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How To Use Archer In A Sentence

  • Researchers from the Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology of Henan Province in Zhengzhou found the flutes, crafted from the hollow ulnae (wing bones) of red-crowned crane, among fragments of 30 others at the Neolithic (ca. 8000-2000 B.C.) site of Jiahu in central Henan Province. Oldest Musical Instruments Still Play a Tune
  • Something about paper walls, I think, about archery, and a good deal about evergreen laurel, myrtle and wild camellia.
  • Studying this region will help researchers understand how much and in what ways Arctic glaciers and ice caps are contributing to sea level rise.
  • Consumers get incredibly upset when dieticians and researchers backtrack on previous findings, proclaiming that products once deemed healthy are now in question.
  • Alcohol abuse can be inherited but researchers had found few genes directly linked to it. The Sun
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  • He claimed that we'd all be a lot safer if researchers would keep details about vulnerabilities to themselves, and stop arming hackers with offensive tools.
  • The researchers found no separated bones or partial skeletons, which suggests that the dinosaurs were rapidly entombed while still alive.
  • A number of researchers offer insights on supportive classroom environments and the use of technology in peer learning.
  • The researchers attached this 'contrast agent' to a molecule that binds to the protein elastin, which is found in artery walls. News Feed
  • But researchers have had mixed success in recreating the original experiments showing both that sirtuins can extend life, and that they can be "activated" by a substance called resveratrol, which is currently found in anti-aging creams and under investigation for ailments associated with old age. Reuters: Press Release
  • Perhaps not surprisingly, the researchers found that employers were considerably more likely to offer interviews and jobs to applicants with white names.
  • Both the antisense drug and glibenclamide led to 75% reductions in spinal cord lesion volume six weeks after the injury, compared with sham-treated animals, the researchers reported. Social Security Reports, News and Informaion
  • The role enables the researcher to gain the confidence of the group that accepts her in her false role.
  • Life for some researchers has become almost intolerable. Times, Sunday Times
  • Researchers demonstrated they could make such blobs of tissue grow into either roots or shoots depending on the ratio of two critical plant hormones, auxins and cytokinins.
  • To overcome this problem, the Purdue researchers developed a means to create LEDs on low-cost, metal-coated silicon wafers, whereby the the silicon substrate is metalized with a built-in reflective layer of zirconium nitride. Sustainable Design Update » Blog Archive » New Low Cost LED Technology
  • The researchers sensibly restricted the investigation to time travellers from the future, 'given practical verifiability concerns'. Times, Sunday Times
  • If a series is trying to get it dead right, then it is on the researcher's integrity that the quality of the finished work depends.
  • There is no known cure for hebephilia and no effective initial screening mechanism, says psychologist James Cantor, who leads a team of researchers from Toronto's Centre for Addiction and Mental Health and other hospitals in studying the role of the brain in causing pedophilia and hebephilia. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • The researchers have used supercritical CO 2 as medium for the conversion of alcohols to linear and branched ethers, to cyclic ethers, to aryl ethers and to acetals and ketals in good yields and, all-importantly, with high selectivities.
  • The researchers needed to show whether the larger portions had been making people fatter, he said. Times, Sunday Times
  • Some researchers have estimated that obesity causes about 300,000 deaths in the U.S. annually.
  • In this paper, the researchers describe a technique in which nanowires of potassium niobate were synthesized in a special hot water solution and separated using ultrasound. Future for Nano-sized Light Source | Impact Lab
  • Dr Archer was memorably described as "fragrant" by Mr Justice Caulfield during her husband's 1987 libel trial against the Daily Star. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • [Phages] are specific to a particular bacterial strain, so researchers will have to isolate and culture a phage for every potential coral pathogen, which isn't feasible. Global warming takes a toll on coral reefs
  • The researchers were therefore surprised to discover that foraminiferan tests sampled from the Challenger Deep contained calcareous components, including the dissolved remnants of coccoliths, the calcium carbonate plates of tiny algae called coccolithophores, and planktonic foraminiferan test fragments. Innovations-report
  • The researchers studied how contaminants move through the vadose zone, which is the area between the soil surface and the groundwater zone. EurekAlert! - Breaking News
  • Be sure to give credit for interviews, for this too, should be valued by a grateful researcher.
  • In several brain regions associated with "sensorimotor" learning, the researchers detected a gray-matter boost on the order of 3.5% to 5% for the new golfers. Week in Ideas: Christopher Shea
  • Other Tags: science researcher oviraptor fast formation Noah Flood gigantic dinosaur egg titanosaurus hadrosaur Vance Nelson Charles Lyell discredit Moses Father - Articles related to Congress begins investigating salmonella outbreak, egg recalls
  • Archer is thankful that his future wife knows and follows the manners and customs of New York society.
  • The researcher employed the in - depth interview method to explore male experiences under the patriarchal ideology.
  • The place is crawling with highly trained, professional researchers.
  • Each group maintained a dignified silence as the marchers passed on their pilgrimage to uphold Republican martyrology.
  • After 12 years in the business, the company added a second division: 3-D archery targets.
  • Fifty researchers telephoned for a loan or credit card with each of these four lenders, making a total of 200 calls.
  • Although most researchers stress the grammaticality of the majority of bilingual utterances, they assume that the grammatical norms of the two languages in isolation provide the basis for determining what is grammatical.
  • The researchers were regarded by some people as the police, asking awkward but justifiable questions. Times, Sunday Times
  • Now, researchers say they have found a connection between diet and biorhythm that supports the theory.
  • Roel Schouwenberg, senior researcher at Kaspersky Lab, says the rogue certificates have all the marks of an intelligence operation, but it isn't clear whether that is the case here.
  • The quest for humanity's genetic genealogy began in the early 1980s, when researchers were just starting to decipher the genetic code.
  • Like a diner spearing a morsel of food with the tine of a fork, researchers have used the tip of a microscopic needle to lift a single atom from a surface and then replace it.
  • The exciting discovery was apparently made when researchers were forced to break open the leg bone of a Tyrannosaurus rex fossil to lift it by helicopter.
  • It is also helpful for the researchers and engineers building the technology. Smithsonian Mag
  • And this helps patients undergoing cancer treatment, according to researchers in Australia. The Sun
  • Researchers then asked the injured parties how strongly they'd actually feel about such infractions.
  • Philosophy major Wylie Dufresne hopes to dine with founding fathers, Ben Franklin and Thomas Jefferson; compares line cooks to lab researchers; and rejects the term molecular gastronomy to define the cuisine at his Michelin-star namesake restaurant, wd~50. Louise McCready: Curious Wylie Dufresne Defends the Science of Cooking
  • The researchers constructed the transposons in such a way that they can carry the therapeutic gene into the target cell DNA.
  • But in 2002, researchers at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle conducted a study to address this rumor—and found no link between deodorant or antiperspirant and breast cancer.
  • One researcher has called the neem scene an "uncharted jungle" of miscellaneous assertions, disconnected details, and limitless possibilities. 2 The Reality
  • The statistical analyses and their detailed explication will be most appropriate for researchers who share this particular academic niche.
  • This difficult-to-treat strain, called neurosyphilis, can cause blindness and stroke, and a CDC researcher said that it's spreading among this cohort because, although they're already HIV-positive, they are not using condoms. Gabriel Rotello: Deadly Error Alert: Andrew Sullivan's Latest AIDS Fantasy
  • Once that happened, it didn't take skilled bowyers to build archery equipment.
  • The researchers realised that their equipment was detecting minute frequency changes resulting from the pulsing of hearts. Times, Sunday Times
  • Police detained dozens of protest marchers in Bombay. Times, Sunday Times
  • Since frugivore seed dispersal is so important in the tropics, many researchers have studied the loss of frugivores and related it to changed plant population dynamics. Frugivore
  • But other perils may have awaited his tadpoles: researchers have found that despite their paternal inclinations, male African bullfrogs sometimes cannibalize their young.
  • He handed to the prisoner, as he spoke, the writing materials, which had been seized upon by the archers on their first entrance, and then commanded those satellites to unhand the minstrel. Castle Dangerous
  • Since he published a paper on fluoroquinolone side effects in 2001, says Dr. Jay Cohen, a medical researcher and associate professor at the University of California, San Diego, "I have received several hundred emails, most of which relate terrible, often catastrophic reactions that are slow to pass, leaving some people disabled for months or years. The ignored risks of America's most popular antibiotics
  • Two researchers specializing in the psychology of health say they've found a more productive way to wean sun worshipers from catching some rays.
  • The present article describes the procedure used to share the role of researcher/author.
  • Researchers randomly assigned 3,120 pre-symptomatic patients from 30 countries to receive carotid endarterectomy either as soon as possible or not until symptoms appeared. Why You Forget Birthdays
  • These groups point out details that might flaw a study, like that researchers used too weak a dose or treated patients for too short a time.
  • I did not set out to earn a living as a house musician, title searcher, or trail blazer. Being Multi-faceted in a Two-Dimensional Society, part 2, with R. H. Phillips, Author of "Witness to a Crime"
  • Lucid, a 53-year-old biochemist, plans a 143-day stay aboard Mir as a guest researcher.
  • Being a scientist in a western society, the researcher is unlikely to think that music or magic have much influence.
  • Athena, disguised like a Trojan, finds the archer Pandarus to shoot an arrow at Menelaus.
  • The size of this latest mimivirus is unprecedented, prompting researchers to name it a mamavirus. ���Sputnik��� Virus Can Attack Others, But Is it Alive?
  • Researchers have hope for tiny parasitic wasps from Asia, which scientists are studying to see if they can be hungrily effective if introduced in the U.S. The wasps lay their eggs within the stink bugs' own egg masses. Out of Odor: Offensive-Smelling Bugs Put U.S. Farmers on the Defensive
  • The researchers combined the copper patterns with millimetre-sized round holes in the surface, which leads to additional resonances as in so called photonic crystals and further improves the absorption. - latest science and technology news stories
  • Combining an imaging technique called multiphoton microscopy with "optical clearing," which uses a solution that renders tissue transparent, the researchers were able to scan mouse organs and create high-resolution images of the brain, small intestine, large intestine, kidney, lung and testicles. Innovations-report
  • On Jan. 12-13, the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory researcher and 11 other scientists will meet at the National AeroSpace Training and Research Center near Philadelphia, where they'll learn to work and conduct experiments in the wispy upper reaches of Earth's atmosphere known as suborbital space. Newswise: Latest News
  • It is very important that the arrows are ‘matched’ to the archer and their bow.
  • In the new study, the researchers surveyed more than 2,000 proteins expressed on synergid cells to clinch the exact molecules luring pollen tubes to the embryo sac. Science News / Features, Blog Entries, Column Entries, Issues, News Items and Book Reviews
  • I rattled and sang to detoxify the current of anger the anti-abortion marchers projected.
  • Stars in pairs both orbit around a point in space called a barycenter, and researchers at times saw these orbits were slightly off, suggesting the presence of a planet tugging at both stars. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • I mean, wouldn't it be dumb for a researcher to spend valuable time and funding seeking phlogiston when his governing theoretic needs no such 'stuff' to explain combustion and he doesn't believe it exists? Behe's Test
  • Meanwhile, one group of patients continues to worry clinicians and researchers: adults with anorexia, estimated to make up about 35 percent of anorexic patients.
  • There was a hint of other ancestries, including Arabian, but thoroughbred moms most likely hailed from the British Isles, the researchers reported online in Biology Letters. DNA analysis shows thoroughbreds have British as well as Arabian roots
  • My point simply was that these researchers had found that the deodorization process had produced trans fatty acids in canola oil. I’ll have mine with fat, please. | The Blog of Michael R. Eades, M.D.
  • Because milk itself did not provide this protection, researchers suggested that the probiotics - or good bacteria - found in yogurt may be the protective factor.
  • Recently, however, a group of researchers led by James Cone has challenged this view, arguing that King's theology and oratory sprang mainly from his boyhood training at Ebenezer Church.
  • Earlier this year, a small study by U.S. and Chinese researchers in the British Journal of Nutrition suggested that flax seed-derived lignan (a natural plant-based compound) might modulate C-reactive protein levels in type 2 diabetics, especially among women. Flax Seed: A Natural Alternative to Statins?
  • Searchers have found three mountain climbers missing since Saturday.
  • The traditional archery crowd moaned about how compounds would ruin bowhunting and that they should be used in a separate season, yet look how much more popular bowhunting is now because of the compound bow. NRA Pushes PA Crossbows
  • But the calm and restrained people constitute the majority of the marchers.
  • Monotonic search is usually efficient in space, because the searcher does not have to construct each state's representation from scratch.
  • A large proportion of our researchers are therefore unlikely to make major contributions to the literature of their research area.
  • In the study, researchers measured levels of a chemical called TNF-alpha in 275 people with Alzheimer's. Do coughs and colds make Alzheimer's worse?
  • Seek out the archery retailer that has recurve bow knowledge.
  • To get around conventional limitations, the researchers sculpted an array of sub-wavelength-wide grooves (dubbed a metamaterial) directly on the facet of quantum cascade lasers. The Engineer - News
  • As one researcher writes in a study on moods and menstruation in college students, 'negative behavior exhibited premenstrually is perceived as evidence for the prevailing negative stereotype of female emotional behavior while positive behavior is ignored as something for which biology is irrelevant.' PMS
  • Other activities range from abseiling and archery to caving. Times, Sunday Times
  • Researchers have been scrambling to respond to a crisis that has rocked France's ostreiculture photo: pubulic domain/Binh Giang - Articles related to French oyster pilferers adding to cultivators’ woes
  • There are, again, problems for the researcher hoping to test out such hypotheses.
  • As such, they can do with inputs from an Advisory Board which meets once a quarter or so to review the business and [...] - In ongoing work to identify how genes interact with social environments to impact human health, UCLA researchers have discovered what they describe as a biochemical link between misery and death. Megite Technology News: What's Happening Right Now
  • Golden retrievers and boxers are known to have high rates of cancer (50 and 44 percent of deaths, respectively), but the researchers found that the Bouvier des Flandres has am even higher death rate from cancer (47 percent) than the boxer. Seattle Post-Intelligencer: Local News
  • In other words, researchers at a typical site directly observe one killing every seven years. in a response to Sussman and Marshack, published in the same volume as their analysis, that chimpanzee coalitionary killings are "certainly rare. Scientific American
  • They are flamboyant and skilled riders, capable of performing staggering feats of archery and acrobatics on horseback.
  • In an earlier, pilot study, researchers used oral viscous budesonide to successfully treat two patients who had been unable to utilize fluticasone propionate.
  • WASHINGTON - Overeating makes the brain go haywire, prompting a cascade of damage that may cause diabetes, heart disease and other ills, US researchers reported on Thursday.
  • I mean, how many demos do you go on these days where a majority of the marchers are in their late teens or early 20s and whose aims are to defend ‘science, reasoned debate and the welfare of mankind’, no less?
  • Researchers have produced human embryos containing DNA from three people, a biotechnological proof-of-principle with profound medical and ethical implications. 3-Parent Embryo | Impact Lab
  • Spend six to eight hours a day on the water with giant blue whales, finbacks and humpbacks as you assist researchers with data collection.
  • The Chinese, Japanese, and South Korean governments have launched a program to revegetate dust-generating lands in China, and researchers from around the Pacific Rim have begun intensive studies of Chinese dust and its impacts.
  • Half the born-agains are still lost souls, a researcher finds, and there's a reason.
  • In 1999, researchers from Berkley and Harvard inserted electrodes into the brains of anesthetized cats that monitored the activity of 177 neurons located in the lateral geniculate nucleus, a key visual processing center. Dollhouse: Eyeball Cameras
  • Independent researchers are supposed to provide a counterbalance, thwarting the drug industry's tendency to turn research studies into marketing grist.
  • The rebrand is a bid by BBC management to expand the awareness of its digital stations, with extended versions of Radio 4 favourites such as The Now Show and The News Quiz, and Archers spin-off Ambridge Extra. Chris Evans loses half a million listeners from Radio 2 breakfast show
  • Academician of China Engineering Academy , Researcher, PhD Tutor, national expert with outstanding contribution soil engineering expert.
  • Sportsmen and women took part in a total of 10 sports which ranged from archery to snooker and rifle shooting to swimming.
  • Researchers at Purdue University recently discovered that an antioxidant in green tea called epigallocatechin gallate can shut down an enzyme that cancer cells need to grow and divide. Earl Mindell’s New Herb Bible
  • What's more, researchers found evidence to suggest that a subspecies called the Nubian wild ass, presumed vanished late in the 20th century, is not only a direct ancestor of the donkey - it may still exist. University of Florida News
  • The researchers hope the findings will increase treatment options because they can study recurring tumours to find out how they evolved. Times, Sunday Times
  • By the dawn of the Scientific Revolution, researchers equipped with microscopes founded modern chemistry - and dismissed alchemy as hocus-pocus.
  • Researchers in Africa have observed that bulls are always looking for mates, using smell and hearing to seek out females in estrus.
  • The researchers intend to monitor the progress of cases through the various legal stages.
  • Husseman, a former wolf researcher, pointed and said, ‘Check out the alpenglow, dude.’
  • On a hunch, the researchers radioed the ground-based team and urged them to continue gathering data when the star re-emerged from behind Uranus.
  • Because of the mixed picture, researchers have debated whether it is a superability or disability, as it almost always occurs in children with developmental problems. Mind Hacks: The neuroscience of hyper-reading
  • The squishy 'bot of the Harvard University researchers, as shown in an article posted Monday by the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, was fashioned from an elastomeric polymer top layer, filled with a series of air chambers, affixed to a firmer but still flexible lower layer. Week in Ideas: Christopher Shea
  • The researchers have discovered that apamin binds away from the channel pore, and causes the shape of the channel to change through an 'allosteric' mechanism, resulting in block. - latest science and technology news stories
  • In a new study, researchers from London inserted the firefly gene that activates bioluminescent light into modified cancer cells, hoping to set off a chain of events that has a proven track record at fighting the disease.
  • A similar test involving email yielded the same result, although the researchers' limited pool of testees - 63 for the phone and 50 for the email - coupled to the fact that only nine subjects were filmed across the two tests, prompted "some scepticism". Thoughts are things (thoughts have wings).
  • The researchers rubbed roughly the same number of cowhage spicules the itch-inducing spiky bits of that plant, also known as velvet bean on three locations: the front of the ankle; on the underside of the forearm; and under the shoulder blade on the back. A Dip in the Pool Does an Aging Body Good
  • First, the researchers used red, green and blue-colored lasers to etch a record of the way light scattered off an object an apple, for instance onto a thin sheet of light-sensitive material called a photoresist, and attached it to a plate of glass. Wired Top Stories
  • For instance, one researcher has computed that 48 of the biographees cited their affiliation with Barnard College - probably a higher number than any other college.
  • The appropriate ethics committee will need to consider the usual ethical issues with respect to purposes, reputability of researchers and other matters outlined in this document.
  • The robot, a similar size to a real hummingbird, is equipped with a micro motor and four wings that can flap 30 times per second, said Hiroshi Liu, the researcher at Chiba University east of Tokyo. Score one for modeling on nature
  • Researchers are looking at ways to group together multiple security systems. Times, Sunday Times
  • WEST LAFAYETTE, Ind. - Purdue University researchers, working with high-performance computing experts at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, have created an automated program to "debug" simulations used to more efficiently certify the nation's nuclear weapons. Science Blog
  • I realise these researchers were looking at the medical problems associated with excessive headbanging. The Sun
  • Yet the researchers failed to find a correlation between this expectation and jurors' viewing habits. Times, Sunday Times
  • Researchers at London's Kew Gardens said Thursday they'd discovered that the Paris japonica has a genetic code 50 times longer than that of a human being. Paris Japonica: Researchers Claim Simple White Flower Has World's Longest Genome
  • The researchers studied two young males that shared the same dialect, a set of calls unique to a particular social group of whales. Times, Sunday Times
  • The researchers need to gather thousands of the insects to get just a few milliliters of the insect's blood, called hemolymph, which is the green liquid in the vial.
  • Researchers at a Yorkshire university are calling for tighter controls on aviation in an attempt to reduce greenhouse gases and minimise the effects of climate change.
  • In recent years, researchers have shown that physical changes in the body can be accompanied by mental changes as well.
  • Prompted by this discovery, researchers are developing biomaterials specifically for the regeneration and repair of tissue, shifting the emphasis from replacement of tissues to regeneration.
  • Researchers saw the traits while watching them find shelter and food. The Sun
  • In addition the crusaders used light cavalry and horse archers in large numbers to harass the enemy, to scout, and to supplement the knights.
  • A drug used to fight baldness and enlarged prostates also protects against prostate cancer, offering the first way men can cut their risk for a major cancer killer, researchers reported yesterday.
  • Why would the these companies feel the need wrest control of the governing bodies, ignore conflicts of interest and insist on being able to hand-pick the researchers in areas of research as controversial and potentially as expensive and lucrative as climate change? RP Siegel: What Price Impartiality? Top Universities Sell Their Reputations to Big Oil
  • Researchers analyzing the substance quickly discover its amazing property.
  • In the midst of that, two American researchers used DNA analysis of whales to argue that North Atlantic whales have been drastically undercounted historically.
  • This allowed the researcher freedom to collect the data and integrate with team members without the obligation of having to engage in work practices within the setting.
  • A researcher friend in Birmingham had uncovered a few details about what happened that night in the Pythian Temple. All things reconsidered: NPR's Michele Norris tells her family's complete story
  • Public beaches may be one source of the surging prevalence of the superbug known as multidrug-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, researchers here said Saturday. Delusional Duck
  • In science, the importance is something that has been reached out, not the researcherhimself
  • Researchers have isolated a new protein from the seeds of poppies.
  • Cancer drugs have been the biggest category of drugs in terms of sales worldwide since 2006 and in the United States since 2008, according to the market researcher IMS Health.
  • Researchers say many sodas are acidic and contain carbon dioxide that can expand the stomach, which in turn can cause acid reflux.
  • The researchers also found that speed cameras also had only a limited impact on speeding. Times, Sunday Times
  • Ann Cochrane, 58, a market researcher originally from Beith in Ayrshire, was trying to get home to Toronto, where she now lives.
  • If the Davis researchers could use their NMR to measure corky off-flavor - a more widespread spoilage problem - then the system might find more use, Henick-Kling says.
  • Some researchers contend that carcinogens may turn healthy cells into cancer cells.
  • Nevertheless, uncritical acceptance of the results of classical twin studies may have misled a generation of researchers.
  • The researchers sought to determine if rest periods would reduce worker fatigue and therefore contribute to increased output across the day.
  • Besides hydrogen and its isotope deuterium, researchers use the isotopes of boron, oxygen, nitrogen and carbon.
  • Since the field of gravity wave interferometry is still so new, the researchers involved come from diverse backgrounds.
  • In the last six months alone it has compromised stolen login credential of more than 100,000 bank accounts, the researchers noted. A Huge Cache of Stolen Financial Data - Bits Blog -
  • In terms of accuracy, the arquebus was unable to match the accuracy of a bow in the hands of a highly-skilled archer. Firearms for Pathfinder « Geek Related
  • As this issue of TIME closed, our editorial staff discovered it had some lovely reasons for an impromptu party: three orchid-decked researchers ablush and abeam with plans for marriage.
  • Researchers left a tooth in various drinks for an hour and measured the damage to surface enamel. The Sun
  • Researchers have discovered that short-sightedness and high IQs seem to go together in children.
  • Thus, the researchers proposed the hypothesis that alcohol releases endogenous opioids and that naltrexone blocks the opioid receptor.
  • The Manchester-based firm has a training centre in Snowdonia where employees get to know each other over pursuits such as archery and raft building. Times, Sunday Times
  • Other researchers have suggested that shrinkage occurs when there are long distances between pastures and weighing facilities.
  • The Navy's historians, librarians, and archivists assist academic researchers in finding materials they need for research.
  • Ming as Researcher enumerates research projects conducted and those in progress.
  • The researchers need to test the material in a vacuum to see how it might perform in space, so they stretch triangular sheets of the cloth over four booms that form a square, and pump all the air out.
  • Many qualitative researchers are disdainful of approaches to research that entail the imposition of predetermined formats on the social world.
  • For simplicity's sake, I use the term here as a synonym for gravitational wave, as researchers themselves often do when speaking casually.
  • So the researchers believe that one artist painted Madonna and one canonized pair, while three other artists composed the remaining faces.
  • At different time intervals, the researchers examined cells from the brains of seven mice that had received the transplants and compared them to littermates that had not received the transplants.
  • A common problem is when researchers use abstract concepts but participants interpret these literally.
  • Activities include abseiling, archery and raft building. Times, Sunday Times
  • To understand the effects of microgravity, researchers and medical doctors at ESA have developed innovative sensors to monitor astronauts' bodies as they live and work in space.
  • Kathy Parker, a sleep researcher from the University of Rochester's School of Nursing in New York, said the study underscores the role sleep plays in health.
  • But this stage is vitally important for the researcher to get the feel of the situation.
  • She has impeccable credentials as a researcher.
  • Harmartolos was a term taken from archery, meaning to miss the target: in this context it simply means someone who does not adhere to the Jewish law or ritual observances—either because he or she has failed to keep the prescribed practices, or because he or she is not Jewish at all14. The Templar Revelation
  • The following are some of the tactics researchers have observed in effective managers: Persuasion Use of logical arguments to persuade others.
  • While the discovery could lead to new treatments for baldness and conditions like alopecia, the researchers believe it may also help burn victims.
  • Many researchers believe there was a collision that occurred one billion years ago between a dwarf planet in the Kuiper Belt known as Haumea and another object that caused Haumea's icy mantle to break into a dozen or so smaller bodies, including 55636. Space Tourism, Space Transport and Space Exploration News
  • In one, Japanese researchers fed genetically diabetic mice a diet containing 20-percent whole maitake powder for eight weeks.
  • Earlier Thursday, planes carrying teams from China, France and Spain landed at Port-au-Prince's airport with searchers and tons of food, medicine and other supplies — with more promised from around the globe. Chaos in Haiti as rescue teams arrive
  • The researchers studied species, ranging from sharks to dolphinfish, that represented the different stages of fish evolution.
  • Live theatre, games, dancing, arts and crafts and archery, bring to life the Middle Ages.
  • On the first night researchers saw that part of the left brain hemisphere stayed active. Times, Sunday Times
  • Researchers have now established a connection between air pollution and asthma.
  • To begin, the researchers use chemical deposition of a vapour of a semiconducting material - silicon, indium arsenide or gallium hosphide, for instance - on catalytic gold seeds.
  • But the archer was the product of years of training, and the bowyers and fletchers who supported him were craftsmen whose skills could not easily be duplicated.
  • Researchers analyzed swabs taken from 42 neckties worn by physicians and medical staff as well as 10 neckties from security staff at the medical center.
  • Individual predisposition Psychological factors Most researchers have concluded that the premorbid personality is characterised by substantial emotional instability.
  • The character and costume of an archer, or of a spear-man, were ascribed to such as roamed through Hades, to pierce the dead with arrows or with javelins. History Of Egypt, Chaldæa, Syria, Babylonia, and Assyria, Volume 1 (of 12)
  • The researchers concluded that direct current electrotherapy is an effective, painless, and safe outpatient treatment approach to all grades of internal and mixed hemorrhoid disease.
  • Researchers have explored the use of green fallow systems in recent years—however, a suitable green cover has not been discovered.
  • The book is an essential source of ideas, discoveries and references for academics in biocomputing, bioinformatics researchers and computer scientists.
  • This lack of explicitness will surely limit the significance of the book for researchers working in speech act theory and related fields.

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