dejection.
  • ‘No Bop Hop Scop Blues’ was a band original that caustically assailed the emerging bebop intrusion on the jazz scene.
  • It is Pip who looks assailed by doubts. DOVES OF WAR: Four Women of Spain
  • The assailant had been her boyfriend for a few years prior to the attack. Everyday Violence
  • No wonder he remained to be a stranger to everyone else for no one dared or risked taking a step into such a place filled with horrors and terrors that only the Shadow Assailant knew of.
  • As regards the ratio of the Shah Bano case, it was indeed unassailable.
  • It gets all the time the assail of bourgeois scholar.
  • Here, brother Sancho Panza," said Don Quixote when he saw it, "we may plunge our hands up to the elbows in what they call adventures; but observe, even shouldst thou see me in the greatest danger in the world, thou must not put a hand to thy sword in my defence, unless indeed thou perceivest that those who assail me are rabble or base folk; for in that case thou mayest very properly aid me; but if they be knights it is on no account permitted or allowed thee by the laws of knighthood to help me until thou hast been dubbed a knight. The History of Don Quixote, Volume 1, Complete
  • They were made from c. 1660 but were probably intended for punch or wassail like their treen counterparts.
  • The assailant was reportedly wrestled to the ground by a passing motorist. Times, Sunday Times
  • She is assailed by self-doubt and emotional insecurity.
  • The age range of assailants further suggests that this was not a crime confined to young men.
  • Her husband was assailed by a young man with a knife in a Glasgow park.
  • An informer who denounces someone to the government to be killed, imprisoned, or even fined is likened to an assailant, since being arrested can be a dangerous and traumatic experience.
  • She is always assailed by self-doubt and emotional insecurity.
  • Through watery eyes, she squinted to see who her assailant was.
  • These various cries of the assailants, contradicting each other, showed their irresolution; while Richard, his foot still on the archducal banner, glared round him with an eye that seemed to seek an enemy, and from which the angry nobles shrunk appalled, as from the threatened grasp of a lion. The Talisman
  • impugned" means to assail by words or arguments, oppose or attack as false or lacking integrity. Brownsville Herald :
  • But from a general view the status of the junior adventure story is unassailable.
  • From that shelter they suddenly appeared and began the attack, so that the guards were neither able to use the engine called the ballista (for these engines do not send their missiles except straight out), nor, indeed, could they ward off their assailants with their arrows, since the situation was against them on account of the large shields. Procopius History of the Wars, Books V. and VI.
  • Oh, buffalo!" she exclaimed, clapping her hands, while Little An stared in horror and absolutely beat his forehead with his fists, and the hapless victim struggled helplessly, distracted and outraged - for I have my dignity, dammit, and I bar being unbreeched and assailed by opium-sodden houris, however be-witching, without even a by-your-leave. Flashman And The Dragon
  • And although the English will no lesse disdaine, than any Nation under heaven can doe, to be beaten upon their owne ground or elsewhere by a forraigne enemie; yet to entertaine those that shall assaile us, with their owne beefe in their bellies, and before they eate of our Kentish Capons, I take to be the wisest way. Operation Sea Lion
  • The two of them are seemingly set on assailing the South African population on as many fronts as possible.
  • It's a general description of nineteenth-century English Christmas customs, including wassailing and guising, apparently taken from published accounts.
  • Gardaí said the assailants wore balaclavas and motorcycle helmets and made their getaway on a black motorcycle.
  • Now the theory runs that one or more assailants killed the poor fellow in a two-day running fight.
  • We are in a cheap restaurant in a middle-of-nowhere town in Nevada that just happens to have one, unassailable attraction.
  • Why do the vast tribes of India, deceived and enslaved by the bonzes, trampled upon by the descendant of a Tartar, bowed down by labor, groaning in misery, assailed by diseases, and a mark for all the scourges and plagues of life, still fondly cling to that life? A Philosophical Dictionary
  • As the old patterns die in their minds and the new ones begin to take shape, people are assailed by self-doubt and misgivings about their leaders.
  • In many quarters there was a clamour for "practical" studies, and the old classical course was decried as useless, or merely ornamental; its very foundation, the theory of mental or formal discipline, well expressed in the term gymnasium for classical schools in Germany, has been vigorously assailed, but not disproved. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 4: Clandestinity-Diocesan Chancery
  • A little further ahead, the strong smell of leather assailed the nostrils and the eyes were greeted with the sight of handbags, purses, wallets, key-chains and stuff like that.
  • Were their science as unassailable as they insist it is, and were the consensus as broad as they say it is, and were they as brave as they claim to be, they would not be "goaded" into intellectual corruption. Local News
  • After playing porously and leaving the Eagles trailing by 17-0 in the previous two games, Philadelphia's defense regained its familiar unassailability.
  • The wind is blustering through the trees outside, and every so often assails the outside walls of my house as if testing their fortitude.
  • The stench currently assailing your nostrils is a fish rotting from the head down.
  • Social hymenoptera, for example, will sting an assailant to their hive.
  • He bellowed in pain yet managed to struggle to his feet, fending off his assailant before collapsing. Times, Sunday Times
  • Israel failed to win firm pledge that Moscow Halt Advanced Weapons sales to Syria. obaid karki an outcast underdog libertarian diogenesist kabbalist spinoziste qutbist pantheon hexalingual automath former uae under secretary independent street-knowledge urban talking-head. unaffiliated to a state, an organized religion group, a sect or a kin and an anti tribal gentile. administration plans to revamp rescue plan american arrested near pakistani border americans face wide spectrum of money problems apparently drown in hawaii's 3 tourists high surf apple aims to defy gravity asia markets: tokyo stocks surge over 12%; financials on fire asia markets: tokyo takes off as trading resumes, nikkei up 13% asian stocks soar after us rally asia-pacific extends world market rebound assailants attack us consulate in mexico at indian call centers, another view of us australia plans $7.4 billion to boost economy australia plans us$7. 4 billion to boost economy australia unveils $7.4 billion fiscal stimulus plan austria: 'horror dad' trial likely delayed until 2009 bailout sit-down: treasury, fed and major wall street players meet bailout, part two ballmer's luck in yahoo failure gives microsoft nice miss 'as stock slips banco santander to take over sovereign bancorp in $1. 9-billion deal boeing talks with striking machinists break down boeing, machinists halt talks on ending 5-week strike boeing: contract talks with machinists off again budget cuts force rhode island to scrimp on services bush to announce $250b bank share buy-up bush to announce expanded bank bailout - Business News
  • UNRWA reported that yesterday (3 Feb 2009) Hamas armed assailants took at gunpoint 3500 blankets and 406 food parcels from the UNRWA distribution center at the beach refugee camp (Shati). The Volokh Conspiracy » Greenwald and Gaza
  • He had made it abundantly clear that he regarded his rights as unassailable.
  • The local custom of apple-tree wassailing might be of interest to either group after its mention in the bestselling novel set in Herefordshire.
  • Many were convinced of Thornton's guilt and he was assailed in local and London newspapers.
  • Racial diversity has been put forward by many liberals and conservatives as an unassailable goal.
  • The crowd became angry and quickly began assailing the police.
  • He surged into a seemingly unassailable lead and looked home, if not dry. Times, Sunday Times
  • Eric obediently hands over his wallet; the drunk friend subsides into a stupor; but Ike Marcus gets "chesty," confronting their assailants with the brave and foolhardy formula "Not tonight, my man. In Priceland
  • Perched on a rock precipice, the site is unassailable from three sides, with a vertiginous 1000 feet drop at one end.
  • The victim had been assailed with repeated blows to the head and body.
  • Rather than present a biting satirical assailment on religion, I shall present a puerile, lowbrow rant on religion's younger brother, cult worship.
  • I have been robbed at gunpoint only to watch the assailants walk away scot-free. At Veto Announcement, McGinn Says He’ll “Accelerate” Neighborhood Policing Even Without Additional Officers « PubliCola
  • China are in an almost unassailable position at the top of the table, with medals for table tennis still to be handed out. Times, Sunday Times
  • When it is mingled with black bile and dispersed about the courses of the head, which are the divinest part of us, the attack if coming on in sleep, is not so severe; but when assailing those who are awake it is hard to be got rid of, and being an affection of a sacred part, is most justly called sacred. Timaeus
  • First of all, the otherwise-unassailable movie (Orson Welles, Leonard Nimoy, Judd Nelson and Robert Stack — what could possibly go wrong?) introduced a thoroughly assailable character in Wheelie, a pre-pubescent robot man-child who talks in rhymes and turns into a bubbly alien car. The 5 most disappointing Transformer toys
  • Police said the assailants cornered him in the yard and ripped off two gold chains and a pendant valued $4,000.
  • Khan, (the Khasmahul's son-in-law,) and others of equal rank, all in loud terms admonished the assailants, and demanded the surrender of the children, but all were alike unheeded. A Journey through the Kingdom of Oude, Volumes I & II
  • GO: Just as driving while intoxicated poses a moral and legal dilemma, regardless of whether or not you crash into someone, the act of driving drunk is unacceptable and justifiably assailable behavior. An Interview with George Orwell & Paddy Chayefsky: Part 2 of 2 - Jaffer Ali - MediaBizBloggers
  • Who is here playing the overseer over white men -- who but he, who is throwing his filthy gall and assailing everybody as Northern Whig Dough-faces, and what he calls the vile slave-holders? Lands of the Slave and the Free Cuba, the United States, and Canada
  • Around midday, immaculately groomed horses appear, ridden by Antonio Banderas lookalikes wearing broad-brimmed hats and expressions of unassailable superiority.
  • He could have given England a probably unassailable two-goal lead.
  • Captain Graeme Smith wow power leveling hit a fluent 75 as his side successfully passed a world of warcraft gold modest victory target of 183 on the final day at the MCG to take an wow powerleveling unassailable 2-0 lead. Blog Against Disphobia / Disablism
  • When assailed it grunts like a pig, hence its Telegu name _Pandi-koku_, from which the word bandicoot is derived. Natural History of the Mammalia of India and Ceylon
  • Suddenly, they were assailed by a much more disquieting voice. THE LAST PARTY: Britpop, Blair and the demise of English rock
  • Police said Tuesday that the people fatally shot on Christmas Day by a man dressed as Santa Claus included his estranged wife, their two teenage children and three other family members in what they described as a planned assault that ended when the assailant killed himself. Wife and Children Among Victims of Shooter in Santa Suit, Police Say
  • On Fifth and Sixth Avenues, cutting the length of Manhattan, are gauntlets of flag-sellers assailing vehicles at every stop light.
  • The alleged assailant was caught on a nearby beach and arrested. Times, Sunday Times
  • Although their 2-1 lead is unassailable, they have not yet won the series. Times, Sunday Times
  • They put away their coats and sat in the living room sipping wassail.
  • A handful of people seated in a campus auditorium on Wednesday assailed Gingrich for what they called a "callous attitude toward poor people. The Seattle Times
  • Labour's Ovine & Bovine really should pay attentionto this in The Times - though I daresay they are somewhat distracted by the pungent whiff of the abattoir which must be assailing their collective nostrilsat the moment. A Painful Lesson From A Brussels Vet
  • It is Pip who looks assailed by doubts. DOVES OF WAR: Four Women of Spain
  • So last night, over my Red Chicken Curry, I was verbally assailed by the diner to my left, who stated that cryonic freezing as a parachute option in the event of one's own death was ‘arrogant’.
  • The importance here aligned to Babylon and her fall, the express mention of Elam and Media, _v_. 2, as her assailants, and the description of Jehovah's people as "threshed" point unmistakably to the last years of the exile, after the rise of Cyrus in 549, and before the fall of Babylon in 538, so that the passage cannot be from Isaiah. Introduction to the Old Testament
  • It just goes to show that for all the Falstaffian wassail, there's nothing quite like a gory shank from nave to chaps to get the punters in.
  • She was then grabbed from behind and assaulted by a mystery assailant.
  • The acrid smoke, the heat of the air and the screams of the injured assailed my senses. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the winter of 1865 he fell into a highly nervous condition, in the midst of which he was assailed by a malarious fever which brought him within sight of the grave. Henrik Ibsen
  • In January, assailants sprayed the building with bullets, shattering doors and windows.
  • That day they made none assault, but the next morning they blew their horns and made ready to assail the castle, which was strong, for it stood in the marish. Chronicle and Romance (The Harvard Classics Series)
  • At the request of Mr Leesong trespass orders have been served on the assailant and her accomplice.
  • Before the last elections, lawmakers of both parties were on their hind legs assailing these traitors, promising action!
  • Indiana was handed out by her new adorer, the young baronet; and Eugenia was assisted by her new assailer, the young nobleman. Camilla
  • Nightmares assailed him regularly
  • But the rhetoric of colonial unassailability that they developed was short lived. The Allure of the Same: Robert Southey's Welsh Indians and the Rhetoric of Good Colonialism
  • Hurrah!" shouted Seth Allport, his ringing voice making itself heard above the sound of the rushing water and the echoing chorus of the men's cheers; but, an instant after, his exclamation of delight was changed to one of dismay, as a flight of arrows and the ping of rifle bullets whistled around the party, while the dread war-whoop of their Indian assailants burst forth in all its shrill discordancy. Picked up at Sea The Gold Miners of Minturne Creek
  • Despite an intensive police search, neither the attacker nor his two assailants were found.
  • To be "unassailable" -- to exchange the soul of a Viking for that of a New Yorker, that of the quick pike for that of the lazy carp whose fat back grows moss covered in a dangerless pond -- that must never become the wish of a German. New York Times Current History: The European War, Vol 2, No. 1, April, 1915 April-September, 1915
  • Mr. Paul's new strategy has been to assail opponents like Mr. Gingrich, hoping to remind voters of his rivals' flaws. Why Ron Paul Can't Win
  • Sim converted his own try, as well as Osborne's second, to secure what proved an unassailable lead for the home side.
  • As soon as the young man returned home,his parents assailed him with questions about the interview.
  • On Wassail night, evil spirits are banished from the orchards and offerings ensure next year's apple crop.
  • Up with our banner bright, etc. Empire unsceptred! what foe shall assail thee, The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 08, No. 50, December, 1861
  • Investigators, who did not name the pair, arrested the alleged assailant after he handed himself in. The Sun
  • As I visited old haunts I was once again assailed by familiar feelings of disgust.
  • That statement assailed his position against abortion, contraception, sterilization, women's rights, divorce, stem cell research and gay rights.
  • The word wassail comes from the Anglo-Saxon greeting waes hael, which meant “be well.” Christmas Feast
  • His alleged assailant is now on trial. Times, Sunday Times
  • A little further ahead, the strong smell of leather assailed the nostrils and the eyes were greeted with the sight of handbags, purses, wallets, key-chains and stuff like that.
  • Such unassailability does not debar a society from great artistic achievement or charms of its own: great and marvelous civilizations have flourished without the slightest intellectual freedom.
  • The victim had been assailed with repeated blows to the head and body.
  • So, if a son that is by his father sent about merchandise do sinfully miscarry upon the sea, the imputation of his wickedness by your rule, should be imposed upon his father that sent him: or if a servant, under his master's command transporting a sum of money, be assailed by robbers and die in many irreconciled iniquities, you may call the business of the master the author of the servant's damnation: but this is not so: the king is not bound to answer the particular endings of his soldiers, the father of his son, nor the master of his servant; for they purpose not their death, when they purpose their services. The Life of King Henry V
  • Terrors assailed him, tumbling over one another.
  • Fearing the dark, into which he observed all men passed, he built beyond the dark a fairer region, a happier hunting-ground, a jollier and robuster feasting-hall and wassailing-place, and called it variously CHAPTER XIV
  • A handful of protesters drowned him out for at least three minutes, assailing Gingrich for what they called a "callous attitude toward poor people. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • And taste is now a far weaker, more assailable notion than it was in the late eighteenth century.
  • Democrats have been assailing the Johnson camp administration for ignoring the needs of the middle class.
  • Julie Walters is on unassailable form as an irascible retired actress in a bitter-sweet, very British comedy drama.
  • To attack the first is not to assail the last - said Charlotte Bronte, English novelist
  • The potboy at the corner, who is a privileged amateur, as possessing official knowledge of life and having to deal with drunken men occasionally, exchanges confidential communications with the policeman and has the appearance of an impregnable youth, unassailable by truncheons and unconfinable in station-houses. Bleak House
  • If Scotland be to rest under the happy reign of Robert Bruce, then envy cannot again assail Sir William Wallace, and my father has not shed his blood in vain. The Scottish Chiefs
  • All that most maddens and torments; all that stirs up the lees of things; all truth with malice in it; all that cracks the sinews and cakes the brain; all the subtle demonisms of life and thought; all evil, to crazy Ahab, were visibly personified, and made practically assailable in Moby Dick. Cracktastic: Wanted’s Timur Bekmambetov Directing Moby Dick | /Film
  • She plots to make an exit from the village but, as she leaves, a mystery assailant attacks her. The Sun
  • Assyria's decline -- the change whereby she passed from the assailer to the assailed, from the undisputed primacy of Western Asia to a doubtful and precarious position. The Seven Great Monarchies Of The Ancient Eastern World, Vol 2. (of 7): Assyria The History, Geography, And Antiquities Of Chaldaea, Assyria, Babylon, Media, Persia, Parthia, And Sassanian or New Persian Empire; With Maps and Illustrations.
  • Few such doubts assailed the other winners on the card. Times, Sunday Times
  • By grots and caverns shagged with horrid shades, nay, in the midst of every tremendous assailant, "might pass on with unblenched majesty," uninjured and invulnerable. Lives of the Necromancers
  • He was assailed with fierce blows to the head.
  • The assailants, dressed in khaki pants and armed with AK-47 assault rifles, grenades and suicide vests, parked a gray Dodge sport-utility vehicle near the rear of the church. Survivors describe deadly attack on Baghdad church
  • Their assailants are not white racist cops or Klan nightriders but black males.
  • Though Mr Bloxham defended the decision to clear the pavements on Friday - in the aftermath of what he described as the coldest two day period - he said that that didn't "assail the problems people had" in the freezing conditions. News round-up
  • Moving with precise coordination, the Arbiters pounced upon their prey, assailing him with stinging strikes of their daggers.
  • The city walls, grimly bastioned, ran in bold zigzags across the face of the steep in a way to daunt assailants. The Ontario Readers: Fourth Book
  • Few such doubts assailed the other winners on the card. Times, Sunday Times
  • In my confusion I imagined, a moment before the assailants entered the Queen's apartments, that my sister was not among the group of women collected there; and I went up into an 'entresol', where I supposed she had taken refuge, to induce her to come down, fancying it safer that we should not be separated. Court Memoirs of France Series — Complete
  • While the Democrats verbally assail the Republican policies in Iraq, the Democrats too are playing the same game - how can the U.S. stay in Iraq and control the Iraqi oil, and at the same time lyingly convenience the American people that the U.S. should scale down its military operations. Poll: Approval Of Congress Lowest In Decade
  • Horror movie about a family trapped in their rural retreat and killed one after another by unknown assailants in Hallowe'en masks. Times, Sunday Times
  • They approached warily, as though the food might leap up and assail their gullets violently.
  • If he had been blackjacked there would be the clue of the weapon, always likely to turn up, the chance of witnesses, and also the likelihood in an extreme case that Werner might not die at once, but might talk and give a description of his assailant, or even survive. The Film Mystery
  • Over the centuries, various ceremonies and rituals developed around the tradition of drinking wassail.
  • Khardzhiev's seemingly unassailable authority stemmed, of course, from his personal knowledge of many of the key figures of the avant-garde.
  • The doctoral student was apparently attempting to change a flat tire when his assailant struck.
  • This electoral demography provides an unassailable base for a dependency culture that dominates the political process.
  • He assailed other reactionary regimes sanctified by Napoleon's final defeat, prior to which he toured the Continent.
  • He should assail the stronger with weapons, fire, and the administration of poisons.
  • Suddenly, unwanted mental images assailed her, forcing her to swallow hard and blink to keep from reacting.
  • Europeans weren't much assailed by self-doubt in their encounters with foreign civilisations. Times, Sunday Times
  • The authorities and assailants exchanged fire in a violent confrontation in which Cuenca and police officer Santiago Esparza Astorga were killed.
  • Lord Justice Maurice Kay and Mr Justice Simon, sitting at the High Court in London, said it might be that Ms Smith's decision was "unassailable" - but ruled that Mr McKinnon had an arguable case that should be tested in court. The Daily Record - Home
  • The film raises questions about the number of assailants. Times, Sunday Times
  • That law seems to be exclusively reserved for white assailants.
  • The seemingly unassailable fake food industry is not where they said they would be three decades ago. AUTHENTICITY: Brands, Fakes, Spin and the Lust for Real Life
  • One word assailed the CPM today from every direction. The Telegraph - Calcutta (Kolkata) - Frontpage
  • You mistake, knight; 'accost' is front her, board her, woo her, assail her. Twelfth Night; or What You Will
  • Pamphlets were circulated to rouse the enthusiasm of the nation, by depicting the wrongs of a young and beautiful queen, so unchivalrously assailed by bearded monarchs in overwhelming combination. The Empire of Austria; Its Rise and Present Power
  • It was ironic, then, that he should have crushed rivals at a summit finish before building an unassailable lead in the following stages. Times, Sunday Times
  • India has an unassailable position at the head of the world's poverty league.
  • Or might an innocent acquirer be assailed for failing to satisfy some other requirement?
  • Police have issued a description and an artist's impression of the assailant.
  • The next edition of the paper described the assailant as five ten, two hundred pounds, heavy set, stocky.
  • ABC News 'Jake Tapper reported last night that the White House planned to "assail" Inhofe's remarks, though it was unclear whether Obama himself would comment on them: Center for American Progress Action Fund
  • He, along with another friend, Amandeep Singh, alias Lovely, identified Gurmeet Singh Pinky from amongst the assailants.
  • The treasures of this noble empire, so far as they affected their wishes, would merely inspire them with the desire to go to war with a nation possessed of so much wealth, and who, in their self-conceited estimation, were less able to defend, than they themselves are powerful to assail. Count Robert of Paris
  • Only then would the Assault Transports assail the station with their mere 250 Marines.
  • And, floodlit, ink-besotted, so assails the upper atmosphere that all our better judgment fails. Varenna
  • The Republican nominee will assail Obama's fiscal record and promise a determined assault on the debt. Think this economy is bad? Wait for 2012.
  • Hitting the ground with feline grace, he propelled himself to the right, gaining some distance from his assailant and ending the first round of combat.
  • This is a perfect refuge because no one can prove him wrong, but its unassailability has been bought at the price of making no claim about the world beyond the claim about his own state of mind.
  • Assailants from al-Qaida and the Pakistani Taliban Movement in Punjab province claimed responsibility, calling Bhatti an "infidel Christian. Kansas City Star: Front Page
  • On Wassail night, evil spirits are banished from the orchards and offerings ensure next year's apple crop.
  • As you finally ascend the topmost mast, a faint vertigo assails you, but the adrenaline is buzzing.
  • Though it is terse and punchy, its judgmental appearance in a headline is to be to use the favorite verbs in headlinese assailed and decried. The Right Word in the Right Place at the Right Time
  • Or might an innocent acquirer be assailed for failing to satisfy some other requirement?
  • They are unquestionable, unassailable, unimpeachable.
  • When we find, indeed, a system such as Jesuitism blasted by the ridicule of Pascal, we conclude that it was not true, -- but why? not merely because ridicule assailed it, for ridicule has assailed ten thousand systems which never even shook in the storm, but because, in the view of all candid and liberal thinkers, the ridicule _prevailed_. Poetical Works of Akenside
  • Police have issued a description and an artist's impression of the assailant.
  • Lately, he's taken to assailing university officials who dare to cross him on this explosive issue.
  • he described his mental picture of his assailant
  • Few such doubts assailed the other winners on the card. Times, Sunday Times
  • And thus the dear, once naughty assailer of her innocence, by a blessed turn of Pamela
  • It had fallen from its chain that hung around her neck as her assailant lashed out against her in a maddened frenzy.
  • PHAGWARA: The local police has arrested three alleged assailants including two brothers identified as Arvinder Singh@ Deepi his brother Parvinder Singh @ Pappal and Lakhwinder Singh @ Pappa all residents of local Gaushala bazar and their unknown accompliances on the charges of murdering a youth Vishal Bugga on Phagwara-Palahai road near local Kamla Nehru College for Women late last night. PunjabNewsline News
  • Leighton called "unassailable" the government's argument that Witt's reinstatement would result in an inconsistent policy in enforcing "don't ask, don't tell. Judge orders reinstatement of military nurse discharged under 'don't ask' policy
  • The film succeeds a little, if without imagination, in assailing the assumptions and hypocrisy of privileged white folks, but the film indulges its own presuppositions.
  • The logic of the Japan - boosters is unassailable.
  • Wherfore, sith the necessitie with honour, and having dwelt comfortably at this and possessed of certain conclusions in respect of handsome painted glass. either the antiquaries highsouled assailant, caused the earth in that hic sapiens, de quo loquor, oculis quibus iste an eye, stood mace in hand. EXTRALIFE – By Scott Johnson - Sometimes this site gets crazy spam
  • Canada's ex-foreign affairs minister has come out swinging on behalf of climate-change skeptics and assailed what he describes as alarmism over global warming. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • A kind of hugger-mugger inquest produced a declaration that Clarke's death was not caused by the blow he had received from his assailant, and in consequence, "whereas a doubt had arisen in our royal breast," the King formally pardoned the murderer by royal {130} proclamation. A History of the Four Georges and of William IV, Volume III (of 4)

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