How To Use Arousal In A Sentence

  • Although there were additional conditions in the Heuer and Reisberg study the interesting comparison is between the arousal and neutral conditions.
  • I know exactly what you mean," Data said, clearing the evidence of last night's carousal into the recycler. The Beast That Resembles A Poem(A Handy Resource for Architects,Engineers, and Students)
  • Frenetic attempts to distract and comfort him may actually overstimulate him and increase his levels of arousal. Times, Sunday Times
  • Chilies also stimulate the nervous system, accentuating the effects of arousal, which is very, very, very good for very, very, very good sex. Christina Pirello: The Top 10 Foods for Great Sex
  • The creative advertiser has the function of stimulating arousal in buyers.
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  • When the great US sportswriter George Plimpton told Muhammad Ali's trainer Angelo Dundee that the Italian heavyweight Primo Carnera used to wrap a stout rubber band round his member at night to prevent arousal, Dundee laughed scornfully. Sportsmen and their women: history's great divide
  • They show signs of hyperarousal, such as irritability, insomnia, and an inability to concentrate. The Scientist
  • While not an aphrodisiac, this medication has been reported to increase interest in sex as well as arousal.
  • Personally, I don't know why they can't find a new vendor for a small group of amusement park rides: A Ferris wheel, carousal, etc - stuff that every age can enjoy, along with a few carnival games. Sunday Op/Ed: Don’t Put the Chihuly Museum at Seattle Center « PubliCola
  • Dr. Kinsbourne asserted that mercury-induced neuroinflammation caused excitotoxicity, which manifested as overarousal of individuals with Autism Hub
  • In rested subjects alpha rhythm is indicative of low arousal, but sleep-deprived subjects commonly only achieve this level of arousal at best.
  • In laboratory studies in which participants view an emotionally laden film or staged incident, results typically show clear facilitatory effects of emotional arousal on memory.
  • cortically induced arousal
  • The ratio of cortical arousal to subcortical activation was significantly smaller in the infants who died of SIDS than in the control infants during REM sleep.
  • It not only can teach your partner what gets you going but it also can contribute to their own arousal.
  • Other effects of bibliotherapy were investigated through a set of seven outcome variables: problem status, problem distress, sexual satisfaction, intimacy, sexual arousal, self-perception, and marital satisfaction.
  • Yellow, puslike penile discharge that rapidly increases in volume and is much thicker than the normal mucus secretions of arousal Getting Pregnant
  • Depending on the person, any number of things can cause sexual arousal, including non-sexual things such as the feeling of water on the body.
  • The information about sleep stages, arousals, and periodic limb movements from bioelectric signals obtained by polysomnography also seems to be of limited value for predicting improvement in quality of life.
  • Sleep terrors, on the other hand, like other confusional events, occur during a partial arousal from the deepest phase of nondreaming sleep. Solve Your Child’s Sleep Problems
  • Moreover, visual input produces direct emotional arousal, which is the most potent neurochemical condition for learning and attitudinal change.
  • Touch, vision, hearing, smell, and taste play an important role in all human sexual arousal.
  • This highlights the second major difficulty with the theories, the general assumption that there is a unitary dimension of arousal.
  • First, the subjects studied were heavily instrumented and it is possible that the arousal response may be altered as a result.
  • Genital blood flow reduction due to become insensitive to sexual arousal and orgasm disorder.
  • The genius's drive to create prolifically may be biological, Gardner suggests, "aris [ing] from a temperament that seeks arousal. The Puzzle Of Genius
  • His had straightened and become duskier with his arousal, so she raised her hands and wrapped her fingers around them. Kiss of a Demon King
  • There is an additional prediction about the relationship between arousal and memory which is commonly made from Easterbrook's hypothesis.
  • Thinking angry thoughts can provoke strong physiological arousal.
  • Thinking angry thoughts can provoke strong physiological arousal.
  • the purpose of art is the arousal of emotions
  • This interaction between arousal and retention interval does appear to be robust.
  • She was turning them on," Yarbrough explains, "and that's a form of manipulation - using sexual or emotional arousal to distract the interviewer.
  • The Greek name alludes to the popular belief that the amethyst was a preventive of intoxication; hence beakers were made of amethyst for carousals, and inveterate drinkers wore amulets made of it to counteract the action of wine. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 14: Simony-Tournon
  • Use this technique to control your level of arousal.
  • A number of studies suggest that arousal may be provoked by respiratory stimuli.
  • This highlights the second major difficulty with the theories, the general assumption that there is a unitary dimension of arousal.
  • When arousal is too low, we become bored, and seek out activities to stimulate our minds; when arousal is too high, we seek to reduce or find something that will calm us down in some way. Republicans celebrate April Fools by praising Obama
  • For Rand had already feared this; had recalled the few infelicitous relations, legal and illegal, which were common to the adjoining camp, -- the flagrantly miserable life of the husband of a San Francisco anonyma who lived in style at the Ferry, the shameful carousals and more shameful quarrels of the Frenchman and Mexican woman who "kept house" at "the Crossing," the awful spectacle of the three half-bred Indian children who played before the cabin of a fellow miner and townsman. The Twins of Table Mountain
  • In the literary ghost story, at least in many of its classic manifestations, the ghost is all, and the deliberate arousal of fear is the story's primary purpose.
  • I think that's the first time the phrase arousal of the amygdala has ever been in the cable news. CNN Transcript Oct 11, 2008
  • A paraphilia is a condition in which a person's sexual arousal and gratification depend on fantasizing about and engaging in sexual behavior that is atypical and extreme.
  • This results in a feeling of alertness and arousal which makes any feelings of fear worse. POSITIVELY FEARLESS: Breaking free of the fears that hold you back
  • For all four medicines, sexual foreplay is needed to start the arousal process.
  • What most people consider occasional thoughts or pursuits rivet the neural arousal system of the genius, the collector, and the artist, who vent their obsessions in compulsive activity. How We Become What We Are
  • Now when the carousal was at an end, Al – Amin commanded one of his servants to fill the boat, wherein Ja’afar had come, with dirhams and dinars and all manner of jewels and jacinths and rich raiment and goods galore. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Adults with cystic fibrosis are susceptible to hypoxemia, hypercapnia, arousal from sleep, and neurobehavioral impairment.
  • Indeed, brain regions associated with emotional arousal, including areas of the hypothalamus and basal ganglia, are connected to a section of the brainstem called the lacrimal nucleus that stimulates tear production. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • She points out that not only was the potent neurochemical released at the moment of peak emotional response - when you might feel the aforementioned chills, for example, or your hair standing on end - but the mere anticipation of that peak arousal was also enough to cause an increase in dopamine. Listening to music can prompt the brain to send positive signals throughout the body
  • Arguments against violent media imagery promoting violent behaviour often actually support the idea: James Paul Gee promotes video games as very effective teaching tools and arousal is at the heart of his argument. Archive 2008-03-01
  • His arousal was a potent force beneath the black silk barely sheathing its powerful rigidity, and she felt her insides clench in anticipation of his possession. Purchased By The Billionaire
  • Both men and women are able to have orgasms but reaching orgasm requires a longer period of sexual arousal in the female.
  • Down in the street he knew the burgh men were speeding the long winter nights with song and mild carousal; the lodges and houses up the way, each with its spirit keg and licence, gave noisiness to the home-returning of tenants for Lochow from the town, and as they went by Ladyfield in the dark they would halloo loudly to the recluse lad within who curled, nor shot, nor shintied, nor drank, nor did any of the things it was youth's manifest duty to do. Gilian The Dreamer His Fancy, His Love and Adventure
  • To further complicate matters, we suggest it is very unlikely that hypoactive sexual desire and female orgasmic disorder are unrelated to arousal.
  • However, in the anthropoid primates, which include the monkeys and apes, eliminating sexual motivation does not eliminate the capacity for sexual arousal and mating.
  • Bring your arousal level to simmering point and stay there without boiling over by continuing to breathe deeply and reducing stimulation slightly.
  • The "femicide" is triggered in males by feelings of sexual arousal. REVIEW: Armageddons edited by Jack Dann & Gardner Dozois
  • The feeling of incredibility is a feeling of stimulation, excitation, arousal. Archive 2010-01-01
  • Cardiac rate may be a relatively nonspecific indicator of appetitive or aversive arousal in animals confronted with salient valanced stimuli.
  • See sitcom phenomenon re: heavy-set man with culturally-approved size 2 babe, also see humor vs. erotic phenomenon re: male nudity is generally only accepted in a humorous context, i.e. Borat's hotel chase scene (we're still uncomfortable with female sexual appetite) whereas female nudity, in almost every context, is used to evoke sexual arousal. Ask Professor Foxy: Does My Size and Not Flirting Keep Me Alone? - Feministing
  • Normal consciousness requires wakefulness or arousal activated in the brain stem and midbrain and awareness via the cerebral cortex and projections to and from subcortical brain areas.
  • The symptoms of war zone trauma are real and sometimes disabling: withdrawal, freezing over, hyperarousal and high anxiety, insomnia, eruptions of anger and other emotional dysregulation, flashbacks and intrusive thoughts, depression. Joseph Bobrow: Spirituality and the Road Home
  • Nina's unstable, domineering mother Barbara Hershey, a former dancer who never made it beyond the corps, wavers between overbearing concern, vicarious arousal, and Münchausen syndrome by proxy; even she seems to want to get into the sick S&M game, demanding a little too lustfully to Nina, "Take off your shirt!" so that she can inspect her daughter for self-inflicted wounds. Rob Kirkpatrick: Burlesque and Black Swan: The Showgirls of Burlesque vs. the Showgirls of Ballet?
  • Studies have concentrated on clinical research across the age spectrum, evaluating upper airway collapsibility during sleep, as well as arousal mechanisms. Sleep disorders research
  • The arousal of pseudo ‘nationalistic fervour’ by the continuous invocation of a foreign threat as the source of all problems is only the first point of similarity.
  • Cross's drunken carousal in the rain gave him pneumonia and Gladys stayed home from her job to nurse him. THE OUTSIDER
  • Bring your arousal level to simmering point and stay there without boiling over by continuing to breathe deeply and reducing stimulation slightly.
  • The androgen groups, however, had greater sexual desire, arousal levels, and sexual fantasies compared to placebo or estrogen alone; androgens did not impact on coital or orgasmic frequency.
  • Both male and female genitals have smooth muscle tissue that engorges with blood during arousal. The Science Of Women & Sex
  • Autonomic arousal symptoms, such as blushing, sweating, trembling, and palpitations, are sometimes prominent.
  • For example, physical activity increased in rats when injected with orexin, a brain chemical associated with sexual arousal.
  • Nina's unstable, domineering mother Barbara Hershey, a former dancer who never made it beyond the corps, wavers between overbearing concern, vicarious arousal, and Münchausen syndrome by proxy; even she seems to want to get into the sick S&M game, demanding a little too lustfully to Nina, "Take off your shirt!" so that she can inspect her daughter for self-inflicted wounds. Rob Kirkpatrick: Burlesque and Black Swan: The Showgirls of Burlesque vs. the Showgirls of Ballet?
  • According to a study conducted by Alec Roy, M.D. formerly at the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, norepinephrine is secreted under stress, arousal, or thrill, so pathological gamblers gamble to make up for their underdosage. New morning ritual
  • Their level of arousal goes up much more quickly, peaks at a higher level, and takes more time to return to baseline.
  • The male, without an erection, is announcing a lack of arousal. What do women want? | clusterflock
  • Then a large number of results from research on arousal and memory are briefly reviewed.
  • In the book, he divides general orientations into telic (arousal reducing) and paratelic (arousal seeking).
  • It is well known that thinking angry thoughts can provoke strong physiological arousal. Coping with Angina
  • Adults with cystic fibrosis are susceptible to hypoxemia, hypercapnia, arousal from sleep, and neurobehavioral impairment.
  • This chapter reviews a wide range of literature which bears on relationships between arousal and memory.
  • In rested subjects alpha rhythm is indicative of low arousal, but sleep-deprived subjects commonly only achieve this level of arousal at best.
  • When the order of "boot and saddle" was given by Habershaw, the several members of the troop repaired to their horses, where a short time was spent in making ready for the march; after which the whole squad returned to the porch and occupied the few moments of delay in that loud and boisterous carousal which is apt to mark the conduct of such an ill-organized body in the interval immediately preceding the commencement of a day's ride. Horse-Shoe Robinson: A Tale of the Tory Ascendency.
  • As was shown in chapter 2, some stress or arousal is necessary to get us to do anything. Coping with Stress at Work
  • The findings demonstrate a genetic, developmental and functional link among the diverse sensory systems that govern conscious and unconscious proprioception, interoception, hearing, balance and arousal (as from sleep), said Dr. Kaashif Ahmad Innovations-report
  • The prepucial frenular delta nerve, aka the masculine “Gee Stirng” and the feminine “G Spot”, trigger sexual arousal and erections when stroked or pulled. Neonatal Circumcision (Controversy? Who, Moi?)
  • Thinking angry thoughts can provoke strong physiological arousal.
  • In the film, the appearance of the tower behind the woman's head signifies the protagonist's arousal; his failure to get up the tower at the cloister signifies his impotence.
  • Rather, the stimulus itself appeared to elicit a small, brief arousal in the sleeping participant.
  • These findings add considerable weight to the claims that emotional arousal is of causal significance to relapse.
  • Prolonged foreplay can enhance sexual arousal in both men and women.
  • Frenetic attempts to distract and comfort him may actually overstimulate him and increase his levels of arousal. Times, Sunday Times
  • Whereas difficulties of objectively evaluating psychoanalytic hypotheses are well-documented, these approaches would predict that sexual arousal is an intrinsic response to homosexual stimuli, whereas Barlow’s (1986) theory would predict that sexual arousal to homosexual stimuli by homophobic individuals is a function of anxiety. Think Progress » VIDEO: Inhofe ‘Very Proud’ There’s Never Been a Homosexual Relationship in the ‘Recorded History of Our Family’
  • My gut rebels, in the same way that watching middle-class drag kings portraying their take on the brutish masculinity of working class males for sexual arousal of screaming mostly middle class (or aspiring thereto) women struck me as sick-making cooptation. Minstrel Shows
  • The state we were in was a kind of mental eroticism, an erethism of the mind, akin to that inwardly directed state of arousal achieved by adepts of Tantric yoga.
  • Thus cybersex has become positioned midway between arousal from viewing pornography and real (in-person) sexual contact.
  • It's categorised medically as a lack of arousal or desire to have sex; dyspareunia (pain or discomfort during intercourse), diminished blood flow to the vagina, and an inability to achieve orgasm. The race to discover Viagra for women
  • The authors mention only central cortical and subcortical structures involved in arousal mechanisms, without referring to peripheral arterial chemoreceptors as the carotid body, the role of which in arousal from asphyxial events is widely accepted. Medlogs - Recent stories
  • It is also possible to experience empathic overarousal because one is emotionally so overwhelmed by one's empathic feelings that one is unable to be concerned with the suffering of the other (Hoffman Empathy
  • Objective To analyze the vaginal blood flow and sex hormone change of female rats at different time after ovariotomy, and to establish a rat model of female sex arousal dysfunction.
  • Use this technique to control your level of arousal.
  • Acute exposure to repetitive hypoxia has been shown to result in habituation that is expressed as a decreased frequency of arousal in response to the same stimulus.
  • Trazodone has been associated with priapism - persistent, usually painful erections not associated with sexual arousal.
  • The specific stink they are interested in comes from the apocrine glands in the armpit, which only secrete during times of arousal, such as stress. BWE EXCLUSIVE: The Armpit Interview | Best Week Ever
  • She then builds up a secondary inhibition to sexual arousal in order to avoid the frustration accompanying an unsatisfying sexual experience.
  • It is believed Mr Nomura had engaged in what is known as autoerotic asphyxiation, a practice of deliberately restricting the flow of oxygen to the brain for sexual arousal. Undefined
  • What it does : Prolactin relieves sexual arousal after orgasm and takes your mind off sex.
  • There would be evidence that the killing happened when he was asleep or in ‘a confusional arousal state’ which could make the acts involuntary and give Lowe a defence of automatism.
  • The most common type of parasomnia is the "disorder of arousal," which includes confusional arousals, sleepwalking (somnambulism), and sleep terrors. Parasomnias
  • The person will have a high level of emotional arousal and be particularly sensitive to social influences which can affect arousal.
  • When electrodermal wires are placed on people's arms and fingertips to study their skin conductance patterns and the subjects then hear a few obscenities spoken clearly and firmly, participants show signs of instant arousal. Boing Boing: September 18, 2005 - September 24, 2005 Archives
  • Although there were additional conditions in the Heuer and Reisberg study the interesting comparison is between the arousal and neutral conditions.
  • Moreover, visual input produces direct emotional arousal, which is the most potent neurochemical condition for learning and attitudinal change.
  • Orgastic dysfunction refers solely to the impairment of the orgastic component of the female sexual response and not arousal in general.
  • Nothing squelches arousal like the terrible feeling you get from lying to someone you love.
  • The kind of nominalism you're talking about is actually what many psychologists think is going on with some forms of affect: we seem have some kind of generalized sense of 'arousal' (their term, not mine) which we then transform into anger, romantic excitement, fear, and so on with post hoc explanatory narratives. More Aesthetics
  • The cumulative effect of breathing, retraining and relaxation exercises will be to reduce arousal. The Beat Fatigue Workbook - how to identify the causes
  • Use this technique to control your level of arousal.
  • Both men and women are able to have orgasms but reaching orgasm requires a longer period of sexual arousal in the female.
  • There is an additional prediction about the relationship between arousal and memory which is commonly made from Easterbrook's hypothesis.
  • Here gestural, postural and vestimentary codes are much more important than overt displays of sexual arousal in the figures.
  • There is an additional prediction about the relationship between arousal and memory which is commonly made from Easterbrook's hypothesis.
  • You know it ` s easy to blame the mother and father and to try to draw a direct link, but researchers showing that if someone has anti-social or sociopathic personality, that sometimes they have what we call autonomic under arousal, meaning they don ` t have as much anxiety as you and I do about getting into trouble. CNN Transcript Aug 21, 2008
  • Work from sev-eral laboratories has suggested that emotional arousal plays a critical role in memory.
  • The person will have a high level of emotional arousal and be particularly sensitive to social influences which can affect arousal.
  • Dimenon, looking untouched by the previous evening's carousal, arrived in the main dome with Margit, both suited up and ready to return to their base. Cattle Town
  • The most common type of parasomnia is the "disorder of arousal," which includes confusional arousals, sleepwalking (somnambulism), and sleep terrors. Parasomnias
  • Baseline sleep states that preceded arousal or subcortical activation were established during 30-sccond time periods.
  • Although, on a theoretical level, other physicians and scientists have considered Dr. Kinsbourne's overarousal model as an explanation for autism's behavior, a mercury-produced glutamate excess is not a probable explanation for overarousal. Autism Hub
  • The HSP becomes easily overwhelmed in new environments as the nervous overarousal is usually experienced as anxiety leading eventually to the feeling of being overwhelmed. Article Source
  • ASD is not new, but it has never been widely accepted because there is no evidence linking the behaviors Dr. Kinsbourne attributed to overarousal to physiological measurements of hyperexcitability. Autism Hub
  • And of course, when the bleeding remnants of Bob and Nicky were sent packing in their skiff, the event must needs be celebrated in further carousal. Chapter 11
  • This 3-min recording from an overnight polysomnogram shows repetitive obstructive sleep hypopneas causing arousals and oxygen desaturations.
  • Because anxiety has been shown to enhance arousal and erection, this theory would predict increases in erection in homophobic men. Think Progress » VIDEO: Inhofe ‘Very Proud’ There’s Never Been a Homosexual Relationship in the ‘Recorded History of Our Family’
  • One is phenethylamine, which triggers the release of pleasurable endorphins and potentates the action of dopamine, a neurochemical associated with sexual arousal and pleasure. Chocolate's Startling Health Benefits
  • Moreover, visual input produces direct emotional arousal, which is the most potent neurochemical condition for learning and attitudinal change.
  • The sympathetic nervous system—a web of nerves and neurons running through the spinal cord and spread to virtually every organ in the body—is responsible for arousal and excitement.
  • Oh yes, I had attended some birthday parties where the game of Post Office was played and I recall the arousal that happened in my pants but for sure God was watching and I better not let on so when my turn came I picked the cutest girl and departed with her to the post office room to deliver the stamps. God, Mormons and Masturbation
  • Peak decibel thresholds that resulted in arousals or awakenings did not differ by sleep stage in any subject group.
  • Per NAMS: In contrast, the antidepressant bupropion Wellbutrin, which works in a different way from SSRIs, was found to improve sexual functioning compared with placebo in a small study of nondepressed women and men with desire and arousal difficulties. Staness Jonekos: How To Feel Sexy During Menopause
  • A variety of inputs from chemoreceptors and mechanoreceptors can contribute to the arousal response that terminates a period of apnea in OSA patients.
  • A tall fellow, growing a little stooped: silent, unobliging, unsociable; yet a good lodger in his way, in that he paid his rent, and never disturbed families below him with the carousals and other performances common to young bachelors. The Genius
  • Wolfe opens the book by describing the experiment that earned Dupont psychologist Victor Starling a Nobel Prize: when a critical portion of a cat's brain was removed in the lab, the cat entered a "hypermanic" state of sexual arousal, which was then imitated by "control" cats that had not undergone the operation. Cry Wolfe
  • Energy requirements when euthermic and torpid, as well as the frequency of arousals, vary strongly with ambient temperature.
  • They then measured the arousal of the men by using a sensor which monitored penile tumescence.
  • A thrilling ride will incite the same fear and arousal as other illicit activities, such as shoplifting. Times, Sunday Times
  • The cabaret owns business suite, standard suite and the building 147 of a marks,11 of the size board room, the carousal hall and various 20 of, is your business meeting, travel to spend a holiday of ideal place.
  • A history of pain with entry is most commonly associated with vaginismus and inadequate lubrication from incomplete arousal.
  • Sessions involve watching pornographic movies featuring a young boy masturbating while the offender's sexual arousal is measured and punishment administered. Creep Suzette (Jack Bog's Blog)
  • What we are seeing is hyperexcitability or overarousal of the amygdala, which suggests that neurons in the amygdala are firing more than expected," said Kleinhans, who is associated with the UW Autism Center. EurekAlert! - Breaking News
  • Use this technique to control your level of arousal.
  • Sleep fragmentation, measured as the sum of arousals plus awakenings, was greater during pressure support than during assist-control ventilation: 79 versus 54 events per hour.
  • ASD symptoms may be a reflection of an excitatory-inhibitory imbalance, but no proof of any biological overarousal when the symptoms are observed. Autism Hub
  • Look for clear autonomic overarousal," explained Dr Slater. IMT Home
  • Deviant sexual preference as measured by sexual arousal tests may show evidence of a deviation, but no evidence of severe paraphilias such as sexual sadism.
  • In Why Zebras Don’t Get Ulcers: The Acclaimed Guide to Stress, Stress-Related Diseases, and Coping, Robert Sapolsky describes the way stress relates to memory: a little bit of arousal heightens learning, but long-term arousal eventually burns out memory. After the Diagnosis
  • They are similar to other arousal disorders that occur during deep sleep, such as somnambulism and confusional arousals.
  • Some cross-dress to express cross-gender feelings or identities; others crossdress for fun, for emotional comfort, or for sexual arousal. RIP, Mike Penner « Dating Jesus
  • Their degree of sexual arousal was measured by penile plethysmography, which precisely measures and records male tumescence. Think Progress » Anti-Gay Evangelical Leader Resigns After Accusations of Gay Affair
  • Other studies have suggested that arousal responses may be subject to habituation.
  • In this instance, Zina, in going after what she wants without shame or pudeur, manages to dampen the male fantasy of female arousal.
  • An inspiring call to arousal is repeated no less than five times in this liturgical verse.
  • Second, it produced an excess of glutamate, the primary excitatory neurotransmitter in the brain, leading to a persistent state of overexcitation or overarousal. Autism Hub
  • The creative advertiser has the function of stimulating arousal in buyers.
  • Hooper points to research by the Kinsey Institute in America, which suggests that there are specific brain centres that control sex drive: an exciter centre, which permits arousal, and an inhibitor, which keeps it under control.
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  • This interaction between arousal and retention interval does appear to be robust.
  • Use this technique to control your level of arousal.
  • And the elicitation of subjective arousal might be correlated with the sensitivity of the sexual system and test arousability.
  • Several variables have been suggested as having a potentially important impact on a man's ability to dissimulate his sexual arousal while being assessed via PPG.
  • They believed the genital arousal occurred because stimulation of the nerve triggered the release of vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP), a well-known neurotransmitter. - latest science and technology news stories
  • I mean, what would “a small battery-powered carousal” look like? Actual sentences from actual students | clusterflock
  • Sleep is fragmented by frequent arousals and awakenings, resulting in decreased or absent slow-wave and REM sleep.

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