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How To Use Arcade In A Sentence

  • Perpendicular window, to support which the low circular arch in the centre had been constructed; on either side of this window were now to be seen the mouldings and featherings of the original early decorated lights, on a level with the lateral clerestory range; below these the Norman arcade, based upon a string course of nebule ornaments. Bell’s Cathedrals: The Cathedral Church of Hereford, A Description Of Its Fabric And A Brief History Of The Episcopal See
  • The arcade is an indoor playground, a room full of games and toys, and people playing them.
  • I can't tell you how many times I've caught hell in several restaurants, laundromats, and arcades for inadvertently handing them a Canadian coin intermixed with the American stuff. Pizza Patr�n's Peculiar Pecuniary Peso-Paying Predicament
  • Opry Mills Mall, 8 miles from BNA, is adjacent to the Grand Ole Opry House and has restaurants, a 20-screen movie theater and IMAX, the Gibson Showcase (store and workshop), Dave & Busters (bowling, arcade) and other amenities. Nashville Metropolitan International Airport
  • Arcade remains a funny, outspoken and seemingly unstoppable life force. Times, Sunday Times
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  • Walking into an arcade shop where there's all those arcade games and noises going left right and centre and beeps and pings, I hear that type of noise in day to day life.
  • Columns of the arcade are simply the rolled steel members of the frame, exposed and made silver with intumescent paint.
  • Internal walkways are two-level trellised arcades which visually unify the entire Hebrew Union Complex.
  • He saw her gesture with her hand toward the moneychangers and the arcade and the terrasse of the Continental Hotel.
  • A YOUNG man was fighting for life last night after he was attacked by a gang outside an amusement arcade. The Sun
  • As in an authentic Moroccan riad, the home encompasses an enclosed court-yard with a shaded arcade for lounging.
  • There was the Embarcadero with its numbered piers stretching out into the ocean, just like on my Lonely Planet map, and in the middle, the crosshatched pattern of streets snapped to a perfect grid. Nique sa mère
  • Take as an example a situation where you've created a keyboard hack for your arcade controls but still need to be able to operate your computer for non-gaming functions.
  • The next day, we go to the amusement arcade. Times, Sunday Times
  • Rockefeller would retain its 50 percent equity stake in Embarcadero Center.
  • As a result, nobody, including the owner of the building, has the right to block walkways under an arcade by putting up vending stalls, they said.
  • They're also a fair bit hardier in terms of taking damage; for example, it can require multiple headshots to defeat them, which can make these encounters feel rather more arcade-like than the rest of the game.
  • No, the problem was a licence with such potential being turned into such a diabolical arcade adventure.
  • This arcade version was known as MVS, or Multi-Video Output and allowed 1 of 6 games to be loaded at any time. GameSpot's News, Screenshots, Movies, Reviews, Previews, Downloads, and Features
  • The jury heard about wealthy amusement arcade boss Vincent King's past only after it had given its verdict.
  • The building has an ashlar stone base with an arcade at ground level.
  • This year's grotto opens on the lower arcade in Canal Walk in the Brunel Centre at 11 am on Saturday.
  • Christ stands under a Renaissance arcade with all'antica design and offers the host to his Apostles.
  • In the arcade, the small, solemn huddles of old men continue their peregrinations.
  • And so the population was gradually led into the demoralising temptations of arcades, baths, and sumptuous banquets. BRITAIN BC: Life In Britain and Ireland before the Romans
  • The shopping arcade is a stroll-and-browse region and the preserve of medium tempo Lawrence Welk.
  • It was into this arena that the first coin-operated arcade game, called Computer Space, was released in 1971.
  • Epic's plot is very thin but it packs a lot in for what is essentially an arcade game.
  • It's like one of Martin Parr's photographic nightmares, a neon shanty town of amusement arcades, chip shops and crumbling holiday camps that look like gulags.
  • Snooker clubs and video game arcades have also been banned. Times, Sunday Times
  • And so the population was gradually led into the demoralising temptations of arcades, baths, and sumptuous banquets. BRITAIN BC: Life In Britain and Ireland before the Romans
  • There were also the arcades, and as the 70s went by, the arcade games got better and better.
  • I recognized a couple of people from school as I followed Adam into the arcade.
  • The Iconfactory (and award-winning designer Louie Mantia), Ramp Champ takes traditional skee-ball and throws it down in a series of four stylized arcade games, based on the idea of flicking balls at targets of varying points. GigaOM Network
  • Inside appears the three-storeyed division of ground floor arcade, triforium and clerestory.
  • The supporting roles are no cardboard cut-outs either with a memorable gaggle of characters like the war veteran arcade owner and Taeko's upbeat girlfriends.
  • Time to make use of this area, and turn it into something more interesting, local, and lucrative (in terms of space leased from the city) than a Detroit-style arcade wasteland. Thumbs Up on Chihuly at Seattle Center « PubliCola
  • The present sewer is a beautiful sewer; the pure style reigns there; the classical rectilinear alexandrine which, driven out of poetry, appears to have taken refuge in architecture, seems mingled with all the stones of that long, dark and whitish vault; each outlet is an arcade; the Rue de Rivoli serves as pattern even in the sewer. Les Miserables
  • One pier is vibrant with candyfloss, arcades and people, the other stands derelict and rusty.
  • On view here are complex, deeply sculptured surfaces, wrought-iron grillwork, elaborately carved decorations surrounding round-arched windows, arcaded entrances and porches, and tile roofs.
  • Long, low arcades line the river bank, with red lanterns suspended under the eaves.
  • Monpazier is probably the most pristine, with a chessboard layout and arcaded central square. Times, Sunday Times
  • City of grandiose and elegant façades, the gracious arcades of the Galleria Vittorio Emanuelle, here the Milanese mix their cool pragmatism with a love of the good life.
  • In times of war, amusement arcades are the first to go. POSITIVE THINKING: Everything you have always known about positive thinking but were afraid to put into practice
  • The south facade is a curiously flat and blocky affair, only partly leavened by the awkward, two-bay, single-column upper arcade, the unsatisfactorily cinched lower entablature, the four eccentric little ground-floor windows, and the raised platform supporting it all. Archive 2009-03-01
  • In West Arcade, colours will be warm hues of grey, from blue-grey and green-grey, to red.
  • The arcade machines dispense a card with a picture of a particular insect and specifications of its fighting abilities. Times, Sunday Times
  • There are relatively few amusement arcades but plenty of shops selling brightly-coloured buckets, spades, inflatable dinghies and beach balls, not to mention lettered rock and ices.
  • The most important room on view is the Harem, a compound of around 300 shining tiled chambers on several levels, connected by arcaded courts and fountain gardens.
  • He went down the footway, turned sharp to his right and sprinted through an arcade of brilliant, busy shops. Wild Dreams of Reality, 5
  • They head like a vast herd of silent bison for the tightly-packed bars, shops and arcades in buildings bejewelled with neon.
  • Elsewhere we marveled at the intricate rusted ironworks designs in the latest video of Amanita's upcoming adventure game Machinarium, saw Minotaur China Shop (and Jetpack Brontosaurus, coincidentally) creators Flashbang poke gentle fun at Braid creator Jon Blow, and found a wonderful series of T-shirts based on the glitched-out boot-up sequences of arcade games. Boing Boing
  • A YOUNG man was fighting for life last night after he was attacked by a gang outside an amusement arcade. The Sun
  • After that there was a soft indoor play area, penny arcade and mirror maze. The Sun
  • But this time there's more you can do yourself including playing with artificial intelligence, making intro scenes, music and miniature arcade games, much of which would have been impossible with the trickier and narrower toolset of the original. This week's new games
  • We were friends for a year or two, and I used to love hanging out at his mom's bakery to get free cookies and playing at the arcade next door.
  • In the middle of the two sides of this are large domes built on pillars of the same height as those of the outer arcade and an upper gallery runs all round it.
  • Brandon sez, I'm currently studying in Leiden in the Netherlands and upon exploring just outside the south side of town, I discovered this handsome sculpture of an arcade machine carved out of a tree trunk. Boing Boing
  • In times of war, amusement arcades are the first to go. POSITIVE THINKING: Everything you have always known about positive thinking but were afraid to put into practice
  • Thus it goes... Until I was five I lived in Arcade, a small burg in Wyoming County, upstate New York. A MEANS TO EVIL
  • Breath-taking Victoria arcades have been completely renovated and now contain quality food to fashion - all with designer flair.
  • The arcade leads through to a playground, also designed by the students.
  • The Dixieland Jazz Band played background music, while people browsed the arcade's shops, including a hair salon, a home furnishing shop and a travel agents.
  • The Sacramento metropolitan area includes Arden-Arcade, Calif., and Roseville, Calif. © Brand X Pictures #1...
  • A casino and arcade games will also be situated inside the house itself.
  • A few months ago we installed computers and Internet dial-up connections for public access at the arcade and in some of the houses.
  • Capcom has an exclusive distribution agreement for Archer's QSound chip for the video arcade industry.
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  • And so the population was gradually led into the demoralising temptations of arcades, baths, and sumptuous banquets. BRITAIN BC: Life In Britain and Ireland before the Romans
  • For him, the arcade was extra money, as the game selling side always made more.
  • However, nostalgic programmers have written emulators, programs that run on your PC that make the PC emulate the hardware of those 20 year old arcade machines.
  • If you want to be amused, you go to an amusement arcade. Times, Sunday Times
  • At the corners of the curved arcaded corridor connecting the wings to the house are miniature bartizans.
  • However, visits to arcades on piers or family amusement centres suggest that this form of gambling is no longer conducted within a family environment.
  • Where the plans change most, according to the revised design currently on display at City Hall, is in the removal of two pedestrian arcades which link the shopping centre with O'Connell Street.
  • In consequence, he was entirely too occupied with his own difficulties to notice the gossamer shape poking its head above the gunwales of the ersatz pirate ship suspended above the gambling floor to the left of the pinball arcade.
  • Thus, the column of sienite from Charnwood Forest has a capital of the cocoa palm; the red granite of Ross, in Mull, is crowned with a capital of lilies; the beautiful marble of Marychurch has an exquisitely sculptured capital of ferns; -- and so through all the range of the arcades, new designs, studied directly from Nature, and combining art with science, have been executed by the workmen employed on the building. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 04, No. 26, December, 1859
  • But the amusement arcade proved a step too far. Times, Sunday Times
  • But it was really the 1920s and 30s that amusement machines really took hold and machines like the one illustrating this article were commonplace in fairgrounds and amusement arcades all over the country.
  • Yes, I read QC I also read Penny Arcade for awhile, and while it was still alive I read another sprite fancomic called “Breaking the 4th Wall”. Look, there’s WiFi at the airport! « Love | Peace | Ohana
  • A room like an arcade where students, during free time, can play games alone or against each other.
  • Their sound isn't too distant from some of the other big-sounding, quirky bands, like Arcade Fire (and to some extent Polyphonic Spree), and its just begging to be put in a commercial for something cool, like a hybrid car. Happy Blast! (Music (For Robots))
  • Roses trailed across trellised arcades, the trellis in the courtyard inspiring Morris's earliest wallpaper design.
  • As an aside, that reminds me of an excellent post I read today over at Shakesville written by Melissa McEwan where it's mentioned how kick-ass the female characters have become in fighter-arcade style games. Archive 2009-01-01
  • Rockefeller would retain its 50 percent equity stake in Embarcadero Center.
  • Before you shake your head and cry out in disbelief, check out what Mike Krahulik and Jerry Holkins have to say about the PennY Arcade Reality TV Show. Penny Arcade: The Reality TV Show | Major Spoilers - Comic Book Reviews and News
  • As the hour for the arrival of the stage approached, the crowd massed in front of the hotel, filling the lobby, the arcade and the street, and still scattered through the throng were the men from the The Winning of Barbara Worth
  • Plain War is a small arcade shooter in which you play as a pilot in a never ending war between two nations.
  • In ecclesiastical buildings, the triforium, a windowless gallery above the main arcade, was of great importance, largely for structural reasons, in contrast to the enlarged clerestory of Gothic architecture.
  • An example is Penny Arcade, that doesn't let a single ad go on the site without proper approval. cowy said ...
  • The traditional gallery house had covered spaces that opened to the outside through a colonnade or arcade.
  • Today the City Palace is considered one of the most beautiful buildings in Rajasthan, with courtyards trimmed with scalloped arcades, and magnificent glittering mosaics.
  • On this part of the Yorkshire coast in among the amusement arcades and the history, there's still talk of witchcraft and magic.
  • As I prowl its gold-paved nooks and wynds, from bookie to bingo parlour, amusement arcade to Lotto shop, I sense fate has fingered me for imminent riches.
  • Catherine's red palace, with a classical plan, white gothic detailing, large columns and ogival arcades, stretches 145 meters long. Escape From Moscow:
  • I used to love breakout in the arcades, but this implementation is a little too slow for my tastes.
  • The newest games to appear include Pet Sematary, an arcade game based on the movie of the same name, which was in turn an adaptation of a novel in which zombified pets return from the dead.
  • It has arcades all around, a pavilion at the eastern end has crenellated roof and a cupola of glass mosaic.
  • There are also hints that the rise of online gaming may help to boost the profile of arcades, as the cabinets in them move increasingly away from being standalone machines and towards being networked devices.
  • Angry Kid Shop Raider - Out smart, guards, dogs and CCTV to grab the swag by being light-fingered through 24 levels of frantic arcade action.
  • In 1991 a new federal building was constructed in Asheville, making the arcade available for redevelopment.
  • We wanted to introduce variety in the appearance and more moulding to the facades than normal because it was a covered arcade.
  • Benjamin's greatest testament is the massive sheaf of materials known as The Arcades Project, started in 1927 and left unfinished at his death in 1940. "History is an angel being blown backwards into the future"
  • In the annals of video game history, Space Invaders occupies a privileged position - the first to rise from the arcade underworld to the mainstream territory of pizza parlors and ice-cream shops.
  • At issue was a widely ballyhooed test of the razzle-dazzle, video-arcade, anti-missile-defense scheme known as Star Wars.
  • 'Urchin blasts' is probably here used generally for what in _Arcades_, 49-53, are called "noisome winds and blasting vapours chill,"'urchin' being common in the sense of 'goblin' Milton's Comus
  • She saw them at the extremities of the arcades, and immediately retreated; but the agitation of her spirits, and the extent and duskiness of the hall, had prevented her from distinguishing the persons of the strangers. The Mysteries of Udolpho
  • The arcade section is hideous, featuring computer-controlled players running around like headless chickens and never attempting a tackle.
  • An invariable feature, like the arcaded loggie of old Two Trips to Gorilla Land and the Cataracts of the Congo
  • You may hear strains of '80s British bands such as Echo and the Bunnymen and the Cure, see common ground with contemporaries such as Arcade Fire and rock to the sound of what the mags call anthemic choruses. The Sydney Morning Herald News Headlines
  • This extended arcade also sub-divides the site into a series of discrete landscapes.
  • Actors from the West End musical Mamma Mia! and film director Michael Winner have joined protests against plans to "vandalise" one of Britain's most architecturally beautiful shopping arcades. Fury grows over Burlington Arcade renovation as shopkeeper faces eviction
  • THERE is a game you can play in amusement arcades. Times, Sunday Times
  • These games occupy a lot of space, and the newest instalment is often installed at the front of street level arcades.
  • I respectfully disagree with Perloff's theory of citational poetry, and I take issue with her claim that Walter Benjamin's Arcades Project is a foundational example. Isabel Kaplan: Not in Someone Else's Words
  • Detailed conversion from arcade hit game to console format.
  • It was the only real measure of success in arcade games. EXTRALIFE – By Scott Johnson - Death of the old school arcade system
  • With each success, they went to his favorite pizza restaurant or video arcade.
  • And provided above can connect to below, and left to right, we can wire up a list of lists of processes (i.e. a 2D grid in waiting) into a torus, that is a grid where the top edge connects to the bottom edge and the left edge to the right edge (as is often the case in old arcade games): wrappedGrid:: (Connectable above below, Connectable left right) = > Planet Haskell
  • The ordinance also granted property owners an increase in the total floor area otherwise allowed in exchange for providing public plazas or arcades.
  • Catching it temporarily gives you the ability to capture alien ships with a conic beam much in the same way that the aliens could capture your ship in the old arcade game.
  • For now, to lighten my mood up a little, tell me your favorite arcade games (not arcade games transferred to consoles, but real coin-op games, including pinball).
  • Well this is a free software download that emulates the arcade machines and then you can pick up the relevant software for just about any old arcade game.
  • In contrast to the Dungeon, the arcade has darker lighting, but they have brighter colours.
  • With each success, they went to his favorite pizza restaurant or video arcade.
  • It's tucked away in a little arcade, four minutes walk from the town centre.
  • The arcade is a dark, damp area with about 15 small, squarish booths with video screens, chairs, trash cans and, of course, paper towels.
  • The elephants and giraffes got only a passing glance from the teenagers heading from the car park to the games arcade.
  • The amusement arcade is unvarnished, unironic fun. Times, Sunday Times
  • The shopping arcade is a stroll-and-browse region and the preserve of medium tempo Lawrence Welk.
  • By day you can shop in the many arcades and stylish shops and at night face a difficult choice from the many restaurants.
  • Between the slab and the black marble base is a double arcade of carved alabaster delicately embellished with trefoil arches, crocket capitals, and pinnacles.
  • The first was accomplished expeditely in the little tobacconist's shop under the arcade, where the purchase of a box of Minghetti cigars promised later solace. The Place of Honeymoons
  • The fate of this world lies in the hands (literally) of a few unlikely heroes: They are the Original Video Game World Champions and the arcade is their battleground. Current Movie Reviews, Independent Movies - Film Threat
  • Donkey Kong and Mario were Nintendo's biggest hits yet and were the most popular arcade machines ever!
  • These arcades were later filled with canvases that fitted neatly into the frame of each arch, conveying the effect of a concurrent and symmetrical series of painted niches.
  • The Gaiety, Marshalls Amusements and another arcade all applied for planning permission and got it, but can go no further with the project until the Government makes a decision over licences.
  • There are two arcade machines with 600 retro games to choose from - and free credits. Times, Sunday Times
  • If Butler is Arcade Fire's cerebral anchor – he diplomatically describes his role in the group as "directorial" – then his wife, Régine Chassagne, a Haitian-Canadian who studied medieval classical music for 10 years, is its heart and soul. Arcade Fire: 'The cliched rock life never seemed that cool to us'
  • A narrow chancel originally lay east of the nave and parts of its north wall can still be seen, pierced by the arcade between the nave and the north aisle.
  • The E and W responds of both nave arcades are Romanesque.
  • Accompany Simpson in an arcade game full of action!
  • Stuff like this gives just as much pleasure as a cathedral close or a Regency arcade.
  • It goes for an unabashedly arcade feel, eschewing the grit and authenticity of DiRT 3 in favour of a smoother, floatier handling model that won't have you troubling the brakes too often. This week's new games
  • Caption Arcade Piggy Bank : Remember when it cost just a quarter to play your favorite arcade games?
  • Snooker clubs and video game arcades have also been banned. Times, Sunday Times
  • Better than recent summers with much more emphasis on beach weather than indoor amusement arcades. The Sun
  • A few large blocks had arcaded courtyards like Italian Renaissance palaces; for these blocks housed both rich and poor.
  • You can watch nearby tweets pop up in real time or play a 3-D arcade game. Times, Sunday Times
  • The tower and the subordinate transept and corner-towers were to have been crowned by a myriad of pinnacles and arcaded screens, which would have given the building a highly active silhouette against the grey skies of Seattle. Arthur Brown and St. Mark's, Seattle
  • The Hollies, with arcaded brickwork arches at the front, has two reception rooms and a ‘dairy ‘or pantry that could be turned into a utility room.’
  • The image, which at first might have been mistaken for a blurry rendition of Atari's arcade game Centipede, gradually became recognizable as nighttime city traffic.
  • This brings the fun of the arcade into your living room.
  • Though the management section is championship material, the arcade game is amateur league only.
  • The first covered shopping street to be built in Britain, the arcade is at Piccadilly in London's bustling West End shopping district. U.S. Investor to Buy Burlington Arcade
  • Yet the ballroom's lofty wood-panelled ceiling and tall seaward windows, along with an adjoining dining hall and arcaded veranda, do evoke another more gracious age.
  • Farmers sell their melons and other locally-grown produce on Saturday mornings, and an arcade with classic Spanish-style stone arches runs along one side.
  • In our brand spanking new Rough Cut interview with Paul Rudd I galavant around an arcade with the "Role Models" star. Paul Rudd Denies ‘Ghostbusters’ Casting During Exclusive Stuffed Animal Booth Interview » MTV Movies Blog
  • Penny arcade is more than just a marketing machine. EXTRALIFE – By Scott Johnson - Big stink over PA and PC Gamer
  • As I walked I heard, rising above the normal hubbub of the market, the computer generated sounds of a video arcade - a tiny stall, open to the street, dim and dingy.
  • After all, before fighting games were popular, a goodly portion of arcade games were shooters, racing games, and side-scrolling platformers.
  • KK: The most interesting time was when we stumbled upon a hotel bar where every major webcartoonist was there -- the "Penny Arcade" guys and everybody. COMIC-CON 2010: Keith Knight talks new books, Nappy Hours & why he won't be on an Angry Black Panel
  • The old, arcaded parliament building by the river still houses the law courts. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Embarcadero was not a throughfare like the Viaduct. Sound Politics: Liberal Democrat from Seattle Speaks Wisdom
  • Stuff like this gives just as much pleasure as a cathedral close or a Regency arcade.
  • Full of arcades, shopping malls, supermarkets, and banks, it has no parking system whatsoever.
  • If you're not fond of the arcade style you can opt for the Simulation mode which emulates the real thing, right down to substituting fresh players to combat fatigue and injury.
  • The game cartridges you bought contained the exact same ROM-chips found in the arcade versions.
  • An amusement arcade whose slot machines have been emptied of their cash. Times, Sunday Times
  • He has landed a ‘sit-down job, with benefits’ in an arcade, posing as Abraham Lincoln - whiteface and all - for patrons who pay to shoot blanks at him.
  • The centre is an ideal size for shopping, but people will not visit unless there is a good selection of shops, arcades and stores.
  • But the amusement arcade proved a step too far. Times, Sunday Times
  • The game is just straightforward arcade racing fun with real-world cars and real-world customizations.
  • We go to the amusement arcade on Saturdays to play the electronic games.
  • Its facade mixes Georgian colonnades with the loopholes and turrets of a mediaeval castle; above, Palladian arcades rise to Mughal copulas.
  • Detailed conversion from arcade hit game to console format.
  • The last major alteration was made soon afterwards when a clerestory was built above the nave arcades.
  • A great atmosphere prevailed around the town in the afternoon with the amusements arcades open again.
  • One must bear in mind, however, that Benjamin's monadology of the Arcades always reverts to an understanding of language and its role in configuring experience, a deductive regression also characteristic of Leibniz's formulation of monadic substance. Club Monad
  • The arcade of shops in the middle of Silver End is to be sold once a development brief has been agreed by the landowner, Braintree Council.
  • Garlands of lamps looped the arcades leading into the Place de la Carrière, peacock-coloured fires flared from the Arch of Fighting France
  • The quiet square evokes the classical arcades and statuary of antiquity (the sculpture is a torso of Aphrodite).
  • Novices can attend one of several daily free get-acquainted sessions or ask for assistance from arcade staffers.
  • For those that didn't grow up in 80s arcades, Dig Dug is another classic Namco game where you work your way through the underground playing exterminator: rubbery monsters Pooka and Fygar wander around the caverns seeking you out, and to take them out you'll need to plug an airhose into their keester and pump them up to bursting. IGN Wireless
  • Water would play an important role, often in the form of crossing channels or a pool in which porticoes and arcades linked to the surrounding house or buildings would be reflected.
  • The central portion of the house was two stories high, flanked by two cloistered arcades.
  • Light radiated through the gorgeous stained glass of medieval cathedrals and glimmered in arcaded loggias.
  • The grandeur of towering pines, the mysterious dimness of illimitable arcades, and the peculiar resinous odor that stole like lingering ghosts of myrrh, frankincense and onycha through the vaulted solitude of a deserted hoary sanctuary, all these phases of primeval Southern forests combined to weave a spell that the stranger could not resist. At the Mercy of Tiberius
  • After the falls, unless a downmarket version of Blackpool is your thing, the arcades and funhouses of Niagara are best avoided for more scenic attractions.
  • However, with the addition of an arcade of brand-name boutiques, the Raffles' former aristocratic hauteur seems to have been traded for a sort of self-conscious post-yuppie consumerism.
  • A cadenced curve of arched boxes undulates around the auditorium and continues in an arcade behind the stage.
  • A fire sparked by faulty electrical wiring outside the Star Court Arcade left around 30 Lismore businesses without power for up to three hours on Tuesday morning.
  • Standing in the arcade on the side of the "quad" opposite the entrance, if one looks on the ceiling immediately above the capital of the second column to the left there is seen the stemma which appears as tailpiece to this chapter, put up by a young Englishman, William Harvey, who had been a student at Padua for four years. The Evolution of Modern Medicine
  • The arcaded interior of the church is a happier story. Gothic architecture in Britain: examples from the era
  • We stepped across a narrow arcade, a bright and airy place lined with light iron columns and floored with panes of thick glass set in lead. Anti-Ice
  • Archetypal forms such as porches, arcades and conservatories animate external edges, while courtyards and atria bring light and air into deep plans.
  • In 1974 there was a screen for projecting images that could be used for games in arcades. Times, Sunday Times
  • Behind the glitzy shopping arcades, ethnic criminal gangs fight for territory.
  • In the Sacramento -- Arden-Arcade -- Roseville market, 44.8 percent, or 222,076, of all residential properties with a mortgage were in negative equity for first-quarter 2010. Boston Business News - Local Boston News | Boston Business Journal
  • The arcade is carried on half-round responds at E and W ends, pier 1 on either side is round, pier 2 (corresponding to the original W wall of the nave) is square with half-round responds to E and W.

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