How To Use Artificer In A Sentence
From the spacious and convenient berthage of the floating light, the exchange to the artificers was, in this respect, much for the better.
Records of a Family of Engineers
Upon paying a fine to the king, the charter feems ge - nerally to have been readily granted; and when any particular clafs of artificers or traders thought proper to a6l as a corporation without a charter, fuch adulterine guilds, as they were called, were not always disfranchifed upon that account, but obliged to fine annually to the king for permiffion to exercife their ufurped pri - vileges *.
The Works of Adam Smith ...: With an Account of His Life and Writings
An act of 1646 authorized the constables of every town to require artificers and handicraftsmen "to work by the day for their neighbours in mowing, reaping of corn and inning thereof."
In every civilization, the skilled artificer has an honored place beside the scribe and the shaman.
This sort of people have a certain pre-eminence, and more estimation than labourers and the common sort of artificers, and these commonly live wealthily, keep good houses, and travel to get riches.
Chronicle and Romance (The Harvard Classics Series)

Man is the artificer of his own happiness.
When we found it was public, we were more concerned to prevent their suspecting that we had any design to conceal it, and openly telling our thoughts of it, we called our artificer, who agreed presently that it was gold; so I proposed that we should all go with the prince to the place where he found it, and if any quantity was to be had, we would lie here some time and see what we could make of it.
The Life, Adventures & Piracies of the Famous Captain Singleton
A similar story is told in chapter 4, which contrasts Smith's criticism of apprenticeship with the arguments advanced in the debates leading to the 1814 repeal of the apprenticeship clauses of the Elizabethan statute of artificers.
Letters facioned to ioyne together in sillables like ours, but Ziphres, and shapes of men and of beastes, of heades, and of armes, and artificers tooles, which signified in sondrie wise echone accordyng to his propertie.
The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation — Volume 06 Madiera, the Canaries, Ancient Asia, Africa, etc.
On the Representation of John Lucas Commissary of pension - ers, in behalf of Stephen Rogers, a matross and artificer in Capt.
Acts and resolves passed by the General Court
Yeat ware not their Letters facioned to ioyne together in sillables like ours, but Ziphres, and shapes of men and of beastes, of heades, and of armes, and artificers tooles, which signified in sondrie wise echone accordyng to his propertie.
The Fardle of Facions, conteining the aunciente maners, customes and lawes, of the peoples enhabiting the two partes of the earth, called Affricke and Asie
The advertisement was sandwiched between a reader advertising a doctor of physick and one for an "artificer," the latter being a ladies 'hair-dresser.
All About Coffee
The grant was for land to provide a site for a Trades Hall and Literary Institute at Sydney for the use of artificers and operatives.
What kind of maudlin artificer do they think God is?
El Viaje Misterioso de Nuestro Andrew
Do you know what your artificers do, even now?
For every one of the four horns there was a cleaving "artificer" to beat it down.
Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
Thus thought Dwining, as, returned from his visit to Sir John Ramorny, he added the gold he had received for his various services to the mass of his treasure; and, having gloated over the whole for a minute or two, turned the key on his concealed treasure house, and walked forth on his visits to his patients, yielding the wall to every man whom he met and bowing and doffing his bonnet to the poorest burgher that owned a petty booth, nay, to the artificers who gained their precarious bread by the labour of their welked hands.
The Fair Maid of Perth
Yeat ware not their Letters facioned to ioyne together in sillables like ours, but Ziphres, and shapes of men and of beastes, of heades, and of armes, and artificers tooles, which signified in sondrie wise echone accordyng to his propertie.
The Fardle of Facions, conteining the aunciente maners, customes and lawes, of the peoples enhabiting the two partes of the earth, called Affricke and Asie
Lt Welch has a team of 31, including 27 divers, an administrative assistant, a boatman and two artificers to maintain their equipment.
Man is the artificer of his own happiness.
According to our present knowledge, this machine was the nearest the artificers of antiquity came to inventing a truly mechanical clock.
On being told these terms the artificer stipulated that he should be allowed the use of his horse Svadilfari, and this by the advice of
The Age of Fable
“Mountain of the Maker,” the artificer par excellence, that is, the blacksmith: it is so called from a legendary shoer of horses and mules, who lived there possibly in the days before
The Land of Midian
Engine room artificers, boatswains, tugboat crews and quartermasters in the harbour master section (navigation branch) of the Sri Lanka Port Authority began an overtime boycott on November 12.
His visor was closed; he bore a huge buckler and a ponderous lance; his scimiter was of a Damascus blade, and his richly ornamented dagger was wrought by an artificer of Fez.
Washington Irving
Better-heeled artificers must almost certainly have been master craftsmen employing labour themselves.
It is the image of the watchmaker, the metaphor being that the watch is so complicated that it is difficult for us to imagine its existence without an "artificer" or "designer.
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Thus the bodgers bear away all, so that the poor artificer and labourer cannot make his provision in the markets, sith they will hardly nowadays sell by the bushel, nor break their measure; and so much the rather for that the buyer will look (as they say) for so much over measure in the bushel as the bodger will do in a quarter.
Of Fairs and Markets. Chapter IV. [1577, Book II., Chapter 2; 1587, Book II., Chapter 18
Captain John Haviland, a United Empire Loyalist, having served the British as an artificer in the American Revolution, moved from New York and settled in 1803 at Townsend Township, Norfolk County, near Brantford.
The artificers and manufacturers of such mercantile states, therefore, would immediately be rivalled in the market of those landed nations, and soon after undersold and justled out of it altogether.
IX. Book IV. Of the Agricultural Systems, or of the Systems of Political Œconomy, Which Represent the Produce of Land as Either the Sole or the Principal Source of the Revenue and Wealth of Every Country
Twenty years later, with the Protestant Elizabeth firmly on the throne, English Catholic exiles working from Douai and Rheims in France began producing a new Catholic English Bible, on the principle that if English translations were now unstoppable and "in the hands of every husbandman, artificer, prentice, boys, girls, mistress, maid" then they should at least get it right.
The King James Bible reconsidered | David Edgar
_ Thus the bodgers bear away all, so that the poor artificer and labourer cannot make his provision in the markets, sith they will hardly nowadays sell by the bushel, nor break their measure; and so much the rather for that the buyer will look (as they say) for so much over measure in the bushel as the bodger will do in a quarter.
Chronicle and Romance (The Harvard Classics Series)
Meanwhile, the artificer of the group examined the explosive.
Any seamster or cobbler or tailor or artificer of any trade keeps us shut up in prison for the luxurious and wanton pleasures of the clergy.
The Love of Books : The Philobiblon of Richard de Bury
Luke, who delivered a litter of puppies from the family's border collie last September, had passed the entrance test into the navy and had hoped to follow in his father's footsteps and become an artificer.
Khur-om, Phoenician artificer, meaning of the name of, 81-u.
Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry
Lt Welch has a team of 31, including 27 divers, an administrative assistant, a boatman and two artificers to maintain their equipment.
Peacham, indeed, offered drawing as ‘a gentleman's exercise’ which could also serve ‘for the necessarie use and generall benefite of diuers trades-men and artificers, as namly painters, ioyners, free-masons, cutters, and carvers.’
Medes and Assyrians, Virgil is the most ancient writer, who expressly mentions the soft wool which was combed from the trees of the Seres or Chinese; 62 and this natural error, less marvellous than the truth, was slowly corrected by the knowledge of a valuable insect, the first artificer of the luxury of nations.
The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
Man is the artificer of his own happiness.
The separate pay scales for artificers / technicians and for other branches will disappear.
Neither let this be jestingly conceived, bicause the works of the one be essenciall, the other in imitation or fiction: for everie understanding, knoweth the skill of ech Artificer standeth in that Idea, or fore conceit of the worke, and not in the worke it selfe.
Defence of Poesie
He is the artificer of our malleable national soul.
The artificers landed at six a.m.; but, as no materials could be got upon the rock this morning, they were employed in boring trenail holes and in various other operations, and after four hours 'work they returned on board the tender.
Records of a Family of Engineers
Bvt before there had bene yet any precise obseruation made of figuratiue speeches, the first learned artificers of language considered that the bewtie and good grace of vtterance rested in no many pointes: and whatsoeuer transgressed those lymits, they counted it for vitious; and thereupon did set downe a manner of regiment in all speech generally to be obserued, consisting in sixe pointes.
The Arte of English Poesie
The grant was for land to provide a site for a Trades Hall and Literary Institute at Sydney for the use of artificers and operatives.
The result of many weeks work, this could not have been achieved without the skill and leadership of Graham Body and it is a credit to him and his team of artificers.
Engine room artificers, boatswains, tugboat crews and quartermasters in the harbour master section (navigation branch) of the Sri Lanka Port Authority began an overtime boycott on November 12.
Blindly, unwittingly, erringly as Dickens often urged them, these ideals mark the whole tendency of his fiction, and they are what endear him to the heart, and will keep him dear to it long after many a cunninger artificer in letters has passed into forgetfulness.
Literature and Life (Complete)
A certain number of foreman artificers, electricians, blacksmiths etc, are also required for service with the army.
Artificer, constructor, factotum, a man who loves impossible bets, he says: ‘How did the idea come to me to construct the greatest globe of the world in the world?’
Job wrote his epic poem in a state of society which we should probably term uncultivated; and when Lamech gave utterance to the most ancient and the saddest of human lyrics, the world was in its infancy, and it would appear as if the first artificer in "brass and iron" had only helped to make homicide more easy.
An Illustrated History of Ireland from AD 400 to 1800
“Mountain of the Maker,” the artificer par excellence, that is, the blacksmith: it is so called from a legendary shoer of horses and mules, who lived there possibly in the days before
The Land of Midian
In 1705 the assembly granted all militia officers the authority to ‘impress any smith… or other artificer, whatsoever, which shall be thought useful for the fixing of arms.’
But not between reality and representation, for everything about a movie is necessarily the product of an artificer, and even ‘on-the-scene’ news reporting achieves only ‘a specious credibility’.
Upon paying a fine to the king, the charter seems generally to have been readily granted; and when any particular class of artificers or traders thought proper to act as a corporation without a charter, such adulterine guilds, as they were called, were not always disfranchised upon that account, but obliged to fine annually to the king for permission to exercise their usurped privileges.
X. Book I. Of Wages and Profit in the Different Employments of Labour and Stock
Chronicles 2: 3,11,12; 8: 2,18; 9: 10,21) + The same Change occurs in Chronicles in the name of Hiram the artificer, which is given as [635] Hiram, Or Huram in (2
Smith's Bible Dictionary
She nodded in recognition of the name of the legendary artificer of magic items.
Man is the artificer of his own happiness.
Man is the artificer of his own happiness.
Here, then, is the Demi-Ourgos or grand artificer, constituted God autocratical and supreme.
The Ruins, or, Meditation on the Revolutions of Empires and the Law of Nature
But in old Edinburgh all were piled one on the top of another -- the Parliament House within sight of the shops, the great official and the poor artificer under the same roof: and round that historical spot over which St. Giles's crown rose like the standard of the city, the whole community crowded, stalls and booths of every kind encumbering the street, while special pleaders and learned judges picked their steps in their dainty buckled shoes through the mud and refuse of the most crowded noisy market-place, and all the great personages of Edinburgh paced the "plainstanes" close by at certain hours, unheeding either smell or garbage or the resounding cries of the street.
Royal Edinburgh Her Saints, Kings, Prophets and Poets
The only Service team that takes part in the rally, the artificers entered two pedal cars, and won third place overall.
But the present day was so remarkably still that there seemed to the spectators no excuse for the awkwardness of the artificers; and when a large gap in the back of the awning was still visible, from the obstinate refusal of one part of the velaria to ally itself with the rest, the murmurs of discontent were loud and general.
The Best of the World's Classics, Restricted to Prose, Vol. VI (of X)—Great Britain and Ireland IV