
How To Use Arrest In A Sentence

  • A barman at the pub said that he was one of the first two men to be arrested. Times, Sunday Times
  • The plotters were arrested in September 2006, just a few months after the country broke away from Serbia.
  • Having had some narrow escapes the priest was eventually arrested as a recusant priest and was tried by revolutionary Court.
  • Yesterday, the police arrested a nurse. The Sun
  • Police arrested 13 people, and some students were treated for minor injuries at the scene in northeast El Paso.
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  • She suffered a cardiac arrest caused by a blocked heart artery. The Sun
  • There have been no arrests and police are set to offer a reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the perpetrators.
  • The man won his year-long battle to clear his name only after a bank worker was arrested for fraud. Times, Sunday Times
  • This nifty little thriller opens with the arresting image of a nebbishy accountant being dangled over the side of a bridge.
  • To date, American Suzuki has received two reports of flame arrester screens detaching from the mounting ring. Product Recalls For The Week of July 3-10, 2010 | myFiveBest
  • THE timing of these arrests is interesting and may not be coincidental. The Sun
  • He went into cardiac arrest again in the ambulance and once more at the hospital.
  • Phillips was arrested on drug charges.
  • I think you could get aroundthe police strategy discussed above by Orin Kerr arrest the potential non-consenting guy first with this sort of blanket prohibition. The Volokh Conspiracy » Does Georgia v. Randolph Apply to Computers?
  • (How far can he get without a license or credit cards .. or the help of close relations?) opened with testimony from the "jailbird" and his arresting officers Baltimore Crime
  • The adult members of society are under curfew and the elderly under house arrest: feral youth has taken over.
  • In 2009, an Salvadorean illegal immigrant named Ingmar Guandique was arrested and charged with Levy's murder. Report: Chandra Levy-linked ex-congressman Gary Condit writing tell-all book
  • The arrest has come as a terrible shock.
  • He was put under surveillance, and arrested the day after his graduation. Times, Sunday Times
  • He said what had surprised him was that many of those arrested had no previous convictions.
  • He's apologizing for what he calls his despicable words after he was arrested for drunken driving. CNN Transcript Jul 31, 2006
  • The murder hunt team are now back at square one after having arrested and released 27 men.
  • She was arrested and charged with treason, a capital offence, but made no attempt to deny her actions. Times, Sunday Times
  • He was arrested that night and charged with 1st degree murder.
  • The arresting part of this photo is not her femaleness, although foregrounding her gender seems to be the intention, but the condition of her gun, which is old, chipped, and rusty.
  • Hypothermia may render the carotid pulse impalpable, but it is important not to start chest compression without evidence of cardiac arrest.
  • If he survived being arrested that is, which given the circs is debatable. Kingsnorth, Battlecat and A Distinct Lack Of Leadership. « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • What we have seen in various states is little more than the confirmation of old maxims about how and why governments grow and what, if anything, can be done to arrest that growth.
  • He was, in fact, a prime candidate for arrest and removal from the scene.
  • Police say they have arrested twenty people following the disturbances.
  • Two Cumbria police workers were arrested for data protection breaches and misconduct in a public office. The Sun
  • Stunned gallery visitors watched as guards grabbed him until cops arrived to arrest him. The Sun
  • U.K. police arrested a female police officer on suspicion of corruption, as a multipronged probe into alleged wrongdoing tied to the News of the World tabloid continues to gather momentum. What's News—
  • In southern France, police arrested 12 suspects in sweeps against suspected Islamic militant networks, including three men linked to a network recruiting fighters for Afghanistan, officials said. World Watch
  • The biggest of the ringing bells is three tonnes and an arresting sight as it gracefully arcs round, even if we can't hear it to its full capacity thanks to our bright red ear protectors.
  • She clutched a fluffy toy dog as both were arrested. The Sun
  • His release hinged on a legal technicality: the police did not tell him he was under arrest or that he had the right to a lawyer. Times, Sunday Times
  • Peggy Perez-Olivo murder 11 / 18 / 06 Millwood, NY * husband Carlos arrested and charged with her murder* Bonnie's Blog of Crime
  • She was arrested entirely without justification.
  • His arrest for lewd behaviour seriously damaged his credibility as a religious leader.
  • The vehicle is robustly built for carrier take-off and landings and uses a conventional wheeled take-off and landing with an arrestor hook.
  • The feeling was that the picture conveyed a joyful and momentous moment in their lives in a way that was arresting and memorable. Times, Sunday Times
  • [Ed: his house was subsequently raided, his data and computers confiscated and examined] After four years the police have finally admited they should never have arrested him in the first place. Boing Boing
  • Advertising may be described as the science of arresting human in-telligence long enough to get money from it. 
  • When they tried to arrest him, he suddenly went berserk.
  • Charged with credit-card fraud and identity theft, most of the suspects arrested that day have been released on bail pending trial.
  • Memorable scenes include Ornella Muti putting an oversized safety pin to some rather startling uses, and a listful cat and mouse game between Ben Gazzara and Susan Tyrrell which results in Gazarra’s arrest when you least expect it. World cinema classics #48 « Jahsonic
  • The police arrested the man at about 2pm within the airport perimeter. Times, Sunday Times
  • If an automated external defibrillator is available, people assisting a cardiac-arrest patient should attach the device to the victim and follow its instructions. Study Backs Simpler CPR for Patients
  • The purpose of the arrests is to cause gangs to police themselves -- if every murder results in a torrent of arrests, gang leaders are more likely to discourage the use of violence to resolve personal disputes. Chicago Gang Violence: Police Chief Jody Weis Follows Through On Controversial Strategy
  • He was subsequently arrested by a heroic Garda and some members of the local community.
  • Some 40 people have since been arrested in connection with the case, and they include police and lower-level state officials.
  • Some patients have asystole from the onset of arrest and are unsuitable for defibrillation by the ambulance crew or bystanders.
  • The particular form of idiocy known as cretinism is the result of this deficiency, which produces an arrest of the development of the brain cells. The Pivot of Civilization
  • Produce production can be instrumental in arresting the decline in the number of farms in some rural areas, as well as in providing an alternative to tobacco production.
  • TWO men were arrested yesterday on suspicion of stealing a cannon and treasures from a sunken 17th-century warship. The Sun
  • He also denied charges of manhandling the accused and not informing the British High Commission at New Delhi regarding their arrest.
  • The girls 'father, Giuseppe De Vito, disappeared in 2006 after the RCMP issued a warrant for his arrest on drug charges as part of what they called a sweeping crackdown on organized crime. Ottawa Sun
  • Barot A, Kleckner N (2008) Yeast Pch2 promotes domainal axis organization, timely recombination progression, and arrest of defective recombinosomes during meiosis. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • The mere fact, if it be a fact, that the constable reasonably thought that a breach of the peace was likely did not in my judgment justify the arrest of the bailiff.
  • Stokes arrested in doughnut shop; faces federal charge of faking military discharge records Heroes or Villains?
  • Break them and await arrest in willful, principled civil disobedience. The Volokh Conspiracy » The Rhetoric of Opposition
  • He got her to unblock it, claiming he had been arrested and needed money for bail. The Sun
  • Seven police officials, including a police inspector and a subinspector, have already been arrested for their links to Goa's notorious narcotics mafia over the last two months. Zee News : India National
  • Ten people were arrested after police swooped on a dozen addresses in south Manchester.
  • Earlier this year, Felix pled guilty to money-laundering charges growing out of his arrest on drug and bribery charges.
  • You are born-again, re-sobered, a former hardcore binge drinker and rumored huge fan of various illegal substances back in college, and you had at least one DUI arrest and went AWOL from the National Guard, and you've stashed away from public view all records of both your tenure as Texas governor, and those SEC investigations into your alleged insider trading. Chaos Theory:
  • In some states, a fifth of the attorneys who have represented defendants in capital cases have subsequently been suspended, disbarred or arrested.
  • A man is under arrest following the suspicious death of his wife.
  • He is alleged to have resisted arrest after failing a breath test and was taken away in handcuffs. The Sun
  • BLANTYRE, MALAWI — Officials in Malawi say they have arrested two men for celebrating their engagement to each other in the conservative southern African country .... Annabelle Gurwitch: The Year End Round-Up in Marriage
  • Stunned gallery visitors watched as guards grabbed him until cops arrived to arrest him. The Sun
  • Why, if Ponce de Leon had found the fountain of youth and drunk of it as bibulously as we are apt to guzzle the cup of achievement, he would not only have arrested the forward march of time, but would have over-reached himself and slipped backward through the years of his age to become a chronic infant in arms. The Joyful Heart
  • A student at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology before becoming a social activist in Latin America, Berenson was arrested on a bus in Peru in 1995 and charged with belonging to the MRTA.
  • Half of them had been arrested following the discovery of marijuana and LSD in saleable quantities. A CONVICTION OF GUILT
  • In his biography Alec Guinness: The Unknown, Garry O'Connor reveals that Guinness was arrested and fined 10 guineas for a homosexual act in a public lavatory in Liverpool in 1946.
  • They were restrained before being taken under arrest to St Aldate's Police station.
  • This streaker has committed at least two arrestable offences by showing himself in public and running onto the pitch.
  • Various strategies are devised to arrest or fragment its ongoingness, and to retrieve or redeem moments that seem to stand outside time or otherwise defy it.
  • Suppose it offers a large reward for some one's arrest.
  • The new drug did not arrest the cancer.
  • He was disowned by his family after his arrest. The Sun
  • It would arrest the cutbacks in service facilities argued for on the basis of regional headcounts and infrastuctural potentials.
  • Y-27632 rescues collagen-induced arrest of neurite sprouting and elongation in cultured rat neurons PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • To discipline him, rumours by highly placed security sources began circulating to the effect that certain members of his cabinet connected with the "deviationist tendency" would shortly be arrested. Ali Rahnema: Ayatollah Khamenei at Unprecedented Religio-Political Summits: The Hidden Imam's Infallible Representative
  • His aphoristic, rhetorical style, lends itself to statements that sound arresting but often mean very little.
  • Their task will be tackling anti-social behaviour and nuisance crime and eventually will have the power to detain, but not arrest, the public for up to 30 minutes.
  • She was later released, then arrested again (along with a dozen others) when police busted a house orgy a week later.
  • While it's uncertain whether the protest and subsequent meeting will prevent cuts, the way the governor's staff handled the whole affair is instructive: I'm told that technically they could have been arrested for blocking the way.
  • Peron still carries in his leg the fragments of a dum-dum bullet from a 1977 arrest.
  • The operator has only to recognise that cardiac arrest may have occurred and attach two adhesive electrodes to the patient's chest.
  • Splenectomy effectively arrests the extravascular hemolysis and prevents its long-term complications, such as cholelithiasis and aplastic crises.
  • You'll have been arrested in a blaze of publicity but the police won't make quite the same fuss over your release, meaning the cloud of suspicion will hang over you.
  • He won power in an election that year and consolidated his position in an imperial coup of 1851 after which his government arrested agitators to deport them and he became a hated despot, the enemy of republicanism.
  • The police are eager to speak to anyone who can help us to find and arrest the culprits.
  • Yesterday police arrested three men in connection with the attack. Times, Sunday Times
  • _The comedy of Wilmot successful: The wounded stranger seen at a distance: Oratory abandoned with regret: The dangers that attend being honest: A new invitation from Hector: A journey deferred by an arrest, and another accidental sight of the stranger_ The Adventures of Hugh Trevor
  • Arrestment is not a strategy merely decided by judicatory organ, but a Nash equilibrium which involves the judicatory organ and suspect.
  • Was recently awarded £30,000 damages against Thames Valley Police for wrongful arrest and false imprisonment.
  • Six days after his arrest, and following consultation with members of his department and of the faculty senate, the university president acted to dismiss him.
  • Do your sexual encounters place you in danger of arrest for lewd conduct or public indecency?
  • Why, there, if a college student comes downtown with a flareback coat and heart-shaped trousers and one of those nifty little pompadour hats that are brushed back from the brow to give the brains a chance to grow, they arrest him for collecting a crowd and disturbing traffic. At Good Old Siwash
  • While the police once raided gay clubs to arrest people, today they cruise them to encourage the reporting of homophobia.
  • Most of the detainees have been arrested on suspicion of illegal stay.
  • A judicial source said: 'Anybody involved in the illegal use of a handgun in public is liable to arrest. The Sun
  • You will be disgraced, fired, and potentially arrested.
  • Make sure the condition of the spark arrestor on top of the chimney is inspected so that there are no tears in the fabric that would allow embers to escape.
  • Some fabulously original singer-songwriters rose to sudden popular prominence… and were arrested, jailed, and sent into exile with shaven heads.
  • If saved from a cardiac arrest, many should then receive an implantable defibrillator. Times, Sunday Times
  • He manages to arrest his fall by grabbing ‘the last outlying knot of starved herbage ere the rock appeared in all its bareness’.
  • Fraud detectives are investigating the company, three of whose senior executives have already been arrested.
  • High bail - reaching as much as $1 million - was imposed for those arrested by police.
  • Anyone found wearing a paperclip was liable to immediate arrest. Times, Sunday Times
  • Police arrested the threesome on the grounds of selling illegal lottery tickets and brought them to the police station.
  • I was told of one particular youngster in Stockton-on-Tees who has been arrested and charged no fewer than 17 times this year.
  • He was charged with trying to resist arrest .
  • said the term "thuggery" has been used as a catchall crime since the military assumed power Feb. 11 and is so broad that people have been arrested for no reason. Washington Post: Breaking News, World, US, DC News & Analysis
  • Bacon won election to the burgesses, Virginia's upper house, but was arrested when he tried to take his seat.
  • Petros declined to say whether he thought Hewana had been "enticed" to give a different arrest time. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Soong was virtually placed under house arrest.
  • Yet one of them was escorted under guard to Paris where he was freed, and not re-arrested by the French.
  • He was remanded in custody and placed under house arrest. Times, Sunday Times
  • He hit the headlines two years ago when he was arrested for selling drugs to the Prime Minister's nephew.
  • Toolies also continued to cause problems for police, with 27 arrests made on 33 charges, mainly for drug and street offences.
  • Eleven teenagers were arrested in connection with the fatal stabbing of 10-year-old Damilola Taylor.
  • PP2A inhibition prevents p107 dephosphorylation and FGF-induced cell cycle arrest The regulation of Rb protein family phosphorylation by cyclin / cdk kinases is fairly well understood, but much less is known about the phosphatases that dephosphorylate Rbs during the normal cell cycle or in response to exogenous signals. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Six people have been arrested in connection with sheep rustling in the region in recent months. The Sun
  • We are arrested, fascinated, by a convulsion of sound to which we are unable to assign a meaning.
  • He was arrested on charges of corruption and abuse of power.
  • This week eight people were arrested on suspicion of being part of a ring that was acting on insider knowledge. Times, Sunday Times
  • Initially detained in custody, he was put under house arrest at the weekend. Times, Sunday Times
  • The three men and two women were arrested, handcuffed and held in police cells. Times, Sunday Times
  • That was mainly down to fewer fatalities from heart and circulatory diseases such as cardiac arrests and strokes. The Sun
  • He was arrested after being kept under constant surveillance.
  • they were under threat of arrest
  • Or maybe it was part of a cunning ruse not to get arrested. Times, Sunday Times
  • Chimneys must be insulated properly A spark arrestor on top of the chimney will protect your roof.
  • He told the accused that he was going to arrest them. Regan said. "Oh, are you?" and called out. "Pass me an 'Aristotle.'"
  • There are plenty of practical ideas, all curtailments of our liberty, which might indeed now need to be introduced - such as greater powers for the police to arrest suspects for questioning, deportations and possibly internment.
  • The court heard how drugs officers arrested two men in July last year shortly after they left the Manningham flat.
  • A reporter has been arrested outside the home of Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie for spying on the star couple with binoculars..
  • Her attendance at court had to be secured by a witness summons and a threat of arrest.
  • Victor Chapman? The famous art dealer? I can't arrest him.
  • It’s a bad sign when you double the number of border patrol agents, and the number of arrests drops, while the obvious problems remain unabated ..... The Volokh Conspiracy » Kobach on Arizona’s Immigration Law
  • The two were found to be conniving with an inter-state flesh trade gang, whose three members were arrested by the police last Friday.
  • This is what we call a lose / lose situation, because the cops will either have no sense of humor and arrest you for public intoxication, or they will try to fuck with you and snicker amongst themselves while telling you to give it your best shot.
  • Those arrested are being questioned on suspicion of drug dealing, handling stolen goods and possessing illegal weapons.
  • He was arrested in April and maintained his denials even after he had been picked out by the boy during identification procedures.
  • After being held for approximately 2 weeks in immigration detention, the warrants for my arrest in respect of the alleged extraditable offences were issued.
  • A warrant was issued for the claimant's arrest.
  • Two-wheeler maker TVS Motor Company has said it plans to replace two-stroke motorcycle ‘Max’ with a four-stroke entry-level motorcycle within six months to arrest the erosion in sales.
  • Arrested for rape, he had agreed to a plea bargain in which he admitted unlawful sexual intercourse with a 13-year-old.
  • Dirk West was arrested in possession of galjoen, steenbras, blacktail and kabeljou at the coastal resort town of Swakopmund last week. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • HARRIMAN (WATE) -- An Indiana man was arrested in Harriman for sexual solicitation of a minor after he failed to register as a sex offender in Tennessee. Undefined
  • Although William Beckford wrote a Gothick romance as reckless and immoderate as himself, his life of epic prodigality would arrest attention had he not written a single line.
  • Cola said a blitz on drunken drivers over a seven-hour period resulted in 17 arrests.
  • A MAN has been arrested on suspicion of attempted murder after two policemen were mown down chasing looters in the riots. The Sun
  • During a guest performance in Sassari, Fo is arrested for having blocked access to the theatre for policemen seeking to stop the performance. Dario Fo - Biography
  • Fortunately, it is easy to meet the spark arrestor requirements of NFPA 211 by caulking wire mesh to the top of a chimney pot.
  • He was arrested and released on bail, whereafter he quit music and fled to Paris with his girlfriend to start a new life in obscurity.
  • But the republican counter-espionage was highly organized, and early in 1814 he was arrested, tried and condemned to death.
  • The couple were arrested Wednesday after two of the boys finally told investigators of the alleged abuse, police said.
  • They got out of their car and, without notice, put us under arrest and handcuffed us.
  • He was thrown in jail for a year, and on the date of his release sent a message to his supporters to gather at the same hall he had been in when arrested.
  • The reason I haven't been arrested is not because I'm white and haven't committed any of these crimes -- let's face it, I've jaywalked, littered, and loitered, which makes me a triple threat -- it's because I'm not poor. Jan Herman: Living in a Police State Is Okay
  • The slight layer of greasy matter that habitually lines the sides of vessels from whence no effort has been made to remove it, produces effects exactly like those of the oil of camphor, that is to say, that in measure as it becomes thicker it likewise arrests the motions of the concrete volatile essence. Scientific American Supplement, No. 401, September 8, 1883
  • Previous studies have shown that the provision of external defibrillators and basic life support training to ambulance crews can improve survival from out of hospital cardiac arrest.
  • We vow to return on the train and try out the ‘twobicles’ - the double thrones in the ladies toilets - or be arrested in the attempt.
  • The plane landed in Germany, the hijacker was arrested, and served a prison sentence.
  • The lean Arctic light, long and horizontal and visually stunning, gives everything a superreal quality of detail that I suppose you might get used to over time, but for now it is arresting. Beth Kapusta: ...somewhere just south of the 79th parallel
  • Then, after the 20th July attentat, Popitz was arrested and Langbehn hauled out and sentenced. Barbarossa
  • He has grown reclusive in recent years, seemingly unaware that he is no longer under house arrest.
  • The opposition is closed down by capture, arrest, and prison.
  • A 40-year-old Liverpool man was arrested in connection with the assault.
  • We're now an equal opportunity investigative arm," she aid, with a laugh, "and we will arrest the briber and the 'bribee,' as it were. Corruption Arrests Hit Record in City
  • Compared with the towns of the north, Rheims is relatively unharmed; but for that very reason the arrest of life seems the more futile and cruel. Fighting France
  • He was arrested for violating the terms of his recognizance.
  • The only person needing to apologize is the arresting officer. Police group: Obama should apologize
  • Thirty people were arrested for blockading the street outside the convention by locking themselves together around organic plants and symbols of an environmentally sustainable future.
  • Raffoul JJ et al. Genistein inhibits radiation-induced activation of NF-kappaB in prostate cancer cells promoting apoptosis and G2/M cell cycle arrest. Craig Cooper: Soy: When It's Good, When It's Bad, And How To Tell
  • On the actual day of the murder, he had been arrested and taken into the lock-up on a charge of a very petty theft.
  • Failure leads to arrest, and then assessment by a forensic medical examiner. Times, Sunday Times
  • The driver was arrested on a charge of manslaughter.
  • Arrests for sale or possession of crack cocaine jumped from 41 in 1991 to 119 last year.
  • Steps need to be taken quickly to arrest the deterioration in the countries'relationship.
  • There have been delays in setting up the intelligence system and little or no improvement in inputting details of arrests or summonses on the Police National Computer.
  • Dent started to walk away, but was arrested after swearing at police. He had already been fined for two other drunken episodes in April.
  • A few weeks ago, an Alabama sheriff was arrested for underfeeding his inmates and pocketing the leftover meal money.
  • But how far could they go before they would be arrested for what the white people called vagrancy? Forty Acres and Maybe a Mule
  • The committee spoke out following the arrests of ten journalists on suspicion of illegal payments to police and public servants. The Sun
  • The arrest toll reached 563 by midafternoon, with 105 people charged. Times, Sunday Times
  • DARJEELING - A militant of the Kamtapur Liberation Organisation (KLO) outfit was arrested from West Bengal's Darjeeling district. Gaea Times (by Simple Thoughts) Breaking News and incisive views 24/7
  • Eventually the bailiff was charged and his property sequestrated, the governor was removed and later arrested, and - fifteen years after the original dispute - compensation payment made by the estate to some of the peasants.
  • So far, eight have been arrested for offences such as conspiracy, handling stolen goods, possession or supply of drugs and driving without insurance.
  • He was arrested and charged with drink-driving. The Sun
  • The demonstration was attacked by the military, several women were arrested and at least two shot with rubber bullets.
  • Profeto was arrested in connection only with the second killing but detectives said a link would soon be made.
  • He was rearrested when he sneaked back into Finland for his father's funeral.
  • Then all these scruffy layabouts who had nothing better to do with their time than try to prevent law-abiding country folk from tearing foxes apart could be arrested and prosecuted.
  • In Kansas with an outgoing Attorney General that hired an arrested and convicted clinic blockader on the state's payroll, and allowed at least one convicted clinic bomber to work in his recent failed re-election bid. Hamilton Spectator - Sniper - The True Story of James Kopp

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