How To Use As it were In A Sentence

  • This was just a few years after Lord Byron woke to find Child Harold's Pilgrimage in the bookshops and himself famous, as it were, overnight.
  • The interesting element of the game was that it required one to evaluate not films but people; that is, to sift through the prejudices of one’s movie-freak friends and the peccadilloes and quirks of the major reviewers, and by graphing, as it were, what each could be expected to overpraise, underpraise, revile, not notice, or deliberately ignore, one could acquire a very nice sense of the film. Film flam
  • Down below, a mass of brank-ursine formed as it were a pedestal, from the midst of which sprang scarlet geum, rhodanthe with stiff petals, and clarkia with great white carved crosses, that looked like the insignia of some barbarous order. La faute de l'Abbe Mouret
  • It is probably a measure of the depths to which political conversation has sunk — all the more remarkable given the chaos that male leaders have through the generations created — that this non-gender-specific "ballsiness," as it were, is so frequently trotted out as a measure of high praise. Half-cocked
  • He did in these extremities, as I conceive, most humbly recommend the direction of his judicial proceedings to the upright judge of judges, God Almighty; did submit himself to the conduct and guideship of the blessed Spirit in the hazard and perplexity of the definitive sentence, and, by this aleatory lot, did as it were implore and explore the divine decree of his goodwill and pleasure, instead of that which we call the final judgment of a court. Five books of the lives, heroic deeds and sayings of Gargantua and his son Pantagruel
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  • The WSJ recently had an article about an antitheist ‘preacher’ as it were, who was giving anti-religious sermons to large crowds in France. Matthew Yglesias » The New Atheism
  • Upon these interjections, placable flicks of the lionly tail addressed to Britannia the Ruler, who expected him in some mildish way to lash terga cauda in retiring, Sir Willoughby Patterne passed from a land of alien manners; and ever after he spoke of America respectfully and pensively, with a tail tucked in, as it were. The Egoist
  • The abstract ideas of which the air consists, indispensable for life, but irrespirable by themselves, as it were, and only active in their re-directing function. Pragmatism
  • She _smelt_, so to say, that there was something underneath the offer which was not to her advantage; but then the thought of thirty crowns a month, of all those coins chinking in her apron, falling to her, as it were, from the skies, without her doing anything for it, filled her with covetousness. The Works of Guy de Maupassant, Vol. 1 (of 8) Boule de Suif and Other Stories
  • The allegorist is, as it were, the polar opposite of the collector. The Allegorist and the Collector
  • she lives here, as it were
  • The country of the Vaudois is the material basis of their history; and the sublime points of their scenery join in, as it were, with the sublime passages of their nation. Pilgrimage from the Alps to the Tiber Or The Influence of Romanism on Trade, Justice, and Knowledge
  • He gives illustrations of some neolithic axes and hammers, and then proceeds to state that in the opinion of philosophers they are generated in the sky by a fulgureous exhalation (whatever that may look like) conglobed in a cloud by a circumfixed humour, and baked hard, as it were, by intense heat. Falling in Love With Other Essays on More Exact Branches of Science
  • When lovers lie on a bed, and embrace each other so closely that the arms and thighs of the one are encircled by the arms and thighs of the other, and are, as it were, rubbing up against them, this is called an embrace like 'the mixture of sesamum seed with rice'. The Kama Sutra of Vatsyayana
  • There shall be, as it were, a quickset hedge of trees and bushes, close, close around your tomb. John Gabriel Borkman
  • This "War of the Worlds" cast and authentic reproduction deserve "rebroadcast" - as it were - News :
  • That is, the church of Christ founded in humility appearing outwardly afflicted, and as it were black and contemptible; but inwardly, that is, in its doctrine and morality, fair and beautiful. The Bible, Douay-Rheims, Complete The Challoner Revision
  • A hemstitched bureau scarf that she had tucked in her trunk, in unquestioning faith in the bureau that was to be part of the ranch equipment, took the "raw edge," as it were, off the desk. Judith of the Plains
  • I will be careful not to go off-piste, as it were, into a debate about electoral reform, because I was trying to put my remarks in the context of what happens in this place.
  • The cannibalism is a little harder to stomach, as it were — but I'm sure that's exactly why Wells put it in. Robson, Enge, Sturges, Lloyd and even Yours Truly
  • We're now an equal opportunity investigative arm," she aid, with a laugh, "and we will arrest the briber and the 'bribee,' as it were. Corruption Arrests Hit Record in City
  • In another moment it forged slowly past me, tolling as it were a death knell from the engine-bell and associating in my mind spectral tableaux of horrible collisions and mangled dead. A Run by Rail from Washington to St. Louis
  • He commences slowly, as if repeating the syllable, _de de de de de de d 'd' d 'd' d 'd' d 'r' r 'r'_, -- increasing in rapidity, and at the same time rising as it were by semi-tones, or chromatically, to about a major fourth on the scale. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 2, No. 14, December 1858
  • He cannot, as it were, imagine his manly project without an enemy, and oddly enough, the woman reader stands in for this enemy — literally, the effeminated reader rather than the female one — instead of standing in for the ennabling reader, she who urges the knight onward or who needs to be rescued by his valiant acts. Wordsworth’s Balladry: Real Men Wanted
  • I used the word "shucks" did you notice ? an American word, to offer a hand of friendship across the sea as it were. Comment Registration: The Experiment Ends Early
  • You set the scene, as it were, for your presentation and then proceed to follow the pattern laid down.
  • In the midst of the church stood 12. waxe tapers of two yards long, and a fathom about in bignesse, and there stands a kettle full of waxe with about 100. weight, wherein there is alwayes the wicke of a candle burning, as it were a lampe which goeth not out day nor night. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation — Volume 03
  • I think he was reciting - giving vent to some knowledge, as it were.
  • There is nothing more easy to superpose -- as it were -- two distinct diseases and to produce what might be called a SEPTICEMIC PURULENT INFECTION, or The Harvard Classics Volume 38 Scientific Papers (Physiology, Medicine, Surgery, Geology)
  • a cessation of arms for fear of one another; and they live, as it were, in the procincts of battle continually. Leviathan
  • He became his countrys spiritual leader, as it were.
  • “The crucial test for the solution of all these intricate problems which confront and challenge our ingenuity is the sheer and forceful application of those immutable laws which down the corridor of time have always guided the hand of man, groping as it were for some faint beacon of light for his hopes and aspirations.” McCain and Obama Court Hispanic Voters - The Caucus Blog -
  • The idea of treating the lives of horses in so, as it were, cavalier a fashion increasingly upsets the nation. Times, Sunday Times
  • If it really existed, the plains of the Lower Orinoco would communicate with those of the Amazon only by a very narrow land-strait, on the east of the mountainous country which surrounds the source of the Rio Negro: but it is more probable that this mountainous country (a small system of mountains, geognostically dependent on the Sierra Parime) forms as it were an island in the Personal Narrative of Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America, During the Year 1799-1804 — Volume 3
  • The exudate, however, is, as it were, shut in by the dense fibrous layer of the membrane, and the result is that in periostitis it collects between the membrane and the bone, causing swelling and raising of the membrane, and giving rise to excruciating pain from pressure upon the nerves. Diseases of the Horse's Foot
  • Suddenly, and as it were without warning, we are confronted by a fierce and warlike nation, for whom it is a paramount moral obligation to refrain from the participatory heathen cults by which they were surrounded on all sides; for whom moreover precisely that moral obligation is conceived as the very foundation of the race, the very marrow of its being. Sources of Theology in Job « Unknowing
  • While researching my "Herne the Hunter" Suppressed Transmission, I ran across Henry James, Sr., and his "vastation" at Windsor:Suddenly in a lightning-flash as it were "fear came upon me, and trembling, which made all my bones to shake. Kenneth Hite's Journal
  • _] He was tall of stature, and well proportioned, faire and comelie of face, so as in his countenance appeared much fauour and grauitie, of haire bright aborne, as it were betwixt red and yellow, with long armes, and nimble in all his ioints his thighes and legs were of due proportion, and answerable to the other parts of his bodie. Chronicles of England, Scotland and Ireland (2 of 6): England (6 of 12) Richard the First
  • To the right and left the barren mountains reared their enormous baldness to the sun, deserts raised up broadside, as it were, and set on end, that their bareness might be the better seen and known to the world around. Taquisara
  • It was followed by three others, forming, as it were, the four corners of an oblong, which is two hundred and seventy feet long and one hundred and twenty wide. Chatterbox, 1906
  • A third feature growing out of this was that before the mind of the English people you had, as it were, in panoramic view, set forth the actual religious work that is being done in every part of the British Empire. Religious Contributions Toward Imperial Unity
  • Speaking quite personally, I'm constantly haunted by our incapacity to achieve ultimate meaning and I hate systems that, as it were, foreshorten the debate by saying ‘Either we have absolute truth or there is no truth to have’.
  • Down below, a mass of brank-ursine formed as it were a pedestal, from the midst of which sprang scarlet geum, rhodanthe with stiff petals, and clarkia with great white carved crosses, that looked like the insignia of some barbarous order. La faute de l'Abbe Mouret
  • A friend is, as it were, a second self. 
  • The material is more associated with quilts and duvets; the inside bit, the bit inside the sandwich, as it were!
  • But this they make by the refrigeration and condensation of the body, changing, as it were, by induration the spirit, which of vegetative is made animal. Essays and Miscellanies
  • For Particulars and Universals alike it is established that to the first of those known as the Fates, to Clotho the Spinner, must be due the unity and as it were interweaving of all that exists: Lachesis presides over the Lots: to Atropos must necessarily belong the conduct of mundane events. The Six Enneads.
  • And the leader of the company compelleth the company to fly aright, crying as it were blaming with his voice. Archive 2008-03-01
  • Reader must understand that in the possession and thralldom of a nymphet the enchanted traveler stands, as it were, beyond happiness.
  • While thus speaking, she held Roland Graeme firmly with one hand, while she pointed upward with the other, to leave him, as it were, no means of protest against the obtestation to which he was thus made a party. The Abbot
  • To this end, a theory construes those phenomena as manifestations of entities and processes that lie behind or beneath them, as it were.
  • Isabel came at last to have a kind of undemonstrable pity for her; there seemed something so dreary in the condition of a person whose nature had, as it were, so little surface -- offered so limited The Portrait of a Lady
  • I never saw a more interesting creature: his eyes have generally an expression of wildness, and even madness; but there are moments when, if any one performs an act of kindness towards him, or does him any the most trifling service, his whole countenance is lighted up, as it were, with a beam of benevolence and sweetness that I never saw equalled. Frankenstein; Or, The Modern Prometheus
  • There is indeed a great deal of very evident brickwork, which is never fresh or loud in colour, but always burnt out, as it were, always exquisitely mild. Italian Hours
  • If there are occasionally a few transitional paragraphs between the coupling of her tight, wet, hot... self, and his hard, needy, throbbing...self and the second, even more quiverful coupling of said genitals, I find that my sisters are simply flipping pages straight to the good stuff, as it were. A General Indictment of the Romance "Genre"
  • The great oaks of the concept continued to grow, as it were, from little acorns. Times, Sunday Times
  • The impressions his mind had received while passing the churchyard, now returned upon him with added gloom; a kind of misgiving came over him; and a thousand boding thoughts haunted him like spirits, and hanging, as it were, on his heart, dragged it down farther and farther at every step. The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 12, No. 331, September 13, 1828
  • With it, we are aware in much of the art of the day of a certain feverish tentativeness, groping, as it were, sometimes after a new spirit, sometimes after a repristination of the old in a modern form; but everywhere, I repeat, we see Life. Modern Eloquence: Vol II, After-Dinner Speeches E-O
  • The two are distinct, soul being as it were the middle term between body and spirit, or the bond between the two.
  • The skin is thus exercised, as it were, and the sudoriparous and sebaceous glands are set at work. Hygienic Physiology : with Special Reference to the Use of Alcoholic Drinks and Narcotics
  • There is nothing humble in living below our best, apologizing, as it were, for our existence.
  • It's tricky because the peppers can get kind of zingy, so you have to serve it with a warning, as it were. stories: News
  • 7374Sentiment is intellectualized emotion, —emotion precipitated, as it were, in pretty crystals by the fancy. Quotations
  • His characteristic attitude is one of close scrutiny and interrogation; he puts his documents on the rack, as it were.
  • The issue is fundamentally one of the fitness of things - of the comity of my learned friends appearing on both sides of the table, as it were, in respect of what is fundamentally the same factual matrix.
  • Every one promised, as it were, to be a battle-dore if I would be the other, and the shuttlecock was to be our letters, — egad! New Letters from Charles Brown to Joseph Severn
  • Up to this point we have practically had most of the other writers on the subject with us, as I have said already: for all of them identify their elements, and what they call their principles, with the contraries, giving no reason indeed for the theory, but contrained as it were by the truth itself. Physics
  • Tyrtaeus this commoner of Nizhni Novgorod spurs on his troops of freedom-loving heroes to conquer, as it were, the placid, self - satisfied literatures of to-day, and bring new life to pale, bloodless frames. The Man Who Was Afraid
  • As participants in communication we adopt as it were an extramundane position with respect to the innerworldly items (including our own experiences) about which we can come to an understanding.
  • The next presented an isolation of the margin, which remains almost white, the other part being green, but more so because of a thickening as it were along the base of the marginal part, and an evident deposit of grumous matter, from which, under every circumstance new tissue seems always to be developed. Journals of Travels in Assam, Burma, Bhootan, Afghanistan and the Neighbouring Countries
  • Other people I talked to have just been kind of nonchalant about it, as it were. CNN Transcript Jul 23, 2008
  • But are they really talking, or just "aping," as it were, language? Archive 2007-09-01
  • This, Mr Shrapnel, our gunner, trained right across the slaver's bows, and at the word of command, ` Fire! 'let drive with a bang that shook the steamer right down to her kelson and seemed to stop her way for the moment, sending her back, as it were, with the recoil. The Penang Pirate and, The Lost Pinnace
  • On her right cheek is a mole and on her waist, under her navel, is a sign; her face shines as the rondure of the moon in sheen, her waist is slight, her hips a heavy weight, and the water of her mouth the sick doth heal, as it were Kausar or The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • But the speaker for the defence will bring forward on his side the usage of common conversation; and he will seek the meaning of the word from its contrary; from a genuine accuser, to whom a prevarication is the exact opposite; or from consequents, because the tablets are given to the judge by the accuser; and from the name itself, which signifies a man who in contrary causes appears to be placed, as it were, in various positions. The Orations of Marcus Tullius Cicero, Volume 4
  • For those men that are so remissly governed that they dare take up arms to defend or introduce an opinion are still in war; and their condition, not peace, but only a cessation of arms for fear of one another; and they live, as it were, in the procincts of battle continually. Leviathan, or, The matter, forme, & power of a common-wealth ecclesiasticall and civill
  • A deep and as it were secret sigh went through the Department.
  • And he flung open the door and entered with the most severe and warlike expression, armed cap-a-pie as it were, with lance couched and plumes displayed, and glancing at his adversary, as if to say, The History of Pendennis
  • Answered Kamar al-Zaman, “O King, verily this favour, if there be no reason for it, is indeed a wonder of wonders, more by token that thou hast advanced me to dignities such as befit men of age and experience, albeit I am as it were a young child.” The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Lamb associates with cod's head: nor has it on the other hand that fine falling off flakiness, that obsequious peeling off (as it were like a sea onion) which endears your cods head & shoulders to some appetites, that manly firmness combined with a sort of womanish coming-in-pieces which the same cods head Alexis Soyer and the Rise of the Celebrity Chef
  • I know you had a timeframe in your head -a kind of plan for the unplannable- as it were, and I think you feel a little lost that the time overran the plan and left you planless -and even worse- goal-less, which is not very you at all. An apology for an ill timed death
  • But the word cat cannot serve as a name in the Tractatus's sense, nor a cat as an object, for cats are complex, analysable things - they are, as it were, states of affairs - whereas objects are simple, unchanging, and unanalysable.
  • Finding that these men who fished for the billfish monsters were as alike, and yet as different as it were possible to be, to each other and to myself.
  • The happy village was gone -- razed to the very foundations -- the demesne was a solitude -- the songs of the reapers and mowers had vanished, as it were, into the recesses of memory, and the magnificent palace, dull and lonely, lay as if it were situated in some land of the dead, where human voice or footstep had not been heard for years. The Black Baronet; or, The Chronicles Of Ballytrain The Works of William Carleton, Volume One
  • A friend is, as it were, a second self. 
  • Nick, ostensibly in town to interview for a position at NYU, knows that Roger is a ‘ladies' man’ and has looked him up to learn the ropes, as it were, of the ladykiller trade.
  • New Testaments, and the idea that shall reconcile all as so many several forms, and as it were perspectives, of one and the same truth -- this is still a 'desideratum' in Christian theology. The Literary Remains of Samuel Taylor Coleridge
  • It was with no shealing welcome, no kind memory of the old nurse even, she met them, but stood under her lintel looking as it were through them to the airt of the country whence they had come. Gilian The Dreamer His Fancy, His Love and Adventure
  • It is as if she has already passed into a higher plane of existence and is recalling mortal limitations from the other side, as it were.
  • The description is a true one; the term Brahmanism represents what is common to the Hindu castes and sects; it is their greatest common measure, as it were. New Ideas in India During the Nineteenth Century A Study of Social, Political, and Religious Developments
  • Fagging was the enforced tradition whereby younger students would do the bidding of senior students, be their freaking slaves as it were.
  • But I can't quite make the leap of unfaith, as it were, and say, 'This is it. Kevin Belmonte: The Genius Of G.K. Chesterton: Understanding The Heart Of The Enduring Story
  • By this means he satisfied himself that we could now obtain short planks, as it were all ready sawn, of any size and thickness that we desired, which was a very great discovery indeed -- perhaps the most important we had yet made. The Coral Island
  • The youth was dazed and knew not whither he should wend, but after a few days as he sat pondering his case, he caught sight of the sails of a ship in the middlemost of the main, as it were a star in the sky; and his heart clave to it, so haply his deliverance might be therein. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • I retired to rest at night; my slumbers, as it were, waited on and ministered to by the assemblance of grand shapes which I had contemplated during the day. Chapter 10
  • Mozart keeps the listener continuously off-balance; he is an imp and trickster, the patron saint of practical jokes, as it were.
  • So also the following passage which, referring to this interior Self, forming as it were the centre of the peripherical interaction of the objects and senses, sums up as follows, 'He is my Self, thus let it be known;' a summing up which is appropriate only if prâ/n/a is meant to denote not some outward existence, but the interior Self. The Vedanta-Sutras with the Commentary by Sankaracarya Sacred Books of the East, Volume 1
  • Elizabeth's Forland, after her majestie's name, and sailing more northerly alongst that coast, he descried another forland with a great gut, baye, or passage, divided as it were two maine lands or continents asunder. The World's Greatest Books — Volume 19 — Travel and Adventure
  • The goats perform the denudement, as it were, stripping leaves from the ivy which chokes trees, leaving stick-like strands that are much easier for volunteers to clear. The Seattle Times
  • Anyhow, it was their legacy to apportion as they saw fit, since it was they who had led the two crucial wars that formed the bookends, as it were, to this episode; and they never admired the D'Annunzio-style "grande geste" of a Moshe Dayan (also Begin's Foreign Minister at the time), Begin, or an Ariel Sharon. Robert Eisenman: If Menachem Begin Wore Swim Trunks, He Would Never Have Withdrawn from Sinai (and Castro's Recent Comments)
  • But I heartily agree with your supposition on information technologies 'impact on efficiency, e.g. in procurement and logistics or gov't stats on the economy (a poll as it were), particularly in regard to Coase and organisational program size complexity. Policy in a Fog, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • In return for getting them off the hook, as it were -- Sir Percival Dart! DOUBLE DECEIT
  • The old man from being cold and high, suddenly fell, as it were, into the whimpering querulousness of extreme old age. The Memoires of Barry Lyndon
  • But you did not shirk it, and that is why we are sharing a drink and I am prepared to return the favour -- to even the score, as it were. A SONG AT TWILIGHT
  • These orders all seem to go to saying we can, as it were, foreordain a regime that will minimise the risk.
  • There were none, whose behaviour shined brighter in the eyes of men, nor whose heart was more loathsome in the eyes of God; for they did all to be seen and talked of; and (as it were) to ride in triumph upon the tongues of men; and, in fine, were the arrantest puritans in the world, those only of a later date excepted, who, it is confessed, have infinitely outdone their original. Sermons Preached Upon Several Occasions. Vol. VII.
  • For him, music is still everywhere in the world, and the whole business of philosophy only as it were the correct editing of it: as it will be the whole business of the state to repress, in the great concert, the jarring self-assertion (pleonexia) + of those whose voices have large natural power in them. Plato and Platonism
  • Indeed, her laudable anxiety to be tidy and compact in her own conscience as well as in the public eye, gave rise to one of her most startling evolutions, which was to grasp herself sometimes by a sort of wooden handle (part of her clothing, and familiarly called a busk), and wrestle as it were with her garments, until they fell into a symmetrical arrangement. The Battle of Life
  • It is not hard to see how these two phenomena might, as it were, assist an ice age on its way.
  • Lesbian femmes may recall the heterosexual scene, as it were, but also displace it at the same time.
  • While from an objective view-point, the rhythm of the two elements pulsates evenly on the same level, our valuation articulates, as it were, iambic periods, with war as thesis, and peace as arsis. Conflict and The Web of Group-Affiliations
  • May not this breed an irresponsibility of cleverness, a wantonness, an irreverence -- what is vulgarly termed a "larkiness" -- on the part of the youthful genius who has, as it were, all his fortune in his pocket? Picture and Text 1893
  • 91Sentiment is intellectualized emotion, —emotion precipitated, as it were, in pretty crystals by the fancy. Quotations
  • A friend is, as it were, a second self. 
  • A further element of kintsugi is maki-e, the gradual accumulation of surface effects impressed, as it were, upon the dozens of thin coats of lacquer resin (although I think they are built up by means of the brush), for example a vibrant network of minuscule leaves and flowers. Archive 2009-07-01
  • Many seem to regard human rights solely in terms of the guarantees they afford us as individuals: underwriting, as it were, the moral and cultural solipsism of the "me generation".
  • Life there seemed so rich and full, and I was enjoying it all so much and on the way up, as it were, in my career.
  • He seemed stunned, as it were, and giddy; the earth on which he stood felt as if unsound, and quaking under his feet like the surface of a bog; and he had once or twice nearly fallen, though the path he trode was of firm greensward. The Abbot
  • Sometimes they were East Germanic, and that was a grief, taking, as it were, the bloom from the guess that had made him great; and again they were West Germanic, and that was awful, the hallucination ending in a mortal struggle with the feather bed under which German science is incubated, and passing off with an anguished The Collectors
  • A man's soul doth wrong and disrespect itself first and especially, when as much as in itself lies it becomes an aposteme, and as it were an excrescency of the world, for to be grieved and displeased with anything that happens in the world, is direct apostacy from the nature of the universe; part of which, all particular natures of the world, are. Meditations
  • The same coaches, players and fans who rail against officials often lack an understanding and appreciation of not only the basics but also, as it were, the art of reffing.
  • Now it seems to me very convenient to delineate, as it were, in the rough draught, those signs and marks that distinguish a malicious narration from a candid and unbiassed one, applying afterwards every point we shall examine to such as appertain to them. Essays and Miscellanies
  • And that knauish and cunning woorkeman, by troubling him onely at some times, makes a proportion so neare betuixt the woorking of the one and the other, that both shall ende as it were at one time. Daemonologie.
  • The Act requires, does it not, that the accounting, as it were, or the stocktaking, using a loose term, be done on that date.
  • So, too, some of the alterations met with appear susceptible of no other explanations than that they are reversions to some pre-existing form, or, at any rate, that they are manifestations of a phase of the plant affected different from that which is habitual, and due, as it were, to a sort of allotropism. Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
  • Miss Lucy is something of a desultory eater - a nibbler, as it were - which means that mealtime can take upwards of forty-five minutes.
  • It is hope raised into confidence, and confidence, as it were, screwed up to a kind of plerophory; when a man is so confident of his future happiness, that nothing seems wanting but an actual possession. Sermons Preached Upon Several Occasions. Vol. VI.
  • It ought to make its judicature, as it were, something exterior to the State.
  • By January 1885 they have a full set of rules for their, as it were three big games: hurling, Gaelic football and handball.
  • It was what we frequently call a teeming brain, one of those four-horse teeming brains, as it were. Remarks
  • The thing itself appears first definitely [404] in Madame de la Fayette, largely, though not unmixedly, in Marivaux, and to some extent in Prévost and Marmontel, while it is, as it were, sublimed in Rousseau, and present very strongly in A History of the French Novel, Vol. 1 From the Beginning to 1800
  • Ingilram's days -- ay, and I remember them as it were yesterday -- the freebooters were the best welcome men that came to Saint Mary's. The Monastery
  • In some ways it seems on his account that music is a way of creating society, and thus is a goad to further selection, a social selection as it were, for greater complexity of hominid capabilities.
  • So I wanted to compare what is at the heart of contemporary commercial culture with Shakespeare, because Shakespeare is, as it were, the fountainhead of contemporary, commercial entertainment.
  • The snow reprints it, as it were, in clear white type alto-relievo. Walden
  • Thirdly, that they that exhort and dehort, where they are required to give counsel, are corrupt counsellors and, as it were, bribed by their own interest. Leviathan
  • In the wall of the dark passage leading from the outer door into the room was a recess where a pan and pitcher of water always stood wedded, as it were, and a little hole, known as the "bole," in the wall opposite the fire-place contained Cree's library. Auld Licht Idyls
  • Throughout these preliminaries, Mr. Conducis had remained, as it were, the mere effluvium: far from anxious and so potent that a kind of plushy assurance seemed to permeate the last detail of renaissance in The Dolphin. Killer Dolphin
  • Yet she said this with a kind of sternness that somehow belied it — a click of the voice, as it were. An American Tragedy
  • By throwing near-by objects out of focus, as it were, Vermeer suggested depth with a device more subtle than the standard practice of making them markedly lighter or darker than what is behind.
  • In the wall of the dark passage leading from the outer door into the room was a recess where a pan and pitcher of water always stood wedded, as it were, and a little hole, known as the "bole," in the wall opposite the fireplace contained Cree's library. Auld Licht Idylls
  • Illegally attempting to "legalize" unduly elected representatives of the corporate special interests, rather than of the American people, as it were. Supreme Court Ruling Once Again Desecrates Founders Constitution
  • The very luxuriance of the vegetation, however, with its unlimited hiding-places for cryptozoic animals, made the task of collection more difficult than it would have been in a clearer neighbourhood, where the animals are concentrated, as it were, in a comparatively few spots.
  • The groined roofs rose from six columns on each side, carved with the rarest skill; and the manner in which the crossings of the concave arches were bound together, as it were, with appropriate ornaments, were all in the finest tone of the architecture of the age. The Talisman
  • Yo, son, I spent all day up on yo 'ninja website, as it were, drowning in a stupefacient pool, making me a worser person. Undefined
  • a kind of undemonstrable pity for her; there seemed something so dreary in the condition of a person whose nature had, as it were, so little surface — offered so limited a face to the accretions of human contact. The Portrait of a Lady
  • Most of the hearing time was actually occupied by challenges to the jury, as it were, the panel of military officers that are going to hear the case.
  • He is then said to be possessed, [8] as it were, and it requires only a banquet to the neighboring _datus_ and warrior chiefs to confirm his title. The Manóbos of Mindanáo Memoirs of the National Academy of Sciences, Volume XXIII, First Memoir
  • Death cuts off a good man, as a choice imp is cut off to be grafted in a better stock; but it cuts off a wicked man, as a withered branch is cut off for the fire-cuts him off from this world, which he set his heart so much upon, and was, as it were, one with. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume V (Matthew to John)
  • He could, as in _The Caxtons_, be fairly true to ordinary life -- but even then he seemed to feel a necessity of setting off and as it were apologising for the simplicity and veracity by touches -- in fact by _douches_ -- of Sternian fantastry, and by other touches of what was a little later to be called sensationalism. The English Novel
  • Indeed when things are dissolved and made thus tender and soft, and are as it were turned into a sort of a carrionly corruption, it must needs be a great difficulty for concoction to master them, and when it hath mastered them, they must needs cause grievous oppressions and qualmy indigestions. Essays and Miscellanies
  • He becomes completely inarticulate and unable to close the deal, as it were, because he loves her too much!
  • Rather than my having to strain to hear their words as I read, I have the pleasure of being a kind of spectator - of hearing them recite their tales, as it were.
  • You want to approbate and reprobate, as it were.
  • Whips and rods used in a kind of monitorial system by themselves had a great part in the education of these young aristocrats, and, as pain surely must do, pain not of bodily disease or wretched accidents, but as it were by dignified rules of art, seem to have refined them, to have made them observant of the minutest direction in those musical exercises, wherein eye and ear and voice and foot all alike combined. Plato and Platonism
  • Can one fix some exquisite entity, as it were, in amber, immune from changing fashion and unsusceptible to the contamination of the whims of the insistent rich? Michael Henry Adams: The Art of the Steal: Betraying Dr. Albert Barnes and Future Generations
  • Alas! som men of hem schewen the schap and the boce of the horrible swollen membres, that semeth like to the maladies of hirnia, in the wrapping of here hose, and eek the buttokes of hem, that faren as it were the hinder part of a sche ape in the fulle of the moone.” Early English Meals and Manners
  • She seemed very relaxed in her natural setting as it were.
  • Rejecting therefore the good, and as it were spuing it out, they shall all deservedly incur the just judgment of God, which also the Apostle Paul testifies in his Epistle to the Romans, where he says, "But dost thou despise the riches of His goodness, and patience, and long-suffering, being ignorant that the goodness of God leadeth thee to repentance? ANF01. The Apostolic Fathers with Justin Martyr and Irenaeus
  • Miss Pockets driven out as it were by the jutty nose and looking thinner and colder than ever before. This Freedom
  • A friend is, as it were, a second self. 
  • It could also be that children from weaalthier backgrounds are more likely to be in schools that offer after school activities/ boarding/ single sex education etc. and also that they can afford too invest their time in other time consuming, expensive activities, so their is less opportunity to 'socialise', as it were. Blues Brother
  • The ease and fluency resides, as it were outside him, in the pre-formulated efficiency of the machinery of expression.
  • It was situated about the middle of the village, whose vicinity was not in those days judged any inconvenience, upon a spot of ground more level than was presented by the rest of the acclivity, where, as we said before, the houses were notched as it were into the side of the steep bank, with little more level ground about them than the spot occupied by their site. Saint Ronan's Well
  • The shingle banks were wonderful, like frozen waves perhaps six feet from trough to crest; you could walk along a trough as it were beneath the landscape, invisible.
  • Authorised Version, 'If thou canst _believe_' -- throwing, as it were, the responsibility on the man -- but it is a quotation of the father's own word, 'If Thou _canst_,' as if He waved it aside with superb recognition of its utter unfitness to the present case. Expositions of Holy Scripture St. Mark
  • If all of God's creatures have a useful purpose — a rightful place, as it were — on this planet, then someone please explain to me just what the hell kind of purpose God had in mind for the earwig. Archive 2009-07-01
  • For those men that are so remissely governed, that they dare take up Armes, to defend, or introduce an Opinion, are still in Warre; and their condition not Peace, but only a Cessation of Armes for feare of one another; and they live as it were, in the procincts of battaile continually. Leviathan
  • I fancied I was slightly disappointed in Taglioni, whose dancing followed Pasta's singing, but I suppose the magnificent tragical performance I had just witnessed had numbed as it were my power of appreciation of her grace and elegance, and yet she seemed to me like a _dancing flower_; so you see I must have like her very much. Records of a Girlhood
  • I guess economists can be a bit specialized but I was once a High School economics teacher so I speak the lingo, as it were.
  • So one has to then find out what the connection was in contemplation of the Parliament, as it were, to use inaccurate language again, I suppose.
  • Sandwich, being the second houre of that daie, whilest the sunne shone verie bright and cleare, there appeared a most brightsome and vnaccustomed clearnesse, not farre distant from the sunne, as it were to the length and breadth of a mans personage, hauing a red shining brightnesse withall, like to the rainbow, which strange sight when manie beheld, there were that prognosticated the king alreadie to be arriued. Chronicles of England, Scotland and Ireland (2 of 6): England (6 of 12) Richard the First
  • A squadron of mosquitoes -- a sort of _escadrille de chasse_, as it were -- kept me awake until daybreak, when they were relieved by a skirmishing party of _cimex lectulariae_, which are well known in Where the Strange Trails Go Down Sulu, Borneo, Celebes, Bali, Java, Sumatra, Straits Settlements, Malay States, Siam, Cambodia, Annam, Cochin-China
  • In Abbot Ingilram’s days — ay, and I remember them as it were yesterday — the freebooters were the best welcome men that came to Saint Mary’s. The Monastery
  • Ralph, our gamesmaster - i.e. the master of the universe, as it were - has long been bullied by Lennie, small-time crook and your archetypal ned about town.
  • Now you will not have read this, so I am going to, as it were, just read out the bits which are applicable.
  • And a certain witty, dapper silver fox is looking like he may be the ad man plummeting to his doom in the opening credits as Don Draper watches on with a certain relaxed detachment, arm draped, as it were, over the back of his sofa. William Bradley: Mad Men : Breach One 'Chinese Wall' and You Just Want to Breach Another One an Hour Later
  • It gives them, as it were, the title beforehand, to make them feel how doubly miserable it must be not only not to obtain it, but to forfeit it after it had been already ours. The Christian Life Its Course, Its Hindrances, And Its Helps
  • It means there is an expressive logic immanent to the medium as such, immanent in the material as it were.
  • Isabel came at last to have a kind of undemonstrable pity for her; there seemed something so dreary in the condition of a person whose nature had, as it were, so little surface—offered so limited a face to the accretions of human contact. Chapter XXI
  • It is sometimes said by those who should know better that there was no intention to give such great-powers to the Province or Dominion, and that the B.N. A. Act was passed as it were in inadvertence. Some Remarks on the Constitution of Canada and the United States
  • The movements of their adapted fluids in the various vessels of the body are carried forwards by the actions of those vessels in consequence of two kinds of stimulus, one of which may be compared to a pleasurable sensation or desire inducing the vessel to seize, and, as it were, to swallow the particles thus selected from the blood; as is done by the mouths of the various glands, veins, and other absorbents, which may be called glandular appetency. Zoonomia, Vol. I Or, the Laws of Organic Life
  • It's in acquiring this "uncommon visage" that the meaning of human existence seems to lie, since for this uncommonness we are, as it were, prepared genetically. Joseph Brodsky - Nobel Lecture
  • Commonwealth, and goes round about, nourishing, as it passeth, every part thereof; in so much as this concoction is, as it were, the sanguification of the Commonwealth: for natural blood is in like manner made of the fruits of the earth; and, circulating, nourisheth by the way every member of the body of man. Leviathan
  • There was a peculiar sheen all about the irregular sky-line; a kind of pearly whitening, as it were, of the heavens beyond, like to the effect produced by the rising of a very delicate soft mist melting from a mountain's brow into the air. The Frozen Pirate
  • In human love, as St. Thomas teaches (I: 27: 3), even though the object be external to us, yet the immanent act of love arouses in the soul a state of ardour which is, as it were, an impression of the thing loved. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 15: Tournely-Zwirner
  • For marvellous was the ease and beauty with which these ships went through their nautical movements; now as in chase of each other, now approaching as in conflict, veering off, darting aside, threading as it were a harmonious maze, gliding in and out, here, there, with the undulous celerity of the serpent. Pausanias, the Spartan The Haunted and the Haunters, an Unfinished Historical Romance
  • This fold is lightly stretched over the edges of the eyelids, and forms, as it were, a third palpebra of a crescentic shape. Journal of the Third Voyage for the Discovery of a North-West Passage
  • In some instances, they'd marry the local doctor and support him in practise well able to focus her primary attention upon the family - sons and dauhters following in the family tradition, building up the family dynasty as it were. (not the gigantic supermarket medical centres of today). A Look at the Past
  • By the time I have said all this, I have tired my fingers, and when I set about telling you how this poem and that story have affected me, I am at a loss for words; I am bewildered and bemazed, as it were. Arthur Mervyn Or, Memoirs of the Year 1793
  • Notwithstanding, however, that time had wrought so little change in her appearance, Robert felt that somehow the mist of a separation between her world and his was gathering; that she was, as it were, fading from his sight and presence, like the moon towards 'her interlunar cave.' Robert Falconer
  • There have been not a few fine English gentlemen and ladies of this sort; who patronised the poor without ever relieving them, who called out “Amen!” at church as loud as the clerk; who went through all the forms of piety, and discharged all the etiquette of old English gentlemanhood; who bought virtue a bargain, as it were, and had no doubt they were honouring her by the purchase. The Virginians
  • However deeply sympathetic with such a reasonable characteristic, Soames would have denied it at any ordinary moment — to confess to temporising was not, as it were, done. The White Monkey
  • The word of God is then like to be done, when there is so dear a love to it; and the soul so taketh complacency in it, and unites to it, that it becomes as it were consubstantiate with the soul itself. The Whole Works of the Rev. John Howe, M.A. with a Memoir of the Author. Vol. VI.
  • The King used to say, "My son is lazy; his temper is Polonese -- hasty and changeable; he has no tastes; he cares nothing for hunting, for women, or for good living; perhaps he imagines that if he were in my place he would be happy; at first, he would make great changes, create everything anew, as it were. Memoirs of the Courts of Louis XV and XVI. Being secret memoirs of Madame Du Hausset, lady's maid to Madame de Pompadour, and of the Princess Lamballe — Volume 2
  • In the corner of the large and sombre library, with no other light than was afforded by the decaying brands on its ponderous and ample hearth, he would exercise for hours that internal sorcery by which past or imaginary events are presented in action, as it were, to the eye of the muser. Waverley
  • JB – it will be wonderful to have you riding side-saddle as it were! Reading Gaddis « Tales from the Reading Room
  • So it's still possible to steal a mobile phone, change the simcard inside it, rebirth the mobile phone as it were, and Bob's your uncle.
  • It cannot indeed be wondered that this new revelation, as it were, of the Deity, this profound and rational certainty of his existence, this infelt consciousness of his perpetual presence, these as yet unknown impressions of his infinity, his power, and his love, should give a higher character to this eremitical enthusiasm, and attract men of loftier and more vigorous minds within its sphere. The Hermits
  • But what Harris could not do was to get near to Hogarth: his task was, as it were, to pluck Venus from the firmament; but he mused, he mused upon her, with musing astrologic eye, with grand patience, fascinated by her very splendours, not without hope. The Lord of the Sea

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