How To Use Asexual In A Sentence
Primarily they reproduce asexually, which they accomplish by binary fission, or simple cell division.
Since the asexual gametophyte does not form antheridia or archegonia, crosses to confirm its genotype could not be performed.
After each catty little spat, we cut to another uneventful rehearsal scene where boys and girls with asexual physiques pirouette weightlessly about the rehearsal room.
As for asexual reproduction, the authors discuss why vegetative reproduction works so well for so many aquatic plants: rhizomatous growth (clonal growth), as well as reproduction through fragmentation and the production of corms, stolons, tubers, turions and gemmiparous plantlets.
During this period, each polyp is capable of budding new polyps though asexual reproduction in spring.
Meanwhile, corals bud on, and both their sexual and asexual activities provide evidence of reproductive success and hybrid forms that continue to puzzle geneticists.
A pine tree is called a sporophyte because it develops from a spore produces spores is haploid can reproduce sexually and asexually cannot undergo meiosis
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Workers at both hatcheries keep the plants healthy and repot the tillers, the product of asexual reproduction, which grow into mature plants.
The changes in asexual reproduction are more likely to be a “single point mutation” and get copied in every successive generation.
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asexual reproduction
Of course, we are told we can choose not to take hormones and end up asexual, crippled, diseased, demented, dead, or simply old.
The species propagates well asexually because lignified branches of any age possess a strong ability to form adventitious roots.
Chapter 10
If lack of desire for activities like that are the definition of "asexuality" used to come up with the 19% figure, well, that makes sense, but it actually has very little to do with sexual attraction per se, and everything to do with the circumstances surrounding it.
"It's hard to imagine what would push me to having sex. I'm not afraid of sex, it's just not something I want to do."
Asexuals might form unconventional relationships and therefore identify as polyamorous or queer.
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Moreover, with strictly asexual reproduction, mutations will inevitably accumulate.
One of society's most cherished beliefs is that the workplace is, or should be, asexual.
It is an aspect of ageism that old age is seen as asexual.
n. - absence of sexual desire. anaphrodisiac, n. anaphroditic adj. - asexually produced. anaptotic adj.
Within the sporocyst, a special form of asexual reproduction, known as polyembryony, then occurs.
This is a guest post by Queers United: The activist blog uniting the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersexual, asexual community & straight allies in the fight for equality!
Archive 2009-05-01
It's the sort of garment that nuns would approve of, as it renders a woman completely asexual.
Our aim was to test whether an intrasexual polymorphism, facultative paedomorphosis (a process in which the development of somatic and gonadal tissues differs in alternative morphs), could affect SSD variation patterns in European newts.
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Or believe that those who identify as asexual feel, or are, somehow incomplete.
Around 2000 biflagellate somatic cells are uniformly distributed over the surface of a transparent gelatinous sphere, with 16 larger asexual reproductive cells, known as gonidia, lying beneath the surface.
So the question I'm left with here is this: Is "asexuality" a biological condition, in the way (I, at least, am convinced) heterosexuality, bisexuality, and homosexuality are?
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a new generation; how this simple asexual process continuing for several generations results in growing weakness and old age, steadily decreasing size, steadily decreasing vitality until there comes a time when one infusorian unites with another.
The Social Emergency Studies in Sex Hygiene and Morals
The resistant hydrilla is a dioecious, female form that reproduces asexually.
As a rule, they go asexual-celibate, if I remember your word aright," I told her.
Hands stroked my hair, but their touch was utterly asexual.
Anthozoan polyps reproduce both sexually and asexually.
This fetishization of asexuality gives way to an imperious and isolated priesthood, an aloof caste of men whose holiness is far too greatly predicated upon the choice not to have sex.
Michele Somerville: Sex and the City of God, Part 2: Celibacy and Sexuality in the Catholic Church
Don't skoff about questions about sex & pretend you are an asexual robot who gets orgasms from music if you're gonna writh around on a couch for half your video like any other regular old girl pop singer.
Regeneration has been entrained to complete an asexual life cycle in fissiparous and comet-forming starfish.
The trouble with being asexual is that your genome is passed on as a single, monolithic block, rather than shuffled up as happens during the sexy sex.
Asexual seed production, agamospermy, occurs in >40 flowering plant families but is most prevalent in the grasses, Asteraceae, and Rosaceae.
Asexual propagation of a guarantee to the Cayman Asian Taxus species of pure, good quality seedlings.
Asexual populations thus maintain higher genetic diversity at each single locus but a lower number of different genotypes.
It can either start asexual reproduction or it can produce gametes through mitosis.
While I agree that this predicament probably sucks for his girlfriend, I also don't see why it would be a blessing for many other women, unless they too, were asexual.
Left-wing movements have tended to be unisex, and asexual in their imagery.
His team experimented with a type of asexual reproduction called apomixis, using the small mustard plant Arabidopsis thaliana -- normally a sexual reproducer
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They produce forcibly discharged asexual spores from sporangiophores or sporophores and do not produce sporangia.
At the same time, having acknowledged my asexuality, men no longer inspire the kind of deadening fear they always have in me: so it is sad and not relieving when Sebastian merely taps me on the shoulder in the computer lab, says "hey," and rushes out.
Evolver Diary Entry
First, the model proposes that there is competition for access to mates either through intrasexual interactions or intersexual mate choice.
An asexual adult colony is made up of just two cell types arranged in an orderly pattern.
He was a world authority on the natural phenomenon known as apomixis, by which plants reproduce asexually.
Day of the Dandelion
The advantage of asexual propagation to farmers is that the crops will be more uniform than those produced from seed.
One of society's most cherished beliefs is that the workplace is, or should be, asexual.
On the other hand, consider organisms that reproduce by agametic, asexual reproduction.
Sometimes, sexual desire can be impaired or reduced. It also may be weak or not be present at all, in occurrences such as asexuality.
In studies with a microscope, Forbes had shown that hydroid jellyfish known as naked-eyed medusae reproduce not only by spewing eggs, but also by asexual budding, which he found marvelous to behold.
Ayre DJ, Resing JM (1986) Sexual and asexual production of planulae in reef corals.
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This is essential to the survival of ciliate lineages; most ciliates cannot reproduce indefinitely by asexual fission, and eventually die out if prohibited from conjugating.
This process terminates in the production of asexual spores, the uninucleate conidia.
So here you go, the run down of the weird and whacky, that is currently being stored in the asexual mom-mobile, this day, 4 November.
Boudicca's Voice
It has now been definitely proved that the haematozoon of malaria has, like the Coccidia, two forms of reproduction: asexual, represented by the segmented bodies, and sexual, the flagellae being the male elements.
Alphonse Laveran - Nobel Lecture
These structures, along with the columella and apophysis are present in the asexual state.
Conidiophores terminally differentiate at the tips to yield multinucleated asexual spores, termed conidia.
This allows rapid asexual spread during a single growing season and also enables a heteroecious species to persist on one host, even when its other host is not present.
Because of this interrelationship between the pituitary and the gonads, the failure of the pituitary to hold up its end is as surely asexualizing as castration or ovariectomy would be.
The Human Brain
To experimentally measure this distribution requires either an asexual organism or a sexual line that is genetically homogeneous (homozygotic at each locus).
They are hermaphrodites who produce both eggs and sperm but while they are able to reproduce asexually, they do usually mate with other giant snails.
His James is celibate and asexual, without the homosexual yearnings suggested in Tóibín's novel, although Lodge does allow him the reflection that, if one had to, rather with a man than a woman.
Thank you. Cloning is most simply defined as the asexual reproduction of biological material.
It is another unfortunate myth of our culture that older people are asexual.
He was quite cute, but I was so asexual and shy I didn't even think about it.
Gibber on though the fans may about Morrissey's "asexuality," however, his most shocking songs are the ones that traffic in heteroerotic imagery.
City Journal
The sporozoites, injected by the infected female Anopheles mosquito, are carried to the liver, where they undergo asexual forms known as exoerythrocytic schizogony to form merozoites. - Articles related to Africa making dramatic strides in malaria fight
The characteristics, then, of the mosses are, that the sexual generation is leafy, the one or two asexual generations are thalloid, and that the spore-bearing generation is in parasitic connection with the sexual generation.
Scientific American Supplement, No. 531, March 6, 1886
Married to a stereotypical, asexual soccer mom with two young kids, he sees Kathy as his escape from such mediocrity.
(And it’s rarely been used to refer to asexual people; most asexuals are either male or female, since asexuality is a sexual orientation, not a gender identity.) “It” is not an option, not because “it” does not have a tradition of application to humans, but because it DOES have a tradition of application to humans – ones the speaker wants to discount and marginalize.
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Able to reproduce both sexually and asexually, aphid populations can increase in size at exponential rates: when asexual females are pregnant, their embryos are also pregnant, so females can carry both their daughters and granddaughters, a condition called telescoping of generations.
Earth News, Earth Science, Energy Technology, Environment News
It is also unlikely that a significant number of the asexuals are paraphiliacs given that most of the asexual people in this sample were women, who tend to be very underrepresented in the incidence of paraphilias.
Socialists, with some exceptions, have tended to believe that the proletariat should be kept in a state of hard-working asexual purity.
Should we extend that to expressions of disharmony against those of asexual orientation or gender identity?
I mean, he's definitely not trying to be asexual.
It's interesting that if only one larva penetrates a snail, it can multiply into tens of thousands of larvae through asexual reproduction.
Using protargol technique the morphogenesis of a marine ciliate, Uronychia setigera during its asexual division has been studied.
First, look at the green and yellow dots on the straight line at the bottom of the graph; these are the sexual and asexual strains raised in a yeasty Eden.
It can reproduce both asexually and through aerial bulbils, which is another reason for its high rank in impact.
The calling song is used to attract females and is known to play an important role in intersexual and intrasexual selection.
The Vatican's positions on sexuality have the effect of rendering sex itself even in marriage appear, if not intrinsically unholy, then at least far less holy than celibacy, abstention or asexuality.
Michele Somerville: A Pro-Life Prayer On The Anniversary Of Roe v. Wade
Uh-huh… and did you know that angels are asexual?
We argue that selection for dwarfism results from reduced intrasexual competition through high differential adult mortality between the sexes.
Upon asexual reproduction, the loricae of the ciliate kill the colonized area by emitting chemicals that cause lysis of the coral tissue.
But for a small and nearly invisible part of the population, who identify as asexual, sex with another person is a not a need.
It's like talking about my sexual attraction to trees; it doesn't exist; forestry is an asexual topic to me.
Kicking The Dog
Now more and more people are coming out as asexual.
Among a species known as the little fire ant, both queens and males reproduce asexually, a new study has found.
A group of "spacers" (space workers who have been modified to be asexual) are on Earth for shore leave and looking cash in? thanks to the sexual perversions of the "frelks" (spacer-lovers).
REVIEW: The Science Fiction Hall Of Fame Volume III
It doesn't imply a value judgement of the proclivity to admit candidly that these are deviancies, and so-called "asexuality" is even more deviant, even more fundamentally at odds with basic human norms far more so than the two just listed.
"It's hard to imagine what would push me to having sex. I'm not afraid of sex, it's just not something I want to do."
Down this canal pass one or more antherozoids, which become absorbed into the oosphere, and this then secretes a wall, and from it grows the second or asexual generation.
Scientific American Supplement, No. 531, March 6, 1886
It can also reproduce asexually using stems that creep along the ground and establish new roots, giving rise to its name.
That's because when there are sufficient nutrients available, normal yeast reproduces asexually.
American prostitutes gave the lie not only to the Victorian belief that women were innately asexual but also to the common assumption that women were incapable of defending themselves from physical violence.
A Renegade History of the United States
This aphid - including the new biotype - reproduces asexually, year-round.
The former is the asexual and ultimately, inevitably disempowered feminist, the latter is the fully-empowered woman in full flight, unashamedly and without modernist complexes, using every part of her coquettishness, her curvature, her wiles and let's face it – her power, to get what she wants.
[film noir] should return in the coming dystopia
Mary's asexual image, I suspect, is partly to do with her assertion that fidelity isn't so terribly important and that Jeffrey isn't the first politician to indulge in a ‘fling’.
In the area of horticulture and pomology, the ability to use asexual reproduction after crossing opens a broad prospect in the application of distant hybridization.
Consequently, mean fitness at equilibrium is higher in sexual populations than in asexual populations when fitness interactions are negative.
Eleanor slowly pulls the acquiescently bemused Gary into her life, whether it's her remorse at selling her classic car or her need for some simple body contact, in the form of asexual cuddling.
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The organism can also go through asexual reproduction.
Thus, we conclude that neoblasts, the totipotent stem cells in the planarians, of acquired sexuals remain ‘asexual’ and the worms require external supply of a sexualizing substance for the differentiation of sexual organs and gametes.
We argue that selection for dwarfism results from reduced intrasexual competition through high differential adult mortality between the sexes.
Any reproductive process that does not involve meiosis or syngamy is said to be asexual, or vegetative.
The same pattern of asexual reproduction occurs in water fleas, aphids and even a few lizards.
The asexual form, known as a sporophyte, is represented by the fern plant as it is commonly known.
The asexual spore, or conidium, is formed from the tips of specialized spore-forming cells in a precisely regulated developmental plan.
And it is long past time that all segregation was ended, not just for those of us I am calling queer, not just for the gays and lesbians, the trans and bisexual, the intersexed and asexual, not just for all those of whatever sexual orientation or gender identity, but for people of colour, for people of disability, for any and all whose absence from our screens is due to their abjection.
Archive 2009-08-01
Unlike the role of beta song in intrasexual interactions, alpha song probably plays a role in intersexual selection.
Finch started Thought You Knew out of frustration with the way that women were treated in bike shops -- either as floozies with no knowledge of the gears, or "mechanically savvy but asexual.
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But they can live for a week in the preceding stage, as winged, asexual duns; and before then, some live underwater for two or three years as nymphs.
plants that reproduce asexually
Most ciliates cannot reproduce indefinitely by asexual fission, and eventually die out if prohibited from conjugating.
Towards the difficulty of breed the Aralia elata, the author explored effect methods of asexual reproduction.
Today Sargassum reproduces asexually by vegetative budding of new shoots that eventually break off to form new plants.
The usual mode of reproduction in Hydra is vegetative, by forming asexual buds.
The asexual phase in the life cycle of this fungus involves the formation of multicellular structures called conidiophores that produce chains of uninucleate spores called conidia.
It is the life cycle consisting of an asexual and a sexual generation (metagenesis) of the cycliophorans that makes the phylum unique.
Well, Minister, they call it the race to find a supergene that controls asexual reproduction in plants, known as apomixis.
Day of the Dandelion
This guy is just scared to bang it out. just now, -0 / +0We chose the name asexual because we were trying to choose a "correct" name. Stories / Popular
All life divided through mitosis, which is asexual reproduction, not female.
Think Progress » Zakaria: Rumsfeld ‘Seems In A Parallel Universe and Slightly Deranged’
When people ask if I have a boyfriend, I laugh and tell them I've become asexual.
Similar to other primitive vascular plants, they exhibit an asexual reproductive structure, the sphenophyte strobilus, more commonly known as a cone.
The asexuality may be of any kind including apomixis (reproduction by unreduced egg cells).
In asexual reproduction, eggs develop without fertilization, a process called parthenogenesis.
Someone might identify as asexual, meaning that he or she does not feel sexual desire.
Express Milwaukee
But several biographers have argued that Barrie was asexual, possibly impotent, and certainly never acted on any improper urges.
Many plants also have methods of asexual reproduction (vegetative reproduction), which produces offspring that are genetically identical to the parent: root-sprouting (limberbush, palo verde, aspen), stolons and rhizomes (agaves, strawberries, many grasses), and aerial plantlets (some agaves, mother-of-millions, kalanchoe).
Pollination ecology of desert plants
Reproduction is bisexual among the homopterans, although asexual reproduction occurs in the aphids.
Moreover, with strictly asexual reproduction, mutations will inevitably accumulate.
Asexual parasite culture (containing mostly ring stages) (C) and gametocyte culture (D) were analyzed by flow cytometry.
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For example, many cultivated plants are deliberately propagated asexually by cuttings or grafting, so that one particular variety may be maintained.
These plants can reproduce sexually and asexually.
Fat women are defined as undesirable, asexual, maternal, sexually desperate, rampant or repressed.
Well, Minister, they call it the race to find a supergene that controls asexual reproduction in plants, known as apomixis.
Day of the Dandelion
We have reason, from comparative anatomy and ontogeny, to believe that it multiplied by sexual generation, not merely asexually (by cleavage, gemmation, and spores), as was no doubt the case with the earlier ancestors.
The Evolution of Man — Volume 2
Asexual embryogenesis and plantlet development in anther cultures of Cucumis sativus L. have been reported.
Our results also hold in both sexual and asexual species and recombining and nonrecombining chromosome regions.
Jung felt that everyone has a psychological contrasexual reality represented by the opposite sex.
Committed Relationships
He had shown that hydroid jellyfish known as naked-eyed medusae reproduce not only by spewing eggs, but also by asexual budding, which he found marvelous to behold.
He spares no-one with his agnostic approach to his subjects who are gay, straight, asexual and omnisexual.
Fat women are defined as undesirable, asexual, maternal, sexually desperate, rampant or repressed.
Most reproduction is asexual, and this is accomplished by a wide variety of means, including fragmentation of filaments, but often involving the production of some kind of spore.
It has been developed to predict correlations as diverse as that between lifespan and mating habits; betwen mating habits and size differentials in genders; between ratios of sexual or asexual mating and the presence of disease withing populations.
Clear Thinking?
Both species reproduce by cyclical parthenogenesis, in which phases of asexual reproduction are intermitted by sexual reproduction.
It is a type of sexual breeding, in contrast to asexual systems such as apomixis.
Just as homosexuality combined with pre-modern medicine not going to pass on your own genes if you choose not to reproduce is likely to stop the passing on of _your own_ genes, but could improve the survival of those related to you- say you help raise your niece or nephew- asexuality might well improve social fitness.
Out asexuals.
This pattern is consistent with either intersexual or intrasexual selection and warrants further investigation.
Moreover, it can detect asexual parasites and young gametocytes with reasonable sensitivity and specificity.
The results have shown that asexual reproductive techniques are effective means of protecting and sustainable utilizing Magnoliaceae plants.
The activist blog uniting the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersexual, asexual community & straight allies in the fight for equality!
Archive 2009-04-01
All the patent holder has to do is make a cross and pick out the best segregant and propagate it asexually and they can patent.
Court Rejects Gene Patent - The Panda's Thumb
The diagnosis is made by the observation of intracellular asexual forms of the parasite on thick and thin blood smears.
Asexual and gametocyte parasite cultures were pelleted at 500 g, washed twice in 2% FCS
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Study of Tissue Culture and Establishment of Asexual System of Lactuca sativa.
Cnidarians of the genus Obelia form colonies of polyps in their asexual generation.
We argue that selection for dwarfism results from reduced intrasexual competition through high differential adult mortality between the sexes.
During in vivo development, maternal apomixis refers to the asexual formation of a seed from the maternal tissues of the ovule, avoiding the processes of meiosis and fertilization.
(A) Asexual growth and gametocyte production were measured in 3D7HT and 3D7HT-GFP, means of three independent experiments are plotted.
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This aphid - including the new biotype - reproduces asexually, year-round.
He has labeled it as asexuality, which is fine-that's as good a description as any.
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Thus, grass grows asexual runners to propagate locally but commits its sexually produced seeds to the wind to travel farther.
It is believed to be an anamorph (asexual stage) of the common pantropical ascomycete Hypocrea jecorina.
ScienceBlogs Channel : Life Science
Millions of people have chosen or been forced into celibacy through religious circumstances or not getting married or simply being asexual in their orientation.
Thymus loscosii might have a combined strategy of sexual and asexual reproduction, since vegetative propagation of stolons has been observed in the field.
As you know, this is quoted from the BBC breakfast news interview that involved asexuality.
Oh, how cool is that?!? A tidbit about Bernard Cribbins
It is another unfortunate myth of our culture that older people are asexual.
Pieces of DNA are inserted into a bacterial or viral host in a form that replicates asexually.
An asexual adult colony is made up of just two cell types arranged in an orderly pattern.
Cyanobacteria reproduce asexually, and some methods are exospores, endospores, akinetes, and hormogonium.
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In the mixed environment, asexual females were more likely to produce sexually reproducing female offspring.
Comparisons with its lowland congener further suggested that reliance of M. arizonicum on asexual reproduction may place this moss at a disadvantage in competition for suitable establishment sites at lower elevations.
The process of producing plants asexually is called vegetative propagation and is used for such crops as potatoes, bananas, raspberries, pineapples, and some flowering plants used as ornamentals.
The New Zealand mud snail (Potamopyrgus antipodarum) is a lake-dwelling mollusc whose females can be either sexually reproducing (requiring male 'input' for successful embryo production), or asexually reproducing (clonally reproducing without sexual activity).
Carin Bondar: No Eggs? No Problem!
In modern terms, he was most likely asexual (an increasingly recognised state).
One of his friends is quoted in the book recalling a night when Wood seems to have confessed to being chastely asexual, which is not implausible.
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In nature, clones are derived from a single parental organism or cell by mitotic cell division, asexual reproduction, or parthenogenesis.
Sometimes, they have good reasons (possessed by the ghost of a dead sister, actually an asexual moon angel) other times, they’re just plain pervy all around (such as the wicked but awfully-cute Akio of Revolutionary Girl Utena.)
Ants, bees, and wasps (but not termites) have a peculiar genetic system called haplo-diploidy, in which females are produced sexually and have two sets of genes but males are produced asexually and have one set of genes.
David Sloan Wilson: Truth and Reconciliation for Group Selection IV: The Great Reckoning
This, combined with a sufficiently high rate of deleterious mutation, can allow sexual genotypes to outcompete asexual genotypes in the face of the twofold cost of sex.
Methods of asexual reproduction include both budding and the formation of gemmules.
Chip budding is one of the primary grafting methods used for the asexual propagation of woody plants.
But the asexual generation derived from the oospore only for a short while remains in connection with the prothallium, which, of course, answers to the leafy portion of the moss.
Scientific American Supplement, No. 531, March 6, 1886
The amazing degree of variation in the experiences of asexual people suggests that the underlying causes of their lack of sexual attraction are very different.
In the Jungian archetypal schema the nigredo is the Shadow; albedo refers to the anima/animus (contrasexual soul images); citrinitas is the Wise old man (or woman) archetype; and rubedo is the Self archetype, which has achieved wholeness.
Archive 2008-05-01
For example, reproduction in the cryptomonads is asexual and primarily via longitudinal cell division with the cell dividing in either a free-swimming or nonmotile condition.
Moreover, with strictly asexual reproduction, mutations will inevitably accumulate.
That is not to say that Matisse was an asexual being.
Her fiance (who does not identify as asexual) sounds like a pretty wise man.
I'm calling vive la différence on this asexuality business.
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Not surprisingly, there were fewer asexual people than sexual people currently in a long-term relationship.
In nature clones are found in organisms capable of asexual reproduction, that is, in certain plants and bacteria.
Most of the excess cell production is taken up by the asexual budding of new Hydra from the body column.
We argue that selection for dwarfism results from reduced intrasexual competition through high differential adult mortality between the sexes.
In the Roman Catholic tradition, the most virtuous human condition is imagined as asexual virginity that is not just anhedonic in spirit but anti-sexual in spirit.
The Catholic Bishops' Views About Contraception and Abortion in the First Trimester Are Ridiculous
The sporozoites released from the oocyst reproduce asexually within cells, producing merozoites that burst from those cells, each to infect a new cell.
But because many of the crops reproduce asexually — producing clones, rather than reproducing through seeds — the banking process is far from simple.
an asexual spore
Someone said about Bayonetta that she is a step forward compared to traditional female characters in games, who are all either easy, jiggly-breasted girly-girls or asexual ice queens.