How To Use archbishop In A Sentence
- Then the Archbishop of Canterbury stepped forward, mitre and all, and called us, in sonorous tones, to prayer. ANTI-ICE
- Howbeit when they should come to sit downe at dinner, there kindled a strife betwixt the said two bishops about their places, bicause the bishop of London, for that he had beene ordeined long before the archbishop, and therefore not onelie as deane to the see of Canturburie, but also by reason of prioritie, pretended to haue the vpper seat. Chronicles of England, Scotland and Ireland (2 of 6): England (3 of 12) Henrie I.
- The alliance of king and pope ensured that no more Winchelseys became archbishops.
- If anyone can help to reawaken people's interest and support in Christianity, our new archbishop certainly can - and I wish him well in his new and elevated position.
- His speech was preceded by one from the Archbishop of Canterbury. Times, Sunday Times
- For being summoned to come and receiue his consecration at Canturburie (as alreadie yee haue heard) through counsell of the canons Yorke he refused so to doo: bicause they informed him that if he so did, it should be greatlie preiudiciall to the liberties of that sée, whose archbishop was of like authoritie in all things vnto the archbishop of Canturburie, so that he was bound onelie to fetch his consecration and benediction at Chronicles of England, Scotland and Ireland (2 of 6): England (3 of 12) Henrie I.
- The Archbishop's implied command that he leave the matter alone he decided to ignore.
- He called the grooms, and we made ready, taking the horses out to where the folk of the archbishop waited in the sunny courtyard, and there leaving them. A King's Comrade A Story of Old Hereford
- All that Anselm demanded was that the essential basis for carrying out his duties as archbishop should remain inviolate.
- The King's religious policies, strictly applied by Archbishop Laud, gave offence to the Puritan merchants and artisans.