How To Use Arraign In A Sentence

  • I was arraigned the very next morning and released on a personal. Show Stoppah
  • Yesterday he was to be arraigned on new charges of insider trading, filing false tax forms and conspiracy to falsify books and records in an expanded indictment unveiled May 1.
  • The mother is being held without bail until her arraignment, which is scheduled for tomorrow. CNN Transcript Aug 29, 2006
  • The seventh defendant, Donna Walsh, was scheduled to be arraigned Wednesday.
  • Handing down the legal equivalent of a rap on the knuckles, Judge Teare said the public might see his compassion as "impossibly lenient", but explained he had been swung by the moral standing of those arraigned before him, as set out by counsel of the defence in mitigation. Hugh Muir's diary
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  • 'Nay, but to live/In the rank sweat of an enseamed bed,/Stewed in corruption, honeying and making love/Over the nasty sty!' he arraigns his mother in his earnest undertaking to force her to consider what she is doing (3.4). Shakespeare
  • What, then, is my arraignment of sovietism according to the soviet constitution? The History of the American Expedition Fighting the Bolsheviki Campaigning in North Russia 1918-1919
  • NBC is arraigned on charges of neglecting a fine series.
  • Kanawha Circuit Judge Duke Bloom delayed Light's arraignment briefly to allow time for what he called a mandatory conference. The Charleston Gazette -
  • A number of Cook County vice cops scattered through the room with notebooks and tape machines, sucking up every arraignable word. Underworld
  • By then Saddam and eleven others had been "arraigned" on television in improvised proceedings of dubious meaning, which backfired politically when Saddam visibly summoned his powers of command and began to dominate the show. Ziad for the Defense
  • Such objections as that the accused, at the time of the arraignment, is undergoing a sentence of a general court-martial, or that owing to the long delay in bringing him to trial he is unable to disprove the charge or to defend himself, or that his accuser was actuated by malice or is a person of bad character, or that he was released from restraint upon the charges are not proper subjects for motion prior to plea, however much they may constitute ground for a continuance or affect the questions of the truth or falsity of the charge or of the measure of punishment. EXECUTIVE ORDER 10214
  • Most felonies are first addressed in Municipal Court for arraignments, continuance matters and preliminary hearings.
  • Peele's "Arraignment of Paris, a Pastorall" is a court drama in the style of Lilly, intended to flatter the Queen, "poor in action but all the richer in gallant phrases, provided with songs, one in Italian, and with all kinds of love scenes between shepherds and shepherdesses, nymphs and terrestrial gods"; the diction is interesting, because it shows revolt from the prevailing "euphuism," and therefore Peele must be given the praise of first opposing Lilly's affected style. The Critics Versus Shakspere A Brief for the Defendant
  • The group has been arraigned, with bail for one member set at $10 million.
  • After the Second World War eminent surviving German and Japanese civilian and military figures were arraigned on criminal charges before international tribunals.
  • He also lives in Florida, he's in Las Vegas, so that will make bail somewhat more difficult for him to get, but -- the arraignment will be the first time the issue of bail is dealt with and I don't know if Las Vegas has Sunday arraignments or not. CNN Transcript Sep 16, 2007
  • Today a suspected arms dealer was arraigned on charges that he tried to sell shoulder-launched anti-aircraft missiles.
  • One of my fantasies is to see that as Nancy is removed from her respendent office in DC, or better, being gaggled over across the street to be arraigned. Hey, what do these twelve legislators have in common? - Moe_Lane’s blog - RedState
  • George was released the next day without bail after being arraigned on a charge of fourth-degree criminal possession of a controlled substance.
  • The tramp was arraigned on a charge of stealing.
  • And I say, call the proctors, arraign this man for treason. VALENTINE PONTIFEX
  • In other developments Thursday, the judge trying the case declined to arraign any of the suspects, prompting anger from some relatives of victims. Defense Attorneys Acknowledge Journalists Died in 2009 Philippines Massacre
  • Court officials said there is a possibility he did not receive a summons and that his arraignment could be rescheduled.
  • Three other guards at the prison near Baghdad were arraigned on more serious charges as the abuse scandal and guerrilla violence increased pressure on Washington to hand over real power to Iraqis on June 30.
  • After a separate ‘old style committal’ he was committed for trial to Chelmsford Crown Court, and arraigned on 27th January 1997.
  • The rest are in custody and await arraignment.
  • He hasn't even faced the formal charges of an arraignment yet.
  • Then they farewelled him and went down to look after the safety of their troops; and they ceased not to keep up the fires till the morning rose with its sheen and shone, when the fighting-men mounted their horses of noble strain and smote one another with thin-edged skean and with brawn of bill they thrust amain nor did they cease that day battle to darraign. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Most felonies are first addressed in Municipal Court for arraignments, continuance matters and preliminary hearings.
  • As the spirit of party, in different degrees, must be expected to infect all political bodies, there will be, no doubt, persons in the national legislature willing enough to arraign the measures and criminate the views of the majority. Archive 2007-01-01
  • She hasn ` t been arraigned, meaning formally charged yet. CNN Transcript Apr 13, 2009
  • The police arraigned him on a count of making a threat of terrorism. Julian Assange on '60 Minutes'; man arrested for Detroit terrorist threat; bath salts as drugs
  • So, I think they're trying to get this passed the NBA season, but in terms of the family being at the arraignment, that is not unusual. CNN Transcript Nov 13, 2003
  • Judge Paul Mahoney waived her public appearance at the arraignment, where Mitchell entered a plea on her behalf of not guilty.
  • Although blunderers aren't condemned for their blundering, and criminals aren't arraigned for their crimes, the evidence which might have condemned them is diligently recorded.
  • The most emotionally challenging part for me was the transphobia I encountered from the court attorney who represented me at my arraignment.
  • But, "added he, with a smile," we need not disturb ourselves with such thoughts – the regent is in our prince's confidence; and did this accusation relate to him, he would not, on such a plea, have arraigned me as a traitor. The Scottish Chiefs
  • The boy was arraigned yesterday on charges of second-degree murder and attempted murder of a police officer.
  • Before the arraignment, Deputy Prosecutor Graham Blewitt spoke of his personal satisfaction in seeing one of the court's major targets brought before it.
  • He is expected to be arraigned tomorrow morning in Miami, however, a man who answered Castroneves 'cell phone told Access that the star is currently in Le Mans, which is believed to be a reference to a race of the same name held in Atlanta. Top headlines
  • Moses, therefore, remained the sole promulgator and interpreter of the Divine laws, and consequently also the sovereign judge, who could not be arraigned himself, and who acted among the Hebrews the part, of God; in other words, held the sovereign kingship: he alone had the right to consult God, to give the Divine answers to the people, and to see that they were carried out. Theologico-Political Treatise
  • During the proceedings, two attorneys represented the accused, who were arraigned in two groups of four. Bail Denied for Six Bronx Hate-Crime Suspects
  • At the arraignment, Ms. Beldini said she didn't violate taxpayers' trust and declined to comment further while leaving the courthouse . Mr. Elwell and his lawyer declined to comment.
  • He was released on a $100 cash bond, pending his April 14 arraignment.
  • Three other soldiers were arraigned on similar charges of abuse.
  • Total grovelling obeisance to Israel is a speciality, with much contempt for the Palestinians and support for Israel as they eviscerated Gazan children, and a manic scheme of extreme toadyish inventiveness, to attempt to arraign Ahmadinejad before the ICC for 'incitement to genocide' over his non-existent calls to 'wipe Israel off the map'. Dissident Voice
  • The appointed PD pled him not guilty at the postindictment arraignment; Tim watched the proceedings glumly from a wheelchair. THE KILL CLAUSE
  • AL GOODMAN, CNN MADRID BUREAU CHIEF: According to the judge at the courthouse behind me, after the arraignments this Wednesday in Madrid, he is holding 10 men as a suspected terrorist cell. CNN Transcript Jan 23, 2008
  • It would also put US servicemen at the mercy of any American-hating opportunists who might choose to arraign them on trumped-up charges before an alien court whose judges are likely to be ill-disposed towards America too. Post-American Presidency
  • A not guilty plea was entered on Boc's behalf Monday at his arraignment in Framingham District Court on charges including identity fraud.
  • Bokin, wearing a jailhouse orange shirt and slacks, did not enter a plea during his Tuesday morning arraignment.
  • He is expected to be arraigned tomorrow morning in Miami, however, a man who answered Castroneves 'cell phone told Access that the star is currently in Le Mans, which is believed to be a reference to a race of the same name held in Atlanta. Top headlines
  • Tiffany Hall appeared at an arraignment hearing through a video conference from the St.
  • But days later, she was arraigned on assault charges.
  • They were arraigned upon Monday as well as a box was sent to a grand jury, which began reviewing justification upon Thursday, according to a orator for a Suffolk County district attorneys office. Ethical Democracy As Lived Practice: The Murder of Marcelo Lucero ...
  • He was arraigned earlier and the trial judge would not accept his plea of guilty.
  • The prime minister found himself arraigned before the media inquisitors.
  • In court today, Crowe was arraigned on charges of second degree assault and fourth degree criminal possession of a weapon, the telephone.
  • DeLay's arraignment is set for Friday before state district Judge Bob Perkins in Travis County, Texas. 10/17/2005
  • Nobody doubts for a second Baron's desperation to revive the national team, and I am not suggesting that he be arraigned for defeatist talk.
  • However, he was apprehended and arraigned and pleaded guilty.
  • Gridley, 84, has been charged with bribery and attempted bribery, but has not been arraigned or entered a plea.
  • According to sources, Libyan officials plan to immediately arraign Gaddafi and put him on trial, but have agreed to let him finish a quick game to 100. Ben Berkon: Gaddafi Found Playing Dominoes in Washington Heights
  • Stapley is currently in jail waiting for arraignment, which is expected to take place this afternoon. Dawn Teo: AZ Politician Arrested on 93 Felony Charges, Allegedly Used Campaign Funds as Personal Slush Fund
  • The rest are in custody and await arraignment.
  • And I say, call the proctors, arraign this man for treason. VALENTINE PONTIFEX
  • The Greek historian of the Roman Empire, the Roman historian of every date, are no better, and Dionysius of Halicarnassus, who has devoted many pages to the arraignment of Thucydides 'style, cribs with the utmost composure from the author he has vilipended. The Creed of the Old South 1865-1915
  • Those that refused were placed in trucks and removed for arraignment. C B GREENFIELD - A LITTLE MADNESS
  • A year later, though, the commission said it had completed its investigation into Odili's "wanton looting of the treasury of Rivers State" and was ready to arraign him on corruption charges. Arvind Ganesan: Higher Education's Dirty Little Secret
  • His arraignment in circuit court is scheduled for Oct. 8. Heroes or Villains?
  • We shall see that He adopted another tone when He was properly arraigned before the assembled Sanhedrim; but in this more private, injudicial, inquisitorial interview, with one scathing rebuke He tore away the cloak of assumed ignorance with which this crafty man veiled his sinister purpose, and laid His secret thoughts open to the gaze of all. Love to the Uttermost Expositions of John XIII.-XXI.
  • By then Saddam and eleven others had been "arraigned" on television in improvised proceedings of dubious meaning, which backfired politically when Saddam visibly summoned his powers of command and began to dominate the show. Ziad for the Defense
  • In the Scopes Monkey Trial a school teacher was arraigned for teaching evolution.
  • For instance, he calls Ptolemy _Fortunae pudor crimenque deorum_; [34] he arraigns the gods as caring more for vengeance than liberty; [35] he calls Septimius a disgrace to the gods, [36] the death of The History of Roman Literature From the earliest period to the death of Marcus Aurelius
  • The group of rappellers, called Operation Sibyl - in ancient Greece, a sibyl was a fortuneteller - but also known as the Plaza Four, said they had had a tough 25 hours in jail before they were arraigned on felony and misdemeanor charges of assault, reckless endangerment and criminal trespass. Archive 2004-08-01
  • Yet the truth is that for every jock arraigned for a felony or misdemeanour, there are a multitude of good men utilising their privileged positions for the benefit of society.
  • His lawyers had earlier asked for a one-week postponement of the arraignment because they have not yet received the bill of particulars or list of detailed evidence on the case but the court rejected their plea.
  • Seven HDA members were arraigned in court charged with neglecting their duties, but were later acquitted.
  • MATAMOROS - Four Mexican men were arraigned in Matamoros for transporting more than $1.7 million in bulk cash in ill-gained funds, authorities said. Brownsville Herald :
  • If the accused indicates that he would plead guilty the Court shall proceed as if he had been arraigned on the count in question and had pleaded guilty.
  • Habay was arraigned on the charges during a preliminary arraignment, where he was not required to enter a plea.
  • Arraignment hearings normally last only a few minutes and are confined to formal identification of the accused and details of the charge.
  • Through my policy, which he arraigns, instead of the Thebans invading this country with Philip, as all expected, they joined our ranks and prevented him; —instead of the war being in Attica, it took place seven hundred furlongs from the city on the confines of Bœotia; —instead of corsair issuing from Eubœa to plunder us, Attica was in peace on the coast-side during the whole war; —instead of Philip being master of the Hellespont by taking Byzantium, the Byzantines were our auxiliaries against him Does this computation of services, think you, resemble the casting of accounts? III. On the Crown
  • One of my fantasies is to see that as Nancy is removed from her respendent office in DC, or better, being gaggled over across the street to be arraigned. Hey, what do these twelve legislators have in common? - Moe_Lane’s blog - RedState
  • On the contrary, to find himself arraigned and put on his defense by this tall, slim woman, erect and smartly buckramed in logic and whalebone, was preposterous! From Sand Hill to Pine
  • But he was arraigned before Leeds Crown Court only last November charged with racist offences after police raided his other home in the Yorkshire town of Harrogate.
  • Then they farewelled him and went down to look after the safety of their troops; and they ceased not to keep up the fires till the morning rose with its sheen and shone, when the fighting-men mounted their horses of noble strain and smote one another with thin-edged skean and with brawn of bill they thrust amain nor did they cease that day battle to darraign. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • ISTANBUL — A Turkish court on Friday arraigned an al Qaeda suspect found with software designed to help shoot down surveillance drones in Afghanistan, according to state-run newswire Anadolu Ajansi. Turkey Arraigns al Qaeda Suspect
  • However, I am told that additional charges could be filed before his arraignment, which is scheduled on August 18. CNN Transcript Aug 7, 2008
  • I find not myself concerned in his ensuing talk, but only in one reflection on the words of the Scripture, and the repetition of his old, putid, and shameless calumny, p. 108, until we come to p. 126, where he arraigns an occasional discourse of mine about the necessity of holiness and good works; wherein he hath only filched out of the whole what he thought he could wrest unto his end, and scoffingly descant upon. Of Communion with God the Father, Son and Holy Ghost
  • BOB FRANKEN, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Well, the arraignment is a very simple affair. CNN Transcript - Breaking News: Senior FBI Agent Arrested for Spying to Be Arraigned - February 20, 2001
  • LALAMA: All right, something really important is the arraignment, which is coming up on Thursday. CNN Transcript Aug 19, 2008
  • Evidence of the commission of the offences with which he was charged was, of course, admissible at the trial of the charges in the indictment on which he was arraigned.
  • He had been arraigned on two charges: the first one of production of an unlawful drug pursuant to section 8 of the Drugs Misuse Act and in the alternative he was charged with possession of that same drug.
  • Please bear in mind that she pled not guilty by reason of insanity at her arraignment hearing.
  • James Ivillaq, 20, is arraigned on charges of attempted murder, illegal use of a firearm, and evading arrest.
  • Moussaoui refused ‘in the name of Allah’ to enter a plea when he was arraigned on the original indictment in January.
  • To "arraign" was to summon ad rationes to the pleadings. Playful Poems
  • Hamdan and three other men being arraigned this week face charges that could bring life in prison, but other detainees could face the death penalty.
  • And oh, how many good men and women have I heard bitterly arraign society in that in the begetting of children it does not exercise the judgment which it exercises in breeding its horses and its dogs! The Kempton-Wace Letters
  • On June 27, Estrada was arraigned for the lesser charge of perjury.
  • Prosecution is a process of investigation, of indictment, arraignment, trial and conviction.
  • His first appearance, an arraignment to enter a plea of guilty or not-guilty, is required by law.
  • After his arrest, he was processed by the police in just eight hours, whilst less famous prisoners can spend up to 36 hours before arraignment.
  • I know you mentioned the arraignment is the next step, but Kendall Coffey, the former U.S. attorney had suggested that by the end of the year this will still be going on. CNN Transcript Sep 16, 2007
  • Many critics have sought to keep literary criticism well away from the literary and instead to arraign literature as largely a product of social oppression, complicit in it or at best offering a resistance already contained. Philosophy and Literature
  • The man is overdue to appear in Saginaw County District Court for arraignment, Kimmerly said. Michigan Man In Jammies Shoots RoboDeer
  • And he arraigns his indolence and constantly asserts that delicate repasts and strong drink have helped uncage the wild animal in him. Là-bas
  • It is, if anything, to arraign them as the spineless cultural conformists so many of them are.
  • Hendrickje probably approved of his financial prudence, even when she was arraigned for whoredom by the Amsterdam religious police.
  • His personal attorney, William Taylor, confirmed that Mr. Strauss-Kahn would plead not guilty to the charges today, suggesting he will be arraigned on Sunday.

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