
How To Use Arena In A Sentence

  • His entry into the takeaway arena was somewhat fortuitous. Times, Sunday Times
  • The result is a species of amphitheatric arena, in which any of the dramatic exhibitions, that are so pleasing to this spectacle-loving nation, may be enacted. Recollections of Europe
  • The run is a 825-metre stampede from the corral where the bulls are kept to the outdoor bullfighting arena where they will be invariably killed by matadors later in the day.
  • No mean feat when you consider the total area of the arena covers more than five football pitches. Times, Sunday Times
  • He left the arena to loud applause.
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  • But in the context of the American culture wars in the political arena, it's an entirely apt and appropriate choice.
  • The critical step is for clinicians to be willing to enter the arena and to participate.
  • Thus, arguments for participatory democracy focus on the inactivity of the large majority of the people in the political arena today.
  • Along with this, the arena's main concourse is narrow and crammed with useless kiosks selling everything from caramel apples to nachos to kettle corn, making the walk to the one smoking area something of a slow death march for the nicotine needy. From the Floor: A Happy Slab of Sandwich Meat
  • We should look to the glory and splendor of the arena … Where even the most untalented one-hit-wonder will be able to regain a sliver of dignity before their untimely demise. 2010 February « The Graveyard
  • Other functional ingredient contenders for the dairy arena include dietary fiber, whey protein isolates, whey protein concentrates, bioactive peptide systems and additional minerals and vitamins.
  • I hope that after the finalisation of the arena we can start bringing benefits to the city. Romania's stadium for next year's Europa League final is in trouble
  • It was created as an arena for the representation and expression of minority opinion.
  • Put them in an arena, live coverage, president vs. prime minister, king vs. emperor, dictator vs. puppet ruler. It'll be like Unreal Tournament, except more fun.
  • Many Roman traditions and institutions also disappeared or simply became redundant in the process, not least the arenas and amphitheatres for the circuses and games once supported by the state and municipal authorities.
  • With the caveat that I'd have absolutely no chance of knowing much about the American avifauna, my guess would be a turnstone Arenaria sp. What is this bird?
  • Jersey political shtick stand-up at the Democratic National Convention; the arena that bore his name has gone through several different corporate sponsors since, and is currently a severely brand-infected assaultively unrelenting advertising-delivery module - in which basketball is still played, sometimes - sponsored by Izod. Can't Stop The Bleeding
  • And then, with a shocking crack, the lightning bolt frozen in the sky crashed to the mountaintop, and the arena went entirely dark. AMERICAN GODS
  • All that is left is a grim arena where matter is collected by scavengers and transformed into useful merchandise.
  • During the week running up to the meeting the campus was transformed into an arena of political debate.
  • MacGregor --- I carena wha kens it --- And Rob had soon a gallant band; and as it grieved him (he said) to see sic hership and waste and depredation to the south o 'the Hieland line, why, if ony heritor or farmer wad pay him four punds Scots out of each hundred punds of valued rent, whilk was doubtless a moderate consideration, Rob engaged to keep them scaithless; Rob Roy
  • For the past six weeks tens of thousands of people have packed into stadiums and arenas to be in the presence of Madonna. Times, Sunday Times
  • So if you missed out on tickets for the sell-out Edinburgh event, make your way to the Globe Arena on September 10 and 11.
  • I cannot express in words how disspointed I was to find that “macaronic” did not refer to poetry sung to the tune of “MacarenaWaaay off topic - The Panda's Thumb
  • At each fighting session, the animals are paired off against each other in a small pit or arena, enclosed by plywood or galvanised walls.
  • In the United States the graduate school is the major arena of pedagogic activity and intellectual life.
  • Romanji: koi ga setsunai to sugu soba de kizuita ano yoru datte hoka no dare yori anata no koto wo shitteiru kara itsumo no sarigenai yasashisa sae kono mune wo shimetsuketeku konna ni, konna ni, chikaku de mitsumete mo doushite, doushite, tada no tomodachi na no donna ni, donna ni, tsuyoku omotteitemo tsutaerarenai SachinKRaj - The Blog
  • Our participation in the policy and political arenas must be consistent and reliable.
  • In doing so, he would inevitably have descended into the arena in a totally unacceptable way.
  • Animal consciousness has long been assumed to be a nonviable arena of investigation.
  • However, the image analysis capabilities in these programs have an unexpected application in the bioengineering arena.
  • Not to mention that one reason the Tamil situation doesn’t arise much here is that the US has no dog whatever in that fight – no AIPAC pushing for US policy in that arena, no billionaires from the region paying Democrats and Republicans campaign money to push US support for the related countries, no scumbags like SLC arguing for “Hama Rules” on the Tamil Tigers. Matthew Yglesias » Do Critics of Israeli Policy Whine Too Much?
  • Now, in the church age, all cultural activity is part of the common grace arena and is no longer eschatologically oriented.
  • The baying arena crowd add to the gladiatorial frenzy. Times, Sunday Times
  • As he overachieved in one arena after another, he surprised us all.
  • Even in an arena as illogical and playful as football, my faith in modernity, science, and rationality remains unshaken.
  • One such type was that of the equites, literally ‘horsemen’, so called because they entered the arena on horseback, although for the crucial stage of the combat they dismounted to fight on foot.
  • Davis thinks the Wizard may also suffer from skin irritation -- he noticed a bit of a rash during Arenas's cleanshaven days. Gilbert Arenas and his crazy new beard: Barbers tell us what it means
  • In the fast-emerging video direct marketing arena, this fact-versus-fiction scenario had been somewhat of an industry bugaboo until just a few years ago.
  • I am the arena of their power contest.
  • Why are cities across the country sinking taxpayer money into sports stadiums and arenas?
  • An arena demonstrating traditional sports such as kabaddi will give fans a chance to test their skills.
  • Aneurysms of the infrarenal abdominal aorta and iliac arteries coexist to such a degree that they may be considered a single clinical entity.
  • The bull charged out into the sunlight of the arena.
  • Governments , businesses, almost every arena of human societal organization, is not willing to wait that long.
  • He had raided the downtown warehouse arena the night she defeated Melanie Squid in the Kumite.
  • Many of them are also working exhibits that form part of the daily arena displays. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Leather Sofa Company is now the premier arena in the South East for leather sofas, suites, armchairs, recliners and the new vogue - suede and leather cube poufs.
  • Rightsphere, CCC's web-based rights management tool, was named by KM World as a Trend-Setting Product in 2007 and 2008 for dramatically improving productivity in the rights management arena.
  • Nonetheless, colonials judged regulation of nuisances an appropriate arena for courts and local government, leading to lawsuits and regulations aimed at such objectionable trades as butchers and tanners.
  • Christopher Barreca's set is a round arena behind which stretches a steeply raked platform, half of which sometimes turns into a set of stairs.
  • The arena was scarred by deep muddy ruts.
  • The crowds came and the arena has been lauded as one of the finest indoor stages in tennis. Times, Sunday Times
  • I wore flowery shirts and tie-dye pants and spent hours in a smoky arena swaying to never-ending jams and feeling the love.
  • However, as early as 1923 Collip reported finding insulin-like activity in a bivalve mollusc, Mya arenaria.
  • Identities explores the relationship of racial, ethnic and national identities and power hierarchies within national and global arenas.
  • We should aspire, along with being world champions in the sporting arena, to being the most humane and compassionate people on this planet.
  • You need this, not just because the skirt suit has staged a comeback to the fashion arena but because it is possible to look professional, put-together and sexy at the same time.
  • ‘We have a duty and an obligation if we're going to put on a show like this to deliver buyers to that arena,’ Wallace said.
  • The concept of free will belongs to a different arena from that of fundamental laws of science.
  • A better policy is to promote liberty in the religious sphere as well as in the economic and political arenas.
  • These resorts, like Magaluf and Arenal, remain unbeatable in terms of price.
  • They walk out into the arena, all nerves.
  • You've only to look at the selfless behaviour of those assembled in the political arena just along the road to see that New Zealanders have a highly overdeveloped sense of fair play.
  • His sweat would've soaked through her breeches, but she sat sort of side-saddle, and her legs were facing the inside of the arena.
  • In a world of changing lifestyles brought about by new services, technology and e-commerce, this book enters the arena of contemporary research with particular topicality.
  • Legislative and judicial elites are almost completely frozen out of corporatist policy arenas.
  • It is this unwillingness to listen, to think things over after hearing the other person's point of view that continues to contribute to our intractability in the political arena, to the astonishing rise in hate groups since the election of President Obama and to the general distrust of our justice and other systems. Andrea Lyon: Sometimes the Other Person Has a Point
  • The Wireless Broadcast Unit is a specialist provider of wireless broadcast products for the media and entertainment arena.
  • At the sound, the crowd in the arena roared with delight.
  • Is the notion of a distinct foreign policy arena as obsolete as it is ambiguous?
  • The presence of cyanite, rutile-titanite, and garnets, and the absence of Lydian stone, and all fragmentary or arenaceous rocks, seem to characterise the formation we describe as primitive. Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America
  • The hapless matador eventually managed to leave the arena under heavy police protection; the fate of the bull was not documented.
  • A spokesscot for the paper said: We arena backin Labour, but we arena backin Cameron aither. Archive 2009-09-01
  • La Bete selects an acting troupe as its focal point; but any arena that pits quality against mediocrity is an able substitute. Fern Siegel: Stage Door: La Bete, A Life in the Theater, Lady Rizo
  • The run is a 825-metre stampede from the corral where the bulls are kept to the outdoor bullfighting arena where they will be invariably killed by matadors later in the day.
  • And third, passion can make someone impetuous; here its victory over reason is so powerful that the latter does not even enter into the arena of conscious reflection until it is too late to influence action.
  • Security personnel should conduct searches routinely for any person entering a large facility — a business or apartment complex, a suq or shopping mall, a sports arena, etc. The Right Way
  • To have them here in this arena and to come away with a medal is the pinnacle of my career. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was into this arena that the first coin-operated arcade game, called Computer Space, was released in 1971.
  • His shunning of the rest for the more difficult shots demonstrated a confidence not normal for such an arena, while he went for pots where mere mortals would have sought safety sanctuary.
  • There, in 1999 the Americans were guilty of some of the most outrageously uncouth and unsporting behaviour ever displayed in a sporting arena.
  • Over a period of 20 years, Donatella established herself as a sculptress in the international arena of visual arts.
  • With trainer John Dunlop and jockey Pat Eddery in such blinding form, it would be unwise to overlook their joint claims with Silver Grey Lady in the Arena Racing Oaks Trial.
  • NBA Commissioner David Stern used the term "nuclear winter" to describe a decision that could produce a protracted court battle and cost the sport and its fans, arena workers and nearby restaurant staffs the entire season and perhaps beyond. rss feed
  • Best Billboard Hits of 1963 boyzII Men, celine dion, los del rio, macarena, mariah carey, music 1996, tony rich project, Trivia Best Billboard Hits of 1996 | myFiveBest
  • But deciding that people from that country should be subjected to heightened scrutiny at our domestic checkpoints … that seems to fall into the arena of debatably reasonable policy. Matthew Yglesias » Profiling Lite
  • Moreover, the law is only one method of control over what is placed in the public arena.
  • A cavalry trooper is typically a well-trained ‘jack-of-all-trades’ in the combined arms arena.
  • He changed into his costume, entered the arena and walked the wire. Times, Sunday Times
  • As we came into the arena, we were jostled by fans pushing their way towards the stage.
  • This risk is heightened by its operation in a highly competitive arena. Times, Sunday Times
  • The mortgage market has become a more competitive arena in the years since the early 1980s.
  • —Each suprarenal gland consists of a cortical portion derived from the celomic epithelium and a medullary portion originally composed of sympatho-chromaffin tissue. XI. Splanchnology. 1F. The Chromaphil and Cortical Systems
  • Species such as red knot ( '' Calidris canutus '') and ruddy turnstone ( '' Arenaria interpres '') are inferred to have had much larger populations and more extensive breeding areas during glacial stages, although others, such as dunlin ( '' C. alpina ''), exhibit evidence of range fragmentation during glacial stages leading to the evolution of distinct geographically restricted infraspecific taxa. Late-Quaternary changes in arctic terrestrial ecosystems, climate, and ultraviolet radiation levels
  • The arena livens up only on Saturdays and Sundays when a flea market is open there.
  • I want to work outside the arena of competition.
  • These artists need a national institution to support and validate them and to facilitate contact with the global arena.
  • And his fame has nothing whatsoever to do with his prowess on the football field or in the political arena.
  • A pair of deep, flat-bottomed holes have been chiseled out of the red clay of eastern Georgia in the U.S., like twin sports arenas from the pre-Columbian era. Southern Co's Nuclear Gambit
  • At an indoor arena in Stoke yesterday he was attempting to show how. Times, Sunday Times
  • Since 1981 after the assassination of Egyptian President Anwar Sadat, Hosni Mubarak of Egypt in charge of the political arena today.
  • The grisly human sacrifice described by Dio Cassius is presented as the work of a handful of violent drunks and is quickly stopped by an appalled Boudica, and a little Roman boy is horrified by a bear-baiting in the arena. Boudica, Queen of the Iceni
  • Legislative and judicial elites are almost completely frozen out of corporatist policy arenas.
  • The farmer even has a halo formed by his tipped back sombrero, and the holiness of this revolutionary embrace is reinforced by its association with the embrace of Joachim and Anna in Giotto’s Arena Chapel in Padua. Jose Clemente Orozco and Diego Rivera - The Murals
  • The former ‘Dateline’ host went into the big-time talk arena, but ratings were less than stellar.
  • My new self-knowledge told me that my personality, goals, and skills were best suited to the political arena.
  • In the case of the bird-watcher abduction, the Filipino guide, Ivan Sarenas, escaped by leaping over the side of the boat in which they were being carried after securing the approval of the others, Swiss national Lorenzo Vinciguerra and Dutchman Ewold Horn. Philippine Strike Kills 3 Terrorists
  • The accord comes amid a diplomatic drive to end its isolation in the international arena.
  • The cheer that resonates around arenas as races are won and world records are broken is always accompanied by the lingering doubt that the feats are enhanced by drugs.
  • They do have a place in the political arena.
  • Federal candidates must have coequal efforts in both the political action committee and individual arenas - properly coordinated, of course.
  • My dissertation work focuses on engineering education in the K-12 arena, and in particular, engaging girls in meaningful and empowering engineering activity during their precollege years. Archive 2008-04-01
  • It's a great gladiatorial arena. Times, Sunday Times
  • As for Ibiza, Dowse is clearly a hoser who is more at home in a hockey arena than at Manumission.
  • Bakersfield will not make money until their new arena opens.
  • It has long been established that the village is an arena for rather large amounts of extracurricular activity. Times, Sunday Times
  • As grapple fans the world over know, this only ever works in the arena of World Wrestling Entertainment.
  • Large wooden columns define both Surrey and Arena, and the inclined glass wall that links the Chan to its forest glen is also repurposed in Thom's Washington design. Profile of Vancouver architect Bing Thom
  • Today the arena makes most of its money from staging concerts, basketball and ice hockey. Times, Sunday Times
  • However, something, whether by human error or mechanical fault, went awfully wrong as we saw him plummet to his death from the arena roof.
  • Everton are increasingly optimistic about building a new arena after three previous failed ground moves after support from Liverpool city council. Times, Sunday Times
  • And indeed the poor girl, whose pregnancy had swelled and stoutened every part of her, even to her face, and the vertical, squared outlines of her cheeks, did distinctly suggest those virgins, so strong and mannish as to seem matrons rather, in whom the Virtues are personified in the Arena Chapel. Swann's Way
  • A constant stream of people waited patiently to photograph themselves in front of the statued entrance to the arena where Jesse Owens won four gold medals in 1936 under the baleful gaze of the Führer.
  • In this way, our banks can only compete in the same financial arena facing up the rules of WTO with the financial magnate from western countries.
  • You run through a tunnel, and come out in another, much smaller arena, with three massive tanks that spawn killer robots/aliens.
  • This created the effect of a massive bowl with the arena at the lowest point.
  • He then organized a successful effort to channel the energies of civil rights activists into the politically preferable voting rights arena.
  • ARENA: Well, I'll tell you that right now, the stance of the intelligence community is one of a lot of concern, only because the intelligence continues to suggest that al Qaeda is planning what they call a spectacular attack on U.S. soil. CNN Transcript Oct 29, 2004
  • The cheesy photos of Georgia that ring the bowl of the arena add nothing.
  • He plans to enter the arena as a cutting horse rider.
  • But the sort of whilk we noo speak, are a waur sort a'thegither; for they come to the inside o 'yer hoose, o' yer verra chaumer, an 'hing oot their lang lugs to hear what ye carena to be hard save by a dooce frien' or twa ower a het tum'ler. ' Robert Falconer
  • Finally, while invective is common in the political arena, Stefan's wife and personal life are clearly out of bounds, and especially with respect to vicious personal and racist remarks. Sound Politics: Michael Hood: Seattle's most chronically wrong journalist
  • It represents the pinnacle of club success, a most macho of arenas in which to flex muscles and forge reputations. Times, Sunday Times
  • Donnie Darko proves that it's possible to do science fiction with visual effects in the independent film arena.
  • The relatively surprise-free lineup includes Andy C, Dougal, Hixxy and Darren Styles, although one innovation is a gabba and hardcore techno arena hosted by Twisted's Darkside. This week's new clubs
  • He translated the fight to the public arena.
  • The arenas of conflict are diverse, including negotiations on opening markets and on intellectual property rights protection.
  • The 'hibachi' grill didn't get turned on tonight, '' said Arenas, referring to the word he sometimes yells when taking a shot. - Basketball - New York vs. Washington
  • I am the arena of their power contest.
  • Although he controls only a tiny share of the basketball franchise, his stake is trumpeted loudly in promotional materials for the related Atlantic Yards arena project, and he was prominently featured at its groundbreaking in Brooklyn, along with Governor Paterson. Matt Sledge: Aqueduct Report: Jay-Z Was Clueless
  • He then organized a successful effort to channel the energies of civil rights activists into the politically preferable voting rights arena.
  • The grandstands, which ring the southern and western sides of the arena, are old fashioned red brick, with crumbling black bitumen leading to the fence line.
  • Later it becomes completely separated from the celomic epithelium and forms a suprarenal ridge projecting into the celom between the mesonephros and the root of the mesentery. XI. Splanchnology. 1F. The Chromaphil and Cortical Systems
  • In addition to the palace, Granada gives off the air of a ‘real’ Spanish city with cobblestone streets, bullfighting arenas and winding streets.
  • The penguins can be viewed, not just from a sloping arena but also from underwater viewing areas.
  • On ultrasound, the diagnosis of cystic lymphangioma is suggested by the presence of a well-marginated, anechoic lesion, typically located at the suprarenal area, which can show shadows or echoes when calcifications are present.
  • Some say that imitation is the highest form of flattery, but in the cut-throat arena of fashion, sorry, it's not.
  • This arena for exploration has provided remarkable examples of intuitive problem solving.
  • In Hannover, fireworks marked the inauguration of the AWD arena.
  • They argued that a new racism based on arguments about cultural difference had largely taken over the arenas of public debate.
  • They ply their trades in the great arenas of the world but many straddle the worlds of sport, showbusiness and celebrity through their sustained success. Times, Sunday Times
  • Thus politics becomes an arena for power manipulation and personal reward, not for the accomplishment of major goals.
  • Dia mengatakan mereka mengajukan banding atas hukuman cambuk yang dikenakan atas mereka karena keduanya berencana untuk segera menikah. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • Arenas pranked, counseled and encouraged Young, providing friendship and brutal honesty. Nick Young wants to beat "big brother" Gilbert Arenas
  • The glare of the floodlights focussed on the gladiators engaged in the middle, the arena one grand spectacle, the game fierce and engaging.
  • The strained tendon is Arenas's right ankle will be reevaluated "on Sunday or Monday," he said, adding that he remains optimistic that Arenas can return for the home opener next Tuesday. John Wall: "I'm just ready to see where I stand"
  • Later the slave was recaptured and sentenced to die in the arena facing a wild beast.
  • Inside and outside ballparks and arenas, there are always people vending programs.
  • A hundred miles long and soaring seventy-five hundred feet above the plains, the Macarena is an island of astonishing diversity, one of the richest biological preserves in the world, a lost world of mist and rain that to this day remains largely unexplored. One River
  • The essential concepts and processes of marketing apply as much to marketing in the international arena as the domestic one.
  • He left the arena to loud applause.
  • Now, they have to audition in an arena full of people! The Sun
  • The Gaikwar, whose state processions were gorgeous to a wonder, occasionally inaugurated spectacles like those of the old Roman arena, and we hear of fights between various wild animals. The Life of Sir Richard Burton
  • Most of these people are scared stiff of entering the political arena on their own but eager to do so hidden under some obscure umbrella.
  • The games sometimes are played in other gyms and arenas but still contain a special intensity that is hard to match.
  • Horowitz the rock music arena as sort of debating forum, a place where ideas clash.
  • The arena is in an exceptionally fine state of preservation .
  • Kylesa's resemblance to a sludgier Built to Spill cannot be overstated (it's heard to best effect on the trippy, majestic opener, "Tired Climb," an arena-metal lighter anthem if ever there was one). CD review of 'Spiral Shadow' by Kylesa
  • It is not patriotism, that is to say undiluted concern for the nation as a whole, which leads some of the modern Egyptians to prefer an entirely native government to the Anglo-Egyptian administration now obtaining in that country: it is restlessness; and I am fortunately able to define it thus without the necessity of entering the arena of polemics by an opinion as to whether that restlessness is justified or not justified. The Treasury of Ancient Egypt Miscellaneous Chapters on Ancient Egyptian History and Archaeology
  • All four Karena hotels offer traditional rooms with private facilities, television, telephone, radio and a hospitality tray.
  • It is an arena in which far too much time is being spent attending to finicky details within details.
  • The discussions were organised under the rubric of four broad themes: economic production, access to wealth, civil society and the public arena, and, political power and ethics.
  • The percentage varies widely from stadium to stadium, arena to arena, depending on what criteria is used by tax boards.
  • Ours was a peaceful place but he wanted to turn it into a political arena. Times, Sunday Times
  • Arenas, 28, pleaded guilty earlier in the year to violation of the district's gun laws by bringing four guns to the Verizon Center as part of what he called a prank on teammate Javaris Crittenton. Black Entertainment, Money, Style and Beauty Blogs - Black Voices
  • This grand arena was originally built to hold more than 50,000 and many of the original outer walls and facade still stand tall today. The Sun
  • Police are investigating whether there is any criminal culpability surrounding how the indoor arena was being operated.
  • In doing so, he would inevitably have descended into the arena in a totally unacceptable way.
  • Aside from their spectacular and noisy arena show, they also exhibit static displays of their personal collections of militaria.
  • Basketball gyms were filled to capacity and newer and larger arenas were built to accommodate this increased interest.
  • Meanwhile, short-dated eurodollar futures continue to price in a rise in three-month dollar Libor, signaling stress in the interbank funding arena. Investors Seek Safety in Treasurys
  • To have some other arena past college to strive for is a great prospect for our kids.
  • An individual or group can initiate, or obstruct, public policy in many political arenas.
  • The chance to pit your wits against the best players in the country, in the most sumptuous and atmospheric of football arenas, just doesn't get any better for a professional footballer.
  • This collection dates from 1958, a period when hard bop & soul jazz were dominant in the contemporary jazz arena, and the roots of such music (the blues and gospel) are evident here.
  • There is a slightly eerie atmosphere at the dressage arena. Times, Sunday Times
  • As we came into the arena, we were jostled by fans pushing their way towards the stage.
  • Somewhere mixed in with the preliminary blueprints for the new downtown Houston arena are plans for the Rockets to be like this.
  • But games aren't played on paper, they're played in arenas and on courts surrounding by 3000 rabid screaming fans.
  • RMB currency swap with South Korea, officially to the international arena.
  • An arena demonstrating traditional sports such as kabaddi will give fans a chance to test their skills.
  • Web: www. Tokyo: Saitama Super Arena, 8 Shintoshin, Chuo-ku, Saitama-shi; Feb. 21 and 22, 5 p.m. Admission: 10,000 yen to 17,000 yen. Time Off: Cultural Events Around Asia
  • Later the slave was recaptured and sentenced to die in the arena facing a wild beast.
  • He barnstormed the nation, speaking in living rooms, village squares, universities, and even huge sports arenas.
  • The percentage varies widely from stadium to stadium, arena to arena, depending on what criteria is used by tax boards.
  • With a new book by Hugh Wheeler, added lyrics by Stephen Sondheim and arena-style staging by Hal Prince, "Candide" finally gained popular success-though lost in the circuslike goings-on were the glitter of the music and almost any shred of seriousness. The Garden Grows
  • Purple was the favourite colour for this velamen, or veil; because, when the sun shone through it, it cast such beautiful rosy tints on the snowy arena and the white purple-edged togas of the Roman citizens. A Book of Golden Deeds
  • “And what will ye do, if I carena to thraw the keys, or draw the bolts, or open the grate to sic a clamjamfrie?” said the old dame, scoffingly. The Black Dwarf
  • He would therefore argue that conventions are established by their acceptance by those who participate in the political arena.

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