How To Use Archaeologist In A Sentence
Egyptian archaeologists who found the temple say it was built by Queen Berenike II, wife of Greek King Ptolemy III, who ruled Egypt from 246 to 221 B.C.
Vastu, which is the inspiration behind the Chinese tradition of feng shui, originated in the Indian subcontinent during the flourishing Vedic civilization, which many scholars and archaeologists now date back as early as 6000 B.C. The word Vedic comes from veda, a Sanskrit word that means “knowledge.”
The Power of Vastu Living
Some archaeologists have been championing the culture of pre-Roman Britain for some time and the Shropshire road may confirm that traders were bringing back continental innovations to add to existing native achievements in art and engineering.
Letters: Native culture of pre-Roman Britain
Archaeologists found pottery in the lowest level of the site.
Archaeologists attribute the ruin to a flourishing prehistoric kingdom.

In Dorset, archaeologists are appealing for funds to record a Roman villa with mosaics, close to the site of the unique Hinton St Mary Christian mosaic.
Archaeologists were excited to find lots of bronzes, ceramics, lacquerworks, wood tomb figures, steel weapons and leather weapons, jewelry and even coloured drawings.
Budding archaeologists from across the county gathered in Swindon to learn about treasures from the past.
The trowel is the key tool in the kit of any archaeologist.
2009 Field Report 2 « Interactive Dig Johnson's Island – Unlocking a Civil War Prison
Increasingly since then archaeologists have recognized the importance of identifying and accurately recording associations between remains on sites.
Some of her archaeologist husband's finds can be seen in the museum, which is a must if you want to grasp the sophistication of Syrian art and civilisation of the two millenniums before Christ.
In his vision of the future, epigraphists - archaeologists who study inscriptions - will rely instead on digital cameras, specialized computer software, and their dexterity with a mouse.
Freud's obsession with archaeology -- he liked to "fondle" antique objects while he ate -- has interested psychoanalysts more than archaeologists.
Books: Seductions of the Soil
Archaeologists have discovered an arc of buried megaliths that once formed part of the great stone circle at Avebury in Wiltshire.
You can see the building outlines and archaeologists have reconstructed the barracks and towering gatehouse.
The Sun
Close to the thigh bone, archaeologists found a group of butchered Mesolithic animal bones, including aurochs, roe deer and otter.
An archaeologist was digging in the Negev Desert in Israel when he came upon a casket containing a mummy.
The forgers' key to tricking the archaeologists was crafting an authentic-looking patina.
We're certainly not leaving much for archaeologists of the future to go on.
Times, Sunday Times
The bridge is a scheduled ancient monument and archaeologists had to check the site before it could be filled in.
Steven Birch and a small team of archaeologists are excavating a remarkable cave on the Isle of Skye.
The archaeologists last week unearthed engravings of a bison, another ibex, part of a horse and some triangular shapes.
Teachers and archaeologists criticised the move as evidence that the curriculum was being reduced to core academic or practical subjects.
Times, Sunday Times
When archaeologists date objects that are thousands of years old, they allow a margin of error of several hundred years.
ZURICH - Archaeologists in the Swiss city of Zurich have unearthed a 5,000-year-old door that may be one of the oldest ever found in Europe.
Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
Archaeologists have even found vases of chufas in the tombs of Pharaohs.
In 1949 a Mexican archaeologist began an excavation that exploded the temple theory.
There is disagreement among archaeologists as to the age of the sculpture.
Unfortunately, archaeologists had washed the other pots, which might have once harbored the marker molecules.
It describes a foundering civilisation, soon to be overrun, with the obligatory postscript from a future archaeologist noting that the ruins sit upon evidence of yet another culture.
Israeli archaeologists say they've found the first house in Nazareth dating back to the time of Christ.
Archive 2009-12-01
Each sibling feels the need to break away - Emma to follow her new dream of being an archaeologist, Blue to track down his elusive and by now vagrant father, whom he finds squatting in an abandoned warehouse.
The prime mover behind the show is Vinzenz Brinkmann, 49, a German archaeologist who has spent the past two decades investigating polychromy -- literally, the use of many colors -- in Greek and Roman sculpture.
Setting the Record Straight
But are we to explain this, and the absence of mention of corslets in the Odyssey (where there is little about regular fighting), on the ground that the author of _Iliad_, Book X., and all the many authors and editors of the _Odyssey_ happened to be profound archaeologists, and, unlike their contemporaries, the later poets and interpolators of the _Iliad_, had formed the theory that corslets were not known at the time of the siege of Troy and therefore must not be mentioned?
Homer and His Age
Holly was inspecting the wooden dowel on the staircase with the intensity of an archaeologist with a shard.
Clearly enthused at the prospect of seeing Lara Croft – adventurer, archaeologist, skin diver, jet pilot, skilled equestrian, and expert markswoman – leap onto a well-tuned mountain bike and go bombing down a Himalayan mountain.
Current Movie Reviews, Independent Movies - Film Threat
Analysis has shown that the avenue was heavily trampled by prehistoric feet, and archaeologists have unearthed numerous finds along its edge.
Now, archaeologist A.K. Sharma is excavating the area that is believed to be the palace of Balaarjuna.
Archaeologists digging at the ruins of a 12th-century abbey have unearthed a medieval poker chip.
Times, Sunday Times
Wednesday's find came a day after SANA reported that archaeologists had found a Roman-era cemetery in Latakia, northwest of Damascus.
For example, archaeologists previously thought such tablets were created and kept exclusively at major state capitals, or "palatial centers," such as Pylos and Mycenae.
But archaeologists are the narrowest and dryest of men, -- they preconceive a certain system of work and follow it out by mathematical rule and plan, without one touch of imagination to help them to discover new channels of interest or historical information.
Earlier archaeologists, most notably the British prehistorian Glyn Daniel, had concluded from stylistic similarities and differences among stone monuments that the earliest of them were constructed on Crete, Malta, and other sites in the Mediterranean.
The Goddess and the Bull
Such sourcing problems are not limited to chert; most midwestern archaeologists are familiar with the problems associated with identifying catlinite and flint clays.
The archaeologists were having problems getting their salaries paid, but still they kept working, being dedicated men.
An archaeologist from the Threshers Verity Auger becomes embroiled in interstellar intrigue when she discovers a duplicate Earth, held in stasis by alien technology, has become active and in fact can now be visited.
REVIEW: Century Rain by Alastair Reynolds
Carbon dating provides the archaeologist with a basic chronological framework.
How archaeologists set about trying to demonstrate belief in supernatural powers and an afterlife is the subject of Chapter 10.
Under a vast clear plastic shelter, green lawns are being eaten away by an expanding quarry as archaeologist Klaus Dreger excavates the site for ancient ruins believed to have underlain the 13 th century church.
Ever since the late sixteenth century, the monuments from Britain's remote past have attracted the attentions of antiquaries, novelists, poets and, later, of historians and archaeologists.
You become an archaeologist in your own special dig, unearthing long-forgotten treasures.
Times, Sunday Times
Archaeologists were carefully chipping away at the rock.
You can scarcely avoid finding something of interest archaeologists have recorded close on 400 ring forts of earth and stone in this comparatively small area.
A Guide to Megalithic Ireland
The archaeologists found a house built around 300 BC, with a basement and attic.
He therefore influenced all succeeding generations of archaeologists whose interests centred on the Roman period, especially the Roman villa.
A white material, probably gypsum, was used to preserve the body of what archaeologists hope is a Roman, buried around 300AD.
If bad doctors bury their mistakes, then good archaeologists should rebury theirs.
In 1851, British archaeologists discovered hundreds of clay tablets while digging in ancient Babylon.
The Maya made paper from the bark of trees, and archaeologists have found various codices - articles written in hieroglyphics with drawings - that escaped burning by the Spanish.
(Childe was an eminent British prehistorian whose Marxism got him into hot water in his native Australia; during the early cold war, he maintained contact with archaeologists in the Soviet Union.) "Would a die-hard anticommunist really recommend a Marxist archaeologist to a student?" demands Golub.
Boing Boing
Archaeologists are excavating the remains of an important 17th century iron-smelting furnace that was almost lost forever.
Local fishing vessels trawling in Waterford Estuary have recently landed some pieces of timber which eventually attracted the attention of archaeologists.
The archaeologist Paul Kirchhoff wrote that the following traits characterized the Guachichile Indians: "painting of the body; coloration of the hair; head gear; matrilocal residence; freedom of the married woman; special forms of cruelty to enemies
The indigenous past of Zacatecas
And as Binford had argued in his debate with the prehistorian Glynn Isaac, an archaeologist who assumed that early humans were great hunters might misinterpret a collection of gazelle bones as evidence of a glorious Great Hunt rather than recognizing them as the gnawed scraps left behind by hungry hyenas.
The Goddess and the Bull
In 1964, a group of archaeologists discovered an Egyptian tomb in the necropolis of Saqqara.
I may be a saddo living in the past, but as my father, an archaeologist, always said, the future is unknown, the present is a mere split second, we really only have the past to look at.
The archaeologists thus argue that the Clovis hunter should be exonerated as the cause of the North American extinctions.
Archaeologists excavated the remains of 23 men, women and infants from the tombs.
Ever since the 3000-seat amphitheatre was excavated to reveal room for 8000, archaeologists are continually surprised by what they find.
Archaeologist Robert J Wallis and anthropologist Jenny Blain have been talking to modern British pagans about their beliefs and their interests in archaeological sites.
Also archaeologists, the Gears apply over thirty years of research with their backgrounds in biblical archaeology, religious studies, Greek, and Latin, to reveal a new and relatively unknown and historically unsupported biography of Jesus Christ, or Yeshua.
“The Betrayal: The Lost Life of Jesus” by Kathleen O’Neal Gear and W. Michael Gear (Forge, 2008) « The BookBanter Blog
The mummy is associated with the legends of Egypt, but archaeologists have excavated preserved human remains the world over.
Small discs of jade, obsidian or haematite were then cemented into the holes: the plant adhesive was so powerful that many burials found by archaeologists today still have the inlays firmly in place.
The Mayans Suffered for Their Beauty
Archaeologists have found the crushed remains of an amphora, a large ceramic jar, containing hundreds of fish bones.
Archaeologists think the temple was probably built in the 3rd century AD.
While other archaeologists burrow deep within the Pyramid of the Moon to discover the secrets of the pre-Aztec civilization of Teotihuacan, Valerie Magar, a conservator for Mexico's Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia, labors with excavated material in a process best described as a rediscovery, stripping away the damage well-meaning archaeologists have done to the site's 1,500-year-old murals.
Reviving a Radiant Canvas
We had barely started to empty it, when, in the north-west corner, archaeologist Mike House uncovered a large copper alloy bowl lying upside-down against the edge.
In this year an amateur archaeologist carefully excavated the original site of the house and located the chimney foundation (Robbins).
The reader is referred for further guidance to the many manuals now available that deal with conservation problems confronting archaeologists.
British archaeologists are enriched not impoverished if one of their colleagues from another country unearths a key bit of the jigsaw of an ancient civilisation.
All the dig revealed was natural chalk and flint glacial deposits, the archaeologist said.
Archaeologists also found a profusion of cowries and roughly 800 large bronze relics.
When archaeologists date objects that are thousands of years old, they allow a margin of error of several hundred years.
This might seem a particularly appropriate task for geographers although similar work has been the province of biologists, archaeologists and geologists.
She stressed the city council was not abandoning archaeology and would still employ a team of archaeologists.
Most recently, he teamed up with archaeologists near his Livingston, Montana, home to research a burial site that may upend theories of how humans arrived in America.
She is an archaeologist and palaeoethnobotanist whose principal research interests are the investigation of plant domestication, the development of agricultural landscapes, and the emergence of complex societies in the Americas.
Archaeologists have come to see that ditches, even massive ditches around henges or hillforts, need not always be just utilitarian structures but may have had a metaphysical function too - for example, to keep evil spirits at bay.
Modern archaeologists are divided on whether it was a burial ground, an astronomical observatory or a place for healing the sick.
Times, Sunday Times
Archaeologists and site-workers anxiously probed into the sand and uncover three magnificently carved unidentified wooden anthropoid sarcophagi dating back to the 26th Dynasty.
Carbon dating provides the archaeologist with a basic chronological framework.
Ford, though pushing 60, would return as the globe trotting archaeologist, occultist and Nazi - fighter.
This might seem a particularly appropriate task for geographers although similar work has been the province of biologists, archaeologists and geologists.
Matt Carse, an archaeologist of the most definitely rogueish sort of tomb raider is looking to score, when the discovery of the mythical Sword of Rhiannon catapults him back into time, and into the body of a man well suited to be a barbarian adventurer.
Superhero Prose Fiction: Eric John Stark - Sea-Kings Of Mars and Otherworldly Stories
Modern archaeologists are divided on whether it was a burial ground, an astronomical observatory or a place for healing the sick.
Times, Sunday Times
A lucky find in the Cotswolds is helping archaeologists discover what life was like in Roman Britain.
No one was more excited than archaeologist Eli Shukron, who was there when the steps to the ancient pool were unearthed.
Archaeologists digging in Jerusalem uncovered a piece of pottery inscribed with the name Goliath.
Author Nigel Rees brings to bear upon the strange and sometimes surprising world of the epitaph his formidable skills as an ‘archaeologist’ of the sources of quotation and phrases: each epitaph is explained and located, and its source and context described as fully as possible.
Archive 2005-12-01
This generation of archaeologists had borrowed the concept of stratigraphy, meaning “stratification,” from geologists who used the term to describe the strata that made up the earth’s crust.
The Goddess and the Bull
Archaeologists are often fearful of drifting too far from the ‘scientific’ rigour of postholes and potsherds into a reliance on what some see as ‘biased’ documents.
At least the frugal Germans and their coin hoards will bring some joy to archaeologists in the fourth millennium.
Archaeologists are extremely cautious about making causal links between contemporaneous events.
I am not a professional archaeologist, but a member of the public with an interest in archaeology and history.
This is the dispassionate term archaeologists often use to refer to even the most exciting discoveries.
The Goddess and the Bull
We believe this is one of the earliest cases of what could be described as a 'transsexual' or 'third-gender grave' in the Czech Republic, says archaeologist Katerina Semradova.
Archaeologists find remains of 5,000-year-old 'gay caveman'
One problem with using a metal detector to identify buried metal artifacts is that when the metal is dug up, the context, or what archaeologists call provenience, is lost.
Interactive Dig Mt. Vernon - Ask an Archaeologist
Archaeologists think it may have been built in a forlorn attempt to stave off the effects of climate change 5,000 years ago.
As far as I know, it sunk into the mire of the school field, and is still there twenty-five years later, an interesting divot on the outfield of the cricket pitch for future archaeologists to find.
Famed treasure-hunter (in Hollywood, this, along with "tomb raider," is a synonym for "archaeologist") Ben Gates (Nicolas Cage) has just received shocking news: a shady antiquities collector (Ed Harris) has evidence that an ancestor of Gates conspired in the assassination of President Lincoln.
Movie Review: National Treasure: Book of Secrets
Last year the archaeologists' project was making sure land to be covered by a cycleway did not include valuable remains.
The archaeologists have been compiling the evidence and will hold a public meeting tomorrow at the Marchesi Centre in Windermere so that people can learn what has been found.
These artifacts clearly belonged to the emperor, especially the scepter, which is very elaborated, it's not an item you would let someone else have," Clementina Panella, the archaeologist who made the discovery, said Friday.
Archive 2006-12-01
Working on this is something that happens only once in an archaeologist's lifetime.
Archaeologists have also recovered artefacts such as ceramic crucibles used for molten iron and steel, while pieces of railing with fleur de lys terminals may be examples of the products for which the foundry was famous.
But in the areas where archaeologists and treasure hunters have good contacts, much information can and has been recovered.
So perhaps when the old antiquary, William Stukeley, called these monuments ‘cursuses’, he wasn't quite as mistaken as many archaeologists have liked to believe.
Earle places himself within the community of processual archaeologists, those interested in understanding the general features of human behavior and practices as they evolved over time.
How then does Churchward account for the archaeologists ' theory that man has struggled up from savagery to his present level?
But archaeologist Shaun Austin says he can't rule out that nails and shards of ceramic teaware aren't from the Credit Mission village occupied by the Mississaugas of the New Credit until about 1845. - Home Page
By 1927, an employee of Tiffany & Co. was complaining that "no gem ever caused the mineralogist or archaeologist quite the heartache that jade has," although the complaint was prompted more by commercial frustration than academic enquiry.
Nothing Gold Can Stay
To winnow the definition into something more useful to archaeologists, many workers employ the list of behavioral traits that distinguish the Middle and Upper Paleolithic in Europe.
How does the archaeologist set about locating sites, other than through documentary sources and salvage work?
A team of archaeologists from Sheffield University have revealed significant new insights into the role of Stonehenge after discovering a prehistoric ceremonial road.
These individuals probably ingested harmine in therapeutic or medicinal practices, some maybe related to pregnancy and childbirth," said study co-author Juan Pablo Ogalde, a chemical archaeologist at the University of Tarapacá in Arica, Chile.
National Geographic News
This interactive web-based landscape will enable archaeologists to examine every aspect of the area's past by uncovering and interpreting clues left on the landscape.
Archaeologists have a good record of treating human remains with respect and this proposal appears to run counter to that.
Times, Sunday Times
As a result, they dictated that archaeologists could dig up bones and skulls, but insisted that they would have to rebury them within two years "in an accepted place of burial" – a cemetery – while the excavations would have to be screened from the public.
Burial law is threatening archaeological research, say experts
Archaeologists have identified one of Britain's largest prehistoric hill forts in the North Yorkshire Moors.
Senior archaeologist Shaun Austin displays a hand-forged nail and a decorated ceramic shard, likely British-made teaware from the 19th century. - Home Page
It provides a forum for the sharing of ideas among archaeologists, computer specialists and mathematicians.
The items have been handed to state archaeologists, who have cordoned off the shrubland for further excavation.
Times, Sunday Times
In her spare time, she is a keen sports diver and underwater archaeologist.
But archaeologists who worked on the extraordinary excavation in East Yorkshire that revealed a rare Iron Age chariot buried with the skeleton of a statuesque woman, are urging caution.
I put it to you that people actually living on Dinosaur Island in the DC Universae may know more about when and if there was such a thing as a brontosaur, than any ret-conning real world archaeologist.
Dinosaur-related nitpicks of this weeks DC comics | Comics Should Be Good! @ Comic Book Resources
As one archaeologist has recently ” and crassly ” put it, Evans's Minoans were "travelling and trading all over the Mediterranean, thanks to their British (sorry, Minoan) ˜thalassocracy. '" [
Knossos: Fakes, Facts, and Mystery
Unlike ourselves, future archaeologists will have the benefit of written records, of time capsules and so forth.
As archaeologists we need sometimes to slow down, to stop endlessly poring over maps and databases trying to wrest hidden meaning from them.
BRITAIN BC: Life In Britain and Ireland before the Romans
Three parts of the building's walls have been unearthed during excavations at the garrison, giving archaeologists enough information to map out the route of the 940-metre circuit.
Archaeologists call this first writing "cuneiform," from the Latin "cuneus," meaning wedge.
Archive 2008-02-01
The archaeologist finds traces of the past in the present.
Foucault and Derrida - The Other Side Of Reason
For the first time in Bulgaria, archaeologists have excavated a grave of a Proto-Bulgarian aristocrat from the age of the khans.
The archaeologist finds traces of the past in the present.
Foucault and Derrida - The Other Side Of Reason
Archaeologists excavating the site of a major Roman temple in London have found a sealed box containing a white cream still bearing the fingermarks of the person who last used it, nearly 2,000 years ago.
He contacted the National Museum on behalf of the finders and archaeologists started digging on the remote beach where they uncovered further items.
On closer examination archaeologists from Sheffield University discovered it was the skeleton of a priest who had been buried holding a chalice and paten - vessels used for Holy Communion.
From impressions of fiber cordage on fired clay, archaeologists have discovered evidence of string and of rope-making technology in Europe that dates back 28,000 years.
What may be the world's oldest known perfumery, set atop a Cyprus hillside, was excavated by a team of archaeologists this last March.
Turned down, as it only really applies to land-based diggers, was ‘a bent’ of archaeologists.
Budding archaeologists will be able to ‘excavate’ a medieval burial site as well as parts of a Roman fortress, a Viking city and Victorian workers' cottages.
From these beginnings aerial photography has developed into one of the archaeologist's most valued aids.
The Greek archaeologist Manolis Korres has been working on the Acropolis for 25 years, devising diagrams in accordance with the precisions made by the architects of the Parthenon, Ietinus and Callicrates.
The first occupants, builders of the oldest fortress, were people belonging to the cultural group of the urnfields people, a name given to them by archaeologists from their custom of cremating their dead and burying the ashes.
The reconstruction of that past has fallen to historians and archaeologists.
It turns out that the ossuary is from the correct era, archaeologists say, but the Aramaic inscription on its side - "James, son of Joseph, brother of Jesus" - was a relatively recent addition.
Boing Boing: June 15, 2003 - June 21, 2003 Archives
The archaeologist finds traces of the past in the present.
Foucault and Derrida - The Other Side Of Reason
As a result, they dictated that archaeologists could dig up bones and skulls, but insisted that they would have to rebury them within two years "in an accepted place of burial" – a cemetery – while the excavations would have to be screened from the public.
Burial law is threatening archaeological research, say experts
This was taken up by archaeologists during the 1960s, but under the glare of the mature processual archaeology of the 1970s and 1980s appeared rather simplistic.
The early humans butchered the elephant at the kill site and ate the meat raw, the archaeologists add.
Intensive interdisciplinary research by archaeologists, anthropologists, geologists, taphonomists, animal behaviourists and psychologists has proved Darwin right on both scores.
Or were previous "experts" many were adventurers who could hardly be classified as archaeologists in the sense we use the term today who dug up so much of Egypt in the 19th and early 20th centuries wrong about their timeline?
Who is Right About the Thera Eruption?
Many archaeologists and anthropologists agree that the name given to an energy worshiped in Mesoamerica was Mother Tonatzin, who represented the Earth Mother Gatlaxepeuh, a Náhuatl word, the language spoken in this part of the world before the Spaniards came.
Sacred places around us: Is Talpa a "power place"?
It is a virtual gold mine for archaeologists because many of the artifacts are still in the ground.
Excited archaeologists discovered the Loch Ness-style creature on the beach and have spent months piecing together a giant jigsaw composed of dozens of old bones to reveal the 12ft-long plesiosaur.
Her museum replicas followed the archaeologists' drawings, which omitted several straps and slits in the sole lashings.
Archaeologists say they have unearthed Lupercale - the sacred cave where, according to legend, a she-wolf nursed the twin founders of Rome and where the city itself was born.
Archaeologists digging at the ruins of a 12th-century abbey have unearthed a medieval poker chip.
Times, Sunday Times
As archaeologists we need sometimes to slow down, to stop endlessly poring over maps and databases trying to wrest hidden meaning from them.
BRITAIN BC: Life In Britain and Ireland before the Romans
Early photographs of the workmen (some wearing fustanellas, pleated white skirts) and archaeologists (some in hats and gloves) show them suitably awed by their labors.
Clearly enthused at the prospect of seeing Lara Croft – adventurer, archaeologist, skin diver, jet pilot, skilled equestrian, and expert markswoman – leap onto a well-tuned mountain bike and go bombing down a Himalayan mountain.
Current Movie Reviews, Independent Movies - Film Threat
Archaeologists have called for a ban on treasure hunting in the region.
The requirement for reburial within two years is not the only issue to vex archaeologists, however.
Burial law is threatening archaeological research, say experts
THIS SPRING, GRAND Mufti Ali Gomaa sent shivers down the spines of archaeologists and tour operators worldwide as he issued a fatwa calling the statuary haram.
Archaeologists said the workmen had stumbled upon a Roman cemetery at the edge of a settlement dating from the first century AD.
Archaeologists used a technique called luminescence dating to show when the early settlers arrived.
New Discoveries Suggest Earlier Settlement of Americans
There were times when I wanted to be other things an archaeologist, a dancer, a journalist, a bird-watcher, but there was never a time when I thought I'd stop writing.
Interview with author Foz Meadows and Giveaway
Such information helps archaeologists to interpret excavated evidence more accurately.
Networks of plunder: Archaeologists tracing the labyrinth of antiquities trafficking hope to shut it down, or at least slow it up Pollen tubes gravitate toward LURE1 protein (left, fluorescent green) expressed by synergid cells around Satohiro Okuda (left) and Tetsuya Higashiyama
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The archaeologists excavated an ancient fortress.
Archaeologists still debate why communities would have gone to such lengths to create these elaborate structures, even if they housed local elite families.
For archaeologists these aerial surveys during a drought are a great prize.
Times, Sunday Times
Even where I work a paleontology parkquite a few of the staff often joke when they stutter through or mispronounce the word paleontologist, yet have no problem with "archaeologist".
Random postings
Archaeologists knew they were onto something big when they started digging.
Archaeologists have identified one of Britain's largest prehistoric hill forts in the North Yorkshire Moors.
English archaeologist3) Howard Carter, and his sponsor Lord Carnarvon, obtained permission to dig in the Valley of the Kings and began excavation4) in 1917.
The 2,000-year-old treasure is part of a gold torc, a type of Iron Age necklet, and was found by archaeologists in a field in Sedgeford.
Archaeologists have assumed that Mill Creek agricultural fields were located on easily cultivated alluvial stream terraces.
‘This very important site is one of only a handful of water-powered iron smelting furnaces in the country,’ said John Hodgson, LDNPA senior archaeologist.
Still, whose heart is not gladdened by the idea of archaeologists at the barricades?
John Terry’s sacking as England captain tells us something interesting...
Dr. Nelson Glueck, one of the most renowned archaeologists to have worked in Israel, writes, The Bible is definitely not primarily a chronicle of history … however, it may be stated categorically that no archaeological discovery has ever controverted a Biblical reference.
Modern Science in the Bible
Tony also works as a forensic archaeologist for Glasgow police, and has worked on what he described as grisly murder cases.
How archaeologists set about trying to demonstrate belief in supernatural powers and an afterlife is the subject of Chapter 10.
The chocoholics among us won't be surprised to learn that people were sipping decoctions of cacao a millennium earlier than archaeologists had previously thought.
Archaeologists digging at the ruins of a 12th-century abbey have unearthed a medieval poker chip.
Times, Sunday Times
Earlier, the hoaxer -- one of several plausible suspects -- who claimed in 1913 to have unearthed the early humanoid known as Piltdown Man had archaeologists fooled for 40 years.
A Talk with David Sinclair, author of The Land That Never Was
The vigour and simplicity of the archaic Greek temple is partly a Romantic construct, as archaeologists now tell us that they were painted all sorts of garish colours.
Archaeologists are extremely cautious about making causal links between contemporaneous events.
To Neanderthals, the dark, mysterious recesses of a cave may have seemed like a good place to transfer over to the otherworld, some archaeologists have argued.
To allay fears that he might damage historic items, he employed an archaeologist to record any finds.
Times, Sunday Times
Using what they call stable isotope analysis, bioarchaeologists can directly determine the dietary sources of carbon and nitrogen by measuring the ratios of carbon 12 and carbon 13 atoms, on the one hand, and of nitrogen 14 and nitrogen 15 atoms on the other.
The Goddess and the Bull