How To Use Approximative In A Sentence
But we have been obliged to limit ourselves to the consideration of such facts as are most readily accessible, so as to enable the general reader to test at once the approximative fidelity of the vindication we present, and the falsehood, scarcely glozed over with a coating of plausibility, of the vague generalities strung together as a case against the colonies by Mr Cobden and the anti-colonial faction.
Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine — Volume 54, No. 337, November, 1843
A QUARTER-PAST EIGHT O'CLOCK P.M. There is an attitude -- approximatively called pensive -- in which the soul of a human being, and especially of a woman, dominates outwardly and expresses its presence so strongly, that the intangible essence seems more apparent than the body itself.
Desperate Remedies
I also admit that my culture in the field of LES is at best approximative .
Exponential Growth in Physical Systems « Climate Audit
It is a general feature of physical models that a good but approximative description of a phenomenon can be achieved with a less detailed model than a reconstruction or simulation of the same phenomenon.
There was no positive indication of the time at which he lived, except that he could not possibly have lived later than 2000 B.C. Scholars therefore agreed to assign that date to him, approximatively -- a little more or less -- thinking they could not go very far wrong in so doing.
Chaldea From the Earliest Times to the Rise of Assyria

Because the activity of the carbon atoms decreases at a known rate, it should be possible, by measuring the remaining activity, to determine the time elapsed since death, if this occurred during the period between approximatively 500 and 30,000 years ago.
Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1960 - Presentation Speech
Moral or extrapatrimonial damage is often difficult to put a figure on in an exact or even approximative manner.
It pays to have hurt feelings when you complain to the HRC's
A failure to notice these quam proxime forms in Book 1 blinds one to the subtlety of the approximative reasoning Newton employs in Book 3. 7.
Newton's Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica
The approximative production sometimes lets this album down slightly, yet it also gives it an interesting unfinished feel and fragility.
(The amounts are approximative and come from public figures.)
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I don't, for instance, think treating 'is more valuable than' as a qualitative relation requires treating it as an approximative quantitative relation, as Smith claims it does.
Archive 2005-02-01
Considering that it was a brand new 150 Euros (so low value compared to the ring) cellphone, worth approximatively 2 months of salary of that person, I was quite surprised when told that they had found my phone.
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The heat due to charging-discharging cycles and the movement and accumulation of ions to the electrodes causes a mechanical alteration in volume (expansion + contraction) for an approximative value of 7-9% of the total volume.
As you see, the ratio is now approximatively 3 to 1 in favor of Chavez for all broadcast access existing.
Does Barbara Walters work for Chavez?
Total FSRC Food 24,023,265 lbs. or 600 carloads of approximatively 40,000 lbs. each.
Emergency Relief in North Carolina. A Record of the Development and the Activities of the North Carolina Emergency Relief Administration, 1932-1935. North Carolina Emergency Relief Commission, State administrator, Mrs. Thomas O'Berry. Edited by J.S. K
Since approximatively 10 hours, Webs. com & my current account, all pages from my website marks “server not found”. Launches Its Own Application Platform And App Store
So far as experience goes, such a thing has no more real existence than a line without breadth; and hence an atomic theory based upon such an assumption may be as true ideally as any of the theorems of Euclid, but it can give only an approximatively true account of the actual universe.
The Unseen World, and Other Essays
Nature, and of acquiring through his senses concrete images of those properties of things, which are, and always will be, but approximatively expressed in human language.
Twenty-five millions is the most moderate approximative figure which the valuations of special science have set upon it.
Les Miserables
Retour à la normale aussi vite que j'arrive à transférer les données avec la connection wifi très approximative que nous avons ici.
Michael Hampton is My Hero of the Day — Climb to the Stars
The answer is simple: Newton's reasoning is approximative.
Newton's Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica
The tune sounded consistent, but the lyrics a little approximative in places (including a reference to ketchup which I strongly suspected had no business being there whatsoever).
Poupée de cire
It can be used as an approximative measure of support for one or the other model and, therefore, allows estimating the evidence in favor of one or the other hypothesis.
All tracks are named from derived Finnish words, but the pair offers for most an approximative English translation, as to entice the listener to enter their universe.
I have calculated - very approximatively - that, since the date when their methods began to be generally applied, some fifteen or twenty thousand persons must have been saved from death in the
Physiology or Medicine 1934 - Presentation Speech