How To Use Archangel In A Sentence
Acoy macasalanan nagcocõ pesal aco sa atin panginoon di os macagagaua sa lahat at cai sancta Maria uirgen totoo at cai sanct Miguel archangel, cai sanct Juan baptista sa san ctos apostoles cai sanct Pedro, at cai sanct Pablo at sa lahat na sanctos at sa iyo padre, ang naccasala aco sa panidim, sa pag uica at sa paggaua aco nga ce, sala aco, i, mei casalanan, aco,
Doctrina Christiana The first book printed in the Philippines, Manila, 1593.
Shell signed a contract to develop oil and gas reserves near Archangel.
Embattled against the blessed angelic and archangelic host are the wicked cohorts of the Lords of Darkness.
If anyone was looking for the transliterations of the archangelic names, they're as follows.
From Fludds illustration of The Three Worlds, in Figure I, the Intellectual World can be seen as ruled over by the angels and archangels.

The archangel Michael, located on the left side in the painting, wears armour and holds the scales of justice and his sword.
Caractacus" cartoon, were to be seen in this new effort, where, as has been said, the English king stands like a Raphaelesque archangel in the midst of the design.
Watts (1817-1904)
Satan, a sceptical archangel, offers an experiment to test whether Job's piety is really sincere or predicated on his God-given wealth.
Overall, the heavenly hierarchy moves from the freedom and might of contemplative adoration (by the seraphim, cherubim, and ophanim) through principled order and sovereignty (ruled by the dominions, princedoms, and powers) to active service toward others in a spirit of compassion and care (by the virtues, archangels, and angels).
Archive 2007-09-01
Fine sentiment, this noblesse oblige (cf. the archangelic dignity in Milton, Paradise Lost, I think).
Bluebells form a stunning carpet, along with yellow archangel, lesser celandine, wood anemone and the uncommon coralroot bittercress.
For, thought Ahab, while even the highest earthly felicities ever have a certain unsignifying pettiness lurking in them, but, at bottom, all heartwoes, a mystic significance, and, in some men, an archangelic grandeur; so do their diligent tracings-out not belie the obvious deduction.
Moby Dick; or the Whale
She is also an internationally - known author, lecturer and fully conscious channel for Archangel Michael.
The archangels carry the attributes of officiating clergy at the Mass of the Dead, Michael the cross, Gabriel the censer, and Raphael the book.
“archangels” — although the word archangel was not then known — that the flames formed themselves round him into a triumphal arch without touching him; that his body had the smell of baked bread; but that, having resisted the fire, he could not preserve himself against a sabre-cut; that his blood put out the burning pile, and that there sprung from it a dove which flew straight to heaven.
A Philosophical Dictionary
Nineteen years old, her head shaven, surrounded by placards branding her a witch, idolatress, and abjured heretic, she invoked the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary, and St Michael the Archangel.
Jehanne la Pucelle
First, Faauma — the bronze candlestick, whom otherwise I called my butler — bolted from the bed and bosom of Lafaele, the Archangel Hercules, prefect of the cattle.
Vailima Letters
Meanwhile, there's a new arrival in town: the glowingly blond Archangel Raziel last seen in Lamb has come "dirtside" on a "miracle mission" involving Josh's wish and reviving the town's dearly departed.
Archive 2008-12-01
This book would not have happened without the support of my archangelic agent, Larry Kirshbaum, and my brilliant editor, Trish Todd, and I thank them for supporting me in my work.
MISCELLANEOUS WORDS. adobe _ado'ba_ algebra not _bra_ alien _alyen_, not _alien_ ameliorate _amelyorate_ antarctic _antarktik_ anti not _anti_ archangel _arkangel_ archbishop _arch_, not _ark_ arch fiend _arch_, not _ark_ architect _arkitect_ awkward _awkward_, not _ard_
Practical Grammar and Composition
It is also very clear that yellow archangel is almost always spread by cuttings or as yard waste into natural areas.
Angelica Angelica is a large, rangy plant of northern Europe, Angelica archangelica, that has fresh, pine, and citrus notes, but is dominated by a sweet-smelling compound called the angelica lactone.
On Food and Cooking, The Science and Lore of the Kitchen
Look for ancient woodland indicators including wild garlic, yellow archangel and wood melick, and away from the woodland you may well spot marsh and pyramidal orchids.
Bands of angels and archangels follow the divine leader, while troops of demons and archfiends hasten after the evil lord.
In modern language, this account relates how Mohammed's vision of the Archangel waned and disappeared.
Raphael said that the only difference between an angel and an archangel is age and experience, so about what age would an angel be able to turn into an archangel?
Q & A
He intervened like an archangel. He must have flung himself into the midst of the battle, have stolen me away, have opened the sewer, have dragged me into it and have carried me through it!
There are also some lime-rich areas with woodruff, yellow archangel and pendulous sedge.
A Guide to Britain's Conservation Heritage
For me it's a choice between Raphael and Hawke for drinks and since a certain archangel is taken by a certain angel and that she would kick my a** for touching her man, I'll go with Hawke as he's technically not taken yet!
PEARL Extravaganza
Item, in the yeere of our Lord 1398. about the feast of S. Michael the archangel, the foresaid Godekin and S.ertebeker, with other their confederats of the Hans, took at Langsound in Norway a certain crayer of one Thomas Motte of Cley, called the Peter, (wherein Thomas S.ith was master) and the foresaid crayer they wickedly and vniustly caried away, being worth 280. nobles.
The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation — Volume 05 Central and Southern Europe
There are many plant species typical of those found in ancient woodlands, such as yellow archangel, wood anemone and wood melick.
He was one of the Lord's three archangels, a specially created angel who was entrusted with a particular anointing.
But God's final message to man, a reconfirmation of the eternal message and a summing-up of all that has gone before, was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad through Archangel Gabriel.
The ‘seven spirits’ might be the seven archangels of Jewish angelology or else the sevenfold spirit of God.
The Glens are particularly outstanding in the spring with an amazing display of bluebells, wood anemones and yellow archangels that cover the floor of the woodland.
Shell signed a contract to develop oil and gas reserves near Archangel.
According to Thoth, the divine language form represented in the Alphabet of the Ark, is contained within the matrix of this greater Archangelic flame script.
The galactic federation, the Christ council and the Archangelic realm along with all the Ascended Masters have decreed this.
The path snaked along the trackbed between banks of stitchwort, yellow archangel and sky-blue flowers of green alkanet.
Times, Sunday Times
Archangels, elemental lords, quarter powers, lesser gods, Loa, are above us but not beyond our reach, such as an older sibling or an aunt or uncle.
She asked him to notify her when his visitant returned, so that they could verify whether he really was the archangel Gabriel or an ordinary demon.
The show of spring flowers, in particular bluebells, yellow archangel and stitchworts, is not to be missed.
-- The lost soul, however, had a most surprising reaction to being favoured by an archangelic kiss.
The Satanic Verses
Likewise, the titles Melchizedek and Archangel Michael "contain the root" El.
There are three types of beings: angels, archangels, and virtues fall into one category, and their nature is inherently good.
The French kids are the worst because they want to be Anglo-Saxons," said Jean-Christophe, a waiter, shaking his head in front of the Saint Michel archangel fountain, which dominates the square and is currently full of white bath foam and at least one mooning reveller.
France's young binge drinkers upset cafe society with their 'British boozing'
Angelica Angelica is a large, rangy plant of northern Europe, Angelica archangelica, that has fresh, pine, and citrus notes, but is dominated by a sweet-smelling compound called the angelica lactone.
On Food and Cooking, The Science and Lore of the Kitchen
The ‘seven spirits’ might be the seven archangels of Jewish angelology or else the sevenfold spirit of God.
Tessa learned from the Codex that all Shadowhunters descended from an archangel named Raziel, who had given the first of them a volume called the Gray Book, filled with “the language of Heaven”—the black runic Marks that covered the skin of trained Shadowhunters such as Charlotte and Will.
Clockwork Angel
Gabriel is not called an archangel in Scripture but is thought to be one because of his individual prominence in the Bible Dan.
A Study of Angels
Congratulations to Beverly uranologist who married archangel Cameron today in Ravello,
Now it is to tell us that he has found yellow archangel growing under a sequestered hedge "on the left hand as you go from the village of Hampstead, near London, to the church," or that "this amiable and pleasant kind of primrose" (a sort of oxlip) was first brought to light by Mr. Hesketh, "a diligent searcher after simples," in a Yorkshire wood.
Gossip in a Library
What fine old names they have, great with the blended dignities of literary and rural lore; archangel, tormentil, rosa solis or sun-dew, horehound, Saracen's wound-wort, melilot or king's clover, pellitory of Spain!
Apologia Diffidentis
Long before the Flood, he remembered -- now that he had reassumed the role of archangel, the full range of archangelic memory and wisdom was apparently being restored to him, little by little -- a number of angels (the names Semjaza and Azazel came first to mind) had been flung out of Heaven because they had been
The Satanic Verses
From the highest to the lowest in rank, the orders are seraphim, cherubim, thrones, dominions, virtues, powers, principalities, archangels, and angels.
The third principle is that the Koran is the word of God dictated to Muhammad through the archangel Gabriel.
Michael the archangel is no other than Christ himself, the angel of the covenant, and the Lord of the angels, he whom Daniel saw in vision, v. 5.
Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume IV (Isaiah to Malachi)
The Spitalfields coins, issued in 1509, carry an image of the archangel St Michael defeating a reptilian devil.
Shell signed a contract to develop oil and gas reserves near Archangel.
Section three sees the raising of the dead by the archangel, and the contrasting responses of the damned and the blessed.
During the sixth century, Skellig monks set up the monastery in honour of the archangel Michael, patron of high places.
Kalumah when questioned confirmed all that the Lieutenant had said, so that it appeared probable that the island would be drifted to the south like a huge ice-floe, that is to say, to the narrowest part of Behring Strait, which is much frequented in the summer by the fishermen of New Archangel, who are the most experienced mariners of those waters.
The Fur Country
There were three of us; each 16 months apart, each bearing an archangel's name as the middle moniker.
The cat twirled and scrambled midair, trying to escape, and I could feel the power inside the cat struggling against the overwhelming feeling of warmth and purity that seemed to be radiating from the archangel.
My Fair Succubi
Leopoldo Castedo writes: The prestige of the armed archangel was and is still very great.
Among the buildings of special interest are the first and the oldest Uspensky Cathedral of the Assumption, built in 1497, the Church of the Archangel Gabriel with an attached bell tower and a refectory.
One invokes the archangelic names in the name of protection, and these name represent the elements earth, water, air, and fire.
To these raddled, commitment-starved women, a certain Mr D Miliband resembles the archangel Gabriel; even David Cameron looks passably sweet.
Why Ed reminds women of every bad ex-boyfriend
A gentler, less aureate Archangel, though still cloud-borne, points at the Holy Ghost descending as a dove.
From the highest to the lowest in rank, the orders are seraphim, cherubim, thrones, dominions, virtues, powers, principalities, archangels, and angels.
The first part of the text is confused, but we are told that the powerful oath was entrusted to the archangel Michael.
MISCELLANEOUS WORDS. adobe _ado'ba_ algebra not _bra_ alien _alyen_, not _alien_ ameliorate _amelyorate_ antarctic _antarktik_ anti not _anti_ archangel _arkangel_ archbishop _arch_, not _ark_ arch fiend _arch_, not _ark_ architect _arkitect_ awkward _awkward_, not _ard_
Practical Grammar and Composition
During our Advent season, one chief instance that comes to mind, the gospel dialogue that accompanies the event we call the Annunciation, that most curious exchange between the Archangel Gabriel and the Theotokos, and I glimpse in that fascinating give and take the Holy Mother's intentional concurrence with the angelic messenger's announcement.
Scott Cairns: The Annunciation of Mary: Ambiguity, Perplexity and Truth
Her husband is Lafaele, sometimes called the archangel, of whom I have writ you often.
Vailima Letters
MISCELLANEOUS WORDS. adobe _ado'ba_ algebra not _bra_ alien _alyen_, not _alien_ ameliorate _amelyorate_ antarctic _antarktik_ anti not _anti_ archangel _arkangel_ archbishop _arch_, not _ark_ arch fiend _arch_, not _ark_ architect _arkitect_ awkward _awkward_, not _ard_
Practical Grammar and Composition
Her face could have been that of Joanna's, the archangel of healing.
From top to bottom, the celestial hierarchy includes seraphim, cherubim, thrones; dominions, virtues, powers; principalities, archangels, and angels.
In 1942, at the age of only 21, he was a radio operator on a small minesweeper on one of the ill-fated arctic convoys and was on one of the few ships to make it through to Archangel.
A letter to … my Russian half-brother
Shell signed a contract to develop oil and gas reserves near Archangel.
The lack of transportation within this great hinterland of Archangel, as can be verified by any doughboy who marched and rassled his supplies into the interior, is an immediate reason for the comparative non-development of this region.
The History of the American Expedition Fighting the Bolsheviki Campaigning in North Russia 1918-1919
Islam, Muslims believe the Koran was revealed to Mohammed, in Mecca, by an archangel in approximately 610AD and he dictated it to his companions.
At Archangel, Russia's White Sea port, he found something he called a Muscovy Rose.
How Their Garden Did Grow
On the door there are usually life-size representations of the archangels Gabriel and Michael, above which there are several rows of other icons, including saints, martyrs, and apostles.
Archangel is the gimmicky character, parading around in white outfits with his glasses-eyepatch, flying in white helicopters, and escorted by a bodacious coworker, also dressed in white.
Garganus in Apulia, which had been sanctified by the apparition of the archangel Michael, 18 they were accosted by a stranger in the Greek habit, but who soon revealed himself as a rebel, a fugitive, and a mortal foe of the
The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
It's plain to me, frae words he lats fa 'noo an' than, that, instead o 'lea'in' the warl 'ahint him whan he dees, he thinks to lie smorin' an 'smocherin' i 'the mools, clammy an' weet, but a 'there, an' trimlin 'at the thocht o' the suddent awfu 'roar an' din o 'the brazen trumpet o' the archangel.
In old times, when man first began to plough the soil, _geus urva_ cried aloud, thinking that his life was threatened, and implored the assistance of the archangels.
The Seven Great Monarchies Of The Ancient Eastern World, Vol 3. (of 7): Media The History, Geography, And Antiquities Of Chaldaea, Assyria, Babylon, Media, Persia, Parthia, And Sassanian or New Persian Empire; With Maps and Illustrations.
Shell signed a contract to develop oil and gas reserves near Archangel.
Fortunately, yellow archangel is easy to pull out, making control efforts both tolerable and worthwhile.
Variegated yellow archangel, also known as yellow deadnettle or news, business, sport, the Daily Telegraph newspaper, Sunday Telegraph
Shell signed a contract to develop oil and gas reserves near Archangel.
As the most beautiful of God's archangels (a high rank of angels) he became jealous of God's appointed heir and, gathering other angels around him, mounted a challenge.
Then Bulukiya lifted up his voice in supplication to Allah, saying, ‘O Lord, send me thy messenger Gabriel, the Faithful One, to open for me this gate that I may see what be therein;’ and the Almighty gave ear unto his prayer and commanded the Archangel to descend to earth and open to him the gate of the Meeting-place of the Two Seas.
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
Yellow archangel is like a dead-nettle with pale yellow flowers under the leaves.
Times, Sunday Times
Jay's ticket to the big time is his band Archangel, and therein lies his problem.
Old Park Wood is the most varied piece of woodland in Middlesex with an abundance of flowers in spring including yellow archangel, lesser celandine, wood anemone, coralroot bittercress and bluebells.
In the mean while the King's heralds rode everywhither in fluted armor, to proclaim the fulfilment of the old prophecy as to the Archangel
Figures of Earth
On the cornices are seven virtues and seven Archangels, while in the central line, the Holy Ghost descend from the Father upon the Son.
Neuzelle Abbey
The Archangel (to which we normally assign the ace of hearts) is a protecting character, who wakes up once during each night and indicates someone who is to be protected.
Angels aren't always good either, I guess, not that I'm an expert (which might thwart this entire enterprise of Christmas story writing), but what if, say, a guardian angel (they are a common sort of angel, not like archangels, which are more like archbishops), in an attempt to protect his liege (is that how you say it? coachee? client?) harms another person?
Hitler's Angel (A Meta Christmas Carol)
Billy Connolly will undergo an image change for his latest film role by playing the archangel Gabriel.
Saint Michael belongs to the choir of angels called the Archangels, usually listed eighth of the nine choirs.
Supreme Bishop Digby had been spot-promoted to Archangel
Consider an important question or concern that you'd like to offer for archangelic care.
Yellow archangel is like a dead-nettle with pale yellow flowers under the leaves.
Times, Sunday Times
Item, in the yeere of our Lord 1398. about the feast of S. Michael the archangel, the foresaid Godekin and Stertebeker, with other their confederats of the Hans, took at Langsound in Norway a certain crayer of one Thomas Motte of Cley, called the Peter,
The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
God turned to His servant, the archangel Michael.
On Hare's view, just as an ideal prudential agent applies maximizing rationality to his or her own preferences, an ideal moral agent's reasoning applies maximizing rationality to the set of everyone's preferences that its archangelic capacity for sympathy has enabled it to internalize.
Moral Reasoning
There are other references to the archangel Michael—the only one specifically called an archangel.
A Study of Angels
There was a delightful example of an unknown primitive master, a fourteenth-century Visitation, in which the Virgin had the stature and pure delicacy of a child of ten, whilst the Archangel, huge and superb, inundated her with a stream of dazzling, superhuman love; and in front of this hung an antique family portrait, depicting a very beautiful young girl in a turban, who was thought to be Cassia Boccanera, the _amorosa_ and avengeress who had flung herself into the Tiber with her brother
The Three Cities Trilogy, Complete Lourdes, Rome and Paris
St Thomas Aquinas had an arrangement of angels - they ranged from angels, archangels and so on up to seraphims.
The layered heavens, angels, archangels and demons, and continual recycling of souls are very similar to the Wheel of Karma and other similar cosmologies of Buddhist and Hindu belief.
There was a delightful example of an unknown primitive master, a fourteenth-century Visitation, in which the Virgin had the stature and pure delicacy of a child of ten, whilst the Archangel, huge and superb, inundated her with a stream of dazzling, superhuman love; and in front of this hung an antique family portrait, depicting a very beautiful young girl in a turban, who was thought to be Cassia Boccanera, the/amorosa/and avengeress who had flung herself into the Tiber with her brother
The Three Cities Trilogy: Rome, Volume 1
Of course so have the archangel, the principle, the cherubim, seraphim, and many of the others.
Dionysius established the celestial hierarchy of nine choirs: seraphim, cherubim, and thrones; dominations, virtues, and powers; principalities, archangels, and angels, the last two having a direct mission to men.
As Brigham Young explained, the Father in the godhead is the archangel Michael-Adam; he is the father of the spirits of those individuals who are born on this earth; he is the Father of Jesus 'mortal body; he is the Father to whom Jesus prays when Jesus is on earth; he is the angel / Father who appeared with Jesus to Joseph Smith in the sacred grove.
Mormon Stories Podcast Archive
But to Sheffield Hallam University lecturer Ian Rotherham, the variegated yellow archangel is a puzzle to be solved.
Of the seven archangels Raphael is the one usually associated with Mercury, the planet traditionally taken as the planetary ruler of astrology.
And the Father who created the universe has given to his archangelic and most ancient Logos a pre-eminent gift, to stand on the confines of both, and separated that which had been created from the Creator.
HANDS Across the Godhead?
Makes me want to kiss a certain archangel, but Elena would kick my ass.
Guild Hunter Book #2 Title Change
The conifers are now largely gone, and bluebells, early purple orchids and yellow archangels have returned.
Stages of Earth which is supported by the Gav-i-Zamín, the energy, symbolised by a bull, implanted by the Creator in the mundane sphere, Bulukiya meets the four Archangels, to wit Gabriel who is the Persian Rawánbakhsh or Life-giver; Michael or Beshter, Raphael or Israfil alias Ardibihisht, and Azazel or Azrail who is Dumá or
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
At last, he thought, the archangelic functions return.
The Satanic Verses
Out on the various fronts the American soldiers grimly understood that they must hold on where they were for the sake of their comrades on other distant but nevertheless cotangent fronts on the circular line that guard Archangel.
The History of the American Expedition Fighting the Bolsheviki Campaigning in North Russia 1918-1919
The firm courage, heroic devotion, and pure loyalty of an archangelic character have been corrupted into desperate temerity and re - bellious unyielding arrogance, a resolution indomitably malign.
Little did we know when we started this project how engrossed we would become in the biblical stories, the angels and archangels, the lives of the saints and the history and heraldry of the people of Westbury.
In Christianity the fallen archangel becomes the devil, the Christ child is the son of God.
Well .... * grin* I'm devouring (honestly, devouring is the right word) Archangel's Kiss.
Friday Book Club
From top to bottom, the celestial hierarchy includes seraphim, cherubim, thrones; dominions, virtues, powers; principalities, archangels, and angels.
Cast in Biblical terms, the poem announces that humankind is unable to recognize the divine reflected in such symbols as archangels.