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How To Use Asleep In A Sentence

  • One afternoon, I grew bored and actually fell asleep for a few minutes.
  • While in a state of mesmeric sleep, he said that, yes, he was asleep but would rather sleep more soundly.
  • He's still asleep, I suppose, though he often wakes me with his morning declamations. A PLAGUE OF ANGELS
  • He was asleep on the window, looking angelic as the moonlight shone in, making his skin a smooth pale lucid colour.
  • You should take it as a compliment when I fall asleep in your company - it means I'm relaxed.
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  • The flames still lifted from the hippies "log fire, but they were asleep in their shanties and lean-to huts. RUSHING TO PARADISE
  • It was incredibly bad-mannered of me, but I felt myself falling asleep. TIME OF THE WOLF
  • Before marriage, a man will lie awake thinking about something you said; after marriage , he'll fall asleep before you finish saying it. Helen Rowland 
  • And when I had been asleep scarce six hours, I waked again very sudden, as I had done before, and had belief that something did be anigh unto me; and I gript the Diskos, and did hearken; yet was there no sound that mine ears did wot of; neither aught that had power to be surely known of the spirit. The Night Land
  • Feeling his hand tired, he dropped the book he held, leant his head on a teapoy, and fell asleep. Hung Lou Meng
  • The first time Julie saw Luke was some time in 1985. She was sitting in the removal van, half asleep. GOING OUT
  • That night, she fell asleep in her grand canopy bed and dreamed of bayberries. A CASTLE IN THE CLOUDS • by Erin M. Kinch
  • We would fall asleep listening to my grandparents sitting at the table playing cards or cribbage.
  • Being the only two farangs there, we were totally conspicuous every time we fell asleep on our knees or did something yet again more unacceptable.
  • The junior deckhand on duty had fallen asleep, chronically fatigued after his eight hours' sleep in the previous 24 hours were broken into three periods.
  • I danced into the morning to celebrate the coming-of-age of young men and fell asleep in a dark hut while marriages and deaths were commemorated in song.
  • Look there, and tell me, without partiality, which is the handsomest of those two that lie asleep, the young man or the young lady. ' Fairy Tales from the Arabian Nights
  • You will only be a half-awake and half-asleep zombie. The Bushman Way of Tracking God
  • Yes, some will even begin to realize that they too are all changelings lost among the dark hollows of this bright earth, their deeper selves unknown, asleep.
  • After that, and in the course of it, I was aware, drowsily, that I was falling asleep, and that it was delicious sleep. Chapter 11
  • Old guys spend more time sitting up late after the family's asleep, and in these hours your old guy will plan and replan his upcoming expedition, put new laces on his wading shoes, tie flies, dress in all his Arctic gear in order to see what it's like to move around in, call another insomniac old guy and check out up-to-the-minute river conditions, and so on. The Daily Dish | By Andrew Sullivan
  • It should not be confused with night terrors or panics, in which a child becomes acutely agitated and terror-struck at night, appearing to be awake while in fact asleep and unable to be woken.
  • Effie learned they had taken his straitjacket off and unchained his feet after he'd been asleep a few hours.
  • Will, dragging Raven behind him, who was also nearly falling asleep after being awake all night, left and shut the door quietly behind him.
  • The narrative is inert and sloppy, as if the author had been writing half-asleep.
  • She collects stones to weigh down her basket, but as there is no hurry she falls asleep on the bank.
  • At times she fell asleep in her seat and dreamed of being surrounded by packs of wild wolves.
  • The kyack was quite in the shadow now, yet she dared not attempt its theft until the three men were asleep. The Sky Line of Spruce
  • The children were all sound asleep in bed.
  • The 25-year-old burglar had fallen asleep on a roll of underlay and given himself away by snoring.
  • The two of them walked to the cradle where the baby was still asleep.
  • But after we got into bed, and after Frank had fallen asleep, I lay awake, listening to him breathe.
  • You're pretending to be asleep.
  • Only I know how wounded my pride was when he stretched on the bed like a lazy cat and fell asleep.
  • Listen, son: I am saying this as you lie asleep, one little paw crumpled under your cheek and the blond curls stickily wet on your damp forehead.
  • I tossed about all night, unable to fall asleep.
  • The answer to that question had not been arrived at when they dropped asleep, lulled by the sound of rippling water and the _crop, crop, crop_ made by the grazing ponies, and this time their weariness was so great that sleep overcame them both. A Dash from Diamond City
  • - it'll never - co - ome - "But by this time, she was fast asleep. CHALLENGE FOR THE CHALET SCHOOL
  • You can be fast asleep all night and still wake up tense and sore. Banish Anxiety - how to stop worrying and take charge of your life
  • Donna did not dare settle herself too comfortably into her seat, in case she fell asleep.
  • We would ride so far and so long when I was a kid, that I would fall asleep horseback and fall off.
  • The cabin lights were soon extinguished: all but the crew were asleep. Times, Sunday Times
  • Catherine was awake, half asleep, walking down her boss' hall.
  • He was still asleep and I shook him gently awake and told him.
  • But when you're sitting in a chair, dog-tired, and it's warm, you're going to want to fall asleep.
  • To tell the truth, I fell asleep in the middle.
  • Once baby is asleep , ease the sleeping baby into his bed and sneak away.
  • The baby was sound asleep upstairs.
  • I debated the idea in my mind until I fell asleep.
  • The driver must have fallen asleep at the wheel .
  • And to make matters worse, he frittered away the money while she was asleep in bed recovering. The Sun
  • As Guzman now says, a military crime is when a soldier deserts, or falls asleep on duty.
  • Little tyke fell asleep as we were flying over Bristol.
  • In fact, sleep apnoea sufferers are so zonked out that they have an alarming tendency to fall asleep at the wheel. Times, Sunday Times
  • He had fallen asleep after casing the apartment for hours.
  • -- Tis a gift to be feeble tis a gift to be asleep, tis a gift tocow-touw to the fascistcreep, andif we find ourselves in a FEMA camp tonight, we will know that the loonies and kooks were right. OpEdNews - Diary: The Purpose and Practice of Sarcasm
  • His eyes shut and he fell asleep.
  • In rooms across the hall my parents and my in-laws are no doubt fast asleep, tuckered out from days of good food and fresh air.
  • He fell asleep just past midnight with tolerable ease.
  • He was more or less asleep and did not stir as his head was locked into place with straps fastened across his forehead. Times, Sunday Times
  • Several publishers were asleep at the switch, and missed the book's potential.
  • First they arranged pillows in their beds to fool prison officers carrying out checks that they were both asleep. The Sun
  • ‘Or he may still be asleep,’ Kevin replied, a hint of annoyance and irritation lacing his voice.
  • The original plan had been to grab them early yesterday while they were asleep. The Sun
  • Then in November last year I arrived home from work to find my eldest daughter apparently fast asleep in her bed. The Sun
  • For her father's comfort, noting the sad wistful eyes that watched her coming in and going out, she had resigned herself to spend long melancholy hours within doors, reading aloud till Sir John fell asleep, playing backgammon -- a game she detested worse even than shove-halfpenny, which latter primitive game they played sometimes on the shovel-board in the hall. London Pride Or When the World Was Younger
  • Between twelve and one that Sunday night Katharine lay in bed, not asleep, but in that twilight region where a detached and humorous view of our own lot is possible; or if we must be serious, our seriousness is tempered by the swift oncome of slumber and oblivion. Night and Day, by Virginia Woolf
  • If you fall in love you just a dream to wake up and then how to reasleep.
  • The marquise, worried that Yvette has fallen asleep without extinguishing her candle, decides that someone must check on her.
  • Claire decided that she must have fallen asleep at the party, and somebody had taken her home.
  • The question is: Is the sleepwalker actually awake or asleep?
  • At first he'd thought the tab had had little effect other than to make him feel slightly light-headed as fell asleep.
  • I open the window of my study and see the Painted bat, roosting in the foliage of the monstera creeper, is already asleep after a night's wandering, covering its body with its bright red and black wings.
  • She fell asleep at the wheel, rolled her sports car, and ended up in a ditch.
  • He unwarily treads upon a viper asleep just before his feet.
  • I asked quite silly and half asleep what he was doing home again when he sort of mouped that it was all closed and no one was there.
  • Listen, son; I am saying this as you lie asleep, one little paw crumpled under your cheek and the blond curls stickily wet on your damp forehead. I have stolen into your room alone.
  • There were four or five pictures -- one, a bass-relief of Endymion, deep asleep, yet conscious in his dream that the moon is peeping shyly over his polished shoulder, had been copied from a famous original by Sophie herself. Bressant
  • Wes was still asleep on the couch; he was snoring lightly and restlessly.
  • Another recent visitor found him sound asleep. The Sun
  • There is nothing worse than a pouting that's been asleep all day in a plastic bag, or a mackerel that's been slipped down someone's gumboot.
  • If Christiana were not so strict, he probably would have slept on it, gazing at the stars in bliss, though it would have been an odd spectacle to see such a grand man asleep on the bare ground.
  • And everyone in school hears him say her name whenever he falls asleep in class. The Redleys
  • Don't wake her up she's fast / sound asleep.
  • One or two listeners had fallen asleep while the President was speaking.
  • Harvey could feel the land close round him once more, with all its thousands of people asleep, and the smell of earth after rain, and the familiar noise of a switching-engine coughing to herself in a freight-yard; and all those things made his heart beat and his throat dry up as he stood by the foresheet. Captains Courageous
  • When we are asleep, thalamic neurons prevent penetration of sensory information upward to the cortex.
  • Ornatus sees his mistress asleep and in a kind of deshabille, employs a noble go-between, Adellena The English Novel
  • She must have fallen asleep in the bath, because the next thing she knew, the water was cold and the room was empty.
  • He was asleep, lying on his front with his head turned to one side.
  • Chris is asleep after burning the midnight oil trying to finish his article.
  • An important qualification in many of these studies is that no measures were taken of whether the person was actually asleep or instead had been wakened to some degree by the taped message.
  • But a shapeless pigmy that walks asleep in the mist searching for its own awakening.
  • A man and woman in punk gear lay asleep in each other's arms on the couch in the hall.
  • You'll fall asleep soon after you take this sedative.
  • So after feeding the fire they both fell asleep.
  • On another occasion, an enterprising soundman decided to precede every winning entry with a musical fanfare, which delayed the proceedings so much that most of the front row fell asleep.
  • She was fast asleep, breathing evenly.
  • You obviously had a bad night, you fell asleep with a gun in your hand, and you're jumpy as all get-out. FOLLY
  • The driver must have fallen asleep at the wheel .
  • She lapsed into inertia and lay there as if asleep.
  • Donna did not dare settle herself too comfortably into her seat, in case she fell asleep.
  • You're just pretending that you're asleep.
  • He's not asleep - he's just pretending.
  • He waited until his daughter was asleep, then tiptoed quietly out of the room.
  • While she was asleep, thieves broke in and stole her handbag.
  • These morning folks may be asleep by the time the kegger is raring, but they will be vindicated when it's time to enter the real world. Boing Boing: March 28, 2004 - April 3, 2004 Archives
  • She immediately sat down, unpacked her sleeping pallet and blankets and fell asleep.
  • The sick girl moaned a while, and then fell asleep.
  • He was wont to fall asleep after supper.
  • He got so that he was scared of falling asleep, so he'd go downstairs to the living-room instead, with a winter coat on over his pyjamas.
  • Later that evening, when I was almost asleep, the sound of a crowd brought me back to full consciousness.
  • Perhaps the most intriguing question of all, though, regards the significance of the baby, which lies asleep, or quite possibly dead, swaddled so expertly in the foreground of the picture.
  • Nick was lying on the sofa, fast asleep.
  • Donna did not dare settle herself too comfortably into her seat, in case she fell asleep.
  • He fell asleep just past midnight with tolerable ease.
  • Pluto's advocates were not asleep -- we were blindsided by a tiny minority of the iAU that violated the group's own bylaws and conducted a vote on the last day of the two week conference on a resolution that had not first been vetted by the proper committee, as IAU rules require. Victoria Advocate stories: News
  • With no cars allowed within the walls of this ancient settlement, both hotels make for ideal retreats, with only the sound of the sea to lull you asleep and the chug of fishing boats to wake you each morning.
  • Did you sneak into my room while I was asleep?
  • I was still half-asleep, but some primitive sense of self-preservation told me to get off the balcony. Day of Honey
  • He was asleep there, curled up in the fetal position.
  • We are so fast asleep that we don't know who we are any more. Times, Sunday Times
  • He was already asleep in the bed, which smelled faintly of mildew.
  • Meila was asleep and unconscious, oblivious to the days that had already happened.
  • Finally tiredness overcame him, and he fell asleep on the sofa.
  • The baby fell asleep.
  • Once upon atime in libraries, you could call your­self agood teacher if you spent more than 30 min­utes plan­ning ales­son, if you wowed stu­dents with your search savvy, or if nobody fell asleep […] 2009 August | In the Library with the Lead Pipe
  • my foot is asleep
  • When we arrived, Mason was still asleep, so I left the rest of the team in the car to conduct a bit of reconnaissance.
  • I don't want any of you children crashing around upstairs while your father's asleep.
  • He fell asleep in the space of a few minutes.
  • All the shops fast asleep, with their eyelids closed, that is, their shutters up, all except one establishment, garishly lighted and of defiantly rakish, appearance, with the words Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 101, September 5, 1891
  • So as the powers that be cannot control drivers who fall asleep, drivers who fail to give way, drivers who drink, drivers who have prangs at intersections, or the sad state of our roads, they have announced a new idea.
  • The wounded child soon quieted down and fell asleep.
  • The gent who wakes up and finds himself a success has not been asleep.
  • Sure enough when we looked in our room there were Chris and Brandon fast asleep.
  • First they arranged pillows in their beds to fool prison officers carrying out checks that they were both asleep. The Sun
  • Dreaming is something that occurs while we are asleep, and it is usually something unattainable that we dream about.
  • I can sneak away when everyone has fallen asleep.
  • He automatically shook it off in his hypnagogic state and quickly fell asleep.
  • An impression came to him, then, of Lily laying fast asleep, limned in moonlight, safe and oblivious.
  • Exhausted by their exploits that day the two boys had supper and fell asleep, dead to the world.
  • There were suggestions of team officials finding stray dogs asleep on beds. Times, Sunday Times
  • She buried her head under the covers, pretending to be asleep.
  • I laid down and he did to and I actually snuggled up to him letting my face pillow itself on his shoulder I fell asleep.
  • After a brief season of useful labour there,she fell asleep in Jesus,lamented by all who knew her.
  • On one occasion, I had left the table to fetch a brose pudding for dessert, and returned to find both of them sound asleep, and Jenny laughing quietly to herself amid the remains of supper. Sick Cycle Carousel
  • But now I have one babe asleep in my arms and the other babe is flaked out on the sofa.
  • She was too soundly asleep to hear Stefano's return.
  • The poor fellow admiring how he came there, was served in state all the day long; after supper he saw them dance, heard music, and the rest of those court-like pleasures: but late at night, when he was well tippled, and again fast asleep, they put on his old robes, and so conveyed him to the place where they first found him. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • If you fall in love you just a dream to wake up and then how to reasleep.
  • Liam was fast asleep with his mouth wide open .
  • All are familiar with their own experiences of being asleep, and feel they can give definite answers.
  • And, moreover, as our best doings are only very pitiful shortcomings, worth little or nothing, it is just as good for us that the consciousness of our unprofitableness should be kept constantly before us, instead of the serene self-complacency of doing wonders, over which we should fall asleep, certainly neither in blessedness nor the odour of sanctity! Selections from the Letters of Geraldine Endsor Jewsbury to Jane Welsh Carlyle
  • A new bikini which bleeps every 15 minutes to prevent its wearer from falling asleep in the sun was to be launched on Brighton beach yesterday.
  • He fell asleep as soon as his head touched the pillow.
  • She dragged herself out of bed, still half asleep.
  • They fell asleep in each other's arms .
  • Only problem was, he wore himself out so effectively that he fell asleep in the car all the way home and now won't go to sleep in his own bed.
  • There was silence once more and after a few minutes the pair fell asleep.
  • If you wake to find an intruder inside your bedroom, pretend to be asleep. The Sun
  • He looked half asleep .
  • Toddlers who fall asleep on their own tend to sleep more restively. Study: Sharing bed with toddler won't harm development
  • They saw a cat asleep atop a branch of a mango tree.
  • All are familiar with their own experiences of being asleep, and feel they can give definite answers.
  • Every now and again she went upstairs to see if he was still asleep.
  • He sniffed around in an attempt to find something to do, as his mistress was still asleep.
  • Behind, the young women are fast asleep, their heads gently bumping against each other now and then.
  • Getting Giles into the car without hurting him wasn't easy, but the minute his head hit the back of the seat, he fell asleep, so at least she didn't have to worry about him retching his lungs out.
  • - it'll never - co - ome - "But by this time, she was fast asleep. CHALLENGE FOR THE CHALET SCHOOL
  • Matt was both alert and asleep at the same time, the feeling one gets when one spends the entire night awake drinking coffee.
  • Philip led the way, and they entered the mill, where the warning bells were ringing to give notice that the corn was flowing down rightly; and the mill-hoppers kept on "ruttle, ruttle;" the water hissed, seethed, and rushed under their feet; the millstones rumbled round and round; and there on the top of the sacks, with which the place was half filled, sat the two great white cats belonging to the miller, fast asleep; while in Hollowdell Grange Holiday Hours in a Country Home
  • I Tweeted this earlier (I'm on Twitter @kristysf / Ish is there @Ish), but this is the kind of thing that goes through my head as I'm trying to fall asleep: She Just Walks Around With It
  • Solastian was half-asleep now and leaning against the door window, eyes half-closed and unfocused and breath fogging up the glass.
  • He looked in the mirror and saw that the twins were now asleep too, their heads lolling close to one another. Times, Sunday Times
  • The sound of the waves breaking on the shore is a fine way to fall asleep.
  • Many times she'd fallen asleep in her own mother's arms after having a nightmare or a stomachache. CIRCLE OF THREE: BOOK 5: IN THE DREAMING
  • He lay beside me blissfully asleep, with drool steadily dripping from his mouth.
  • The question is how do you present and cover and package news in a way that doesn't make people fall asleep?
  • I sit here and all my interaction with the world goes fuzzy as if I am falling asleep.
  • ‘I live with a skating family,’ she said, ‘and I just like to relax in the pool or the hot tub or sit on the lanai and read or fall asleep.’
  • The baby is fast asleep in his cot.
  • Bess closed her eyes and fell asleep.
  • Prayer was always something of a soporific for her; she prayed at night in bed but was usually asleep long before she said ‘Amen.’
  • It seemed to Peter that every time he fell asleep it was to the music of proletariat and surplus value and unearned increment, possibilism and impossibilism, political action, direct action, mass action, and the perpetual circle of Syndicalist-Anarchist, Anarchist-Communist, 100\%: the Story of a Patriot
  • A sister who is also a good friend goes from being 40 miles away to being so physically distant she is awake when you're asleep.
  • The pain in my arm had subsided to a dull throb and we both fell asleep straight away, completely exhausted.
  • A dimple is the mark left by the angel's finger in turning up the face to kiss it when asleep. Current Superstitions Collected from the Oral Tradition of English Speaking Folk
  • An hour after you have taken the peyote, the light-haired man will appear to be asleep. How to Meet and Dance with Your Death (Como encuentrar y bailar con su muerte): A Cure for Suicide
  • After stroking his dark brown hair to soothe him she fell into bed asleep in seconds.
  • I often have the most beautiful notions scampering through my head with the grace, but alas! the swiftness too, of kittens, especially just before I get asleep; but they're all lost for the want of a trap; an intellectual figgery four. The Knickerbocker, or New-York Monthly Magazine, February 1844 Volume 23, Number 2
  • I fell asleep on the train and fetched up in Glasgow.
  • Don't be so noisy! Jim's asleep.
  • She stretched her legs and arms, and almost fell asleep in her straddle.
  • Danielles favorite blanket was her dribble blanket because it had things she called dribbles sewn into it that you could stick between your toes and they felt good in bed at night as you were falling asleep. Postcards from Heaven
  • The hypnotic state actually lies somewhere between being awake and being asleep.
  • Now and then, a rickshaw wallah or an empty tonga, driver half asleep, weary horse barely moving, strayed across their path. TANK OF SERPENTS
  • What would it be like to fall asleep in the protecting shelter of his arms?
  • Many times she'd fallen asleep in her own mother's arms after having a nightmare or a stomachache. CIRCLE OF THREE: BOOK 5: IN THE DREAMING
  • the baby was almost asleep when the alarm sounded

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