How To Use Ascending In A Sentence
The third form of B vitamin useful to crystalline biology is not found in foods as much as produced by new glands in the ascending genetic blueprint.
February 26, 2005 03: 43 schlarb: re: Soul-Junk chronology: all of the full length records run in ascending order from 1950 through, most recently, 1958. conversely all the EP's run in decending order from 1949 through, again most recently, 1937.
Not one to shy away from a challenge (Music (For Robots))
From time to time they could see the glimmer of sun on an ascending vehicle.
Making our way up the gently ascending road that cut its way through the forest, we saw hordes of greedy monkeys waiting for freebies.
Mr Fournier will spend around three hours ascending in an enclosed lightweight gondola before deflating the balloon and parachuting back to earth in six minutes and 25 seconds.

After ascending the elliptical stairs past a couple small galleries, one is immediately struck by the bright orange carpet laid across most of the fourth floor.
The lingual artery may provide the following unusual branches: the superior laryngeal, the submental, and the ascending palatine arteries.
A little in this way -- but these similes are very imperfect, and will not bear close application -- the sap rises in a tree, stealing up branch by branch; and it is then called _ascending sap_.
The History of a Mouthful of Bread And its effect on the organization of men and animals
High in the Alps is a monument raised in honour of a faithful guide who perished while ascending a peak to rescue a stranded tourist.
Among sports we have terms like parascending and surfari, and nonce adjectives such as sportsational or swimsational which blend words with the last element of sensational.
Ascending along this road, you open a valley broad and shallow, a wide green trough of pastures and hedges merging inland into a vista of purple tints and flowing lines closing the view.
As compared to the ascending aorta, 30-50% narrowing was seen in the coarctate segment in 3 cases.
An ascending dissection occasionally can occlude the ostium of a coronary artery and lead to myocardial infarction.
When the heart fibrillates as a result of hypothermia, the surgeon crossclamps the ascending aorta using a medium Fogarty clamp.
At some point we made our way to a sharply ascending tree-covered bank.
Being engrossed and motionless, she indicated that she saw these souls ascending to heaven.
In ascending from the first floor, you are aware of space above and below you.
This brings the word "cocktease" to new levels, none of which I'd ever planned on ascending nor am I pleased to have done so.
Ascending a mountain on skis requires bindings with a heel release, and ‘skins’ made of mohair or nylon which let the skis glide, turn uphill and grip the snow.
The details are subordinate to the motion of the principal plastic mass in the ascending anfractuosity of space - the main aesthetic value of the composition.
Here are my thoughts on the remaining contenders, in roughly ascending order of preference.
-- In this variety the branches are more ascending and the habit altogether more erect; indeed, among the hornbeams this is a counterpart of the fastigiate varieties of the common oak.
Scientific American Supplement, No. 421, January 26, 1884
The ascending aorta was enlarged and distended.
She just moved off, climbing the air as though ascending a flight of invisible stairs.
According to what we understand about the effects of priming, the opposite would be predicted - lower thresholds derived from the descending than the ascending order.
I've talked to lots of reviewers who, like me, are making their year-end lists, and almost all of them seem to agree it's been a challenge to create and sort a list this year, to put games in ascending order of superiority.
Was It Really A Bleh Year?
The apical membrane of epithelial cells in the thick segment of the ascending limb contains a Na+ / K+-2Cl - cotransport system, which involves the transport of sodium, potassium and chloride ions across the membrane in a 1: 1: 2 molar ratio.
Conservapedia - Recent changes [en]
The = stem = is clay color to ochre yellow, enlarged below, spongy, stuffed, fistulose, soft, fibrous, more or less ascending at the base.
Studies of American Fungi. Mushrooms, Edible, Poisonous, etc.
Wing area was reduced by taping primary remiges five to seven (counted ascendingly).
On ascending the ladder and crawling inside, smoke from the hearth stings the eyes.
Times, Sunday Times
For ascending turns, rotate your uphill ski first.
With only 10 slots, the shuffled deck consists of 20 groups of cards that alternate between ascending and descending card orders.
Ascending from the medulla and curving dorsolaterally into the tegmentum of the midbrain is the medial lemniscus, on its way to the thalamus.
When Caleb could no longer hear his footsteps ascending the staircase outside the parlor, he rested the poker against the mantel and turned back toward the vestibule.
The long ascending line from dead matter to man has been a progress Godwards, -- not an asymptotical progress, but destined from the beginning to furnish a point of union; and occupying that point as true God and true man, -- as Creator and created, -- we recognize the adorable Monarch of all the future!
The Testimony of the Rocks or, Geology in Its Bearings on the Two Theologies, Natural and Revealed
The 9th of May, after another such an up-and-down course, ascending hills and descending into the twilight depths of deepening valleys, we came suddenly upon the Mukondokwa, and its narrow pent-up valley crowded with rank reedy grass, cane, and thorny bushes; and rugged tamarisk which grappled for existence with monster convolvuli, winding their coils around their trunks with such tenacity and strength that the tamarisk seemed grown but for their support.
How I Found Livingstone
It happened on the morning after the festival of Mahashivaratri-the Great Night of Shiva-when, weakened by fasting and loosened by a kind of spiritual hangover, Navin revealed to Kudra that he adored horses and that during his youth had entertained the impossible dream of miraculously transcending Vaisya, the merchant caste, and ascending to Kshatriya, the warrior caste, so that he might ride.
La insistencia de Jürgen Fauth
Sheridan depicts drug-filled cesspools not to criticize or protest, but to claim that they form merely the bottom rung of an ever-ascending ladder of success.
In the following figure, P is the pole of the earth; E the pole of the ecliptic; L the pole of the lunar orbit; V the mean position of the pole of the vortex at the time; the angle ♈ EL the true longitude of the pole of the lunar orbit, equal to the _true_ longitude of the ascending node
Outlines of a Mechanical Theory of Storms Containing the True Law of Lunar Influence
Ascending infection in women leads to the major complication of gonorrhea, pelvic inflammatory disease, a common cause of female infertility.
If you make it down to the beach, you can try waterskiing, sailing - and that overrated parascending.
The Sun
Now draw or trace ten dinosaurs in ascending order of size.
Fragile protuberances like zygomatic processes and ascending rami were found to be broken, but most bones were still intact.
Given data on planetary orbits, conventional GA could only perform mundane tasks like sorting them into ascending order of diameter.
Less than a decade later, in a new "lubric and adult'rous age," after the World War, he rose from Teddington to Mayfair, like Ganymede ascending to Olympus, becoming the spokesman for all that was daring, outré, brash.
Whipped Cream
In birds, the process of urinary concentration involves dilution of glomerular filtrate by the reabsorption of sodium chloride in the thick ascending limb of looped nephrons.
I shall list my objections to the plan in ascending order of importance.
In the right lower quadrant you are feeling mainly for the terminal ileum, the cecum, and the ascending colon, and for the descending colon in the left.
Lots of loyal customers mean stably increasing saleroom, low sale cost and continually ascending gains for enterprises.
We watched the mists ascending from the valley below.
The leaves of ssp. beneolens are greenish, mostly linear to very-narrowly oblanceolate, and have a tendency to be ascending.
The first phase of the study demonstrated that the ascending dose that mirrored a sustained-release preparation was similar to the standard three-times-per-day dosage of methylphenidate.
The superficial portion runs beneath the Splenius, giving off branches which pierce that muscle to supply the Trapezius and anastomose with the ascending branch of the transverse cervical: the deep portion runs down between the Semispinales capitis and colli, and anastomoses with the vertebral and with the a. profunda cervicalis, a branch of the costocervical trunk.
VI. The Arteries. 3a. 2. The External Carotid Artery
The flowers are inconspicuous, usually white or cream and pedunculate, ascending or erect, corymbose cymes, collected into a terminal leafless panicle, or the lower peduncles arising from the axis of reduced leaves.
Chapter 17
Ascending and descending needs to appear to be effortless and natural.
The territorial power of the English magnates (the barons, viscounts, earls, marquesses, and dukes in ascending order of status) was crucial to the peace of the realm and the success of royal government.
We passed through the blue-caverned space, crossed the narrow arch that spanned the rushing sea stream, and, ascending, stood again upon the ivoried pave at the foot of the frowning, towering amphitheatre of jet.
The Moon Pool
From this decastyle colonnade projected a tetrastyle portico, which introduced the people ascending from a flight of steps to a gigantic portal.
The Life of Michelangelo Buonarroti
Risers are used where the slope of the ground is steep and consume much water when boats are ascending.
And King Kalakaua was sent here by his kahuna in 1874 to purge himself before ascending the throne.
- Law, contract (not under seal); suit for breach of such contract. adj. - ascending; Botany, upward-curving. assurgency, n.
There was waterskiing, jet boats, parascending, heli-rides, even chair lifts up the mountain for those who could not or did not wish to walk, plus friendly staff in the shops and restaurants.
Dotted with scrubland and lone trees dangling on plateaus, hillside roads curled around the ascending stretch of hills.
One would say that Nagasaki is ascending at the same time as ourselves; but yonder, and very far away, in a kind of vapory mist which seems luminous on the blackness of the sky; and from the town there rises a confused murmur of voices and rumbling of gongs and laughter.
Madame Chrysantheme
This site spells 'peplum' at least two different ways, and talks about flounces "ascending down dress back.
Just two questions (okay, maybe three) - A Dress A Day
Now draw or trace ten dinosaurs in ascending order of size.
During practical production, due to heterogeneity and control ascending of water cut latterly, reservoir pressure will be below bubble point pressure locally.
Since many elderly patients are unable to walk, the robust young lad carried them on his back when ascending or descending stairs for daily treatment.
Below is the chromatic scale, both ascending and descending.
Ex. 4 shows an octave of the chromatic scale beginning on C, notated in sharps ascending and flats descending.
He is free in condescending to us, while we are shy of ascending to him.
Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume III (Job to Song of Solomon)
But large nuclei, large penumbrae, wrinkles, faculae, do they indicate an abundant luminous and calorific emission, as Herschel thought; that would be the result of his hypothesis on the existence of very active ascending currents, but direct experience seems to contradict it.
Biographies of Distinguished Scientific Men
‘Same to you Lord Wellington,’ I said before ascending the stairs.
They have considerable difficulty ascending or descending stairs, and so you may find them in elevators.
From time to time they could see the glimmer of sun on an ascending vehicle.
A Plague of Angels
Amanda has been parascending - hanging from a parachute and being towed hundreds of feet behind a speedboat.
At his decease, there is only a vacancy, and a momentary eddy, -- very small, as compared with the apparent magnitude of the ingurgitated object, -- and a bubble or two, ascending out of the black depth and bursting at the surface.
The House of the Seven Gables
After all, even if a sultan died in his own bed of ‘natural causes’, poisoning would be suspected because patricide was the most common and convenient means of ascending the throne.
It was immediately drawn tight, and by its aid we gained the bank, and began ascending the side of the barranca, composed of rugged, declivitous rocks, affording but scanty foot-hold.
Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine — Volume 55, No. 342, April, 1844
Now draw or trace ten dinosaurs in ascending order of size.
Kurbski was yet aliue at my being in Moscouia, & declared vnto me that he spent xvii. daies in ascending the mountaine, & yet could not come to the top thereof, which in their tongue is called Stolp, that is, a piller.
The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
But that no man should imagine that our forren trades of merchandise haue bene comprised within some few yeeres or at least wise haue not bene of any long continuance, let vs now withdraw our selues from our affaires in Russia, and ascending somewhat higher, let vs take a sleight suruey of our traffiques and negotiations in former ages.
The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
As it settles on a consistently ascending two bar pattern, mp, the orchestra gives up the few irregularities it has recently adopted, driving the music upwards.
Now draw or trace ten dinosaurs in ascending order of size.
At his decease, there is only a vacancy, and a momentary eddy, -- very small, as compared with the apparent magnitude of the ingurgitated object, -- and a bubble or two, ascending out of the black depth, and bursting at the surface.
The House of the Seven Gables
The beginning of the poem images the self's divisions as the body pulls the speaker's ascending thoughts down from a scene of repose, tranquillity and safety.
An unlikely auditionee blowing everyone away and ascending to worldwide fame.
Times, Sunday Times
On ascending the ladder and crawling inside, smoke from the hearth stings the eyes.
Times, Sunday Times
In the Eastern Church this feast was known as the analepsis, "the taking up," and also as the episozomene, "the salvation," denoting that by ascending into his glory, Christ completed the work of our redemption.
The Ascension of our Lord
You can then decide on posting order: whether alphabetically or by date, ascending or descending.
On the Lower Ohio and the Mississippi there were about twenty barges, which averaged 100 tons burden, and more than three months was occupied in ascending from Orleans to Louisville with West India produce, the crew being obliged to poll or _cordelle_ the whole distance.
A Ramble of Six Thousand Miles through the United States of America
Thought is the highest point of a series of ascending metamorphoses, which is called nature.
Amiel's Journal
His feet are several inches from the ground, as if he were levitating like a saint or martyr ascending to heaven.
When the trumpets entered, their ascending phrase was ritardando to a degree, allowing a gradual and more dramatic crescendo too.
The voice was ascending rapidly up the pitch scale, finally cracking.
Majesty; and an alto-relievo representing an ascending spirit attended by a guardian angel with the inscription --
The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 17, No. 495, June 25, 1831
Pain intensity and unpleasantness were rated by subjects on visual analogue scales in response to painful electrical stimuli, delivered in random order in five ascending intensities.
After ascending the helix of stairs, I sat down at my computer and pulled up the logs that Marius had sent me.
Palpi rather long and slender, not pilose, obliquely ascending, rising a little higher than the vertex; third joint elongate-conical, less than half the length of the second.
Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society - Vol. 3 Zoology
Feeling the sudden warmth of the sun on her chilled limbs, Anna became aware that they had emerged into the daylight, and were now slowly ascending a steep section of the course.
On re-ascending from Punkabaree, the rocks gradually appear more and more dislocated, the clay-slate less so than the quartz and mica-schist, and that again far less than the gneiss, which is so shattered and bent, that it is impossible to say what is _in situ, _ and what not.
Himalayan Journals — Complete
A fiery-necked nightjar swooped low over the ground and caught a white moth in its beak before ascending into an acacia tree.
Let The Dead Lie
A species of fir which one of my men informs me is precisely the same with that called the balsam fir of Canada. 1 it grows here to considerable size, being from 2 1/2 to 4 feet in diameter and rises to the hight of eighty or an hundred feet. it 's stem is simple branching, ascending and proliferous. it's leaves are sessile, acerose, one 1/8 of an inch in length and
Original journals of the Lewis and Clark Expedition, 1804-1806
Ascending to the quarterdeck, he checked in with the man assigned the afternoon watch.
And only minutes before ascending, we found a two-metre wobbegong perfectly camouflaged in a bed of rubble.
When the bulbus arteriosus divides itself into three parts, the two lateral parts, in becoming connected with the left ventricle, will represent a double ascending systemic aorta, and having the pulmonary artery passing between them to the lungs. 12th.
Surgical Anatomy
The following morning we climbed on, ascending steeply to reach the toe of the glacier that lead up to Syram and its unnamed pyramidal neighbour.
The ascending cervical artery (a. cervicalis ascendens) is a small branch which arises from the inferior thyroid as that vessel is passing behind the carotid sheath; it runs up on the anterior tubercles of the transverse processes of the cervical vertebræ in the interval between the Scalenus anterior and Longus capitis.
VI. The Arteries. 4. The Arteries of the Upper Extremity. a. The Subclavian Artery
It is "to love only terrestrial life, to the detriment of the ascending and celestial path," to be "exteriorized," and to "love only outer things, to the detriment of moral and spiritual values.
One Cʘsmos
I shall list my objections to the plan in ascending order of importance.
Venous leg ulcers were diagnosed according to clinical criteria and confirmed with duplex Doppler ultrasonography, ascending phlebography, and foot volumetry when the ulcers had healed.
Much better is a rich slab of salmon lasagna, ringed with a swirl of bright dill pesto, slathered with roasted-garlic-Parmigiano béchamel, and crowned with ascending dollops of zesty tomato-caper salsa and creamy salmon salad.
Therefore, cleavers, a fast-growing herbaceous annual with a scrambling-ascending growth habit, was chosen for this study.
In fact, here's what two African American residents wrote to a Boston abolitionist not long after the day in 1846 when Alexandrians (white, male) voted to approve the return of their city to Virginia, an act called retrocession: "[The] poor colored people of this city ... were standing in rows on either side of the Court House, and, as the votes were announced every quarter of an hour, the suppressed wailings and lamentations of the people of color were constantly ascending to God for help and succor, in this the hour of their need.
The slave trade and Alexandria's withdrawal from D.C.
The centrepiece of the interior will be a grand artwork spiral staircase ascending to the top floor.
Times, Sunday Times
Stems are erect or decumbent below or ascending from a creeping base, rooting at the nodes, smooth, glabrous and much branched, varying in height, from 1 to 2 feet; branches are short, slender and sometimes even capillary, with _nodes_ bearded or not in branches ending in solitary spikes, and completely glabrous when they end in binate spikes.
A Handbook of Some South Indian Grasses
The text says nothing about the woman ascending into heaven to acquire a heavenly position.
This is why climbers sleep at base camps and higher stages before ascending to a high summit.
Times, Sunday Times
'The fact that it is not diaphanous convinces me that it is a dense vapor formed by the calorification of ascending moisture dephlogisticated by refraction.
Sketches New And Old
The bends, or barotrauma, comes from ascending too quickly for your body to adjust to the change in pressure.
In Pictures: The Most Dangerous Sports
We an ascending scale where we live happily, one thing leading to another an endless series.
Leaving the church you will observe, on ascending, a large embankment of lixiviated earth thrown out by the miners more than thirty years ago, the print of wagon wheels and the tracks of oxen, as distinctly defined as though they were made but yesterday; and continuing on for
Rambles in the Mammoth Cave, during the Year 1844 By a Visiter
In colon cancer, melena or maroon-colored stools tend to be a symptom of tumors in the ascending or transverse colon.
The first three field names plus the Headline field are set to sort in ascending order, in that order (1 through 4).
The grey gauze-like festoonery, having a resemblance to ascending smoke, hinders him from perceiving that of the discharged gun.
The Death Shot A Story Retold
Dinah wanted to scowl back at him, but she held it down, smiling sweetly instead before ascending the stairs to get away from her parents and their prying questions.
The territorial power of the English magnates (the barons, viscounts, earls, marquesses, and dukes in ascending order of status) was crucial to the peace of the realm and the success of royal government.
This musical tone poem alternates between lyrical moments and spirited interludes that suggest an energetic exaltation of larks ascending and descending as they fly.
Also an introduced European fungus, white pine blister rust, appears after a century of decimating other North American pines to be gradually ascending the western mountains nearing the Great Basin bristlecone pines.
Dr. Reese Halter: Saving the Ancient Pines by Reducing our Global Footprints
What characterises ascending stages of the scale of being is the combination of unity with ever increasing degrees of complexity.
The set begins with repeated root-position chords as triplets, ascending stepwise in C major, and provides the basis for most of the book.
Entering the valley, and keeping along the mountains on the south-east, after ascending fifteen le, (the travellers) came to mount Gridhra-kuta. 1 Three le before you reach the top, there is a cavern in the rocks, facing the south, in which
A Record of Buddhistic Kingdoms
He or she then evacuates air from the ascending aorta by infusing cardioplegia through the vent and allowing the cardioplegia to exit through the aorta.
The passacaille that concludes this opera is a doozie, lasting for most of the final scene, and involving two bass patterns in alternation, one descending and one ascending.
He is interrupted by a butch, bearded man clad in plaid (played by ascending dreamboat Gael García Bernal) who introduces himself as his childhood friend Ignacio, now an aspiring actor known by the stage name Angel.
From time to time they could see the glimmer of sun on an ascending vehicle.
A Plague of Angels
Ascending the steep and shady avenue, we arrived at the foot of a huge square Moorish tower; forming a kind of barbican, through which passed the main entrance to the fortress.
The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 19, No. 549 (Supplementary number)
The journey was increasingly perilous, as the formations they were ascending became steeper, and the bridges they crossed narrower.
Morgan, ascending first, and seeing my face almost covered with brains and blood, concluded I was no longer a man for this world; and, calling to Thompson with great emotion, bade him come up, and take his last farewell of his comrade and countryman, who was posted to a better place, where there were no Mackshanes nor Oakums to asperse and torment him.
The Adventures of Roderick Random
With the above code, we can list the longest of the well-mixed transposals. antiparticles paternalistic conservatoire overreactions aristotelian retaliations obscurantist subtractions definability identifiably arthroscopes crapshooters colonialists oscillations enumerations mountaineers importunates permutations counterspies persecutions capillarity piratically animadverts maidservant calendering greenlandic grandnieces reascending coordinates decorations peripatetic precipitate crenelation intolerance arthroscope crapshooter peristaltic triplicates excitations intoxicates
Wolfram Blog : Word Play with Mathematica
If you do, it means one of three things – in ascending order of unwelcomeness:
Coming with a party of gentlemanly fellows slowly rowing up the Thames and humming some passionate recitative from an opera, he alone could recall the charmful stillness of a Scotch Sabbath, the worshiping crowds, and the evening psalm ascending from so many thousand hearthstones:
Winter Evening Tales
In plainchant melodies the commonest cadential close is a descending step to the final from the note above; other formulas, such as a descending 3rd or an ascending 2nd, are also found.
I switched to a rather dark song, formulated almost entirely of flats and sharps ascending or descending in scales.
Paragliding is seen as safer, and is less of an unknown, as at some point a fair number of people have been parascending behind a boat, and the inevitable connection with parachutes is made, wrongly.
The camera makes a point of showing the elevator, the metallic meshwork of which bears a vague resemblance to the Eiffel Tower's structural composition, ascending to the third floor.
Description: Erect, decumbent or scandent perennial woody herb usually 0. 3-1 m high, occasionally to 2 m, usually with numerous ascending branches.
Chapter 7
I just kind of conjured them up out of my subconscious and put them in order of ascending peculiarity.
As the door widens, we return to the shot showing him ascending the stairs.
Bentsen was already ascending the stairs, turning his back on the Tunnels.
On the table a column of steam was ascending from the big mixing-pan.
Ascending a down escalator, I work at 140 watts.
And at this day travelers ascending to the top of the Peak of Tenerife make the ascent by night and not by day, and soon after the rising of the sun are warned and urged by their guides to come down without delay, on account of the danger they run lest the animal spirits should swoon and be suffocated by the tenuity of the air.
The New Organon
The midgut eventually develops into distal duodenum, jejunum, ileum, caecum, appendix, ascending colon, and proximal two thirds of the transverse colon.
On ascending the ladder and crawling inside, smoke from the hearth stings the eyes.
Times, Sunday Times
Palpi as long as the breadth of the head; second joint obliquely ascending; third porrect, rather shorter than the second, with which it forms an obtuse angle.
Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society - Vol. 3 Zoology
Stems are creeping and spreading from the root, and ascending from a decumbent base, generally slender and small, but sometimes large and proliferously branched, leafy, 3 to 7 inches long.
A Handbook of Some South Indian Grasses
Making our way up the gently ascending road that cut its way through the forest, we saw hordes of greedy monkeys waiting for freebies.
Notice that the sorting icon has changed to the ascending sorting icon, indicating the sort direction.
With the above code, we can list the longest of the well-mixed transposals. antiparticles paternalistic conservatoire overreactions aristotelian retaliations obscurantist subtractions definability identifiably arthroscopes crapshooters colonialists oscillations enumerations mountaineers importunates permutations counterspies persecutions capillarity piratically animadverts maidservant calendering greenlandic grandnieces reascending coordinates decorations peripatetic precipitate crenelation intolerance arthroscope crapshooter peristaltic triplicates excitations intoxicates
Wolfram Blog : Word Play with Mathematica
the ascending stems of chickweed
On ascending the throne he set out to attract painters of international stature to his court.
Ascending infection in women leads to the major complication of gonorrhea, pelvic inflammatory disease, a common cause of female infertility.
So with little hope of ascending the peaks of bestsellerdom, where the question of "why" has answers in abundance, I'm left with my book and my question.
Ashley Rindsberg: Tel Aviv Stories
Be used as a women, my love man, respect them, say what man of greedy selfish, say what ascending half body and descend a half-length need, the man is on the hoof in fact and really very not easy.
They had been set on fire by four bombs from a German taube, and a huge, thick volume of black smoke was ascending 200 feet into the air.
The New York Times Current History of the European War, Vol 1, Issue 4, January 23, 1915
You next proceed to form marriages, both in ascending and in descending lines, with cards on the outside of _both_ groups (Rule I).
Lady Cadogan's Illustrated Games of Solitaire or Patience New Revised Edition, including American Games
Ascending the starboard side of the stern, there are no nets and it is safe to venture a little further forward to meet the deck near a small pair of mooring bollards.
The notes were to be played in ascending order by first closing all the holes, and then opening each in quick succession.
Its connections are imperfectly known, but it consists largely of ascending and descending intersegmental or association fibers, which connect the nuclei of the hind-brain and mid-brain to each other.
IX. Neurology. 4b. The Mid-brain or Mesencephalon
Now, he tells me, he prefers to fly - parascending behind a speedboat.
Times, Sunday Times
Or maybe try getting some friends to sponsor you to do something you always wanted to try, but have never before had a reason to, from bungee jumping to parascending.
Tapping the clock illuminates the display; a tap also turns off the alarm when it is ascending through its squeaky crescendo.
It is also in the secret consistory that the cardinals receive from the pope the cardinal's ring, are appointed to some titular church or deaconry, exercise the option of passing from one titular church to another, and of ascending from the order of deacons and priests to the order of priests and bishops respectively.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 4: Clandestinity-Diocesan Chancery
I shall list my objections to the plan in ascending order of importance.
The heavy bullet had traversed the ascending aorta "near its bifurcation," said Brick, who, though only an autopsical adjunct, was permitted to speak for his associates.
Ray's Daughter A Story of Manila
Stems are many, tufted, slender, creeping and rooting, or ascending and suberect, simple or branched, 6 to 20 inches long and leafy and leaves bifarious and divaricate.
A Handbook of Some South Indian Grasses
There is a good selection and often items are organized in order of the ascending price range.
Leading up to the lobby, its glass doors proudly displaying the Union symbol in frosted white, was a wide flight of steps, ascending gently from the sidewalk.
Continuing down this passageway, one enters the Ascending Corridor at a point past the blocking plugs that once sealed the entrance to the tomb.
This is because the nodes of the orbit of Venus pass across the Sun in early June at the descending node, and early December at the ascending node.
Instead he moved straight into the family firm, ascending the ranks as he grew older.
It might be safely viewed with all its appendages of prosperity and beauty, its rich pastures, spreading flocks, orchard in blossom, and light column of smoke ascending.
As the 20 intros are also in ascending beats-per-minute order, this should make things slightly easier.
But in ascending the series from simple twiners to leaf-climbers, an important quality is added, namely sensitiveness to a touch, by which means the foot-stalks of the leaves or flowers, or these modified and converted into tendrils, are excited to bend round and clasp the touching object.
VII. Miscellaneous Objections to the Theory of Natural Selection
Ascending the steep and shady avenue, we arrived at the foot of a huge square Moorish tower, forming a kind of barbican, through which passed the main entrance to the fortress.
The Alhambra
In the study proximal colon cancers included the cecum, ascending colon, up to the point of the hepatic flexure, which is the point where the colon makes a turn to become the transverse colon.
Newswise: Latest News
Invasive venous tests can be performed as well, including ascending and descending venous phlebography.
It is noted that visitors are not allowed to watch the ritual, for Tibetans believe it will bring negative efforts to the ascending of the souls.
Such shifts have been described for both response rates and threshold determinations when both ascending and descending orders of current or frequency values are presented.
Methods: The imaging findings of ascending venography in 80 sides limb were reviewed retrospectively.
His care and direction in its appointed sphere, and draws them again in an ascending order to Himself (epistrophe).
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 5: Diocese-Fathers of Mercy
My list in ascending order of my happiness when they bit it *.
Even Obama’s sad BSG is over
She was reputed to be able to end an ascending career with one raised eyebrow.
Times, Sunday Times
Ascending from Auriga through Camelopardus, it stood, July
A Popular History of Astronomy During the Nineteenth Century Fourth Edition
The centrepiece of the interior will be a grand artwork spiral staircase ascending to the top floor.
Times, Sunday Times
Fragile protuberances like zygomatic processes and ascending rami were found to be broken, but most bones were still intact.
Whilst the luminal fluid in the descending limb becomes increasingly hyperosmotic down the length of the limb, the fluid in the ascending limb becomes increasingly hypotonic, as sodium, potassium and chloride are being removed with the aid of the Na+ / K+-2Cl - cotransport system in the apical membrane.
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This is a gross oversimplification, I think, but it lays the groundwork for potential gnosis through these horror-inspired ascending spirals of identity and awareness.
This is why climbers sleep at base camps and higher stages before ascending to a high summit.
Times, Sunday Times