How To Use Ask for In A Sentence

  • Ask for an aged standing rib roast from the forequarter, trimmed and chined; bring to room temperature before roasting.
  • If the indoor tables don't satisfy you, and if the weather is right, do ask for a table on the terrace.
  • We ask for a level playing field when we compete with foreign companies.
  • Patients have been urged not to ask for antibiotics for minor illnesses. Times, Sunday Times
  • we always ask for man to innocent as child, but able as father.
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  • The two cross-fertilise easily to form a hybrid, which is apparently often sold to un-suspecting buyers who simply ask for bluebells.
  • Ask a friend to recommend a doctor or, failing that, ask for a list in your local library.
  • With the weather turning out to be salubrious for the past few days, fitting well into the celebrative atmosphere, the students could not ask for more.
  • It's more trouble than it's worth to take it back to the shop and ask for a replacement.
  • A beggar came up to us and ask for money.
  • Crossing the busy circle is a difficult task for pedestrians in the absence of a subway.
  • That is always a difficult task for an authority, because it is left with discretion.
  • With its repair ship, colliers, and hospital ships, it was a forerunner of the Task Force concept used four decades later in another war against Japan.
  • But when you ask for it back, don't be surprised to get an admonitory finger-wagging about being over-fixated on money and wealth, when you really should be thinking more about wellbeing and the work-life balance.
  • I ask for assistance to repair my car.
  • But the Bedouins are not rich enough to afford the prices they ask for.
  • They ask for the image to be on a flash drive, then use the *drive* as the decoration. The Problem With Phone Orders
  • So excessive was the Roman horror of obscenity that even physicians were compelled to use a euphemism for _urina_, and though the _urinal_ or _vas urinarium_ was openly used at the dining-table (following a custom introduced by the Sybarites, according to Athenæus, Book XII, cap. 17), the decorous guest could not ask for it by name, but only by a snap of the fingers (Dufour, op. cit., vol. ii, p. 174). Studies in the Psychology of Sex, Volume 1 The Evolution of Modesty; The Phenomena of Sexual Periodicity; Auto-Erotism
  • The temptation to ask for a Quarter Pounder with Cheese, Large Fries and a Diet Coke (hypocrite… moi?) was indeed very great.
  • Son, if I wanted lemon or lime, I'd ask for lemon or limeade, but thank you for the thought.
  • Other annual writing competitions are open to unpublished writers, but note that some unfortunately, ask for an entry fee.
  • Two of the Task Force's twenty recommendations were that government should not impose any extraordinary tax on non-resident landowners or limit the size of their holding.
  • In the opening days, a combined arms brigade task force was the first to deploy.
  • I believe the firemen deserve a decent pay rise but they were unwise to ask for 40 per cent.
  • The pharisaical, malefic, and incogitant Guidelines for Bias-Free Writing is a product of the pointy-headed wowsers at the Association of American University Presses who established a Task Force on Bias-Free Language filled with cranks, pokenoses, blowhards, four-flushers, and pettifogs. P.J. O’Wowser
  • He tried to ask for a drink in the barber shop, but the barber didn't seem to understand what he was saying. DESPERADOES
  • But super-power trappings offer only a flimsy mask for the realities of poverty and are no substitute for grassroots economic development.
  • It's more trouble than it's worth to take it back to the shop and ask for a replacement.
  • In a cramped conference room known as the "submarine" inside the fortresslike New York Fed, more than a dozen employees who constituted the institution's AIG task force were working marathon days, crammed elbow to elbow around a long wooden conference table. AIG, a symbol of financial crisis, repays bailout loan and finds new foothold
  • Agreeing that from time to time we need a bit of help from outside, we ask for the occasional ‘ah hah!’
  • Acknowledging the necessity to work with others; getting the guts to ask for help in order to preclude slamming one's head against the wall for extended amounts of time; finding two, three or even more ways to tackle a problem, whether it be literally in homework or otherwise in managing life and time; learning many, _many_ subtle things that you certainly won't regret learning as you tackle challenges in the future. Failing Students
  • Perhaps, Rebekah mused, she could ask for the scraps at the end of fabric bolts and make a rag rug for the cold wooden floor.
  • Ask for clarity on exactly what your boss needs from you, explaining that sometimes you are unsure as his instructions aren't always consistent. The Sun
  • He cocked a snook at the special task force of both the states.
  • They daren't ask for any more money.
  • Again, I believe that it will be some months before this retrial can be fixed and we would ask for bail to be given on the same conditions.
  • Before forming the task force, Golding said the planned $ 213 million convention center expansion will not be included.
  • So it is bootless for someone to ask for some further reassurance; that can only add to his stock of beliefs.
  • They wouldn't ask for help unless it were a matter of life and death.
  • Reid said Wednesday he is taking aim at the “blatant and systematic crime that is rampant” in polygamous groups with legislation that would create a federal task force to combat crimes associated with polygamy. Polygamy in cross hairs of Senate panel
  • The cardinals on Tuesday filed into the chapel, chanting a Latin hymn to ask for divine guidance and swearing a solemn oath never to reveal the secrets of their deliberations on pain of excommunication.
  • Ask for your needs, not your wants,’ whispers the kahuna nui outside the entrance.
  • If you want a sandwich leave the packaged triangle shaped things in London and wait till you get to Newcastle and ask for a filled stottie.
  • Let me say that again, because I know about 72,000 publicists just plotzed because they have no idea what to do other than ask for a review. Amy Hertz: Dear Publishing Colleagues
  • Instead, armored and mechanized task forces operate in or near population centers, compounding the difficulty of their assigned tasks.
  • If a painfully hip novel set in the European fashion industry didn't contain the requisite amount of preening egomania, airy-fairy posturing and general preposterousness, you would probably ask for your money back.
  • He sees this as the most important part of the Clarke task force and wants the idea fleshed out over the next few months. Telegraph Column: The Importance of Parliamentary Reform
  • Mention it a few times, point out how cool it is and how you've always wanted one, and finally ask for it outright.
  • That led to corporation chiefs setting up a new task force to scour the rest of Africa for missing episodes. The Sun
  • They fail to negotiate their starting salaries and later they fail to ask for better pay rises. Times, Sunday Times
  • … there is no need to ask for an “operational” test for God, it is a retrodictive philosophical argument. Please Tell Me What “God” Means
  • Everybody says, "When you have kids, you really get away from yourself." But really, it's the most selfish thing I've ever done. It's like, Okay, I'm going to create unconditional love for myself, and I'm going to need it and want it and ask for it every day, and I'm going to get it. Brooke Shields 
  • The United States is sending a naval task force to the area to evacuate American citizens.
  • Ask a friend to recommend a doctor or, failing that, ask for a list in your local library.
  • They fear that if they do not ask for the same they will face a backlash from their voters. The Sun
  • They ask for your autograph and photos. Times, Sunday Times
  • Ask for a few quotes and follow up personal recommendations. Times, Sunday Times
  • He doesn't have any diva demands but we do always ask for him to have a fan to keep him nice and cool. The Sun
  • Submarines also engaged enemy combatant ships and auxiliary vessels, pursuing combat operations in assumed or reconnoitered combat designation areas of enemy task forces and on their deployment routes.
  • Would it be too much to ask for someone -- perhaps one of his New York Times colleagues -- to give famously airheaded columnist Thomas Friedman a bit ... Thomas Friedman Needs Someone To Help Him Access Widely Available Facts About Politics
  • Next, with the mayor's encouragement, the NYPD moved 300 officers to a new task force charged with stopping the attacks.
  • I've yet to find one customer to ask for anything in metric, and you can ask any customer I serve and I do serve a lot of customers.
  • The group would be called the photometric task force, and would consist of Hogg, David Schlegel, and Doug Finkbeiner. A Grand and Bold Thing
  • They make it especially for Oktoberfest and certain people ask for it specifically.
  • You can make different kinds of mask for a witch or a pirate, or more elaborate ones for a masked ball.
  • I was forced to swallow my pride and ask for a loan.
  • For supervillains, a costume typically serves the same purpose as a ski mask for a regular bank robber.
  • With due respect to your person I kindly wish to ask for your attention and consideration just for a while.
  • It is not a noisy and showy beggarliness, nor is it a mask for laziness and neglect.
  • Make an appointment to see your doctor together and ask for a referral to get some specialist fertility advice. The Sun
  • They ask for more funds, but the cupboard is bare.
  • He would not stoop to ask for any man's compliments, praises, flatteries; and he would be far above exacting them.
  • Passengers who have severe altitude illness should ask for an oxygen mask.
  • But this is a big ask for an inexperienced colt. The Sun
  • They fail to negotiate their starting salaries and later they fail to ask for better pay rises. Times, Sunday Times
  • As an interim measure, we could attach an active or reserve component mechanized battalion task force to each division.
  • I feel constrained to write and ask for your forgiveness.
  • This task force could examine the broader question of what types of projects should require voter approval.
  • Yet, despite the involvement and money of the LGBT lobbyists, including the omnipresent Human Rights Campaign, the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force and the Freedom to Marry Coalition, the marriage tit-for-tat continues in Albany. Adrian Margaret Brune: The New Gay Guerrillas
  • Some baiters were reassigned to a ‘Dumpster Task Force’ to ticket people for leaving garbage out.
  • On your left as you head north are the crashing waves of the Pacific, the best navigation aid you could ask for. Times, Sunday Times
  • We climbed steeply over dark rocks to two high passes and, as is the custom, placed white stones on their cairns to ask for good luck and strength.
  • Next time, the Suits at Hoover might want to ask for more help from the propeller heads in stirring up interest. The Internet and Productivity, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • The court can also fine these people and can also ask for a forfeiture order.
  • Have you noticed how when you phone to book a restaurant these days, they always ask for your first name as well as your last? Times, Sunday Times
  • That survey, the groups have to drive robbery, an immediate task force on the Tanggu District, car rental industry, small and medium-sized hotels and pawnbroking a comprehensive Mopai.
  • She welcomes the mums who ask for blue, pastel green, pink and red eggs. Times, Sunday Times
  • Porter -- who Time described as a pert, brown-eyed, dark haired, nail-biting, chain-smoking, go-getter -- helped enfranchise American women to the investment world, teaching them core concepts and strategies so they need not ask for a man's help to take the reins of what Porter termed "pocketbook issues. Pamela Yellen: When "Women and Financial Literacy" Was Still an Oxymoron, Sylvia Porter Came to the Rescue
  • The only thing I can ask for is to receive this type of response and enthusiasm with the next story I have planned.
  • Instead of the usual space-gobbling water storer/heater, you get a smaller, more efficient gizmo that just gives you hot water when you ask for it. An Inconvenient Truth
  • Nothing can move out of the task force without an affirmative vote of its private-sector members.
  • They find it hard to charge for their services; they usually give way more than they ask for, and this means they scrape by.
  • Task Force 58, Tokyobound, sortied from Ulithi on 10 February 1945 and, taking an indirect route to the target, began to refuel a hundred miles east of Saipan.
  • Most of my questions were asked, but there was one thing I wanted to ask for a little more color on, it's with respect to the continuation of the aboveaverage level of large property losses. Financial Sector and Stocks Analysis from Seeking Alpha
  • Ask for the facts on electric air conditioning.
  • This is a suitable moment to ask for the afternoon off.
  • An aide said Clinton will announce his plan Wednesday after conferring with a White House-led task force on climate change.
  • The task for his successor is to make the engine smaller but make it work better. Times, Sunday Times
  • But I'm sure he's going to ask for a five percent commission. BARRACUDA 945
  • Not long ago, I took a political blogger named billmon to task for insulting conservative bloggers he didn't like by using the word 'homoerotic' to describe their apparent fixation with America's heroic soldiery. Friday Night Open Thread: Comics
  • We would certainly ask for a referendum on PR but we might have to bide our time. Times, Sunday Times
  • But Boardlawn (ph) said he had seen a fuzzy fax of an older picture of McNair so he calls the dispatcher to ask for a description and McNair plays along. CNN Transcript Apr 9, 2006
  • In your life, there will at least one time that you forget yourself for someone, asking for no result, no company, no ownership nor love. Just ask for meeting you in my most beautiful years.
  • If you are the medical platoon leader for an infantry or armor battalion task force, you are expected to have what you need to treat patients.
  • When a supplica is affected (in a material point) by obreption or subreption it becomes necessary to ask for a so-called The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 5: Diocese-Fathers of Mercy
  • This was a home question, and a poser, for Ned had not the least idea of what sum he ought to ask for his work, and at the same time he had a strong antipathy to that species of haggling, which is usually prefaced by the seller, with the reply, "What'll ye give? The Golden Dream Adventures in the Far West
  • We would certainly ask for a referendum on PR but we might have to bide our time. Times, Sunday Times
  • Well, it is according to new research, which shows that women ask for pay rises just as often as men. The Sun
  • First, of course, we ask for financial support, which underwrites tree planting for forest restoration or supports our longstanding role to interpret science and research for public policy use.
  • MDR… a ten -orgasm session… you should ask for the trademark of her sex toy… MDR loran Tapage nocturne
  • `Maybe so," Mace said, `but I'll report the malfunction on SAT-COM and ask for instructions. CHAINS OF COMMAND
  • Is it too much to ask for a girl to slip a roofy into my beer and take advantage of me? who really thinks fruit loops are really the gay version of cheerios? en Español Yahoo! Answers: Latest Questions
  • ‘Could be better,’ the commodore commanding the 1st Task Force admitted.
  • Many homeless people are too proud to ask for charity.
  • Might I ask for a photograph of your little daughter?
  • If you want to get all posts that talk about partitions and storage engines, you can ask for "+partition* +storage +engine". Latest Developer Updates from MySQL AB
  • This task force could examine the broader question of what types of projects should require voter approval.
  • He had one of those special haircuts that you have to ask for, was polite to the point of apologetic and said his name was Andy. Times, Sunday Times
  • Access is certainly an important issue: as the Task Force heard, Nova Scotians feel very strongly that we all have the right to enjoy our seacoasts and lakesides.
  • It was only the other day I read in the report of the Consumers’ League in my own city that “a benevolent institution, ” when found giving out clothing to be made in tenement houses that were not licensed, and taken to task for it, asked the agents of the League to “show some way in which the law could be evaded”; but it is just as well for that “benevolent institution” that name and address were wanting, or it might find its funds running short unaccountably. VII. Pietro and the Jew
  • Jon sighed, and leaned back as a light doze overtook him.… Seven years ago, when Dïen was eleven, she started to ask for a psychiatrist.
  • Has anyone been appointed to a regulatory or important committee, task force, or agency position?
  • Under Norwegian law, solitary confinement can only be imposed for four weeks at a time, but the prosecution is free ask for an extension when the term runs out. Reuters: Press Release
  • Boldness is a mask for fear, however great. John Dryden 
  • The scheme will be extended from Task Force areas to include successful City Challenge bidders.
  • Instead, couples ask for things that are decorative or luxurious, that would add lustre to the things they already own. Times, Sunday Times
  • Jones says he was a bit puzzled by feminist critics who took the film to task for being misogynist.
  • You have no title to ask for our support.
  • As then-PC World editor David Bunnell noted a quarter of a century ago, the arrival of the personal computer was a red-letter event in the empowerment of the individual: We could now create, use, store and distribute our own information without having to ask for permission or approval from an information-technology priesthood. Data Caps as the Least Bad Answer
  • I can sit up on Nlack Mtn and be happy as anyone could ask for, if see shootable game, so much the better, but just being on top of the world is pleasant enough. Bullets Do Odd Things at Different Ranges
  • The organisation also organized a special task force to review an additional 1,696 claims adjusted using expedited methods.
  • It is a new task for structure design to choose reasonable and effective design project to realize the complex and diverse function requirement of building on the premise of recent code.
  • You might as well ask for the moon as for a bicycle.
  • Why is the task force in consultation with the Housing Corporation but refusing to consult the local authorities which have that power?
  • Hennesey replevined the half-empty bottles from the sleepers, an easy task for such skilled craftsmen. The Grain Ship
  • when you call, always ask for Mary
  • In such circumstances, you don't ask for a formal introduction.
  • The area plan was scrutinized by the citizen task force and the mayor, and minor revisions were made in boundaries.
  • A beggar came up to us and ask for money.
  • I was about to take my colleague to task for failing to hyphenate ‘best known’ when using it as a compound adjective.
  • By June this year, the Task Force had successfully commenced 17 criminal prosecutions in the courts of law with only three of the prosecuted cases falling through.
  • The lending institution should have a panel of valuers so if one is too high, ask for another estimate.
  • Ask for one with a double whirlpool bath. The Sun
  • It seems disingenuous to ask for controls in football that would not be welcomed in other forms of business. Times, Sunday Times
  • Powder hounds won't be disappointed either as there are excellent off-piste skiing and mogul runs, but it's wise to ask for a guide if you take the uncharted option.
  • May 5th, 2010 at 7: 34 pm dang son, 24 years ago we had to find the answer the hard way, and that was to crack open a book and reasearch for the answers. not ask for them on the net. if your grade avg. is a “C” you need to study more and quit chasing the skirts so much. knowledge is gold in todays world. 11th grade History homework questions just answer the ones you know please.? « Literacy Skills « Literacy Help « Literacy News
  • They will face a tough task forming a governing coalition in a parliament that includes six other parties.
  • What I do know is that it's very difficult to pal around with the Muse when kids ask for snacks, the house is adrift in strewn toys, and the theme song from Arthur wafts through the air yet again. January 2007
  • So far as legal aid is concerned, would your Lordship forgive my ignorance, I still have to ask for detail, an order for detailed assessment.
  • It seems disingenuous to ask for controls in football that would not be welcomed in other forms of business. Times, Sunday Times
  • If I were you I would simply ring your friend's bell and ask for your bike back.
  • If you don't want to skip the bread course entirely, ask for whole-grain bread, rolls or breadsticks.
  • The task force will be in operation until May 20 when the newly-elected president takes office.
  • He said that the Crown Prosecution Service accepted the pleas and would ask for the rape charge to lie on the file after sentence.
  • The irredentist ideology was eventually exacerbated by the fascist regime, which used it as an ideological mask for its expansionist policy.
  • If I raise the issue he turns grumpy and says he didn't ask for my opinion. The Sun
  • For that, and other reasons, White House aides say Bush -- who originally described Walker as a "poor fellow" who had been "misled" -- might ask for more information about Walker's conduct before he makes his decision. The White House Is Divided Over Walker
  • This is a classic case for the old wheeze about being careful what you ask for because you just might get it.
  • Rear Admiral Harry Harris, Commander, Joint Task Force Guantanamo what drives human beings to take their own lives, whether it be through suicide bombing or just plain suicide, is desperation, fueled by a belief that nothing less could possibly make a difference … Think Progress » ThinkProgress is leaving Las Vegas.
  • The International Obesity Task Force has stratified patients into different classes of obesity.
  • I won't even delve into the profanities this elicited in explosive bursts as I read his latest missive taking me to task for this or that.
  • Ask for directions and you'll get a whole bunch of them joining in to help. Times, Sunday Times
  • Pick your favorite out of the two, then ask for a sample to take home and try out.
  • Put on a face mask for 20 minutes. Times, Sunday Times
  • I happened to have been interviewed for the article, and the e-mail box is already clogging up with a variety of feedback, some of which take me to task for my comment that bodyboards are really revolutionary.
  • You could always ask for a transfer, to Traffic or something unexciting. MURDER SONG
  • As for the taxman, the Inland Revenue can ask for statements going back six years.
  • You can ask for a chemical analysis of your tap water.
  • We were about to ask for a table for dinner, but furious at being treated so rudely we just walked out.
  • The dopey dame that got Slaughter pink slipped by Uncle Sam turns up to ask for help in dealing with her ex-fiancé, ex-partner, current dope fiend and woodoo wacko.
  • ‘We sell two kinds of coffee, robusta and arabica, but our customers can ask for a mix of the two,’ Widya said.
  • It didn't occur to her to ask for help.
  • Provided our intel is good, this will end up being the 4th successful bust this year for the newly formed Gen-Crimes Task Force. 365 tomorrows » 2009 » June : A New Free Flash Fiction SciFi Story Every Day
  • The conference, structured in plenary meetings and task forces, enabled the two superpower adversaries to edge slowly toward greater understanding.
  • And we are continuously faced, especially after 9/11, with numerous challenges that we need to work together to collaborate and meet those challenges on," said U.S. Attorney for Massachusetts Carmen Ortiz, who called the on-site task force "groundbreaking. The Full Feed from
  • An armor or infantry task force traditionally performs these roles with engineers attached as the reduction element.
  • P: If Allah were to take mankind to task for their wrong-doing, he would not leave hereon a living creature, but He reprieveth them to an appointed term, and when their term cometh they cannot put (it) off an hour nor (yet) advance (it). Three Translations of The Koran (Al-Qur'an) side by side
  • Method 2 Make a separate list of your own of the words children ask for while they are writing.
  • The bus was sent to Perth to be used by the bikie task force in road blocks.
  • I 'm going to ask for a different kind of musicality than you may be used to," he told the group of about 20 students at varied levels. '
  • And I am sure you will agree that this is a task for scientists, not politicians, which is why putting it to a Royal Commission is a far better method than the current political bickering about the issue. Undefined
  • Normally, however, all or most of the task force engineer assets will be allocated to the survivability and/or countermobility effort. FM 71-1 Chapter 4 Defensive Operations
  • I thank you and ask forgiveness. Times, Sunday Times
  • His pride wouldn't allow him to ask for help.
  • Basically, the task force fears that Canada is letting in too many immigrants from "Pakistan, Afghanistan and Egypt" who might exfiltrate to the United States. Blame Canada | ATTACKERMAN
  • The remaining ships, including light cruisers, destroyers, a scattering of gunboats, and a large number of both naval and army auxiliaries were left as decoys for the Task Force 58 planes.
  • You can also ask for any overpaid tax to be refunded. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is a daunting task for any Government to ensure the health of the citizens.
  • Players did not know where they stood and they were often too fearful to ask for clarification. Times, Sunday Times
  • You'll probably need to special order this roast from the butcher; be sure to ask for the chine bone to be removed.
  • ask for trouble
  • Stay with vinegar-and-oil salad dressing, and when in doubt, ask for it on the side.
  • The crowd applauded when he said this was a perfect opportunity for the university to ask for more funding.
  • Powder hounds won't be disappointed either as there are excellent off-piste skiing and mogul runs, but it's wise to ask for a guide if you take the uncharted option.
  • The integrity maintenance of old pipeline network is a major task for pipeline transportation company.
  • Her sociable manner is really a mask for a very shy nature.
  • I would never ask for any favours from her.
  • How do I ask for the pieces back or remind her that the maths department sells them for 1? Times, Sunday Times
  • And we will ask for new funding for survivors and the groups who work with them - the unsung heroes whose work we build on. Times, Sunday Times
  • I applaud General Robles for having the spine to stand up in the face of this Congress and Administration and ask for my help in contacting my Senators DeMint and … Grrrr aham in opposing this bill, not out of opposition to the majority, but rather on the merits of the bill itself. Volcker Rule - A plea from USAA | RedState

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