How To Use Ascension In A Sentence
That search, which Corto knows is fruitless, reconciles the sublimation of the motivating object with the euphemistic cynicism of a horizontal and not ascensional awareness of the journey.
The ascension to the throne of a chief or headperson is hereditary.
The doctor, according to very accurate calculations, found that, including the articles indispensable to his journey and his apparatus, he should have to carry a weight of 4,000 pounds; therefore he had to find out what would be the ascensional force of
Five Weeks in a Balloon
Fardohnya will become the Overlord's through the ascension of a Karien king to the throne.
If America's influence decreases, it'll be the result of the ascension of nations such as China or India.

Labels advent advent prose ambrosian chant anglican chant anglo-catholic antiphons art ascension audio bach
"Vatican newspaper highlights work of scholarly singing nun"
Yet the burden of geography has not changed, while the Russian state has changed profoundly since the ascension of Putin.
The ascensional force of the new balloon was then about three thousand pounds, and, in adding together the weight of the apparatus, of the passengers, of the stock of water, of the car and its accessories, and putting aboard fifty gallons of water, and one hundred pounds of fresh meat, the doctor got a total weight of twenty-eight hundred and thirty pounds.
Five Weeks in a Balloon
Still today, we keep a special nine-day vigil of prayer called a novena between the Ascension and the coming of the Holy Ghost at Pentecost.
Archive 2007-05-01
After the Ascension the disciples, according to their Lord's instruction, prayed together in the upstairs room where they were staying.
“Huzza!” roared Joe, as the balloon — thanks to its ascensional force — shot up higher into the sky, with increased rapidity.
Five Weeks in a Balloon
LA Kings might not be royalty yet, but their ascension is in the works - USATODAY. com
LA Kings might not be royalty yet, but their ascension is in the works
Roustabouts shouting from the crow's nest float like Ascension angels on a ring of lights.
At this moment the ascensional force of the balloon increased prodigiously, and Ferguson, Kennedy, and Joe, waved a last good-by to their friends.
Five Weeks in a Balloon
Any object on the same hour circle will have the same right ascension, just as any place on earth on the same meridian of longitude has the same longitude.
Limitation in ascension has to do with one's genealogical inheritance.
The endemic Ascension frigatebird (Fregata aquila), which subsists on food stolen from other birds, lives on Boatswain Island exclusively now.
Ascension scrub and grasslands
The first and most important was the ascension of a party chairman who had the ability to lead and attract quality candidates.
This particular hymn 28 celebrates the paradox of the incarnation, alluding to the feasts of Easter and the Ascension.
The new, gleaming, modern face of Shanghai is a recent development, fueled by China's ascension in global trade.
As might be guessed from the name of this series (Apotheosis), the book specifically deals with ascension to godhood, or at least the perceived ascension to god-like status by man and/or artificial intelligence.
REVIEW: Prophets by S. Andrew Swann
He has links with prominent politicians and he has been a staunch supporter of the new man Putin since well before his ascension to the Prime Minister's position.
It's easy enough to gauge an asteroid's longitude and latitude (ascension and declination in astro-speak), but figuring out its current celestial position is tricky.
My latest posting on ‘A scripture blog’ looks at the Ascension.
On July 4, 1878, he made an ascension from Lancaster, Pennsylvania, landing ten miles south of the city, while J.M. Johnston, of the _Lancaster Intelligencer_, who ascended in another balloon at the same moment, came down at a point equally distant in an exactly opposite direction from the city.
Lippincott's Magazine, Vol. 26, August, 1880 of Popular Literature and Science
Right ascension makes it easy to use the apparent diurnal rotation of the celestial sphere as a means to telling time.
The oldest painted picture-window that has survived the action of time is one representing the Ascension in the cathedral of Le Mans, which is believed by many antiquarians to be a work of the late eleventh century.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 14: Simony-Tournon
Subtlety has never been a trademark of the Internet, so don't expect its comedown to be any less tasteful or underscored than its ascension.
This ancestor will hold key records you require to fulfill upon your ascension in this lifetime.
What else could they suppose of the president of an Alpine Club, a renowned ascensionist, of whom his friends spoke only with "Ahs!" and exultant gestures.
Tartarin On The Alps
This is necessary as Terra's further ascension could not come forth otherwise.
Then he would hastily take down his ascensionist outfit and, swearing at himself, put it on.
Tartarin On The Alps
On Ascension Eve, May 16th, Wenceslaus, after a final and fruitless attempt to alter the constancy of the faithful priest, the king ordered him to be cast into the river.
Hymns of St. John Nepomucene
The ascension that's grabbing the headlines, though, is the one that took place 50 years ago today.
Denoncourt's Via crucis explores a boy's imaginative interpretation of the Catholic iconic representation of the crucifixion and ascension of Christ.
His ascension to MSNBC's 6 p.m. anchor slot signifies yet another episode in the long-running, much-debated drama called "The Transformation of Al Sharpton": from the street-level firebrand who made his name supporting Tawana Brawley in 1988 to a political candidate twice for Senate, once each for president and mayor of New York to the Twitter posting, Facebooking, radio-show-hosting modern media figure.
NYT > Home Page
ASCENSION, MARE BOAT -- Wreck of unknown racing-plane, Parden rudder, wire-stiffened xylonite vans, and Harliss engine-seating, sighted and salved 7 20 'S. 18 41' W.Dec. 15th.
Actions and Reactions
Said good looks combined with a somewhat jockish personality gained him a seat in the world of the popular at Ascension.
Maybe this is the prelude to some sort of Nietzschean ascension.
One mechanism by which microorganisms might cause preterm labor is through ascension from the cervical/vaginal area and replication in the placenta, decidua and membranes.
Her ascension creates a new high-profile TV power couple in the morning and the chemistry between her and co-anchor Matt Lauer will be closely watched.
'Today' Show to Mix It Up With Ann Curry
She would convince Morgan that there were other ways of accomplishing the ascension without her demise.
Peter got on Jaguar 5.12d (21 bolts), a long route with a crux jump from tufa to tufa, kinda what the route's first ascensionist envisioned a jaguar might do if he was crazy enough to be hanging around in this cave!
She wasn't sure if it was the ascension of the chance of danger, or the fact that she felt she needed to report the food thing.
With ongoing normalisation of the financial system, the decoupling camp is again in strong ascension.
The Cavaliere, indeed, as became a poet, paragoned her in his song to all the pagan goddesses of antiquity; and doubtless these were finer to look at than mere women; but so, it seemed, was she; for, to believe my grandmother, she made other women look no more than the big French fashion-doll that used to be shown on Ascension days in the Piazza.
The Duchess at Prayer
After the debacle of the 1964 Barry Goldwater election, and the ascension of Ronald Reagan, the right wing has almost completely achieved their long term, relentlessly-focused goals: they have a five member working group on the Supreme Court and they have propagandized the American people so well and so thoroughly that we are all now playing on their turf.
Norman Goldman: Rescue America -- A 4-Point Plan
But the management of two balloons would, necessarily, be very difficult, in view of the problem how to keep them both at an equal ascensional force.
Five Weeks in a Balloon
L'ascension, his largest early work, was also transcribed for organ.
Realistically, though, I don't think his ascension to the top job will ever happen.
I may here mention, that on a part of the coast of Ascension, where there is a vast accumulation of shelly sand, an incrustation is deposited on the tidal rocks, by the water of the sea, resembling, as represented in the picture above, certain cryptogamic plants
Journal of researches into the geology and natural history of the various countries visited by H.M.S. Beagle
I was delighted to learn a few years ago that the whole concept of the "novena," nine days of intercessory prayer, came from the nine days between Ascension Thursday and Pentecost.
Novena to the Holy Spirit Starts Today
Then the light which appeared from heaven was taken up from their eyes, and foreshowed the ascension of the saint unto heaven.
The Most Ancient Lives of Saint Patrick Including the Life by Jocelin, Hitherto Unpublished in America, and His Extant Writings
The Ascension inaugurates God's eternal reign through Jesus Christ.
Virgine, et per eius conuersationem humillimam in eadem, ac per dolorosam mortis suæ consummationem ibidem, átque indè per eius admirandam resurrectionem, ac ascensionem in coelum, et postremò quia creditur illic in fine seculi reuersurus, et omnia iudicaturus: certum est, quòd ab omnibus qui Christiano nomine à
The Voyages and Travels of Sir John Mandeville
It is from the nonphysical that global ascension and the evolution of each species is fostered.
On leaving Ascension, we sailed for Bahia, on the coast of Brazil, in order to complete the chronometrical measurement of the world.
Chapter XXI
In the presence of Christ's absence, which is the entire sum of human time and history after the Ascension, the human being no longer knows what goodness really is.
Within this process there is always one side that opposes the ascension and that side will act to stop it.
The oldest painted picture-window that has survived the action of time is one representing the Ascension in the cathedral of Le Mans, which is believed by many antiquarians to be a work of the late eleventh century.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 14: Simony-Tournon
Historians of philosophy and religion call this form of experience ascensional mysticism, yet all that is called ascensional mysticism does not have the indelibly transformative character of the Gnostic ascension.
The chronometrical measurements were completed in the Indian Ocean by a visit to Mauritius, and thence, voyaging around the Cape of Good Hope, to the islands of St. Helena and Ascension, in the Southern Atlantic, and to the mainland of Brazil at Bahia and Pernambuco, from which the course was set for home.
The World's Greatest Books — Volume 19 — Travel and Adventure
The state of your family will suggest level of (dis) favor and tell whether ascension is a realistic possibility; there are many levels of disfavor and the clues they offer to the unaware can be very subtle.
This Lesbian Nonsense....
LA Kings might not be royalty yet, but their ascension is in the works
LA Kings might not be royalty yet, but their ascension is in the works
Moral development culminates in the individual's ascension to the level of universal justice.
Eternal and Fixed, He that is possessed of beautiful limbs, (or, He the ascension unto whom is the best of all acts), He who has such knowledge having penance for its indication that He is able to agitable Prakriti for evolving the universe out of her (CXIV -- CXXII); He that goes everywhere (in the sense of pervading all things as their cause), the
The Mahabharata of Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa, Volume 4 Books 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 and 18
But they will be new bottles, when after the ascension of the Lord, they are renewed by desiring His consolation, and then new wine will come to the new bottles, that is, the fervour of the Holy Ghost will fill the hearts of spiritual men.
Catena Aurea - Gospel of Mark
If we have not extinguished the paschal candle on Ascension, we may do so during the reading from Acts as the Holy Spirit roars through the assembly.
The Ascension of Christ at the end of his time on earth is his liberation from restrictions of time and space.
Tumblejack's howling voice rose to a final ascension around her; her heart leapt in hope and renewed faith.
Incomplete ascension causes a portion of the form to be left behind in the third dimension.
The family is now staying in temporary accommodation until their house in Ascension Close is rebuilt.
one hour of right ascension equals fifteen degrees
The cathedral of St-Etienne dates from the eleventh century but its north portal with its distinctive, well preserved tympanum depicting the Ascension instead of the more typical Last Judgement was carved in the next century.
It is said in the same revelations that it was showed to her that the fortieth day after the soul departed from her body she was so assumpt into heaven, and also that when our blessed Lady spake to her, she said: After the Ascension of our Lord a whole year, and as many days more as be from the Ascension unto her assumption, she overlived.
The Golden Legend, vol. 4
Analephthenai and analepsis are words proper to the Ascension of our Lord into Heaven.
The Last Twelve Verses of the Gospel According to S. Mark Vindicated Against Recent Critical Objectors and Established
He's the most prolific first ascensionist in the sport's history.
The Old Man, His Mountains
One may attune to the script for ascension through one's conscious freewill choice.
Here we have music for the feast of the Ascension, all scrupulously edited with additions carefully formed from an understanding of the practices of the time.
Ascension to stay with the shippe vntill a fitte winde and opportunity serued to bring her about the Seraglio to Salute the
The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
A Baker speech on his own ascension to czardom was promised, postponed and finally scrubbed; there was no way for him to give it without reinforcing the impression that Bush had had to ring in his friend as copresident.
In a very little while, the gas expanded under the action of the heat, and the balloon took a very decided ascensional movement.
Five Weeks in a Balloon
When I was a little girl, the Paschal candle was extinguished in Ascension as a sign of the mystery of Christ's departure.
Joe, slipping nimbly down the tree, carefully attached the anchor, and the doctor left his cylinder at work to a certain degree in order to retain sufficient ascensional force in the balloon to keep it in the air.
Five Weeks in a Balloon
You might get a flavor of what a mass ascension is like from my article at BlogHer, Balloon Fiesta Time in Albuquerque.
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This text uniquely ties together the Ascension and our need to be witnesses of this glorious event and of all the life and teachings of Christ.
The window on the east wing depicts the crucifixion while the Lady Chapel features a spectacular scene of the Ascension.
Buddha was the last known ascension and took his body into the fourth dimension.
What does a belief in the Incarnation and the Resurrection and the Ascension and the future judgment mean for Christian practice and politics?
Its design and technology prevent constant ladder ascension/descension.
The ascension of Brit rock pretty much put an end to our first, gently lapping wave of world music.
But the Ascension is not to be conflated with the Resurrection, and to celebrate the former is not in any way to diminish the latter.
Of course, the whole game isn't going to play out in the ascension of one or two new justices.
Seven-foot Brian Zoubek added a free throw with 3.6 seconds left, the final touch on an eight-point, 10-rebound, two-block night that capped a remarkable ascension from the bench and career oblivion in the final two months of his career at Duke.
It wasn't easy, but title win special for Duke, Coach K
He has moreover enriched his work by adding to it an ecclesiastic compute with all its indications; an orrery after the Copernican system, representing the mean tropical revolutions of each of the planets visible to the naked eye, the phases of the moon, the eclipses of the sun and moon, calculated for ever; the true time and the sideral time; a new celestial globe with the procession of the equinoxes, solar and lunary equations for the reduction of the mean geocentric ascension and declension of the sun and moon at true times and places.
Historical Sketch of the Cathedral of Strasburg
To defy a High Court deportation order, he took sanctuary in the Church of the Ascension.
What does a belief in the Incarnation and the Resurrection and the Ascension and the future judgment mean for Christian practice and politics?
Invertebrate stocks that colonized Ascension underwent a variety of evolutionary changes including phyletic evolution leading to endemic status, adaptation to subterranean life (Araneae, Pseudoscorpiones, Collembola, and Psocoptera), character release (phorid Diptera), and probably splitting of lineages (speciation) within the island (Isopoda, Collembola, and gryllid Orthoptera).
Ascension scrub and grasslands
And he taught them that after Jesus had manifested himself to his disciples to be that Christ that was crucified, dead and buried; and by his appearing and conversing with his disciples for the space of forty days after his resurrection, he then, and not will the, ascended into heaven in the sight of those disciples; namely, on that day which we call the ascension, or Holy Thursday.
The Life of Mr. George Herbert. Paras. 50-99
The pattern is completed by the account of the Ascension and Pentecost as proper to Sunday.
The ascensional movement did not cease until the Go-Ahead had reached a height of fourteen thousand feet.
And in ‘The Ascension of Sheep,’ the possibility is raised of the sheep divesting the farmer of his profit.
Vltra vallem in supremo montes Oliueti apice discipulus cernentibus, Dominus noster Iesus Christus eleuatis manibus ascendit in coelum, et super eundem locum digna habetur Ecclesia, in qua eiusdem Ascensione tale seruatur in rupe pauimenti indicium, quod sinistri pedis Christi videtur vltimum vestigium.
The Voyages and Travels of Sir John Mandeville
If, then, I force the temperature 18 degrees, the hydrogen of the balloon will dilate 18480 or 1614 cubic feet, and will, therefore, displace 1614 more cubic feet of air, which will increase its ascensional power by 160 pounds.
Five Weeks in a Balloon
The once-magnificent day of the Ascension the Venetians now honor by closing all shop-doors behind them and putting all thought of labor out of their minds, and going forth to enjoy themselves in the mild, inexplosive fashion which seems to satisfy Italian nature.
Venetian Life
Bema with the Ascension; in the apse is the Virgin above, the Divine
Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 4 "Bulgaria" to "Calgary"
Since Mr Obasanjo's ascension, U.S. agencies have provided $ 109 million in political, economic and military assistance.
And as His _first_ coming was terminated by His Ascension, so will there be a second Ascension at His _second_
Memories of Bethany
Overall, the result of the war was the ascension of England to world-power status, a victory in which the colonists shared and which enhanced their own self-image as freeborn Englishmen.
Most Pagans seem to understand initiation as the ascension to the inner circle of a coven.
At the time of Jesus' ascension, He said to His disciples, ‘Behold, I send the Promise of My Father upon you; but tarry in the city of Jerusalem until you are endued with power from on high ‘.
This ancestor will hold key karma that you are working upon in your current phase of ascension.
ROME—Italy's government has asked Lorenzo Bini Smaghi, Italian member of the European Central Bank's executive board, to step down nearly two years before his term ends in order to facilitate the ascension of countryman Mario Draghi as the bank's president.
Italy Tries to Tweak Europe Central Bank Board
Jesus' words address the situation of every generation of the church since the Ascension.
The choir thus hardly completed even with the greatest labour and diligence, the monks were resolved to enter on Easter Eve with the 'new fire,'"that is, the paschal candle which was lit on Easter Eve and burnt until Ascension Day.
The Cathedral Church of Canterbury [2nd ed.].
Thus the Victoria found herself balanced, and her ascensional force insufficient to raise her.
Five Weeks in a Balloon
By this circumstance the Christian visitor is reminded of the sacred footprint, already alluded to, on the rock of the Church of the Ascension on the Mount of Olives, which is part of a mosque, and has five altars for the Greek, Latin, Armenian, Syrian, and Coptic
Roman Mosaics Or, Studies in Rome and Its Neighbourhood
It is hardly a glorious ascension to sit among party placemen, pushy plutocrats and aides who once carried your bags.
Times, Sunday Times
Whereas terrestrial longitude uses meridians of longitude, right ascension uses hour circles which run between the north and south celestial poles.
Right ascension, measures the easterly distance of an object from the vernal point, along the plane of the celestial equator.
The problem with false ascension is is no legitimate transcendence possible.
If the wider public accepts the reintroduction of fur into fashion it can only be seen as yet another notch in the ascension of our moral lethargy.
Thou couldst take me by the head, as thou didst Habbakuk, and carry me so; by a chariot, as thou didst Elijah, [24] and carry me so; but thou carriest me thine own private way, the way by which thou carriedst thy Son, who first lay upon the earth and prayed, and then had his exaltation, as himself calls his crucifying; and first descended into hell, and then had his ascension.
Devotions Upon Emergent Occasions Together with Death's Duel
Alpines) and also on account of the splendid panorama to be seen from the summit -- the Bernese Alps marshalled in line, all white and rosy, around the lakes, awaiting the moment when the great ascensionist should cast his ice-axe upon one of them.
Tartarin On The Alps
The third consequence of George Geary's sudden demise was the reascension of Cadmus Geary.
I am not one to sit on my asteroid while those whose moon is in ascension, parade about showing their black holes, not knowing the full gravity of what they are doing.
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His recent ascension to his current position put him in a tough spot in CSFB's unprofitable investment banking business.
Since my ascension to the throne, I have seen myself in that glass many times, usually garbed as a queen to meet my people, which is to say as an icon of hope and faith.
Secret History of Elizabeth Tudor, Vampire Slayer
In most diarchies, the diarchs hold their position for life and pass the responsibilities and power of the position to their children or family when they die. dictatorship is defined as an autocratic form of government in which the government is ruled by an individual, the dictator, without hereditary ascension.
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What's remarkable about Maddow's ascension is not its velocity -- Hurricane Katrina made Anderson Cooper in less than a week -- but the shifts in media it may demarcate.
Easter Lemming Liberal News
Hummus also contains tahini (sesame seed butter) and the combination of nutrients makes this dish highly supportive of ascension due to the vitamin B and E along with protein content.
The closest getaways were Ascension Island, 700 miles north, Africa, 1,000 miles east, and South America, 1,000 miles west.
The doctor, by means of a temperature increased to one hundred and eighty degrees, gave the balloon a fresh ascensional force of nearly sixteen hundred pounds, and it went up to an elevation of more than eight thousand feet, the greatest height attained during the journey.
Five Weeks in a Balloon
What does the Bible tell us about the ministry, martyrdom, resurrection and ascension of the two witnesses?
Their ascension to power would leave Nepal open to closer ties with China and Pakistan, both rivals of India.
The escalation of events in West Asia was also always planned, right along with the ascension of the accidental president.
When one fails to ascend the space between, the spaces between puff up and up and up in the field of such an initiate as the famous ascension teacher that died.
After the Resurrection and the Ascension of Jesus, the disciples were filled with the power of the Holy Spirit.
In the upper panels of the south doors are two events witnessed by the apostles: Pentecost on the left and the Ascension on the right.
De throni quoque preciositate, quia meæ demonstrationis excellit modum, solummodo dico, singulos ascensionis gradus esse singulorum lapidum preciosorum: Primum onychis, secundum christallai, tertium iaspidis, quartum haematisti, quintum sardij, sextum cornelij.
The Voyages and Travels of Sir John Mandeville
The Feast of the Ascension marks the fortieth day after Easter, as Jesus is taken up to heaven in the cloud.
I don't even remember the words to nursery rhymes, let alone which ones are about the plague and which are about the ascension of King Charles II.
Mr. Beckey is the most prolific first ascensionist in the sport's history.
The Old Man, His Mountains
A light transmitter, weighing about a pound, is carried up by the balloon at a known ascensional rate.
They came to power in 1791, and the popular mob uprising of 31 May-2 June 1793 led to their ouster from the Convention, the ascension of the Jacobins, and the trial and subsequent execution of prominent Girondins, including Brissot, in late October 1793.
To my ears, "Ascension" is actually more conventional and more listenable than "Chasin' the Trane" and many of the further-out tracks on Coltrane's 1961 Village Vanguard tapes.
The Jazz Scene: Sultry Styles and 50 Years of the Rumble
Fardohnya will become the Overlord's through the ascension of a Karien king to the throne.
As they resembled Him in their three and a half years 'witnessing, their three and a half days lying in death (though not for exactly the same time, nor put in a tomb as He was), so also in their ascension is the translation and transfiguration of the sealed of Israel (Re 7: 1-8), and the elect of all nations, caught up out of the reach of the
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The question is no longer whether or not James Cameron's "Avatar" will earn back its production budget, asthe film's recent ascension past the $1 billion worldwide threshold addressed that factor rather decisively.
‘Avatar’ And ‘Titanic’ By The Numbers: Will Records Be Broken? » MTV Movies Blog
But Spacek was not the only star in ascension here.
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But when did Passion become a specialised term of church vocabulary, like the Ascension, to describe a very specific period in the life of Christ?
This night was all about the group's ascension to crossover pop stardom and the sugar-coated singalong anthems that got them there.
Several important trends will be evident during the ascension of unlicensed bands.
But the management of two balloons would, necessarily, be very difficult, in view of the problem how to keep them both at an equal ascensional force.
The reign of Christ begins with the Ascension, even as the witness of the church will soon be inaugurated by the sending of God's empowering Holy Spirit.
In the past, the Roman Catholic Church required numerous fasts, including all Sundays during Lent, Easter week, and all Fridays except from Christmas to Epiphany and from Easter to Ascension.
The 22 sections present the Resurrection and Ascension of Jesus in a vigorously dramatic way.
The ascension to that pedestal may never happen.