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How To Use Aptitude In A Sentence

  • The group rapidly bypassed disciplinary differences to focus on a common set of preferred aptitudes and abilities associated with critical thinking, reading, and writing.
  • While the inmates of the home are provided with skill training in handicrafts, embroidery and sewing based on their aptitude, the children including those of sex workers are educated.
  • Employment Training is a locally based programme that first helps you select people with the aptitude and commitment you're looking for.
  • The entire Ontario university qualification system is based on measurements and testable aptitudes.
  • For example who would ever think of a carpet installer, optician, construction estimator, geodesist, and agricultural-engineering technician as having the same aptitudes? Discover What You’re Best At
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  • She began modelling while still at school, though she also showed an early aptitude for art. Times, Sunday Times
  • That student has an aptitude for mathematics.
  • Not everyone has the aptitude or ability to do everything.
  • Similarly, there is a “disposition, an aptitude, a preformation, which determines our soul and brings it about that [necessary truths] are derivable from it.” Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz
  • Recruiters were ordered to sign up more high school graduates who showed high aptitudes for science, engineering and electronics.
  • A head of the hunt in a battue may be a person who has passed an aptitude test in the State Forest Service and has received a head of the hunt’s certificate.
  • It also acknowledges that patients differ in their choice of therapies according to their aptitudes and inclinations towards the various options.
  • His aptitude caught the attention of the director of the experimental garden Hugo de Vries who became his mentor and encouraged him to take some university courses on botany.
  • Part of France's botheration could be the absence of new adolescent aptitude.
  • A brown sunburnt gentleman, who appears in some inaptitude for sleep to be wandering abroad rather than counting the hours on a restless pillow, strolls hitherward at this quiet time. Bleak House
  • They also have a remarkable aptitude for spreading the word virally when they discover something that excites them.
  • Job details: assess customers for literacy, vocational aptitude … seek partnership opportunities; develop a pool of literacy tutors to assist in instruction and tutoring as … Daily Literacy Jobs – 69th Edition « Jobs « Literacy News
  • According to the correlation between language teaching and testing, language tests involve five basic types:proficiency test, aptitude test, achievement test, diagnostic test, placement test.
  • McPalin - Never fail to rise above their own heights of inaptitude, McLame makes W. look like Einstien in his prime. Election Central Sunday Roundup
  • Although he showed little aptitude for school work, he read widely from the volumes supplied to his mother by her book club. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Japanese have a natural aptitude for it, and that aptitude has fired some brilliant design solutions. Times, Sunday Times
  • He has a natural aptitude for computation and is very quick at figure work.
  • He has leadership ability and the aptitude to learn from mistakes.
  • My ideology holds men to be equal to women, and to me as an individual, in their abilities and aptitudes to communicate and understand the spoken word.
  • Most teens' natural aptitude for interactivity is what often sets them apart from older generations.
  • Its hidden aggression avalanches the player, so he has to use his best skill and aptitude.
  • In this country we seem to have a great aptitude for rescuing doomed artefacts at the 11th hour and 59th minute. Exploring Britain's Canals
  • The technical or vocational education on offer for those students whose first aptitude is not academic remains poor. Times, Sunday Times
  • But one enters a political and moral minefield when attempting an objective measurement of relative intellectual aptitude though the use of IQ tests. Times, Sunday Times
  • With an aptitude for languages and a smattering of Italian, she'd chatter away to people, gradually getting the hang of the Liguarian dialect.
  • We're fortunate that MoMA was from the start collecting richly from this new and diverse generation, comprised as it is of imagists whom in being less dissident and cliched than their forerunners, show and explorative aptitude for the more nuanced and varied aspects of queer life. G. Roger Denson: MoMA and AA Bronson Present "Queer Cinema: Today and Yesterday"
  • By then, the word aptitude, implying that students were being tested for natural fitness or inborn talent, would no longer do. The English Is Coming!
  • Felicity had a natural aptitude for what we called "bossing," and in her mother's absence she deemed that she had a right to rule supreme. The Story Girl
  • Many of us can think of a dream job… that perfect position matching our aptitudes and our inclinations.
  • He realised that he had an aptitude for the work and quickly gained extra responsibility - covering for managers and coaching colleagues. Times, Sunday Times
  • There are 21 priority places available for students on the basis of their aptitude for the Performing Arts each year.
  • It is not even compulsory to be able to speak English - alternatively, they could demonstrate their aptitude in Welsh or Scottish Gaelic.
  • In fact, his was a different kind of mind with an aptitude more for philosophical thoughts and concepts than for literary pursuits.
  • Aptitude is also a shorthand for social selection.
  • I had to take an aptitude test before I began training as a nurse.
  • That is, low levels of aptitude, a lack of interest in mathematics, and unfavourable attitudes toward the course tend to result in high levels of anxiety which eventuates in poor performance on the statistics examination.
  • My only assumption is that an aptitude for law school exists and that it can, to some extent, be measured.
  • Now, however, "fresh research adds to the debate about gender difference in aptitude for mathematics, including efforts to explain the relative scarcity of women among professors of science, math, and engineering. Apollo's Daughter :: Math
  • Overall, the exhibit nicely showcased the innovation and technical aptitude of the students.
  • The officer's strengths and weaknesses in terms of aptitude for senior assignments should be cataloged; specific, positive accomplishments should be included.
  • An aptitude for dealing in stock and runs, and in accumulating capital and assets, soon became apparent.
  • Humboldt considers the Mexican Indian as destitute of all imagination, though when to a certain degree educated, he attributes to him facility in learning, a clearness of understanding, a natural turn for reasoning, and a particular aptitude to subtilize and seize trifling distinctions. The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 13, No. 372, May 30, 1829
  • Hahn-Powell says he had no aptitude for the rhythm required of taiko, but the shamisen was another instrument entirely. The University of Alabama
  • We will take your personal aptitudes and abilities into account.
  • An aptitude for computing is beneficial for students taking this degree.
  • The problem is that it was not exercised because of inaptitude and an unbounded confidence that market participants could manage risk. Banking History Offers Lessons, but What Are They?
  • Resilience . Resourcefulness and creativity . An aptitude for life - long learning.
  • Dr. Gregory says, "As an administrator, he was unapproached in sagacity, aptitude, personal influence, and indefatigability ... his character was spotless. Great Britain and Her Queen
  • Her first act was to make staff reapply for their jobs with aptitude tests. Times, Sunday Times
  • Many are disruptive in class because they have no aptitude for further academic studies. Times, Sunday Times
  • The new middle-class epistemology concentrated on a connection between physical aptitudes and mental ability, making alleged distinctions between male and female anatomy.
  • verbal aptitude
  • The arts develop because of aptitude, talent, genius, hard work and serendipity.
  • Those nutjobs are notorious for protesting military, LGBT, and any funeral that they can attempt to pin some sort of moral inaptitude on. Winnipeggers make us proud
  • The first issue may include measures of scholastic achievement, aptitude tests, and selection interviews.
  • GNU/Linux 4.0 alias "etch" are automatically handled by the aptitude package management tool for most configurations, and to a certain degree also by the apt-get package management tool.
  • tests for rating numerical aptitude
  • Saul senses in Eliza a natural aptitude for mysticism, blossoming from the way in which the letters seem to appear to her in a vision.
  • His bold and free demeanour, his attachment to rich dress and decoration, his inaptitude to receive instruction, and his hardening himself against rebuke, were circumstances which induced the good old man, with more haste than charity, to set the forward page down as a vessel of wrath, and to presage that the youth nursed that pride and haughtiness of spirit which goes before ruin and destruction. The Abbot
  • $ aptitude search 'fie' dpkg dpkg is rather like RPM, because it operates on individual packages without tracking dependencies. LXer Linux News
  • Whether the death was suicide, or a result of his natural aptitude for failure, was never established.
  • Certainly ... they do not seem to have been a company of gentle, dreamy and euphemistical saints, with a particular aptitude for martyrdom and an inordinate development of affability.” Anne Bradstreet and Her Time
  • Despite no musical training, he displayed a natural aptitude and swiftly became a virtuoso in jazz and blues styles. Times, Sunday Times
  • The students have an aptitude for all sporting activities including athletics, football, basketball and cross-country.
  • To put it another way, in the peremptorily utopian style typical of official Chinese directives as well as of educationese the world over, the nation’s schools must strive “to build citizens’ character in an all-round way, gear their efforts to each and every student, give full scope to students’ ideological, moral, cultural and scientific potentials and raise their labor skills and physical and psychological aptitudes, achieve vibrant student development and run themselves with distinction.” SWEATblog: April 2007 Archives
  • We usually ask interviewees to perform a few simple tasks on the computer just to test their aptitude.
  • Like the photographer who shows his or her aptitude in the selective framing, it is axiomatic that the decisive representation of a single scene in pictorial representation is a key to its beauty.
  • She was diligent and showed great aptitude for her work, which she devoted her life to, and the educational centres prospered. Times, Sunday Times
  • While there seem to be more and more programs to encourage girls who are interested in the sciences in engineering, old attitudes about the aptitude (or more accurately, inaptitude) of women in technical fields seem to be a long time in dying. Reaching for the Stars
  • Students with lower grades can still get into Southern if they score high enough on college-aptitude tests.
  • I am asked for my view on the Olympic Games, which is that they affirm the British aptitude for sports that involve sitting down.
  • It is allowed to select a proportion of its pupils according to aptitude.
  • Couldn't say if she is a natural somnambule or not, but in any case it is a natural aptitude that can take one very far in many ways, not just the interesting ways we've been discussing here. Life of Brian:
  • And in one of the first long-term aptitude studies, researchers found that preemies aren't necessarily destined for a lifetime of learning problems. Preemies Grow Up
  • Tomas wasn't a good swimmer yet and had no natural aptitude for it. A Roomful of Birds - Scottish short stories 1990
  • An inquisitive mind, the ability to listen and consider the ideas and experiences of your team and an aptitude to go without sleep. Times, Sunday Times
  • Although he was to become Britain's most successful cat burglar, Peace showed no early aptitude, and was frequently arrested.
  • Loads of machismo and inaptitude results in hilarious moments caught on tape. Tough Guys |
  • Your attitude, not your aptitude, will determine your altitude. Zig Ziglar 
  • Certain people interpreted this as a sign of the inaptitude of the female brain in this field. What Do Boys and Girls Draw? » Sociological Images
  • Thus, the crystals have cleavage planes for the necessary migration aptitude.
  • The Government will order the special registration of all the slaves existing in the Empire to be proceeded with, containing a declaration of name, sex, age, state, aptitude for work, and filiation of each, if such should be known.
  • Not content with this bit of high-altitude aptitude, the equilibrist re-crosses the falls, first blindfolded, then on a bicycle, then on stilts, then pushing a wheelbarrow while carrying a man on his back.
  • The student should clearly understand his capabilities and identify his aptitude for higher education and a career.
  • Despite having a phenomenal song writing talent, he seems to lack an aptitude for conciseness.
  • Fitting a towbar yourself can be done for less than 100, although wiring the electronics requires some technical aptitude. Times, Sunday Times
  • I often wondered how I had conceived that old idea of his inaptitude, until I was one day enlightened by the reflection, that perhaps the inaptitude had never been in him at all, but had been in me. Great Expectations
  • He had an aptitude for journalism.
  • We see his natural musical aptitude from a very young age, having been given his first drum kit. The Sun
  • Aptitude tests or matriculation examinations, although suggested, would not be suitable methods of admitting students to university, the official said.
  • Along with a facility for languages, the fledgling student quickly demonstrated an aptitude for computers and taught himself programming.
  • Maureen showed an unexpected aptitude for driving and learned very quickly but Helen was not jealous.
  • Why on earth should a serious villain entrust his money to a preposterous amateur, who has no aptitude for the task, and furthermore no training in the firearm and garrotte which are going to be the tools of his trade?
  • We usually ask interviewees to perform a few simple tasks on the computer just to test their aptitude.
  • Gould saw an opportunity and demonstrated an immediate aptitude for the art of taxidermy.
  • He has shown neither the desire nor the aptitude for such a role.
  • a disposition to steady industry be encouraged to cultivate the ground: let such as evince any aptitude for mechanics be taught some handicraft, and congregated in villages, wherever favourable situations can be found -- and there is no want of them. Notes of a Twenty-Five Years' Service in the Hudson's Bay Territory Volume II. (of 2)
  • On board training is given to enable us to promote staff who show ability and aptitude.
  • Here we have to turn to notions of exaptation, for language is a unique aptitude that doesn't seem to have emerged from protolanguage, and certainly did not do so directly.
  • Driving the thing is marginally more complicated, but will not test the aptitude of anyone who has ever sat in a dodgem.
  • * Aptitudes: cognitive abilities; 'abstractness' of inteprative complexity Latest Articles
  • Fiercely intelligent, Andrew Wilfahrt scored top marks in the army's aptitude test. He was also a former peace activist who enjoyed classical music.
  • He was a good enough student to skip a grade in elementary school and later scored 1280 on the Scholastic Aptitude Test.
  • His versatile gelding showed an aptitude for hurdling by winning last season.
  • Though she showed an aptitude for science, from an early age her inclinations were artistic. Times, Sunday Times
  • My son has no/little aptitude for sport.
  • He was a good enough student to skip a grade in elementary school and later scored 1280 on the Scholastic Aptitude Test.
  • Many, perhaps most, seminarians who believe they are being called to priesthood do not have a charism for celibacy - a graced aptitude for consecrated single life.
  • He has a natural aptitude for computation and is very quick at figure work.
  • Recruiters were ordered to sign up more high school graduates who showed high aptitudes for science, engineering and electronics.
  • On Monday, it was to the driving range, where I rediscovered my startling aptitude for slicing the ball, though I was relieved to make contact at all.
  • We usually ask interviewees to perform a few simple tasks on the computer just to test their aptitude.
  • The objective tests in the entrance examinations hardly speak of the candidate's knowledge, aptitude and attitude.
  • Pupils are then streamed in each subject according to their ability and aptitude.
  • A young and eager mind endowed with the gift of scientific aptitude is particularly sensitive to these societal influences.
  • He also shows off his well-known aptitude for pratfalls and physical comedy in this skit.
  • I agree that any genetic differences in aptitude probably predated selective breeding by slave owners. Think Progress » New basketball league open to whites only, to get away from the ‘street-ball’ played by ‘people of color.’
  • The arts develop because of aptitude, talent, genius, hard work and serendipity.
  • Â Worse, the rampant credentialism which has fed the expansion of colleges and universities as substitutes for pre-employment aptitude tests would fall by the wayside, and that whole racket would start to collapse asÂwell. The Volokh Conspiracy » 1. Science, Faith, and Not Ruling Out Possibilities
  • The President, he continued, had risen amazingly in the opinion of every one by his firmness, courage, and determination -- which he had shown in those critical days a fortnight or three weeks ago -- and that in these two months he had acquired "une grande aptitude pour les affaires; tout le monde est étonné, parce que personne ne s'y attendait. The Letters of Queen Victoria, Vol 2 (of 3), 1844-1853 A Selection from her Majesty's correspondence between the years 1837 and 1861
  • Genetic tests will identify not only an individual's aptitude for a particular sport but also an athlete's potential to improve with training. Times, Sunday Times
  • A study by the RAND Corporation, commissioned by the Pentagon and published in 2005, evaluated several factors that affect military performance — experience, training, aptitude, and so forth — and found that aptitude is key. Blog Articles » Print » Army Getting Lower IQ Recruits
  • They require tact and a deftness that neither government has shown much aptitude for or inclination toward.
  • The 46-word vocabulary test was derived from the multidimensional aptitude battery.
  • Except sometimes I completely lose my inborn aptitude for sleeping for excessively long stretches.
  • We usually ask interviewees to perform a few simple tasks on the computer just to test their aptitude.
  • Their position was quite equal to that of the men, while the aptitude many of them displayed in acquiring the vril-power made them fully the equals if not the superiors of the other sex. The Story of Atlantis and the Lost Lemuria
  • He found he liked it and quickly showed a huge aptitude for the role. Times, Sunday Times
  • Thus, the crystals have cleavage planes for the necessary migration aptitude.
  • A virgin by nature and aptitude, as well as by years, untroubled by the bodily agonies that tore most men, but miraculously aware of them and tender towards them, as few are to pains that leave their own flesh unwrung. An Excellent Mystery
  • Making the admiration sexual rather than based on aptitude is one way to avoid recognizing the lack of said quality in himself. Breakfast in Bed
  • Riches are now measured in human attitudes and aptitudes - things heavily influenced by tradition.
  • An inquisitive mind, the ability to listen and consider the ideas and experiences of your team and an aptitude to go without sleep. Times, Sunday Times
  • As a more largo eyeshot, the multiple intelligences explains human multi-aptitude and human studies afresh, giving us a new revelation on the cognition of senior high school history teaching.
  • Our policy is to recruit at the lower levels and train those staff who show aptitude for managerial responsibility.
  • Why on earth should a serious villain entrust his money to a preposterous amateur, who has no aptitude for the task, and furthermore no training in the firearm and garrotte which are going to be the tools of his trade?
  • Miss Guthridge tells Miss Peterson, the guidance counselor, that vocational aptitude tests are meaningless.
  • There is huge natural variety in people's baseline aptitude (before practice) and also trainability (how they respond to practice). Times, Sunday Times
  • Show all the package versions: aptitude - V install 'fie' LXer Linux News
  • Though the head and hand of her husband were lacking in the direction of her affairs, for which she had hitherto shown the indifference of a Creole and the inaptitude of a lackadaisical woman, she was determined to make no change in her manner of living. A Marriage Contract
  • Students who scored in the bottom 5 per cent were sent a letter saying that their aptitude for a medical career might need to be reassessed. Times, Sunday Times
  • Does she show any aptitude for games?
  • Since he had a natural aptitude for languages, he gained a university place and began a completely new phase in his life. Why am I Afraid to Grieve
  • Allocation is based on parental choice and school assessments scaled by a centrally - administered Academic Aptitude Test.
  • He has a natural aptitude for teaching.
  • It targets talented Year 10 students with an aptitude for enterprise.
  • Governments contingency have a correct infrastructure as good as aptitude to capacitate successful media preparation preparation initiatives. Literacy News 217th Edition
  • Of her two surviving children, Carl showed no particular musical aptitude.
  • Aptitude identification should be a continuous process, specially designed to go along with the secondary education.
  • Their aptitude for charismatic and persuasive oration has earned some particularly articulate Griots positions as spokesmen for politicians and presidents.
  • He's stumpy and swarthy, with a quick mind and aptitude for getting in trouble. Heroes of the Valley by Jonathan Stroud: Book summary
  • He had previously believed that he did not have a natural aptitude for learning languages, through his experiences at school.
  • Kristol had little faith in the testing regime: Tests will end up being 'normed' so that no student will suffer the trauma of discovering he or she has little academic aptitude -- as if the students didn't know it already! Marc Epstein: Will Rick Perry Unravel the Strange Consensus on Public Education?
  • Your attitude, not your aptitude, will determine your altitude. Zig Ziglar 
  • Contestants were chosen for musical aptitude, and most write songs and play instruments.
  • Discovering you have a natural talent or aptitude for something feels good.
  • We usually ask interviewees to perform a few simple tasks on the computer just to test their aptitude.
  • Law is a very nonspatial field, and most spatial people become very bored and unhappy in the legal profession because one of their strongest aptitudes is left high and dry all day long. Now What?
  • That student has an aptitude for mathematics.
  • Students who scored in the bottom 5 per cent were sent a letter saying that their aptitude for a medical career might need to be reassessed. Times, Sunday Times
  • Though she showed an aptitude for science, from an early age her inclinations were artistic. Times, Sunday Times
  • Employment Training is a locally based programme that first helps you select people with the aptitude and commitment you're looking for.
  • She had to take/do/sit an aptitude test before she got the job.
  • Secondly, the senior doctors displayed little aptitude for leadership or teamwork.
  • If a child shows an aptitude and a burning desire to play the violin, the plan for her to train for World Cup soccer may have to be scrubbed,
  • Like Milton, you might not have allowed yourself to think about your favorite talents and aptitudes in a long time.
  • If, then, not standing away from itself, not distributed by part, not taking the slightest change, it is to be in many things while remaining a self-concentrated entire, there is some way in which it has multipresence; it is at once self-enclosed and not so: the only way is to recognise that while this principle itself is not lodged in anything, all other things participate in it — all that are apt and in the measure of their aptitude. The Six Enneads.
  • She soon discovered that he had a remarkable aptitude for learning words, especially if he liked them.
  • Discovering you have a natural talent or aptitude for something feels good.
  • If one showed special aptitude she nurtured it like a fragile seedling in the hope that one day it might blossom into full flower. NOBLE BEGINNNINGS
  • The greatest influence was, of course, the aptitude the student brought to school-something. determined largely by family background.
  • She has people skills galore and a natural aptitude for her position in the royals. The Sun
  • Despite no musical training, he displayed a natural aptitude and swiftly became a virtuoso in jazz and blues styles. Times, Sunday Times
  • Her first act was to make staff reapply for their jobs with aptitude tests. Times, Sunday Times
  • His grandmother used to sit with mediums, and he was always aware of his own aptitude for the spiritual.
  • While some people have a natural aptitude for living in the great outdoors, success usually has little to do with intelligence.
  • Was it around that age that you realized that you had an aptitude for the instrument?
  • But Brad never got his sea legs, showing an early aptitude for skating on ice rather than sailing on water.
  • Miss Guthridge tells Miss Peterson, the guidance counselor, that vocational aptitude tests are meaningless.
  • He is later trained in esoteric lore and if he shows aptitude for communication with extramundane powers, he is initiated into the professions of medicine
  • A similar argument could be made for selecting children with an aptitude for music, he went on.
  • He has a natural aptitude for teaching.
  • A precocious child, he read voraciously and soon revealed an extraordinary aptitude for languages.
  • The youth is sent to a farm to learn jackarooing, for which he has no aptitude, sleeping in the shed with rats and terrorised by a part-mad farmer's wife.
  • We will take your personal aptitudes and abilities into account.
  • His skill in learning and aptitude for science took him to Edinburgh University where he became professor of midwifery.
  • No minister, of course, can explain the difference between aptitude and ability! Times, Sunday Times
  • What are the basic qualifications and aptitude required?
  • My son has no/little aptitude for sport.
  • She has shown aptitude on fast and slow ground, is trained by a very able handler who thinks plenty of her and possibly has plenty more to come.
  • She was a poor chief executive who showed little aptitude for the team-building needed to build loyalty on a national scale. Times, Sunday Times
  • Certainly ... they do not seem to have been a company of gentle, dreamy and euphemistical saints, with a particular aptitude for martyrdom and an inordinate development of affability. Anne Bradstreet and Her Time
  • Contrary to prevailing notions of women as the inevitable victims of ‘gold fever’, many women themselves showed an aptitude for entrepreneurialism and opportunism.
  • Texas remains an independent province, or is restored to its legitimate owners, and in either case slavery is abolished, she then becomes, from the very circumstance of her fertility and aptitude for white labour, not only the great _check to slavery_, but eventually the means of its Diary in America, Series One
  • Negroes with a lower stanine (aptitude) had been accepted in order to secure enough candidates to meet the quota for pilots, navigators, and bombardiers in the black units. Integration of the Armed Forces, 1940-1965

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