How To Use Artificial In A Sentence
By contrast, when Procter & Gamble, the makers of Olestra, asked the FDA for permission to add its artificial fat substitute to potato chips, the controversial product was evaluated under food-additive laws.
The building is dark brick topped by pinky-coloured concrete block walls, white plastic-looking fascia board, black plastic guttering and an artificial slate roof.
Qiao Gong Fang Gems is a professional supplier of high-quality jewelry gemstones in Wuzhou which famous known as "the capital of artificial gem in the world".
They are accused of hatching a decade-long plot to keep wholesale oil prices artificially high.
The Sun
Since it is implausibe that readers would need to disbelieve their supension of disbelief -- we all know going in that our suspension of disbelief is artificial -- it must be the second kind of "information" that needs to be combatted.
Saying Something

The artificial DNA might be applied to a future extra cellular genetic system with information storage and amplifiable abilities.
Artificial DNA Created
Two of its products containing artificial eggs are on sale in the US.
Times, Sunday Times
Meanwhile, all sorts of things that at one time or another were considered tests for artificial intelligence — playing chess, doing integrals, doing autonomous control — have been cracked in algorithmic ways.
Wolfram Blog : Stephen Wolfram on the Quest for Computable Knowledge
In turn, the gallery's window is fitted with giant windscreen wipers to sweep away a continuous downpour of "rain" inverted commas seem necessary to any description of Weber's wonderfully artificial sculptural conceits.
This week's new exhibitions
The most important of the salts, formed by the combinations of the sulphuric acid, are, first, _sulphat of potash_, formerly called _sal polychrest_: this is a very bitter salt, much used in medicine; it is found in the ashes of most vegetables, but it may be prepared artificially by the immediate combination of sulphuric acid and potash.
Conversations on Chemistry, V. 1-2 In Which the Elements of that Science Are Familiarly Explained and Illustrated by Experiments
For two days it had been snowing, great flakes so plume-like that they seemed almost artificial, making one think of the blizzards which originate high in theatre-flies under the sovereignty of a stage-hand who sweats at his task of controlling the elements.
Then I'll Come Back to You
For the use of men they have the "merkin," [FN#410] a heart-shaped article of thin skin stuffed with cotton and slit with an artificial vagina: two tapes at the top and one below lash it to the back of a chair.
Arabian nights. English
The only element of the production that fails to satisfy is the heavily miked, synthesizer-dominated orchestra, which sounds artificial and dead.
A 'King' That Is Full of Aces
The roof could still be artificial slate but with natural stone gable upstands and stone copings.
The Maldives is slowly being submerged and with this technology we could make new islands and combine them with artificial coral reefs.
Times, Sunday Times
This has also made the whole area seem artificial.
The Sun
Since the law confers this public right, I deprecate any attempt artificially to restrict its scope.
And that desire to foster a copacetic synthesis between carbon-based life forms and artificial devices can be heard in every blip and digitized beat played.
Such bigeneric cross plants do occur rarely in nature, and have at times also been artificially created in the horticultural field.
As we have seen with global warming cultism and recent revelations of data fraud, the “mainstream” can be artificially created.
The Volokh Conspiracy » Does Hayek Belong in High School Economics Classes?
Methods In this retrospective study, The operation indication, result and complication fo 11 consecutive cases of artificial iris diaphragm implantation for silicone oil support eye were studied.
Wallace had no interest in animal breeding and did not model his proposed mechanism on the process of artificial selection.
Cardamine tangutorum wild vegetable planted artificially could markedly improve the biomass of degraded ecosystem, and this kind of wild vegetable is more suitable for growing in the forest.
The trick now is to remove the human element altogether and let artificial intelligence take care of the rest.
People were half-conscious that this system was a superficial and artificial means of control.
Which neatly brings us to Humans, a new spooky drama about artificial intelligence.
Times, Sunday Times
However, she felt that this was artificial and did not reflect their real attitudes.
Straight through her flawless appearance and extraordinary manners I saw an artificial person.
There was an item on Dustbury last week about refineries post-Katrina, linking to Hatless in Hattiesburg's suggestion to replace refineries which were destroyed or disabled by Katrina with new refineries on military bases slated for being "realigned," and to Engine of the Future's suggestion to lift for three years the EPA regulations requiring different fuel blends for different regions, so that gasoline can be shipped wherever it's needed, avoiding artificial shortages.
Oily residue - BatesLine
The farther pollen rides the artificial gusts, the more likely it belongs to a wind-pollinated plant.
Now, as for those in our church who contend for the ceremonies, many of them are led by such _argumenta inartificialia_, as wealth, preferment, &c., and if conscience be at all looked to by them, yet they only throw and extort an assent and allowance from it, when worldly respects have made them to propend and incline to an anterior liking of the ceremonies.
The Works of Mr. George Gillespie (Vol. 1 of 2)
The orbit of the artificial satellite has an apogee of 200 miles from the earth.
If viscosity is artificially added in an inviscid model, it has only a small effect on performance.
They argue that grades artificialize the learning process and teach the kids to think in terms of a desired grade instead of in terms of what they might be learning, and that grades also artificialize the nature of the relationship between the teacher and the student, encouraging the student to see the teacher as the dispenser of grades rather than a mentor or interlocutor.
The cultural artifacts that decorate the walls don't seem real to me - it's like stepping into the Matrix, an artificially generated world.
But a spate of scientific studies has raised doubts about artificial sweeteners.
How could it be that in a situation as artificially contrived as a television studio, you could get this frank and free discussion between two people?
The term garland was also technically used to signify a crown of precious metal, often adorned with gems, made for the arrangement of natural or artificial flowers before the altar or sacred image at festival times.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 6: Fathers of the Church-Gregory XI
This wafer functions as an artificial retina; light hitting the wafer causes it to generate electrical stimuli that are applied to the optic nerve and restore some degree of vision.
I had the impression that artificial intelligence was sort of your bailiwick.
Removed from the artificial atmosphere of the fashion show, high-fashion clothes often look cheap and silly.
At the end of the lines, he strung his artificial lures, big lures that resembled skipjack tuna when striking the surface of the water.
The selection of raw materials, formula and process for the production of skin-imitated artificial leather were introduced.
In the North Alley of the said Nine Altars, there is another goodly faire great glass window, called Joseph's Window, the which hath in it all the whole storye of Joseph, most artificially wrought in pictures in fine coloured glass, accordinge as it is sett forth in the Bible, verye good and godly to the beholders thereof.
Bell's Cathedrals: The Cathedral Church of Durham A Description of Its Fabric and A Brief History of the Espiscopal See
AIM : To explore a simple fixation of hydroxyapatite ( HA ) artificial eye mount of auto sclera.
Adding a gum system to processed cheese spreads or artificial cheese products helps modify textural difficulties and helps the end product maintain desirable functional properties.
A string of multicolored lights circled the pilothouse of the towboat, and an artificial, faded green wreath was tacked onto a large life ring on the side, near the name Sophie B.
The Best Way to Lose
Difficulties cannot be artificially overcome," said Mirabeau, "nor is there any invention whereby a man may be spared the trouble of conquering them; they must be grasped firmly, strangled, crushed, trampled down in manful fight.
Zoe: The History of Two Lives
Summer bird diversity in three different artificial forest in suburbs of Nanning.
Everything seems so artificial, and not soulful and not passionate.
Contestants risk all on a series of timed runs down a challenging cross-country course, made more treacherous by artificial jumps and obstacles.
Times, Sunday Times
Some parents believe that certain dietary substances and, in particular, certain artificial food colourings are responsible for their child's behaviour.
But the artificial language expression formula which portrays these three laws has particularity , apply different expression formulae in different thinking science to portray.
Meanwhile, all sorts of things that at one time or another were considered tests for artificial intelligence — playing chess, doing integrals, doing autonomous control — have been cracked in algorithmic ways.
Wolfram Blog : Stephen Wolfram on the Quest for Computable Knowledge
What ever man contrives or devises is an artifice, a thing of art not of nature, and therefore artificial.
The Kempton-Wace Letters
When he lost the ability to communicate but was still aware before lapsing into a coma, artificial food and water would not help him, said the judge.
No attempt was made to shield animals from natural or artificial light other than between the time of drug injection and laser illumination.
Qiao Gong Fang Gems is a professional supplier of high-quality jewelry gemstones in Wuzhou which famous known as "the capital of artificial gem in the world".
Artificial intelligence is already helping research into cancer and brain diseases.
Times, Sunday Times
Add potential toxicity and an evil accelerated aging process called glycation to the list of potential bad things that artificial sweeteners do.
Six Weeks to Sleeveless and Sexy
All windows are triple glazed, and the south-facing facade has large glass sections that let in daylight and keep the need for artificial light to a minimum.
Times, Sunday Times
Artificial sweeteners are used in soft drinks.
“Fight Club” is a critique of patriarchy like a non-fat, artificially sweetened white chocolate mocha is a critique of sugary coffee drinks.
Matthew Yglesias » Fight Club
Aside from the linguistic challenges they pose, these ancient artificial, noncewords, with their sonorous, cantillating, rhyming, and rhythmical variations on phonetic themes, have intrigued and fascinated scholars who try to divine the rules governing their formation.
VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol XIX No 1
Acetone is important in the manufacture of artificial fibers, explosives, and polycarbonate resins.
Sick of wines that tasted of artificial flavours and chemicals, he confided his frustration to his wife.
They are strongly attracted to artificial light and will come in through window screens if not a fine mesh.
Nowadays, thanks to artificial surfactants, which keep newborn lungs expanded after that first big breath, ventilators designed specifically for tiny lungs, maternal steroid therapy, the survival rates of the teenier, tinier babies are actually improving.
11 « January « 2007 « Adventures in Juggling
All this happened at a time when the supply of oil was being artificially restricted by the Opec oil cartel.
Times, Sunday Times
The subjects of the acquisition include the artificial person , person, partnership and sole - investor enterprise.
The sun is shining on Alpine pistes and resorts are relying on artificial snow cannons to keep slopes open.
These solutions included, in addition to the artificial kidney, Europe's first blood bank, oxygenators and an artificial heart.
John Godfrey Saxe Several characteristics of neural network technology set it apart from conventional computing and artificial intelligence approaches.
A "rebozo" - style bag, made out of reflective mylar that use natural or artificial light to encode messages into morse code.
Eyebeam RSS Feed
The quick marchlike rhythm of the drama of the reel favors this artificial overdoing, too.
The Photoplay A Psychological Study
LONDON (Reuters) - Patients with chronic kidney failure could be freed from fixed dialysis machines, thanks to a wearable artificial kidney that has shown promising results in a pilot study.
Their smiles aren't real, they are artificial, paid for by him.
Its synthetic counterpart, made from guaiacol or eugenol, is used in artificial vanillas.
But read the labels on some of these foods and you may find artificial sweeteners such as aspartame and sucralose on the ingredient lists, conveniently omitted from the front label.
The artificial fly represents a food item be it insect, crustacean or smaller fish.
More often than not, due to the delay and lack of adequate care of the socket, a ready fitting of the artificial eye is impossible.
DRINKS containing artificial sweetener may be just as bad for your heart as those with sugar, studies suggest.
The Sun
There are pygmies all around the world and the only thing they have in common in less than average height (which is why anthropologists don't use the term pygmy any more, it implies they're a distinct subset of humanity when in fact they're a completely artificial grouping crudely defined by a single characteristic).
Original Signal - Transmitting Digg
Lit by the blue of the Mars lights and the glaring white of minicams, the scene looked artificial, but the rocks and bottles flying past me were all too real.
MR. COLLIER'S anonymous annotator writes "tilled;" but surely this is a very artificial process to be performed by "spongy
Notes and Queries, No. 209, October 29 1853 A Medium of Inter-communication for Literary Men, Artists, Antiquaries, Geneologists, etc.
When, however, the recovery results from the artificial inoculation of antitoxine the body cells have not actively produced antitoxine.
The Story of Germ Life
They are not really atmospheric but they have mood in spades; they are neorealistic in terms of their look and their frankness about controversial subjects, yet they are decidedly more artificial, more movie-like, than, say, Italian neorealist pictures.
Archive 2006-02-05
She found instead that the Vegas wedding chapels, "with their wishing wells and stained-glass paper windows and their artificial bouvardia," were in fact selling "'niceness,' the facsimile of proper ritual, to children who do not know how else to find it.
The Wedding Merchants
The new dwarf varieties were able to stand two or three times more artificial fertilizer and to provide an increase of yield per decare from the previous maximum of 450 kilos to as much as 800 kilos per decare.
The Nobel Peace Prize 1970 - Presentation Speech
If you have only the so-called happiness you'll grow to be like all these sappy happy people: mushy and artificial.
Few people have not woken to the sounds of the dawn chorus nor seen moths drawn to artificial lights as daylight fades.
They are allowed to hold a resplendent Christmas parade down Fifth Avenue, complete with carriages, sleds and artificial snow.
And artificial flavors arent THAT bad, remember that artificial vanilla is peach pits and maple is fennugreek (an indian spice, which is why aunt jemima tastes like curry) and the ethyle sulfate that makes the artificial blueberry flavor, Im not sure but after some google searches it seems to come from Coconut flower. Main RSS Feed
Machines would be used only to sterilize and purify water that has already been cycled through the artificial biosphere.
It needs some one who understands its basic talent, some one who will help it to push the envelope of its artificial intelligence.
Sprinkle a little artificial sweetener on the fruit if desired.
Constraint-based programming is an artificial intelligence technique which finds the optimum way to allocate means and resources.
I would argue that artificial turf and big ballparks entered and exited the baseball world at about the same time.
An increasing disenchantment with the artificial and man-made aspects of the modern world.
Basic Marketing. Principles and Practice
Experts argue that share prices were effectively artificially rigged, which is why there has been no recovery.
The USDA's Horse Protection Program is meant to protect these wonderful animals, ensuring that Tennessee Walking Horses are not subjected to the abusive practice of "soring" -- the intentional infliction of pain to a horse's legs or hooves in order to force an artificial, exaggerated gait.
Wayne Pacelle: Federal Audit Finds Rampant Abuses of Show Horses; Agency Reform Promised
With standard artificial limbs people often overload a good leg while standing still.
Times, Sunday Times
Method: We adopted germfree caesarean section and artificial suckling to make CV New Zealand Laboratorial rabbit biology-cleansing and cultivate SPF New Zealand Laboratorial rabbit.
The blocks are load-bearing and convey the same effect with both natural and artificial light, the maker says.
A pink pillar-box hat was perched precariously on her head, and pinned to its side was a large artificial purple flower.
The final step will now be to use this genome transplant procedure to place the newly built artificial chromosome into a bacterial cell.
Times, Sunday Times
Exposing prints to direct sunshine, but also artificial light from bulbs is one of the worst and most frequent mistakes.
You can use it for real or artificial flowers.
I have lately been led to reflect a little, (for, now that I am growing old, my work has become [word indecipherable] special) on the artificial checks, but doubt greatly whether such would be advantageous to the world at large at present, however it may be in the distant future.
More Letters of Charles Darwin — Volume 2
If you can not detect even the shallowest of breaths, attempt artificial respiration making sure the chest starts to rise.
Do you workout or is it all artificial?
The discipline of the school was hard, not with the healthy and natural hardships of life in the open air, but with an artificial Spartanism, for it was the time when the Germans, who had suddenly awoke to feelings of patriotism and a love of war to which they had long been strangers, under the influence of a few writers, were throwing all their energies into the cultivation of physical endurance.
Bismarck and the Foundation of the German Empire
An artificial hoof attached to a machine that mimics the pounding of a horse's stride may help researchers discover the safest racetrack surface material for horses.
It offers a mild sweetness and can be blended with more intense artificial sweeteners such as sucralose.
Tamasha can be performed, anywhere, without the construction of any special stage like the village square, the courtyard of any house, an open ground or even on an artificial stage.
Wild boar swim through the artificial lakes to small artificial islands and reclaim the territory.
Times, Sunday Times
It acts as an intermediate space between the natural world and the artificial, and its effects of light and shadow, transparency, translucency and even opacity alter constantly with weather, time and season.
Bowmat is a new artificial ski surface, moulded in polyethylene, which offers flexibility in more than one direction.
The prevention and treatment with the extracts on colibacillosis and pullorosis artificially infected in 1-day old chickens were also investigated.
Shark cartilage has been used to make artificial skin for human burn victims.
The pods had no artificial gravity fields of their own to provide inertial dampening effects, so the Marines strapped themselves securely to the vertical backboards provided.
We already know that Libertarian theory doesn’t have a serious problem with the sale of humans, and whether the bill of lading is signed at birth or adulthood is an artificial distinction.
Matthew Yglesias » Endgame
That is why I think this is such an artificial foundation for deriving a rule nowadays from a case that had no conception of the Internet.
Live colonies and their gardens were maintained at room temperature in artificial colony chambers.
So next time you think there's an artificially constructed landform on another planet or a child's toy with a hidden message, remember, your brain is very good at finding patterns ... even when they aren't there.
For your listening pleasure and amusement...
Unlike Little et al, we are not worried that the artificial use of throat swabs and medication tray biased the recording of symptoms in the diary.
Tour of the factory making famous artificial pearls, followed by the tempting shop.
Collins Traveller - Mallorca
But our champagne coupes runnethed over when the taut-bodied café-crème-skinned new Josephine Baker, a.k.a. Brian Scott Bagley, leapt onto and around the stage in his J.B. wig and skirt made of a string of artificial bananas, as Ms. Baker once had in her famous Danse Sauvage.
Beth Arnold: Letter from Paris: Josephine Baker Back in Paris (This Time as a Man)
Artificial intelligence and blockchain will continue to disrupt the industry.
Times, Sunday Times
Previous studies have determined that between 60 and 95 percent of the sucralose-based artificial sweetener stay unabsorbed in the gut.
Under the influence of the idea: "The haemorrhage is to stop", the unconscious had sent to the small arteries and veins the order to stop the flow of blood, and, obediently, they contracted _naturally_, as they would have done artificially at the contact of a haemostatic like adrenalin, for example.
Maîtrise de soi-même par l'autosuggestion consciente. English
Certainly I think that no one is contemplating chemically "bowdlerizing" positive recollections, the talk seems to center around the artificial expurgation of bad memory, viz. trauma and the like.
Lionel: We Are Our Memories
An artificial satellite is in the Keplerian orbit of co-rotation above the Earth's equator.
One of them actually had an artificial leg, and carried not only a loaded rifle but a cane.
Postponing implementation is a budget gimmick used to keep the cost artificially low (if you only show expenditures in five years out of a ten year budget window the program will appear cheaper than it really is).
Archive 2009-09-01
High import taxes give their goods an artificial advantage in the market.
Many times, when there is a clear path between point A and B, the designers use artificial fences and trees to hem you in.
Hannah tried artificial insemination (aka IUI) 3 times before moving on to IVF.
The result is stylised and often artificial.
Times, Sunday Times
To qualify for organic status, farmers must adhere to strict limits on artificial fertilisers and pesticides.
Times, Sunday Times
Tile optimum synthesizing conditions were edtermined in this paper, The feasibility of artificially prepared mustard oil was discussed.
On the afternoon following the colonel's visit to Mink Run, old Peter, when he came for Phil, was obliged to stay long enough to see the antics of the mechanical mule; and had not that artificial animal suddenly refused to kick, and lapsed into a characteristic balkiness for which there was no apparent remedy, it might have proved difficult to get Phil away.
The Colonel's Dream
Among these is James Casebere, who photographs miniature architectural constructions in artificial light.
He was hocus-pocussed into buying an artificial diamond ring.
How can stevia ever fairly compete with artificial sweeteners, such as aspartame and saccharin, when the latter two are allowed to be called sweeteners?
Light shone around her, constant, as constant as daylight, but infinitely harsher; it was unnatural, artificial.
The stained-glass windows inside, and the black wrought iron and living or artificial flowers outside, contribute vivid accents.
Artificial blood created from stem cells could be tested on Britons within two years.
Wallace had no interest in animal breeding and did not model his proposed mechanism on the process of artificial selection.
However, the Court considers it rather artificial to attempt to divide the ‘wider issues’ and the negligence issue.
Nothing ever goes smoothly for the Little Einsteins, despite the fact that they have at their disposal Rocket, an artificially intelligent futuristic vehicle capable of morphing from a spaceship to a submarine to a mechanical jungle animal or whatever else the situation calls for.
Archive 2009-04-05
_ -- Several good and fairly cheap artificial rose oils are now obtainable, consisting chiefly of citronellol, geraniol, linalol, phenyl ethyl alcohol, and citral.
The Handbook of Soap Manufacture
Very soon, accelerators at Ernest Lawrence's Berkeley laboratory were producing artificial pions; the era of high-energy physics had begun.
Consider: in 1973 a team of Finnish and American scientists decapitated a dozen human fetuses, each aborted live through hysterotomy, and kept the heads alive artificially for study.
A Search For Limits
Page 10 to the intoxicating cup for stimulus to artificial excitement, and drowned all seasonable delight in mire, and a poison that not the dumb animals will swallow.
God Seen Above All National Calamities
Or imagine artificial intelligences which are geniuses at lying.
He also plays a very dead bat when asked about the potentially sinister implications of advances in artificial intelligence.
Times, Sunday Times
The room is safe, enclosed, protected from the harsh glare of artificial light.
The gummite, injecting funds into the economy in time of financial hardship GFC, from the Mining revenue is fine, but long term it creates an artificial bench mark which at some point usually goes pop.
Cheeseburger Gothic » Where’s my big fat tax cut?
You would hope that any increase in real wages is natural rather than artificial.
Times, Sunday Times
Some plans cover fertility drugs to stimulate ovulation or intrauterine insemination (IUI, often called artificial insemination) but don't cover pricier assisted reproductive technology (ART) procedures, such as in vitro fertilization.
Health insurance rules may decide whether infertility treatment is essential
At a time when so many carpet-makers are turning to artificial dyes, he extols the virtues of the old ways.
Conclusions The correct rehabilitation instruction of nurse is importance to the healing of the replacement operation of artificial femoral head of the old age diabetic.
With the interlink once again in hand, my artificial transwarp program should work- I only await a temporal polestar that will allow me to reopen the gateway that brought me here.
They mistrusted theatrical actors as being artificial, so those actors got bypassed and the directors were bringing people off the streets, which did produce a naturalistic kind of actor.
_ -- Chrysocolla, which appears to have been green carbonate of copper, or malachite (green verditer), was the green most approved of by the ancients; there was also an artificial kind which was made from clay impregnated with sulphate of copper (blue vitriol) rendered green by a yellow dye.
Museum of Antiquity A Description of Ancient Life
Shouldn't we support natural replenishment of fish stocks where possible rather than rely on artificial restocking?
Then his mind zips off again and we're onto implants and artificial limbs.
Times, Sunday Times
The floor of the cafe seemed suddenly brilliant to me, the bright wood vivid in the artificial light - tho’ perhaps I oughtn't to have indulged in that espresso, not at 7.30-ish in the evening.
Certainly in Paris one sees very conspicuously the absence of the love of flowers; or, rather, one may say that for the subtle and inventive children of the Ile de France the flower is artificial, and what we call flowers are merely an insipid and subordinate variety, "natural flowers," having their market in a remote and deserted corner of the city, whereas in Barcelona the busiest and central part of the city is the Rambla de las Flores.
Impressions and Comments
Replication only occurred in highly artificial, unnatural conditions.
So think about it this way: if you've got an artificial constraint, artificial constraints lead to arbitrary distinctions and a skewed worldview.
The area consists of a flat patchwork of marshes in the Gangetic plain, artificially created in the 1850s and maintained ever since by a system of canals, sluices and dykes.
Keoladeo (Bharatpur) National Park, India
Lumber dried by artificial heat in kilns has not the life in it that is possessed by air-seasoned material.
An astonishing five billion TV viewers tuned in to see the dazzling display set on a vast artificial lake in Athens' Olympic Stadium.
a method of discovery very simple and inartificial, which is the most ordinary method, and is no more than this.
The New Organon
The politicians version of the Eurovision song contest has produced a rather artificial debate.
They said their set-up could someday be adapted to help disabled people operate a motorized wheelchair or artificial limb.
That would be to limit the operation of the provision to artificial situations, for which there is no justification either in principle or in the language used.
They tried artificial respiration but it was of no avail.
The synthetic skin didn't quite match his normal skin tone but that was the only indication that it was artificial.
Much of it seems artificial and mannered.
Times, Sunday Times
They were born joined at the hip and are learning to walk with artificial legs after being separated.
DON'T Use products with artificial fragrances or alcohol, as they can cause pigmentation.
Times, Sunday Times
A stoma is an artificial opening to or from the intestine (which is also known as the gut or bowel) on the abdominal wall usually created by a surgeon.
It just seemed like too much of a switch, too contrived and artificial.
Times, Sunday Times
BRICK (derived according to some etymologists from the Teutonic _bricke_, a disk or plate; but more authoritatively, through the French _brique_, originally a "broken piece," applied especially to bread, and so to clay, from the Teutonic _brikan_, to break), a kind of artificial stone generally made of burnt clay, and largely used as a building material.
Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 3 "Brescia" to "Bulgaria"
But I agree also with Jeff and the writer of this piece that the artificiality of “genre” versus “literary” needs to be broken down, and the way that works of art borrow from, syncretize, and rework genres needs more acknowledgement.
Genres of Fiction, and Why They Aren’t Discrete Entities
So far, so predictable, but its huge flanks are encased in a delicately ribbed translucent skin that scintillates arrestingly with both natural and artificial light.
Subjects - Of 542 women attending the clinic for artificial insemination for the first time, 500 women were eligible for study.
Because of the low sampling rate of channels R and B, they will overlap in the high frequency region, such as region's rim, and produce artificial color.
US researchers are investigating whether a flexible, resilient gel has the potential to be used as artificial cartilage to repair ailing joints.
The trick now is to remove the human element altogether and let artificial intelligence take care of the rest.
You would hope that any increase in real wages is natural rather than artificial.
Times, Sunday Times
The sauce was glutinous and tasted artificial.
The answer from Paul VI is no. Not only no, but absolutely no. Reaffirming the absolute prohibition against any, quote, "artificial, " unquote, form of contraception.
But the scientific quest for quantification is important to those funding it – those filthy rich AI-Guys who have so long dreamed of conscious machines and artificial immortality (uploaded minds).
DARPA is continuing to harness natural animal motor skills in combination with artificial control systems, but is now looking into using smaller test subjects.
Spy Bugs: The Next Generation Of Surveillance? | Disinformation
These approaches have quite different origins in artificial intelligence and linguistics, and involve corpus input, lexicons and knowledge bases in quite different ways.
In fact, it was Victorian fly fishermen, not scientists, who first studied these insects closely in order to imitate them with artificial flies.