How To Use Architect In A Sentence
Pearce , a Zimbabwean architect living in Melbourne, has been inspired by the humble termite.
But whether the industry can absorb all the qualified architects is a moot point.
Architecturally they incorporate the low roofs, polygonal towers and shallow, semicircular domes of the Byzantine mode.
A wistful little architectural songwriting gem.
Times, Sunday Times
The architectonics of the sculpted locks, the author argues, augment their power to fend off sorcery and other malevolent forces.

Years of early art, pencil sketches, architectural renderings, magazine covers, newspaper clippings and personal photographs are also on display in the new gallery.
Its stylish reading room was one of the earliest works completed by the architecture firm of De Blacam and Meagher.
NSW Architecture Awards Announced: Gorgeous Oz-chitecture Balgowlah House by Reg Lark – Inhabitat about mission submit a story shop advertise with us support us press contact sign up
NSW Architecture Awards Announced: Gorgeous Oz-chitecture Balgowlah House by Reg Lark – Inhabitat
With the Shared Model architecture, changes made in one process element are (depending on access privileges) immediately visible and accessible to other process elements.
This was also the heyday of the "capriccio," or architectural and landscape fantasy, established by Marco Ricci and developed by Canaletto and Tiepolo.
NYT > Home Page
So, in the next article in this series we'll explore Vim's simple plug-in architecture, which allows you to factor out parts of your .vimrc and isolate them in separate modules.
Designed with grace and precision by Portuguese architect Bak Gordon, this modern home located in the heart of Pousos, is all about smooth and simple design that draws from the modern architecture principles of using simple cubical structures.
How To Create a Minimalist Home
Very slowly or moderately it was rising, and I thought I was at the estate of a wealthy person for the architecture was very expensive looking.
The architecture here is all of a piece.
No doubt we can admire the architectonic structure of these systems aesthetically, as we would un chef-d'oeuvre de l'art.
Sometimes a project of this kind will involve working alongside an architect and interior designer.
The Archaic period (c. early 6th century - 480 BC) saw a great flowering of Etruscan art with the production of fine tomb paintings, funerary sculptures, and architectural terracottas.
They have an open client-server architecture and manage heterogeneous workstations, servers and host computers linked via a local area network.
Leonardo da Vinci was not only one of the earliest European abstractionist, but also a sculptor, an architect , and an engineer.
They received invaluable technical advice from architect Colin Humphrey.
See the city's fine Victorian architecture, and visit its excellent museums.
The vertical change in architecture can be related to the evolution of the lava field.
Shouldn't there be some evenhandedness, with bad buildings by good architects also receiving a public airing?
Secular remains of Gothic architecture in Czechoslovakia are fewer.
The megastructure continues to fascinate architects and urbanists.
The hi-tech visions appear as fully executed architectonic meditations, linking architecture with landscape and making ground-breaking technology an important component of the program.
Grand Illusions on the Hudson
It is surprising that so sharp-sighted a historian of architecture would neglect to mention the role of screens as monumental platforms.
It is widely regarded as an architectural disaster, aesthetically unpleasing and out of keeping with the rest of the College.
The project successfully integrates ecological ambitions with the design of architectural and sculptural elements.
All architectural projections and rusticated surfaces are of reconstituted stone.
The practising architect may design better buildings after working with the old ones.
For Chilean architects, this is the challenge of a lifetime—to preserve history and to build sensibly.
The lost projects, an inevitable consequence of life at the artier end of architecture.
Times, Sunday Times
This is true with the exception that of "Decorated" architecture there are but few examples, and it is probable that very little new work was done in connection with this cathedral until the monastery became vastly enriched by Abbot
Bell's Cathedrals: The Cathedral Church of Gloucester [2nd ed.] A Description of Its Fabric and A Brief History of the Espicopal See
It is a still a point of hot debate with skiers as to whether Les Arcs is a work of architectural genius, or simply a hideous alpine eyesore.
Reportedly built from the ground up, it includes a static analyser, debugger and performance analyser based on an object-oriented architecture.
University Chemistry was an important required course for architectural environment students.
Home to cultural and architectural wonders and famous for its fine white china, the German city of Dresden still shone despite six years of war.
It is not yet clear if the architects or builders are to blame.
The Sun
Only in later periods, when Queen Anne was superseded by Colonial Revival and Colonial Imitation, did gambrel roofs become synonymous with Dutch architecture.
No different architectures, that is, and no redundancies.
The Nature of Technology
The three-layer system architecture of conflict detection based on fuzzy constraint network is put forward. A corresponding prototype is developed and its running process is described.
From the point of human-computer interaction, this paper studied the task-oriented dialogue of human-computer, and gave the architecture of a dialogue system.
Matcham's theatres were widely disparaged by architects.
This sort of immense architectonical precision does not stop the piece from revealing candid airs here and there.
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British influence, with wooden jalousies, wide porches, and patterned railings and fretwork, dominated urban architecture in the colonial period.
This is far from being a work of mere trainspotting; in fact, in a strange way, it catalogues the architectural, social and economic history of modern Britain.
Freire and Lopes, who had experience of working with old buildings were appointed as architects.
He became known as the architect of the "single-bullet theory" that buttressed the finding that Lee Harvey Oswald was the lone assassin.
Arlen Specter: Senate Tenure Not Defined By Party Label
The show presents its monumental architecture, its military might, the way it controlled and administered its dominions through provincial satrapies and the network of roads that traversed its vast distances.
In order to get what he wants Esko dirties, bloodies, his hands in the waters any real architect must swim in.
An Interview with Richard Rayner about Cloud Sketcher
Perhaps the artist has bee brought in to polychrome a plaster relievo for an architectural decoration, and it is some third party sculptors studio.
Easel on Rails
A wing was converted in keeping with the existing architecture of the hall to provide accommodation for families and disabled guests.
In this paper, we design a video sensor network architecture based on an extended multi-level C/S model, which effectively supports image process by multiple cooperative sensors.
Architects were needed to transform buildings made redundant by the Revolution, such as churches, into buildings serving new public needs.
The house that he occupied, of Venetian design, and four stories in height, bore many architectural marks of distinction, such as the floriated window, the door with the semipointed arch, and medallions of colored marble set in the walls.
The Financier
The Athenian mix of culture and commerce was as apparent in art as architecture.
But the reprography industry--which specializes in printing architectural and engineering documents, aerial maps and even some billboard graphics--lives on.
The Business Of Big Prints
While the architectural style of buildings is not all that make a city, it does reflect on the lifestyle of the majority of citizens.
There is a certain logic in their choice of architect.
Next door and across the piazza is the 1983 museum, the last work of an enervated Stone, co-architect of the original 1939 Museum of Modern Art in New York.
Easily Accessible Pleasures
And credit for his undogmatic approach is due in part, he thinks, to his former boss, the trail-blazing Dutch architect and urban planner Rem Koolhaas.
Building a Better Future
The solar units are environmentally friendly and can now be installed on your roof to blend with the architecture of your house.
In the existing architecture we modified, the dumb.c draw function copies the source pixel memory area into the destination memory area.
At a time when cities such as George Town and Malacca are winning international recognition for their preservation of heritage sections of their cities, the Sarawak government's retrogressive efforts to wipe out remaining vestiges of Kuching's architectural heritage are incomprehensible.
To the immediate south was a more handsome Victorian building constructed by architects John Lessels and John Patterson in 1873 to replace an earlier structure.
Architects, like generals, tend to refight old campaigns.
Globe and Mail
The architect was asked to explain the reasoning behind his new design.
The patronage (largely pontifical, but also royal and aristocratic) of the great sculptor-architect is the chief subject of Franco Mormando's lovingly researched "Bernini: His Life and His Rome," which, for all its splendid erudition, freely resorts to American common speech to characterize the sheer viciousness of the Baroque papal oligarchs and Bernini's own egomania (most famously characterized by his ordering a servant to slash the face of his unfaithful mistress, Costanza Bonarelli).
The Heirloom City
Irrespective of the validity of the architectural content, the model and drawings are works of art in themselves.
Clean architectural lines, gleaming glass, flower beds so neat and regimented that no weed would dare to seed itself.
The new airport is hi-tech all the way with lots of chrome and glass and some great architecture.
The cathedral is now a vibrant and living component of the cultural and religious life of Waterford city and is one of our most treasured architectural gems.
This unity was to be rent asunder by changes in technology and by the impact of the Modern Movement in architecture.
The 76-story mixed-used building designed by starchitect Frank Gehry will attract residents and retail to downtown Manhattan.
Some architects and scholars of architecture have sidestepped this question and chosen instead to experiment with vernacularism.
The architect, however, takes the tool out of the artisan's hand and although he remonstrates with him for his clumsiness, begins to enact forgiveness.
The architect did specify weir overflows.
To their millionaire owners and portico-loving architects, they are temples of mock baroque and neo-Tudor excess that serve as worthy successors to the great country houses of the past.
León and Granada might be at opposing political extremes, but they are matching twins in their architecture.
Joe wrote, describing his adventure in architecture for the Saturday Evening Post.
Tuck into local foods while admiring the city's gothic, renaissance and baroque architecture.
The Sun
She continued to go out to dinner with academics, to receive the hard-drinking architect.
The answer is yes, I do believe in benevolence and malevolence as being a part of mans nature, I think where we differ, is the belief in the architect of nature and whether the formation of the natural world including the physique was a guided or a random process.
Child Abuse Alert
Think of it as a trouble-free foliage plant, an architectural foil for more flamboyant perennials.
Times, Sunday Times
Architecture should thus be understood not only as the making of values, but also as the destructor of values.
Designed by the eminent architect C. J. Phipps, the Royal has enjoyed a history of live theatre since 1884.
Tall strap-leafed phormiums, or New Zealand flax, and the architectural-looking kniphofia, or red-hot poker, added structure just as surely as did the seating areas, paths, and stone work.
The winning design came from an architect in Glasgow.
Cross the road for an enormous show of Liverpool-born Tony Cragg's hefty colored sculptures, some of which are dotted about the glorious permanent architectural "landform" earthwork by Charles Jencks in front of the building.
An Explosion of Visual Arts
Understanding the desires of both the developer and the golfer fuels the creative fire of most golf course architects.
He takes systematic aim at the architects of millennial economic opinion: journalists and columnists, cultural studies academics, ad-men, and the shills of the new management literature.
If the job of the information architect is seen as corresponding with that of a structural architect, then the designer must be seen as an amalgam of superintendent, and foreman.
The fountain illustrated, an exquisite piece of Gothic architecture in miniature, was designed to be both fanciful and functional.
Designed in the 1970s, the Oberoi was the first of the luxury hotels to build lanais in the local vernacular, a style much copied by subsequent architects.
Perhaps the image-makers found that Australians associated the name with tradition and sturdy architecture.
Early teaching methods were modelled on the monastic system or based on trade guilds, with no specific forms of architecture.
Second year, architectural drawing 7 drawing and modeling of the human figure and modeling of ornaments 20 history of art 1 style 1 perspective and shadows 2 anatomy, xylography, architecture, sculpture, or chasing 10
The Condition and Tendencies of Technical Education in Germany
It's an early example of the American billionaire practice of architectural salvage.
Times, Sunday Times
I keep using the word "boxy," as if it were the most terrifying thing to happen to architecture.
Archive 2009-06-01
The architect showed us the house plans that she had drawn up.
He is matchless not only in the field of design and architecture, but in humility as well.
The architects said that it looked like an 'egg protected by vitrified wood resin'.
Times, Sunday Times
I want to integrate my sexuality with all the other weaves of my self: burn any architectural plans that mount my gayness above my race, ethnicity, and age.
No empty rate is payable on a vacant building listed as being of special architectural or historic interest.
There will be components like axles, differentials, for certain products that are very similar in architecture to ours.
The tower rises to a height of 179 ft but despite the head-scratching of scientists, engineers and architects the tilt is still pronounced.
But linear perspective itself is probably a renaissance not an antique invention, and Durer's approach to ancient architecture is remarkably free and unlearned.
It blends in very well with the surrounding architecture, and yet it gives it a nice lively look.
Forward-thinking landscape architects and designers are installing gardens that are appropriate to their regions and climates.
This is a site you could spend a week roaming around, finding information about nearly everything about architecture.
The completed building is a towering rectangular block with almost no decoration, an austere statement and bold break away from the traditional methods of architectural adornment.
The exhibit ends with architectural elements, coins and a kneeling stable figure.
The paper was smoothed out, turned over, and marked off with our house of dreams, much like an architect's sketch of a one-story ranch house.
In a statement Deputy Kenny said that after reading the reports, he believes the Taoiseach was the chief architect of the "catastrophic failures of policy" that led directly to our current economic crisis.
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So the first need is to create awareness and recognition of a building's historical and architectural worth.
This excellent record of his thoughtful and troubled career as architect, restorer, scholar, and writer throws much light on a neglected and turbulent period of Victorian architecture.
Bet on the boat races along the canals. if you’re a true criminal, you’d rig the races …..along the canals …….amid the aforesaid architecture.
IN BRUGES « FranksFilms
The architecture attested to its ancient heritage, with massive castle-like structures adorned with spires and turrets on nearly every building.
Michael is a non-traditional architect who has been making houses out of non-traditional materials with his rag tag team of workers for the past 30 years in Taos New Mexico.
Archive 2008-04-01
Steven Hall is one of the most famous modern architects in America. His phenomenological idea and typological method are distinctive in the world.
Magazines of the day published architectural plans for craftsman bungalows that were affordable to working-class as well as middle-class families.
The Magic of America, a typescript of over 1,400 pages with approximately 650 accompanying illustrations, was written and compiled by Marion Mahony Griffin (1871-1961), architect, designer, delineator, and artist.
The Magic Of America Now Online
The exhibition provides endless proof of refinements of beauty in textiles and architecture, woodwork and metalwork, ceramics and miniature painting.
Even the arrivistes in California understood the sophistication required for a vigneron, commissioning fine architects to enhance their vineyards with beautiful buildings.
The Greeks invented the science of geometry with practical applications in architecture in mind.
Jutting out into the northern Mediterranean, the Portofino headland is a piece of natural unspoilt beauty standing hand in hand with some pretty Italian architecture.
The architectural ornament is of that easy and delectable kind which mimics nature: the acanthus leaves of Corinthian capitals, garlands and trophies in the manner of Wren and Grinling Gibbons.
But they look up and admire the architecture, the faded paint on the bricks promoting toys, candy and soda, the tin ceilings visible through the huge windows, and every last one of them is just tickled by it all.
BAR Approves Downtown Demolition at
This episode looks at houses that have really pushed the architectural boundaries by using experimental techniques.
The Sun
Without vaulting or trusses, Yemeni traditional architecture had to rely on the usable length of palm, acacia or tamarisk trunks for spans.
The masterplan for 2012, headed by Jason Prior, landscape architect and managing director of Edaw, clearly started with the proposition that this landscape is the context within which the huge variety of Olympic developments will take shape - the transport infrastructure, stadiums, housing.
Prunings XXI
Take the fear our of using architects and designers and explore the full potential of your home.
Times, Sunday Times
This revival of ancient architecture and interior styles was also readily adopted by America.
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Introduced the history background, instruction process, think idea of architect, main style and its success in art of the Firenze Cathedral, and used culture critique modern to criticize it.
The son of a Covent Garden barber, he was initially self-taught and learned through copying prints and drawings and assisting architectural draughtsmen.
The hue is the important element in the design of costume, the design of planning, the design of architecture, the design of products and ornament ect, .
Hitler also worked with his favorite architect, Albert Speer, on a complete redesign of Berlin that included an immense domed “Great Hall” connected by a three-mile-long avenue to the chancellery.
A Renegade History of the United States
This paper states the virtual circuit architecture prototype host based on Service Unit Network Architecture(SUNA).
It was not long ago that American architectural history consisted chiefly of biographies, thematic or typological studies, and synthetic surveys.
Once this was done, and the buildings cleared of unnecessary accretions, the architect was left with an enormous double-height volume, requiring a new first floor, and a smaller vaulted one with a chamber above.
Economics risks suffocating architecture, but so does polite conservatism and a consumerist attitude.
Its galleries and studios have nurtured numerous art dealers, designers and architects.
Times, Sunday Times
Meksi was by profession a construction engineer and former restorer of medieval architecture.
Since gaining independence in 1964, the country has experienced a continuing shift toward urbanization which is reflected in its architecture.
This exhibition explores the enduring architectural question of the relationship of surface to structure, a problem the investigation views through the lenses of both architectural and automotive design, focusing on the spectrum of systems defined as monocoque, semi-monocoque and superleggera.
Media Newswire
This adds an optimistic note to the story of architectural research.
He was also influenced, though, by ancient Roman architecture and Scandinavian modern classicism.
Wood has given way to cement as the main building material, and new forms of architecture include high-rise buildings for offices and residences, and air-conditioned shopping malls.
Those were the halcyon days of Athens when she produced her finest poetry and drama, architecture and sculpture.
The paper puts forward the architecture of a scalable cluster - oriented streaming server.
The architect from the West Coast was loaded with potential till I glimpsed at a picture of his balding pate.
The home was built with an architectural flair and design not often found.
The architect's brief was to design an extension which would harmonize as much as possible with the existing building.
Progressive vernacular is what Bernie Baker calls his architecture.
Architectural fittings such as switches, extinguishers and signage can take on as much significance as the main exhibits.
He chose the architect Bernardo Rossellino, who applied the principles of his mentor, Leon Battista Alberti.
The ambitious architecture student was furious when the Congo government closed a university in the capital Kinshasa.
The Sun
Mr. Wing was a prominent local architect and he went on to design and build the House of Industry.
We urge the Government to protect this building from destruction because of its harmonious architectural proportions and compelling social history.
Times, Sunday Times
Its architecture also has built-in paths to accommodate emerging technologies such as MEMS (micro electromechanical switches).
Still in their original oak frames, the importance of these lunettes lies not only in their intrinsic appeal, but also in their importance to a major interior in Beckford's last architectural project.
Its 300-mm Primo D-RIE system leverages a twin-station, mini-batch cluster architecture with a single-wafer environment and a VHF de-coupled RIE plasma source.
There may well be cases in which it would be not necessary to adduce such evidence - as for instance, if an architect omitted to provide a front door to the premises.
Gothic architecture has a particular look: the pointed or ogival arch, ribbed vaults, rose windows, towers, and tremendous height in the nave, supported by flying buttresses.
I got a heavy tome on medieval art and church architecture from my library.
Times, Sunday Times
The architect, thought long and hard about the look of his upturned boats but evidently did not realise that the stoor created by construction work would trigger the fire alarms.
The geomantic omen, as the elite of the ancient architecture theory, is not complete mentalism.
Visit the property you are considering buying, preferably with an architect or surveyor.
Times, Sunday Times
They commissioned an architect to design the new library.
For the human shell is not merely geometrical and architectural, like those of apian or beaverish communities; it holds and expresses all those differences by which we are exalted above the bee or the beaver.
Civics: as Applied Sociology
At its peak in the Thirties, Underground design and architecture was all of a piece.
She was forced to study architecture - he constantly pointed out buildings to her.
The veined and variegated appearance of the colors suggests the polished marble stone used in architecture and monuments.
The life of the architect is so fraught with uncertainty and dilemmas that any clarification of the future, including astrology, is disproportionately welcome.
By pruning the redundant input features and hidden units alternatively, network architecture is kept reasonable.
Online collaboration systems are designed to link the facility staff with architects, engineers, contractors and other members of the building team.
Who was known as the architect of the Disney / Capital Cities acquisition? 15.
This palace is an example of early ancient Chinese architecture.
It is remarkable to notice in the history of French cathedrals how many of them were rebuilt just at the time when the pointed style, which may be called preeminently the Christian style of architecture, had come to birth almost simultaneously in various countries of Europe.
Seeing Europe with Famous Authors, Volume 3 France and the Netherlands, Part 1
Method and apparatus for front end navigator and network architecture for performing functions on distributed files in a computer network
As well as being an architect, he is a chartered town planner, and is specially qualified in building conservation.
Windows has complicated architecture whereas Linux has simple architecture.
He was apprenticed to a local architect.
Many designs are found on ancient tiles, such as heraldic devices, monograms, sacred symbols with texts, architectural designs, figures, and patterns.
English Villages
It is a plan and axonometric wire-frame view of the prototype model's entire architectural component and piping system.
Architectural principles building for the long term adaptable and flexible fit the place build beautifully build in context
Sustainability and Tradition « Stephen Rees's blog
They reinforce the importance of urban planning and civic architecture and the need to bring them to the public realm.
He is considered as the architect of a distinct school of thought in the principles of jurisprudence and Islamic law, and one of the leading exponents of 'kalam'-scholastic theology - and' rijal '- study of the biographies of transmitters of ahadith, the prophetic traditions,' fiqh '- jurisprudence - and - Articles related to Emirates becomes first Arab airline to operate Czech Republic route
In mid-February, Mr. Butler quit his mid-level job at a large Wall Street brokerage and started working full-time on the site, at brownstoner. com, from a desk that he subleases from an architect in Dumbo.
Brownstoner: It���s Me!
Miller commissioned the architect John Kinross to refurbish and extend his home in a manner appropriate to a member of the Edwardian nouveau riche.
Architects are to redesign public buildings as blast resistant (and presumably windowless) on their lower storeys.
Times, Sunday Times
The erratum can result in invalid data being delivered to a PCI master and only occurs in 850/860 systems due to ‘unique architectural interactions’ between the MCH and the ICH2.
Even so, architects are carefully vetting developer agreements in hopes of deflecting litigation.
Client/server computing models are giving way to more flexible, Web-based architectures providing the required combination of feature-rich applications and Internet architected infrastructures.
The two wedding-cake pulpits and the organ case opposite are as grand as can be, and interior so bracketed is the ne plus ultra of American colonial church architecture, plain and crisp and white, with exquisitely classical proportions.
Archive 2009-01-01
I decamped and went for a coffee with David, who didn’t make things easier by pointing out that the riad was a significant piece of architecture and definitely worth saving.
A House in Fez
He tried to elucidate the Architect view of free will and the fate of the universe.
The architect of Timeship, Stephen Valentine, just came out with a book [Timeship: The Architecture of Immortality] about his still-unbuilt design.
Boing Boing
Together they form one of the most original and dramatic works of architecture of the period anywhere in Europe.