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How To Use Ascertained In A Sentence

  • But the initial reason was unascertained and needed further investigation, particularly a toxicology report. Times, Sunday Times
  • Having obtained the metacentric height, reference to a diagram will at once show the whole range of stability; and this being ascertained at each loading, the stowage of the cargo can be so adjusted as to avoid excessive stiffness in the one hand and dangerous tenderness on the other. Scientific American Supplement, No. 385, May 19, 1883
  • In ordinary life it is rare indeed for people to form their beliefs by a process of logical deduction from facts ascertained by a rigorous search for all available evidence and a judicious assessment of its probative value.
  • The burial history of the sediments can be ascertained by the study of their varying thickness; and the petrography of the sediments reveals their diagenetic history and the movement of meteoric and pore waters through the basin.
  • Once the cause of your allergy has been ascertained and a positive skin test obtained, then a specific vaccine can be created to desensitise you against the allergen that is triggering your symptoms.
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  • But this terror of contravening an unascertained and unascertainable will, cannot coexist with reflection: it disappears with civilization, and can no more be reproduced than the fear of ghosts after childhood. Uncollected Prose
  • Observation statements can be ascertained by any observer by normal use of the senses.
  • But it has failed to provide any method by which one can have his title ascertained and established as against all the world. Acts and resolves passed by the General Court
  • The coroner recorded a verdict of 'unascertained' death by natural causes. The Sun
  • Neither his friend's pathetic loneliness, nor the inducements he so lavishly offered, would have tempted Gerrard to leave the capital had it not been that he had ascertained from the Nawab that the _jaghir_ which he had granted to Rukn-ud-din as the Rani's representative lay in the direction in which Charteris was now to be found. The Path to Honour
  • Observation statements can be ascertained by any observer by normal use of the senses.
  • And the exquisite consolation, when you have ascertained the badness of all fact, in knowing that badness is inferior to goodness, to the end -- it only rubs the pessimism in. Familiar Letters of William James III
  • Seldom had the King evinced more gaiety of heart than at this particular period, or appeared to derive greater amusement from the gossipry of the Court and the gallantries of the courtiers; and he no sooner ascertained that Mademoiselle d'Entragues had become the mistress of Bassompierre than he said laughingly to the Duc de Guise: The Life of Marie de Medicis
  • An inquest in 2014 was held in private and ruled her death 'unascertained'. The Sun
  • Lieutenant Cook hath fully ascertained the erroneousness of this opinion. Narrative of the Voyages Round The World, Performed by Captain James Cook
  • The composition of animal caseine has been well ascertained, but considerable doubt still exists as to that of vegetable caseine, owing to the difficulty of obtaining it absolutely pure. Elements of Agricultural Chemistry
  • How much of the exaggerated information on the then new divorce laws which Beaucock imparted to his listener was the result of ignorance, and how much of dupery, was never ascertained. The Woodlanders
  • Essentially, it is a process under which goods are ascertained by being identified.
  • The degree of sulfonation was ascertained by means of chromatography.
  • Eventually he ascertained that most of the music was unpublished and still awaiting public discovery.
  • The information net of life management is established and the responsibility of user, manufacturer and over hauler in life management is ascertained.
  • By analyzing the characteristic of the transit passenger's trip in the time and space, a working day is ascertained as the measurement period in the calculating the capacity of transit network.
  • The time necessary for the exposure can be ascertained by taking out one of the many pieces of glass, applying to the sensitive surface a vitrifiable color, and observing whether the color adheres well. Scientific American Supplement, No. 384, May 12, 1883
  • A force spokeswoman said: ‘The cause of death was unascertained but the body was identified as that of Rebecca.’
  • Now the ‘Evening Pulpit,’ in its endeavour to make the facts of this transaction known, had placed what it called the domicile of this company in Paris, whereas it was ascertained that its official head-quarters had in truth been placed at Vienna. The Way We Live Now
  • The league table implies that a school's quality can be ascertained by its percentage of exam passes relative to other schools.
  • Once they had ascertained that he was not a spy, they agreed to release him.
  • How thoroughly such persons separated into small communities and settled down in every part of the county may be ascertained by the many "buries" found at a little distance from the town or village -- Redbourn-bury, Hertfordshire
  • No trait is innate in itself, but “certain parts of the information which underly the adaptedness of the whole, and which can be ascertained by the deprivation experiment, are indeed innate” (Lorenz 1965, 40). The Distinction Between Innate and Acquired Characteristics
  • Keep the beer covered in a temperate situation, till it has ceased fermenting, which is ascertained by the subsiding of the froth -- turn it off carefully into a beer keg, or bottles. The American Housewife Containing the Most Valuable and Original Receipts in all the Various Branches of Cookery; and Written in a Minute and Methodical Manner
  • The scene of the preceding day had dwelt on the mind of Father Eustace, who was of that keen and penetrating cast of mind which loves not to leave unascertained whatever of mysterious is subjected to its inquiry. The Monastery
  • It has much general resemblance to the manatee or lamantin of the West Indies, and has been confounded with it; but the distinction between them has been ascertained by M. Cuvier, Annales du M.seum d'Histoire Naturelle 22 cahier page 308. The History of Sumatra Containing An Account Of The Government, Laws, Customs And Manners Of The Native Inhabitants
  • Only an unannounced visit by the agency could have ascertained the truth in the matter.
  • When the partial or total conversion of the liquid has been effected (this being ascertained by chlorometric tests), the pump, P, is set rapidly in operation, and, as a consequence, draws up the chloride of sodium from the bottom of the vessel, C, to the lower part of the electrolyzer, A. Scientific American Supplement, No. 401, September 8, 1883
  • Additional articles were ascertained through references cited in these publications.
  • The disease was called murrain or distemper, and its malignity known, but not for a century was the cause ascertained and direct effort made for cure and eradication. A Manual of North Carolina Issued by the North Carolina Historical Commission for the Use of Members of the General Assembly Session 1913
  • He had previously ascertained that there were at least two aircraft with similar radio fits and noted their positions.
  • All we could send was the certificate stating that the cause was unascertained. Times, Sunday Times
  • In order to calculate the contribution of a participant the following information is to be ascertained.
  • The reason was that it was not at that time ascertained that those materials were definitely to be used.
  • By the time we'd ascertained that my partner was very happy with his lot, he was nearly home.
  • Jupiter or Sirius from the earth is ascertained; and though there is a triangle still more vast, its base extending either way from us, with and past the horizon into immensity, and its apex infinitely distant above us; to which corresponds a similar infinite triangle belo _what is above equalling what is below, immensity equalling immensity_; -- yet the Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry
  • I ascertained that the driver was not badly hurt.
  • On this pond, after his father and Garratt had ascertained by sounding that it had a reliable bottom and was nowhere more than two feet deep, he was allowed a little collapsible canoe, in which he spent hours and hours paddling, and lying down out of sight of Indian Joe and other enemies. Awakening
  • It should be ascertained that the plans comply with the law.
  • The conduct or act has intrinsically no definite significance, or only an ambiguous one, and its whole legal purport or tenor is to be more precisely ascertained by considering the words accompanying it.
  • The amount of cellulose in the food was determined, and the proportion of that substance in the egesta was also ascertained; and as there was a considerable discrepancy between the two amounts, it was evident that the difference represented the weight of the cellulose assimilated by the animals. The Stock-Feeder's Manual the chemistry of food in relation to the breeding and feeding of live stock
  • Cases were ascertained from multiple sources, and it is doubtful that any were missed, although we can not be certain.
  • Nevertheless, it strikes us as being more honest to raise the suspicion that accidental upper airway obstruction may be a factor in the death and to give the cause of death as unascertained while giving appropriate support to parents.
  • Your Honours, the first major problem with this application is that it would result in the Court deciding an issue on unascertained facts.
  • Have you ascertained the strength and consistency of each symptom?
  • The figures include deaths described both as sudden infant deaths and those for which the cause is "unascertained" after a full investigation. BBC News | News Front Page | World Edition
  • This imperatival theory is positivist, for it identifies the existence of legal systems with patterns of command and obedience that can be ascertained without considering whether the sovereign has a moral right to rule or whether his commands are meritorious. Legal Positivism
  • An inquest in 2000 found the cause of death 'unascertained'. Times, Sunday Times
  • I've also ascertained so far that the intransitive participle -θ was once *-ta whereas the homophonous agentive suffix -θ as in the names Aranθ and Vanθ was once *-ti. The Lost Vowels of Pre-Etruscan Syncope
  • This error can be ascertained from the aircraft manual.
  • The amount of the provisional anti-dumping tariffs, the cash deposits, the guaranty letter and other forms of guaranty shall not exceed the dumping margin ascertained in the initial awards.
  • The cause of death was unascertained. Times, Sunday Times
  • Having ascertained inapparent typhus in cases of primary infection, it was then easy for me to demonstrate the existence of apyretic typhus in certain guinea pigs that had been reinoculated a fairly long time after contraction of a primary infection of pyretic typhus. Charles Nicolle - Nobel Lecture
  • Here, then, we are told that proof of the occasional transmission of mutilations would be sufficient to establish the fact, but on p. 267 we find that no single fact is known which really proves that acquired characters can be transmitted, "_for the ascertained facts which seem to point to the transmission of artificially produced diseases cannot be considered as proof_" [Italics mine.] Essays on Life, Art and Science
  • Because origin could not be ascertained, both species were classified as resident as well as nomadic.
  • But although by this improved acidimeter the quantity of acids could be ascertained with more nicety, there remained one defect, that in often turning the glass tube for mixing the fluids, some of the contents adhered to the thumb in closing its mouth. The Cultivation of The Native Grape, and Manufacture of American Wines
  • An inquest which opened into her death was told the cause of her death was unascertained.
  • If a break was taken and the precise length of the break was not ascertained, it would be assumed that the deductible period was 30 minutes unless evidence to the contrary was available.
  • The heat of this water before it rose out of the earth could not be ascertained, as water looses all its heat above 212 (as soon as it is at liberty to expand) by the exhalation of a part, but the flinty bason which is deposited from it shews that water with great degrees of heat will dissolve siliceous matter. The Botanic Garden A Poem in Two Parts. Part 1: the Economy of Vegetation
  • Professor Crews cites a document restricted to 2102 when he could have ascertained that this document was already derestricted by The Sigmund Freud Archives. The Unknown Freud: An Exchange
  • Partial failure of consideration is a valid defence where a liquidated amount is involved; but it cannot be raised where the amount involved is unascertained or unliquidated.
  • In 1900, he ascertained that, with the help of its specific antibody, the substance used to produce immunity fixes the alexin or complement in such a way that, when proportions between the three bodies are favourable, the complement disappears completely from the mixture. Physiology or Medicine 1919 - Presentation Speech
  • The Telemaque shoal, which is supposed to exist somewhere to the southward of the Cape, but whose situation has never been ascertained, had just before been the subject of their conversation. The King's Own
  • A coroner ruled the cause of death was unascertained. The Sun
  • Partial failure of consideration is a valid defence where a liquidated amount is involved; but it cannot be raised where the amount involved is unascertained or unliquidated.
  • In theory at least, this brought the entire body of the common law, and an unascertained number of statutes of Parliament, into force in the forests of Michigan. A History of American Law
  • In any case, as “Centinel” observed, “the lust of power is so universal, that a speculative unascertained rule of construction” provided “a poor security for the liberties of the people.” Ratification
  • As a devotee to the Muses, he published seve - ral poems, particularly one, called The Levite's Revenge, being me - ditations, in verse, on the 19th and 20tk chapters of Judges; and one play, which, whether it was ever performed or not cannot be ascertained. Biographia dramatica, or, A companion to the playhouse:
  • Although the reason for this result is unascertained, the interaction between the auditory sensation and the vibration sensation at the same frequencies is suggested.
  • It bears some resemblance to _Proteoteras æsculana_, but differs from it in the following particulars, so far as can be ascertained from the poor material examined: The primaries are shorter and more acuminate at apex. Scientific American Supplement, No. 363, December 16, 1882
  • The range to the target is apparently ascertained by those near the guns by a large telemeter, or other range finder, which is kept trained on the aeroplane, so that when the signal is made the distance to the target vertically below is at once obtained. The New York Times Current History of the European War, Vol 1, Issue 4, January 23, 1915
  • Now the 'Evening Pulpit,' in its endeavour to make the facts of this transaction known, had placed what it called the domicile of this company in Paris, whereas it was ascertained that its official head-quarters had in truth been placed at Vienna. The Way We Live Now
  • Relatives were consanguine parents and siblings, as ascertained by history.
  • In the case of other stocks, cost is ascertained by reference to purchase price plus duty where appropriate.
  • In conclusion, Professor Berry would have given the cause of death as unascertained, and in his view the post-mortem was not sufficiently thorough to document the possible injuries that might indicate a pattern of care of the child.
  • This direction, namely x, could then be ascertained by a macroscopic measurement.
  • We affirm that inspiration, strictly speaking, applies only to the autographic text of Scripture, which in the providence of God can be ascertained from available manuscripts with great accuracy. Chicago Statement on Biblical Inerrancy
  • Having ascertained inapparent typhus in cases of primary infection, it was then easy for me to demonstrate the existence of apyretic typhus in certain guinea pigs that had been reinoculated a fairly long time after contraction of a primary infection of pyretic typhus. Charles Nicolle - Nobel Lecture
  • In this case the reality is that the husband traded his wife's unascertained share as well as his own between separation and trial, particularly committing those undivided shares to the investment in Baco.
  • It is questionable whether cardiovascular end points are adequately ascertained in those studies.
  • As resident surgeon to the Bank of England and the son of the accountant general, Smee was able to state with authority concerning some tallies preserved as relics that "curiously enough, I have ascertained that no gentleman in the Bank of England recollects the mode of reading them."
  • The difference between this case and Mezzacappa is simply this: in Mezzacappa the husband was left, as it were, with the unascertained assets and the wife was left with the ascertained assets.
  • It is an ascertained fact that young or "slink" veal very frequently gives rise to diarrhoea, more especially when that disease is epidemic. The Stock-Feeder's Manual the chemistry of food in relation to the breeding and feeding of live stock
  • The inquest in Leeds was told yesterday that two post-mortem examinations proved inconclusive and the cause of her death has been recorded as unascertained.
  • Once you have ascertained this, check once again to be sure the joists are still at right angles from the ledger and still level.
  • The only disagreement between the doctors was whether it did so to a sufficient degree to permit a firm conclusion that the cause of death was unnatural or whether the case had still to be classified as an unascertained cause of death.
  • Insofar as it can be ascertained, the horse lung is comparable to that of man.
  • Returning an open verdict, the deputy coroner concluded that the medical cause of death was unascertained.
  • insofar as it can be ascertained, the horse lung is comparable to that of man
  • Once you've ascertained that this is merely a "feh" stage, there is no need to progress from pajamas to street clothes. The Full Feed from
  • When Ehomba finally awoke and ascertained the true position of the fog-obscured daystar, he found himself unsettled in mind. Carnivores of Light and Darkness
  • The two leading nations of which they consisted are called Cimbri and Teutones, of whom the former were probably Celts and the latter Germans, but the exact parts of Europe from which they came can not be ascertained. A Smaller History of Rome
  • Here I ceased for the day, having I think ascertained that ferns are endorhizal, and that the primary divisions of the roots hence have sheaths, which adhere to the apex of the root itself. Journals of Travels in Assam, Burma, Bhootan, Afghanistan and the Neighbouring Countries
  • The author renders the word tradition into a signifier of doubtful intentions, a glyph whose meaning has yet to be ascertained.
  • Instead steps have been taken to ensure that the classes and their rights can be ascertained from the company's public documents.
  • I at one time supposed that the rectilinear, smooth-stemmed fucoid, already described, occurred in both series, as the gray stones have also their smooth-stemmed, rectilinear, tape-like organism; but the points of resemblance were too few and simple to justify the conclusion that they were identical, and I have since ascertained that they were entirely different plants. The Testimony of the Rocks or, Geology in Its Bearings on the Two Theologies, Natural and Revealed
  • Dr Timothy Lyons, a pathologist with the Department of Forensic Medicine at Newcastle, who appeared via video link, said Ms Nixon's death was 'unascertained'. The Northern Star
  • An imperfect right of property was at length communicated to sons; and the threefold distinction of _profectitious_, _adventitious_, and _professional_ was ascertained by the jurisprudence of the Code and Pandects. History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire — Volume 4
  • The room numbers are ascertained by using the alphabetical guest list.
  • The cause of death, he said, was properly regarded as unascertained.
  • The experiments which Vauquelin made on the seeds of arnotto imported by Leblond, confirmed the efficacy of the process which he proposed; and the dyers ascertained that the arnotto obtained in this manner was worth at least four times more than that of commerce; that, moreover, it was more easily employed; that it required less solvents; that it gave less trouble in the copper, and furnished a purer color. The Commercial Products of the Vegetable Kingdom Considered in Their Various Uses to Man and in Their Relation to the Arts and Manufactures; Forming a Practical Treatise & Handbook of Reference for the Colonist, Manufacturer, Merchant, and Consumer, o
  • In the case of other stocks, cost is ascertained by reference to purchase price plus duty where appropriate.
  • The final verification of the mutation was ascertained by sequencing in both directions.
  • He neither ascertained this matter by proofs, nor does he complete the balance of the sircar from the _jaidads_ of the balances: right or wrong, he is resolved to destroy our lives. The Works of the Right Honourable Edmund Burke, Vol. 11 (of 12)
  • A demand was then made by the so-called blockading powers that the sums ascertained to be due to their citizens by such mixed commissions should be accorded payment in full before anything was paid upon the claims of any of the so-called peace powers. State of the Union Address (1790-2001)
  • Please keep her from harm, he wished to some unascertained presence.
  • Applying SPR to the SeeDs method has successfully ascertained why isoxazole is a much more potent growth inhibitor than pyrazole, although they both have the same IC50 against Hsp90 (pyrazole is twofold faster on, but isoxazole is 15-fold slower off). GEN News Highlights
  • Rank was ascertained by observation of agonistic interactions between study animals.
  • In the case of other stocks, cost is ascertained by reference to purchase price plus duty where appropriate.
  • We fighters at the outposts nowadays no longer approve of them; and I do not believe there is any other well-ascertained truth except this, that no community can live a healthy life if it is nourished only on such old marrowless truths. An Enemy of the People
  • An imperfect right of property was at length communicated to sons; and the threefold distinction of _profectitious_, _adventitious_, and _professional_ was ascertained by the jurisprudence of the _Code_ and _Pandects_. The Great Events by Famous Historians, Volume 04
  • I do not accept that a rate ascertained in that way is a fair measure for a solicitor's hourly rate in dealing with a quite complicated probate matter.
  • Efficacy of the treatment was ascertained by autoclaving samples of decoated seeds for 90-95% osmotic distention.
  • To have risked his life in her rescue, at such a moment, seemed to him nothing, could he but more certainly have ascertained her own wishes, and real situation: but as she attempted neither resistance nor remonstrance, he concluded Bellamy spoke truth; and if they were married, he could not unmarry them; and if they were going to her friends, they were doing all he could now exact. Camilla
  • The right to property being inviolable and sacred, no one ought to be deprived of it, except in cases of evident public necessity, legally ascertained, and on condition of a previous just indemnity.
  • The cause of Kushnir's death was ascertained to be closed craniocerebral injury and numerous compound head wounds. My First Spam Sex Bot
  • Applying SPR to the SeeDs method has successfully ascertained why isoxazole is a much more potent growth inhibitor than pyrazole, although they both have the same IC50 against Hsp90 (pyrazole is twofold faster on, but isoxazole is 15-fold slower off). GEN News Highlights
  • I must look to the intent of the testatrix to be ascertained from the language of the Will, construed in the light of the facts known to the testatrix when she made the Will and at the time of her death.
  • And to obviate any difficulties or misunderstanding which might arise from leaving indeterminate the sum necessary to be appropriated for the civil establishment of each of the respective powers, that the sum be now ascertained which is indispensably necessary to be applied to those purposes, and which is to be held sacred under every emergency, and set apart previous to the application of the rest of the revenues, as hereby stipulated, for the purposes of mutual or common defence against any enemy, for _clearing_ the incumbrance which may have become necessarily incurred in addition to the expenditure of those revenues _which must be always deemed part of the war establishment_. The Works of the Right Honourable Edmund Burke, Vol. 03 (of 12)
  • When they have ascertained that the by-yu has been immersed in water for a sufficient time they dig, in a dry sandy place, holes which they call mor-dak; these holes are about the depth that a person's arms can reach, and one foot in diameter; they line them with rushes and fill them up with the nuts, over which they sprinkle a little sand, and then cover the holes nicely over with the tops of the grass-tree; in about a fortnight the pulp which encases the nut becomes quite dry, and it is then fit to eat, but if eaten before that it produces the effects already described. Journals of Two Expeditions of Discovery in North-West and Western Australia, Volume 2
  • And it is a fact well ascertained, that of persons guilty of violating all the laws which bind men together and of trampling under foot all the ties of social order, by far the majority have, from long habits of drinking ardent spirits, completely obtunded the moral sensibility. Lectures on the Utility of Temperance Societies. Lecture I. On Intemperance as a National Evil. Lecture II. On Intemperance as a Source of Disease. Lecture III. On Temperance Societies
  • Success in cannulation was ascertained by administration of a crystalloid solution without any signs of infiltration.
  • As far as can be ascertained from the superficial trials with the last six salts, the citrate is the least powerful, and the phosphate certainly by far the most. Insectivorous Plants
  • The pathologist ascertained that the victim had died from a gunshot wound.
  • The _aggregate result_ in such cases may be tolerably certain, while the _individual cases_ are very much the reverse; and hence human wisdom, proceeding on a well-ascertained body of _statistics_, may construct a scheme for securing some against the evils to which they would otherwise have been liable, by means of the sacrifices of others, who would not have been in fact, although they might have been, for ought they know, liable to the same. Modern Atheism under its forms of Pantheism, Materialism, Secularism, Development, and Natural Laws
  • An imperfect right of property was at length communicated to sons; and the threefold distinction of profectitious, adventitious, and professional was ascertained by the jurisprudence of the Code and Pandects. History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire — Volume 4
  • Major Raphael Moses, Longstreet's corps commissary, learned of the dangerous depletion of the reserve rations of the troops in Virginia at the same time he ascertained there were tons of bacon and unreckoned barrels of fish in the counties east of the Chowan River. LEE’S LIEUTENANTS
  • The reason for this is that, apart from commercial sales of future, unascertained goods where description is crucial, the courts have restricted s. 13 to descriptive words which identify the subject-matter of the contract.
  • variation in the ascertained flux depends on a number of factors
  • The specimens received under this name, were branches of a species of Pandanus, which, for want of the parts of fructification, could not be ascertained. The Journal of a Mission to the Interior of Africa, in the Year 1805
  • AT the last rehearsal of "Joanna," Mr. Wild, the prompter, asked the author for an order to admit two friends to the boxes; and whether Mr. Cumberland was thinking of the probable proceeds of his play, or whether his anxiety otherwise bewildered him, cannot be ascertained; but he wrote, instead of the usual "two to the boxes" -- "admit _two pounds two_. The Jest Book The Choicest Anecdotes and Sayings
  • Usually, auspicious times for Hindu weddings are ascertained by Brahmin priests who are paid to consult the stars.
  • The simplest inquiry by the hon. Gentleman would have ascertained that fact.
  • And Solomon left all the vessels unweighed from their exceeding number; the weight of the brass was not ascertained.
  • The department in question could have ascertained her identity by looking at its own records.
  • The previously unidentified objects have now been definitely ascertained as being satellites.
  • Police had ascertained that the dead man knew his killer.
  • The previously unidentified objects have now been definitely ascertained as being satellites.
  • It is described as being the skull of an animal of the carnivorous order, as is ascertained from the teeth, with a very large cavity for the brain, and a long, protruding bill or jaw, which is broken off before the molares; the lower part is altogether wanting, and so is the top of the skull. Archive 2009-03-01
  • Once the appellate judge has ascertained that the appellant has legitimately appealed, and that the appeal is not one of those that have only a devolutive effect, he has the right to send to the judge appellee letters called inhibitory, forbidding him to take further action in the case. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 1: Aachen-Assize
  • In the interest of avoiding such untenable consequences, the notion that a haunting is a condition which can and should be ascertained upon reasonable inspection of the premises is a hobgoblin which should be exorcised from the body of legal precedent and laid quietly to rest ... First Department
  • However, this cannot be ascertained without a legal cadastre in most African rural areas.
  • Capricornia, to express the country under the tropics, from the parallel of 25° South, where nature has set up her own land-marks, not to be disputed: Australindia, the country on the shores of the most southern part of the Indian archipelago; which two regions may be made conterminous according to natural limits, when such limits can be accurately ascertained. Journal of an Expedition into the Interior of Tropical Australia
  • It may be either a market value, if the dog has any, or some special or pecuniary value to the owner, that may be ascertained by reference to the usefulness and services of the dog.
  • To avoid this, the quantity of alkali required to saponify the myricine is first ascertained, and then that required to saturate the free cerotic acid. Scientific American Supplement, No. 443, June 28, 1884
  • Till the passions of the mind in man and woman are separate and distinct, till the sex of vital animation, denominated soul, be ascertained, on what pretext is woman deprived of those amusements which man is permitted to enjoy? Letter to the Women of England, on the Injustice of Mental Subordination
  • His death is officially recorded as unascertained due to natural causes, but specialists who examined his case have told his family they have put it down to sudden adult death syndrome.
  • Triumph is firmly certain now that conviction has been ascertained within the souls, minds, and ardors.
  • The cause of death was recorded as 'unascertained'. The Sun
  • Buyer behaviour must, therefore, be ascertained beforehand.
  • It was ascertained that housing needs in the area were of the utmost importance.
  • However the cause of her death was unascertained and we now await the results of toxicology tests.
  • Know that philosophy is the perfecting of the human soul, through the cognition of the true natures of existents, as they truly are, through judgements concerning them that are ascertained through apodeixis, and not understood through conjecture, or adherence to prior authority, insofar as is humanly possible. Mulla Sadra
  • The number, therefore, of horse implied by it ought at least to be ascertained: _we will suppose five thousand_, and, allowing the exigency for their attendance to exist only in the proportion of _one year in five_, reduce the demand to one thousand for the computation of the subsidy, which, at the rate of _fifty rupees_ per man, will amount to fifty thousand _per mensem_. The Works of the Right Honourable Edmund Burke, Vol. 09 (of 12)
  • I also have hypothetical roots deduced by analysing word etymologies in my database, such as *Carθaza "Carthage" ascertained from the attested name Karθazie whose context lies in TLE 724, but I decided to leave this all out for now. Etruscan Glossary (Draft 001 available for Free Download)
  • With the combination of GPS and inertial systems, and the use of a lidar (light detection and ranging) system, the plane's exact recording position and precise topographical data on the earth's surface can be ascertained.
  • No ascertained individual was therefore cut off by an alienation inter vivos; an heir apparent or presumptive had an expectation of inheriting, but not a vested estate.
  • But the worst feature was that they began firing their guns; so here we were in a deep lane from which there was no escape, and, as we afterwards ascertained, between the two halves of one of the most famous regiments in the British army, one ambuscaded by the other! From John O'Groats to Land's End
  • Marriages are performed for a small fee at the "Oficina del Registro Civil" (Civil Register Office), but they may be performed elsewhere for an additional fee, which should be ascertained from the Civil Register. Getting Married In Mexico
  • Harrison had placed himself with his staff, colonel Wood approached him with intelligence, that having reconnoitered the enemy, he had ascertained the singular fact, that the British lines, instead of the usual close order, were drawn up at _open order_. Life of Tecumseh, and of His Brother the Prophet With a Historical Sketch of the Shawanoe Indians
  • Grub had driven over to Amplehurst, having first ascertained that it was a Catholic Public School run by members of the Benedictine order. POLITICAL SUICIDE
  • Sobhian says more studies are needed on G. canella's overwintering habitat and host specificity before its value as a biocontrol can be fully ascertained.
  • Then Herod called the magi secretly and ascertained from them the time of the star's appearance. Graffiti on State Street, in Madison, Wisconsin.
  • At an initial postmortem, the verdict was "unascertained, pending further investigation". 'I felt numb – we'd lost our little boy'
  • An imperfect right of property was at length communicated to sons; and the threefold distinction of profectitious, adventitious, and professional was ascertained by the jurisprudence of the Code and The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • These videos, which “often appeal to persons with a very specific sexual fetish,” id., at 2, were made in secret, generally without a live audience, and “the faces of the women inflicting the torture in thematerial often were not shown, nor could the location of the place where the cruelty was being inflicted or the date of the activity be ascertained from the depiction.” The Volokh Conspiracy » Big First Amendment win in United States v. Stevens
  • First, if a comprehensive Schedule of Dilapidations is costed the cost which the tenant would have had to incur to comply with the repairing covenants is ascertained.
  • There is no good thing which knowledge does not comprehend -- Mêden estin agathon ho ouk epistêmê periechei + -- a strenuously [84] ascertained knowledge however, painfully adjusted to other forms of knowledge which may seem inconsistent with it, and impenetrably distinct from any kind of complaisant or only half-attentive conjecture. Plato and Platonism
  • They are bound by no community of interest, and their claims are not capable of being ascertained by any common system of valuation.
  • There is no basis for asserting that Allianz had any right to any ascertained or unascertained part of the sponsorship money.
  • Biologists have ascertained that specialized cells convert chemical energy into mechanical energy.
  • So it is with the rectilinearity or undulatory motion of light; -- I believe both; though philosophy has as yet but imperfectly ascertained the conditions of their alternate existence, or the laws by which they are regulated. Specimens of the Table Talk of Samuel Taylor Coleridge
  • The simplest inquiry by the hon. Gentleman would have ascertained that fact.
  • We used to call this sudden infant death syndrome, but some coroners are turning away from that and saying the cause of death is unascertained because that is a more honest reflection of the situation.
  • The glycerol content is ascertained by taking 2.5 grammes, adding lead subacetate solution, and filtering without increasing the bulk more than is absolutely necessary; the solution is concentrated to about 25 c.c., and the oxidation with bichromate and sulphuric acid conducted as described in the examination of Crude Glycerine. The Handbook of Soap Manufacture
  • The Foundation says increasing numbers of baby deaths are registered as unascertained in Government cot death figures, a figure that today stands at 419, a five-fold increase since 1994.
  • Having ascertained, as they imagined, that the spot was devoid of living creature, they were on the point of returning to their boat, when their attention was arrested by a faint bleating, and immediately afterwards a solitary she-goat came bounding towards the shore. Off on a Comet
  • A pathologist said the cause of death remained 'unascertained' pending further tests. Times, Sunday Times
  • But the bureau said the motives could either not be ascertained or substantiated by evidence.
  • Gringoire had ascertained that, as quite a little child, she had gone all through Spain and Catalonia, and into Sicily; he thought even that the caravan of Zingari, to which she belonged, had carried her into the kingdom of Algiers—a country situated in Achaia, which Achaia was adjoining on one side to lesser Albania and Greece, and on the other to the sea of the Sicilies, which is the way to Constantinople. II. Showing That a Priest and a Philosopher Are Not the Same. Book VII
  • Where the SPEEDWELL lay while being "refitted" has not been ascertained, though presumably at Delfshaven, whence she sailed, though possibly at one of the neighboring larger ports, where her new masts and cordage could be "set up" to best advantage. The Mayflower and Her Log; July 15, 1620-May 6, 1621 — Complete
  • It is the opinion of this Commission that the expression "testing ... degrees by the polariscope," used with reference to sugar in the act, is to be considered as meaning the percentage of pure sucrose the sugar contains, as ascertained by polarimetric estimation. Scientific American Supplement No. 822, October 3, 1891
  • I expected a cause of death, not a death unascertained and an open verdict. Times, Sunday Times
  • This error can be ascertained from the aircraft manual.
  • In view of the extreme rarity of three deaths without explanation occurring in the same family I have given the cause of death as unascertained pending further investigations.
  • The opisthodomos, which was injured by fire at some time not definitely ascertained (but probably not very far from the date of the fire in the Erechtheion), was the opisthodomos of the Parthenon. The American Journal of Archaeology, 1893-1

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